Seeker in the Dark
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- Jul 8, 2024
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To explain certain a context and background before I list the reasons. I was raised in a Christian family, but rejected it for several reasons, moral, logical, scientific and so on. I studied other religions and none made sense either. Islam was nonsensical and morally repugnant, Judaism as well. The Dharmic religions all centered on "remerging to Brahma/Nirvana/Nothingness", like if the end goal was to just return to Source why did we separate from it in the first place? So that made no sense either. Gnosticism also made no sense, why would the "Unknowable God" allow the Demiurge to do what he was doing, the obvious thing to do was just destroy the material realm, the archons and the Demiurge and free all the souls trapped in bodies, not send Jesus on some covert op mission that got sabotaged by the Demiurge anyway.
As of now, what makes the most sense to me is Hermeticism, which goes in line with Robert Monroe's research on astral travel and what he saw, that the universe is ultimately the product of the mind of God/the One and that the astral is more fluid in allowing the mind to shape/create "reality". Not sure how many here read the Kybalion and are familiar with the Hermetic principles, but these old principles are essentially the foundation of all magick and spiritual work. Now in Hermetic thought the end goal is also basically to "remerge with the One", which I didn't understand but also saw no point in for the reason listed above regarding why I rejected the Dharmic religions. I also saw it as a threat to my individuality as well as an attack, if we're all just one person anyway, then why divide in the first place and cause all this division, strife ect, why would God cause himself a personality disorder, and for no reason? Many say it's "God exploring himself" but God as understood by the mystics is a complete being, so he has no need to "explore" himself. So that was rediculous as well.
I came across the JOS years ago but never delved deep into it, have recently done that over the past few weeks but it's clear the website has a lot of outaded info(like humanity being made to mine gold, enemy nordics being a thing, ect), would be nice if it was updated since that of course made no sense to me either, machines can mine gold better so there was no point in making humans for that. However, some things felt off as well. Why did Satan and the Gods lose a battle to spiritually inferior reps and greys, damning millions of humans in the process? Why did the spiritually advanced pagan societies who were practising power mediations all convert to Christianity/Islam? Many say they were forced to do so, by who? Jews? There are a thousand Gentiles for every Jew, and we're supposed to be spiritually stronger than them anyway, so that of course makes no sense, you're seriously going to tell me that Jews overpowered entire Gentile empires spiritually and the Gods allowed that, despite both being stronger?
The Inquisition is cited as this "purge" of Paganism by Jews and the Gentiles apparently just took it and converted, but anyone who reads into it knows the Inquistion is largely exaggerated and most who were killed by it were "heretics" which are essentially other types of Christians/Gnostics that stoop up to the Catholic Church, NOT Pagans. By that time Paganism was already largely gone as most Pagans had converted. Christians persecuted and got rid of Paganism after they had converted a large percentage of Pagans if not the majority of them.
History is written by the victors and all, but as I understand it that the persecutions on Pagans began after Christianity had already taken a dominant hold, which if I understand Spiritual Satanism correctly should have never happened. To gain that dominant hold, a significant percentage of people had to have been converted willingly before the ideology was enforced. Leftism today is essentially following in Christianity's footsteps, the takeover from Paganism was largely bloodless, until about 500 AD when Christianity was enforced and Pagans were persecuted, harassed and even killed, with temples shut down and so on. The Crusades by the Teutonic Order on Lithuania was also another bloody takeover of Pagan lands and forced conversions, but by that time most of Europe, especially the West, was Catholic.
However, there are things in the narrative put on by the JOS that don't make sense to me, such as Maxine and three others I believe freeing the Goetic demons. So you're going to tell me that in a span of few months, 3 or 4 people were able to free beings that were trapped by thousands of years of curses/control by countless magicians, kabbalist rabbis and so on who poured tons of energy into that, and that inferior angelic thoughtforms/reps/greys were able to bind Nordic Gods for such a long time, and this was all cancelled out by a few people sending a bit of their solar plexus energy on these demons over a short period? And that the enemy entities just allowed Maxine to do that? Also, couldn't Satan have freed the Goetic demons himself without needing human assistance?
As for the Goetic demons being freed, there are magicians out there who still practise the Solomonic rituals and are able to bind these beings, for example, this guy, who was one of the people who inspired me to get into magick in the first place, was able to bind Buer with Solomonic rituals, which if anyone is familiar with , includes curses, calling on Yahweh/angels to bind the demon, casting protection circles and so on:
[Link censored to avoid giving attention to the enemy]
Spiritual experiences are an interesting factor in all this, but again they're all over the place. There are several Satanic groups and spiritual groups who claimed to haven spoken to this or that entity and so how am I supposed to figure out the legit ones from the fake ones, there's always the risk it's your mind making it up or it's an impostor rather than the real entity you're interacting with.
I don't know if I've gotten the whole narrative correct, so corrections/explanations would be appreciated. As you can tell I've diven deep into this as I am very determined in knowing the truth and not being misdirected. I do not mean to offend anybody but my search for the truth has to include how I feel about things otherwise I wouldn't be laying out how I'm perceiving things genuinely.
Despite all this, Spiritual Satanism does make the most sense for me, it balances out individuality and spirituality, and yet I can't help but notice holes in the narrative, as I've done to all other religions/worldviews. I know there is a world beyond this one and there are powers beyond us, so what I'm interested in is aligning with the right forces, not the wrong ones, and by right, I obviously mean the ones that have humanity's best interests in mind and aren't evil. If I'm going to dedicate, I have to be certain I'm making the right choice.
As of now, what makes the most sense to me is Hermeticism, which goes in line with Robert Monroe's research on astral travel and what he saw, that the universe is ultimately the product of the mind of God/the One and that the astral is more fluid in allowing the mind to shape/create "reality". Not sure how many here read the Kybalion and are familiar with the Hermetic principles, but these old principles are essentially the foundation of all magick and spiritual work. Now in Hermetic thought the end goal is also basically to "remerge with the One", which I didn't understand but also saw no point in for the reason listed above regarding why I rejected the Dharmic religions. I also saw it as a threat to my individuality as well as an attack, if we're all just one person anyway, then why divide in the first place and cause all this division, strife ect, why would God cause himself a personality disorder, and for no reason? Many say it's "God exploring himself" but God as understood by the mystics is a complete being, so he has no need to "explore" himself. So that was rediculous as well.
I came across the JOS years ago but never delved deep into it, have recently done that over the past few weeks but it's clear the website has a lot of outaded info(like humanity being made to mine gold, enemy nordics being a thing, ect), would be nice if it was updated since that of course made no sense to me either, machines can mine gold better so there was no point in making humans for that. However, some things felt off as well. Why did Satan and the Gods lose a battle to spiritually inferior reps and greys, damning millions of humans in the process? Why did the spiritually advanced pagan societies who were practising power mediations all convert to Christianity/Islam? Many say they were forced to do so, by who? Jews? There are a thousand Gentiles for every Jew, and we're supposed to be spiritually stronger than them anyway, so that of course makes no sense, you're seriously going to tell me that Jews overpowered entire Gentile empires spiritually and the Gods allowed that, despite both being stronger?
The Inquisition is cited as this "purge" of Paganism by Jews and the Gentiles apparently just took it and converted, but anyone who reads into it knows the Inquistion is largely exaggerated and most who were killed by it were "heretics" which are essentially other types of Christians/Gnostics that stoop up to the Catholic Church, NOT Pagans. By that time Paganism was already largely gone as most Pagans had converted. Christians persecuted and got rid of Paganism after they had converted a large percentage of Pagans if not the majority of them.
History is written by the victors and all, but as I understand it that the persecutions on Pagans began after Christianity had already taken a dominant hold, which if I understand Spiritual Satanism correctly should have never happened. To gain that dominant hold, a significant percentage of people had to have been converted willingly before the ideology was enforced. Leftism today is essentially following in Christianity's footsteps, the takeover from Paganism was largely bloodless, until about 500 AD when Christianity was enforced and Pagans were persecuted, harassed and even killed, with temples shut down and so on. The Crusades by the Teutonic Order on Lithuania was also another bloody takeover of Pagan lands and forced conversions, but by that time most of Europe, especially the West, was Catholic.
However, there are things in the narrative put on by the JOS that don't make sense to me, such as Maxine and three others I believe freeing the Goetic demons. So you're going to tell me that in a span of few months, 3 or 4 people were able to free beings that were trapped by thousands of years of curses/control by countless magicians, kabbalist rabbis and so on who poured tons of energy into that, and that inferior angelic thoughtforms/reps/greys were able to bind Nordic Gods for such a long time, and this was all cancelled out by a few people sending a bit of their solar plexus energy on these demons over a short period? And that the enemy entities just allowed Maxine to do that? Also, couldn't Satan have freed the Goetic demons himself without needing human assistance?
As for the Goetic demons being freed, there are magicians out there who still practise the Solomonic rituals and are able to bind these beings, for example, this guy, who was one of the people who inspired me to get into magick in the first place, was able to bind Buer with Solomonic rituals, which if anyone is familiar with , includes curses, calling on Yahweh/angels to bind the demon, casting protection circles and so on:
[Link censored to avoid giving attention to the enemy]
Spiritual experiences are an interesting factor in all this, but again they're all over the place. There are several Satanic groups and spiritual groups who claimed to haven spoken to this or that entity and so how am I supposed to figure out the legit ones from the fake ones, there's always the risk it's your mind making it up or it's an impostor rather than the real entity you're interacting with.
I don't know if I've gotten the whole narrative correct, so corrections/explanations would be appreciated. As you can tell I've diven deep into this as I am very determined in knowing the truth and not being misdirected. I do not mean to offend anybody but my search for the truth has to include how I feel about things otherwise I wouldn't be laying out how I'm perceiving things genuinely.
Despite all this, Spiritual Satanism does make the most sense for me, it balances out individuality and spirituality, and yet I can't help but notice holes in the narrative, as I've done to all other religions/worldviews. I know there is a world beyond this one and there are powers beyond us, so what I'm interested in is aligning with the right forces, not the wrong ones, and by right, I obviously mean the ones that have humanity's best interests in mind and aren't evil. If I'm going to dedicate, I have to be certain I'm making the right choice.
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