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SS. said:
Regarding nuclear threat, how will we stop it? If the solution is not to be discussed publicly i understand.

Let us just say that if the Jews or the enemy goes Samson, they lose the planet, and that we will regardless survive. We are many billions compared to them, we will live on at said scenario, and the enemy knows.

Samson also defeats all the purpose of the enemy and the work of enslavement they try to do to this planet. For all sides this is just a dumb decision, nobody wants this, but regardless, if done, Israel is far more likely to get flattened.

Gentile countries are far more powerful in that regard. Israel without America is just a useless dwarf with a big mouth.

Plus, attempting this, Israel may just flatten themselves forever and all jews will be eternally revealed and permanently hated to the point of unimaginable extents if this is done.

If shit goes down this rabbit hole then there is no saving them, the Samson is just going to end them and probably not even succeed.
jbkbmz said:
If I can ask, YHVH people cannot see us, and we cannot see them. What is the veil represented by here ?
Physical body hiding the characteristics of both races, Dimensional veil, Vibrational differential veil ?
Just curious

The Jewish race is a race within all races. This is unique and is not normal or natural. It is the same regarding the Jewish soul. This sort of thing is very alien. The Jews even brag about this in "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion," how this gives them their advantage.

Their method of choice in taking control is through infiltration. A rabbi stated "Conquering from within." They destroy organizations that are a threat to their agenda, from the inside.

They are a day late and a dollar short now, as for the internet. They are now in the death grip and are reacting. They're attempting to take control of the internet is blatant and as I already wrote, too late. So, given their history, they are out to start another war.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
If I were a benign(towards humans) ET and wanted to interfere on Earth's affairs only clandestinely, disabling nukes would obviously be a high priority. Robert Hastings and various others have been recording soldiers' reports about UFOs foiling the usage of nuclear missiles over the decades. I certainly hope that Nordics/Demons or any other ourguys in space are able to keep it up if the enemy becomes desperate enough to exercise Samson Option.

Does this planetary grid deflect the souls from leaving, i.e. are we forced to reincarnate on Earth?
TimberWolf said:
Does this planetary grid deflect the souls from leaving, i.e. are we forced to reincarnate on Earth?

We are not exactly "Bound" here and not because only of this grid, but because simply the souls of men are souls of men and this is the evolutionary scale we are on. Humans are incompatible to be reincarnated elsewhere and there are deep and natural reasons for this, this is where the souls belong, plain and simple.

I don't want to see auntie Matilda trying to invade the planets of evolved species to preach her farts and xianity and I am sure other aliens are of the same opinion.
Egon said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
I told you a while back, I saw beings with long, white, straight silky hair. They genuflected, indicating victory.
Do you mean some enemy humanoid aliens gave up? I didn't quite understood this part.

This barrier is the reason you can tell a person the truth, and most won't listen to you. Everyone has it to varying degrees.
If in our level we get upset with the amount of dumbasses we had to deal with in our lives since we learned the truth about Satan, I can't imagine how the Gods feel...

To answer your first question, these beings are allied with Satan, but I hadn't seen them before. Their hair is pure white, long and silky. They were wearing furry textured boots.

To answer your second question, most people are oblivious. Even if you try to explain rationality, common sense; they turn a deaf ear. This is the large percentage of the populace. The majority are under a spell, as with Christianity, Islam and other related programs, and have a strong barrier in their minds that prevents them from seeing reality and being aware.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Your sermons are always delightful to read. Thank you, HPs Maxine.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
One tactic of the enemy reptilians is to seal off any planet they have infested [...] with a web, grid, or whatever it is. This grid is a binding of the entire planet.
This factors over into people's minds, to where the psychic senses and awareness of reality is blocked. The spiritual is blocked.
An SS friend of mine has suggested this to me before. I'm assuming it's true that this grid also "inhibits" our Gods from interacting with us to some degree? Their presence often seems rather faint compared to what I have in past life memory. When connecting to them, it feels to me almost like I have to "break through" some layer that is blocking things, after which I can feel their energies much more strongly and clearly. It would make sense to me that this layer is the astral grid that the enemy deployed here. It's also possible that it's less preventing the Gods from reaching us, but rather us from perceiving them, through those internal blockages you mentioned.
This is all very interesting stuff. :)
The Jews attempted to fire a nuclear missile into Hawaii from one of their advanced underwater subs, these are top subs and the missile they used would have been the best in the world. It was blown out of the sky by the missile defense systems and the sub was probably destroyed.

If the Jews attempt to nuke the world they will have to do this by getting the superpowers into a global war that unleashes the total nuclear arsenal. To do this they require the energy of their thought form YHVH the Final RTR removes this energy and everything its built upon falls.

Before the Jews attacked Hawaii they put subliminals onto the American higher up dollars that show a nuclear explosion and a flood of water and vapor wave hitting a city. Like how they put the two towers coming down on the 20. That was probably the Hawaii attack. They wanted to blame this on China and or North Korea and start the world war.

SS. said:
Regarding nuclear threat, how will we stop it? If the solution is not to be discussed publicly i understand.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Their hair is pure white, long and silky. They were wearing furry textured boots.

Doesn't at all sound too dissimilar to how the Ancient Norse and Germanics used to describe the "Elf Folk", and how they ultimately came to be portrayed after the fact, curiously enough.

Everything aside, I would like to add once more in greater clarity having this energy grid/matrix explained in greater clarity solved many of the questions I was pondering. Up until now I was somewhat assuming the enemy thoughtform was the only thing wrong in this world's astral, but the existence of this barrier as well explains a whole lot of speculation I was having, to say the least.
OK, point taken.

So, regardless of the prison sphere surrounding Earth, we cannot escape from here even at death. Awareness of this should increase everybody's motivation to fight against Globotron. I don't want to spend my next incarnation(or indeed the remainder of the current one) in a GULAG camp.
So technically we can see them and they can see us in the natural, but we just do not recognize them as YHVH, greys, Jews, and such, being cloaked in the physical body. And they cannot see our soul ( most of them ), except by the Gentile features in the physical body.
Like we would not know Blond Haired, Blue Eyed people are Reptilian spirits (in many cases according to David Icke),,, Unless a person is clairvoyant and can see the astral body.
A Jew can be seen by their physical features, but not their actual astral, spirit form. except by clairvoyants
But soon, when the Veil is totally rent, will we see them and they will see us in the astral as clearly as the physical,?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SS. said:
Regarding nuclear threat, how will we stop it? If the solution is not to be discussed publicly i understand.
Israel without America is just a useless dwarf with a big mouth.
I couldn't help but think of spoilt brat Veruca Salt.

Zeffie of the Wind said:
TimberWolf said:
Does this planetary grid deflect the souls from leaving, i.e. are we forced to reincarnate on Earth?

We only reincarnate into our own racial lines. Which means yes, we are "forced" to reincarnate on Earth so to speak.
Yep. The energies upon and within our Souls, which are from the Planets here, bind us to here. (HPHC just said we're not bound here, but it's a simple way to explain it.) I think we cannot reincarnate elsewhere, because being elsewhere Physically/Astronomically would mean the Bodies there are influenced by energies of Planets there.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
This barrier is the reason you can tell a person the truth, and most won't listen to you. Everyone has it to varying degrees. Those of us who are more open, usually have a history of not conforming.

I can see that.

On my first days in satanism I was so hyped that I found the truth that I wanted to tell everyone.It was so clear for me that I thought that it would be for other people too.I told my cousin about exposing christianity and he was like "okay" and I didnt understand how he could be so indifferent.

After some time I started to see how open people are and why they don't see things.

I love these revelations.
Shael said:
Your sermons are always delightful to read. Thank you, HPs Maxine.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
One tactic of the enemy reptilians is to seal off any planet they have infested [...] with a web, grid, or whatever it is. This grid is a binding of the entire planet.
This factors over into people's minds, to where the psychic senses and awareness of reality is blocked. The spiritual is blocked.
An SS friend of mine has suggested this to me before. I'm assuming it's true that this grid also "inhibits" our Gods from interacting with us to some degree? Their presence often seems rather faint compared to what I have in past life memory. When connecting to them, it feels to me almost like I have to "break through" some layer that is blocking things, after which I can feel their energies much more strongly and clearly. It would make sense to me that this layer is the astral grid that the enemy deployed here. It's also possible that it's less preventing the Gods from reaching us, but rather us from perceiving them, through those internal blockages you mentioned.
This is all very interesting stuff. :)

Yes, I have written about this before, some years before. I do not recall on which exact post or reply. The fact is that "our world" has been kept away there from interaction. This does not mean that "all will interact" but things will be easier for those who want to do this.

This is what limits interaction but it is still possible even now. However this creates mass implications with people blocking everything out. This grid manifests linearly as pure ignorance.
Arcadia said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Their hair is pure white, long and silky. They were wearing furry textured boots.

Doesn't at all sound too dissimilar to how the Ancient Norse and Germanics used to describe the "Elf Folk", and how they ultimately came to be portrayed after the fact, curiously enough.

Everything aside, I would like to add once more in greater clarity having this energy grid/matrix explained in greater clarity solved many of the questions I was pondering. Up until now I was somewhat assuming the enemy thoughtform was the only thing wrong in this world's astral, but the existence of this barrier as well explains a whole lot of speculation I was having, to say the least.

There are quite a few species that the Gods do have an alliance with, but to avoid bullshit Star Trekism, childish theorizing, infiltrator paranoidism and so forth, things are kept simple.

An example here are the Gargoyle demons. They exist in a sense as cat and dogs exist for us, just more advanced.

Our earth before many species went extinct had an insane amount of different species. Different ecosystems can manifest such species.
Eyes on Iran.

The enemy has already started the false flags, I suspect they'll push hard to start a world war/nuclear war, even harder than when they tried with North Korea not so long ago.

I trust we'll step in directly to stop this. Hopefully, if a war is started, it'll backfire on the enemy and result in the full destruction of pissrael.
so, i totally understand that this barrier or energy grid or whatever we're calling it is has the obvious effect on us, that it limits our spiritual power, abilities and growth. makes perfect sense, that we're unable to develop and use higher abilities because of these barriers, and that ontop of this the gods cannot really interact with us to a complete extent. i understand this, but ive had a question for a while, and im unsure how to ask it without sounding either foolish or crazy.

the ancients often referenced another class of entity. not the gods, but not human either. pretty much in all pagan religions, both in stories and accounts, people reference "spirits". i dont just mean the ghosts of people, i mean more along the lines of astral entities. greeks had "nymphs", the celtics had "the fae", the norse had the "elves", african religions and every traditional pagan religion i can think of from japan to polynesia to south america all referenced things like divine spirits, and such. often associated with nature, or rivers, or lakes. obviously the stories in mythology are allegorical (minus the fact the gods do exist), however these spirits and other elemental type lesser spirits are all treated and talked about in writing as if they're literal. even in surviving "sort-of pagan" religions and offshoots, these spirits still exist and are referenced frequently, in some cases, even more commonly than the gods themselves, among cut off, tribal sorts.

i guess my question is, do astral entities actually exist? spirits and the like. i know human ghosts exist and are usually dealt with by the gods, but what of these "nature" entities accepted the world over? like i said, i dont wish to sound dumb.

i did have a small thought when reading this sermon that these things could not exist as they're meant to if the world soul is indeed bound into a less spiritual state, and that's why these things are never seen any more. that we're either no longer aware enough to or the world is simply too spiritually low for such things to exist. im not implying i believe there's a fairy kingdom in the woods or anything, but just, as i said, "astral entities/spirits/nature spirits." do such things exist in any way or not? sorry if this is a stupid question.
Zephyrus said:
so, i totally understand that this barrier or energy grid or whatever we're calling it is has the obvious effect on us, that it limits our spiritual power, abilities and growth. makes perfect sense, that we're unable to develop and use higher abilities because of these barriers, and that ontop of this the gods cannot really interact with us to a complete extent. i understand this, but ive had a question for a while, and im unsure how to ask it without sounding either foolish or crazy.

Not everyone is going to become Merlin the Mage simply because of the lack of this barrier, just to be clear. It just clears up interactions and makes things a tad better.

Zephyrus said:
the ancients often referenced another class of entity. not the gods, but not human either. pretty much in all pagan religions, both in stories and accounts, people reference "spirits". i dont just mean the ghosts of people, i mean more along the lines of astral entities. greeks had "nymphs", the celtics had "the fae", the norse had the "elves", african religions and every traditional pagan religion i can think of from japan to polynesia to south america all referenced things like divine spirits, and such. often associated with nature, or rivers, or lakes. obviously the stories in mythology are allegorical (minus the fact the gods do exist), however these spirits and other elemental type lesser spirits are all treated and talked about in writing as if they're literal. even in surviving "sort-of pagan" religions and offshoots, these spirits still exist and are referenced frequently, in some cases, even more commonly than the gods themselves, among cut off, tribal sorts.

i guess my question is, do astral entities actually exist? spirits and the like. i know human ghosts exist and are usually dealt with by the gods, but what of these "nature" entities accepted the world over? like i said, i dont wish to sound dumb.

Many of these things and closely all of them are creations of the imaginations of the receivers, but their 'existence' exists in a figurative sense. While there aren't nations of elves sitting by the creek etc, these do exits as forms of natural consciousness. In the minds, as a cultural notion, they manifested in these figures like mermaids and elves to relate the pure nature of the elements.

Zephyrus said:
i did have a small thought when reading this sermon that these things could not exist as they're meant to if the world soul is indeed bound into a less spiritual state, and that's why these things are never seen any more. that we're either no longer aware enough to or the world is simply too spiritually low for such things to exist. im not implying i believe there's a fairy kingdom in the woods or anything, but just, as i said, "astral entities/spirits/nature spirits." do such things exist in any way or not? sorry if this is a stupid question.

They do "exist" but not in their popularized forms. They exist as forms of life, which when we humans look at them, they take these 'shapes'. They are absolutely alive and valid, as everything that has life has that form.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
1. Yes, it definitely does count. IF you are in deployment, also do massive aura of protection on yourself, constantly. This should be first priority.

2. Yes, definitely.

3. Just the final RTR.

4. Yes, you can do this on your mind.

If you have someone you trust, they can send you a new ritual from a text message.

Offtopic but I liked what you posted about Deus-Ex, although I only watched around 12 to 15 minutes due to lack of time. It was interesting, not necessarily in a pleasant way, but it is an interesting view in the dystopian future which may happen due to the enemy's agenda advancing. The creators of it are studied, and at 2000, I can see how this became a big hit. There is a lack of any optimism and dross over the series, showing that after a point the world just sinks, which is also correct.

Much appreciated on all.

Hail Father Satan
Hail Guardian Shax
Hail All Gods of Hell

Offtopic: Digital entertainment nowadays is Weimar from the past. Games made to distract from current events by providing magical happy drug, newspapers providing false information to hide what is really going on, TV is the new "reeducation platform", and the Internet is the target for "hate speech/racism/antisemitism" playground that may get heavily regulated in the future. Worst of all, drown the real information into a sea of other information...

Next few months should be interesting.

See ya next year.
Interesting. The key image that pops to my mind when doing the Final RTR is that of chains around the world, breaking and crumbling to nothing.
Just wait until you guys have been part of this whole path long enough for the realization to truly hit you.

Before learning everything the JoS has taught, the world was just a plastic toy that we inhabited. There was no reason to give a meaning to anything around us, we just ignorantly accepted everything as it was. Everything you saw with your eyes is what you got and all there ever was. We were just these 'things' that existed on a rock floating in some dark sandbox that seemed so beyond our comprehension that it wasn't worth truly thinking about. We just blindly 'lived' not knowing or caring too much where we'd end up or how we even really got here.

To think back then we thought the whole time that we were alone in our little box of existence only to find out that the so called "miracle of life" is a surprisingly common phenomenon and there are all kinds of worlds out there with all manners of varieties of life and beings, things existing long before us, before even the gods that created us. And to find out we've been living on a prison planet and everything is far more like a 'sci-fi' film than you could've imagined can throw you for a loop as well.

Some of you may find that just thinking about it all can be a bit overwhelming, not unlike seeing the surface and sunlight after being locked up underground your whole life. Or like ending up in prison in the 50s and being let out in the 201Xs only to see this entirely different world of technology and computers and touch screens and just all matters of things that you have to adapt to. It can be kind of scary even but you must remember that we are creations of gods that have conquered themselves to rise above and advance even their own genetics to discover, learn, persevere and experience the joys of existence and beyond.

Our resolution will lead to happiness we had long forgotten the existence of. We are also not the only ones dealing with the enemy, but before you go on thinking "We need to help and save them immediately!", we need to cover everything regarding ourselves, the white race and our gods first.


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Egon said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
I told you a while back, I saw beings with long, white, straight silky hair. They genuflected, indicating victory.
Do you mean some enemy humanoid aliens gave up? I didn't quite understood this part.

This barrier is the reason you can tell a person the truth, and most won't listen to you. Everyone has it to varying degrees.
If in our level we get upset with the amount of dumbasses we had to deal with in our lives since we learned the truth about Satan, I can't imagine how the Gods feel...

To answer your first question, these beings are allied with Satan, but I hadn't seen them before. Their hair is pure white, long and silky. They were wearing furry textured boots.

To answer your second question, most people are oblivious. Even if you try to explain rationality, common sense; they turn a deaf ear. This is the large percentage of the populace. The majority are under a spell, as with Christianity, Islam and other related programs, and have a strong barrier in their minds that prevents them from seeing reality and being aware.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Exactly like My family :roll:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Offtopic but I liked what you posted about Deus-Ex, although I only watched around 12 to 15 minutes due to lack of time. It was interesting, not necessarily in a pleasant way, but it is an interesting view in the dystopian future which may happen due to the enemy's agenda advancing. The creators of it are studied, and at 2000, I can see how this became a big hit. There is a lack of any optimism and dross over the series, showing that after a point the world just sinks, which is also correct.

I hate to reply to something off-topic and I didn't watch the video posted nor played the game but it should be noted that the reason the creators appear studied are because they are jews themselves. so is common knowledge to them.

the director/producer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_Spector
the writer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Austin_Grossman
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Zephyrus said:
so, i totally understand that this barrier or energy grid or whatever we're calling it is has the obvious effect on us, that it limits our spiritual power, abilities and growth. makes perfect sense, that we're unable to develop and use higher abilities because of these barriers, and that ontop of this the gods cannot really interact with us to a complete extent. i understand this, but ive had a question for a while, and im unsure how to ask it without sounding either foolish or crazy.

Not everyone is going to become Merlin the Mage simply because of the lack of this barrier, just to be clear. It just clears up interactions and makes things a tad better.

Zephyrus said:
the ancients often referenced another class of entity. not the gods, but not human either. pretty much in all pagan religions, both in stories and accounts, people reference "spirits". i dont just mean the ghosts of people, i mean more along the lines of astral entities. greeks had "nymphs", the celtics had "the fae", the norse had the "elves", african religions and every traditional pagan religion i can think of from japan to polynesia to south america all referenced things like divine spirits, and such. often associated with nature, or rivers, or lakes. obviously the stories in mythology are allegorical (minus the fact the gods do exist), however these spirits and other elemental type lesser spirits are all treated and talked about in writing as if they're literal. even in surviving "sort-of pagan" religions and offshoots, these spirits still exist and are referenced frequently, in some cases, even more commonly than the gods themselves, among cut off, tribal sorts.

i guess my question is, do astral entities actually exist? spirits and the like. i know human ghosts exist and are usually dealt with by the gods, but what of these "nature" entities accepted the world over? like i said, i dont wish to sound dumb.

Many of these things and closely all of them are creations of the imaginations of the receivers, but their 'existence' exists in a figurative sense. While there aren't nations of elves sitting by the creek etc, these do exits as forms of natural consciousness. In the minds, as a cultural notion, they manifested in these figures like mermaids and elves to relate the pure nature of the elements.

Zephyrus said:
i did have a small thought when reading this sermon that these things could not exist as they're meant to if the world soul is indeed bound into a less spiritual state, and that's why these things are never seen any more. that we're either no longer aware enough to or the world is simply too spiritually low for such things to exist. im not implying i believe there's a fairy kingdom in the woods or anything, but just, as i said, "astral entities/spirits/nature spirits." do such things exist in any way or not? sorry if this is a stupid question.

They do "exist" but not in their popularized forms. They exist as forms of life, which when we humans look at them, they take these 'shapes'. They are absolutely alive and valid, as everything that has life has that form.

Regarding that barrier removing Ritual next year: Will it Be like a HUUUGE Race Awakening Ritual for Christians?
Artanis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Zephyrus said:
so, i totally understand that this barrier or energy grid or whatever we're calling it is has the obvious effect on us, that it limits our spiritual power, abilities and growth. makes perfect sense, that we're unable to develop and use higher abilities because of these barriers, and that ontop of this the gods cannot really interact with us to a complete extent. i understand this, but ive had a question for a while, and im unsure how to ask it without sounding either foolish or crazy.

Not everyone is going to become Merlin the Mage simply because of the lack of this barrier, just to be clear. It just clears up interactions and makes things a tad better.

Zephyrus said:
the ancients often referenced another class of entity. not the gods, but not human either. pretty much in all pagan religions, both in stories and accounts, people reference "spirits". i dont just mean the ghosts of people, i mean more along the lines of astral entities. greeks had "nymphs", the celtics had "the fae", the norse had the "elves", african religions and every traditional pagan religion i can think of from japan to polynesia to south america all referenced things like divine spirits, and such. often associated with nature, or rivers, or lakes. obviously the stories in mythology are allegorical (minus the fact the gods do exist), however these spirits and other elemental type lesser spirits are all treated and talked about in writing as if they're literal. even in surviving "sort-of pagan" religions and offshoots, these spirits still exist and are referenced frequently, in some cases, even more commonly than the gods themselves, among cut off, tribal sorts.

i guess my question is, do astral entities actually exist? spirits and the like. i know human ghosts exist and are usually dealt with by the gods, but what of these "nature" entities accepted the world over? like i said, i dont wish to sound dumb.

Many of these things and closely all of them are creations of the imaginations of the receivers, but their 'existence' exists in a figurative sense. While there aren't nations of elves sitting by the creek etc, these do exits as forms of natural consciousness. In the minds, as a cultural notion, they manifested in these figures like mermaids and elves to relate the pure nature of the elements.

Zephyrus said:
i did have a small thought when reading this sermon that these things could not exist as they're meant to if the world soul is indeed bound into a less spiritual state, and that's why these things are never seen any more. that we're either no longer aware enough to or the world is simply too spiritually low for such things to exist. im not implying i believe there's a fairy kingdom in the woods or anything, but just, as i said, "astral entities/spirits/nature spirits." do such things exist in any way or not? sorry if this is a stupid question.

They do "exist" but not in their popularized forms. They exist as forms of life, which when we humans look at them, they take these 'shapes'. They are absolutely alive and valid, as everything that has life has that form.

Regarding that barrier removing Ritual next year: Will it Be like a HUUUGE Race Awakening Ritual for Christians?
It may be another Rtr. I don't think we will use runes but this barrier has to be reversed to be destroyed.

There is no need to speculate when the time will come will see what it's about.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Just wait until you guys have been part of this whole path long enough for the realization to truly hit you.

Before learning everything the JoS has taught, the world was just a plastic toy that we inhabited. There was no reason to give a meaning to anything around us, we just ignorantly accepted everything as it was. Everything you saw with your eyes is what you got and all there ever was. We were just these 'things' that existed on a rock floating in some dark sandbox that seemed so beyond our comprehension that it wasn't worth truly thinking about. We just blindly 'lived' not knowing or caring too much where we'd end up or how we even really got here.

To think back then we thought the whole time that we were alone in our little box of existence only to find out that the so called "miracle of life" is a surprisingly common phenomenon and there are all kinds of worlds out there with all manners of varieties of life and beings, things existing long before us, before even the gods that created us. And to find out we've been living on a prison planet and everything is far more like a 'sci-fi' film than you could've imagined can throw you for a loop as well.

Some of you may find that just thinking about it all can be a bit overwhelming, not unlike seeing the surface and sunlight after being locked up underground your whole life. Or like ending up in prison in the 50s and being let out in the 201Xs only to see this entirely different world of technology and computers and touch screens and just all matters of things that you have to adapt to. It can be kind of scary even but you must remember that we are creations of gods that have conquered themselves to rise above and advance even their own genetics to discover, learn, persevere and experience the joys of existence and beyond.

Our resolution will lead to happiness we had long forgotten the existence of. We are also not the only ones dealing with the enemy, but before you go on thinking "We need to help and save them immediately!", we need to cover everything regarding ourselves, the white race and our gods first.


With knowledge comes responsability indeed. When I was new there was a moment in which I was just depressed and wanted that I never read Jos because it really puts responsability in you. Now I couldnt be happier to be part of the family.
I'll be waiting most eagerly for this knowledge to rid ourselves of the chains that bind us so we can at last see and hear clearer.
So does this energetic planet trap mean we never went to the Moon ?
Some say it was all staged.
Iv been meaning to ask this for such a long time but havnt had the courage to find out what the underlining cause is I don't wana sound like a dumbass either I keep having zombie apocalypse kind of dreams that seem so intensly real it occurs a lot now I'm not wana to constantly plague my mind with zombie like tv series movies or games so I can't see why it would just b my subconscious unloading things that I'm doing on a day to day basis example the things I watch etc so here is my other question we know that nuclear is on the cards is a zombie like pandemic also something on the cards ?
Iv been meaning to ask this for such a long time but havnt had the courage to find out what the underlining cause is I don't wana sound like a dumbass either I keep having zombie apocalypse kind of dreams that seem so intensly real it occurs a lot now I'm not wana to constantly plague my mind with zombie like tv series movies or games so I can't see why it would just b my subconscious unloading things that I'm doing on a day to day basis example the things I watch etc so here is my other question we know that nuclear is on the cards is a zombie like pandemic also something on the cards ?
Thankyou HPS Maxine! Very Thank You...I want only one thing: Hug Father satan, like a children hug their father, and the jews, reptilians, or a stupid barrier cannot block me! Or anyone of us! We are the son of Satan, and is our rigths speack with Our father(and friends) without friends...The end of jew are Soon...more RTR we say, more Soon they arrive, less time the jew attack US! Brothers, Sister...GO MORE RTR and destroy the scum!
TimberWolf said:
OK, point taken.

So, regardless of the prison sphere surrounding Earth, we cannot escape from here even at death. Awareness of this should increase everybody's motivation to fight against Globotron. I don't want to spend my next incarnation(or indeed the remainder of the current one) in a GULAG camp.

That isn't true. Satan takes His own. Death experiences are individual. Some remain trapped on the astral, the majority reincarnate. Satan takes His own.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Arcadia said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Their hair is pure white, long and silky. They were wearing furry textured boots.

Doesn't at all sound too dissimilar to how the Ancient Norse and Germanics used to describe the "Elf Folk", and how they ultimately came to be portrayed after the fact, curiously enough.

Everything aside, I would like to add once more in greater clarity having this energy grid/matrix explained in greater clarity solved many of the questions I was pondering. Up until now I was somewhat assuming the enemy thoughtform was the only thing wrong in this world's astral, but the existence of this barrier as well explains a whole lot of speculation I was having, to say the least.

Thank you for the interesting information on the Elf Folk. I recently read where King Arthur may have been a Nordic, as his body in his tomb was reported to be 8 feet tall. He also had light blonde hair. History has been rewritten with lies. The Nordics may have been with us here more than we know, along with other ET races. These Elf Folk are different from Nordics, but are in some ways similar.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
This is extremely interesting
Satan came to me three days ago. I was in a trance while doing yoga at the gym after I finished my workouts. I was sitting their focusing on the energy I had gathered when I heard him speak to me. He said with a smirk on his face that he had something special for me in the next month or so. He went on to explain that the choices I will be making in the next month are going to be the determining factor in when the "special something" will manifest itself into the physical world.

I believe that this correlates to us spiritual satanists as a whole. The fact that, we, as a community have far surpasses Satans expectations and the expectations of the gods themselves, must mean that we have to be one of the hardest fighting planets fighting against our enemies and the enemies of Satan. I believe that those who have been fighting in spiritual warfare and those who are truly in accordance with Satans will are going to be receieveing gifts. Whether it is going to be known to most spiritual satanists at the time or not, I believe that Satan is going to be bestowing great gifts to all of us in the near future.

Stay strong in your alliance with Satan and the Gods, you will be taken care of.
Hail Satan
Heil Hitler
wow I would say what a coincidence but at this point in my journey I know better, not yesterday but the night before that I had a dream with HP Maxine in it. We were sitting in front of a what is looked like a pyramid with wide stairs and she was sitting in front of me towards my left side. We didint exchange any words but we had a very short communication with "feelings" if that makes sense. I was just about to "radiate" a feeling of gratitude towards her for all the work she has done but before I could even finish my thought she projected and answer that is difficult to put it into words but it was something like " no no no this info wasnt ment to be shared to begin with!" her thought energy was very light, obv not in a sense like weak but very high frequency but there was also something very humane about it. Sure being a Satanist in this day and age has its difficulties but it is SUCH A REWARDING EXPERIANCE. I fucking love the opportunity to fight alongside with people I look up to.

Thank you so much for all your hard work Maxine!

In the future there will be great stories and maybe even movies based on how awesome you are XD along with our Fuhrer and Father Satan and His Demons.

Hail Satan!!
Nikolas said:
Larissa666 said:
It is extremely helpful to know they are proud of us, and all that we are doing is making difference. Despite that I usually feel that no matter how much I do, I feel like a failure, and that "I am not doing enough".

Hey :) If you feel like a failure after working for years imagine how others like me feel. I feel like total shit.
You fought in the spiritual war. You should be proud.
I wish i was better.
I hate seeing others being superior at something than me.

And yet, your still an UNIMAGINABLE Part of this War. Like EVERY SINGLE ONE of Us.

Think about it. If you wouldnt Be here, who would Be doing these "savers of The WHOLE FUCKING GALAXY"-Rituals(aka FINAL RTRs)? No one!

Who would Be saving peoples LIFES from The jews by reversing their murdering curses?
No one!

Without you, without me, without sister Larissa And ALL The other Brothers And Sisters in here many many MAAAANY people would have been murdered And WORSE.

So dont never fucking EVER feel like "oh i feel so useless. I could Be doing SOO much More" And THEN forget about *ALL* The peoples lifes you have saved! :evil: (mean this as a serious face)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
