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High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Artanis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
"Satan told me they never expected us to get this far."

What did she mean then? :?

For example, there have been people throughout the ages who have furthered us along, but sadly, they lost the battle, NOT the war. Namely Adolf Hitler, and others. Adolf Hitler is the most noted. Enlightened individuals within certain generations furthered others along and kept the truth alive, then individuals within succeeding generations added more truths and furthered the knowledge.

I also want to add here, Adolf Hitler will be coming back here, as will the other important Nazis, to finish what they started.

What Satan meant, was the Gods thought JoS would just be another center of knowledge that would provide a foundation for and further later generations.

I remember, back in 2005, I was in a bookstore. Satan appeared to me. I was beginning to connect the Jews to all of this, the Christianity and related, in a spiritual sense. Satan told me He hadn't been so happy in thousands of years. This was around the time I was putting up the Exposing Christianity website. It all started to tie in. It has taken a most massive amount of consistent study, along with personal experiences, and above all, guidance, protection and support from Satan and our Gods.

We also owe much gratitude to those who suffered to further us and to keep the truth alive. Only with the internet, have we been able to reach the world. The internet has made this all possible. In the past, one could write a book, which in all likelihood would be suppressed and reach only a very small number of people. Even a book on the Best Seller's list only reaches a small number of the population.
The internet has changed all of this.

I remember when I was very new to Satanism, one of the very first things Satan showed me was how the Greys are behind the Christianity and related programs. I began reading about them and it all tied in.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Quando faccio RTR sento una grande gioia e soddisfazione. Prima l'RTR finale mi esauriva molto. Ma adesso ho il bisogno di farlo. Mi sento giorno per giorno sempre più forte e felice. Per me fare RTR non è piú un dovere, ma una necessitá...!!!
hailourtruegod said:
Thank you so much for all your hard work Maxine!

In the future there will be great stories and maybe even movies based on how awesome you are XD along with our Fuhrer and Father Satan and His Demons.

Hail Satan!!
Sagas, epics even! The Greatest Story Once-again Told!
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
If you are new, a lot of this might not make sense...

...a very small number of other Greys are on our side ... "3 percent" (The ones who don't have the implant)

I'm new here, maybe I do not have much to say about it, but excuse me, I find it hard to admit that people without empathy or conscience, who can not even make choices, can end up with our gods; for me, they are irretrievable, even without the implant.
FancyMancy said:
hailourtruegod said:
Thank you so much for all your hard work Maxine!

In the future there will be great stories and maybe even movies based on how awesome you are XD along with our Fuhrer and Father Satan and His Demons.

Hail Satan!!
Sagas, epics even! The Greatest Story Once-again Told!

Hell yeah!
aldebaran666 said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
If you are new, a lot of this might not make sense...

...a very small number of other Greys are on our side ... "3 percent" (The ones who don't have the implant)

I'm new here, maybe I do not have much to say about it, but excuse me, I find it hard to admit that people without empathy or conscience, who can not even make choices, can end up with our gods; for me, they are irretrievable, even without the implant.
These particular greys or grey-like individuals are hybrids and do have emotions. Maybe it is naïve, fantastical and ignorant but I like to think that these could be restored, although it would take quite a while.

nam kra said:

checkv my username

i want your email
email address*
Ark man? You're not that email spammer, dirty jew, are you? "No." Oh, of course not.
Nikolas said:
Larissa666 said:
It is extremely helpful to know they are proud of us, and all that we are doing is making difference. Despite that I usually feel that no matter how much I do, I feel like a failure, and that "I am not doing enough".

Hey :) If you feel like a failure after working for years imagine how others like me feel. I feel like total shit.
You fought in the spiritual war. You should be proud.
I wish i was better.
I hate seeing others being superior at something than me.
Hey there's still tons of work to be done, I won't stop fighting until our galaxy is free.
I can't forget the crimes committed against my ancestors, and I will take revenge for them just as they requested. The crimes we know of, are nothing in comparison to what Satan and the Gods have seen.
TimberWolf said:
Will Great One return at his 150th birthday? :D

"A Message From Azazel"

"The Gods are coming back, but this won't happen yet for another 20 some years or so. Our Antichrist will be coming back with them."
aldebaran666 said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
If you are new, a lot of this might not make sense...

...a very small number of other Greys are on our side ... "3 percent" (The ones who don't have the implant)

I'm new here, maybe I do not have much to say about it, but excuse me, I find it hard to admit that people without empathy or conscience, who can not even make choices, can end up with our gods; for me, they are irretrievable, even without the implant.

This was before their race became entirely what they are now. The implant is what made them borg-like creatures. Those from their race (Lucifuge and others) who did not receive the implant, are not Greys in the sense that we know Greys to be.

These sermons will shed more light on the topic:
aldebaran666 said:
I'm new here, maybe I do not have much to say about it, but excuse me, I find it hard to admit that people without empathy or conscience, who can not even make choices, can end up with our gods; for me, they are irretrievable, even without the implant.

This has been mentioned in numerous previous posts already. "Greys" are what their race was turned into. Greys are scum, and all of them are malevolent and in league with the enemy. We're talking about the 3 percent that survived before the race was turned into Greys. Comparing the two is night and day. Don't get confused and think anyone is being soft on the actual greys, we're talking about the biological survivors of a planet wide enslavement, which in turn, probably had biological ramifications on top of the implant.

Anyway, more on topic, I decided to meditate a bit on the revelations made in this thread. Recently I'd started to notice, even combining the Final RTR with a new, more intense meditation schedule, I was starting to feel like there was more blocking my progression and abilities than just the curses laid by the enemy egregore. As I said, the notion of this energy grid did strike a chord on me, like a lightbulb moment. Because I felt I was starting to feel like there's a proverbial brick wall somewhere in my mind and soul I'm pushing at. My Guardian has, at least, as far as I can gather, implied there was indeed, more we Satanists need to destroy and reverse before our souls are truly free, beyond just the Torah-thoughtform itself. And well, this, was a missing puzzle piece for me, considering she had also seemingly mentioned there we were laying the groundwork for even bigger things to be revealed in the near future. Needless to say, I'll be excited to see Maxine's post in the future.

Admittedly my astral hearing still needs work, and I often still rely on gut instinct, but any time I've asked my Guardian about the future to come, she's been warm and positive in her signs. This at least, I can be absolutely certain of.
shinninglight said:
So the reptilains took over the grey through the inside,I thought it was through war
Well some jahova witnesses came to my door the other day and its exactly as they say here they have another look about them they honestly didn't look human
HP Mageson666 said:
The Israeli air force have used neutron weapons in Yemen against the Shia forces that are fighting against their Domeh Jewish overlords the Saudi's. And the Jews have used nuclear weapons on Damascus as well back in 2013.

The Jews call this astral barrier they have created Leviathan in their Kabbalah.
the shia sure have a lot of fighting to do even most other muslims sunnis want them dead.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
This grid is a binding of the entire planet. This factors over into people's minds, to where the psychic senses and awareness of reality is blocked. The spiritual is blocked. Life then degenerates.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Those of us who are more open, usually have a history of not conforming.
Thank you very much, HPS. This post really illuminates.
All these years I thought I was slowly losing it. I never was a conformist, I have always had a problem with authority, defiant to the end.
I came to Satan without any hesitation and after studying, the world affairs started to make sense.
Looking forward to learning and contributing more.
aldebaran666 said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
If you are new, a lot of this might not make sense...

...a very small number of other Greys are on our side ... "3 percent" (The ones who don't have the implant)

I'm new here, maybe I do not have much to say about it, but excuse me, I find it hard to admit that people without empathy or conscience, who can not even make choices, can end up with our gods; for me, they are irretrievable, even without the implant.
You don't understand they are not Grays, they are just what the race of the Grays was before they got an implant. So they do have conscience, they becomed litteraly God's.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
I've always known never to hang onto important information. Get it out to the public. If you are new, a lot of this might not make sense. If you are a long time JoS member, most of it will. Just study http://www.joyofsatan.com

I rarely get back to answer questions in the groups or on the forum here. No, I don't have all the answers yet, but Satan told me "very soon."

What I have learned, that has taken close to 20 years:

From what I know now, the earth is one of many planets under attack, as there is definitely a war going on in our galaxy, out there. Much of this has come together for me in understanding what true Satanism is all about.

Aliens out there use spiritual warfare. Also, just because Lucifuge Rofocal and a very small number of other Greys are on our side, never forget the Greys are the enemy. I mentioned something to Satan about the Greys on 30, April. He replied, "3 percent" (The ones who don't have the implant), and said so with a real sneer. 

Now, back to the spiritual warfare... One tactic of the enemy reptilians is to seal off any planet they have infested (with their Jews who do their agenda), with a web, grid, or whatever it is. This grid is a binding of the entire planet.

This factors over into people's minds, to where the psychic senses and awareness of reality is blocked. The spiritual is blocked. Life then degenerates. I'm sure most of you here are aware of the devout Christian, who has the alien artificial looking smiley mask, every hair in place, with the starched shirt, suit, etc. The Christian ties into the artificial alien energy and becomes more artificial and alien in appearance, the more into Christianity they are.

By destroying psychic awareness and power (which is our birthright, and is very normal and common to beings in other worlds, no big deal to them, as it has been made into here on earth), we are seriously disarmed and very vulnerable. This has been effectively done on other planets (as with Lucifuge Rofocal's planet, He is one of the very few who escaped without being implanted with the microchip). Lucifuge stated that the Greys on his planet didn't care; like most of the populace here at this time.

Lucifuge and some others barely escaped with their lives.

Now, getting back to here.

The Christian has a major barrier up in their mind that seals off awareness of reality. Unfortunately, this has affected the entire planet. Everyone has a barrier to one degree or another. Meditation knocks down a lot of this, but sadly it's still there.

This barrier is the reason you can tell a person the truth, and most won't listen to you. Everyone has it to varying degrees. Those of us who are more open, usually have a history of not conforming.

The next step will be for us to remove this web from our planet and destroy the gauntlet, the barrier that is on the world soul.

Satan told me they never expected us to get this far. He told me again on the 30th, that I've far exceeded their expectations. 

I told you a while back, I saw beings with long, white, straight silky hair. They genuflected, indicating victory.

Another deal we are in danger of right now is the nuclear. Pay close attention to the news. Too many people already know and you know what that means. North Korea, the Arabian Gulf...

For more information regarding the nuclear, please read this webpage:

The modus operandi of the enemy is to destroy worlds they cannot take over through nuclear. More than one Jewish rabbi has written about this.

Thoth told me when I was new to Satanism, that "All souls are not the same."

Just as [YHVH's] people cannot see you, you cannot see them, but they will manifest blatantly as the Earth draws closer to the climax of our cause." 
- Amdusias (Told to the JoS ministry in 2003).

Satan also told me on the 30th that He will be giving me some extremely important information this solar year. He said this information will change everything.

For those of you who are able to, stay on the final RTR:

This will make the destruction of the enemy occur faster.

The next group ritual will be destroying the psychic barriers placed upon this earth and humanity.

This will come within the next year.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

What is a ´´solar year``?
Dear Maxine

Yes thank you for the post it makes so much sense about your mention of telling people the truth its like they are just dead, they don't even want to hear it. So your correct about a barrier around those without. They act shocked they just don't get it!!!

I feel so special I got my own mind back and thinking for my self I thank Satan I thank J.O.S for this. I NOW SEE THE TRUTH. I myself I do my bit I write links to websites showing the truth and leave notes to links at bus shelters, in news papers and other places I leave notes so people can find them.
shinninglight said:
Ryan666RR said:
We'll get the jews down on their knees. I hope i'm able to join the army of Hell soon.
Em what stopping you?

I'm not able to meditate daily. I'm waiting till it's summer then i will meditate daily so i can advance.
Artanis said:
Apprentice said:
Artanis said:
What is a ´´solar year``?
AFAIK, from Yule to Yule.

What is AFAIK? A Full-- what?
Internet n00b. "AFAIK" = "As far as I know". A solar year is "the time taken by the earth to make one revolution around the sun". You can learn these things by searching online.

The problem with this definition of a solar year is that when on Mars, etc., it would be all messed up. Then it would have to have a different, nonsense name, such as Marsolar year. (This also shows how "time" is... CBA. Check my other posts for that!) Don't ask me what "CBA" means; google it, instead! :p
Ryan666RR said:
I'm not able to meditate daily. I'm waiting till it's summer then i will meditate daily so i can advance.
The AoP & Returning curses, as well as chakra spinning and void meditation, can all be done in complete silence and motionless, if necessary. They are very very short too, so there is really no excuse to not do them, in my opinion. You can even do them while you lie in bed at night, pretending to be asleep.
Ryan666RR said:
shinninglight said:
Ryan666RR said:
We'll get the jews down on their knees. I hope i'm able to join the army of Hell soon.
Em what stopping you?

I'm not able to meditate daily. I'm waiting till it's summer then i will meditate daily so i can advance.


There are some people who make excuses to themselves and the Gods and disregard the importance of meditation. This is in many ways not only personal naivety, and if furthered, stupidity, but it is dangerous.

By the time a person turns around 18 (can start earlier in some cases) the human body is not on a growing phase, but rather, a phase requiring maintenance and empowerment on a daily basis to stay optimal. As for the soul, this requirement starts on day one. This concerns the material body, as the soul can atrophy way earlier, and atrophy of the soul can begin at around age 9 or 10, or even someone can start with an atrophied soul to begin with.

In short, how one supplies the body with food, showering and so forth. Imagine what happens if you do not eat for a month, or do not drink water for a week. In both cases one is gambling with death. Similar is the situation where one's soul (or let's just say materially invisible but perfectly existing spiritual body outside of the spectrum of material light) is concerned. The same thing we can observe in people trapped in ruins for months and unable to drink or eat, we can observe in a different way in the meditation and the soul. As the material body of those trapped in ruins enters a coma, so does the soul.

Many people just also wonder why they do not experience immediate effects from meditation. This is because the soul has underwent a shock of energetic depletion and is equal to a dying husk when one begins meditation. The soul is essentially on a limbo state. Similarly to many people who suffer from anorexia and do not take weight or do not want to / cannot process food for a month or way more even if they start eating properly and medical help, the soul is in a similar situation when one begins meditation.

Some souls pick up faster from this state, some do not pick up as fast, but you definitely will raise out of this. Others who are very advanced spiritually may exist in a medium-less-limbo state where the soul is half operational, but never, without meditation, can this state be sustained or improved. If one prolongs the hunger they will collapse.

The good news is it doesn't take that long to get the first messages out of the soul. I have seen in astrology it's the people with some charts who have neglected the soul or not properly worked it, that it gets sometime for them to snap out of it. During this process their past karmic things also kick in, and they can disregard meditation or run away from it. I have seen this in some cases. This is the same how an anorexic can have a locked stomach when food is presented.

Therefore the necessity of meditation is equal to food, water, and equally fundamental. Otherwise the penalty of such is that one will be feeling dead inside, which is the state most humans right now are experiencing as a result, entailed with many other issues. Without a soul, one is essentially a material flesh cyborg just walking around like a leaf in the wind.

The time humans have is quite limited and many people who have faced some death or life circumstance know also that the so called "I will live until my 80's" is just a myth. Most people do not make it to their 80's, the mortality rate of humans across the globe is an average of 65 to 67 years old. And many people by this time with boose, bad diet, a life full with stress and so forth, have already done a lot of damage to their soul and even sanity. By that time, the person who does not meditate or keep mentally and materially active, has deteriorated to a great extent. If one lives a life of corruption their end can come way earlier, as the human being is frail and expendable.

It's true however, it's never too late. Well, almost - never too late. I have a personal experience with a person who started meditating around their 65+ years and in one year have made very considerable progress, to the point they reached a great level before their material death, ensuring many positive things for them. They told me "It was the best year of their life". And the said person has had a hell of a life so to say, as far as material 'joy' and comforts are concerned.

So in a sense it's never too late, but after a point, one can only wait for their next lifetime to work, simply because, all the faculties dealing with the person have deteriorated to a great extent. And work becomes impossible. This repeated over lifetimes can lead to a permanent state of non-existence of the person, which is called 'death'. We die once materially and then we exist astrally, but one can also die again after. The Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Greeks called this the 'second death', which is final.

Many people approach meditation as some sort of joke especially in the west. You have some people thinking they are doing very good since they meditate once a week, or because they do some "Yoga Pilates" which mainly consists of jumping around like monkeys twice a week, or maybe once every two weeks. This is similarly hypocritical as the person going to church for a couple of hours every Sunday, praising a jew, and pretending they have attained some sort of spiritual experience of salvation.

They know it is not true, but they wish that they could hack their way through as they try to hack the game of life, by taking happy pills, boosing out their problems, and tuning out their responsibilities. This route and perception of life leads to living risk and death. Everyone on the planet tries to escape their little amount of closely non-existant responsibility. This adds up, and the end result is a chaotic planet. This is the case with people and races who do not build their countries, do not self improve, and individuals who are a cancer unto society everywhere. This adds up and you have a chaotic planet filled with parasitic moths and only a few individuals who, even half-assed-ly, just go towards the living light.

Lastly a major excuse people use is that they do not have 'time' in the day to meditate, or that they cannot 'sit down to meditate'. This is just a joke. They do not have time to sit down and meditate, but they have time to get drugged, and waste endless time in Youtube or just literally looking at their own ceiling. Hours and hours wasted into pure nothingness.

Personally I know firsthand what it is to work 50 and even closely 60 hours a week. At this point, alas slowly, I was still able to do some astrology for 4-5 hours a day (alas extremely slower but still), daily meditation (in full) and have necessary time for warfare and sleep.

If you want find time, you can find some time. However, something may have to suffer for you to pull this out. By 'suffer' we mean you will 'suffer' the commodity of wasting some of your existence uselessly away to doing something valuable to your existence for 1 hour more every single day.

Sleeping 30 minutes more is not going to give you any major energy boost compared to meditating for the same amount of time. Looking at the ceiling for 30 minutes more isn't going to give you any boost either. And going 30 minutes earlier at bed just to meditate isn't going to rob of you the pleasure of watching just another Netflix episode.

But the above hour combined is going to make life changing situations for you. Even half of this hour will work.

As for those who are new, meditation will start being normalized after a point for you same as drinking water or taking a shower. Every new thing needs some time to be consolidated in your routine.

Lastly people must not think very highly of themselves and assume that other beings have to beg you to meditate. This is for yourself. Raises your energy levels, your mood, opens your consciousness, and it's you that benefits first and foremost. Only later come any social benefits from this practice, and even the cutting edge selfish individuals have endless incentives to get into this practice.

It should be perceived that 1 hour of meditation adds 24 hours of quality life to your day. After a point, 1 hour of meditation adds 48 hours. When you reach the high levels 1-2 hours of meditation can add 3-5 extremely high quality days to your lifespan. These are not to be taken literally and are just personal estimations. Now if you add 1 hour a day for the next 365 days you will gain 360 hours a year to gain...365 days of vibrant life. This totals 15 days of spiritual meditation time in a whole YEAR, to gain benefits that are unparalleled.

Think of how much time you have wasted in public transportation and you will find that this is probably 20 times more. Life is being wasted at all sides.

As for the things absolutely necessary to do everyday, these are Hatha Yoga, Aura of Protection, Cleaning Meditation, and any sort of empowerment. One can also add breathing exercises, and Kundalini yoga, plus a form of meditation of Void. That is, if we are to keep matters very simple. This is the necessary basis to keep positive, flexible, and powerful throughout your day.

The thing about meditation is that it is given by the Gods, and the ultimate objective of it is that it leads to immortality. Hindu Yogis of the highest order say that at some point, the daily practice evolves a person by 1,000,000 years of linear time, every single day, compared to the person who does not meditate or practice.

Materially speaking we can observe this fact in yoga teachers and others who even with corrupted and watered down meditation reach the age of 80 and have the physiology of humans in their 20's or 30's, and women who are in their 80s and still have their monthly circle as if they were 16. But even if we assume the above thing is just allegorical, all the same, your mind evolves beyond comprehension everyday, compared to the average Jewish NPC bot that just rots their life out.

Then there are those who are stuck a bit in beginning. Well, nothing begins in it's full potential. Someone carried the first brick to build the Pyramid, if we are to say a metaphor. At first it looked like a stupid thing to do, and it was just a brick sitting on the ground. Brick by brick they built the greatest wonders of the world.

Those who focus only on the brick will be disappointed. Feel proud you are putting a brick day by day to rebuilt your own spiritual power and soul back in proper order, and stay focused on the greater goals. Some days for all meditators are unbearable (the enemy is also into this) but we have to keep pushing, and we will always rise out winning.

As an important final note everyone who does meditate, will commit mistakes, lose some meditation here, some day there, and experience failure. The only way to set this straight is to just keep going despite these failures and keep on walking. This is what makes the mistake right. Meditation is equated to war sometimes for this reason, the mind is jumpy and can try to derail someone. Same goes for life in general. You got to just put the train back on track and restart it, learn from your mistakes, and keep it running. That's what this is about, not 'inability to make mistakes' and being 'perfect'.

Hail Satan and the Gods who give us the knowledge.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Aquarius said:
Artanis said:
Apprentice said:
AFAIK, from Yule to Yule.

What is AFAIK? A Full-- what?

DERP :lol:
I thought it was some kind of Satanist abbreviation :lol:
FancyMancy said:
Artanis said:
Apprentice said:
AFAIK, from Yule to Yule.

What is AFAIK? A Full-- what?
Internet n00b. "AFAIK" = "As far as I know". A solar year is "the time taken by the earth to make one revolution around the sun". You can learn these things by searching online.

The problem with this definition of a solar year is that when on Mars, etc., it would be all messed up. Then it would have to have a different, nonsense name, such as Marsolar year. (This also shows how "time" is... CBA. Check my other posts for that!) Don't ask me what "CBA" means; google it, instead! :p

But one thing i dont understand. What did she meant by Satan giving her all changing information this solar year? Did she meant that Satan will give her information REGARDING The next solar year(2019-2020 from this years Yule to next Yule)or that He Will give her that information on The start of The next solar year(this years Yule)?

Sorry im just WAAAYY too exited about this. I mean, when Father Satan says, that He Will Be giving away information to HP Maxine Dietrich, which is going to change everything... You just CANT Be exited about what that information is, right?
I just had a dream and I thought I'd mention it.

I've had this dream before, but it was slightly different.

There was a person claiming world domination and said to bring harm upon us all till we were (mostly) wiped out.
Then dark clouds gathered and blew over, blocking all the sun and making it nearly pitch dark. Then they descended (the clouds). The air got colder (like it does right before it goes to rain) and felt denser too.
Then the clouds were almost at me and I remember this before..
To brace myself. The clouds were at my level, and they could instill fear and anguish inside oneself. They saturate the air, almost go through (inside) you as well. So I quickly ordered all my own energy to dense up inside me. To keep that feeling out.
And then they had passed and were on the floor.
Strange things started to happen. And there were little metal chipped things with ends on it. they plugged themselves into material things and took them over, like a microchip virus.
We pulled some apart, and they blew up.
They did not seem to attack humans, the microchip. That had been different in the other dreams that I had.
We didn't exactly went down into the cloud level yet (I was standing on the first floor of a building fyi, that is one floor above ground floor. We count differently here).

Also the feeling of the cloud passing was or felt less strong than it had felt before. It passed rather quickly compared to the few other dreams that I had where that happened.

Since we were talking about destroying the enemy and such, I thought it may be related. Part of it, at least.
When the clouds decended they felt very heavy too. I forgot to add that.
Artanis said:
FancyMancy said:
Artanis said:
What is AFAIK? A Full-- what?
Internet n00b. "AFAIK" = "As far as I know". A solar year is "the time taken by the earth to make one revolution around the sun". You can learn these things by searching online.

The problem with this definition of a solar year is that when on Mars, etc., it would be all messed up. Then it would have to have a different, nonsense name, such as Marsolar year. (This also shows how "time" is... CBA. Check my other posts for that!) Don't ask me what "CBA" means; google it, instead! :p

But one thing i dont understand. What did she meant by Satan giving her all changing information this solar year? Did she meant that Satan will give her information REGARDING The next solar year(2019-2020 from this years Yule to next Yule)or that He Will give her that information on The start of The next solar year(this years Yule)?

Sorry im just WAAAYY too exited about this. I mean, when Father Satan says, that He Will Be giving away information to HP Maxine Dietrich, which is going to change everything... You just CANT Be exited about what that information is, right?
Think about what is due to happen in the remainder of this year and next year. Elections are going to happen, which always cause big changes. Contrary to "the" bible, the future is not 'set in stone', but is more fluidic. I also like the saying "the best way to predict the future is to create it yourself".
Shael said:
Ryan666RR said:
I'm not able to meditate daily. I'm waiting till it's summer then i will meditate daily so i can advance.
The AoP & Returning curses, as well as chakra spinning and void meditation, can all be done in complete silence and motionless, if necessary. They are very very short too, so there is really no excuse to not do them, in my opinion. You can even do them while you lie in bed at night, pretending to be asleep.

Thank you for answering. I can do void meditation with ease. When i do void meditation i feel peace... A few minutes after this meditation i could almost not feel my body anymore. Even when i'm moving i almost can't feel my body, i only feel my longs breathing in energy.
T.A.O.L. said:
I just had a dream and I thought I'd mention it.

I've had this dream before, but it was slightly different.

There was a person claiming world domination and said to bring harm upon us all till we were (mostly) wiped out.
Then dark clouds gathered and blew over, blocking all the sun and making it nearly pitch dark. Then they descended (the clouds). The air got colder (like it does right before it goes to rain) and felt denser too.
Then the clouds were almost at me and I remember this before..
To brace myself. The clouds were at my level, and they could instill fear and anguish inside oneself. They saturate the air, almost go through (inside) you as well. So I quickly ordered all my own energy to dense up inside me. To keep that feeling out.
And then they had passed and were on the floor.
Strange things started to happen. And there were little metal chipped things with ends on it. they plugged themselves into material things and took them over, like a microchip virus.
We pulled some apart, and they blew up.
They did not seem to attack humans, the microchip. That had been different in the other dreams that I had.
We didn't exactly went down into the cloud level yet (I was standing on the first floor of a building fyi, that is one floor above ground floor. We count differently here).

Also the feeling of the cloud passing was or felt less strong than it had felt before. It passed rather quickly compared to the few other dreams that I had where that happened.

Since we were talking about destroying the enemy and such, I thought it may be related. Part of it, at least.

I totally forgot I had a similar dream and this post just reminded me of it. What sucks is that I can't remember most of it but I know it was something along the lines to this. :shock:
FancyMancy said:
aldebaran666 said:
These particular greys or grey-like individuals are hybrids and do have emotions. Maybe it is naïve, fantastical and ignorant but I like to think that these could be restored, although it would take quite a while.

Lydia said:
This was before their race became entirely what they are now. The implant is what made them borg-like creatures. Those from their race (Lucifuge and others) who did not receive the implant, are not Greys in the sense that we know Greys to be.

These sermons will shed more light on the topic:

Arcadia said:
This has been mentioned in numerous previous posts already. "Greys" are what their race was turned into. Greys are scum, and all of them are malevolent and in league with the enemy. We're talking about the 3 percent that survived before the race was turned into Greys. Comparing the two is night and day. Don't get confused and think anyone is being soft on the actual greys, we're talking about the biological survivors of a planet wide enslavement, which in turn, probably had biological ramifications on top of the implant.

Anyway, more on topic, I decided to meditate a bit on the revelations made in this thread. Recently I'd started to notice, even combining the Final RTR with a new, more intense meditation schedule, I was starting to feel like there was more blocking my progression and abilities than just the curses laid by the enemy egregore. As I said, the notion of this energy grid did strike a chord on me, like a lightbulb moment. Because I felt I was starting to feel like there's a proverbial brick wall somewhere in my mind and soul I'm pushing at. My Guardian has, at least, as far as I can gather, implied there was indeed, more we Satanists need to destroy and reverse before our souls are truly free, beyond just the Torah-thoughtform itself. And well, this, was a missing puzzle piece for me, considering she had also seemingly mentioned there we were laying the groundwork for even bigger things to be revealed in the near future. Needless to say, I'll be excited to see Maxine's post in the future.

Admittedly my astral hearing still needs work, and I often still rely on gut instinct, but any time I've asked my Guardian about the future to come, she's been warm and positive in her signs. This at least, I can be absolutely certain of.

luis said:
You don't understand they are not Grays, they are just what the race of the Grays was before they got an implant. So they do have conscience, they becomed litteraly God's.

Hi Brothers and Sister, thanks for your answers! It's much clearer for me now. I have one last question about Lucifuge Rofocale. I have always been very attracted to this God before even finding the JoS. When I made my commitment this year, I did not know it, but I did it during his period, and then I wanted to call him to guide me in my advancement, but I recently abstained with the new information, because I feared interference. My spiritual senses are not completely open but I meditate and practice hatha yoga and kundalini 3 hours a day in addition final rtr. So I could be sensitive to his answers if he agrees to answer me, so can I call him?
"Satan also told me on the 30th that He will be giving me some extremely important information this solar year. He said this information will change everything."

Can't wait to hear this information. Thank you, HPS Maxine :)
Looking forward to the next step (to remove this web from our planet and destroy the gauntlet, the barrier that is on the world soul)!
FancyMancy said:
Think about what is due to happen in the remainder of this year and next year. Elections are going to happen, which always cause big changes. Contrary to "the" bible, the future is not 'set in stone', but is more fluidic. I also like the saying "the best way to predict the future is to create it yourself".

The Bible thing always makes me laugh because its contradictory to what they believe. They claim their god is all knowing. Therefore he knows ahead of time who goes to Heaven and who goes to Hell before he even "creates" new people. And yet, these religions always rant on all day and night about how "muh free will" will decide whether you go to Heaven or Hell. MUH GOD GIVEN FREE WILL BUT EVERYTHINGS PROVIDENCE. Automatic failure of a concept.

By contrast, the Ancient Pagan religions always had a representation of "the fates". In Greek and Norse religion, the fates were set, to a degree. However, the strong of will could change them for the better, whereas the Gods were above them all together. It's very true, in a way. For the average person out there, fallen so low spiritually, most everyone is obeying the enemy script in the astral, bound by its ignorance and curses. And that aside, the majority of people, even without this, will often live a life only in accordance to their astral-natal path and the planets.

For instance, by observing your astral-natal path and the position of the celestial bodies, one can make predictions about whats to come and act accordingly. In a way, the future is both solid and liquid. For most, this will simply manifest as it is. We're among the few however, the "strong willed" who have the capability of changing the effect.

Elections are a good example. Perhaps before the RTRs one party was going to get in. Maybe after, a different one. It's important to remember though, these aren't just random happenings that change on a whim. For any major event there's an astral leadup, so to speak. After all, no matter what party gets elected or no matter what you decide to have for dinner, the sun is still going to rise tomorrow, the planets still going to be in orbit. It's what I meant by not literally everything is utterly liquid and unset.

It's also important to remember that the Gods themselves are above "bound time". It's why we call them Eternal. For a true Satanist, life's "narrative" is certainly a different affair to the average person. It goes without saying, the Gods have a considerably better idea as to what's going to transpire tomorrow than we do. Their ability to be aware of what's in the future is key to why they're so effective at guiding us. I've realized a thousand times over how they knew me better than I ever even really knew myself. If they ever give you a glimpse of what the future may hold in a positive way, you can be sure, continuing to dedicate yourself to their path will indeed lead to its inevitability. In a way this harkens back to that last discussion we had about the God's being "perfect".

Anyway don't mind this post, just adding my own thoughts to your own on this topic. The future is a fascinating thing.
Arcadia said:
FancyMancy said:
Think about what is due to happen in the remainder of this year and next year. Elections are going to happen, which always cause big changes. Contrary to "the" bible, the future is not 'set in stone', but is more fluidic. I also like the saying "the best way to predict the future is to create it yourself".

The Bible thing always makes me laugh because its contradictory to what they believe. They claim their god is all knowing. Therefore he knows ahead of time who goes to Heaven and who goes to Hell before he even "creates" new people. And yet, these religions always rant on all day and night about how "muh free will" will decide whether you go to Heaven or Hell. MUH GOD GIVEN FREE WILL BUT EVERYTHINGS PROVIDENCE. Automatic failure of a concept.
Like I said in another thread/post of mine, it's the nonsense, bullshit "explanations" by the jew, which christians are subjected to. Because a "man of 'god'" (because women are not allowed to speak) says something, no matter what it is, then the christian accepts the "explanation" regardless of anything and everything - they're a "man of 'god'" so they must know what they're talking about, and it'd be a "sin" to disobey (even if you don't quite understand or agree)!

In a way, the future is both solid and liquid. For most, this will simply manifest as it is. We're among the few however, the "strong willed" who have the capability of changing the effect.
Stepping stones, if you will, being the solid in the liquid of the 'flow' (of the river) 'of time'. We can see which stones are loose and work accordingly.

Elections are a good example. Perhaps before the RTRs one party was going to get in. Maybe after, a different one.
According to a post somewhere, according to Russia if killary had have got in, we'd be in world war 3 now. Old donald fart was the...dare I say safest option?! :roll: :lol:

It's important to remember though, these aren't just random happenings that change on a whim. For any major event there's an astral leadup, so to speak.
Yeah. One of the RtRs stated that things "will...". Usually, we say to not use "will" because the mind and energy doesn't understand it - when is "will" going to take effect? I think the reason for "will" in this working, though, was to keep it in the Astral 'above' us, like a sort of barrier or blockage in a way, which covers and protects, to a degree, for other RtRs and now the Final RtR to be performed. Without this "will..." veil, things would be further behind.

After all, no matter what party gets elected or no matter what you decide to have for dinner, the sun is still going to rise tomorrow, the planets still going to be in orbit. It's what I meant by not literally everything is utterly liquid and unset.
Well, if we take Mars and Phaeton as (extreme) examples...

It's also important to remember that the Gods themselves are above "bound time".
Cor. That one always is annoying. If we live on Mars, a year would be different than an Earth year. It would be more accurate to use a Galactic time frame, such as a Galactic year being when Sol makes one revolution (but then, if we were in a different Solar System, it would be different again...) (but I don't think that was quite your point).

It's why we call them Eternal. For a true Satanist, life's "narrative" is certainly a different affair to the average person. It goes without saying, the Gods have a considerably better idea as to what's going to transpire tomorrow than we do. Their ability to be aware of what's in the future is key to why they're so effective at guiding us. I've realized a thousand times over how they knew me better than I ever even really knew myself.
Speaking of which, I had a 'message', if you want to call it that, recently, and remembering another member saying that these notices can be blatant, which this one was, it was encouraging that it wasn't just yet another coincidence, but was more important and definitely not trivial (like some of the coincidences have been, but which are still cool to notice, of course).

If they ever give you a glimpse of what the future may hold in a positive way, you can be sure, continuing to dedicate yourself to their path will indeed lead to its inevitability. In a way this harkens back to that last discussion we had about the God's being "perfect".

Anyway don't mind this post, just adding my own thoughts to your own on this topic. The future is a fascinating thing.
No, it's fine. It's interesting and helpful. Every bit and new insight helps.
Arcadia said:
FancyMancy said:
Think about what is due to happen in the remainder of this year and next year. Elections are going to happen, which always cause big changes. Contrary to "the" bible, the future is not 'set in stone', but is more fluidic. I also like the saying "the best way to predict the future is to create it yourself".

The Bible thing always makes me laugh because its contradictory to what they believe. They claim their god is all knowing. Therefore he knows ahead of time who goes to Heaven and who goes to Hell before he even "creates" new people. And yet, these religions always rant on all day and night about how "muh free will" will decide whether you go to Heaven or Hell. MUH GOD GIVEN FREE WILL BUT EVERYTHINGS PROVIDENCE. Automatic failure of a concept.

By contrast, the Ancient Pagan religions always had a representation of "the fates". In Greek and Norse religion, the fates were set, to a degree. However, the strong of will could change them for the better, whereas the Gods were above them all together. It's very true, in a way. For the average person out there, fallen so low spiritually, most everyone is obeying the enemy script in the astral, bound by its ignorance and curses. And that aside, the majority of people, even without this, will often live a life only in accordance to their astral-natal path and the planets.

For instance, by observing your astral-natal path and the position of the celestial bodies, one can make predictions about whats to come and act accordingly. In a way, the future is both solid and liquid. For most, this will simply manifest as it is. We're among the few however, the "strong willed" who have the capability of changing the effect.

Elections are a good example. Perhaps before the RTRs one party was going to get in. Maybe after, a different one. It's important to remember though, these aren't just random happenings that change on a whim. For any major event there's an astral leadup, so to speak. After all, no matter what party gets elected or no matter what you decide to have for dinner, the sun is still going to rise tomorrow, the planets still going to be in orbit. It's what I meant by not literally everything is utterly liquid and unset.

It's also important to remember that the Gods themselves are above "bound time". It's why we call them Eternal. For a true Satanist, life's "narrative" is certainly a different affair to the average person. It goes without saying, the Gods have a considerably better idea as to what's going to transpire tomorrow than we do. Their ability to be aware of what's in the future is key to why they're so effective at guiding us. I've realized a thousand times over how they knew me better than I ever even really knew myself. If they ever give you a glimpse of what the future may hold in a positive way, you can be sure, continuing to dedicate yourself to their path will indeed lead to its inevitability. In a way this harkens back to that last discussion we had about the God's being "perfect".

Anyway don't mind this post, just adding my own thoughts to your own on this topic. The future is a fascinating thing.

I'm of the opinion that the reason the Gods are immortal, or above time, does not really have much to do with smarts.

It has to do with their bodies being free of enemy influence leading them to being smarter.

Precognitive abilities are like a bat hitting a ball or electrons hitting each other and knowing where the particles will go.... future telling can either be from some innate ability or a trained attribute....

I believe the later.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
To be specific: I have explained to you that Lucifuge is NOT grey in the sense that we know it.

If Bob's planet is taken over and all the Bob people are transformed into greys, they are no longer Bob.

Lucifuge and any "grey like" species are called "grey" because they resemble the already known borg shape with the big head. They also have underwent heavy genetic manipulation, and they do not come from the "after microchip" era of his species.

Ie, ALL greys are pieces of shit and they are not to be trusted in any way, shape or form.

Lucifuge told me that on the last moments of their "world" all they could do is throw out a cupsule, a ship into space. The amount of beings in it did not exceed 50 in total. Yes, only 50. The number was that low.

This was to maximize their ability to exist out there for as much as possible. The idea of life capsules has been around for all the alien science fiction type.

Greys are to be permanently ignored and destroyed. If one sees them in meditation they ARE the enemy. They also come from a few interplanetary species, all compromised or at bed with the enemy agenda. They are a hateful bio-borg, universal biohazard.

Does this mean we can’t trust Lucifuge? I know he’s with our Gods so I assume Father Satan saw some Faith in him?
Freeminds6 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
To be specific: I have explained to you that Lucifuge is NOT grey in the sense that we know it.

If Bob's planet is taken over and all the Bob people are transformed into greys, they are no longer Bob.

Lucifuge and any "grey like" species are called "grey" because they resemble the already known borg shape with the big head. They also have underwent heavy genetic manipulation, and they do not come from the "after microchip" era of his species.

Ie, ALL greys are pieces of shit and they are not to be trusted in any way, shape or form.

Lucifuge told me that on the last moments of their "world" all they could do is throw out a cupsule, a ship into space. The amount of beings in it did not exceed 50 in total. Yes, only 50. The number was that low.

This was to maximize their ability to exist out there for as much as possible. The idea of life capsules has been around for all the alien science fiction type.

Greys are to be permanently ignored and destroyed. If one sees them in meditation they ARE the enemy. They also come from a few interplanetary species, all compromised or at bed with the enemy agenda. They are a hateful bio-borg, universal biohazard.

Does this mean we can’t trust Lucifuge? I know he’s with our Gods so I assume Father Satan saw some Faith in him?
Yes you can trust him.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
