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High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
I've always known never to hang onto important information. Get it out to the public. If you are new, a lot of this might not make sense. If you are a long time JoS member, most of it will. Just study http://www.joyofsatan.com

I rarely get back to answer questions in the groups or on the forum here. No, I don't have all the answers yet, but Satan told me "very soon."

What I have learned, that has taken close to 20 years:

From what I know now, the earth is one of many planets under attack, as there is definitely a war going on in our galaxy, out there. Much of this has come together for me in understanding what true Satanism is all about.

Aliens out there use spiritual warfare. Also, just because Lucifuge Rofocal and a very small number of other Greys are on our side, never forget the Greys are the enemy. I mentioned something to Satan about the Greys on 30, April. He replied, "3 percent" (The ones who don't have the implant), and said so with a real sneer. 

Now, back to the spiritual warfare... One tactic of the enemy reptilians is to seal off any planet they have infested (with their Jews who do their agenda), with a web, grid, or whatever it is. This grid is a binding of the entire planet.

This factors over into people's minds, to where the psychic senses and awareness of reality is blocked. The spiritual is blocked. Life then degenerates. I'm sure most of you here are aware of the devout Christian, who has the alien artificial looking smiley mask, every hair in place, with the starched shirt, suit, etc. The Christian ties into the artificial alien energy and becomes more artificial and alien in appearance, the more into Christianity they are.

By destroying psychic awareness and power (which is our birthright, and is very normal and common to beings in other worlds, no big deal to them, as it has been made into here on earth), we are seriously disarmed and very vulnerable. This has been effectively done on other planets (as with Lucifuge Rofocal's planet, He is one of the very few who escaped without being implanted with the microchip). Lucifuge stated that the Greys on his planet didn't care; like most of the populace here at this time.

Lucifuge and some others barely escaped with their lives.

Now, getting back to here.

The Christian has a major barrier up in their mind that seals off awareness of reality. Unfortunately, this has affected the entire planet. Everyone has a barrier to one degree or another. Meditation knocks down a lot of this, but sadly it's still there.

This barrier is the reason you can tell a person the truth, and most won't listen to you. Everyone has it to varying degrees. Those of us who are more open, usually have a history of not conforming.

The next step will be for us to remove this web from our planet and destroy the gauntlet, the barrier that is on the world soul.

Satan told me they never expected us to get this far. He told me again on the 30th, that I've far exceeded their expectations. 

I told you a while back, I saw beings with long, white, straight silky hair. They genuflected, indicating victory.

Another deal we are in danger of right now is the nuclear. Pay close attention to the news. Too many people already know and you know what that means. North Korea, the Arabian Gulf...

For more information regarding the nuclear, please read this webpage:

The modus operandi of the enemy is to destroy worlds they cannot take over through nuclear. More than one Jewish rabbi has written about this.

Thoth told me when I was new to Satanism, that "All souls are not the same."

Just as [YHVH's] people cannot see you, you cannot see them, but they will manifest blatantly as the Earth draws closer to the climax of our cause." 
- Amdusias (Told to the JoS ministry in 2003).

Satan also told me on the 30th that He will be giving me some extremely important information this solar year. He said this information will change everything.

For those of you who are able to, stay on the final RTR:

This will make the destruction of the enemy occur faster.

The next group ritual will be destroying the psychic barriers placed upon this earth and humanity.

This will come within the next year.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
We'll get the jews down on their knees. I hope i'm able to join the army of Hell soon.
HPS Maxine, I had thought about making a post about something when I had looked more into it, but if it is so important, then I may as well type it now.

I found some information about Miso, which is a Japanese fermented foodthingy. Miso is given to the people that have been exposed to radiation (nuclear radiation) and seems to work better than any regular medicine.
Many people would have been dead if it wasn't for that.

It is also a good way to detox from harmful chemicals and metals, as it takes out or binds those in the intestines and then just leaves the body with the waste products.

It is a fermented food, it has a lot of free available vitamins and is said to promote the gut health.

One thing to keep in mind. It is very salt. So you do need to drink lots of water to flush your body.

Note: Hatcho miso, is the type of miso that can be kept longest. Also has the longest preparation time (2 years).
The Israeli air force have used neutron weapons in Yemen against the Shia forces that are fighting against their Domeh Jewish overlords the Saudi's. And the Jews have used nuclear weapons on Damascus as well back in 2013.

The Jews call this astral barrier they have created Leviathan in their Kabbalah.
Fantastic news, Maxine thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.
The Joy of Satan webpage is www.www.

What ´important information`? Good change or bad change in everything? :?

Next year? Does that mean we dont do the Awakening ritual this year?
Thank you so much HP! I'm glad we advanced so much in the spiritual warfare with yours and everyone else help. We can finaly save the planet, we will have to keep fighting!
I wonder if the matrix or web in questionrelates to the Jewish kabbalistic tree and each of the 10 Sephiroth which correspond to each of the planet's? Food for thought..

Also, when are you providing the final meditations for the Magnum Opus workings?
I think I know what you are talking about. I would try to explain it to people online several times and no one listens they think what they percieve is reality. I personally Just call this the matrix for lack of a better word. Gladly I look forward to getting rid of that. I will also keep up the final rtrs.
sooo... Are you saying that we have exceeded the expectations of even the GOD's Themselves?
Wow... :shock: :shock: :cool:
If I can ask, YHVH people cannot see us, and we cannot see them. What is the veil represented by here ?
Physical body hiding the characteristics of both races, Dimensional veil, Vibrational differential veil ?
Just curious
To be specific: I have explained to you that Lucifuge is NOT grey in the sense that we know it.

If Bob's planet is taken over and all the Bob people are transformed into greys, they are no longer Bob.

Lucifuge and any "grey like" species are called "grey" because they resemble the already known borg shape with the big head. They also have underwent heavy genetic manipulation, and they do not come from the "after microchip" era of his species.

Ie, ALL greys are pieces of shit and they are not to be trusted in any way, shape or form.

Lucifuge told me that on the last moments of their "world" all they could do is throw out a cupsule, a ship into space. The amount of beings in it did not exceed 50 in total. Yes, only 50. The number was that low.

This was to maximize their ability to exist out there for as much as possible. The idea of life capsules has been around for all the alien science fiction type.

Greys are to be permanently ignored and destroyed. If one sees them in meditation they ARE the enemy. They also come from a few interplanetary species, all compromised or at bed with the enemy agenda. They are a hateful bio-borg, universal biohazard.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Satan also told me on the 30th that He will be giving me some extremely important information this solar year. He said this information will change everything.


The next group ritual will be destroying the psychic barriers placed upon this earth and humanity.

This will come within the next year.

Cannot wait! Already feel the satisfaction, meantime, I'll spam the Final RTR.
Artanis said:
sooo... Are you saying that we have exceeded the expectations of even the GOD's Themselves?
Wow... :shock: :shock: :cool:

There is no "we" on the sentence. Read again.
jbkbmz said:
If I can ask, YHVH people cannot see us, and we cannot see them. What is the veil represented by here ?
Physical body hiding the characteristics of both races, Dimensional veil, Vibrational differential veil ?
Just curious

This is a statement for everything really that has to do with war. This is also a metaphysical statement as yes, most people cannot see nor the linear or the spiritual conspiracy that is taking place.

For example, people didn't see the agenda of the jews to censor anyone walking the planet did they? But now it is blatant.

People thought the extermination of Whites was some sort of "nutcase conspiracy theory". Now even mainstream people have understood this is not the case and that their days are numbered over the enemy agenda.

The more we proceed the more everything will be dead obvious.
Tomland68 said:
I wonder if the matrix or web in questionrelates to the Jewish kabbalistic tree and each of the 10 Sephiroth which correspond to each of the planet's? Food for thought..

Also, when are you providing the final meditations for the Magnum Opus workings?

Yes. The astrological influences from the planets, tying directly into the soul are abnormal. In addition, there is a way to crack the codes on these, and destroy the miserable influences. It takes a lot of research and study, which I am always doing.

Azazel has me studying every day regarding the Magnum Opus.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Artanis said:
Next year? Does that mean we dont do the Awakening ritual this year?

The race awakening if this is what you mean will be done soon.
shinninglight said:
Ryan666RR said:
We'll get the jews down on their knees. I hope i'm able to join the army of Hell soon.
Em what stopping you?

I think he means Satan's physical army on Earth not just the astral stuff we are doing now.

The odd thing about this is about a week and a half ago I became open enough by doing the rtr to start sensing this matrix energy that is all around and now we are soon going to destroy it. So of course I had just started thinking about this. It is kind of like a web that permiates everything I had thought the final rtr would destroy this but I guess this takes some other ritual. I am excited to do this though it's just odd timing that I become aware of something right when it's talked about.

PS: If you want to help your astral senses a lot do the final rtr 10-15 or more times sometime maybe a couple days in a row then clean all the bindings and new stuff you will be able to sense off you and throw it at the Jews or an enemy of yours or something. You wouldn't have to do it that much each day but this does boost your astral senses a LOT it may take repeating to permanently be more open later but this is worth it. I noticed some people had problems with astral senses this works.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
To be specific: I have explained to you that Lucifuge is NOT grey in the sense that we know it.

THIS...needs to be pointed out especially with some crazies showing up wanting to create grey-slaves for themselves. Looking at you Master Darkness.

Also BTW HP Cobra, can you mention whom are the hybrids currently. From what I know it's Lucfuge, Valefore, Clistheret, and I possibly believe Mersilde. Are these correct beings for which are alien to the species of Nordics?

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Satan told me they never expected us to get this far. He told me again on the 30th, that I've far exceeded their expectations.

You, Maxine, already stated this over a decade ago. Sometime in late-2007, early 2008; you mentioned that Satan was surprised by the fact we'd reached around 20,000 or so members. Mind you that in February of 2005, Satan mentioned he'd reincarnated a significant amount of human souls for next-generation warfare.

Now I'm aware many will state that 20,000 or so members is not much. But mind you even in above-ground mainstream Satanist groups whether they are freer or controlled by the enemy the numbers probably don't even reach a combined total of our numbers. It's been said "JoS is the largest or one of the largest with about 115,000 plus members".

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
This will make the destruction of the enemy occur faster. The next group ritual will be destroying the psychic barriers placed upon this earth and humanity. This will come within the next year.

This is very interesting a while back HP Cobra reminded me that pools of previous RTRs exist and that the final RTR just pumps everything down and allows other RTRs to make harder strikes.

I find this kinda interesting performing these rituals because I knew that at some point we'd be doing global coven rituals for assisting mankind. I just thought that it would take longer since the enemy has invested a tremendous amount of spiritual and ground effort to pump the alephbet. I mean when you read things like the enemy Ayylmaos are using large glyphs of alephbetic Yantras in astral-space to pump the qaballah it does sound like there is a concerted effort to strike humanity.

I'm not doubting but it is surprising that these simple rituals do so much damage. Like HP Mageson said about two or three weeks after the F-RTR, it materializes as immediately as it is launched.

...looking forward to improve mankind with these psychic barriers elimination rituals. Sounds interesting plus future rituals.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
I told you a while back, I saw beings with long, white, straight silky hair. They genuflected, indicating victory.
Do you mean some enemy humanoid aliens gave up? I didn't quite understood this part.

This barrier is the reason you can tell a person the truth, and most won't listen to you. Everyone has it to varying degrees.
If in our level we get upset with the amount of dumbasses we had to deal with in our lives since we learned the truth about Satan, I can't imagine how the Gods feel...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Artanis said:
sooo... Are you saying that we have exceeded the expectations of even the GOD's Themselves?
Wow... :shock: :shock: :cool:

There is no "we" on the sentence. Read again.

"Satan told me they never expected us to get this far."

What did she mean then? :?
It's sort of a funny feeling. When I was a child, around 4 or 5, I had this strong, deadset, unshakable belief that "something is missing from the world." I was never really sure why. My little mind was obsessed about some strange idea that the world used to be a "magical" place and that somewhere along the lines it stopped being that. As I got older I stopped thinking about it, somewhat convinced that I believed such an idea because I was young and influenced and obsessed by fairytales. Of course, it didn't make sense at the time. How could the world be "lower"? Where did the "magic" go? I was too young to really think, it was little more than a feeling. A feeling that the world was missing a "more". It's a hard feeling to explain.

No matter how much I tried to just, "live a normal life" like everyone else, I couldn't bring myself to do it. No matter how much I tried to convince myself to be "realistic" I couldn't bear it. It felt embarrassing, to explain to anyone that I believed something as "silly" as the idea that "hey, what if the world was a stranger, magical place once and then something happened?" Even after I let myself became somewhat atheistic minded during my early adolescent years I still couldn't shake the idea, no matter how farfetched. I didn't have the words to explain it anyway.

20 years later I'm told that the minds of everyone on this planet is blocked to varying degrees, that the very soul of the world itself has a barrier around it. That the world is sealed off by an energy grid, bound off from higher things.

The little child in me was right. It's a weird feeling, to have believed something so innately from birth, only for the weight of society and the world to tell you you're dreaming delusions, only to find out its everyone else in the delusion.

I can't make claims about what we, or the world will be like without that barriers existence, apart from personal speculation. But gut instinct has always told me we're living a lower, more material existence than we should be. My heart and soul have always told me I'd only ever find peace if that "missing something" is restored. I guess however, I can be at peace to an extent already, knowing that something was missing all along, regardless of what people tried to tell me.

I'll be keenly hanging out to find more and more about what this grid has done to the reality we experience here in this planet, to say the least.
Thank you for everything, for one of the first times in my life I get to feel truly justified.
Dear HP Maxine, you do not know how much do you cheer up our life with these announcements. This is so important to us. I havent seen nor heard from any Gods and Goddesses in months. I assume they must be very busy?

It is extremely helpful to know they are proud of us, and all that we are doing is making difference. Despite that I usually feel that no matter how much I do, I feel like a failure, and that "I am not doing enough".

Once again, thank you so much. This is extremely important.

Hail Satan! Hail all the Glorious Gods and Goddesses of Duat! Forever!!!
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
I am so proud of us and the jos community that we have gone this far and will go even farther thank you highpriests/esses for your hard work and efforts to liberate all of us we will continue to work hard too and will do the rituals we need to do.
I'll be deployed for more than 6 months at sea very soon. My Internet connectivity is gonna be super crap or non-existent. I have backup of all JOS and all RTR's on my laptop for offline usage. So my questions are:

1: In case of a new RTR, correction, when it happens, and I don't have net online, if I do last RTR every day as usual, does that count?

2: In addition to last RTR, can I raise energy and ask guardian or Satan to direct it or use it as appropriate?

3: Can I do last RTR everyday continuously as usual until I get back [my estimate is somewhere between 7 to 11 months from now], or do I add in additional RTR's that we did in the past, in addition to last RTR? Or raising and directing energy will be more effective?

4: Due to total lack of privacy [never alone], can I "vibrate in my mind" or very quiet and still be effective? Last year I did like that when I was away for 9 months, so this is my chance to verify before I leave.

Thank you in advance for your time.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Guardian Shax!
Hail All Gods of Hell!
Well if they put some blocking astral grid out there. It's relieving to know we are getting our own back and erasing it with the Final RTR.

I also believe the Final RTR will cut their communication with their reptilian losers.

We have a great community here with many actively doing their bit and making a change for this world of ours.

As it's been said the war is now a spiritual war.
Ryan666RR said:
We'll get the jews down on their knees. I hope i'm able to join the army of Hell soon.
Here you go: https://web.archive.org/web/2016021...svictory666.angelfire.com/Hells_Army_666.html
jbkbmz said:
If I can ask, YHVH people cannot see us, and we cannot see them. What is the veil represented by here ?
Physical body hiding the characteristics of both races, Dimensional veil, Vibrational differential veil ?
Just curious
SaTaNaMa into your third eye will open it.
Artanis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Artanis said:
sooo... Are you saying that we have exceeded the expectations of even the GOD's Themselves?
Wow... :shock: :shock: :cool:


"Satan told me they never expected us to get this far."

What did she mean then? :?

We have exceeded expectations in waking up people and setting up a fight against the enemy, this is a fact, but we are not past the point where everything is in place just yet. We have to keep going.

The Gods had a plan in regards to the waking up, we have been doing better than that, like a company that is profiting, but this doesn't mean all competition (the enemy) is eliminated.

So yes, we have been doing REALLY well, but we need to keep going regardless.
EasternFireLion666 said:
If we wake up everyone in time there's still about 100 nukes in israel but there are also anti missile weapons that could do the trick in case of a sampson scenario...

Samson Option is just a retarded thing, because they want to enslave the planet, but yes, they may try it. With that being said, there are ways to subvert this as well militarily, most Gentile nations in the West and emerging India now are going to be able to deal even with Samson Option and/or potentially disable them.

Israel is an evil and arrogant nation, same as it's people. Only to make these types of threats shows how bottomlessly hateful and evil they are.
Personal Growth said:
Well if they put some blocking astral grid out there. It's relieving to know we are getting our own back and erasing it with the Final RTR.

I also believe the Final RTR will cut their communication with their reptilian losers.

We have a great community here with many actively doing their bit and making a change for this world of ours.

As it's been said the war is now a spiritual war.

This is true and we have been on this for years in the conversation, but with the enemy's influence it wasn't even possible to go against this sort of thing when HPS Maxine and some few of us were aware of this. It would be a waste of time back then, but now it will start being possible and we will initiate.

It was impossible before, now it's starting to be possible, this war happens in levels.

Everyone has to do what we have to do, there is nothing else here.
GakunGak said:
I'll be deployed for more than 6 months at sea very soon. My Internet connectivity is gonna be super crap or non-existent. I have backup of all JOS and all RTR's on my laptop for offline usage. So my questions are:

1: In case of a new RTR, correction, when it happens, and I don't have net online, if I do last RTR every day as usual, does that count?

2: In addition to last RTR, can I raise energy and ask guardian or Satan to direct it or use it as appropriate?

3: Can I do last RTR everyday continuously as usual until I get back [my estimate is somewhere between 7 to 11 months from now], or do I add in additional RTR's that we did in the past, in addition to last RTR? Or raising and directing energy will be more effective?

4: Due to total lack of privacy [never alone], can I "vibrate in my mind" or very quiet and still be effective? Last year I did like that when I was away for 9 months, so this is my chance to verify before I leave.

Thank you in advance for your time.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Guardian Shax!
Hail All Gods of Hell!

1. Yes, it definitely does count. IF you are in deployment, also do massive aura of protection on yourself, constantly. This should be first priority.

2. Yes, definitely.

3. Just the final RTR.

4. Yes, you can do this on your mind.

If you have someone you trust, they can send you a new ritual from a text message.

Offtopic but I liked what you posted about Deus-Ex, although I only watched around 12 to 15 minutes due to lack of time. It was interesting, not necessarily in a pleasant way, but it is an interesting view in the dystopian future which may happen due to the enemy's agenda advancing. The creators of it are studied, and at 2000, I can see how this became a big hit. There is a lack of any optimism and dross over the series, showing that after a point the world just sinks, which is also correct.
Larissa666 said:
Dear HP Maxine, you do not know how much do you cheer up our life with these announcements. This is so important to us. I havent seen nor heard from any Gods and Goddesses in months. I assume they must be very busy?

Yes, they are always busy, so do not worry and/or assume it is strictly personal. They take care of people regardless though, so there is nothing to worry about.
Gear88 said:
You, Maxine, already stated this over a decade ago. Sometime in late-2007, early 2008; you mentioned that Satan was surprised by the fact we'd reached around 20,000 or so members. Mind you that in February of 2005, Satan mentioned he'd reincarnated a significant amount of human souls for next-generation warfare.

Now I'm aware many will state that 20,000 or so members is not much. But mind you even in above-ground mainstream Satanist groups whether they are freer or controlled by the enemy the numbers probably don't even reach a combined total of our numbers. It's been said "JoS is the largest or one of the largest with about 115,000 plus members".

From what I tell you from years of experience, 8 out of 10 dedicated Satanists are not even registered in the forums, they only come by or just get the ritual told from other people, and this is the case because many people do not want to participate or they feel like it's a time waste, many have very busy lives, and some people have a life that busy that can even prevent them from being on the forum.

Most of the time they get sent the rituals etc through e-mail or through only 1 person being registered in the forum (or not even that) and they forward it to them.

Not saying everyone is at the same page, but JoS Satanists are way more than these counters say. I have told some statistics before on the forum.

The thing is scruinity and lack of media makes this harder, then the internet.

I myself wasn't expecting the pressure and/or acceptance of my Youtube channel for example. At it's height where it started picking up, I got 50-100 subs per day with a minimum of 5 people daily coming in the forum.

It's natural for Gentiles to be of ours, at least for a small percent of them at this point. This is why there is so much pressure to keep this from going mainstream.

Even normal, mid tier "Paganism" is on the rise, and the rise, compared to a decade ago, is exponential. Many people do not admit their doubts and/or seeking due to fear too, and they pretend to be totally NPC outside in fear of losing their jobs and so forth. There is a terror and censorship heavy game that is being played.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
If we wake up everyone in time there's still about 100 nukes in israel but there are also anti missile weapons that could do the trick in case of a sampson scenario...

Samson Option is just a retarded thing, because they want to enslave the planet, but yes, they may try it. With that being said, there are ways to subvert this as well militarily, most Gentile nations in the West and emerging India now are going to be able to deal even with Samson Option and/or potentially disable them.

Israel is an evil and arrogant nation, same as it's people. Only to make these types of threats shows how bottomlessly hateful and evil they are.

I believe that even with "Samson option", they would expose themselves forever. They would permanently lose their image of "oppressed minority who constantly gets persecuted by goyim, oy vey!" The world would finally see them for what they really are, and there would be no turning back. They would never make the world asleep and ignorant again.
Artanis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Artanis said:
sooo... Are you saying that we have exceeded the expectations of even the GOD's Themselves?
Wow... :shock: :shock: :cool:

"Satan told me they never expected us to get this far."

What did she mean then? :?

For example, there have been people throughout the ages who have furthered us along, but sadly, they lost the battle, NOT the war. Namely Adolf Hitler, and others. Adolf Hitler is the most noted. Enlightened individuals within certain generations furthered others along and kept the truth alive, then individuals within succeeding generations added more truths and furthered the knowledge.

I also want to add here, Adolf Hitler will be coming back here, as will the other important Nazis, to finish what they started.

What Satan meant, was the Gods thought JoS would just be another center of knowledge that would provide a foundation for and further later generations.

I remember, back in 2005, I was in a bookstore. Satan appeared to me. I was beginning to connect the Jews to all of this, the Christianity and related, in a spiritual sense. Satan told me He hadn't been so happy in thousands of years. This was around the time I was putting up the Exposing Christianity website. It all started to tie in. It has taken a most massive amount of consistent study, along with personal experiences, and above all, guidance, protection and support from Satan and our Gods.

We also owe much gratitude to those who suffered to further us and to keep the truth alive. Only with the internet, have we been able to reach the world. The internet has made this all possible. In the past, one could write a book, which in all likelihood would be suppressed and reach only a very small number of people. Even a book on the Best Seller's list only reaches a small number of the population.
The internet has changed all of this.

I remember when I was very new to Satanism, one of the very first things Satan showed me was how the Greys are behind the Christianity and related programs. I began reading about them and it all tied in.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Regarding nuclear threat, how will we stop it? If the solution is not to be discussed publicly i understand.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
