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  1. H

    My services in this e-group

    That's kool, this isn't a boo hoo and I am not insecure but I will not be called that from anyone, who was I too be judged by this individual, I been in JOS forums in and out for a long time and that is the first I have received that bullshit from anyone, I under stand exactly what you're...
  2. H

    My services in this e-group

    Aziza, I hope you didn't just call me a xtian!!!! Who the fuck do you think you are calling me that, I wouldn't spit on the enemy if they were on fire, you ask Satan himself who I am and you call me that. I don't mean to get upset but If I receive something along them lines from you again...
  3. H

    I need help

    This is a very beautiful thing you are doing, not only for Satanists in general but to show that we have a voice as well! The best Idea I can give you, is write what is in your heart, write how this religion has changed your life, write the facts about religion and use numerous quotes...
  4. H

    My services in this e-group

    I offer my service in the war against the filth! I will share my idea's and tactics as I will listen to all of yours! I am a soldier only to Satan and with his armies! So please keep me updated with certain tasks, idea's and methods on the destruction of the enemy, It is my honor to...
  5. H


    This a post for all the no good, no future, shit past, and even worse present jews, muslims and xtians. Even if you infiltrate our forums your destiny is doomed and I know for a FACT each will suffer for it. Even if you pick on one of us in the streets, let it be known that we will not...
  6. H

    are you there satan, it's me allison?

    You can't click your fingers and the Gods appear, one must be psychically open to be able to see them, one must open the astral sight and hearing to be able to see or hear them, but anyone can feel them, they can be with us at that very moment upon meditation and you will feel them, you have got...
  7. H

    stumbled upon a site called enkiea.org and now im so confused...

    If millions and millions and millions and millions of people have been cursing you and talking shit about you for centuries are you going to cook them a fucking cake? Are you going to say, "OW that's OK". Fucking oath Satan wants to fight xtianity and I can't express that big enough, sorry if...
  8. H

    To break my lazyness

    Has anybody tried something to break their own laziness, I'm so over saying I will do it tomorrow or I'll start my program tomorrow, I want to start or better yet finish what I started in my 6 month training program, or continue on with my fighting the enemy, but it seem's every time I'm about...
  9. H

    Need help off you brothers and sisters

    There is one thing I can't seem to get on top of and that is my consistent lower back pain! I know its nothing like a bad disc or something but I need as much advice or methods or exercises or ANYTHING to help me out! I don't know if I need to do 'posture' exercises or 'inner core muscle'...
  10. H

    Any recommendations?

    Does anybody have any recommendations for any books that are quite good in doing with Satanism or closely related? E.g any astrology books? War books? Ancient times? Any good teaching books as knowledge is one key aspect Satan is respected for, I sorta feel the need to learn more! Anything like...
  11. H

    Bloody Mary Worth

    I don't know if it is bullshit or not but I too have herd the stories. Ask yourself this, are you good at healing? Are you good and experienced at cleaning and healing your aura? Have you had any experience in fighting either greys or angels? If not then why (even if the stories are full of...
  12. H

    My Satanic believe is fading?

    listen to me, there is a saying and I want you to see my point about it. We are not defined by how much booze we can drink, we are defined by how much ass we can kick or shit we can talk, we are defined on how we handle ourselves in a crises situation. That's what truly defines us! Know...
  13. H

    A question for HP Maxine

    You gave me a link a while ago regarding 'Kundalini Yoga' (which might I add was fantastic). Now I need a recommendation for 'Tai Chi'. I have bought some dvd's but like most, I do not know if it is a rip off of any ancient moves and the true way to do tai chi. I am about to focus...
  14. H

    New house next to a church!

    We just sold our house and now are moving into our new house which is within 100 meters of a MASSIVE church. Is this going to be war time for me? Is there an outrages number of angels that mope around the church, am I going to get it real bad? Maybe as soon as I get there I'll do a banishing...
  15. H

    satan has changed my life

    Now this is an excellent post! It amazes me how stupid posts involving off the topic questions get a million hits an something beautiful like this doesn't! This is truly awesome, I have learned many lessons threw my life the hard way, an sometimes we have to be shown that in order to learn...
  16. H

    how od I get rid of this seraphim? who wants to help me defeat it?

    If you have no spiritual fighting experience, then let me just put it this way, if this seraphim is bothering you then ask for help. It is always good to do our own battles but fighting these fuckers are REALLY full on from what I have gathered. They are extremely powerful. Ask for a Demon...
  17. H

    Satanic advice on abuse

    Have a read of this.... http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... _Back.html You will know what to do..... What I do... If you were to send out negative energies to that person make sure you REALLY clean your aura after! On Saturday in the hour of Saturn, preferably try and get a late one...
  18. H

    Seraphim on our side

    SERIOUS? I herd that if faced with a Seraphim to not fight but avoid it as they are extremely powerful, now with them joining our side we can pick up key tactics to bring down there vortex of energy an all of the enemy! Never would have thought they would start joining on our side! *DO WHAT...
  19. H

    Hope this is what I think it is!

    I don't know how to do that. My friend at work used her account to purchase the books, an I'm leaving that job in a few days, I am so disappointed these books haven't arrived, I was so excited to start my research an obtain some key knowledge, an now I'm set back and got to save so I can do...
  20. H

    Hope this is what I think it is!

    Way too many coincidences happen to me, too much to even explain about. Things that guarantee something, either I have a unique power or a powerful guardian. For months an months I have wondered this question, more or less hoping for a sign. Now I don't know if this is another coincidence or a...
  21. H

    What happens when you die?

    Try having a look on the JOS website. *DO WHAT MUST BE DONE* HS/88 *HAIL SATAN & THE GODS OF HELL* *HELLS WARRIOR*
  22. H

    this is retarded i can't even play a game without my energy being hi

    Don't let it beat you, do what you have to do to get it done! Eliminate all possibilities! If you think it might be a psychic vampire then there are meditations to eliminate them from draining your energy, if you think it could be an enemy grey then do what you need to do to kill it. If you are...
  23. H

    Fear in the presence of Father / Demons

    Do what I do, every morning when you clean your chakras also visualize and breathe in energy from ALGIZ, use this for an affirmation: I AM DRAWING POWERFUL PROTECTIVE ENERGY FROM ALGIZ, THIS ENERGY IS BUILDING AN AURA OF PROTECTION AROUND ME, THIS AURA PROTECTS ME AT ALL TIMES AND IN EVERY WAY...
  24. H


    Yer, I am from Australia and proud of it! *DO WHAT MUST BE DONE* HS/88 *HAIL SATAN & THE GODS OF HELL* *HELLS WARRIOR*
  25. H

    Sexual Fluids

    Love it, I just downloaded it, looking forward into reading this, as I am currently studying Kundalini Yoga, Astrology (when my books arrive) and survival. *DO WHAT MUST BE DONE* HS/88 *HAIL SATAN & THE GODS OF HELL* *HELLS WARRIOR*
  26. H

    Sexual Fluids

    Do you mind if you paste that link on your next post, I'm trying to find it but I cant, I'm doing study in kundalini yoga at the moment and this look very interesting as well. If you could do that I would be so thank full! Thanking you in advance! *DO WHAT MUST BE DONE* HS/88 *HAIL SATAN &...
  27. H

    Polar shift - Conserning survival of 2012

    The best way to look at it, if an enemy is destroyed then an enemy cant attack! So why fret over whats going to happen at 2012 and start destroying the enemy in every way, whether it be great or whether it be small every bit counts, we don't need to hide for nothing! We have 2 1/2 years before...
  28. H

    Stop the bullshit right now!

    To Kundalini_god, didn't pass three days? If you are refereeing to the one I tried to start a while back let me just say one thing. After I was rounding up as many as I can to do this program if indeed this is the one you are talking about, I was hit with many obstacles I do not wish to speak...
  29. H

    Learning Yoga

    Awesome. I have ordered the book and dvd that you showed me with the links. I have a calender ready to go, and I have it on express shipment, looking forward to commencing my yoga program. Hopefully it gives me a little bit more motivation so I can do the 6 month training program as well as...
  30. H


    This is long, and is very important to me. It was a few years ago. I was helping my dad do some electrical work in this tattoo shop. Now there were only three people in the building and that was me, my dad and the tattooist. The tattooist wanted to help us out because we had heaps of work to...
  31. H

    A question for you HP Maxine

    I have listened to your sermons on the Satanic you tube site you have which is excellent, just an idea though, would you be able to post yourself chanting the runes you have on the JOS website? That way we know the proper way to chant the name. That would greatly help and a great reassurance...
  32. H

    A question for HPS Maxine

    Looking foward to the information, I'm real excited to study this! Out of no where my brain is now like a sponge, soaking up as much information as I can, its like I have this desire to learn, its so weird! *DO WHAT MUST BE DONE* HS/88 *HAIL SATAN & THE GODS OF HELL* *HELLS WARRIOR*
  33. H

    Learning Yoga

    I have printed the pages of techniques of yoga in the JOS website. If I begin by doing just those exercises on that page is that all ill need to do to begin with? Is that Hatha yoga? Is that the yoga that helps us advance? I'm trying to learn things I never had a clue about before. Thanks to all...
  34. H


    Brian, I had a quick look at your myspace and you have written in your heroes jesus christ? A little confused on that one. *DO WHAT MUST BE DONE* HS/88 *HAIL SATAN & THE GODS OF HELL* *HELLS WARRIOR*
  35. H

    For Satan & the Gods

    Satan, you have been there for me even when the brightest of days seem so dark. Threw the worst conditions you have guided me to do my best, you have made me the Satanist I wanted to become right from the start. You have brought me knowledge and protection and for that I thank you dearly! I have...
  36. H

    A great day for Black Magic-Tuesday, 8/25/08

    Awesome! How did you research all this information? How do you know exactly what planet is where and when? I'd love to improve my Astrology learning's, thanks in advance! *DO WHAT MUST BE DONE* HS/88 *HAIL SATAN & THE GODS OF HELL* *HELLS WARRIOR*
  37. H

    Where is Akasha ?

    I should of realized he was an impostor! For he had slang words in his writings, I fucking hate impostors, this was an important lesson to me as well, from here on in, I shall make sure I am more carefull in taking in information from certain people! If we get any information on any...
  38. H


    Irene, that is Abaddon, Prince of War, the great advisor and Lord of the abyss and King of the demons, I suggest you do not throw any curses that way! I admire His efforts in battle and honor his strength in warfare, please show respect to him. *DO WHAT MUST BE DONE* HS/88 *HAIL SATAN & THE...
  39. H

    Succubus Relationship

    ARRR yes King Belial! That is awesome to hear, Truly an amazing God, you must be very lucky! Give my blessings to the great King for me! *DO WHAT MUST BE DONE* HS/88 *HAIL SATAN & THE GODS OF HELL* *HELLS WARRIOR*
  40. H

    The local priest is now gone!

    With the recent working of the ritual we had performed, your not going to believe the good news! The best thing about cursing the enemy is seeing it work! My sister informed me that their priest in their school came down with severe pneumonia (this school is close to my home), he was in the...
  41. H

    Something I Must Say

    150,000% spot on! In hear there are that many infiltrators it isn't funny, there main goal here is the disunity of Satanists, if we can be stronger and overcome these set ups, we will survive. We must remember that the enemy is working relentlessly to destroy us, now this isn't their most...
  42. H


    DO a ritual to Enlil asking for justice and to sort everything out, this if handled by yourself can cause an ongoing in house fight. Ask Enlil to sort it out as HE handles in house fighting, therefor it will then be handled! Make sure you right exactly what happened on paper, state that you have...
  43. H

    Doing my part

    Just the little things like at work, before I'd bring out any stock to retail.. if the stock was something to do with xtianity I'd throw it out, hahaha! I'm going to start carrying a pen on me soon, just too write www.exposingchristianity.com in all of the hotel bibles! All the little sheep on...
  44. H

    2012, 2012, 2012

    This is nothing to worry about, we as Satanists should be advancing as the days go on, with our knowledge and proper techniques we will survive anything. Fear is a weapon of the enemy, don't be a victim of it, its almost like saying, HARDEN UP. All this talk about this and that happening, we...
  45. H

    Need a priest to help asap

    I had a problem for quite some time, in a similar story to yours, except I was getting attacked as I meditated an tried to go to sleep. The best thing for you to do Is not back away, for if your powers are not strong enough to beat whatever entity is bothering you, void will! Always know in the...
  46. H


    There is a big war going on, are you doing your part? Are you helping out in anyway, are you fighting for the right to take back whats ours? Are you fighting and bringing forth JUSTICE for our ancestors? IF your not ready or yet prepared for Astral warfare are you doing your part on the...
  47. H

    New Coven!

    Sounds awesome, I love anything to do with spiritual warfare, I might contact you in private. *DO WHAT MUST BE DONE* HS/88 *HAIL SATAN & THE GODS OF HELL* *HELLS WARRIOR*
  48. H

    To HP Maxine

    LOVED our last ritual we done as a whole! Is there any more rituals we can do that are similar to the last one we done? I mean the more we do as a group the more damage to enemy will succumb to, I am real excited for more group rituals and will be more then happy to participate in the best way I...
  49. H

    Meditation for this?

    Thanks A lot for your responses, I like your affirmation there but do I need to include where I am breathing the energy from, eg. I am breathing in powerful healing energy from the Sun etc..., That's were I am coming from with having different affirmations because at night its moon. Or should I...
  50. H

    Meditation for this?

    Just another quick question, if I am breathing energy from the sun, I would be saying, I am breathing in powerful white gold energy from the sun that is completely healing the sinus and enabling me to breathe properly and perfectly! If it is night time can I still say that and draw energy from...
  51. H

    Meditation for this?

    Thank you for the information, I might direct the energy straight to THE sinus, Ill try for three times a day, ill try either for the hour of mercury or at least the sun. Ill do the affirmations every night, we are in the sign of Libra which is perfect for healing or beginning a healing process...
  52. H

    Meditation for this?

    I have to wait a minimum of 9 months for an operation for my sinuses, until then I can not do any breathing techniques and find it REALLY annoying and a major set back! Is there anyway at all I can speed this up somehow so It comes a lot quicker! My sinus infection Ive been told is really bad...
  53. H

    Curse this..

    I understand exactly what your saying, but in my eyes and my own opinion, even if she has no threat or is the biggest threat of the world she should not be brushed off... I'm not saying, lets go all out, but its piss ants like this who threw out the years have criticized Enki and blasphemed all...
  54. H

    Chakra Extensions question

    http://www.freewebs.com/satans_saint/chakrawork.htm Check this link out, its awesome but one question. If I align all the extension chakras for my main Chakras will that give me any less power upon my main chakras? For example, If every night I align the 14 extension chakras to the main ones...
  55. H


    Sounds alright, I wonder if you can spin your aura, do you recon that will build it or do something? Would it be too much if we programed our auras to always receive an build our energy from the Sun and the Earth? Would that make too many side effects maybe true! *DO WHAT MUST BE DONE*...
  56. H


    Anyone have a really good meditation for the aura or inner body? Something to build power and more strength, maybe chanting or anything like that, anything that you've tried that has been a good experience an a major boost in general. Just like to try something new and want to see what some do...
  57. H

    regarding "high priest" Steven Barnett - everyone read

    ENOUGH! This ends now, leave the in house fighting to the jews and their bullshit! HP Steven is a brother, and has been with Enki in many lifetimes, I understand where you are coming from, but it is finished now! We have more important things to do then fight about who did what to what photo, he...
  58. H

    Curse this..

    I never turn the other cheek, nor should any of us, its not like she is saying "SATAN" she is saying HIS Sumerian names, so she knows whats going on, fucking filth, when the exact time is right I will send her a little something. This is the type of people who know the truth and yet still do...
  59. H

    regarding "high priest" Steven Barnett - everyone read

    I too know Steve, he is a very old soul, those who attack a fellow brother will feel the wrath of Enlil. If you are confused on an issue go to Enki first, there are many infiltrators on this website, lets get our facts right first, sometimes an old soul is put threw a hard life to overcome many...
  60. H

    Curse this..

    This person has taken her shit way too far, calling Enki and Enlil reptilians, this is the very person who goes out of their way to disrespect our father and all our Elder gods. Check this shit out on youtube, and if you want to serve Enki his rightful justice, do what must be done, let her feel...
  61. H

    666 Sun Ritual for 21 June

    Enki looks after the families and sometimes even friends of a warrior, I am very sure that you fighting for Satan your grandmother would not come into the crossfire, lets be realistic Enki looks out for us because we are HIS family, we are all family, you and your grandmother would be fine...
  62. H

    666 Ritual for Sunday, the 21st of June, 2009

    SHIT, I didn't see this because I haven't been on for a while, I will do my best to do this ritual as I have to wait till 4am to do this (In the hour of the Sun) and I have to get up early for work, In the name of Enki will I do my best to try and do this ritual!I don't know if I have a board...
  63. H

    Help, my gramma's attacking me!

    What is this Solar healing meditation? I might give that a go. I almost didn't recognize who you were but I remember you were Satanic Viking and then was given your new name by the gods. I believe you are really close to Enlil off memory? Anyway good to see you still posting in the e-groups...
  64. H

    The Gods guide us.

    The best response I can say to you is this, when you open your chakras your psychic ability increases immensely, its almost like you can pick up vibes you get from people but in a much stronger way, in saying that, getting a vibe towards someone is like showing an emotion towards them an they...
  65. H

    Burn Buildings????

    A church being burnt down will get rebuilt and people feel sorry for it, a more effective thing to do is meditations to expose the priest or black magick to expose of his true nature, expose the Shepard and the sheep don't follow. Understand what I am saying. But you can use the fire element but...
  66. H


    Welcome back, I didn't get to finish either, I had hit some obstacles and I am doing my own program now, best of luck my brother, there is no failure in trying at least. At least you gave it a go and now understand yourself better, getting to know yourself is so important, an that's how we can...
  67. H


    Steve is absolutely right. As this is an egroup for adults, lets act like it. Even if this is a joke or not there might be some people too scared to discuss this topic. So my answer to you is there is a possibility for everything. People want to change the size of there nose because it makes...
  68. H


    It is a real place, I believe Duat is located in Orions belt? It is a place were the gods could enter and leave, a place of lovemaking, it is a bright place with flowing waters, as EA is the God of flowing waters. A true place of beauty! Dont forget how important water is, our body is made up of...
  69. H

    Computer Fried need help with planets

    If anyone hear lives in Australia as close to Victoria the better, I need to know when the Void moon is coming and a new sign begins! My Computer fried itself with all my Satanic Research on their including meditation techniques and the planetary hours, I need to begin building my immune...
  70. H

    black sun

    "Let the heterosexual men and women secure the future children of our race with joyous pleasure, but let the homosexual men be the guards who protect and preserve the territories, fighting strong and proud with great pleasure." - Satan (Got that from your site) I always had a great...
  71. H


    I laugh at what people tell me about 2012, its a load of bullshit about the world ending, but what it does state astrologically is in January 2012 (from what I've read) that Pluto will be 7 degrees in Capricorn, signifying that governments will be collapsing. That's why I am saying its best to...
  72. H

    black sun

    Thanks for the reply, I hate using the Vix spray because it clears up my nose no problems but the following night its like your nose is more blocked then ever, therefor result in using the spray again, I am basically at a point were my nose was burning because I use it too much, I will give this...
  73. H

    black sun

    Nice, very well said. Just a thank you to you HP Jake Carlson, I have come a long way from when I first started, and your words have shown me that gays are equal (I am not gay) and the truth about Nazi Germany, I admit I was racist and didn't like gays before I was a Satanist, and with your...
  74. H


    Times are starting to get tough now, So I think this will be a good topic to discuss and something to prepare for and not to be taken lightly. I was thinking about survival not long ago, and I was thinking about surviving in the forest and such, but this might not be the case. As the economic...
  75. H

    Forgive my ignorance

    Your not ignorant for asking a simple question so no need to ask for forgiveness, I don't know if your talking to me but I will answer you. HS - Hail Satan, and 88 is a German Nazi symbol, 8 representing the 8th letter in the alphabet, therefore it is HH, which is hail Hitler. That's what I do...
  76. H

    Does anyone have

    I will add you, and its good to see you play drums as well, although I don't anymore. I added you on myspace not too long ago. *DO WHAT MUST BE DONE* HS/88 *STRENGTH TO THE WARRIORS OF HELL*
  77. H


    Yer, Thanks, So we've figured out what it is but the question lies into what is to be done about it. I don't know about a lock because the thing is I would meditate and then a throbbing negative vibe would hit me, several times but things like that doesn't bother me because I focus on my...
  78. H


    Please take the time to read this because my options are running low, I have been programming my aura all the time for protection both in the morning and night, and I have also done a banishing ritual, but I had done the ritual on a Wednesday because I could not wait for the Saturday! An I am...
  79. H


    Thanks for that! I will let you know how I go. *DO WHAT MUST BE DONE* HS/88 *HAIL SATAN & THE GODS OF HELL* *HELLS WARRIOR*
  80. H

    The new meditation for protection

    With this new meditation, after the 40 days does that mean it is officially complete? I have been currently doing meditations for protection because of an un-welcomed presence, must this be stopped for me to start the 40 day meditation for health and protection? An the last thing is, can this 40...
  81. H


    This is something I would like to practice and get into, is there any tips and or suggestions on how to do it? Has anyone performed anything to do with biokinesis on themselves and worked? Thanks in advanced! *DO WHAT MUST BE DONE* HS/88 *HAIL SATAN & THE GODS OF HELL* *HELLS WARRIOR*
  82. H

    Void Moon Help!

    HP Maxine, do you have any recommendations to how to begin with this hatha yoga. For example a link so we can order a dvd or anything to get started, because I would like start doing yoga as soon as I can, an for back pains does this help?
  83. H

    hypnotic chakra

    Does anyone know anything about this? Where it is located or anything, any advice is appreciated thanks! *DO WHAT MUST BE DONE* *HAIL SATAN & THE GODS OF HELL* *HELLS WARRIOR*
  84. H

    Person contacting members, claiming to have 'closed the other groups

    OOOOOOOO didn't see that! Awsome work 'Hail.Enki' How greatly he has fucked up! Now may you fucking suffer! To all Satanists who want to get some good black magic practice, hear is your chance! May the powers of Hell teach you the meaning of Justice the hard way, and may the warriors of Satan...
  85. H

    Person contacting members, claiming to have 'closed the other groups

    To that person, you accomplished nothing, we are individuals who are strong united, even if the worst happens we are still individuals and can survive! All you have done is prepared us more for the future, and being your efforts were so pathetic it was ridiculous, may all the misfortune and...
  86. H


    You are very welcome, owe and I am a male lol. Those who know the truth understand what we are saying, but to those who no not of the reptilians an greys, is best to research into them, understand that they are the original enemy, they have fooled humanity for SO many years, don't be a victim as...
  87. H


    THIS IS PISSING ME OFF, grey and reptilians, being trusted? Are you kidding me? The very things that are the ENEMY, and that is shouted because they are the real deal enemy, the enemy of whom created man! Those trusting the enemy or being fooled that they are nice has to take a step back and do...
  88. H

    Post for exellent meditations - contribute if you wish!

    Just want anyone to share some good meditations they have done and benefited from it, for example a great protection one I've done consists of 3 parts, first waking up and breathing in powerful protective energy and programing it, then your normal meditation you do per day, after you have done...
  89. H

    Thank you FLAUROS and OROBAS!

    This is a thank you too the great Duke FLAUROS and a great prince OROBAS, for the protection of my area! I thank you greatly and I also thank Satan for sending them! I thank all the powers of Hell and acknowledge the efforts made! *DO WHAT MUST BE DONE* HS/88 *HAIL SATAN & THE GODS OF HELL*...
  90. H

    I am a little nervous about Grays

    Protectors of the universe? How are they protecting the universe? These greys are the enemy, some might seem nice and whatever, but it is all fooling and misleading. I think you should do a lot of research into what they are, these things are out to prevent humanity from becoming like the gods...
  91. H

    I am a little nervous about Grays

    I have been bothered a lot by greys or reptilians, the best thing you can do is hold your ground and by that I mean, show no fear! If anything EVER gets too bad you ask Satan for help. In time you will learn proper techniques in dealing with them as you progress and then in time you can take...
  92. H


    Look at my name and go threw a few of my last posts, I too was attacked around 3am, and got that paralyzing feeling? I no where you are coming from, because I am going threw the EXACT same thing except I refuse to love any reptilians, there is no shame in asking Satan for help, if you have given...
  93. H


    Well I am getting funny tingles as I am typing this. I haven't considered that but I am going to do a ritual to Satan tomorrow. This thing was fucking strong to do what it did. Even at work today in a shelf displaying games and equipment mysteriously all fell down an smashed the glass on the...
  94. H


    I WAS ATTACKED AGAIN! Need some advice off a HP immediately please! It went well last night whilst I was meditating, but as soon as I went to try an sleep it all turned around. I was slowly starting to drift asleep an I was caught in between being awake an asleep. I started to dream an this...
  95. H


    I am smiling at the moment, because of my void meditation overcoming a negative presence. After my last post about it, this negative presence made another appearance, but before I meditated I blessed my room in the name of Satan and I lit up some incense. Then I quickly breathed in energy from...
  96. H

    Charles MacIain

    Hey Charles, I would really like to email you privately in regards to a few meditations, ow and I am very interested in this hypnotic chakra as I am in the retail department at work. Thanks in advance and look forward to emailing you! *DO WHAT MUST BE DONE* HS/88 *HAIL SATAN & THE GODS OF...
  97. H

    We need to take the next step!

    IS ANYONE SCARED OF THE ENEMY? I understand what we are saying about gaining a few more members buy doing that, but were is the dignity, I can tell you how we can get more numbers, by confusing the shit out of the xtians by the very thing that they have been hiding from for years, the truth, it...
  98. H

    We need to take the next step!

    True Warriors of Satan, we all have been given the true knowledge that our Father has for us, we all have the ability to advance ourselves to become like the Gods. It is said a warrior dies with an arrow in the chest not in the back, a warrior goes out fighting an not by running! With this...
  99. H

    Might have something attacking me!

    If it weren't for my void meditations, lets just say it severely helped me! 2 nights ago I was printing out some things from the Satanic Kabbala and was doing some meditation work before I went to bed, at around 3am I had this very sickening feeling, an I could almost hear like a presence, my...
  100. H

    Any Australians?

  101. H

    Im having some trouble visualizeing for my third eye

    Charles, just seeing a few of your posts and I am taking a great interest into some of the meditation techniques you are sharing with us, if you don't mind can you give me an idea or link or anything you can to give to me so I can do some research into these meditations. Much appreciated! *DO...
  102. H


    I'm in, let them feel the long awaited pain an suffering they have caused the Gentiles for far too long. As a United army, Victory is almost a certainty, I'm doing this for Satan, an I'm doing this for all those who have suffered by the hands of the enemy, let us give you the justice you...
  103. H


    All i gotta say is JUSTICE, no one deserves that shit and this Jew cock head should suffer for his actions, do everything you can, destruction ritual, your own personal attacks, call upon the gods, an use your anger, direct all that hate towards him, this will be ever so powerful, an if you...
  104. H

    Issues with my crown

    Much appreciated brother! last question, how long are the inhales and exhales? isn't usually the average from 4-6 seconds? *DO WHAT MUST BE DONE* HS/88 *HAIL SATAN & THE GODS OF HELL* *HELLS WARRIOR*
  105. H

    Issues with my crown

    Thanks Charles, is there a specific number of repetitions I should do? I try an do exercise 4 in the breathing techniques before i do my meditations, should I do the number of repetitions the same as that or more because of my blockage? Thanks in advance! *DO WHAT MUST BE DONE* HS/88 *HAIL...
  106. H

    Group Ritual still going ahead?

    Just inquiring about the ritual against the person or people who fucked us over to yahoo! I'm hungry for justice so HP Maxine fill us in when your ready! I cant wait to get one back! *DO WHAT MUST BE DONE* HS/88 *HAIL SATAN & THE GODS OF HELL* *HELLS WARRIOR*
  107. H

    Issues with my crown

    Looks very interesting, might have to try that out for myself. A question for you Charles and any one else, would you know a meditation for clearing sinuses, or better something to even it out so I can breathe clear in both nostrils, just asking in case there is is something more specific other...
  108. H

    Another blasphemoue article!

    That mother fucker! How does 'scott' tell a Satanist that Satan is not real if that Satanist has seen HIM! He says don't judge me for what I believe in because I don't bla bla bla, but here he is judging us, we don't go around killing animals, we are not racist, so why is he bringing so much...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
