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  1. CriptaHerege

    Jewish Foundation Myth - Jacob , Father of all Jews SCAMS Esau (Father of Whites) of his Birthright

    If you want more information that the Jews take the concept of Aryan race into account, take a look into the notes of Genesis 10 in The Living Torah of the rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, about the "sons of Japhet". I won't post it here, because it's in my tongue, Portuguese. But you can read that "all...
  2. CriptaHerege

    Jewish Foundation Myth - Jacob , Father of all Jews SCAMS Esau (Father of Whites) of his Birthright

    This is a good question. In fact Esau (Hebrew "Esav"), also known as Edom, is traditionally identified, in Judaism, as the precursor of "Rome", i.e. the Roman Empire, which corresponds to what is known today as the White European peoples, or Western civilization in general. Take note that the...
  3. CriptaHerege

    The ritual of Christianity ACTUALLY decoded

    I mean no disrespect. It is totally understandable your concern, but does the JoS says something about Shesmu (a.k.a. Shezmu)? I could not find anything. One make an argument supporting or rejecting him, but I think these things are serious enough to be investigated. As far as I know, Shesmu was...
  4. CriptaHerege

    Esoteric Marxism/Communism Thread

    Marcelo Andrade - A prova que Marx não era totalmente materialista! [Video in Portuguese, but it related to esoteric and kabbalistic influences of Karl Marx, even though the speaker is a Catholic. However, I think Marcelo Andrade should focus less on philosophy, which is more materialistic...
  5. CriptaHerege

    Voces ja sabem da prisão do Sean?

    Outra coisa muito importante que eu devo complementar: eu acreditei muito tempo nessas teorias conspiratórias ao estilo "Illuminati" ou "satanismo" de Hollywood. Hoje em dia, o QAnon é um rebranding disto. Isso é algo que a JoS precisa dedicar muito tempo e energia para refutar, pois, para um...
  6. CriptaHerege

    Voces ja sabem da prisão do Sean?

    Um dos maiores enganações criadas pelos judeus está em se isentar de seus crimes culpando Satanás. Uns 15% da pop. americana acredita que o governo americano é liderado por satanistas ao estilo QAnon. Satanás é, literalmente, um bode expiatório, segundo o judaísmo esotérico. Ou seja, para os...
  7. CriptaHerege

    The ritual of Christianity ACTUALLY decoded

    Based on what you say, which is interesting, I would definitively recommend the works of Christopher Jon Bjerknes (he says some strange stuff sometimes, because he is atheist, anti-NS and anti-Satan, but focus on the good content). He is in the YouTube and BitChute channel "cjbbooks". There's...
  8. CriptaHerege

    Cripta Herege - Novo Canal de Traduções

    Mais uma tradução minha, de Christopher Jon Bjerknes. Christopher Bjerknes – Islã Vs. Cristianismo: Uma Rinha Cabalista https://www.bitchute.com/video/75m3lJkdFsSt "Neste vídeo, entenderemos as referências judaicas ao boi cristão e ao jumento islâmico, ambos impuros; a guerra controlada e de...
  9. CriptaHerege

    Cripta Herege - Novo Canal de Traduções

    Rabino Elyahu Kin – Quem é Amalek e Por Que Merece ser Exterminado [Palestra Avulsa] https://www.bitchute.com/video/N6lkg5CSALyS Esse é o corte que eu prometi, do vídeo mencionado acima. Ou seja, é só a palestra do rabino Elyahu Kin sobre Amalek.
  10. CriptaHerege

    Brazil Bans X

    Interestingly, "Lula" (not a family surname, but a nickname added by him meaning "squid" in Portuguese LOL) is marrano, i.e. has some mixed-race Jewish blood in it, although he officially "does not care" about that. I don't this is even false, as global elites like some marrano people in charge...
  11. CriptaHerege

    Brazil Bans X

    I speak as a Brazilian, but I believe this is of greater importance for people outside Brazil than for us. I don't think judge Alexandre de Moraes is trying to do this censorship by himself (with his left-wing Brazilian establishment). I suspect these directives come from outside of Brazil...
  12. CriptaHerege

    Esoteric Marxism/Communism Thread

    I disagree, although you are right when you say I really don't sound convincing. We need time to gather the information about the subject, and that's why this thread is for. As for the Hitler quote, it is intended at least to seem metaphorical, as he would never say that openly. But it seem to...
  13. CriptaHerege

    Esoteric Marxism/Communism Thread

    (If you’re interest in the subject, please read this post entirely.) I want to create a thread to discuss 'esoteric Marxism', as I couldn’t find any other. The sensationalistic media loves to claim that the nazis were occultists, which is true. At the same time, they ignore the occult beliefs...
  14. CriptaHerege

    Mein Kampf Favorite Quotes

    Some days ago, I found a Mein Kampf quote that is just brutal: Without the widespread pre-existing foundation of such a poison, the amazing political success of this doctrine would never have been possible. Among millions of people, Karl Marx was the one man who, with the sure eye of the...
  15. CriptaHerege

    Blackpill-crushing videos

    Thank you both! I love these videos, the audio is just perfect. But I have a suggestion... Do you know someone that could add a better video for it? I was thinking about something in the lines of Jonna Jilton. Some northern landscapes, auroras, in a hyperborean-like mystique. Or a fairy...
  16. CriptaHerege

    Blackpill-crushing videos

    Sorry, I accidentaly sent it while pressing Enter (and I can't delete or edit it). _____________________CONTINUATION:__________________ Be Worthy of the Ancestors / Excellence, Self-Discipline, Extreme Might is Right Affirmations | Master Morality | Training Warrior Affirmations /...
  17. CriptaHerege

    Blackpill-crushing videos

    Watch the sun blazing down on golden hair The calm luxuriance of blissful light Hyperborean Meditation | Inner Peace, Transcendence | Epic Be Worthy of the Ancestors / Excellence, Self-Discipline, Extreme
  18. CriptaHerege

    Mais um judeu indo de vala

    Graças aos Deuses eu estou há mais de 15 anos sem assistir à televisão. Portanto, estou por fora disso aí; graças aos Deuses nem ouvi falar dessas tretas. Quando ele morreu, eu encarei apenas como uma curiosidade. Não tenho qualquer simpatia por judeus e ainda mais jornalistas. Mas tenho amigos...
  19. CriptaHerege

    [Traduction] Rabbin Elyahu Kin - "Pourquoi devons nous détruire Amalek?"

    Good news everyone! I have translated the video above from English to Portuguese! Cripta Herege – A Guerra Racial do Judaísmo: Amalek, Esaú e Edom https://www.bitchute.com/video/uFu7HIqJAQp5 But, before you ask, "what does that have to do if us, Frenchmen"? The video has already been...
  20. CriptaHerege

    Cripta Herege - Novo Canal de Traduções

    Novo vídeo no canal! Desculpem a demora (três meses sem postar nada). Esse vídeo foi um parto hehe. É insuportável ter de traduzir do hebraico, e ficar catando versículos bíblicos e talmúdicos. A Guerra Racial do Judaísmo: Amalek, Esaú e Edom https://www.bitchute.com/video/uFu7HIqJAQp5...
  21. CriptaHerege

    Rabbis Admitting HOW They Destroy Society (Hishpastus Kedusha + Kefias ha-Ra)

    To me, it's a miracle that BitChute exist, being based in the UK. One would expect something like that in the US. Of course, you can just download a Tor, but still. We have a shorter reach. As an owner of a BitChute channel (translating Pagan pro-White stuff), I was happy the new version...
  22. CriptaHerege

    Rabbis Admitting HOW They Destroy Society (Hishpastus Kedusha + Kefias ha-Ra)

    I wouldn't share this video in a new thread if it wasn't really important. Very rare type of material. Take note that the author is an atheist and not pro-Satan. He also says some strange, cringe stuff sometimes, so just filter. But the way he exposes Jews and Judaism, here is brutal. He...
  23. CriptaHerege

    Cripta Herege - Novo Canal de Traduções

    Meus amigos, é com imensa felicidade que eu comunico que fui mencionado pelo grande pesquisador da cabala Christopher Jon Bjerknes!!! Kabbalah Duel to the Death of Jesus and Muhammad in the Zohar of WW III https://www.bitchute.com/video/K40OnEE7qj4a Como sabem, Bjerknes desenvolve com grandes...
  24. CriptaHerege

    [Traduction] Rabbin Elyahu Kin - "Pourquoi devons nous détruire Amalek?"

    Thank you! I happen to know who Alain Soral and E&R is, but for some reason I did not connect the dots. Some of his videos were translated to Portuguese by the channel "Nova Direita Cultural". Also, this is the original video, in English, of the rabbi, without any subtitles. Why the need to...
  25. CriptaHerege

    [Traduction] Rabbin Elyahu Kin - "Pourquoi devons nous détruire Amalek?"

    Sorry, I don't speak French (almost nothing). I translate only from English to Portuguese. I was translating the video below, when I've found the same video translated to French! I've searched in this forum, but it seems nobody posted it yet. Rabbin Elyahu Kin - «Pourquoi devons nous détruire...
  26. CriptaHerege

    The Loki Trap (IMPORTANT)

    Thank you for the comment! I thought these thread was deleted by the moderator. I have no idea why did Thor made this. In fact, that is one of the most important things we need to discover. Maybe it was some mistake, as Thor is honest and kindhearted, and befriended him, despite him being from...
  27. CriptaHerege

    The Loki Trap (IMPORTANT)

    I am having some insights recently about the truth about Loki. These things have really been bothering me recently, and I need to share these things sooner rather than later. These are drafts, rather than a full, organized text. I searched for Loki in the Satan's Library, and I've not seen much...
  28. CriptaHerege

    Cripta Herege - Novo Canal de Traduções

    Muito obrigado, irmão.❤️ Agradeço imensamente. Que toda a Asgard esteja contigo. 🙂
  29. CriptaHerege

    Cripta Herege - Novo Canal de Traduções

    Roy Beck – Imigração e Pobreza Mundial (NumbersUSA) https://www.bitchute.com/video/NcSlD9ecY7eq/ Vídeo desmascarando o complexo de culpabilização envolvido na crítica à imigração em massa. Tudo isso tem um verniz judaico-cristão, obviamente; mas não entro nessa questão. Esse é um dos vídeos que...
  30. CriptaHerege

    Could you add these texts to the library? (Eduardo Velasco, NS Pagan)

    Edit: sorry for my bad English. I can't edit my posts yet.
  31. CriptaHerege

    Could you add these texts to the library? (Eduardo Velasco, NS Pagan)

    Well, I've seen books from people like Ben Klassen (of the Creativity religion) and George Lincoln Rockwell. Eduardo Velasco is a blogger, and it is his pen name, so I guess there is no problem. Besides, there's an email of him in the links below, but I doubt he will answer. To be honest, these...
  32. CriptaHerege

    Could you add these texts to the library? (Eduardo Velasco, NS Pagan)

    Hello. I want to suggest (as far as I'm allowed to) for some texts to be added to the library, from the author "Eduardo Velasco" (pen name). Specially "Rome Against Judea". Most of them have been removed from the Internet and are hard to find. His blog, Europa Soberana, is now defunct. These are...
  33. CriptaHerege

    Cripta Herege - Novo Canal de Traduções

    Hyperborean Research – A Verdade Sobre os Poderes do Oculto https://www.bitchute.com/video/rTBmLAUIWtru/ Acabei de traduzir mais um vídeo (um documentário de 1h13min). Demorou dois meses e dez dias. Lamento a demora, mas também deu bastante trabalho, porque eu editei também. Por favor, digam...
  34. CriptaHerege

    Why The Joy of Satan Is Not A Political Organization

    I would say the fact that JoS is closely and openly aligned to NS has some very complicated drawbacks. I would recommend not to focus on that. And I say that despite being a NS myself; because it seems strange for a religion to openly advocate for a specific (and modern) political view, and...
  35. CriptaHerege

    The Stance Of The Joy of Satan: Towards the so called "Jews"

    The debunked conspiracy theory that the Joy of Satan supposedly 'hates' Jews is an anti-White, Gentilophobic, Jewish Supremacist dog-whistle. This dangerous idea has justified millennia of persecution by Semitic Abrahamists of Aryan folksmen who don't worship the Jewish tribal god, culminating...
  36. CriptaHerege

    Why The Joy of Satan Is Not A Political Organization

    It is interesting that everyone is allowed by ZOG to have a religious creed, as long as it is against racism, antisemitism, hate, intolerance, islamophobia, immigrantrefugeephobia, etc. That is, as long as it is nothing different that any mambo-jumbo New Age crap. They swear that "real Odinists"...
  37. CriptaHerege

    Cripta Herege - Novo Canal de Traduções

    Tom Rowsell - A Invasão Ariana da Índia https://www.bitchute.com/video/CMWYPTMGYvk5/ Do canal Survive the Jive. Este é um vídeo científico (o meu canal trata quase só de ocultismo/espiritualidade), então não sei se devo postar aqui; mas queria pelo menos traduzir algo para esclarecer a conexão...
  38. CriptaHerege

    Cripta Herege - Novo Canal de Traduções

    Nova tradução. Christopher Bjerknes - Das Trevas à Luz: Segredos da Cabala Oculta https://www.bitchute.com/video/NVpkEJENtqT3/ Esse vídeo explica alguns conceitos da Cabala judaica. Muito disso, como bem fala a JoS, foi abduzido dos gentios, especificamente dos mistérios órficos gregos, e...
  39. CriptaHerege

    Portuguese Translation Thread

    Olá, sou membro novo. Agradeço muito por ter sido aceito. Sou pagão, NS e traduzo vídeos do inglês para o português. Detalhe que decidi traduzir apenas vídeos, pois é o mais difícil. Dei um resumo de minha história aqui: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=91046 Por isso quero falar...
  40. CriptaHerege

    Cripta Herege - Novo Canal de Traduções

    Olá a todos. Eu sou brasileiro branco, pagão e nacionalista branco. Sempre fui fascinado por ocultismo, NS e teorias "Illuminati", e por um bom tempo fui (bastante) cristão. Atualmente sou pagão. Estou fazendo traduções (inglês-português), especialmente de assuntos espirituais, pois tenho um bom...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
