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The ritual of Christianity ACTUALLY decoded


New member
Jan 10, 2024
Through work with Father Satanas-Lucifer, I was able to finally decode Christianity for what it actually is.

Two Old Testament background stories are required to understand it:
1. Exodus
2. Jacob and Esau

1. In the Book of Exodus, Moses pleads Pharaoh to let the Jews out of Egypt. In order to punish the people of Egypt, Moses invokes 10 Plagues on Egypt.
These 10 Plagues are curses against the Egyptian gods.

The most significant of these is the 10th Plague. The Death of the First Born.
In this Plague, Moses offers a Ram to curse the Firstborn of Egypt.

This is a curse against Khnum, who was the Ram-headed Father of the Egyptians and creator of humanity. This is what's celebrated every Passover.

2. In the Book of Genesis, Abraham's son Isaac has twin children with Rebecca, Esau and Jacob. Esau is described as a hairy red-head bearded man, while his brother was brown haired and presumably clean-shaven.

In Genesis, Esau was the firstborn and was to receive the Birthrite of Abraham (the Nation of Israel), but Rebecca / God loved Jacob more. Near the end of his life, Isaac went blind, and Rebecca clothed Jacob with an animal-hide. Jacob told Isaac he was Esau, and Isaac blessed Jacob and gave him his birth-rite. In jealousy, Esau cursed God and abandoned Israel.
The Jews teach that Satan is the Guardian Angel of Esau; Jacob would go on to found the nation of Israel, while Esau would go onto found the nation of Edom.

In Ancient Greece, theater was connected to spirituality. The Greek plays were largely spiritual enterprises where an author was to tell a story to inspire moral piety and foster a sense of community; in a sense, the gods would possess the actors in order to display their lives and virtues through the actors; the idea of the Greek plays was that the youth would see the moral examples set by the Greek gods and heroes, incorporating those lessons in their life to live a better life. In the same way that the plays were a ritual re-enactment, men and women would re-enact those plays in their day to day life ritualistically.

The Jews were well aware of the religious significance of these plays. One Hellenestic Jew, "Ezekiel the Tragidian", wrote a play based on the Book of Exodus hoping to inspire popular piety through the life of Moses.


So here's the significance:

Jesus is a Greek ritual drama in order to get white people to kill themselves or surrender to the Jews.

You heard me right. Jesus is a Greek ritual drama in order to get white people to kill themselves or surrender to the Jews.

The Jews teach that the Roman Empire descends from Edom (explaining why they are hairy warriors), and that Rome's Guardian Angel is Satan.

Jesus is an analogue of Esau; in fact, Jews to this day claim that Jesus was a reincarnation of Esau.
Jesus's name in Hebrew is ישו.
Esau's name is עשו.

Jesus has a twin brother named Jacob, or "James, the Brother of Jesus".
Jesus is a figure who wants to claim the birthrite of Israel; Abraham's descendants, and give it to the non-Jews, which is what Esau wanted to do.

The story of Jesus is a figure who personifies Esau and who gives up everything to the Jews, submits himself to the Jewish Sanhredin, and voluntarily becomes cursed on a tree.
In Deuteronomy 21:23, God curses anyone who hangs on a tree.

Therefore, the Gospel represents the Nation of Esau (the Roman Empire) voluntarily submitting itself to the Jews, giving everything to the Jews, and allowing them to judge it, curse it, and kill it.


You, as a Roman, are meant to ritualistically re-enact the life of Jesus, voluntarily giving up everything to the Jews, turning the other cheek, not reproduce, and letting them rule over you, even if it means putting them to death.
It only gets worse and worse the more you look at it. One of these has to be the connection between Passover and Easter. During Good Friday, tons of Christians celebrate Jesus's death (giving energy to the curse against the Romans), and Jews celebrate Passover (giving energy to the original blue-print) around the same time. Therefore, it's also possible that Easter exists as a ritual to curse Roman people.
Not curse only Roman people, but all of White people. The scapegoat of Azazel is also related to this, to attack Azazel [Azazel is symbolic of the Justice and Protection God of the Gentiles] and then they do all the rest of it.

Jesus is symbolic of the ultimate power of the Jews. The slavery and mercy show, is simply so that this character becomes the "leader of the Gentiles" and therefore they "emulate" his vicimization and eventual suicide as a pious thing.

Jews know very well that "Jesus Christ" never existed, it's all a stolen allegory from the Ancient Gods that they formulated so the Ancient Romans would be confused. Eventually and due to brutality, the hoax was instated in them. Jews do not "hate Christ", they just do not want no assosciation with the hoaxes they themselves created that would jeopardize their own tribe; they made it for others who are the victims of this.

What you refer to as "Theatrical", is based on sybmolism. Satan is the "scapegoat" traditionally, the "one who takes the blame for all evil", as the Father of the Gentiles.


Easter was stolen from Astarte/Ishtar in name, and the meaning is to promote the hoax. Yes, the two Rituals they carry out on these days are interconnected; one for the goyim to submit themselves and suicide, and the other for the Jews to bless themselves while attacking the Gentiles and their Gods.
Koine Greek [or Greek that was talked largely at the time] was like English in the modern world; it was a universally known language and the Jews used this in Demotic [it's lowest form] to perpetuate a myth.

They also shortly after wrote everything in Latin, upon which the Roman "Catholic Church" was built. Using these languages as proxy was necessary as almost nobody knew Hebrew, they could not write a hoax that would be consumed by their victims, but in the language of their victims.
Through work with Father Satanas-Lucifer, I was able to finally decode Christianity for what it actually is.

Two Old Testament background stories are required to understand it:
1. Exodus
2. Jacob and Esau

1. In the Book of Exodus, Moses pleads Pharaoh to let the Jews out of Egypt. In order to punish the people of Egypt, Moses invokes 10 Plagues on Egypt.
These 10 Plagues are curses against the Egyptian gods.

The most significant of these is the 10th Plague. The Death of the First Born.
In this Plague, Moses offers a Ram to curse the Firstborn of Egypt.

This is a curse against Khnum, who was the Ram-headed Father of the Egyptians and creator of humanity. This is what's celebrated every Passover.

2. In the Book of Genesis, Abraham's son Isaac has twin children with Rebecca, Esau and Jacob. Esau is described as a hairy red-head bearded man, while his brother was brown haired and presumably clean-shaven.

In Genesis, Esau was the firstborn and was to receive the Birthrite of Abraham (the Nation of Israel), but Rebecca / God loved Jacob more. Near the end of his life, Isaac went blind, and Rebecca clothed Jacob with an animal-hide. Jacob told Isaac he was Esau, and Isaac blessed Jacob and gave him his birth-rite. In jealousy, Esau cursed God and abandoned Israel.
The Jews teach that Satan is the Guardian Angel of Esau; Jacob would go on to found the nation of Israel, while Esau would go onto found the nation of Edom.

In Ancient Greece, theater was connected to spirituality. The Greek plays were largely spiritual enterprises where an author was to tell a story to inspire moral piety and foster a sense of community; in a sense, the gods would possess the actors in order to display their lives and virtues through the actors; the idea of the Greek plays was that the youth would see the moral examples set by the Greek gods and heroes, incorporating those lessons in their life to live a better life. In the same way that the plays were a ritual re-enactment, men and women would re-enact those plays in their day to day life ritualistically.

The Jews were well aware of the religious significance of these plays. One Hellenestic Jew, "Ezekiel the Tragidian", wrote a play based on the Book of Exodus hoping to inspire popular piety through the life of Moses.


So here's the significance:

Jesus is a Greek ritual drama in order to get white people to kill themselves or surrender to the Jews.

You heard me right. Jesus is a Greek ritual drama in order to get white people to kill themselves or surrender to the Jews.

The Jews teach that the Roman Empire descends from Edom (explaining why they are hairy warriors), and that Rome's Guardian Angel is Satan.

Jesus is an analogue of Esau; in fact, Jews to this day claim that Jesus was a reincarnation of Esau.
Jesus's name in Hebrew is ישו.
Esau's name is עשו.

Jesus has a twin brother named Jacob, or "James, the Brother of Jesus".
Jesus is a figure who wants to claim the birthrite of Israel; Abraham's descendants, and give it to the non-Jews, which is what Esau wanted to do.

The story of Jesus is a figure who personifies Esau and who gives up everything to the Jews, submits himself to the Jewish Sanhredin, and voluntarily becomes cursed on a tree.
In Deuteronomy 21:23, God curses anyone who hangs on a tree.

Therefore, the Gospel represents the Nation of Esau (the Roman Empire) voluntarily submitting itself to the Jews, giving everything to the Jews, and allowing them to judge it, curse it, and kill it.


You, as a Roman, are meant to ritualistically re-enact the life of Jesus, voluntarily giving up everything to the Jews, turning the other cheek, not reproduce, and letting them rule over you, even if it means putting them to death.

Based on what you say, which is interesting, I would definitively recommend the works of Christopher Jon Bjerknes (he says some strange stuff sometimes, because he is atheist, anti-NS and anti-Satan, but focus on the good content). He is in the YouTube and BitChute channel "cjbbooks".

There's too much to unpack about his theories (which will take A LOT of time), but to give some summarise:

-Jesus Christ is the Egyptian evil god or cacodemon ("demon" = spirit or entity; "cacodemon" = bad spirit) Shesmu or Shezmu.
-For the Egyptians and Hebrews, wine represents blood and grapes represent beheaded human heads, which are smashed in a crushing machine, which is shown in Christian symbolism in the Middle Ages;
-Shesmu serves Unas, like Jesus serves Yahweh;
-Shesmu-Jesus is a genocidal slaughterer; he spills rivers of blood in the end of times punishing humans (there's a Biblical verse about that); he is also a jealous god like Yahweh;
-Christians drink from the Cup of God's Wrath in the Eucharist, being cursed by it; Yahweh wants to slaughter the nations (goyim).
-Christians eat from the body of Christ (Eucharist), which represents all Christians, thus representing suicidal self-annihilation;
-Christians eat and drink the body of JC, but it is processed by the stomach and turns into feces. This may sound funny or silly, but it is very serious. It is the "Holy Grail" of Christianity, which was created as a mockery. This may seem a fringe interpretation, but it originated a controversy during the Reformation, and there's an Italian Jewish Kabbalist (who even wrote in Italian!) that revealed a Jewish secret in which Christians were damned because of these urine and feces reference.
-Christians and Muslims, tricked by the Jews to kill themselves, are supposed to be slaughtered in the Armageddon (they will kill themselves while Jews watch neutrally); their corpses are compared to 'feces', "fertilizing" the Tree of Life in Gehenna in the fields of blood (Akeldama) in the changing of the ages and the coming of the Millennial Age. This is why Jesus is in Hell according to the Talmud. "Jesus" represents the Christians. Also, what people forget is that the same thing will happen to Mohammed, which represent Muslims. Mohammed is also in Hell in the Talmud. But rabbis know these two religions are controlled opposition, meant to annihilate gentiles.
-Another important thing about this fecal Cup of God's Wrath is that Christian priest and religious Russians were tortured by the Bolshevik Jews during the USSR. These Communists forced the Christians to eat poop and drink urine, but what people don't know is that this specific symbolism chosen by the hangmen is a DELIBERATE RITUAL ABUSE! This specific torture was not chosen arbitrarily, but for a very specific reason, and which is revealed in the Talmud!
-This scatological motif repeats in Palestine, when Jews spray Palestinian protestors with a extremely strong dirty substance that resembles feces and does not wash away, unless with an expensive chemical which Palestinians don't possess. It works as a type of sympathetic magick, like the USSR stuff.
There's too much to unpack about his theories (which will take A LOT of time), but to give some summarise:

-Jesus Christ is the Egyptian evil god or cacodemon ("demon" = spirit or entity; "cacodemon" = bad spirit) Shesmu or Shezmu.
-For the Egyptians and Hebrews, wine represents blood and grapes represent beheaded human heads, which are smashed in a crushing machine, which is shown in Christian symbolism in the Middle Ages;
-Shesmu serves Unas, like Jesus serves Yahweh;
-Shesmu-Jesus is a genocidal slaughterer; he spills rivers of blood in the end of times punishing humans (there's a Biblical verse about that); he is also a jealous god like Yahweh;
-Christians drink from the Cup of God's Wrath in the Eucharist, being cursed by it; Yahweh wants to slaughter the nations (goyim).
-Christians eat from the body of Christ (Eucharist), which represents all Christians, thus representing suicidal self-annihilation;
-Christians eat and drink the body of JC, but it is processed by the stomach and turns into feces. This may sound funny or silly, but it is very serious. It is the "Holy Grail" of Christianity, which was created as a mockery. This may seem a fringe interpretation, but it originated a controversy during the Reformation, and there's an Italian Jewish Kabbalist (who even wrote in Italian!) that revealed a Jewish secret in which Christians were damned because of these urine and feces reference.
-Christians and Muslims, tricked by the Jews to kill themselves, are supposed to be slaughtered in the Armageddon (they will kill themselves while Jews watch neutrally); their corpses are compared to 'feces', "fertilizing" the Tree of Life in Gehenna in the fields of blood (Akeldama) in the changing of the ages and the coming of the Millennial Age. This is why Jesus is in Hell according to the Talmud. "Jesus" represents the Christians. Also, what people forget is that the same thing will happen to Mohammed, which represent Muslims. Mohammed is also in Hell in the Talmud. But rabbis know these two religions are controlled opposition, meant to annihilate gentiles.
-Another important thing about this fecal Cup of God's Wrath is that Christian priest and religious Russians were tortured by the Bolshevik Jews during the USSR. These Communists forced the Christians to eat poop and drink urine, but what people don't know is that this specific symbolism chosen by the hangmen is a DELIBERATE RITUAL ABUSE! This specific torture was not chosen arbitrarily, but for a very specific reason, and which is revealed in the Talmud!
-This scatological motif repeats in Palestine, when Jews spray Palestinian protestors with a extremely strong dirty substance that resembles feces and does not wash away, unless with an expensive chemical which Palestinians don't possess. It works as a type of sympathetic magick, like the USSR stuff.

While I believe the revealing of the sympathetic and destructive magic of the Jews is correct here, as far as I can judge, please avoid the slander of our Gods. By associating Jesus with a God and slandering them as evil, this leads to the conclusion of demons being bad. Therefore, I would not promote this guy as some sort of unique contribution to the Satanic ideology, especially as our own Clergy has written on these same topics concerning Jewish attacks on Gentiles.

There is no need to give credit to someone as a whole if one of their ideas is bad. In this case, it is likely that this guy slandered the Shesmu out of confusion of the source of evil in this world.
While I believe the revealing of the sympathetic and destructive magic of the Jews is correct here, as far as I can judge, please avoid the slander of our Gods. By associating Jesus with a God and slandering them as evil, this leads to the conclusion of demons being bad. Therefore, I would not promote this guy as some sort of unique contribution to the Satanic ideology, especially as our own Clergy has written on these same topics concerning Jewish attacks on Gentiles.

There is no need to give credit to someone as a whole if one of their ideas is bad. In this case, it is likely that this guy slandered the Shesmu out of confusion of the source of evil in this world.
I mean no disrespect. It is totally understandable your concern, but does the JoS says something about Shesmu (a.k.a. Shezmu)?
I could not find anything. One make an argument supporting or rejecting him, but I think these things are serious enough to be investigated. As far as I know, Shesmu was seen as an 'evil god' (cacodemon), and was not worshiped by the Egyptians (technically, they worshiped some cacodemons or evil spirits along the good Gods, in order to appease them). But he was not part of the pantheon (note that I am not making the Evolian distinction of 'good solar vs. bad lunar', as they are both needed in order to reach equilibrium in the cosmos, but something beyond them both, that is uniquely evil, like Yahweh is). The Greeks Pagans, for example, knew Yahweh. They associated him with the "monster" Typhon and engaged in war against the Israelites because of that.

Of course, I am not promoting C.J. Bjerknes enthusiastically, but I think this author need to be discussed much more (these discussions can be private, as it is more desirable). CJB has some great insights along with some very, very bad ideas. Decisively we need to check the idea of the curse of the "Cup of God's Wrath" and the supposed war of Leviathan vs. Behemoth (two Gentile forces) instigated by Jews for their own benefit. As for the influences on JoS: Zecharia Sitchin, Anton LaVey, Miguel Serrano, Julius Evola, Acharya S, Laurence Gardner, Guido Von List... most of them are very problematic to adopt without filtering, so we have no choice. And it is nearly impossible to find authors that agree with the JoS totally in the general sense, because of the extreme censorship and control of the information. I think this forum is great, and the JoS main site is the main source of official, curated information, while the site can be more open to discussion - not that I want to push to hard or even be inconvenient.

One of my intelectual influences proposed the idea of creating a new intelectual elite, which takes at least 20 or 30 years. We need to do that, and really find the answers. Again, no disrespect and many thanks you for your response, my friend.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
