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  1. Astralnaut88

    When Do You Truly Become A Spiritual Satanist?

    People also have to understand that there are all sorts of up and downs throughout life that can interfere with progress. For me personally years 10-15 as a Satanist were my most productive in that I trained the hardest. A combination of yoga and weight lifting in the gym would have my saliva...
  2. Astralnaut88

    Mother Lilith's beautiful black orb

    "The enemy is afraid of mother Lilith's ritual". Recently I have been adding Lilith's power ritual just before any God ritual. It is short enough that it only takes a few extra minutes and is well worth the extra effort. You can see it as charging up and enhancing the ritual that comes after...
  3. Astralnaut88

    A Lovecraftian nightmare (true story and massive victory)

    So i noticed the link above was broken so here is another one showing that the covid-19 outbreak took place on 2/21/2020: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_in_Israel The asshole jews in Israel don't want to give me my prophet points, but if you search hard enough you will find...
  4. Astralnaut88

    Spamming spree because 5 planets in Gemini

    Just quick reminder that with all the planets in Gemini people are much more inclined to read so right now would be a good time to spread the word Satan in whichever way you prefer.
  5. Astralnaut88

    Prime Numbers as the basic nature of reality

    Prime numbers are the building blocks of reality and represent species of logic, of which branches of mathematics can be created from. This is why there are 2,357 books in Satan’s Library. This is only from the 1st digit perspective/dimension though. From a 2nd dimensional perspective it would...
  6. Astralnaut88

    Focalor / Lucifuge Rofocal Ritual Now LIVE!

    Also Diablo in Spanish means devil and if you take the consonants out it becomes IAO.
  7. Astralnaut88

    Focalor / Lucifuge Rofocal Ritual Now LIVE!

    I'm Spanish the word calor means heat so with fo added to it it becomes focalor. F being the 6th letter of the English alphabet and I being the 15th(6). There are 66 books in the Hebrew buybull. I'm certain they are feeling the eternal damnation right about now.
  8. Astralnaut88

    Focalor / Lucifuge Rofocal Ritual Now LIVE!

    Like Father's Satan's lovely orb.
  9. Astralnaut88

    Focalor / Lucifuge Rofocal Ritual Now LIVE!

    I feel like it is best to use gold energy when focusing on the sigil no? That way you get the benefit of all the colors.
  10. Astralnaut88

    Hi I'm sad

    Try to redirect your thoughts every time you feel pity as it will only bring you down.
  11. Astralnaut88

    Controlling Over-Analyzing Mind; Strengthening Creative Mind

    I sent you an email. Not sure if it went through.
  12. Astralnaut88

    Saturn and Uranus, Authority and rebellion

    Recently I was shown a natal chart, while in a trance, that was going through mutual Saturn to Uranus negative aspects. Just going off of gut instinct alone I feel as this person is an SS and could use some help. This is one of the most difficult transits someone can have throughout their...
  13. Astralnaut88

    Saturn and Uranus, Authority and rebellion

    Recently I was shown a natal chart, while in a trance, that was going through mutual Saturn to Uranus negative aspects. Just going off of gut instinct alone I feel as this person is an SS and could use some help. This is one of the most difficult transits someone can have throughout their...
  14. Astralnaut88

    Group & Teamwork First: How The Gods Work With Us

    Thank you for all this info and your tireless work High Priest HoodedCobra! Your words are a source of inspiration to me and all Satanists here. Hail Satan!
  15. Astralnaut88

    Controlling Over-Analyzing Mind; Strengthening Creative Mind

    Thank you HPS Lydia. I enjoyed reading this and will be practicing it right now.
  16. Astralnaut88

    Spiritual Satanism: An Aristocratic Religion

    I read this all of this while listening to binaural beats and felt it deeply within my soul. Going through a tough time right now and I needed this.
  17. Astralnaut88

    Spiritual Satanism: An Aristocratic Religion

    I find so much peace and comfort in your posts. Unlike the squirming worms called mormons who ring on your doorbell while your asleep to waste your time. Thank you
  18. Astralnaut88

    Your Relation With The Gods & Communicating Properly

    I should clarify that in Greek gematria the value for Omega is 800. On English it would be 15 with a digital sum of 6. When finding the digital sum of a number you can just eliminate the nines and zeros since it won't change the value.
  19. Astralnaut88

    Your Relation With The Gods & Communicating Properly

    Thoth's gematria value is a beautiful number. 98,009 the position of which is also prime 9,149. For some aspects of numerology the zeros dont count and 989 is palindromic, another reason why its such a lovely number. Is Thoth the green orb?
  20. Astralnaut88

    Astarte's Ethics: Now Live

    Completion! In my dreams the day before I read this I was presented a quadrant chart of a quadratic function with the 3rd and 4th quadrants, or everything below the x axis as as infinite pure darkness. Above the x axis up to the quadratic function was an infinity of golden dots spread...
  21. Astralnaut88

    NEW GOD RITUALS LIVE: Lilith, Anubis, Furfur

    Very fitting that the ritual for Kali should come out this year. Kala is time(also black) in Sanskrit and also a measurement of time; 144 seconds, which is 2 minutes and 24 seconds. Many years ago when I was young and foolish, train hard felt like it was alright to drink in excess every few...
  22. Astralnaut88

    NEW GOD RITUALS LIVE: Lilith, Anubis, Furfur

    I am not one to get excited as my militant demeanor normally won't allow it, but today i am actually pretty excited. Any action, no matter how exceptional, is not never seen in praiseworthy light when when one is raised in the militant school of hard knocks. No praise only blame. I don't give...
  23. Astralnaut88

    Important Notice: Members Allowed to Apply

    For some reason the converstation I started with you is now deleted. I'll just write it here. The last topic I wrote about "What is your origin story?" was partly because I wanted to find out where to spread the message of the JOS by finding out where most people have found out about the JOS. I...
  24. Astralnaut88

    Happy Beltane, Hail Baalzebul!

    Congratulations to anyone dedication on this day and those celebrating their dedication anniversary like I am on this wonderful day! May you all stray strong in your path especially you newer ones who are about to take the first step on your journey, a swan dive into the abyss as I felt when I...
  25. Astralnaut88

    Death & Funerary Rites In Spiritual Satanism

    You had your avatar as Anubis not to long ago and with this topic I am thinking the power ritual for Anubis will be out soon?
  26. Astralnaut88

    A Lovecraftian nightmare (true story and massive victory)

    So has anyone actually checked to see what this accomplishes? How prophetic it is? Something I recently found out as to why it was me who had to go through this. These events took place a Saturn opposition from the moment I started to manipulate energy, which is about a month after my...
  27. Astralnaut88

    The Sins Of Israel & Iran War

    Next year both Neptune and Uranus will be at 29° of Pisces/Taurus which are both degrees of permanent endings. IMO the US founding fathers were given orders to write the constitution so that the timing would affect the year 2025. If you add up every single digit with value(1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9)...
  28. Astralnaut88

    The Sins Of Israel & Iran War

    What a cohencidence that all this happens just after Jupiter exactly squares the chart ruler for the beginning of World War 2. Everyone saw this coming and it was really only a matter of time. What's more is that Uranus will be returning to the exact same spot, for the 3rd time, in less than a...
  29. Astralnaut88

    satan is a hebrew word why not just refer to krishna?

    Saint in English, Santo/Santa in Spanish and Italian I think. A bit odd that they would use the the same letters as the diety they try to impose as evil to equate with their holiest.
  30. Astralnaut88

    Fair Treatment Of Knowledge

    They have to do this to create discord, mistrust, and confusion. This way they have their enemies fighting against each other instead of with them. The most persevering, powerful, and disciplined Satanists will, by the jews perspective, need to be seen as jews by our people and the same with...
  31. Astralnaut88

    Zarathustra's Wheel.

    I am almost certain he was in fact a Satanist. In the birth of tragedy he writes he is a "votary and disciple" of the god Dionysus. Pretty sure he is not speaking poetically either. I always bring up the same quote whenever Nietzsche is mentioned to prove that he appears to be aware that...
  32. Astralnaut88

    Habits: "Old Dogs, New Tricks" - Defeating Resistance

    There is a reason that military boot camps all across the world for soldiers directly involved in combat last around one season. A soldier can then be expected after this to continue their routine even on days off and holidays. A habit like working out can be kept throughout most of ones life if...
  33. Astralnaut88

    What was the meaning of Satanic Keys?

    Yes the rtr are more important at the time being, but the keys need to be considered for what they are and that's magic formula based on the Enochian language. We use Sanskrit and Greek so why not Enochian? There are praises towards Satan that can be used before ritual and curses towards the...
  34. Astralnaut88

    What was the meaning of Satanic Keys?

    What Anton Lavey stated about them in the Satanic bible is accurate, except the version of his keys was not. For example the 5th he states can be used for misdirection and deception. You have to get a feel for them by using them and doing all 19th of them will give you a nice buzz if you choose...
  35. Astralnaut88

    What is your origin story?

    I can't log into that account anymore as that password was saved on my other OS Ubuntu which can't access the internet anymore after I updated it. This is my original account as you can tell by the sign up date.
  36. Astralnaut88

    What is your origin story?

    The void brought me here. Even weeks before I had come across the JOS through the forums on Temple of Screaming Electrons website I was already being contacted by the gods although I wasn't aware of what it was at the time. I was in a room that had absolutely no light in it. I was my garage...
  37. Astralnaut88

    What is your origin story?

    How did you find the JOS?
  38. Astralnaut88

    Looking for Friends

    Try using magic to attract like minded individuals and then go out and try to meet them at places like yoga studios or other places you might meet spiritual people. The combination of Venus and Mercury squares works well and also Ansuz+ Wunjo rune. You can never be to careful as the enemy is...
  39. Astralnaut88

    Question regarding Gym Magic.

    I used to charge up for ritual by working out and running when I was younger. The best workout tip I have gotten related to magic was from John Chang in a video were he shows off his powers. He states that the way he explodes with energy is by channeling his chi and point his sacral chakra...
  40. Astralnaut88

    Why The Joy of Satan Is Not A Political Organization

    For someone who is politically minded, and abstains from the religious/spiritual, he has in fact been slandered worse than father Satan. That's all this proves. I was force to learn about the holoco$t while in school, but never did we have to learn about how evil Satan is, or what he has done...
  41. Astralnaut88

    Why The Joy of Satan Is Not A Political Organization

    I wish this is a conclusion I had come to sooner myself. One of my major regrets is not being able to hold my small and budding coven together and the main conflict had to do with the JOS being associated with NS. I felt that there was a real possibility that it could have grown into something...
  42. Astralnaut88

    Thoth's Power Ritual: NOW LIVE!!! [Jan 28th to Feb 5th 2024]

    It might not be but it does add an element of elegance to the ritual which I enjoy. Anyone could ask AI on how to do this which is what my last comment shows.
  43. Astralnaut88

    Thoth's Power Ritual: NOW LIVE!!! [Jan 28th to Feb 5th 2024]

    The first word is pronounced "ah-NAHM-neh-see", and the second is "MNEE-mee". I asked Chatgpt for this since I don't anything about Greek except for the letters which remain unchanged when translated to English.
  44. Astralnaut88

    Ask The Gods: "But I Cannot"

    Learning a second language can be very helpful for telepathic communication. If you are worried about your subconscious mind getting in the way and giving you false answers then you should already know that this will be in your thinking language doing the talking. In the past the gods would...
  45. Astralnaut88


    This is a re-post. I accidentally placed this under the Yule 2023 Set demon ritual instead of here where the story telling is supposed to be. A short story of how the gods kept me from starting over: About 2 years ago in May of 2021 the gods placed an impenetrable force field around me to save...
  46. Astralnaut88

    Fuck The Mob

    This is so true and often when you have people comparing themselves within the framework of their created hierarchy they forget that there elite souls that have been gifted with powers from their past lives and it seems unfair that someone should have supernatural ability without having really...
  47. Astralnaut88


    A short story of how the gods kept me from starting over: About 2 years ago in May of 2021 the gods placed an impenetrable force field around me to save my life. I will never forget this and while I hesitate to write this from my words being misunderstood I also realize there is much to gain...
  48. Astralnaut88

    Bless Up My Family: Spiritual Schedule Nov 12 to Nov 25

    We are fundamentally alone to begin with minus short bursts here and there. Cultivating the art of self love, the most difficult type of love, is what true spirituality teaches. When you can create within yourself that love which you expect from other you are done with the "others". During my...
  49. Astralnaut88

    Bless Up My Family: Spiritual Schedule Nov 12 to Nov 25

    I had already planned on doing the community blessing for today 11/11 as there seems to be a strong Aquarian connection to this day. The attainment of goals and strange occurrences, meeting new people and making connections seem to happen more often on this day, at least for me. I graduated boot...
  50. Astralnaut88

    Suggest me books on numerology.

    If you are seeing double it can help to do extra reps, in multiples of 9, of the 22nd, 11th, and 2nd letters of the hebrew alphabet when doing the rtr's. The 22nd letter is central to the sephiroth. The last letter of the 1st sephira (Malkhut) is T. Tis the encapsulation of Tif'eret, and the...
  51. Astralnaut88

    A Lovecraftian nightmare (true story and massive victory)

    I can't access that old account anymore so I can't change my avatar. This sort of thing should not really be spoken about in the open, with rare exception. I know HPS Maxine has stated in an old post long ago who she was, but for the most part I don't believe it is something that should be...
  52. Astralnaut88

    A Lovecraftian nightmare (true story and massive victory)

    I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but that is not something I would ever talk about or admit regardless of who I am. Why would you make this assumption anyways? People need to be focused on who they are now and very often who they believe themselves to be could be false, an illusion that...
  53. Astralnaut88

    A Lovecraftian nightmare (true story and massive victory)

    None of this has anything to do with having a fractured mind, or being unstable. What I write below will prove the opposite of what you write is true if you only bother to read. In fact I have intentionally left some info out which disproves what you are saying. I would have responded sooner...
  54. Astralnaut88

    My synthwave music

    Keep it up. I enjoy synthwave and there isn't enough of this lovely genre of music out there.
  55. Astralnaut88

    Request for Musical Talent

    Within how long of a time frame do you plan on accomplishing this? I ask because earlier this year I was told an old friend who was in my coven during the early days of the JOS is expected to return soon and he is a talented musician. He would play his guitar for hours everyday and had already...
  56. Astralnaut88

    Astrology, recursion, and magic

    I get what your saying I should have been more clear, but are you also implying that they lie implicitly, just so I don't confuse your words. If I remember what HP Maxine stated on the subject it had something to do with just going with it as they know what they are doing. In the few cases with...
  57. Astralnaut88

    JoS Donors Free Article: A Story About HPS Maxine

    Not to long ago I was thinking about HP Maxine and Azazel said "My Queens". I have always thought about her this way since then. To turn tragedy into triumph, and to also transform yourself in the process if the most honorable way of dealing with these type of situations. Everyone is better off...
  58. Astralnaut88

    Astrology, recursion, and magic

    I think the problem here is the negative connotations with the word lie that most people have. Think about it: Do you really believe that a being that is thousands of years superior to us does not have the right to lie, especially when this lie is a form of teaching the truth. You cannot, with...
  59. Astralnaut88

    Astrology, recursion, and magic

    It can be used for this, yes, but if you are dealing with certain karmic issues for a past life its best to do a 40 day working. I do a ritual as it passes over, or makes an exact aspect to the planet I am working with. So if your using my past example you would start as Mars is about to go into...
  60. Astralnaut88

    Astrology, recursion, and magic

    If you read all of HP Maxine Dietrich's sermons she states very clearly that there are occasions that they trick, or deceive. This isn't in the negative sense though as usually it is done for a positive outcome overall.
  61. Astralnaut88

    Heart attack

    On top of all the info everyone else is providing, you also need to strengthen your physical heart with cardio, working out, and speed work as well. Once you have a powerful aura of protection you can easily deflect a curse aimed at your heart/solar plexus by something like sprinting, which IMO...
  62. Astralnaut88

    Small Acts? I don't think so.

    It is a small act that brought practically everyone is here, here. I can't even really think of a big act that would not be dangerous for spreading the word as it should always be done online and anonymously. Two of Satanists that I have met when I was younger found the truth through a link. The...
  63. Astralnaut88


    To avoid confusion for the Psalms of Satan it should be written that the affirmation is done 3 times. The way it currently is makes it look like the mantra is stated 3 x and the psalm is done once.
  64. Astralnaut88


    I agree. I've notice the amount of times i do the rtr has gone down since this has gone away. Another small isue is tha when I blot out the letters there are some gaps since the blotting out effect seems to have shrunk in size. It was much larger before. I notice it mostly on the shattering...
  65. Astralnaut88

    Magick, Meditation & Your Destiny

    It is always best to ask what is most needed in your life as well, even though you cant go wrong with the affirmations you mentioned. We don't always know whats best, and on top of personal change you might also want to do objective worldly rituals to influence society. Uranus just finished a...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
