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Ask The Gods: "But I Cannot"

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Oculus666 said:
I've asked plenty of questions on this forum only to get the "ask the Gods" response. While this is a valid answer, what is the benefit/purpose of this community for anyone that is able?

Whenever I try, best case scenario it's like broadcasting through a shitty radio with plenty of static. I'm too earth for that shit bro. Besides, there's also no clear way of knowing whether the person I'm speaking to actually is the intended one, and not an interceptor. No, I don't agree that being dedicated automatically fixes this problem.

Sure, sure I could spend a year straight improving my clairaudience. That would be the responsible thing to do right? Or, this community could just stop gatekeeping important information from its audience in the name of "safety". Believe me, if someone new was to try anything advanced they wouldn't just drop dead instantly, but they might wish they did lol. Raising the kundalini early would be horrible, and anyone who tries would quickly know that. I had an early surge when I was new and it felt like molten metal was rising up my spine, not a good time and not something people want to happen twice.

The reason for community is that these adages such as "Ask the Gods", require practical, tried and true capacities of the Spirit and the Soul in order to happen. It is as you say, what you say is honest and real. For most people, communication with the Gods can be difficult.

Yet, the Gods can and will actively guide and communicate with people. They guide through invisible means. It can be non-verbal, intuition, coincidences, choices. When one experiences this, they will know it comes from somewhere. One might not be ready for full fledged Astral communication, but the Gods have ways to reach every soul that seeks back to them.

Community is another way of directly reaching out to people. That's why many of the members have questions and then one might find these answered by another SS, or answered prior. It's a treasure of knowledge, through which one learns. The Joy of Satan Community itself is a manifestation of the existence of the Gods.

Those who think it's just easy, are just delusional most of the time, and either the way of ultimate doubt or extreme "faith" in one's delusion, will prove equally catastrophic.

Mainly, the idea here is that one must develop slowly and steadily while learning the corpus of Spiritual Satanism and being part of the Community, so that one is kept straight and doesn't get into either the nothing-land of not knowing what to do, or the insanity where everything from this place of static nothingness is falsely assumed to be a message from beyond.

The community has levels and layers, but the Initiation on the eyes of the Gods, requires passing of levels to receive from them, receive from your own direct experience, or even receive from the community. That requires an effort and growth that cannot be bypassed, no matter how hard one tries.

Finally, in regards to receiving messages from the Gods, there are many ways. All these ways involve insight, growth, spiritual ability, a well founded knowledge of the tenets of Spiritual Satanism, sanity health and spiritual hygiene plus power, increase in growth of mind and understanding. These things are what can allow communication of ranging levels to take place.

As one lacks of either one or many of the above areas, there can be impediments in this. As one attains the above, one is closer.

These are eternal gifts to earn here. While people can spend 10 years doing nothing but idly watching Netflix, they could likewise spend time for a soul they will have eternally. It's all up where one decides they want to devote a part of their time.

As Spiritual Satanists, we must be put some priorities and see if the things we say we want, we truly want them, and follow this by our deeds.

Lastly, Father Satan clearly indicates in the Al Jilwah that He guides via unseen means. In another paragraph of the Al Jilwah, Father Satan explains the importance of listening to His appointed ones for guide and help which includes both Demons but also the material community, which is here to protect someone from delusion and other dangers to their journey.

You might not always clearly understand what the Gods are "Trying to tell you", but you will see their hand in your life, in slow and borderline invisible guidance that leads you in your intended answers and so on. One must understand that openness needs to exist for this, but also, logic to judge. Understanding grows in time and through truthful effort and a clear heart.

-HPHC 666
I really felt this members exasperation.

I have a lot of earth too, but I still try and reach out and get back nothing but distortion or delusion.

In fact, the best Astral communication I've had happens when I am not trying and least suspecting. This is an issue because most of the time when I need to ask for guidance I am "trying" to get an answer and end up getting nothing.

I have been trying to work on my higher chakras to remedy this, however.
GoldenxChild1 said:
I really felt this members exasperation.

I have a lot of earth too, but I still try and reach out and get back nothing but distortion or delusion.

In fact, the best Astral communication I've had happens when I am not trying and least suspecting. This is an issue because most of the time when I need to ask for guidance I am "trying" to get an answer and end up getting nothing.

I have been trying to work on my higher chakras to remedy this, however.

This is how it will be despite of "elements".

Do not despair or anything. The community is here, then Priesthood. Just because some are more materially oriented this doesn't mean they will not receive answers.

On the contrary, being an earthly person one is harder to delude or to become stupid or utterly delusional as one could become with improper placement of earth. So that should be looked as an upside.
To Oculus666 (& other siblings in Satan):
I feel I can identify with the message of this sermon. I have been on the left hand path literally half of my lifetime, firstly finding comfort in the fact that I exercise free will in coming to Satan, freely, unlike the burdens suffered by the RHP proselytizing. No pressure. Free to do as I please. But if so free, do I truly want to allow myself to feel discouraged?

I cannot tell you what to do, but I point out some things that might be overlooked.
One always has choice, one can choose to give up on communication & self development, allowing the static to continue :( or, one can choose to continuously apply themselves & to do breathing practices to still the "chatter in the skull", to meditate and advance themselves. Remember, great things take time. :) :p :D

If I may, it might prove useful to set intentions repeatedly (baby steps) & choose to do things in addition to what the ministries has offered, such as positive affirmations & a gratitude list. Disallow self to feel discouraged if unsuccessful.
This beautiful journey is analogous to "planting a seed with intention. Check your soil, water as needed. " "If at first you don't succeed, try & try again."

An "Until I get it right" mentality is a great thing.

The Gods are there for us, and have shared the information that they have so we may prove to them, and ourselves, that we are capable creatures. We, as a community are also there for one another. And this isn't forced upon us, this is by choice! Choosing to tinker with said abstract radio can prove useful to "tune in" to proper channels. When it happens, just like hearing, you will know. Allowing time & choosing to cultivate patience would also prove useful.

Choosing to shift perspective can be of help also, (reflecting): "What could I do differently to achieve my desired results? Are my expectations too high? Have I allowed myself adequate time for mind, body & soul to adjust to certain practices?" Circumvent. Choose to get to "Know Thy Self", whether journaling or recording experiences, personal introspection, or taking time to relax and seek the "mute" button for astral things. Carve out some "you" time. And if you feel dismayed or frustrated, that is okay. It is healthy to acknowledge your feelings, but remember your personal power to effect positive change in your current reality. Choose to take a few moments to calm yourself & transmute what you are feeling, if you want to. Remember, nothing is forced, it is your choice.

When we feel frustrated, it might be helpful to think of things more like an educational game at times.
Frustration in a particular area, asking self " What is causing this feeling? Why do I feel frustration? When Did I notice it? Where do I need to strengthen myself emotionally or mentally? How can I go about this?

This community is one big amalgamation of Spiritual goodness, sifting through articles & responses can allow one to see things differently, and to find encouragement where there might not have been previously.
One can disrupt established mental frameworks through careful questioning and critical examination, allowing for a shift of viewpoint. This procedure necessitates self-discipline, perseverance, and a willingness to face discomfort.

Individuals can gradually disengage from automatic thinking responses and gain a more discerning view of complex details in their surroundings by cultivating heightened awareness and actively engaging with their cognitive processes.

When a person grows spiritually, their mind expands enormously, and they are able to see things they could not see before.

Even if we are not advanced enough to perceive them, the Gods reward us with subtle details. We must be cautious enough to witness everything they may provide us.

Always challenge your assumptions and beliefs. Are we arranging this correctly? Are we following the rules? Are we noticing small details that the eye might miss? Or are we just being delusory? This is something we should consider.

A person must lengthen their consciousness enough in order to realize that there may be some topics of discussions that are invisible to anyone without the required perceptive ability. Must we have to say more?
For the sake of those that are actively trying to enhance their perceptiveness and work on the relevant centers for astral communication via the method described in the meditations section by breathing in energy in them, what would you suggest as additional measures? Also what are the prerequisites for engaging in this process and successfully regaining astral hearing and sight such as having already opened, clean and empowered main chakras, resolved blockages or having dealt with certain health issues that might interfere with this?

Thank you in advance. I believe addressing this is important because I've noticed a fair amount of delusional behavior and discourse in relation to communicating with the Gods and although to a certain extent it is understandable and most likely to be outgrown as one progresses it can in some cases lead to detriment and serious problems.


I keep getting signs, like seeing crows all the time.

But after a year of progress my psychic senses are still not developed enough. When will I start to see and hear the gods?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Oculus666 said:
I've asked plenty of questions on this forum only to get the "ask the Gods" response. While this is a valid answer, what is the benefit/purpose of this community for anyone that is able?

Whenever I try, best case scenario it's like broadcasting through a shitty radio with plenty of static. I'm too earth for that shit bro. Besides, there's also no clear way of knowing whether the person I'm speaking to actually is the intended one, and not an interceptor. No, I don't agree that being dedicated automatically fixes this problem.

Sure, sure I could spend a year straight improving my clairaudience. That would be the responsible thing to do right? Or, this community could just stop gatekeeping important information from its audience in the name of "safety". Believe me, if someone new was to try anything advanced they wouldn't just drop dead instantly, but they might wish they did lol. Raising the kundalini early would be horrible, and anyone who tries would quickly know that. I had an early surge when I was new and it felt like molten metal was rising up my spine, not a good time and not something people want to happen twice.

The reason for community is that these adages such as "Ask the Gods", require practical, tried and true capacities of the Spirit and the Soul in order to happen. It is as you say, what you say is honest and real. For most people, communication with the Gods can be difficult.

Yet, the Gods can and will actively guide and communicate with people. They guide through invisible means. It can be non-verbal, intuition, coincidences, choices. When one experiences this, they will know it comes from somewhere. One might not be ready for full fledged Astral communication, but the Gods have ways to reach every soul that seeks back to them.

Community is another way of directly reaching out to people. That's why many of the members have questions and then one might find these answered by another SS, or answered prior. It's a treasure of knowledge, through which one learns. The Joy of Satan Community itself is a manifestation of the existence of the Gods.

Those who think it's just easy, are just delusional most of the time, and either the way of ultimate doubt or extreme "faith" in one's delusion, will prove equally catastrophic.

Mainly, the idea here is that one must develop slowly and steadily while learning the corpus of Spiritual Satanism and being part of the Community, so that one is kept straight and doesn't get into either the nothing-land of not knowing what to do, or the insanity where everything from this place of static nothingness is falsely assumed to be a message from beyond.

The community has levels and layers, but the Initiation on the eyes of the Gods, requires passing of levels to receive from them, receive from your own direct experience, or even receive from the community. That requires an effort and growth that cannot be bypassed, no matter how hard one tries.

Finally, in regards to receiving messages from the Gods, there are many ways. All these ways involve insight, growth, spiritual ability, a well founded knowledge of the tenets of Spiritual Satanism, sanity health and spiritual hygiene plus power, increase in growth of mind and understanding. These things are what can allow communication of ranging levels to take place.

As one lacks of either one or many of the above areas, there can be impediments in this. As one attains the above, one is closer.

These are eternal gifts to earn here. While people can spend 10 years doing nothing but idly watching Netflix, they could likewise spend time for a soul they will have eternally. It's all up where one decides they want to devote a part of their time.

As Spiritual Satanists, we must be put some priorities and see if the things we say we want, we truly want them, and follow this by our deeds.

Lastly, Father Satan clearly indicates in the Al Jilwah that He guides via unseen means. In another paragraph of the Al Jilwah, Father Satan explains the importance of listening to His appointed ones for guide and help which includes both Demons but also the material community, which is here to protect someone from delusion and other dangers to their journey.

You might not always clearly understand what the Gods are "Trying to tell you", but you will see their hand in your life, in slow and borderline invisible guidance that leads you in your intended answers and so on. One must understand that openness needs to exist for this, but also, logic to judge. Understanding grows in time and through truthful effort and a clear heart.

-HPHC 666

Hmmmm, I'm surprised that you didn't dismiss what I wrote as just "bitching". Helpfully others appreciate your wisdom that is often lacking in many self appointed spiritual leaders.

I really have nothing to add to what you said. It appears to be true.

I'm sure this already exists privately, but if it doesn't than perhaps the JOS would benefit from a team focused on research and development. I've focused on material manifestations such as improvements in health, financial prosperity and similar themes. I've also had the displeasure of dealing with plenty of malevolent entities via identification and the mitigation of curses. I wouldn't mind submitting some documents so that such a team, if it actually exists, can review it. I doubt you'd want this kind of information posted publicly, since those methods could then be exploited.
Satan's Crow said:

I keep getting signs, like seeing crows all the time.

But after a year of progress my psychic senses are still not developed enough. When will I start to see and hear the gods?

That's not exactly what I was trying to say. I take care not to use deepl anymore, so there may be mistakes. I apologize.

A person's spiritual development can vary individually. But am I doing something wrong or is this normal?
Learning a second language can be very helpful for telepathic communication. If you are worried about your subconscious mind getting in the way and giving you false answers then you should already know that this will be in your thinking language doing the talking. In the past the gods would answer me in my second language which is Spanish and aside from seeing their orb to let me know it is them communicating this I also knew that if it were a manifestation of my subconscious.

Lately whenever a message is very important I would experience sleep paralysis and fade out of my dream and into darkness then hear a message that is as clear as an outside voice. Anubis has been doing this with me for a few years now, and this was only after 15 or so years. I have been dedicated for about 20 so be patient. Even if if it does take you a whole 20 years to get to the point where the gods see you as valuable enough to receive this for of communication you should not be let down. Remember everyone starts from a different level of spiritual maturity. It took about one month after I opened my third eye and I was immediately in contact with the gods the very same day. I know this is because of how well I served them in my past life, but everyone is different and you have to accept your place. Even still no one can change who they used to be, but you can change who you are now.
Its hard to destinguinsh In the beginning, wheter if are the gods or some intrusions on our Minds, then you Will clearly Now which are who, intrusions or the gods or your own thoughts, they had help me specialy when i was most needing, when my faith was put to test and i was like fuck everything and everyone, they were there for me and show me the way, but still i was free to chose receive their guidance or continous dead or uncoscient, many warnings trhough dreams sometimes, some very "lucky" events,is so unbelievable that you know is not a coincidence but rather their hands. Thank u so much to the gods and the comunity the more i progress the more i see how blessed is this way but very hard also. Lately ive been feeling energy in the back of my head when i have some serious introspections i believe is them talking to me, i dont know what to Say more but thanks sincerely
This is an amazing post which comes at a wonderful time as always, HPHC. A lot of people surely needed to and will need to know these things. Thank you for your divine labors!
Everytime i wanted an answer ,i got it. Not through a voice inside my head which is extremely rare and has happened only a couple of times. But towards books and information that addresses that particular question. Or the answer just comes to me intuitively out of the blue after some days i forgot about it.
WOW!! This person really has some issues! And I felt it.
Either he is trying to hard? And not taking his time to look into things clearly? Or he's trying to get into everything all at once... and that is going to lead nowhere.. and not to mention the fact not taking the time to read.
And look into things clearly!? One can't just haphazardly just jump into things and expect to get somewhere.. bouncing around all over like a super ball thinking he or she is going to get somewhere.. when all this person is going to do.. is bring forth more problems to himself..
And get hurt! That's why people need to take their time ...
And pay attention to what's going on! That's why we were all giving rules to start out with!.. and I do know for myself? Things do get frustrating at times
Especially if you're working in a situation where you haven't been before.
Or working on something you're not aware of. And not taking your time to do things right? Results to a lot of problems and other things.
And I've learned that for myself! And I know that we've all made our mistakes from time to time. And making mistakes as a part of the learning process! Nobody expects you to be perfect right on the dot!..
And even for myself I know that it takes an acquires time and patience to learn something..and to learn to do things right acquires patience! And practice makes perfect! Not to mention the fact it takes patience as well!.. and anybody with common sense knows that. That is why we have this website. And that is why we are all on here to learn. And yes even I suck at things too! But that's because I didn't take my time to read the instructions? Or because I didn't have the right attitude? Or because I figured that I could do it and wing it and take a chance. Just because somebody else happens to be good at it and didn't even realize that this person may have had a class or had some training? In that element. Or may have had a guru spend some time with them teaching them. And that they practice. And it doesn't matter what it consists of! Everything and anything is going to take time and patience! We are students who are all trying to learn. And we do the best we can! But in doing so. Also having an open mind and patience as well! And it's not easy! It does take the proper attitude and it does take time! And it doesn't matter if we're good at something or not! There are a lot of people that are good at some things and suck at other things!. The gods don't expect us to be perfect right on the dot! That is why they allow us time to look into things and study and read! And why we have teachers and gurus. Even the Masters have learned throughout the years! Through the mistakes that they have made! Themselves learning something and taking their time to perfect themselves! People get better and better when they put more into it! And when they show their gratitude and believe in themselves with the better attitude than they become a master at something! ✨🔥
I am here to help. If someone new has a question. And there are
MANY people on here. Who have failed from time to time learning something! And gradually learn to succeed in something! All it takes is time and practice and! A better attitude. And I know we have our days and our moments! When we just want the Lash out! Just because we have a difficulty learning something or trying to get somewhere .. Your NOT ALONE!
That is why we ask for demons to help us!. And there are many intelligent people on here who are willing to help! Just be patient
Hi I made a donation of 32 dollars the other day and was just wondering how I could get my reward! :) thank you Hphc! Your works are valuable! I really appreciate what you and everyone here does!!
I have experiences of what you say.
Some time ago a friend of mine was doing Ouija and was talking about me. Then she came to tell me that she had asked why I never received any sign from the Gods. The Deity with whom she was doing the Ouija board replied that the Gods were sending me signs, but I mistook them for coincidences and didn't notice them.

As I opened up more mentally, I began to notice the presence of the Gods in my life through obvious signs. Every time one of these signs appears to me, I bow and thank the Gods for being present, but also for allowing me to perform my miracles alone without their help, which is making me grow a lot and demonstrate my heroism and divine potential.
Some points I may add, In my opinion when you ask the gods something it must be asked very strongly with lots of need and emotion if you can. It has to be loud enough for them to hear it. For me then the answers come as thoughts. part of the benefit of the void meditation is to control ones own mind. If you can stop your own thoughts and have a firm grip on the controller of them, then any thoughts that are there are not your own. You can learn to identify your own thoughts and distinguish them from the visiting thoughts. Practice this until you are good at it. part of the exercise is to follow thoughts back to where they started, its usually like a chain. When you can go all the way back you can eventually detect a thought before it becomes a thought and that is the point where you can stop it or allow it. that is the control point.
Once you have your finger on the control point, you stop all thoughts then just wait to see what shows up. Sometimes the answer can be there. Example, I asked one time which way should I go. the answer that came was "when you see which way the Christians are running, run the opposite direction." Then one has to ponder that and apply it to the world.
When you get good at the stopping of thoughts it can be used during telepathic communication, you can present a thought and then stop your mind and listen mentally for the return communication. Once a link has been established the back and forth goes very fast, because you dont have to breath and move lips and tongues.
General Yeager said:
Everytime i wanted an answer ,i got it. Not through a voice inside my head which is extremely rare and has happened only a couple of times. But towards books and information that addresses that particular question. Or the answer just comes to me intuitively out of the blue after some days i forgot about it.

The Gods teach this way because this actually puts you there for you to teach yourself. They know what is best. Auditory and Visual teaching can arrive later, if needed, but it's not the main point.

The main reason why most people want to "hear this" is psychological and because they want attention from the Gods. We all do and they are here. Validation is not just in seeing it's about you actually getting answers. Like actually being led to these answers that solve the problem.

You can see higher things and not understand one thing; if that makes sense. And yes, they can do this sometimes to show you that "we are here", but their real help is guidance oriented. The real "we are here" is where the actual guidance takes place.

And that is actually one of the main and major types of actual attention, not only through "revelations" as people would want. It's the low key guidance that makes the job done.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Oculus666 said:
I've asked plenty of questions on this forum only to get the "ask the Gods" response. While this is a valid answer, what is the benefit/purpose of this community for anyone that is able?

Whenever I try, best case scenario it's like broadcasting through a shitty radio with plenty of static. I'm too earth for that shit bro. Besides, there's also no clear way of knowing whether the person I'm speaking to actually is the intended one, and not an interceptor. No, I don't agree that being dedicated automatically fixes this problem.

Sure, sure I could spend a year straight improving my clairaudience. That would be the responsible thing to do right? Or, this community could just stop gatekeeping important information from its audience in the name of "safety". Believe me, if someone new was to try anything advanced they wouldn't just drop dead instantly, but they might wish they did lol. Raising the kundalini early would be horrible, and anyone who tries would quickly know that. I had an early surge when I was new and it felt like molten metal was rising up my spine, not a good time and not something people want to happen twice.

The reason for community is that these adages such as "Ask the Gods", require practical, tried and true capacities of the Spirit and the Soul in order to happen. It is as you say, what you say is honest and real. For most people, communication with the Gods can be difficult.

Yet, the Gods can and will actively guide and communicate with people. They guide through invisible means. It can be non-verbal, intuition, coincidences, choices. When one experiences this, they will know it comes from somewhere. One might not be ready for full fledged Astral communication, but the Gods have ways to reach every soul that seeks back to them.

Community is another way of directly reaching out to people. That's why many of the members have questions and then one might find these answered by another SS, or answered prior. It's a treasure of knowledge, through which one learns. The Joy of Satan Community itself is a manifestation of the existence of the Gods.

Those who think it's just easy, are just delusional most of the time, and either the way of ultimate doubt or extreme "faith" in one's delusion, will prove equally catastrophic.

Mainly, the idea here is that one must develop slowly and steadily while learning the corpus of Spiritual Satanism and being part of the Community, so that one is kept straight and doesn't get into either the nothing-land of not knowing what to do, or the insanity where everything from this place of static nothingness is falsely assumed to be a message from beyond.

The community has levels and layers, but the Initiation on the eyes of the Gods, requires passing of levels to receive from them, receive from your own direct experience, or even receive from the community. That requires an effort and growth that cannot be bypassed, no matter how hard one tries.

Finally, in regards to receiving messages from the Gods, there are many ways. All these ways involve insight, growth, spiritual ability, a well founded knowledge of the tenets of Spiritual Satanism, sanity health and spiritual hygiene plus power, increase in growth of mind and understanding. These things are what can allow communication of ranging levels to take place.

As one lacks of either one or many of the above areas, there can be impediments in this. As one attains the above, one is closer.

These are eternal gifts to earn here. While people can spend 10 years doing nothing but idly watching Netflix, they could likewise spend time for a soul they will have eternally. It's all up where one decides they want to devote a part of their time.

As Spiritual Satanists, we must be put some priorities and see if the things we say we want, we truly want them, and follow this by our deeds.

Lastly, Father Satan clearly indicates in the Al Jilwah that He guides via unseen means. In another paragraph of the Al Jilwah, Father Satan explains the importance of listening to His appointed ones for guide and help which includes both Demons but also the material community, which is here to protect someone from delusion and other dangers to their journey.

You might not always clearly understand what the Gods are "Trying to tell you", but you will see their hand in your life, in slow and borderline invisible guidance that leads you in your intended answers and so on. One must understand that openness needs to exist for this, but also, logic to judge. Understanding grows in time and through truthful effort and a clear heart.

-HPHC 666

I have become convinced that the gods direct by invisible means.

I have been in a variety of unusual situations and unusual things have happened to me, which will be very difficult to explain.

I think the most important thing is to be able to listen and be attentive to the signs, as well as be ready for perception.

This topic is quite complicated, but in any case, I try to do everything possible for my spiritual development in my current situation, so I think that a lot about my development depends on me, it concerns both my successes and my failures.

It is possible that without the support and guidance of the gods and the guardian demon, I would be dead now, but I am alive and grateful to the gods for all the good things in my life.
There are few happy moments in my life at the moment, but I believe that I will overcome everything and there will be more happiness in my life than I think.
Umun said:
For the sake of those that are actively trying to enhance their perceptiveness and work on the relevant centers for astral communication via the method described in the meditations section by breathing in energy in them, what would you suggest as additional measures? Also what are the prerequisites for engaging in this process and successfully regaining astral hearing and sight such as having already opened, clean and empowered main chakras, resolved blockages or having dealt with certain health issues that might interfere with this?

Thank you in advance. I believe addressing this is important because I've noticed a fair amount of delusional behavior and discourse in relation to communicating with the Gods and although to a certain extent it is understandable and most likely to be outgrown as one progresses it can in some cases lead to detriment and serious problems.


I am curious about perceived delusional behavior in relation to communicating with the Gods, would you please elaborate more to help me to better understand what it is you mean?
Do you mean that sometimes people tune into the astral or communicate with an entity that claims to be one thing but is really something else? Or that they receive a message but it isn't interpreted correctly/accurately?
In my home town, there are a handful of the homeless population (I was homeless many years) that have mental health issues & tune into various things. Some are legit schizophrenic, but some (I think, this is personal opinion/theory here) have opened their psyche to the astral via mind altering drugs, such as meth :( , unaware of the various vibrations, mental states & channels they could tune into. From there, they "speak to these beings" thinking in their altered state (delusion) that there is some "Divine encounter" taking place or "they are chosen ones" :roll: when the reality..(open to psychic attack) they are vulnerable victims of human hating entities messing with them since they aren't trained in psychic self-defense or protection; their own foolish choices gave way to misinterpretation, self-deceit, or other things detrimental. There was a person I met a few years back on my homeless journey who had similar ability to tune into intuitive/astral things, but it freaked them out & I think they thought themself to be crazy, when they were uninformed about the astral & psychic/telepathic communication.
I have witnessed delusions in people but usually they have mental health issues. :|
Oculus666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Oculus666 said:
-HPHC 666


If it can be useful to you, I recently had this experience which I believe can give you some suggestions on the right mentality to have towards the Gods, and life in general

You are correct to assume that cases such as those that you described are in some percentage an unfortunate connection of those poor souls with maleficent beings that exploit their weakness. They are however of no interest to me.

What I meant was the self generated delusions of dedicated satanists that for various reasons have imagined to be in contact with the Gods or to have received messages, omens or signs of some kind leading to either fantasy that one might later on (upon realizing what it was) learn from or to harmful consequence from decisions made based on their false conclusions and interpretation of those delusions.

Some of us have in the past or are still struggling with minor or major mental health issues and that doesn't help when trying to do anything that is aimed at improvement. With the right approach and some help these things can be overcome.

We are protected from many dangers that threaten the wellbeing of those without and do receive guidance and assistance from the Gods as HPHC so eloquently described in the op but are also expected to put in work and take on responsibility in the amount appropriate to the level of the persons development.

Being truthful to yourself regardless of how painful it may be is always worth it.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
