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Astrology, recursion, and magic


Feb 3, 2018
South Florida
Astrology, recursion, and magic

Saturn(10) is in Pisces(12) so I figured today would be a good day to relate the structure(10) of some secrets(12). This is mainly used as a boost to your magic on top of squares, and other workings.

When a the 360 degrees of a circle are divided by 9 you get 40. This is part of the reason why 40 day workings are so powerful. As I’ve stated before in another post, the number 9 is a recursive # since you can see that it goes back into itself, but also because the digital sum of any number multiplied by 9, when fully reduced, is 9.

If you take any number of digits, as long as they are different numbers, but the same number of digits, then the fully reduced digital sum of the difference between these 2 numbers will be 9.


21-12 = 9
53-35 = 18, 1+8 = 9
91-19 = 72, 7 +2 = 9

321-123 = 198, 1 + 9 + 8 = 18 = 9
987-789 = 198 = 9
731-137 = 594 = 9

You can continue the process with any number of digits, so long as there is not a repeat.

Two days before the 1st day of 2020 the gods had to spend their time to convince me, really deceive me, into writing something which I really did not care to share publicly here on these forums. Because of my past as an infantry soldier in the worlds greatest army, I can have an excessive amount of pride. The gods twisted the more positive aspects of my personality, mainly empathy, as a means of getting me to write something which, at the time I really couldn’t see the full extent of my actions, was something which appears to use recursion as a means at arriving at a goal. I won’t go any further into personal details so if you really want to know just ask the gods if your con-few-said(this is how my drill sergeants would say confuzed (in a confused way(because its funny))).

The way this can be used in magic is through timing. In war everything is timing. In programming recursion is used by working backwards to a base case before the function, or program starts to work its way back up to whatever you are trying to figure out.


Let say you are a fighter, you do this for a living, and you’ve decided to start using magic to help boost your ability. You know the day and time of the fight, the base case. Since you know when the fight is you can cast a chart for that day. Mars is in Aries at 0 degrees, 0 arc minutes, and 0 arc seconds. You have many months to prepare physically, psychically, and magically so you repeatedly cast your spells when a planet is in aspect to Mars at 0 degrees. To give a simple example you could use the element of the same polarity, so in this case air, and whenever a planet is at 0 degrees of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius you could chant air runes, a Sanskrit mantra, or in my case, because I was instructed on this, a reverse hebrew letter.
You could also do this same to a planet in your natal chart that is in a weak position as a means of helping the affairs of that planet, and not strengthening the chakra associated with since you should use other means for that. When you look up your lunar, solar, or planetary return charts for the year, or years ahead if you have the time, and you see the ruler of that chart in aspect to your chart ruler, you should plan ahead.

Many moons ago I decided to try this out. I had Aquarius on the cusp of my lunar return chart for the next month so I started using Dagaz whenever a planet came into aspect with where Uranus was going to be. In this case the base case is the coming LR chart. What happened was very interesting. The exclamation point came before the question mark. The working I had done created the answer before the question/problem even came up. I won’t go into details because it is somewhat personal, and the less the enemy knows the better. Be cautious. Working with the outer planets seems kind of dangerous from my experience. I always start my affirmations with “in a manner that only harms the jewish race this energy is doing so and so….”.

When a planet goes retrograde it can stay in a particular spot for a very long time. Pluto will be going retrograde @ 0 degrees and 22 arc minutes of Aquarius on May 2nd of this year and will be there for a few days. A planet like mercury could pass through that same spot in a very short period of time, and the moon would pass it in seconds. Being very specific with magic can yield tremendous results and with the slower moving planets it appears they can cause many events to unfold simultaneously when the day of the main event comes. Pluto will then be passing through that same spot again in early February(the 1st or 2nd) of 2024. By doing ritual on those 2 days in particular, but could also be done when any planet is conjunct, opposes, or any other aspect you choose, you cause the energy to loop back in on itself. You really have to ask the gods for help with this sort of thing as what I have been guided to accomplish is not something I would have every really could have discovered on my own. You could do a working for freedom, Satanic Unity, or any group related goals. I am just giving this as an example.

Saturn will be going direct around the time of my writing this. To be clear it will be going direct in November of this year at 0 degrees of Pisces and 31 arc minutes, which is why I am writing this today, but also because it is not often that I am calm enough to write since I have a tendency to want to train all day to remove stress, which writing usually gives me.

There is so much more to this and I hope I have explained myself well. If not just ask and time permitting I will try to answer, more than likely after this ritual schedule if over.
This is very interesting and enlightening!!
Thank you for sharing this!

Would you say that if one will be doing a specific service in the future, army, etc., chooses a month where it can possibly occur, if the planets are aligned to where mostly Air is prominent, would it be advisable to do fire, earth workings (with runes or whatever else) so one does well in that specific area or vice versa? Or should you specifically focus on Air and give the other elements less attention?

I'm unsure if I made sense.
Astralnaut said:
Astrology, recursion, and magic

Saturn(10) is in Pisces(12) so I figured today would be a good day to relate the structure(10) of some secrets(12). This is mainly used as a boost to your magic on top of squares, and other workings.

When a the 360 degrees of a circle are divided by 9 you get 40. This is part of the reason why 40 day workings are so powerful. As I’ve stated before in another post, the number 9 is a recursive # since you can see that it goes back into itself, but also because the digital sum of any number multiplied by 9, when fully reduced, is 9.

If you take any number of digits, as long as they are different numbers, but the same number of digits, then the fully reduced digital sum of the difference between these 2 numbers will be 9.


21-12 = 9
53-35 = 18, 1+8 = 9
91-19 = 72, 7 +2 = 9

321-123 = 198, 1 + 9 + 8 = 18 = 9
987-789 = 198 = 9
731-137 = 594 = 9

You can continue the process with any number of digits, so long as there is not a repeat.

Two days before the 1st day of 2020 the gods had to spend their time to convince me, really deceive me, into writing something which I really did not care to share publicly here on these forums. Because of my past as an infantry soldier in the worlds greatest army, I can have an excessive amount of pride. The gods twisted the more positive aspects of my personality, mainly empathy, as a means of getting me to write something which, at the time I really couldn’t see the full extent of my actions, was something which appears to use recursion as a means at arriving at a goal. I won’t go any further into personal details so if you really want to know just ask the gods if your con-few-said(this is how my drill sergeants would say confuzed (in a confused way(because its funny))).

The way this can be used in magic is through timing. In war everything is timing. In programming recursion is used by working backwards to a base case before the function, or program starts to work its way back up to whatever you are trying to figure out.


Let say you are a fighter, you do this for a living, and you’ve decided to start using magic to help boost your ability. You know the day and time of the fight, the base case. Since you know when the fight is you can cast a chart for that day. Mars is in Aries at 0 degrees, 0 arc minutes, and 0 arc seconds. You have many months to prepare physically, psychically, and magically so you repeatedly cast your spells when a planet is in aspect to Mars at 0 degrees. To give a simple example you could use the element of the same polarity, so in this case air, and whenever a planet is at 0 degrees of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius you could chant air runes, a Sanskrit mantra, or in my case, because I was instructed on this, a reverse hebrew letter.
You could also do this same to a planet in your natal chart that is in a weak position as a means of helping the affairs of that planet, and not strengthening the chakra associated with since you should use other means for that. When you look up your lunar, solar, or planetary return charts for the year, or years ahead if you have the time, and you see the ruler of that chart in aspect to your chart ruler, you should plan ahead.

Many moons ago I decided to try this out. I had Aquarius on the cusp of my lunar return chart for the next month so I started using Dagaz whenever a planet came into aspect with where Uranus was going to be. In this case the base case is the coming LR chart. What happened was very interesting. The exclamation point came before the question mark. The working I had done created the answer before the question/problem even came up. I won’t go into details because it is somewhat personal, and the less the enemy knows the better. Be cautious. Working with the outer planets seems kind of dangerous from my experience. I always start my affirmations with “in a manner that only harms the jewish race this energy is doing so and so….”.

When a planet goes retrograde it can stay in a particular spot for a very long time. Pluto will be going retrograde @ 0 degrees and 22 arc minutes of Aquarius on May 2nd of this year and will be there for a few days. A planet like mercury could pass through that same spot in a very short period of time, and the moon would pass it in seconds. Being very specific with magic can yield tremendous results and with the slower moving planets it appears they can cause many events to unfold simultaneously when the day of the main event comes. Pluto will then be passing through that same spot again in early February(the 1st or 2nd) of 2024. By doing ritual on those 2 days in particular, but could also be done when any planet is conjunct, opposes, or any other aspect you choose, you cause the energy to loop back in on itself. You really have to ask the gods for help with this sort of thing as what I have been guided to accomplish is not something I would have every really could have discovered on my own. You could do a working for freedom, Satanic Unity, or any group related goals. I am just giving this as an example.

Saturn will be going direct around the time of my writing this. To be clear it will be going direct in November of this year at 0 degrees of Pisces and 31 arc minutes, which is why I am writing this today, but also because it is not often that I am calm enough to write since I have a tendency to want to train all day to remove stress, which writing usually gives me.

There is so much more to this and I hope I have explained myself well. If not just ask and time permitting I will try to answer, more than likely after this ritual schedule if over.

I find the information described very detailed and useful.

However, one suggestion is to mention the Planet which rules the Scorpio zodiac sign, respectively Mars. Especially in October, many people need to understand that it is the month when there is a lot of use when doing returning of curses or black magic attacks but you also need to be careful in order to not make a black magic attack have a recursion on you.

Hence why it is important to clean the aura
Lightning-Wings said:
This is very interesting and enlightening!!
Thank you for sharing this!

Would you say that if one will be doing a specific service in the future, army, etc., chooses a month where it can possibly occur, if the planets are aligned to where mostly Air is prominent, would it be advisable to do fire, earth workings (with runes or whatever else) so one does well in that specific area or vice versa? Or should you specifically focus on Air and give the other elements less attention?

I'm unsure if I made sense.

I have thought of going back into the service as I was quite feral towards the end of boot camp since the drill sergeants tend to be harsher on infantry than other MOS's and I feel as though I am getting complacent, at least compared to my former, younger self. I wanted to time it so that the Sun and Mars are both in Scorpio later on this year.

When going through boot camp you get to the point were pain and pleasure merge and become one, but I should warn anyone wanting to join. It is a hell worse than you believe it to be. I was awake about 45 hrs, give or take an hour, on my very first day, and I was still only in the reception battalion. Once I got several injections of different vaccine I was sick when the actual training began. Bloodshot in both eyes with a light fever, less than 4 hrs of sleep for the first 2, or 3 days, and still training, sore, blistered, numb like a zombie, doing hundreds of pushups, squats, bear crawls, crab walk, all while hocking up yellowish-green phlegm. The beautiful thing about anyone that pushes themselves while they are in this condition is that you will never use sickness again as an excuse for lack. I gotten sick plenty of times since then and could still outrun 99.9% of civilians in a run, or outwork even most of the people in the gym. You can also start to feel better while train since viruses hate increased oxygenation.

My main point in writing this is that you have to find a way to connect the energies of past rituals with future rituals.

Some time ago I was told that one of the group rituals we have done years ago will start to have a very a noticeable impact when Jupiter opposes the date that it began. Recently with the rituals for Andras I was told it will take about 6 months for a certain goal that I asked Lord Aries to help me with. This would be around when there are oppositions from the Sun, Mercury, and Venus to the time in early February when we began the rituals. Also right now transiting Mars is approaching a in semi-square aspect to the "birth chart" of the ritual when Mars was around 11-12 degrees of Gemini. I will be praising Aries these next few days to bolster theese energies.
Astralnaut said:
Lightning-Wings said:
This is very interesting and enlightening!!
Thank you for sharing this!

Would you say that if one will be doing a specific service in the future, army, etc., chooses a month where it can possibly occur, if the planets are aligned to where mostly Air is prominent, would it be advisable to do fire, earth workings (with runes or whatever else) so one does well in that specific area or vice versa? Or should you specifically focus on Air and give the other elements less attention?

I'm unsure if I made sense.

I have thought of going back into the service as I was quite feral towards the end of boot camp since the drill sergeants tend to be harsher on infantry than other MOS's and I feel as though I am getting complacent, at least compared to my former, younger self. I wanted to time it so that the Sun and Mars are both in Scorpio later on this year.

When going through boot camp you get to the point were pain and pleasure merge and become one, but I should warn anyone wanting to join. It is a hell worse than you believe it to be. I was awake about 45 hrs, give or take an hour, on my very first day, and I was still only in the reception battalion. Once I got several injections of different vaccine I was sick when the actual training began. Bloodshot in both eyes with a light fever, less than 4 hrs of sleep for the first 2, or 3 days, and still training, sore, blistered, numb like a zombie, doing hundreds of pushups, squats, bear crawls, crab walk, all while hocking up yellowish-green phlegm. The beautiful thing about anyone that pushes themselves while they are in this condition is that you will never use sickness again as an excuse for lack. I gotten sick plenty of times since then and could still outrun 99.9% of civilians in a run, or outwork even most of the people in the gym. You can also start to feel better while train since viruses hate increased oxygenation.

My main point in writing this is that you have to find a way to connect the energies of past rituals with future rituals.

Some time ago I was told that one of the group rituals we have done years ago will start to have a very a noticeable impact when Jupiter opposes the date that it began. Recently with the rituals for Andras I was told it will take about 6 months for a certain goal that I asked Lord Aries to help me with. This would be around when there are oppositions from the Sun, Mercury, and Venus to the time in early February when we began the rituals. Also right now transiting Mars is approaching a in semi-square aspect to the "birth chart" of the ritual when Mars was around 11-12 degrees of Gemini. I will be praising Aries these next few days to bolster theese energies.

I'm sorry you had to go through that, but I'm glad you learned something and came out stronger than ever. Sometimes pushing yourself at your weakest moments is all it takes in order to finally push through obstacles that would normally hold one back. I know how that it is..

Thank you for explaining!!
I'm still discovering what I truly want to be or what I want to do in my life as my career options are quite broad and certain ones are like complete opposites, like army and arts, haha.
I've always leaned naturally towards arts, so we'll see.

Thank you again for helping us all out!! :)

Lightning-Wings said:
Astralnaut said:

Thank you for explaining!!
I'm still discovering what I truly want to be or what I want to do in my life as my career options are quite broad and certain ones are like complete opposites, like army and arts, haha.
I've always leaned naturally towards arts, so we'll see.

Thank you again for helping us all out!! :)


Have you checked your 10th house and the planetary ruler, the house and sign that it is in? This will show you the way forward as to the career you were meant to have.
Astralnaut88 said:

Hey can this be used to remove bad karma from a natal planet thats on a bad degree?

Also I seem to have a little issue understanding what you mean by how it works. So you do a working when a planet is passing over or aspecting that certain degree? would any planet suffice?
And what kind of working are we talking about?

Lightning-Wings said:
Thank you for explaining!!
I'm still discovering what I truly want to be or what I want to do in my life as my career options are quite broad and certain ones are like complete opposites, like army and arts, haha.
I've always leaned naturally towards arts, so we'll see.

Thank you again for helping us all out!! :)


I don't think theyre that opposite of one another actually because one needs to be both crafty and disciplined... for such areas.

Thanks for the information, but one thing i have to say: the gods dont deceive or convince anyone of anything.

They likely helped you see some things about yourself or the world in a better way and opened your eyes.

But no god would put so much effort into someone just so they can post something on the forums, and even if the person is very advanced and also a high priest, then the gods would only guide.

The only times i have read or experienced the gods actively put direct effort into things such as fate manipulation, or mind control etc. , is when the situation is too dire and sever to be able to be rectified by any human power at that time, realistically speaking.
TheWhiteGiant said:

Thanks for the information, but one thing i have to say: the gods dont deceive or convince anyone of anything.

They likely helped you see some things about yourself or the world in a better way and opened your eyes.

But no god would put so much effort into someone just so they can post something on the forums, and even if the person is very advanced and also a high priest, then the gods would only guide.

The only times i have read or experienced the gods actively put direct effort into things such as fate manipulation, or mind control etc. , is when the situation is too dire and sever to be able to be rectified by any human power at that time, realistically speaking.

If you read all of HP Maxine Dietrich's sermons she states very clearly that there are occasions that they trick, or deceive. This isn't in the negative sense though as usually it is done for a positive outcome overall.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Astralnaut88 said:

Hey can this be used to remove bad karma from a natal planet thats on a bad degree?

Also I seem to have a little issue understanding what you mean by how it works. So you do a working when a planet is passing over or aspecting that certain degree? would any planet suffice?
And what kind of working are we talking about?

Lightning-Wings said:
Thank you for explaining!!
I'm still discovering what I truly want to be or what I want to do in my life as my career options are quite broad and certain ones are like complete opposites, like army and arts, haha.
I've always leaned naturally towards arts, so we'll see.

Thank you again for helping us all out!! :)


I don't think theyre that opposite of one another actually because one needs to be both crafty and disciplined... for such areas.

It can be used for this, yes, but if you are dealing with certain karmic issues for a past life its best to do a 40 day working. I do a ritual as it passes over, or makes an exact aspect to the planet I am working with. So if your using my past example you would start as Mars is about to go into 0° Aries.
Astralnaut88 said:
TheWhiteGiant said:

Thanks for the information, but one thing i have to say: the gods dont deceive or convince anyone of anything.

They likely helped you see some things about yourself or the world in a better way and opened your eyes.

But no god would put so much effort into someone just so they can post something on the forums, and even if the person is very advanced and also a high priest, then the gods would only guide.

The only times i have read or experienced the gods actively put direct effort into things such as fate manipulation, or mind control etc. , is when the situation is too dire and sever to be able to be rectified by any human power at that time, realistically speaking.

If you read all of HP Maxine Dietrich's sermons she states very clearly that there are occasions that they trick, or deceive. This isn't in the negative sense though as usually it is done for a positive outcome overall.

No, they don't. Stop kidding yourself.

She never said that. And even if she did, it is explained by HP Cobra that at the start of found the JoS, Maxine didn't necessarily know all things ever. This is an ecample of the binding of the demons part. Or the part about the gods creating us for slave labor in the gold mines etc being taken literally, while in reality they are just allegorical, and were just taken literally by the jew sitchin, who has written a book on the ancient past. HPS Maxine has also witten about this alongside with HP Cobra.

The gods are highly advamced and enlightened beings, they wouldnt need to resort in such ways to "guide" any of their disciples, unless he gods are dealing with an enemy soul.

Stop denigrating the gods.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Lightning-Wings said:
Thank you for explaining!!
I'm still discovering what I truly want to be or what I want to do in my life as my career options are quite broad and certain ones are like complete opposites, like army and arts, haha.
I've always leaned naturally towards arts, so we'll see.

Thank you again for helping us all out!! :)


I don't think theyre that opposite of one another actually because one needs to be both crafty and disciplined... for such areas.

I am sorry, can you explain to me how art is involved in the army?

By art, I mean drawing portraits and such.

Just genuinely curious!
Lightning-Wings said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Lightning-Wings said:
Thank you for explaining!!
I'm still discovering what I truly want to be or what I want to do in my life as my career options are quite broad and certain ones are like complete opposites, like army and arts, haha.
I've always leaned naturally towards arts, so we'll see.

Thank you again for helping us all out!! :)


I don't think theyre that opposite of one another actually because one needs to be both crafty and disciplined... for such areas.

I am sorry, can you explain to me how art is involved in the army?

By art, I mean drawing portraits and such.

Just genuinely curious!

Art is more than just drawing portraits and painting. It could be singing, to keep up morale, or the crafty or maybe unconventional use of items to reach your goal. Sometimes people might need pictures or descriptions, or back when they didn't have proper maps, maybe a scout who could draw one.

In a recent post or sermon it was also talked about how the feminine part of the soul is required to be worked upon to heal from and deal with the traumatic experiences.
There is creative therapy, in example, which is meant to help with the processing of certain experiences. Maybe you could look into that, if that interests you.
I am not aware of any current jobs that there are that are creative and that deal with the army, but I do know that they draw sketches of convicts in the court room.

In some stories (dont know about the historical accuracy of this, I don't think they're european in origin specifically) they used drums to communicate during war.

On the other hand, discipline is required to be able to handle the daily things that come up, and expressing the self, bringing out what is in there, can just be as much a war as having a sword to use for fighting.
But do you swing because you are scared for your life (or just out of anger), or do you swing because you are a well trained master, balanced, and know the consequences of your actions, how to overcome the enemy, and to know when not to draw the sword?

I hope this sort of answered your question.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Lightning-Wings said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I don't think theyre that opposite of one another actually because one needs to be both crafty and disciplined... for such areas.

I am sorry, can you explain to me how art is involved in the army?

By art, I mean drawing portraits and such.

Just genuinely curious!

Art is more than just drawing portraits and painting. It could be singing, to keep up morale, or the crafty or maybe unconventional use of items to reach your goal. Sometimes people might need pictures or descriptions, or back when they didn't have proper maps, maybe a scout who could draw one.

In a recent post or sermon it was also talked about how the feminine part of the soul is required to be worked upon to heal from and deal with the traumatic experiences.
There is creative therapy, in example, which is meant to help with the processing of certain experiences. Maybe you could look into that, if that interests you.
I am not aware of any current jobs that there are that are creative and that deal with the army, but I do know that they draw sketches of convicts in the court room.

In some stories (dont know about the historical accuracy of this, I don't think they're european in origin specifically) they used drums to communicate during war.

On the other hand, discipline is required to be able to handle the daily things that come up, and expressing the self, bringing out what is in there, can just be as much a war as having a sword to use for fighting.
But do you swing because you are scared for your life (or just out of anger), or do you swing because you are a well trained master, balanced, and know the consequences of your actions, how to overcome the enemy, and to know when not to draw the sword?

I hope this sort of answered your question.

Hi, thanks!

I am aware that there are different parts of art, being singing, crafting, music making, etc.

I was more so referring to portraits and general art as that is what I am good at (sort of) and prefer to do.

But yes, that answers the question. Thanks!
TheWhiteGiant said:
Astralnaut88 said:
TheWhiteGiant said:

Thanks for the information, but one thing i have to say: the gods dont deceive or convince anyone of anything.

They likely helped you see some things about yourself or the world in a better way and opened your eyes.

But no god would put so much effort into someone just so they can post something on the forums, and even if the person is very advanced and also a high priest, then the gods would only guide.

The only times i have read or experienced the gods actively put direct effort into things such as fate manipulation, or mind control etc. , is when the situation is too dire and sever to be able to be rectified by any human power at that time, realistically speaking.

If you read all of HP Maxine Dietrich's sermons she states very clearly that there are occasions that they trick, or deceive. This isn't in the negative sense though as usually it is done for a positive outcome overall.

No, they don't. Stop kidding yourself.

She never said that. And even if she did, it is explained by HP Cobra that at the start of found the JoS, Maxine didn't necessarily know all things ever. This is an ecample of the binding of the demons part. Or the part about the gods creating us for slave labor in the gold mines etc being taken literally, while in reality they are just allegorical, and were just taken literally by the jew sitchin, who has written a book on the ancient past. HPS Maxine has also witten about this alongside with HP Cobra.

The gods are highly advamced and enlightened beings, they wouldnt need to resort in such ways to "guide" any of their disciples, unless he gods are dealing with an enemy soul.

Stop denigrating the gods.

I think the problem here is the negative connotations with the word lie that most people have. Think about it: Do you really believe that a being that is thousands of years superior to us does not have the right to lie, especially when this lie is a form of teaching the truth. You cannot, with your shirt life span here on earth ever assume that you know how a god is capable of thinking, or behaving. Truth and deception are cut from the same cloth. If they lie it is either to teach a hard lesson, or some other reason that will eventually be beneficial.

You need to ask them yourself, and yes she has mentioned it in one of her posts. I will look it up if I have to when I have to time. I would hate for my fellow Satanists to be misinformed.
Astralnaut88 said:
I think the problem here is the negative connotations with the word lie that most people have. Think about it: Do you really believe that a being that is thousands of years superior to us does not have the right to lie, especially when this lie is a form of teaching the truth. You cannot, with your shirt life span here on earth ever assume that you know how a god is capable of thinking, or behaving. Truth and deception are cut from the same cloth. If they lie it is either to teach a hard lesson, or some other reason that will eventually be beneficial.

You need to ask them yourself, and yes she has mentioned it in one of her posts. I will look it up if I have to when I have to time. I would hate for my fellow Satanists to be misinformed.

I think your own words here are also why TheWhiteGiant was upset, because you say yourself that lying has a negative connotation, but you are associating it with the Gods.

It is not that the Gods don't have the "authority" to lie, but that they aren't going to because it would give them a bad reputation. This is much different from them simply not saying something, or only telling you certain information, if that is what you are referring to.

While it is possible for a lie to be used for some benefit, it also comes with the cost towards one reputation, which is the doubts that are created. Such doubt can be exploited by the enemy or other disorders of the mind to weaken trust in the Gods, and so it is for this reason that I do not believe they explicitly lie.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=464489 time=1695627534 user_id=21286]

Brother, did you receive my email?
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=464489 time=1695627534 user_id=21286]
Astralnaut88 said:
I think the problem here is the negative connotations with the word lie that most people have. Think about it: Do you really believe that a being that is thousands of years superior to us does not have the right to lie, especially when this lie is a form of teaching the truth. You cannot, with your shirt life span here on earth ever assume that you know how a god is capable of thinking, or behaving. Truth and deception are cut from the same cloth. If they lie it is either to teach a hard lesson, or some other reason that will eventually be beneficial.

You need to ask them yourself, and yes she has mentioned it in one of her posts. I will look it up if I have to when I have to time. I would hate for my fellow Satanists to be misinformed.

I think your own words here are also why TheWhiteGiant was upset, because you say yourself that lying has a negative connotation, but you are associating it with the Gods.

It is not that the Gods don't have the "authority" to lie, but that they aren't going to because it would give them a bad reputation. This is much different from them simply not saying something, or only telling you certain information, if that is what you are referring to.

While it is possible for a lie to be used for some benefit, it also comes with the cost towards one reputation, which is the doubts that are created. Such doubt can be exploited by the enemy or other disorders of the mind to weaken trust in the Gods, and so it is for this reason that I do not believe they explicitly lie.

I get what your saying I should have been more clear, but are you also implying that they lie implicitly, just so I don't confuse your words. If I remember what HP Maxine stated on the subject it had something to do with just going with it as they know what they are doing. In the few cases with me however they did lie explicitly, but for a good reason. There are certain ways that you can only get a fallible human to act in a particular way, and they do explain why afterwards. Its not out of line with what HP Maxine said is the reason they do this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
