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NEW GOD RITUALS LIVE: Lilith, Anubis, Furfur

I am not one to get excited as my militant demeanor normally won't allow it, but today i am actually pretty excited. Any action, no matter how exceptional, is not never seen in praiseworthy light when when one is raised in the militant school of hard knocks. No praise only blame. I don't give thumbs up for this reason so don't take it personally.

Even still Thank You for this HP HoodedCobra!

There is a slight issue with the Anubis power ritual. The Shen ring is to large and I can't access the slider to make it smaller. It takes up more than half the screen and I can't see the affirmation. I have to zoom out to be able to see it.
While meditating on my throat chakra thoughts about the meaning behind "demons" and "demonic forces" cane to mind.

Lilith and Lady Maxine are similar in terms of like the allegory of Lilith being the "Mother of demonic forces" so to Maxine with the power of creation a woman has to build the Joy of Satan and have a central hub for a powerful "demonic army" to come to fruition we see today. As Lilith strikes fear into our enemy so too what Maxine has built is something the enemy has come to see as the only and most powerful opposition to their evil programs and plans.

It would be of no surprise if Lady Maxine and Lilith worked together a lot because of the above.
. As Lilith strikes fear into our enemy so too what Maxine has built is something the enemy has come to see as the only and most powerful opposition to their evil programs and plans.
Goes without saying this place is what it is today and going to be in the future thanks to our Commader. Didn't want to make it seem like I was leaving him out!
Lilith in Chinese religion (she's depicted very similarly, wrapped in serpents, known as the "Serpent Goddess"):


In Japanese religion (these photos were created by artists, it was harder to find than the Chinese ones since many of the Japanese versions tend to portray her in an antagonistic manner)

So I see some of our brothers and sisters intend to increase the reps for Lady LILITH. I did not do the ritual immediately I saw them, I was too excited reading all the sermon and rituals all over and over again until night when I did her ritual. And my God, I'll state something I experienced not using anyone's words, just expressing as it felt and came to me,
Her power is too strong. Her energy kept me awake hours into the morning. Marbas ritual did too but hers is too powerful. Secondly I felt heightened awareness and senses, I thought I was a cat at a point and I began to feel like cats, lions and snakes were linked somehow to this force I was feeling. Even when I slept, I was awake, now that one is crazy mad. Cos I was in charge of my dream and I could still feel my environment and know it. HAVE MERCY O GODS IF I'M WRONG, "I FELT PRIMITIVELY POWERFUL". I felt her energy was now involved in everything I was doing and intended to do. Oh God! I decided not to do her rituals today. And focus on Lord Anubis.
Her Power is too good. I feel her energy even now and that explains why the reps are as little as 5times. And there's more to come from more connections.
So brave is anyone who did more reps, how do you feel? How much sleep did you loose, how pumped up are you?

Haha 😆...HP HC you did it again, tickling our souls with greatest pleasures of true divinity. I am thankful to you for giving me this experience of eternity. Thank you. The God's be with you and every top member. Muua!
Greetings to everyone in our Spiritual Family,

Below I will be posting the Rituals for our three esteemed Demons. They are to be done for the next 5 days.

There is also a Ritual for Goddess Lilith here. Due to the nature of Lilith and how She engages only extremely important topics, this Ritual is smaller but effective in connecting with Her. Lilith's powers and influence represent the most mysterious and higher levels of feminine universal power. Lilith works connected with Satan and represents the Shakti or Feminine generative principle of existence.

Due to massive ignorance and spiritual starvation of the masses, a lot of wrong meanings have been heaped upon Lilith, all stemming from the culture of the enemy and "descriptions" of her. A lot repression and other topics of a human nature, plus the monstrosities the enemy has written, have gave rise to many misconceptions about her. Many self perceived "repressed" females today use her as a symbol to "justify" their actions, but Lilith is fundamentally a par excellence Goddess of both creation and motherhood as well.

The enemy calls her "Dark Mother" and many other titles, which all come from Ancient Codes about this mysterious Goddess. In the East she is symbolized by Kali and Parvati. Parvati is the pure wife of Shiva, but Kali is the most beautiful face of the feminine divine, that actually will hold no prisoners where it comes to usurpation and causation of chaos in the Spiritual Order.

Of course She is a "Dark Mother" to the enemy and those who threaten Her spiritual children, it's a given. After all, everything that protects spiritual people or the Gentiles, is always "Dark and Evil" in their book. That's a naturally protective stance against Her people. Her True Nature is a far more mysterious and elegant concept, more than words can describe.

Further, thanks to zero understanding of this topics and Jewish slander, Lilith had to endure a siege to Her reputation like no other female deity. As a slander to Lilith, the enemy has also made many monstrosities that they ascribed to Her or Her Name, in the same way they have made numerous monstrosities that were heaped upon Satan and the other important Gods. Every crime the enemy has been doing, they heap on the "Ancient Gods" as a display of hatred or confusion of the masses.

Lilith, like Astarte oftentimes in symbolism is the Kundalini force and therefore is called "playful", "dark", and because the Kundalini force must unite with her "husband" which represents the mind and the male aspect of the soul, but if left disconnected, can create "mischief".

When connected, she becomes the Mother of Human Illumination, able to "Breed Nations of Demons" and bestow Wisdom upon the Disciple. All of these allegories have been misinterpreted, but they are rather clear when one knows about the Occult. Then, She gets "liberated".

I won't mention the socially related atrocities humans have created around the term "liberation" in these topics. Lilith represents the rights of females to self determination, but also their rights to motherhood and tapping into their creative ability to give birth to human beings, like She has done for what the enemy refers to as the "Demonic Entities".

Another great lie about Lilith is that Lilith is a "Demon that is against childbirth", while the opposite is the case. In the same way the enemy slanders Satan as being the "Lord of Ignorance", while He is the opposite, Lilith has been slandered of all things to be "Against Childbirth".

Lilith represents the powerful mother that stands strong to protect her offspring and guard it from seen or unseen dangers of a spiritual or material nature. Spiritual Satanists as a whole are under Her protection on a community level. She also represents sexuality, yet sexuality exists aside other reasons for the obvious reason: To create offspring.

Spiritually speaking, one of the real statements from the enemy is that truly she is the "Mother of Demons", Demons meaning, enlightened beings of a higher order but also a code-word for enlightened individuals who have used the "Mother Force" or Shakti, and brought her into union with Shiva (the male and female unity via the rising of the Serpent force).

She is a top ranking Goddess up there with Astarte, universally respected by all the Demons and having a supernal authority like no other, and they both rule over the creative forces that animate the universe itself, and all human beings. She should not be invoked if there are no serious underlying reasons for this process. She gave the "Go ahead" to post this Ritual, and I would otherwise would not have done it myself.

The Ritual of Anubis is phenomenal when it comes to funerary rites, but also the other topics that one will understand as you will do the Ritual. Lord Anubis is one of the most powerful and most important Gods, a ruler of matters of the Afterlife. The full section of Funerary Rites will explain Anubis indepth, but also other Gods of the Underworld. That Ritual can be done to honor our Ancestors or those who have passed away.

Last but not least, Furfur is a God under Astarte/Demeter. In Ancient Rome, Furfur was called "Furfures", the name for a specific type of bran and was a Demon of vegetation and ensuring prosperity in those aspects of existence. Numerous Gods rule over aspects of generation of society, and Furfur is a patron for live giving vegetation and presiding ruler over agriculture. This has many spiritual connotations, which involve also the ability for proper nutrition. While many of these things in many places are taken for "Granted", these are still the most important underlying aspects of life and civilization.

The Rituals are published by 3 now, because Azazel said so as part of the New Year Initiatives. Many are ready and therefore all I need to do is publish them, so all is fine here.

These Rituals are NOT to be approached on a warfare mentality, they are Rituals one does calmly, to have fun, spiritually open up and connect to receive blessings. They are of a relaxing nature and not of the spiritual warfare type. Get in the mood, have fun, and enjoy the Rituals and the beautiful path of Spiritual Satanism.

The Rituals are to be done for one day each, in that order, once per Demon. You can do more if you want. Yet as a part of Group Ritual, one God for each day will suffice.

Ritual Schedule:

May 5th: Lady Lilith
May 6th: Lord Anubis
May 7th: Lord Anubis
May 8th: Demon Furfur
May 9th: Demon Furfur

Links to the Rituals:

Below are the Links to the Rituals

Anubis: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/anubis-power-ritual.html
Lilith: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/lilith-power-ritual.html
Furfur: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/furfur-power-ritual.html

Old Format

Anubis: https://old.josrituals.org/Demons/Anubis_Power_Ritual.html
Lilith: https://old.josrituals.org/Demons/Lilith_Power_Ritual.html
Furfur: https://old.josrituals.org/Demons/Furfur_Power_Ritual.html
Second day into the rituals and honestly,They are beautiful,
The feeling of war feels dissipated,
Feels like a ritual of cleaning the battlefield for the meadows to grows
Ecstatic to even be considered part of this,

I still find it a great honor to my soul that I found my way here,
And thankful to all who gave us answers when the path seemed hostile

The light shines brightest in darkness,,

Hail the Gods!!!!
,,forever grateful they still stand beside humanity,we will stand forever beside them
Lilith our beloved most beautiful Goddess Mother, Father Satan’s favourite wife, she is a Patron of Strong women, she represents sexual liberation and pleasure for women, Goddess of women’s rights, protector when women give birth, she is the exaltation of the feminine divine,

Hail Lilith ❤️
Hail Satan ❤
Hail Anubis ❤️
Hail Furfur ❤️


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After doing Mother Lilith's ritual yesterday evening, I had the most beautiful dream of a hidden Garden/Pond.. I had a similar one some time ago, a hidden garden with statues of our Gods and Goddesses inside..
It is a good feeling, the energy and knowledge of the past and Truth being revealed more and more!

Many thanks for these beautiful rituals HP HoodedCobra, it is truly a beautiful gift to be able/allowed to do these rituals. 🌻🌟
It is like a hidden, silent energy that pervades everything.
The energy of Lord Anubis is something beautiful, it envelops you and calms you, and at the same time gives you strength and confidence.

Despite being the Ruler of the underworld, this wonderful God teaches us to honor life by first honoring our loved ones who are gone. Because sacred was the life of those who are no longer here.

Life and death are like the two sides of a mirror: as antithetical as they may seem, they are connected. By gaining experience in the use of the Rune Eihwaz one understands this. The Rune Eihwaz is like a mirror. The shape of Eihwaz is also reminiscent of the connection between life and death.

Eihwaz is indeed a rune of death and power over the dead, but it also represents the Kundalini force, or life force.

Ave Anubis!
Just finished Lord Anubis's ritual and went thru a rollercoaster of emotion from crying to laughting my butt off at the things i kept seeing flashing thru my mind. I ended up feeling so drained i had to finish the ritual in a whisper but oh moly what a ride.
i feel good though. Still a bit teary eyed but good. I have a cat who is dear to me and i asked- "are you good with cats or should I pray to Baste when the time comes?" He told me that he is good with cats but thats for when the time comes and the thought still make me cry.
I kept seeing my grandmother and my greatgrandmother-she had predicted my birth and showed up in my closet when i was a kid but had died before i was born.
When HP Maxine had wrote about them throwing babies into burning homes to kill the power line- i'm paraphrasing her words- i really understood that after looking back on my life once the seeing her in my closet thing had happened to me and the few stories i've have of her.
There is also a grit and determination we get from our ancestors. My grandmother was a stubborn strong woman. I was the last kid she ever raised and she even went back to college in her 60's and got a degree in eletronics. Thats on top of raising kids and being a seamstress.
I think Lord Anubis was trying to help remind me of these things to help me dig deeper and get stronger to move forward. So when you do this ritual to honor him please pay attention to what you see because our ancestors do reach back thru time to remind us of many things to help us live a better life.

Hail father Satan
Hail Lord Anubis
Lord Anubis' ritual was a blissful experience today, No mortal could ever repay the things you have given us HPHC, thank you.


It's like this when you give things about the soul.

I would be very happy if our own took certain things seriously, and just help the JoS grow and stay close to the Gods and our collective mission and that's all that's needed. I appreciate your kind words.
Anubis's ritual went very well :)

He told me back in 2020 about the importance of Void meditation, He explained:

"Void meditation helps things in life fall into place correctly, instead of needlessly struggling and using excess force that can be used for other things instead. It aligns the mind and soul."

(Copy-pasted from my notes from when I met Him in 2020.)
Just finished Lord Anubis's ritual and went thru a rollercoaster of emotion from crying to laughting my butt off at the things i kept seeing flashing thru my mind. I ended up feeling so drained i had to finish the ritual in a whisper but oh moly what a ride.
i feel good though. Still a bit teary eyed but good. I have a cat who is dear to me and i asked- "are you good with cats or should I pray to Baste when the time comes?" He told me that he is good with cats but thats for when the time comes and the thought still make me cry.
I kept seeing my grandmother and my greatgrandmother-she had predicted my birth and showed up in my closet when i was a kid but had died before i was born.
When HP Maxine had wrote about them throwing babies into burning homes to kill the power line- i'm paraphrasing her words- i really understood that after looking back on my life once the seeing her in my closet thing had happened to me and the few stories i've have of her.
There is also a grit and determination we get from our ancestors. My grandmother was a stubborn strong woman. I was the last kid she ever raised and she even went back to college in her 60's and got a degree in eletronics. Thats on top of raising kids and being a seamstress.
I think Lord Anubis was trying to help remind me of these things to help me dig deeper and get stronger to move forward. So when you do this ritual to honor him please pay attention to what you see because our ancestors do reach back thru time to remind us of many things to help us live a better life.

Hail father Satan
Hail Lord Anubis

It is not bad to experience your emotions and see what these bring out. In this example you went back to reminiscence your Ancestors. Tears can come or laughs can come. It's what this is about. That is called awareness.
Greetings to everyone in our Spiritual Family,

Below I will be posting the Rituals for our three esteemed Demons. They are to be done for the next 5 days.

There is also a Ritual for Goddess Lilith here. Due to the nature of Lilith and how She engages only extremely important topics, this Ritual is smaller but effective in connecting with Her. Lilith's powers and influence represent the most mysterious and higher levels of feminine universal power. Lilith works connected with Satan and represents the Shakti or Feminine generative principle of existence.

Due to massive ignorance and spiritual starvation of the masses, a lot of wrong meanings have been heaped upon Lilith, all stemming from the culture of the enemy and "descriptions" of her. A lot repression and other topics of a human nature, plus the monstrosities the enemy has written, have gave rise to many misconceptions about her. Many self perceived "repressed" females today use her as a symbol to "justify" their actions, but Lilith is fundamentally a par excellence Goddess of both creation and motherhood as well.

The enemy calls her "Dark Mother" and many other titles, which all come from Ancient Codes about this mysterious Goddess. In the East she is symbolized by Kali and Parvati. Parvati is the pure wife of Shiva, but Kali is the most beautiful face of the feminine divine, that actually will hold no prisoners where it comes to usurpation and causation of chaos in the Spiritual Order.

Of course She is a "Dark Mother" to the enemy and those who threaten Her spiritual children, it's a given. After all, everything that protects spiritual people or the Gentiles, is always "Dark and Evil" in their book. That's a naturally protective stance against Her people. Her True Nature is a far more mysterious and elegant concept, more than words can describe.

Further, thanks to zero understanding of this topics and Jewish slander, Lilith had to endure a siege to Her reputation like no other female deity. As a slander to Lilith, the enemy has also made many monstrosities that they ascribed to Her or Her Name, in the same way they have made numerous monstrosities that were heaped upon Satan and the other important Gods. Every crime the enemy has been doing, they heap on the "Ancient Gods" as a display of hatred or confusion of the masses.

Lilith, like Astarte oftentimes in symbolism is the Kundalini force and therefore is called "playful", "dark", and because the Kundalini force must unite with her "husband" which represents the mind and the male aspect of the soul, but if left disconnected, can create "mischief".

When connected, she becomes the Mother of Human Illumination, able to "Breed Nations of Demons" and bestow Wisdom upon the Disciple. All of these allegories have been misinterpreted, but they are rather clear when one knows about the Occult. Then, She gets "liberated".

I won't mention the socially related atrocities humans have created around the term "liberation" in these topics. Lilith represents the rights of females to self determination, but also their rights to motherhood and tapping into their creative ability to give birth to human beings, like She has done for what the enemy refers to as the "Demonic Entities".

Another great lie about Lilith is that Lilith is a "Demon that is against childbirth", while the opposite is the case. In the same way the enemy slanders Satan as being the "Lord of Ignorance", while He is the opposite, Lilith has been slandered of all things to be "Against Childbirth".

Lilith represents the powerful mother that stands strong to protect her offspring and guard it from seen or unseen dangers of a spiritual or material nature. Spiritual Satanists as a whole are under Her protection on a community level. She also represents sexuality, yet sexuality exists aside other reasons for the obvious reason: To create offspring.

Spiritually speaking, one of the real statements from the enemy is that truly she is the "Mother of Demons", Demons meaning, enlightened beings of a higher order but also a code-word for enlightened individuals who have used the "Mother Force" or Shakti, and brought her into union with Shiva (the male and female unity via the rising of the Serpent force).

She is a top ranking Goddess up there with Astarte, universally respected by all the Demons and having a supernal authority like no other, and they both rule over the creative forces that animate the universe itself, and all human beings. She should not be invoked if there are no serious underlying reasons for this process. She gave the "Go ahead" to post this Ritual, and I would otherwise would not have done it myself.

The Ritual of Anubis is phenomenal when it comes to funerary rites, but also the other topics that one will understand as you will do the Ritual. Lord Anubis is one of the most powerful and most important Gods, a ruler of matters of the Afterlife. The full section of Funerary Rites will explain Anubis indepth, but also other Gods of the Underworld. That Ritual can be done to honor our Ancestors or those who have passed away.

Last but not least, Furfur is a God under Astarte/Demeter. In Ancient Rome, Furfur was called "Furfures", the name for a specific type of bran and was a Demon of vegetation and ensuring prosperity in those aspects of existence. Numerous Gods rule over aspects of generation of society, and Furfur is a patron for live giving vegetation and presiding ruler over agriculture. This has many spiritual connotations, which involve also the ability for proper nutrition. While many of these things in many places are taken for "Granted", these are still the most important underlying aspects of life and civilization.

The Rituals are published by 3 now, because Azazel said so as part of the New Year Initiatives. Many are ready and therefore all I need to do is publish them, so all is fine here.

These Rituals are NOT to be approached on a warfare mentality, they are Rituals one does calmly, to have fun, spiritually open up and connect to receive blessings. They are of a relaxing nature and not of the spiritual warfare type. Get in the mood, have fun, and enjoy the Rituals and the beautiful path of Spiritual Satanism.

The Rituals are to be done for one day each, in that order, once per Demon. You can do more if you want. Yet as a part of Group Ritual, one God for each day will suffice.

Ritual Schedule:

May 5th: Lady Lilith
May 6th: Lord Anubis
May 7th: Lord Anubis
May 8th: Demon Furfur
May 9th: Demon Furfur

Links to the Rituals:

Below are the Links to the Rituals

Anubis: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/anubis-power-ritual.html
Lilith: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/lilith-power-ritual.html
Furfur: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/furfur-power-ritual.html

Old Format

Anubis: https://old.josrituals.org/Demons/Anubis_Power_Ritual.html
Lilith: https://old.josrituals.org/Demons/Lilith_Power_Ritual.html
Furfur: https://old.josrituals.org/Demons/Furfur_Power_Ritual.html
If I may ask...

Why In the Shenu Sigil for Lilith all the other names are represented by an S letter?

Also, why in Shenu Sigil for Furfur, the letters aren't in greek? It brings me confusion, what will be the definitive language then?

For the future I would like to use and speak only the ultimate language and alphabet.
Just did Anubis' ritual, His energy when I meditated on His sigil was quite excpetional, in a good way of course. I felt something going up and down between my Solar and Heart chakras, like a rod of energy about to take off. I used it to direct energy to Satan and Anubis.
It is not bad to experience your emotions and see what these bring out. In this example you went back to reminiscence your Ancestors. Tears can come or laughs can come. It's what this is about. That is called awareness.
i know this and i'm grateful for it which is why i wrote about it. I wanted a record of it so it wasn't forgotten and so that it was also shared with others. I'm glad i did the ritual.
Hello i did mother lilith ritual yesterday but can repeat mother lilith ritual today and do it alongside lord anubis ritual now
I suggest you don't repeat it, as Lilith is a Goddess who prefers to stay private and should only be called upon in crucial circumstances. Even then, she only helps the people who she thinks have potential and are worth helping, and leaves the ignorant in the hands of their fate. If you've already done it by the time you're reading this, it's not the end of the world, but please remember that Lilith's privacy must be respected.
YES! I'm so happy for these! I have particularly thought of Anubis frequently lately for some reason and in thr past have felt somewhat close to Fur fur even perceiving her in a dream. I look forward to this!
How are you guys having these extra badges close to your names. It's so cool. Are they like ranks or something
Greetings to everyone in our Spiritual Family,

Below I will be posting the Rituals for our three esteemed Demons. They are to be done for the next 5 days.

There is also a Ritual for Goddess Lilith here. Due to the nature of Lilith and how She engages only extremely important topics, this Ritual is smaller but effective in connecting with Her. Lilith's powers and influence represent the most mysterious and higher levels of feminine universal power. Lilith works connected with Satan and represents the Shakti or Feminine generative principle of existence.

Due to massive ignorance and spiritual starvation of the masses, a lot of wrong meanings have been heaped upon Lilith, all stemming from the culture of the enemy and "descriptions" of her. A lot repression and other topics of a human nature, plus the monstrosities the enemy has written, have gave rise to many misconceptions about her. Many self perceived "repressed" females today use her as a symbol to "justify" their actions, but Lilith is fundamentally a par excellence Goddess of both creation and motherhood as well.

The enemy calls her "Dark Mother" and many other titles, which all come from Ancient Codes about this mysterious Goddess. In the East she is symbolized by Kali and Parvati. Parvati is the pure wife of Shiva, but Kali is the most beautiful face of the feminine divine, that actually will hold no prisoners where it comes to usurpation and causation of chaos in the Spiritual Order.

Of course She is a "Dark Mother" to the enemy and those who threaten Her spiritual children, it's a given. After all, everything that protects spiritual people or the Gentiles, is always "Dark and Evil" in their book. That's a naturally protective stance against Her people. Her True Nature is a far more mysterious and elegant concept, more than words can describe.

Further, thanks to zero understanding of this topics and Jewish slander, Lilith had to endure a siege to Her reputation like no other female deity. As a slander to Lilith, the enemy has also made many monstrosities that they ascribed to Her or Her Name, in the same way they have made numerous monstrosities that were heaped upon Satan and the other important Gods. Every crime the enemy has been doing, they heap on the "Ancient Gods" as a display of hatred or confusion of the masses.

Lilith, like Astarte oftentimes in symbolism is the Kundalini force and therefore is called "playful", "dark", and because the Kundalini force must unite with her "husband" which represents the mind and the male aspect of the soul, but if left disconnected, can create "mischief".

When connected, she becomes the Mother of Human Illumination, able to "Breed Nations of Demons" and bestow Wisdom upon the Disciple. All of these allegories have been misinterpreted, but they are rather clear when one knows about the Occult. Then, She gets "liberated".

I won't mention the socially related atrocities humans have created around the term "liberation" in these topics. Lilith represents the rights of females to self determination, but also their rights to motherhood and tapping into their creative ability to give birth to human beings, like She has done for what the enemy refers to as the "Demonic Entities".

Another great lie about Lilith is that Lilith is a "Demon that is against childbirth", while the opposite is the case. In the same way the enemy slanders Satan as being the "Lord of Ignorance", while He is the opposite, Lilith has been slandered of all things to be "Against Childbirth".

Lilith represents the powerful mother that stands strong to protect her offspring and guard it from seen or unseen dangers of a spiritual or material nature. Spiritual Satanists as a whole are under Her protection on a community level. She also represents sexuality, yet sexuality exists aside other reasons for the obvious reason: To create offspring.

Spiritually speaking, one of the real statements from the enemy is that truly she is the "Mother of Demons", Demons meaning, enlightened beings of a higher order but also a code-word for enlightened individuals who have used the "Mother Force" or Shakti, and brought her into union with Shiva (the male and female unity via the rising of the Serpent force).

She is a top ranking Goddess up there with Astarte, universally respected by all the Demons and having a supernal authority like no other, and they both rule over the creative forces that animate the universe itself, and all human beings. She should not be invoked if there are no serious underlying reasons for this process. She gave the "Go ahead" to post this Ritual, and I would otherwise would not have done it myself.

The Ritual of Anubis is phenomenal when it comes to funerary rites, but also the other topics that one will understand as you will do the Ritual. Lord Anubis is one of the most powerful and most important Gods, a ruler of matters of the Afterlife. The full section of Funerary Rites will explain Anubis indepth, but also other Gods of the Underworld. That Ritual can be done to honor our Ancestors or those who have passed away.

Last but not least, Furfur is a God under Astarte/Demeter. In Ancient Rome, Furfur was called "Furfures", the name for a specific type of bran and was a Demon of vegetation and ensuring prosperity in those aspects of existence. Numerous Gods rule over aspects of generation of society, and Furfur is a patron for live giving vegetation and presiding ruler over agriculture. This has many spiritual connotations, which involve also the ability for proper nutrition. While many of these things in many places are taken for "Granted", these are still the most important underlying aspects of life and civilization.

The Rituals are published by 3 now, because Azazel said so as part of the New Year Initiatives. Many are ready and therefore all I need to do is publish them, so all is fine here.

These Rituals are NOT to be approached on a warfare mentality, they are Rituals one does calmly, to have fun, spiritually open up and connect to receive blessings. They are of a relaxing nature and not of the spiritual warfare type. Get in the mood, have fun, and enjoy the Rituals and the beautiful path of Spiritual Satanism.

The Rituals are to be done for one day each, in that order, once per Demon. You can do more if you want. Yet as a part of Group Ritual, one God for each day will suffice.

Ritual Schedule:

May 5th: Lady Lilith
May 6th: Lord Anubis
May 7th: Lord Anubis
May 8th: Demon Furfur
May 9th: Demon Furfur

Links to the Rituals:

Below are the Links to the Rituals

Anubis: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/anubis-power-ritual.html
Lilith: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/lilith-power-ritual.html
Furfur: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/furfur-power-ritual.html

Old Format

Anubis: https://old.josrituals.org/Demons/Anubis_Power_Ritual.html
Lilith: https://old.josrituals.org/Demons/Lilith_Power_Ritual.html
Furfur: https://old.josrituals.org/Demons/Furfur_Power_Ritual.html
How do I properly pronounce and vibrate anubises names ? And I can't feel runes when I vibratie them, what should I do ? Plus,(sorry for all the questions) how do I meditate on a sigil after a ritual? What should be on my mind ?
How are you guys having these extra badges close to your names. It's so cool. Are they like ranks or something
They have been implemented very recently and indicate personal activities regarding the JoS.
Very fitting that the ritual for Kali should come out this year. Kala is time(also black) in Sanskrit and also a measurement of time; 144 seconds, which is 2 minutes and 24 seconds. Many years ago when I was young and foolish, train hard felt like it was alright to drink in excess every few weeks because of how hard I trained. I overdid it one day and was forced into a trance and told to use Shakti to heal myself. It worked and I would have probably ended up in the hospital or dead without it. Shakti is wild untamed regenerative power.
I suggest you don't repeat it, as Lilith is a Goddess who prefers to stay private and should only be called upon in crucial circumstances. Even then, she only helps the people who she thinks have potential and are worth helping, and leaves the ignorant in the hands of their fate. If you've already done it by the time you're reading this, it's not the end of the world, but please remember that Lilith's privacy must be respected.
If this is so why do you think the ritual was publicly published..?
I suggest you don't repeat it, as Lilith is a Goddess who prefers to stay private and should only be called upon in crucial circumstances. Even then, she only helps the people who she thinks have potential and are worth helping, and leaves the ignorant in the hands of their fate. If you've already done it by the time you're reading this, it's not the end of the world, but please remember that Lilith's privacy must be respected.

It's not much like this, It's more like Lilith hates degeneracy. I would say that everyone can repeat the ritual who can maintain a pure intent throughout the whole ritual, and is above degeneracy mostly concerning females (porn addiction and weird fetishes, hating/disrespecting females or mothers, woke cult bullshits, etc).

But I would say Lilith's ritual is definitely not a ritual for personal goals.
For all of the good people who are helpers and protectors of humanity, Lilith loves us and she wants us to become gods as soon as possible. So we can go from being guardians of humanity which we already are, to being Guardian Gods over this world. All of the gods who we know who protect humanity, we are meant to grow to join them as their siblings.
Greetings, a quick question, in the ritual of the power of the Demon Furfur, there is an affirmation "Feed us the holy bran", the thing is that all the translators I know have translated "bran" as grain, since it is with a small letter, I thought it was a reference to Bran the Blessed.
Gorgeous rituals, the prospets opened by these are immense!

Thank you and the Gods for unveiling these knowledge and opportunities.
You are assuming the person you quoted has no reason to do the ritual. I would understand your stance when there was a valid reason for it, but you only assume.
away from assuming but there is some facts if you have eyes to see:
the fact that there's this description in her pray
"Queen of all Un-Manifested Domains,"
which is Magnificent and Horrifying at the same time if you only knew what lays in there.
you yourself have access to a very few unmanifested realms and barely can handle one which is "your self" aka "subconscious",
in order to just make it there successfully you need very deep trance
which need very "calm" and "quiet" environment and if something loud happen it hurt like your soul teared apart!
based on that just imagine what it takes to Mastering all Un-Manifested Domains!!
there's much more to say but that's enough

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
