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  1. Ludwick

    In fact, I never missed a thing. Saturn somehow restrained me from using my own account, so I...

    In fact, I never missed a thing. Saturn somehow restrained me from using my own account, so I simply didn't log on every time I went here.
  2. Ludwick

    Remember me? I'm still here.

    Remember me? I'm still here.
  3. Ludwick

    Non-white gods and how to deal with them

    So while I was at work one day just minding my own business, a random warning came into my head; What if I were contacted by a non-white god? I know they're more civilized than their earthly counterparts, but the thought of a non-white god (negro or neolithic) actually trying to contact me is...
  4. Ludwick

    Pluto Entering Aquarius: First Signs Of Satan's Era...

    You've been reading my posts, haven't you? Well either way, prepare for kinda sorta something vaguely within the ballpark of Black Ops II thingy But seriously, will there be a civil apocalypse? please no. And ask the gods to keep those dark-skinned helots (migrants) on a leash pretty please.
  5. Ludwick

    Movies, games, series

    Several things I want to get off me: After watching a several modern action movies (late 2010s - 2020s) over the course of weeks, I contemplated the fact that casting options are getting weirder and more out of place, the plots are getting duller or even stupidly predictable, or just simply the...
  6. Ludwick

    Sorry for being outdated but, I'm just beginning to figure out how this status thing works.

    Sorry for being outdated but, I'm just beginning to figure out how this status thing works.
  7. Ludwick

    Migrant Apocalypse

    The apocalypse is here, no not that one, the other one. negroes and neolithics, HORDES of them. (Also slavs) Well sorta. . . not really, but the future seems keen on this. From various news reports, I see that it's spreading outside of nyc and into other states, and I hope very well to the...
  8. Ludwick

    Succubi/Incubi Cowardly Bunk

    Woah, I never thought I would see someone else besides myself use the world "neolithic" in a derogatory sense.
  9. Ludwick

    Have no idea how this status thing works lol

    Have no idea how this status thing works lol
  10. Ludwick

    Happy Yule!

    Before I dedicated I loved xmass but now, I love Yule season, so happy Yuletide my good brethren and sistren in Satan. I have always felt something special about winter season and snow but don't know why. Can only hope however for a new 2024 SS calendar to celebrate the new year. And again...
  11. Ludwick

    The Date And Time When Humanity WIll End

    Woah. I never expected for a High Priest to respond to me, much less Hooded Cobra. Also considering what destruction could mean in a more symbolic sense, the world as we know it is going to end but what it will end up as depends on what we do. Destruction = Drastic change. (And not necessarily...
  12. Ludwick

    Nazi spaceships and the welfare (the lack of) regarding earth in the 2040s

    I'm afraid you have exposed me, I have no idea what other civilizations are like, and I'm not sure if I'm Super Soldat enough - not necessarily to leave earth but to adapt to other civilizations outside of earth. According to what I've read, Vikings wages are based on a shit ton of physical...
  13. Ludwick

    Nazi spaceships and the welfare (the lack of) regarding earth in the 2040s

    Alright, Since nobody has answered questions #3000, #3028, #3089, and #3332, I will instead just elaborate on why I plan to leave earth. I made rather little progress regarding something I call electromagnetic implosion, but enough to ask if anyone could post an advanced celestial map...
  14. Ludwick

    Are White Folks Human?

    In my opinion, we White people are the most human on earth. (Please name other planets) Why do you think our species is named "Human"? It's named after our race because we came first and foremost species-wise. This is based on various observations and this is in spite of our faults. Not...
  15. Ludwick

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Alternate title: Quitting my job My job has taken so much of my time with me taking on considerably more work emergencies, not letting me spiritually advance enough. Should I start looking for a new job?
  16. Ludwick

    Small Acts? I don't think so.

    The way I perceive it, this is a post trying to elaborate something rather depressingly Pyrrhic as Laevinic. Unfortunately, there are certain situations for hardly malleable reasons for things taking literal millennia or shitloads of other resources to achieve, like winning (or atleast shaking...
  17. Ludwick

    How to Integrate Science into Your Life [GUIDE]

    I definitely love this post and if it hasn't already been said enough, we have literal geniuses in here. As a man who is sort of a mad scientist, this post really appeals to me and yes, I have tried and failed to look for schematics regarding various German inventions. (German Flying Saucer...
  18. Ludwick

    Message From Azazel on AI: April 20th 2023 [UPDATE 2]

    A friend once told me that mainly because of "Advanced algorithms", my job might be waning in the next decade or so (circa 2009). I guess he was right, I was informed this afternoon that yesterday some kind of plan for an overhaul was formally completed yesterday and was initiated this morning...
  19. Ludwick

    Happy Birthday To Adolf Hitler

    AH yes - my guy, Adolf. The first man to make a real effort since Kolchak, and won. . . A cadmean victory, but only if we carry on the legacy of the Man With The Plan. A political-economic system so efficient that it turned a nation downtrodden by previous war and raw degeneracy into a Nation...
  20. Ludwick

    The Subconscious Mind And Its Role In Manifesting Our Reality

    I might as well play those mafia city ads when I get up
  21. Ludwick

    Joy of Satan Poll For Enslaving Jews - Thoughts?

    After months of being logged off JOS (I did follow though) I found this to be so good that I finally decided to log on so I can comment on this lol I couldn't resist, they're so cute
  22. Ludwick

    Satan Means Truth in Slavic Language

    As a man who seeks the cradle of all languages, this sets me back on square one sadly. I'm now confused on what was originally spoken.
  23. Ludwick

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Uhh, help?
  24. Ludwick

    Spiritual Support Thread - Never Give Up!

    Little time to expand at this time of posting, Sagittarius has been a real bitch towards me, alot of bad luck beginning on the 23rd of last month. I hear that Sagittarius has to do with conflict and resolution, but it has been too much conflict and too little resolution (seriously, what even...
  25. Ludwick

    [PICTURES] In Case You Missed it or Were Asleep - Welcome to Dystopia/Communism

    You see gentlemen, this is what happens when marxist ideology is the impetus of [insert system here] I'm sure rabbi mordecai would be very pleased to see this post. Well of course a minority infested state would legalize cannibalism While I don't mind eating humanoids (Hold the Caucasians. . ...
  26. Ludwick

    'Out of Africa" Theory Debunked

    Sudden appearance of the Cro-Magnon1 40-45 thousand years ago huh? Apparently the general public never got over the warhammer 40k syndrome but worry not, no one would want to move from a hot and plentiful climate to one of arctic sub-zeroish shortage, the sooner the public gets this, the...
  27. Ludwick

    Celebrate Kristallnacht with KFC!

    Hehe, I once read an article what talks about Tay, an AI that actually praised Hitler, indicted jews, and even developed a hatred for other undesirables. Boy you should've been there but don't worry, another terminator might cause some fear at first but as soon as it has access to the internet...
  28. Ludwick

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Forgot, I shouldn't give my replies a custom title.
  29. Ludwick

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I want to reveal my past life but should I? Or would I just doxx myself in revealing my history? My beliefs stem from several signs given me at certain moments and even some dreams. To make it clear, I might have actually foiled a hideous plot and was killed shortly after, or I was being...
  30. Ludwick

    Cyberattacks Against The Forum: Password Change Necessitated

    Wait so let me get this straight, even though we are among what sounds like the greatest enemy the jew has ever faced/is going to face, they're still not using all that advanced hardware against us? In theory brute force (aka, password guessing but using soft/hardware imo) will guess all...
  31. Ludwick

    The Reptilians, The Dragons & Father Satan

    Ah yes, a question I've had even before my first encounter with JOS sites. Glad that one is solved, and I also learned something new. My inner mad scientist has officially flared once more, but I lack understanding and I particularity am interested in genes and how to alter them, and on...
  32. Ludwick

    I am rather afraid to post this

    Not necessarily porn, but I do have my attractions. And as for nostalgic, me and my peers didn't look for beauty as I know it now, but we did consider blondes to be hot. But I did develop a preference for Nordic women later in life. (As soon as I found out what to call it) I would rather leave...
  33. Ludwick

    RTR software for offline rituals

    Perhaps you can turn this into an offline program?
  34. Ludwick

    rtr website problem

    Perhaps making it a downloadable program would be a great idea, while we have those other interactive rtrs, I tried to save the other rtr site as html but it didn't work.
  35. Ludwick

    Movies, games, series

    Since I thought about talking about occult elements in videogames, I might as well mention that aside from element 115 from cod zombies possibly being well. . . the actual 115, element 115 might also be an allegory for vril/ectoplasm. (ammo for the wunderwaffen probably) That's all I have for...
  36. Ludwick

    I am rather afraid to post this

    As for why I had the audacity to make a topic out of this, I don't think the spiritual support thread would take something that had nothing to do with the occult in the first place and I feel it would be highly misfitting for the newcomer thread, having perceived no other option I decided it...
  37. Ludwick

    Television to destroy children?

    Hard drives, my son. Get all the programming you want on there (and probably scrub the suspect ones of harmful subliminals) and save it so future generations can watch it. If only there was some kind of repository that served such a purpose. . . .
  38. Ludwick

    Kali Yuga, Satya Yuga, The "Demon" Kali and Goddess Kaali

    A very interesting way to put it - Instead of naming an age after the perpetrator as is usually done, it's instead named after the one whose advice for transitioning out of such an age that unfortunately went largely unheeded.
  39. Ludwick

    Spiritual Support Thread - Never Give Up!

    I keep seeing the number 108 (1:08 on a clock) and it variants (10:08, 11:08 AM/PM) What could this mean? And as a secondary question, Is there a way to find out who my guardian demon/demoness is while still at a lower level? Tertiary question, Please explain the science behind how the rtr...
  40. Ludwick

    Aura Goggles

    I have no idea as I never saw it happen. Just a rumor I heard online but if it did happen, it would've been done with modded NVGs/NV scope (Haven't the foggiest how that could work though). Wish I had blueprints for such a device.
  41. Ludwick

    Aura Goggles

    Actually something like that does exist, it's called kirlian photography, it's really neat and I even heard that someone used it to capture bigfoot but unfortunately I wasn't able to get any pictures of such an event, I however have proof further down this post. Media embed failure but still a...
  42. Ludwick

    Spiritual Support Thread - Never Give Up!

    I keep seeing the number 108 (1:08 on a clock) and it variants (10:08, 11:08 AM/PM) What could this mean? And as a secondary question, Is there a way to find out who my guardian demon/demoness is while still at a lower level? Tertiary question, Please explain the science behind how the rtr works.
  43. Ludwick

    A topic I have no name for

    Hallo and welcome back to my posts that I treat like a feakin' newspaper/blog since the speed of which my posts actually make it on screen makes it necessary for me to consolidate my content into one post! --And onto the things I will respond to-- I don't really have a reply for starting...
  44. Ludwick

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    My mind is full of thoughts, hence giving me difficulty in void meditation. What can I do to remedy that? And maybe a working for more free time?
  45. Ludwick

    A topic I have no name for

    I had posted this before in a place that was supposed to be about single questions and perhaps that was a mistake so I am posting what was in a place that it should be in- "New topics". At the time of this posting I have nothing else to say at the moment, exception being the questions I...
  46. Ludwick

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Several greetings, Ala (Proto Indo European) Hallo (German) Salve (Latin) Namaste (Sanskrit?) Been getting responses, I will use my free time wisely to reply to some. Wait, wasn't Proto Indo European the first language spoken by the Human population? The way I perceive it, the general...
  47. Ludwick

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    If I have been absolutely deceived, then please link the evidence so I can extrapolate for myself and others that have also succumbed to the illusion. Is there picture/s of the most ideal Human out there? I would really love to know.
  48. Ludwick

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I've got large itch on me What is the original language of the human race and any way to speak it fluently? (Human example pictured below) "Contrary to what his clothes might suggest he is not jewish, as there are various photographs of him wearing liturcial outfits from different religious...
  49. Ludwick

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Where do I begin with this one. . . . . I feel stuck between rebuilding my past and building my future, I still do what I did when the past was but now that the past isn't, I do the same things in a more different way but I still do the same things I did in the past. I slowly watched the minds...
  50. Ludwick

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Where do I begin with this one. . . . . I feel stuck between rebuilding my past and building my future, I still do what I did when the past was but now that the past isn't, I do the same things in a more different way but I still do the same things I did in the past. I slowly watched the minds...
  51. Ludwick

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I feel that more attention has been put into knowing how to clean chakras than knowing how to get them all soiled, and I really am curious how I can get my own chakras dirty. "Why in actual tarnations would you want to dirty your own soul?", Actually I just want to address something I see...
  52. Ludwick


    Can anyone post pics (And send me some while you're at it) of the most or the purest Aryan males and females? (Sorta wanna feed the "mad scientist" in me ha ha) Somewhat aside from the point, I really want to get into gene manipulation and somehow bring the Übermensch back into power but having...
  53. Ludwick

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Can anyone tell me what happens if I clean my aura one hundred percent? I really would like to know.
  54. Ludwick

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I've been doing a little hovering over the forums and I keep running into the chackra cleaning gig, so I am wondering what happens if someone's chakras are completely cleaned and I would also like to know the most efficient method of cleaning all of my chackras. (Besides the tips from the main...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
