Voice of Enki [TG]
Temple of Zeus Guardian
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gimi223 said:Okay im new to all this, firstly I have read a few of this forums and the library, Just know some basic information and im still indecisive about everything.
1. If satan is the real god and made everything how come he has no power on this world and let it go this bad , and also why does he need our help and our energy for RTRs when he is such a powerful being who made the world?
2.When we die do we get to choose where our soul goes, Like can we just explore the universe instead of fighting never ending war on this world? For example can we stay forever on the astral plane?
3.If I meditate a lot will I be able to lucid dream and astral project on will?
4. What is the meaning of living all over again for thousands of years ?
5. What becoming godhead means , like we become gods ourselves and we can do anything?
Greetings, and welcome to the Joy of Satan!
Your story is very similar to many of us who discovered the Joy of Satan through a serious of coincidences while searching for answers about spirituality after being lied to or confused by other people and groups out there.
I will do my best to answer your questions below, and feel free to ask any other question you may have, or want clarification on.
For your first question:
There are a lot of misconceptions about God and what it is or means. As Spiritual Satanists we do not believe in the theory of an omnipotent creator who made the entire universe.
We know our Gods to be living, corporeal beings who are extremely advanced on the evolutionary scale and developed highly advanced technology as well as build extraordinary individual power through spiritual growth of the soul.
Satan and the other Gods are not all powerful omnipotent beings who can freely and effortlessly do anything, however they are extremely powerful living beings and we agree them to be the creators of the gentile human races, after the Gods came to Earth here some 72.000 years ago.
Now, that being said, while Satan and the Gods aren't omnipotent beings, in reality they do have the power to remove the enemy on a whim and change this world as they see fit.
The reason they do not, and instead teach us, their followers how to change the world and how to defeat our enemy on Earth ourselves, is because we as developing beings, need to learn to fend for ourselves.
The Gods want us to develop into more advanced and powerful beings, same as they are.
If the Gods would babysit us and do everything for us, the human beings on Earth would never advance, they would just wait for this golden spoon to feed them forever, and become dependent on the Gods for everything.
That is something the Gods do not want. Therefore, they teach us how to fend for ourselves and how to fight and defeat our enemies.
The Gods teach us how to safe ourselves and restore our inner strength, so we may become like them, free and powerful, unrestrained and triumphant over any obstacles.
In reality also, the Gods do work daily for our sake, to prevent the enemy from steamrolling us and completely wrecking the Earth or our people, Satan carefully overseas the situation on Earth and does a lot of work to prevent things from getting out of hand.
They do their part out there, mostly in ways that are unseen to the vast majority of people, while we do our part here in on Earth.
This might be difficult to understand or accept at first, and it is a common question one may have "if Satan can destroy the enemy for us, why let us suffer?"
He isn't letting us suffer, as it is us we are suffering the consequences of our own karma and mistakes, Satan teaches us how to overcome this with our own power and abilities.
This idiom may help you understand why it is like this.
"Giving a man a fish feeds him for a day, teaching a man to fish feeds him for a lifetime."
For your second question,
The short answer is no. For one, the Soul has limited energy. It needs to be incarnated and doing spiritual work to empower itself with the vitality necessary to continue to exist.
After death, ordinary people's souls will slowly dissipate, until they either reincarnate again or dissipate completely.
Without spiritual practice, a persons soul will dissipate after a few lifetimes. It cannot sustain reincarnation anymore and will run out of energy to sustain itself.
Then one experiences what is called the second death, or true death. The death of soul.
However, through spiritual practice which empowers the soul, one can continue to reincarnate and exist for long periods of time.
The goal of life is to advance, to evolve and grow. This evolution takes time.
The soul too wants to evolve, and our Gods want to see us, their creation, evolve and become as them.
Therefore, one reincarnates, and can through spiritual effort advance until one is able to escape this cycle of reincarnation. To escape the wheel of samsara.
This happens when one reaches closer to the Godhead. After a certain point of spiritual advancement, one can reach a level of spiritual immortality.
The soul becomes immortal and no longer requires to be reincarnated in order to continue to exist.
At that level, one can continue to exist on the astral for thousands of years, however, to continue to advance and reach the Godhead proper, one must reincarnate again and complete the work.
As for the war on Earth, this war here is only very short. It has lasted a few thousand years, which is nothing at all, barely a season in the eyes of the Gods.
Reaching the Godhead allows one true immortality, where one will live hundreds of thousands of years, and even forever.
This war here on Earth is a very short season in history, which is soon to pass. Life can then improve again and become much more worthwhile.
For now however, it is a part of the challenges we face this age. We fight to end this season, and open the path for an age of prosperity and spiritual advancement for the whole of the Earth.
After one achieves the Godhead, this season of war is as insignificant to you as a short season of cold winter.
One knows after the winter there comes the spring and summer, and through our efforts these seasons of prosperity and growth may become ever lasting.
When we pass through this winter and the darkness that came with it, what awaits us is an Age of Enlightenment and prosperity.
That is what we fight for now, so in the future we and our people can exist in better conditions and live a more worthwhile existence.
Your third question:
This is much easier to answer.
Indeed, yes, through power meditation found on the Joy of Satan website, one can empower the Soul and regain lost abilities that we as human beings all can have access to.
Astral projection at will is one of these abilities that one may learn and practice.
I suggest that you read the Joy of Satan website, specifically the meditation and witchcraft sections to learn more about this.
For your forth question:
I have answered this as well in my answer to your second question, but to elaborate some,
Life on Earth as it is may not seem worth much, being mundane and uninspiring for many, however that is not all that life has to offer and at present life on Earth is one of the lowest manifestations of existence for advanced sentient life.
This will get better as the enemy loses their power and influence, and our side is restored to the throne which has always been rightfully ours.
Through advancement one can touch upon higher realms of existence, where one can rise to through the elevation of the soul.
Life is much more worthwhile in higher worlds of the Gods, where a few thousand years is far from enough to experience all the joys of life.
When you advance more on this Spiritual Satanic path, you will find meaning to living that you may not be able to see at present.
For some this might be the pursuit of knowledge, which is truly limitless.
Perhaps it is to learn rulership and use ones power and knowledge to better the world or other worlds, and continue to spread enlightenment across the universe.
To others it is to see the extend of existence, to experience eternity and eternal growth on all levels, the pursuit of higher existence and greater meaning or purpose without end or limit.
But before thinking of any such thing, one must learn to live in the present and gain tangible power and knowledge to experience the best that life has to offer here and contribute to the advancement of life on Earth in some way.
Then to advance in mind, body and soul towards the Godhead and experience the higher realms and worlds of the Gods, where the nectar of life is infinitely sweeter than the best one may find here.
For your fifth question:
To reach the Godhead means to achieve true immortality. It is to escape the wheel of samsara, to become immortal in your incarnate form.
It qualifies one to be called a God, but in reality it is the first step on this path of infinite advancement and growth. It is the base requirement to pursue existence and power as our Gods have it.
Satan for example has incomprehensible power, knowledge and wisdom.
He has been incarnate in a single life for over 500.000 years, though due to the dilation of time on higher levels, he may in reality have experienced an infinity.
To reach such a level of existence, it is possible for us. However, it requires thousands of years of work on our selves, to advance to higher and higher states.
The Godhead is the first step on this ladder of infinite growth and possibility.
And yes, eventually one can reach a point where just about anything is possible. How long that will take, I do not know.
I plan to find that out myself through the pursuit of spiritual advancement after reaching the Godhead myself.
I hope these answers help you understand more about Spiritual Satanism, our beliefs, our purpose and the purpose of existence as a whole.
Once again, welcome to the Joy of Satan.
Hail Satan!