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Spiritual Support Thread - Never Give Up!

Dahaarkan said:
It's hard to explain it, but interaction with the old gods feels differently from interaction with other entities. There is a certain warmth, almost a feel of floating, your mind calms and you lose focus on whatever you were doing. Though that is simply my experience.

What do you mean by the old gods?
Асуря said:
Dahaarkan said:
It's hard to explain it, but interaction with the old gods feels differently from interaction with other entities. There is a certain warmth, almost a feel of floating, your mind calms and you lose focus on whatever you were doing. Though that is simply my experience.

What do you mean by the old gods?

Deities that predate jewish thought forms and false gods they have fabricated. By old gods I mean the demons which were revered as gods by ancient cultures, and that predate these "new" false gods.
Henu the Great said:
You are not succeeding because you have karmic obstacles which make it hard or nigh impossible to find success with career / employment which in turn results in low income and unsatisfactory working conditions. Doing money working with uncleared obstacles is hindered or rendered useless.

Worth to mention that any working that you do for at least 40 days has a permanent effect on your soul, even if just a small effect, and it will carry on to future incarnations. Something to keep in mind is to think long-term!

I wrote a topic about this in the past: Freeing the soul is important because... - https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=288998#p288998

Also something that is related: The Best Thing You Can Do For Yourself.... - https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=70110

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We discussed earlier that for a non SS person, Hatha yoga and empty meditation are probably safe to recommend. Does this mean that it is risky for a non SS person to work on, for example, getting rid of a bad karmic pattern?
Dark Lawyer said:
We discussed earlier that for a non SS person, Hatha yoga and empty meditation are probably safe to recommend. Does this mean that it is risky for a non SS person to work on, for example, getting rid of a bad karmic pattern?
Having less than rudimentary level of knowledge plus no active oversight by Guardian leaves me to think that it's risky.
Henu the Great said:
Having less than rudimentary level of knowledge plus no active oversight by Guardian leaves me to think that it's risky.

Thank you for your reply!
For quite a bit, and yes; I've had a bit of misunderstandings as well on how to go about it from how the site lists some of the steps in opening and empowering each chakra, but I've been doing trying some of the other mantras for doing that recently and keeping it pretty consistent.

The thing is, as before to now, when I start doing it the first day, I feel an incredible amount of pressure and energy flowing through, but the following days I don't tend to feel it that much. It seems like when I start something it's there but after a few days it doesn't seem to have as much effect. I still feel it though and I know energy is going through.

I'm wondering about this just in case there's something I'm doing wrong, I'm doing soul cleaning about as soon as I wake up, chakra spinning, and returning curses 1&2 later in the morning, then aop, with the same thing following at night but without the returning curses 1&2.

Although I'm actually wondering if it is because some of my chakras are blocked, I mentioned before about how my emotions are with me; I wouldn't be to surprised if that is something dealing with somewhere between my throat to my crown chakra being blocked.

Should I focus more on unblocking each chakra for now?
Sonic.exe said:
hi i'm back after spending 2 weeks in a hospital for what was termed psychosis after i was released i'm doing better now i thought i'd ask about an experience i had playing skyrim i swear an npc that looked like my character was in there and it was a little creepy what was going on i uninstalled the game and think i won't play again also i want to talk about a thing i was doing i was calling 'lovecraftian xbox magic' to use my own words i started back in 2017 i swear i'm being serious is there anyone who could give advice and insight?

You just had a psychotic episode. None of those things are real and they do not matter. You need to clean yourself and detach from these things and everything will be better. Trust me, it is worth it, even though it may seem hard at start, but be consistent and you will see the results.
Sonic.exe said:
hi i'm back after spending 2 weeks in a hospital for what was termed psychosis after i was released i'm doing better now i thought i'd ask about an experience i had playing skyrim i swear an npc that looked like my character was in there and it was a little creepy what was going on i uninstalled the game and think i won't play again also i want to talk about a thing i was doing i was calling 'lovecraftian xbox magic' to use my own words i started back in 2017 i swear i'm being serious is there anyone who could give advice and insight?
Start being serious with meditation and yoga. Practice every day and get close to Gods. Do Final RTR and Gods rituals. This is how you heal yourself and get to know truth.
FlameGhost said:
For quite a bit, and yes; I've had a bit of misunderstandings as well on how to go about it from how the site lists some of the steps in opening and empowering each chakra, but I've been doing trying some of the other mantras for doing that recently and keeping it pretty consistent.

The thing is, as before to now, when I start doing it the first day, I feel an incredible amount of pressure and energy flowing through, but the following days I don't tend to feel it that much. It seems like when I start something it's there but after a few days it doesn't seem to have as much effect. I still feel it though and I know energy is going through.

I'm wondering about this just in case there's something I'm doing wrong, I'm doing soul cleaning about as soon as I wake up, chakra spinning, and returning curses 1&2 later in the morning, then aop, with the same thing following at night but without the returning curses 1&2.

Although I'm actually wondering if it is because some of my chakras are blocked, I mentioned before about how my emotions are with me; I wouldn't be to surprised if that is something dealing with somewhere between my throat to my crown chakra being blocked.

Should I focus more on unblocking each chakra for now?
It means that you are getting used to higher levels of energy. When you stop, your tolerance goes down as well.

Unblocking and empowering chakras through meditation and yoga does help you progress.
Clayface said:
I have trouble going to bed at a the right time and getting up at the right time, every time I try to get my bedtime right something so mysteriously keeps me from being able to
please help

I think there is some mysterious force that kept me from doing rtrs and cleaning my aura the last two weeks and I don't know what to do

Get a job. If you have to wake up and go to work the same time every morning, it will be very easily for you to naturally get a schedule for it.
AlexElPM said:
Can the gods use physical mediums to communicate with you??

For example: you suddenly discover a song that is very related to your current situation or to a subject on your mind. Or a image. Or a random text like a poem

Its obvious that not everything will be a signal but there are some things that I dont think they are coincidence

I’m right or I’m being paranoic???

Yes this is one way to give you a message. They will make you strongly notice it and pay more attention to it.
Clayface said:
I have trouble rolling my rs during rtr and I want to know if I can do something about it or is it the way I'm built?

and is there a fast way to clean chakras for my daily meditation? (I like the suggestion of vibrating through blankets but I think silent is better)

You don't need to roll Rs if you can't do it.
Little time to expand at this time of posting, Sagittarius has been a real bitch towards me, alot of bad luck beginning on the 23rd of last month.

I hear that Sagittarius has to do with conflict and resolution, but it has been too much conflict and too little resolution (seriously, what even resolved?)

I need to desperately defeat Sagittarius and make certain I hide out from it when November 22 begins again. . . and again.
Henu the Great said:
FlameGhost said:
For quite a bit, and yes; I've had a bit of misunderstandings as well on how to go about it from how the site lists some of the steps in opening and empowering each chakra, but I've been doing trying some of the other mantras for doing that recently and keeping it pretty consistent.

The thing is, as before to now, when I start doing it the first day, I feel an incredible amount of pressure and energy flowing through, but the following days I don't tend to feel it that much. It seems like when I start something it's there but after a few days it doesn't seem to have as much effect. I still feel it though and I know energy is going through.

I'm wondering about this just in case there's something I'm doing wrong, I'm doing soul cleaning about as soon as I wake up, chakra spinning, and returning curses 1&2 later in the morning, then aop, with the same thing following at night but without the returning curses 1&2.

Although I'm actually wondering if it is because some of my chakras are blocked, I mentioned before about how my emotions are with me; I wouldn't be to surprised if that is something dealing with somewhere between my throat to my crown chakra being blocked.

Should I focus more on unblocking each chakra for now?
It means that you are getting used to higher levels of energy. When you stop, your tolerance goes down as well.

Unblocking and empowering chakras through meditation and yoga does help you progress.

I imagine that's another way showing that I'm not of the enemy/a jew. Thank you for that, I'll keep practicing.
FlameGhost said:
I imagine that's another way showing that I'm not of the enemy/a jew. Thank you for that, I'll keep practicing.
People with Jewish blood would not worry about their ancestry being "valid" (they would just install themselves into whatever position and be harmful to others, oftentimes subconsciously) and it would be obvious when such a person does not advance (objectively speaking, delusions are another topic) and instead accumulates problems.

So, don't worry and keep going.
Ludwick said:
Little time to expand at this time of posting, Sagittarius has been a real bitch towards me, alot of bad luck beginning on the 23rd of last month.

I hear that Sagittarius has to do with conflict and resolution, but it has been too much conflict and too little resolution (seriously, what even resolved?)

I need to desperately defeat Sagittarius and make certain I hide out from it when November 22 begins again. . . and again.

The topic to google is conflict resolution. How do you handle conflicts? There are a lot materials out there to read. All kinds of strategies to try out.

This is a good time to turn a weakness into a strength. Brother, you can evolve this situation.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=342343 time=1649300391 user_id=21286]
Ardgion said:

The exhaustion and excessive horniness come from yin deficiencies, which are continued by the loss of yin fluids from ejaculation. This also explains trouble falling asleep. Do your best to restrain your masturbation. More solutions below.

You mention difficulty with discipline in regard to video games. This same lack of earth energy also contributes to the yin-deficiency of the body.

TCM/Ayurvedic solutions

Use the kidney 3 acupoint to rebuild the lost yin in your body. If you are severely yin deficient, this will totally kill your motivation; making it hard to focus. Perhaps you are also sensitive to stress or loud noises as well, or have a headache.
Hold as long as possible.


What is your body type? There are 3 main body types: Vata/air, Pitta/fire+water, Kapha/earth+water.

You sound like you lack earth, so you are either Vata or Pitta. If your skin and hair is dry, and your digestion gets upset easily, or you something lack motivation or work in bursts, then you are Vata.

If this is the case, you can use the Vata-reducing Mudra, which will help you regain both energy and yin in the body: https://www.completenaturecure.com/vaata-naashak-mudra/

While the kidney 3 acupoint specifically targets the kidneys to reduce excess horniness and replenish the yin lost from masturbation, mudras work broadly to influence the whole body. Use both to restore balance and health. The mudra should be held for about 15-20 minutes, perhaps every other day.

The above 2 things will be critical for helping you physically, especially with sleep.

"Rescuing" yourself

Beyond this, you want to focus on the easiest ways to rebuild yourself. The situation is not hopeless, but it may be too hard to jump full force into your previous routines. Instead, focus on activities that require minimal willpower.

Firstly, physical exercise is easy and can be done while listening to a video or other entertainment. In order of usefulness, do the following:
1) Breath of Fire (restores yang)
2) Alternate Nostril (restores balance and yin, for you)
3) Tibetan 5 Rites (very quick and easy yoga routine for yang energy)
4) Hatha yoga routine (critical for healing bodily yin and restoring balance

After this, additional yoga can be added, but it is better to move on. At this point, you should have much more energy, and you should then do a very basic cleaning and protection routine.

For example, chant Surya on the aura and clean with that energy. Repeat briefly on each chakra. For protection, chant Algiz, such as x15, x30, x40 and affirm it is creating an AOP around you.

At this point, you should be in a much more secure and stable position. You do not have to do the entire yoga routine but of course the more the better.

Solidifying your health

With some spiritual energy, you have more solutions available to you. I described using Ansuz and Nauthiz in another post, and these represent your more permanent solutions.

However, one can make use of short-term solutions to also benefit themselves. For example, you can use inhale earth energy, and affirm it is now balancing your earth element, positively.

You can also inhale earth or chant a smaller amount of Nauthiz, then affirm it has now made you disciplined for your work. While this is not permanent by any means, it will be enough to get you back into a productive mindset. Use it even multiple times daily, until you can do a permanent working.

Similar to this, you can use Surya, Satanas, or Saulo to incite action to do your work. You can also program it to now raise your energy. More specifically, you can say it has raised you physical vital energy, or productive energies.

You can combine this with the breath of fire and direct that energy back into yourself, as well.

Do not be alarmed if the spiritual solutions can be overpowered by moments of poor health, though. That is normal. Just remember that every little action you take now matters and adds up, even if it seems hopeless.

Don't be afraid to use a mental crutch, as well. For example, you can allow yourself to watch a video while cleaning your aura, which is more entertaining than without that stimulation. Doing this is certainly better than not cleaning your aura at all. This also applies to the other activities as well.

Good luck!!

Blitzkrieg how did you learn about the yin and Yang energies within the body?
i’m just here to talk the talk, take a load off me

i fucking hate this thing about tidying yourself up spiritually, depriving yourself of things, having collateral damage, but having it fixed, and doing new work to TRY to be okay, it never ends, holy shiiiiiiiiittttttt

and i left a rush on the 22nd of March for work and it seems that i am not recovering with the state of energy sobriety, i did several without a break, it has been making me uncomfortable, i don't know why the fuck
nebu said:
i’m just here to talk the talk, take a load off me

i fucking hate this thing about tidying yourself up spiritually, depriving yourself of things, having collateral damage, but having it fixed, and doing new work to TRY to be okay, it never ends, holy shiiiiiiiiittttttt

and i left a rush on the 22nd of March for work and it seems that i am not recovering with the state of energy sobriety, i did several without a break, it has been making me uncomfortable, i don't know why the fuck

I'm not quite sure what you're talking about. Excessive energy work, especially if you are not used to it, can have a negative effect after a while because you are not used to working with the same amount of energy. If you are inhaling or summoning more than you can actually handle, you can end up 'drained'. I've had this happen to me, only I had symptoms like a cold, but that's another category.

"Getting rid" of things leads to constructive growth of your soul. Getting rid of porn, negative lifestyle, all these things are disruptive to the soul. The Joy of Satan is pro-life and is concerned with the benefits and enjoyment of life.

You can do what you want, there are no limits - Responsibility is Responsibility. You have to know what is good and what is not good. Keep an eye on your progress, and if it is coupled with things you love, then recognize the weight and the essence of it, and then make the Righteous Choice.

You do things at your own risk. Nothing is forbidden in Satanism, because man is an instinctive being and there are many instincts. But the law is the law, and if you break the law, it is your responsibility. We do not encourage any lawlessness.

We live in a world where monumental irrational rules exist, but we are approaching an age of change.

All of life is a learning process. Even at 80 you are still learning something new. That is the beauty of life, that you are moving towards the state of Divinity. I didn't appreciate this before and often polluted myself ad nauseam because I didn't care about anything about Life, not even my own health. But this is me now, or was me.

The goal is to become a Strong Satanist who is not dependent on any negative habit or addiction.
Sometimes I wonder what the point is. All the pain and hardships of life.
Why do we want to be immortal?
All the loved ones we can't take with us...
thinking that way is not what I want
BrightSpace666 said:
The goal is to become a Strong Satanist who is not dependent on any negative habit or addiction.

as always, a beautiful piece of writing
even if i did not position myself with the greatest clarity, thank you, that's more or less the same point, i wrote in this topic so as not to create one that has no object, it was just a conscious complaint, at this exact point at the moment, i’m doing very well

i’m still strong in the fight
Asurya said:
Sometimes I wonder what the point is. All the pain and hardships of life.
Why do we want to be immortal?
All the loved ones we can't take with us...
thinking that way is not what I want

Life is hard because we are not advanced, not because we have to advance. If you advance, you pull the rest of your family and race with you into a more glorified existence. Also, imagine how you can heal them, care for them, and improve their lives with your spiritual energy.

You will likely suffer the loss of loved ones regardless of the path you take in life, so why not make the very best of your time and existence? Your family would be proud of you, and you will see their souls again, but how this happens depends on how advanced humanity can be.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=433733 time=1680283542 user_id=21286]

Life is hard because we are not advanced, not because we have to advance. If you advance, you pull the rest of your family and race with you into a more glorified existence. Also, imagine how you can heal them, care for them, and improve their lives with your spiritual energy.

You will likely suffer the loss of loved ones regardless of the path you take in life, so why not make the very best of your time and existence? Your family would be proud of you, and you will see their souls again, but how this happens depends on how advanced humanity can be.

True, thank you.
Everything works out with Satan and our Gods.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=433733 time=1680283542 user_id=21286]
Asurya said:
Sometimes I wonder what the point is. All the pain and hardships of life.
Why do we want to be immortal?
All the loved ones we can't take with us...
thinking that way is not what I want

Life is hard because we are not advanced, not because we have to advance. If you advance, you pull the rest of your family and race with you into a more glorified existence. Also, imagine how you can heal them, care for them, and improve their lives with your spiritual energy.

You will likely suffer the loss of loved ones regardless of the path you take in life, so why not make the very best of your time and existence? Your family would be proud of you, and you will see their souls again, but how this happens depends on how advanced humanity can be.

Dropping gem after gem.
the MOST egocentric, prepotent, disgusting, short-tempered being and POWERFUL is now present in the comments

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

i live on my personal image to a certain extent, i love solar energy, but…

isn't there a way to get rid of this side effect?
the current work has absolutely nothing to do with personality, it's just for general protection

i’m a commercial person and there's no way to disguise anything, no matter how hard i try, the words i express are already loaded with brightness, and it's negative for them and my behavior turns into an asshole even saying everything is normal

harms me.
nebu said:
the MOST egocentric, prepotent, disgusting, short-tempered being and POWERFUL is now present in the comments

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

i live on my personal image to a certain extent, i love solar energy, but…

isn't there a way to get rid of this side effect?
the current work has absolutely nothing to do with personality, it's just for general protection

i’m a commercial person and there's no way to disguise anything, no matter how hard i try, the words i express are already loaded with brightness, and it's negative for them and my behavior turns into an asshole even saying everything is normal

harms me.

Not sure what you mean by "commercial person" but if you mean you're in the business world, I would suggest looking in to "the 48 laws of power" and "how to win friends and influence people" if you're looking to manipulate mundane, non-spiritual people. Reading auras is a good way to "read the room" and see if this is necessary.

If you're legitimately worried about an inflated ego, consider if this is the enemy speaking through you, telling you not to be confident in yourself and your achievements. If it really comes down to it, the Gods can humble you real quick.
BrightSpace666 said:
I thought I'd create this topic, which will be about the help given to the SS. I am thinking of things like depression, loneliness, isolation, suicidal thoughts, and I could go on and on. The point of this topic would be to provide Spiritual Help.

I don't know how much you would be interested, if it is not necessary, however, I will delete the post. As there have been some unexpected turns lately - from more advanced members who need help. I have written posts about these before, if I remember them I will link them here.



I could write at length about this here, but I'll devote this thread to it instead.

I would like to ask for help from more advanced, more advanced members - if you would like to help, you are welcome. I imagine there will be a lot of posts here, I don't know if I could do it alone. I would like to ask the SS members here, if you have any problems, feel free to post here.

I should add that I'm not sure I'll be able to answer everything, which is why I need help.

If something bothers you, annoys you, or you feel like posting, post here and we will help you. May SS always be happy, grow and shine. That is why I created this thread, if you have any problems and think you would like to share and ask for help, post here.

Remember - you are SS, your goal is Spiritual and Physical Perfection, and to achieve it you need to be happy and strong! May The Strength Be With You.

Hi brother I have lost nearly a couple of decades in my life with no no fault of mine ,but only had pain and sufferings I came to know many and many important things very very late in my life ..How do I restore all my lost years or How do I increase my life span that can make me commensate for my lost years ?
marduk1234 said:
BrightSpace666 said:
I thought I'd create this topic, which will be about the help given to the SS. I am thinking of things like depression, loneliness, isolation, suicidal thoughts, and I could go on and on. The point of this topic would be to provide Spiritual Help.

I don't know how much you would be interested, if it is not necessary, however, I will delete the post. As there have been some unexpected turns lately - from more advanced members who need help. I have written posts about these before, if I remember them I will link them here.



I could write at length about this here, but I'll devote this thread to it instead.

I would like to ask for help from more advanced, more advanced members - if you would like to help, you are welcome. I imagine there will be a lot of posts here, I don't know if I could do it alone. I would like to ask the SS members here, if you have any problems, feel free to post here.

I should add that I'm not sure I'll be able to answer everything, which is why I need help.

If something bothers you, annoys you, or you feel like posting, post here and we will help you. May SS always be happy, grow and shine. That is why I created this thread, if you have any problems and think you would like to share and ask for help, post here.

Remember - you are SS, your goal is Spiritual and Physical Perfection, and to achieve it you need to be happy and strong! May The Strength Be With You.

Hi brother I have lost nearly a couple of decades in my life with no no fault of mine ,but only had pain and sufferings I came to know many and many important things very very late in my life ..How do I restore all my lost years or How do I increase my life span that can make me commensate for my lost years ?

I'm sorry for your loss, but know that you are not alone and that hope is not lost. The first way to a solution is to recognise and analyse the error, and you are on the right track.

You were not to blame, those who held you back were, so by all means do not beat yourself up in any way, as this will not lead to improvement, but to the manifestation of negative events from the past that you may be involved in.

Many people do not know how to treat their fellow human beings, but this is due to ignorance.

Full improvement and enlightenment may be a long way off, but this varies from person to person, depending on how much one wants to do to improve. You have found JoS, you have found Satan and your place in the world, and that gives you purpose and a Path. On this Path you can open your soul to positivity and forget what you have been through.

Stop fretting about the past and look to the present and your future. Free your soul from the damage you have suffered in the past so that you can create and secure your future in the present.

Change your lifestyle in ways that suit you. Do not conform to anyone, do not do what others want you to do. Do what makes you happy, shape your environment to suit you. I'm sorry for what you've been through, Brother.

You have found Satan in your life, and it gives you new life over the old dust. Fix the problems that are still present and rooted in the past so that you can look forward to the future with joy. Start a 40/80 day meditation programme, with Yoga.

Trust me, strengthening and uplifting your spirit will give you back what you didn't have in the past. You can work with the Gods on yourself and find Eternal Happiness with Satan in your life.

As your soul opens to the higher plane, you will feel its constructive side and become a new person. Don't deal with people with a negative mentality because they will not help you. Re-evaluate your life, your days, your time, and allocate it to yourself in a way that works for you.

Unfortunately, what's past is past. Build your future in the present so that mistakes made in the past can never happen to you. You have a long road ahead of you, and you can spend it on many, many important, essential things.

Through meditation, your understanding will systematically increase in proportion to your progress, and you will understand things that you do not yet know because of pain or confusion. If you don't like something, don't accept it. Be yourself and improve yourself.

You can start your New Life on Satan's side. Don't give in to negative emotions and thoughts - give them all out to free your soul and start a new life.

Life with Satan is monumentally abundant in knowledge, happiness and understanding, but you must grow to do so. I wish you happiness with all my heart, and always look forward, not back - if you need to fix something from the past, do it and move on.

You can live the rest of your life as a happy and evolved soul, and writing this post was the starting point.

If you have something to write to me privately about this and don't want to post it here, please write to this address and I'll try to help more.

[email protected]
Greetings everyone.

I have decided to not to post this anonym, as there is no reason to hide this.

I'm not 10000% sure if I have gypsy blood in me, but I'm brown. My mother says that my grand father has some gypsy blood lets say 50%. If that's true Im 1/8 gypsy.

Basically from what HPHC said I can consider myself as a jew and/or non-gentile.

This brakes me into many peaces.
I had a phase not long ago when I was worried if Im a jew and askwd help from Satan.
For a while (until I haven't read about gypsys on the forum) I was sure Im not a Jew and I was laughing at myself how could I thought about something like that.

I have received a massive blessing when I asked help from Satan not so long ago. His sigil started to glow and I started to cry, while I was feeling pressure in my 6th chakras.
When I was beginner I asked help from Satan because I was worried about "tomorrow" and "tomorrow" went easy and good, so Satan helped me there also.

I have felt my chakras to be open, and all of the meditation on the JoS is working on me.

I don't act like a gypsy, neither like a jew, I don't want to steal, I never lied here to any of you. I feel myself to be mature to my age.

These facts lead me to think 100000% that I belong to Satan, still this gypsy thing caught me by surprise.
After I read all the thing that was being said about gypsys here, I went outside to stay calm. I couldn't get into a meditative state because my mother was near me. I asked Satan to lead me to the truth about me, "am I from him?"
I got calmed really quick when I "prayed" to him.

You see everything shows that I'm a gentile. But on the other hand I'm pretty sure I have gypsy blood.
Tho I feel pretty calmed now and feel myself sure to be from Satan, I still need your thoughts. Do y'alls intuition tells that I'm a non-gentile?

According to wikipedia, gypsys aka Romanis comes from the Sanskrit "doma" which means "man of low caste" therefore poor. They were a poor group in india, they were musicians and dancers. Wiki says they are indo-aryans
Thats all. I know they are horrible, and do horrible stuff. They are very stupid, and arrogant.
I fit in non of these bad indicators.

I have written a lot about gypsies here. Given my line of work, I have to deal with them. About 99.9% of gypsies here in my country are jewish. But I am aware that this is not the case for all countries.

Given the positive experiences you described and other things I have observed over time, it is highly unlikely that you have jewish blood.
I apologize if this seems desperate or unhinged, but my life is in a predicament. I will try to convey this calmly and return to a cooler state. This may be a bit long for some to ingest.

In April of 2022 at 33 years old, I dedicated my soul to Satan some months after finding this organization, seeking knowledge elsewhere, and studying the bible and realizing that is monstrous, fundamentally communist, and untrue. :idea: I have had some paranormal experiences since my dedication, but I don't know if this was the right choice as I observe many evil elements of Satanism (or the corruption of it). For brevity, I'll withhold the details of many negative observations I have about Satanism (or the corruption of it), some of which even come from posts, articles, and videos affiliated with this organization, though I am intrigued by the Joy of Satan, and I might even be willing to support it if I find the tools to recover spiritually, financially, and legally. Nonetheless, I came faithfully in my belief that Satan is the true creator of humanity and that national socialism is the political cure for the human condition.

:arrow: I understand that I am responsible and take ownership for my character flaws, shortcomings, and downright immorality, but whoever God is, I currently doubt and reject that he is a force for good, though I am respectful and open to being convinced otherwise even without divine intervention. I am humble in accepting my role in my tribulation, but I have been battling very hard for myself and others against the enemy, taking great risks to do so. I find that God / Satan / whoever may not care as the Jews follow me around and come after me. I have a particular contribution with my website (currently live) and my videos (that used to be public), and I used to lead a local political activist group. I realize that I have power and talent to help myself and others - something to offer - and I really wonder if the demons really do care or if this is the same pathetic type of relationship I had with "God" when I was a Khristian. I have read other posts on this site that say the same. As Nietzsche said, "God is dead!" Others have been through much worse, but I have been on a ride to the bottom for some time now. Gee, this life was full of heartbreak, and then society collapsed, and everyone died. :cry:

I don't know how y'all learned all of this stuff about Enochian tongues, Sanscrit, telekinesis, runes, and more. I notice this site is evolving and progressing, though I wonder why pages about the American Indian Victimization Hoax and the Wealth and Prosperity Ritual were eliminated. I love the support for national socialism, but I don't know if I trust this organization. I'm just giving this a shot as a neophyte. I'm certainly not spiritually adept. :)

Maybe I'm not performing rituals correctly. Maybe I'm not healthy enough mentally to achieve the desired outcome. Maybe I don't praise the demons enough. It doesn't seem like the meditations are helping whether I follow them exactly as posted or if I meditate on my own. Despite this humility, I resent this reoccurring theme: "I messed up. I'm not good enough." I came to Satan during a time of great need, and the contract made was for assistance in the completion of my endeavors in exchange for my soul. Now, I'm living with Khristians who I cannot practice magick around unless they are away (which is not often). I went to efforts to make a black mirror, get the right candles, print the sigils, etc. in order to contact Eligos. Nothing. I'll try a 3rd time and see if I receive any telepathic thoughts or some trace of his presence, but it seems it will be to the same effect. I'm on my own; however, the demons may be working for my betterment without making themselves known. I have no idea. I don't even have much time to gain more spiritual knowledge (or if it's even worth my time).

Of my many woes, the main struggle I face is my outstanding misdemeanor traffic case in addition to living poor, being removed from my past living arrangement due to an outburst of a longtime companion, and having no social fulfillment. I can't even drive my 20-year-old car without the threat of arrest which confines me to my life among the Khristians (nauseating). I HATE KHRISTIANITY. :!:

I'm unable to wait around and to keep fighting on my own. I have done a lot to push myself forward and continue to move when things are tough. Either I start really learning how to get the results I need to make a recovery now, or I will be overcome and trodden down by the enemy and have my life destroyed all the while I'm surrounded by what's left of my Khristian family who tries to coax me into taking Jew pills and won't support me in the path I choose. I will not give into fear, but I will leave this "left hand path" if I don't find the key to my redemption. I have been through a lot and have missed important chapters in life, and little to nothing seems to be improving. I wish I could cry, but I just don't anymore. Maybe I've gotten stronger.

...and how did the Jews get so powerful and bring humanity to such a low state? Is this some sort of deliberate trial for Satan's creation? What battle did Satan lose, and why do we have to suffer as a result? :?: :?: :roll:

Overall, I'm thankful for the opportunity to post. I don't usually ask for guidance. Time is running out.
Peace to all of you. Hail Victory 666.
AnarchyRising said:

First off, thank you for sharing your concerns, as it is important to be conversational and open about your problems. There are misconceptions that you have, which I will do my best to clear up:

You must understand that the Jews have hijacked this planet for thousand years, abusing us and cutting us off from the Gods; pretending to our masters. Although it has averted even worse conditions due to the influence of the Gods, it has been left in a miserable state as a direct result of the enemy. In order to fix something which has degenerated so badly, this takes a massive amount of effort and also TIME.

It is very common for humans to not have a scope for this problem and its solution, therefore we may think that the Gods may not be helping, because we expect things to happen much too quickly. We demand that a disaster, thousands of years long, should be resolved within perhaps a few months, and because this didn't happen, we assume that no help has arrived, and we begin to panic or question our loyalty.

I understand that it is hard to feel optimistic, as you are facing many different problems, but if you let your loyalty to the Gods, or to this path, falter as a result of the conditions creating by Jews and Christians, then you will simply have nothing, as you would have detached yourself from an energetic support network.

It is very important that you do not do anything drastic or self-destructive in this regard. The Gods are aware of everything, including your struggle and how it is testing you. On a personal level, it takes time to reverse the course of negative circumstances, especially if you are in the beginning stages of advancement and growth.


Your dedication to Satan is that of a mutual partnership, not one where you have sold your soul in exchange for immediate cash. He is interested in working with you, not possessing a part of your being.

This again could have caused you some confusion, as you expected some sort of immediate change in your life due to this. In reality, the Gods try to invest in your growth over a long-term period. They do care about your life, but this can take time to resolve, and not all of it is immediately important to be addressed. This is the realism that comes with our path, and it should not be compared to the false and effortless "salvation" promised by the enemy.

This patience must also be applied to yourself as well, as your value changes as you grown and learn. You have a lot of potential as an SS, so do not beat yourself over your current state, or over a mistake that happened on one day. Stay focused on the long-term path, in which your prosperity lies.


Do not doubt the result of your magic, although you should make sure you are following the steps to be successful, like being focused, calm, willful, and so on. Make sure you are following all the aspects of the 40 day guide, as each of these is crucial to success. It contains the fundamental exercises of this path, as far as a beginner needs to know.

Some larger workings and rituals can be harder to judge when you are new, but the simpler things, such as aura cleaning or raising energy, should give you some degree of self-evident feedback. Are you feeling energy, can you see changes when you work on the chakras? Did you open all your chakras?

Most of the magic does not require any props or anything. At most, you need some privacy in order to do your chanting, but a lot can be done with the mind. Do you have a bedroom in which you can close the door? You can do your yoga here, as well as chant at a soft volume. This is perfectly sufficient.

If you are living with Christians, you should avoid appearing as their enemy at all costs. Just say you are an atheist, or a non-practicing Christian. Do not antagonize them at all; you don't want them to try to ruin you. Meditating and advancing in private is a major strength, so do not lose this.

In regards to contacting the Gods, they hear you when you meditate on their sigil. You do not need to print a sigil, have candles, or mirrors. Instead, focus on their sigil and voice your concerns and questions. Continue to meditate on the sigil, perhaps for 5 or 10 minutes. Imagine energy coming off the sigil and connecting with you; this can feel empowering and give an energy buzz.


This is how you link your soul and build a positive relationship with them. Do this very often, even daily. You can just open your phone and hold the sigil in front of you. Nobody needs to see. Feel the connection strengthening, just as it would if you were spending time with a friend beside you. Over time, it will become easier to sense or feel the thoughts and emotions of the Gods, and for them to guide you.


There is more that can be said about the other concerns you have here. Above all, be PATIENT. Focus on developing your soul, as described in the 40 day guide. This will give you many options to deal with your situation. Also focus on your survival and basic needs. If you have food and shelter, things are ok for now, as you can use this to build up the rest of your life.

Things will change over time. Do not buy into depressing mentalities about the position of your life. We are living in a bizarre and broken world, so in many ways we have to develop our own rules. A clean and empowered soul achieves victory, so you must be focused on this at all costs.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=343638 time=1649657582 user_id=21286]
Yeye95 said:

Two things popped into my head: What are you doing for your AOP? It sounds like you are getting attacked a lot.

Second, in regards to your focus and health, would you consider yourself yin deficient? In other words, dry skin, undereye discoloration, redness or other heat signs, excess thirst, hot flashes, etc.

Besides yin deficiency, which leads to liver blood deficiency, any stagnation of the liver itself will also make menstruation painful. This can also make you feel physically worn out, as well. This also influences you mentally and can make your thoughts harder to calm down.

How is your diet? It needs to be nourishing enough, without actually stagnating the digestion. Also, what are you doing in regards to yoga asanas? Hatha yoga?
how to balance Yin energy>>
What are some symptoms of being psychic attacked? I think I am being psychic attacked but don’t know forsure and want to stop this once and for all.
Hi Blitzkreig,

I have dwelt on this response for quite some time. I am very grateful for it and have read through your wise words several times, but I have only regressed spiritually.
It looks like your second post citing George Washington (confirmed freemason) has been removed from this thread.
I drafted a few responses to this before discarding each one. I'm hesitant to respond.
I can safely presume that you and others are far more advanced than me as I sporadically peruse the content here (though way less often than before). Without a doubt, there are very advanced spirits here.
I see all of the new developments that are being made here. There's no doubt that the JoS is progressing and growing. Cheers to that.

It is very common for humans to not have a scope for this problem and its solution, therefore we may think that the Gods may not be helping, because we expect things to happen much too quickly. We demand that a disaster, thousands of years long, should be resolved within perhaps a few months, and because this didn't happen, we assume that no help has arrived, and we begin to panic or question our loyalty.

I understand that it is hard to feel optimistic, as you are facing many different problems, but if you let your loyalty to the Gods, or to this path, falter as a result of the conditions creating by Jews and Christians, then you will simply have nothing, as you would have detached yourself from an energetic support network.

I am only a fallible man, yes, but I don't think my standards for recovery are unrealistic. I can endure in hardship so long as I do not feel alone and abandoned like this.
My problems are not unsurmountable, but I don't have money, friends, or a place to call my own. I'm destroying my own website with all the legal templates in it because I lack patience with people in this world, and very little is swaying in my favor. I've had patience for years, but without any confirmation or guidance to remain steadfast, I cannot have patience anymore. Time is valuable.

According to you, I have nothing because I have left the path. True. I don't practice magick or meditate anymore. I blaspheme "God" or the "Gods" or "Satan" daily (just saying to contextualize my spiritual walk... won't do it here). I constantly say that I want to kill God. I revile the Godhead with every inch of my being at present. The deicidal hatred I have for the creator gives me a depressive wave of tears and intense sorrow, but I'm also attached to this feeling as I feel justified.
I actually would argue that I had nothing from Satan or any Demons to begin with (more on this in the next segment).

Your dedication to Satan is that of a mutual partnership, not one where you have sold your soul in exchange for immediate cash. He is interested in working with you, not possessing a part of your being.

When I dedicated, I did not expect immediate cash. I carefully weighed what I was getting into. I asked for the assistance in the completion of my endeavors in exchange for my eternal soul. Nothing more, nothing less. Though I was excited and anticipating some form of communication during or after dedication as I have read about on websites like this one (didn't happen), I did not expect to be showered with blessings immediately.
When I think of a partnership, I think communication is what perpetuates the partnership. I have no meaningful communication from "Satan". I can't count on him to show up to uphold his end of the partnership. I can't count on new opportunities or anything to come my way.
I want and need guidance. I'm in full understanding that I'm at a low point spiritually and filled with animosity and foul energy, but this absence from "Satan" only bolsters my resentment. I don't even know what I have to do to recover.
HPHC just wrote the other day that in his first standard ritual, he (allegedly) had a profound experience that confirmed the truth of the Satanic faith.

Some larger workings and rituals can be harder to judge when you are new, but the simpler things, such as aura cleaning or raising energy, should give you some degree of self-evident feedback. Are you feeling energy, can you see changes when you work on the chakras? Did you open all your chakras?

No to feeling energy during any working or meditation. I have no idea what it feels like to open and close the "chakras".
The same goes for meditating on a demon's sigil. I feel no energy buzz and absolute disconnection.

I did revisit the 40-day meditation guide. Likewise, I have never been able to "cleanse my aura" and never felt any sort of positive result as I envision white light coming into my being and ridding my aura of negative influences. I can't really easily find someone to tell me what I'm doing wrong as we're faceless and isolated from one another.

I can't call anyone on the phone here. We're not friends.

I thought Lydia here wrote that we're not meant to do things totally on our own, yet that describes my solitary walk.


When I was 18, my girlfriend at the time had an unexplainable appearance of the number 666 on her calculator while in my presence. I guess that's something.
A couple of years ago (after my dedication), I encountered a setback and devolved into a despondent mess. There was a paranormal depression on the mattress (like someone slapping their hand down on the mattress). I interpreted that to mean, "Stop complaining!"; however, there is no proof that there is any intelligent meaning to that phenomenon. I can only insinuate.
I also remember the words "mentally ill" coming into my psyche as if the thoughts were not my own.

A clean and empowered soul achieves victory, so you must be focused on this at all costs.
I don't think said clean and empowered soul will be attained through any meditation. It's medication that I need, preferably holistic and not a Jewpill.
I suppose I'm sleeping better than when I wrote last year.


This is all speculative, though, and does not affect the "partnership" I had made.
Could "Satan" or "Lucifer" and the demons be real and benevolent? Could be. I won't rule it out, but I'm not a Satanist anymore.
However, the creator gave me 5 senses (or 6), and this is the human limitation. We are clearly meant to have limits as mortals.
When I look at a wall, maybe there is a spiritual world between me and the wall teeming with all sorts of activity, but the wall is the only thing I'm equipped to see in front of my little eyes.


I remember commenting on the Warriors of Enki channel on BitChute (a very childish and immature channel that doesn't upload content anymore, I might add), being critical of the Joy of Satan's permissive stance on homosexuality. I'm not an absolutist on the issue, but I have a problem with this organization flying rainbow flags and ardently supporting LGBT like that. My comments were blocked and removed. Then, I was trolled on my website with a bogus email signup for some "[email protected]" or something like that.

Another big problem I have is with the Lilith page here. So, Lilith wants women to have rights to kill their offspring on a whim? And we should support birth control for our women? I thought Hitler outlawed abortion to support the war effort because reproduction is key to overcoming the Jewish ZOG, and the Jews want us to be sterilized and have near-zero birth rates.
We all know now that Jane Roe lied about being raped now, and birth control has the Jews' fingerprints all over women's reproductive rights and feminism. Linked Source

Then, there are a ton of other points I can make about Jews either being Satanists or using its symbology. The waters are too muddy. I have to be revealed the truth.


Coprophagia Fecalust... Are these credible Satanists? A pentagram made of turds?


You must understand that the Jews have hijacked this planet for thousand years, abusing us and cutting us off from the Gods; pretending to our masters. Although it has averted even worse conditions due to the influence of the Gods, it has been left in a miserable state as a direct result of the enemy.

So, "Satan" was overcome and defeated.

Well, I can't count on "Satan" or the Demons. In a pragmatic sense, I am alone in this world to fight my own battles and to establish my kingdom. That's what reality dictates. There is no "God", or he is either unable or unwilling to help. I was very excited about my newfound faith in 2022, but at this point, the box with my occult toys in it stays in the closet collecting dust now. None of this stuff works, or it's not the right program for me. I'm finished.

If the "Gods" can be credited for any benevolent act in my life, let it be known, and I will bow down and praise them. Without that, I thank myself and the few other people around me for their acts, not some "God" who's always hiding, demands faith, and seemingly plays weird head games with those who accept him. I have no palpable evidence for anything.


Sorry, man, this is just feedback. You may certainly criticize me for falsehoods or anything else. I don't know what to say about this stuff anymore other than to inquire where my partner disappeared to. Normally, I would end a partnership with an absent mate.

It looks like the economic collapse has just about arrived, so I'll probably die an angry young man at 35. Thankfully, I didn't bring kids in to the world to suffer my chaos. I made some contributions to the world and didn't pollute my body with a Jewish vaccine, but I loathe this world and its maker from the very bottom of my spirit. I wish humanity didn't exist, especially the woman.
"Satan" or a "Guardian Demon" isn't going to protect anyone on the Jews' naughty list as they make moves to get rid of their enemies, especially white men.

As you can tell, I'm resigned to my low state, so I probably can't be hoisted from it. Surely, I would understand if it occurred to you to just look the other way. I hope I don't get banned for this, though.

See ya later.
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Hi Blitzkreig,

I have dwelt on this response for quite some time. I am very grateful for it and have read through your wise words several times, but I have only regressed spiritually.
It looks like your second post citing George Washington (confirmed freemason) has been removed from this thread.
I drafted a few responses to this before discarding each one. I'm hesitant to respond.
I can safely presume that you and others are far more advanced than me as I sporadically peruse the content here (though way less often than before). Without a doubt, there are very advanced spirits here.
I see all of the new developments that are being made here. There's no doubt that the JoS is progressing and growing. Cheers to that.

I am only a fallible man, yes, but I don't think my standards for recovery are unrealistic. I can endure in hardship so long as I do not feel alone and abandoned like this.
My problems are not unsurmountable, but I don't have money, friends, or a place to call my own. I'm destroying my own website with all the legal templates in it because I lack patience with people in this world, and very little is swaying in my favor. I've had patience for years, but without any confirmation or guidance to remain steadfast, I cannot have patience anymore. Time is valuable.

According to you, I have nothing because I have left the path. True. I don't practice magick or meditate anymore. I blaspheme "God" or the "Gods" or "Satan" daily (just saying to contextualize my spiritual walk... won't do it here). I constantly say that I want to kill God. I revile the Godhead with every inch of my being at present. The deicidal hatred I have for the creator gives me a depressive wave of tears and intense sorrow, but I'm also attached to this feeling as I feel justified.
I actually would argue that I had nothing from Satan or any Demons to begin with (more on this in the next segment).

When I dedicated, I did not expect immediate cash. I carefully weighed what I was getting into. I asked for the assistance in the completion of my endeavors in exchange for my eternal soul. Nothing more, nothing less. Though I was excited and anticipating some form of communication during or after dedication as I have read about on websites like this one (didn't happen), I did not expect to be showered with blessings immediately.
When I think of a partnership, I think communication is what perpetuates the partnership. I have no meaningful communication from "Satan". I can't count on him to show up to uphold his end of the partnership. I can't count on new opportunities or anything to come my way.
I want and need guidance. I'm in full understanding that I'm at a low point spiritually and filled with animosity and foul energy, but this absence from "Satan" only bolsters my resentment. I don't even know what I have to do to recover.
HPHC just wrote the other day that in his first standard ritual, he (allegedly) had a profound experience that confirmed the truth of the Satanic faith.

No to feeling energy during any working or meditation. I have no idea what it feels like to open and close the "chakras".
The same goes for meditating on a demon's sigil. I feel no energy buzz and absolute disconnection.

I did revisit the 40-day meditation guide. Likewise, I have never been able to "cleanse my aura" and never felt any sort of positive result as I envision white light coming into my being and ridding my aura of negative influences. I can't really easily find someone to tell me what I'm doing wrong as we're faceless and isolated from one another.

I can't call anyone on the phone here. We're not friends.

I thought Lydia here wrote that we're not meant to do things totally on our own, yet that describes my solitary walk.


When I was 18, my girlfriend at the time had an unexplainable appearance of the number 666 on her calculator while in my presence. I guess that's something.
A couple of years ago (after my dedication), I encountered a setback and devolved into a despondent mess. There was a paranormal depression on the mattress (like someone slapping their hand down on the mattress). I interpreted that to mean, "Stop complaining!"; however, there is no proof that there is any intelligent meaning to that phenomenon. I can only insinuate.
I also remember the words "mentally ill" coming into my psyche as if the thoughts were not my own.

I don't think said clean and empowered soul will be attained through any meditation. It's medication that I need, preferably holistic and not a Jewpill.
I suppose I'm sleeping better than when I wrote last year.


This is all speculative, though, and does not affect the "partnership" I had made.
Could "Satan" or "Lucifer" and the demons be real and benevolent? Could be. I won't rule it out, but I'm not a Satanist anymore.
However, the creator gave me 5 senses (or 6), and this is the human limitation. We are clearly meant to have limits as mortals.
When I look at a wall, maybe there is a spiritual world between me and the wall teeming with all sorts of activity, but the wall is the only thing I'm equipped to see in front of my little eyes.


I remember commenting on the Warriors of Enki channel on BitChute (a very childish and immature channel that doesn't upload content anymore, I might add), being critical of the Joy of Satan's permissive stance on homosexuality. I'm not an absolutist on the issue, but I have a problem with this organization flying rainbow flags and ardently supporting LGBT like that. My comments were blocked and removed. Then, I was trolled on my website with a bogus email signup for some "[email protected]" or something like that.

Another big problem I have is with the Lilith page here. So, Lilith wants women to have rights to kill their offspring on a whim? And we should support birth control for our women? I thought Hitler outlawed abortion to support the war effort because reproduction is key to overcoming the Jewish ZOG, and the Jews want us to be sterilized and have near-zero birth rates.
We all know now that Jane Roe lied about being raped now, and birth control has the Jews' fingerprints all over women's reproductive rights and feminism. Linked Source

Then, there are a ton of other points I can make about Jews either being Satanists or using its symbology. The waters are too muddy. I have to be revealed the truth.

View attachment 1805

Coprophagia Fecalust... Are these credible Satanists? A pentagram made of turds?


So, "Satan" was overcome and defeated.

Well, I can't count on "Satan" or the Demons. In a pragmatic sense, I am alone in this world to fight my own battles and to establish my kingdom. That's what reality dictates. There is no "God", or he is either unable or unwilling to help. I was very excited about my newfound faith in 2022, but at this point, the box with my occult toys in it stays in the closet collecting dust now. None of this stuff works, or it's not the right program for me. I'm finished.

If the "Gods" can be credited for any benevolent act in my life, let it be known, and I will bow down and praise them. Without that, I thank myself and the few other people around me for their acts, not some "God" who's always hiding, demands faith, and seemingly plays weird head games with those who accept him. I have no palpable evidence for anything.


Sorry, man, this is just feedback. You may certainly criticize me for falsehoods or anything else. I don't know what to say about this stuff anymore other than to inquire where my partner disappeared to. Normally, I would end a partnership with an absent mate.

It looks like the economic collapse has just about arrived, so I'll probably die an angry young man at 35. Thankfully, I didn't bring kids in to the world to suffer my chaos. I made some contributions to the world and didn't pollute my body with a Jewish vaccine, but I loathe this world and its maker from the very bottom of my spirit. I wish humanity didn't exist, especially the woman.
"Satan" or a "Guardian Demon" isn't going to protect anyone on the Jews' naughty list as they make moves to get rid of their enemies, especially white men.

As you can tell, I'm resigned to my low state, so I probably can't be hoisted from it. Surely, I would understand if it occurred to you to just look the other way. I hope I don't get banned for this, though.

See ya later.

Everyone starts with their own strengths and weaknesses of the soul. You cannot compare yourself with a person that was destined to be a High Priest.

The sensitivity to the Gods, energy, and our own souls develops over time, not instantly. It is not the Gods which are the limit in regards to communications, but us.

Is Satan hiding, or are you hiding from Satan? You just said you cannot sense your aura, but it is Satan's fault that you cannot sense him? Instead, would it be more likely and realistic that the Gods had guided you to a place where you could get your questions answered?

The fact that you are here, in a temple of Satan, mulling over your beliefs and receiving answers can itself be an act of the Gods who are trying to help you understand in the best way for you. This is a realistic manifestation of their energy, not whatever energetic fireworks you may assume are required to occur.

Earth and humans are the surface onto which the Gods' Will can be expressed. It was not Satan who was defeated, but rather a collapse on our end. The enemy attacked earth and cut us off. The Gods were always available to help, but they exist on another dimension. If we stop praying, if we give up on this path, then what exactly can they do?

If I quit exercising after 1 week because I cannot tell if my muscles have grown, would it make sense to say that exercise doesn't work and that the personal trainers are not helping me? The personal trainer cannot help you because you had stopped going to the gym, but you don't go to the gym because you assume he cannot help you. That is similar to what you are creating here in regards to the Gods.

I think you need to understand that you are at the start of this path and that is why you may have these concerns, as well as a feeling of disconnection, which are normal. Most of these stories of new people who proclaim the craziest experiences with the Gods are often not true.

In my opinion, you only need a few months of dedicated effort to see something tangible, perhaps even less for basic sensations of energy. Certain exercises, like the directing energy meditation, are key beginner exercises for creating sensitivity.

The evidence of this path is unique in that in most cases it is personally observed. This is why the initial stage is hard, because we cannot easily show you, yet we know that once you experience it, you will finally understand.

Not feeling energy at the start of this path is actually normal and expected and shouldn't be used as proof of its non-existence, as the source of this limitation is our self, not the astral world or the Gods.
I know exactly what you mean here about entities and their energy. It's a little crazy but I've always had this intuition and feeling about these things. I was baptized as a child and it was not fun at all (so many traumas from back then)... there were literal vibrations in the water that were violent and shaking and I'd felt this sadness flood over me, followed by this dumbfounded sense of absolute peace... almost like getting punched and then hugged immediately after. It gave me this happy buzz for a while that soon after dissipated.

This is how the enemy does things! They break you down and rebuild you instantly into something foreign to what we truly are and they try to get people hooked on that. Their entities have this 'too high' of a vibration I feel, to a point where it's harmful, like a buzzing/shaking kind of thing... it's very unnatural.

After I started meditating and connecting to our Gods' energy the difference is night-and-day. When you mentioned floating I totally agree! It's gentle, slow and it builds up, sort-of like an exponential curve. in perfect harmony to our own vibration, the earth's vibration, etc.

I never knew what an incredible life-purpose this place had for me until a bit late, however I truly do now in spite of experiencing so many bad things. The only path we have is the one that brings us the most out of life even if our life appears to have insurmountable challenges. Getting out of these states and becoming more, that is the best thing we have in this life for sure.
Well, Blitzkreig, I thank you for your responses. I'll extend my gratitude for allowing me to voice my doubts as I make my exit. I already know you've heard this ten times before, and this is only my flavor as a meager neophyte.

The fact that you are here, in a temple of Satan, mulling over your beliefs and receiving answers can itself be an act of the Gods who are trying to help you understand in the best way for you. This is a realistic manifestation of their energy, not whatever energetic fireworks you may assume are required to occur.

Hmm... It could be, but at face value, it's the act of 2 individuals and a realistic manifestation of our energy. It's my mind that is racing and my wrists that feel the strain from using the computer. I used to think like this as a Christian, too. "God puts people in our paths when we need them..." Arbitrary. Speculative. Inconclusive.
I came here of my own volition.

If I quit exercising after 1 week because I cannot tell if my muscles have grown, would it make sense to say that exercise doesn't work and that the personal trainers are not helping me? The personal trainer cannot help you because you had stopped going to the gym, but you don't go to the gym because you assume he cannot help you. That is similar to what you are creating here in regards to the Gods.

I understand the comparison you are trying to make, and certainly, there's a more demonstrative analogy of remaining faithful when results are not immediate.
Physical exercise generates an immediate change, and if the muscles don't grow right away, you feel the fatigue and soreness as indicative of a change on the way. I can also observe many muscle-bound bodies that are evident of the dedication to sculpting one's physique.

Conversely, my Satanic transformation is a total flat line. I did stick to my full moon ritual workings when I didn't see immediate results for approximately 18 months. I gave meditation a fair shake. Two years after my dedication, here I am still searching with basically nothing to show for the time I put in to obtaining my little runes, pentagrams, chalices, and my cheap pentagram necklace that I love, all of which I put together with my time and sacrificed funds (I have no money. I am broke.) to do so. Surely, the "Gods" can see this if they're real and involved with us, but they're not in any way that affects me. I've got half-finished projects and broken dreams everywhere and absolutely no one to partner with toward the completion of these goals. It was a contract, plain and simple. I came committed as I cut my left index finger with scissors and bled all over my ritual table, praying to "Demons of Hell" and pledging my eternal soul to someone I cannot see. My partner, "Satan", doesn't deliver. He's reneging and in dishonor, though I have no confirmation that my dedication was even received by some paranormal observer or by "Satan" himself. I can remain faithful forever even if I don't see his face or hear his superior words if I can get a measly bone thrown my way. I'm absolutely penniless and helpless, drowning in negativity that I cannot stop because I will not lie to myself and stay deluded. I used to see spooky stories involving Satanists that were involved in heinous crimes, and yet I still dedicated. I also had to confront my past Khristian indoctrination. Therefore, I shed this layer of guilt and shame when it is my partner who is in transgression - that is, if he is actually real and capable. When I encounter someone like this who breaches a contract, I deal with it accordingly, and I certainly do not keep with such untrustworthy individuals, let alone esteem one as "God". Usually, I would stereotype a Satanist as someone that has blue/purple/green hair and several strange piercings and hideous tattoos because that was the representation of Satanism that I encountered in life.


I thought my website and videos were such a selfless working that I had taken on against the enemy. It left a big impact on others, and of course, I got the boot from JewTube and have been trolled by fed types somewhat regularly.

No money, no house, old car, no income, no wife, no kids, no love, but especially no hope. Nothing ever changes.
I'll try to save my business, but nothing seems to work in 2024. I'll try to replace it with a new job.
I continue to remain faithful in my investments as I have conviction and reasons to remain faithful.
Once again, the acts that will occur consequential to this somewhat panicked mindset will be of my own hands.
I can attribute nothing that I encounter to the workings of a higher power. It's arbitrary and fantastical and impractical to think this way, and I'm adverse and hostile to this mindset because of the inherent disappointment I walk with.
"Satan" won't be there for me. I don't have faith; so, maybe he wants me and my negativity dead and exterminated. "God" doesn't care about our suffering. He ordains it.


I mentioned other issues such as the economic collapse scenario which this board is very much cognizant of. It really does seem to be taking place this year or getting doubly intense, and I simply do not see a banana republic like the United States continuing to hang on by a thread in 2030. Therefore, I cannot have patience any more like this. I need results now.

I brought up my concerns about things like the enemy's use of the 666 power number and other "Satanists" that really seem to be general pieces of filth.

I also think my point about abortion and the Lilith page was rather astute. Not that I would expect perfection from any organization, but it bothers me that this organization's leadership is pro-abortion. Why was the page on the Native American victimization hoax removed?


I can make peace with what is to a certain extent as an act of acceptance. After all, I do think that normies deserve their chains and to wake up conquered. Humanity, despite its technological advancements and modern marvels, is a joke, and human civilizations rise and destroy themselves cyclically. Thus, what we see today is a normal degeneration that occurs to an ailing society. At least I know that this pointless, trivial life will be over soon. This can't go on forever.


I can't take anything valuable from your post other than to paraphrase that it's normal not to experience things right away because people like me are new and aren't sensitive enough to the presence of spiritual energies. I can sense someone else's energy rather easily and approximate someone's disposition or mood. Ghost hunting normies can feel spiritual presence without any extensive meditation regimen. They say things like the room gets really cold when they know they're in a spiritual presence. How would this be any different?

Again, I haven't come up with a way to get feedback on what exactly I'm doing wrong. Maybe I can go to a local psychic or get a tarot reading or something. Doing everything alone


The mass shootings are all fake.
COVID is a hoax.
Palestinians are using rubber babies. The war is a hoax.
Gas the Jews.
Abolish freemasonry.


Sorry, man. I can't be reasoned with. I'm getting angry, but it's not all lost because I'll say this: Though I am no longer a Satanist, I'll be friendly with anyone who is the enemy of my enemy, the Jew.
I need to go ahead and leave as a commitment to being agnostic. This place is for Satanists. I'm bitter when I think about my spiritual walk, and I need to respect that this is your place to promote your beliefs. I'm just expressing that my experiences for 2 years indicate that this path did not help me and that I don't believe that "Satan" is "God", and this part of the forum is reserved for people like me to utilize. I'll take it elsewhere.

I wish this organization all the best, and your growth is self-evident. The site looks great!

All the best to you,

I'll try this one more time.
This time, I'll do it right.
No response is expected.

I won't give up on Satan or the Demons. I don't want to!
He demands faith in the unseen from His creation. So mote it be.
There certainly is a spiritual force around me, watching over me, and protecting me.
Blitzkreig is right. My act of coming to this Temple may very well be of the Gods.
The spiritual wisdom I encounter here continues to magnetize me.
The fact that I remain indicates that I would like to restore my faith and commitment to Satan.
Please accept this offering of my blood on your sigil as an act of restoring my commitment and respect on this night, Demon. I humble myself and ask for your forgiveness.
I will heed the words of those superior to me as they minister unto me.

-Where are the spiritually advanced people in the real world? I see a bunch of dumbass goyimsheep everywhere with very few exceptions.

-Is there anyone that isn't a stuttering buffoon that can help me with my popular website? I have my audience's attention that I need help, but none of these people I have encountered can write or code websites. I prefer working with white men, but I'm open to anyone at this point. I guarantee that the JoS sites are being maintained and developed by at least 3 people, if not more.

-Is there an alternative meditation strategy to clean the aura? I feel like I might dream up my own psycho-visualization that works for me other than what's presented in the meditation guide.

-How can I maintain my faith in Satan as the disappointment strikes of not having the things when I need them (but eventually might)? This is the hardest test of my character. I forgive myself. This has not been easy to remain patient, and I thought about how to phrase this inquiry. Maybe the Gods have been blessing me with the people that I need to meet, but it's my own shortcomings and lack of character that ruins it.

-Should I remain isolated from the Khristians around me? The Al-Jilwah states: "I do not permit friendly association with other people."
I am cut off from the resources of others. Yes, they do ask for me to go to Gurch with them and to love Jeezizz. I've said no every time except for once.

-Should I donate a few dollars to the JoS when I have no income or after I start a new job?

This page is excellent:
666BlackSun Nazism and Satanism
I'm not sure if I agree that the Third Reich wasn't Christian "by any stretch of the imagination", but I digress. Great article.

I may need to make a new account to get rid of my "AnarchyRising" moniker that's followed me since my Khristian days. Out with the old and in with the new.

Please help me sleep sweetly tonight, Demon.
Your peace and wisdom covers over me.

Hail Satan 666
Sieg Heil

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
