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Movies, games, series

Nimrod33 said:
Taking inspiration from my previous message on the videogame companies, i will write here what cartoons are 100% Jewish and needs to be boycotted:

Big Mouth
What can be said about an ugly Netflix series that features kids masturbating and doing other perverted things? The fact that all the four producers are jewish pedophiles!

Dexter's Lab, Samurai Jack, and the Hotel Transylvania series
All theese cartoons where made by the russian jew Genndy Tartakowsky. Don't know how much jewish they are.

Anything Disney after the death of Walter
The company is now very jewish and does everything in his power to promote race-mixing, multiculturalism and feminism. Also known for destroying various teenager stars.

Anything Dreamworks
Company founded by Steven Spielberg. The fact that they even portrayed in a good light two biblical stories (so much for a "Satanic" Hollywood, eh?) is enough for me to reject them.

Family Guy
Liberal and unfunny adult cartoon owned by David Zuckermann, a jew. Also, jewish propaganda.

Gravity Falls
The cartoon is full of masonic simbols and other occult messages, but this shouldn't decieve you as its not Satanic but Jewish Cabalistic, explained by the fact the author (Alex Hirsch) is a jewish liberal. As admitted by him once, Uncle Stan (one of the main protagonist) is jewish. The show also seems to demonize Satan in the form of Bill Cipher, who ironically, is said to be a demon that must never be summoned.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The fourth generation of this girly Hasbro franchise has a jewish producer, which everybrony knows as Lauren Faust. It is an big feminist cartoon and has a toxic fanbase create ironically by 4chan.

Star vs The Forces of Evil
The jewess Daron Nefcy created this pro-feminist, pro-race mixing, pro-SJW cartoon that blatlanty rips-off elements from magical girls anime. It also seems to portray magic as bad, since it disappears completely from the universe in the end.

Steven Universe
Another cartoon created by an SJW jewess, Rebecca Sugar. The show features a bunch of gender neutral aliens acting like women.

South Park
Matthew Richard Stone, one of the producers, is a jew and loves making grossy humor.

The Powerpuff Girls
Before working on My Little Pony, Faust helped her husband in this series, which also demonizes Satan in form of "Him".

I'm pretty sure this list has only the 1% of the Jews in the cartoon industry. Considering that they were there since the beginning of the Cartoon Industry in West, it makes me wonder if the 90's were really that good. I'm nott sure if Matt Groening, author of the Simpson, is a jew. Also, i've heard people claiming that Stephen Hillburg (Spongebob creator) was jewish, but i'm not sure. Anyway, feel free to tell me if there are other cartoons to add.

“Anything Dreamworks
Company founded by Steven Spielberg. The fact that they even portrayed in a good light two biblical stories (so much for a "Satanic" Hollywood, eh?) is enough for me to reject them.”

What about the land before time series and cartoon?
SatanBringsMeJoy said:
Nimrod33 said:
Taking inspiration from my previous message on the videogame companies, i will write here what cartoons are 100% Jewish and needs to be boycotted:

Big Mouth
What can be said about an ugly Netflix series that features kids masturbating and doing other perverted things? The fact that all the four producers are jewish pedophiles!

Dexter's Lab, Samurai Jack, and the Hotel Transylvania series
All theese cartoons where made by the russian jew Genndy Tartakowsky. Don't know how much jewish they are.

Anything Disney after the death of Walter
The company is now very jewish and does everything in his power to promote race-mixing, multiculturalism and feminism. Also known for destroying various teenager stars.

Anything Dreamworks
Company founded by Steven Spielberg. The fact that they even portrayed in a good light two biblical stories (so much for a "Satanic" Hollywood, eh?) is enough for me to reject them.

Family Guy
Liberal and unfunny adult cartoon owned by David Zuckermann, a jew. Also, jewish propaganda.

Gravity Falls
The cartoon is full of masonic simbols and other occult messages, but this shouldn't decieve you as its not Satanic but Jewish Cabalistic, explained by the fact the author (Alex Hirsch) is a jewish liberal. As admitted by him once, Uncle Stan (one of the main protagonist) is jewish. The show also seems to demonize Satan in the form of Bill Cipher, who ironically, is said to be a demon that must never be summoned.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The fourth generation of this girly Hasbro franchise has a jewish producer, which everybrony knows as Lauren Faust. It is an big feminist cartoon and has a toxic fanbase create ironically by 4chan.

Star vs The Forces of Evil
The jewess Daron Nefcy created this pro-feminist, pro-race mixing, pro-SJW cartoon that blatlanty rips-off elements from magical girls anime. It also seems to portray magic as bad, since it disappears completely from the universe in the end.

Steven Universe
Another cartoon created by an SJW jewess, Rebecca Sugar. The show features a bunch of gender neutral aliens acting like women.

South Park
Matthew Richard Stone, one of the producers, is a jew and loves making grossy humor.

The Powerpuff Girls
Before working on My Little Pony, Faust helped her husband in this series, which also demonizes Satan in form of "Him".

I'm pretty sure this list has only the 1% of the Jews in the cartoon industry. Considering that they were there since the beginning of the Cartoon Industry in West, it makes me wonder if the 90's were really that good. I'm nott sure if Matt Groening, author of the Simpson, is a jew. Also, i've heard people claiming that Stephen Hillburg (Spongebob creator) was jewish, but i'm not sure. Anyway, feel free to tell me if there are other cartoons to add.

“Anything Dreamworks
Company founded by Steven Spielberg. The fact that they even portrayed in a good light two biblical stories (so much for a "Satanic" Hollywood, eh?) is enough for me to reject them.”

What about the land before time series and cartoon?

As far as i know, the series is also jewish, Wikipedia listed various jews working on it.
Venture Bros Episode 2 of Season 3.

Henry Killinger "Kissinger" Portrayed as a Occult Satanist type. Venchmen doing our Salute. Being called the devil by others in the show. ect.
Who was Henry Kissinger? Was he ally or foe? And why would they have given him this image in media.
Dragonball has always been one of the best anime and manga in the world for me, also for the spiritual concepts and incredible values ​​it has taught. Yugioh and Naruto can be very valuable too, but Dragonball is a whole other level, each concept is much more detailed and stronger.
Greetings. I've watched the first 2 movies from the Satanic Movies page on the literal JoS https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satanis_Movies.html and I might as well stop. I lost 5 hours of my life. They are full of enemy ideas - such as Satan being a reptilian and covens of His doing blood sacrifices on babies and chickens and that he buys souls and you have to sell yours killing another human and eating their heart or something and this is so fucked up excuse my language I'm angry as I'm typing this because I lost 5 hours or so when I could've done something useful because an infiltrator (I assume) put such movies on our main website , and under the name "Satanic". The page should get fixed. Don't watch them. I don't know about the others but I'm not starting them.
Continuation of my previous reply, I've checked the trailers of most of the other "Satanic" movies on the JoS - https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satanis_Movies.html. This page should really get fixed. Their descriptions included: "He vows to come back to hunt down and enslave every descendant of his congregation, by the power of the book of blood contracts, in which they sold their souls to the devil." , " a man conjures up a towering, vengeful demon called Pumpkinhead to destroy a group of unsuspecting teenagers." , and I've seen one of them listed there a few years ago, The Ninth Gate - it ends with Satan burning a human alive because he tried to be as strong as him (through blood sacrifices and orgies of course).
Why are these movies up?
Actually the guy burned himself for being an arrogant and an idiot. A fake elitist "Satanist" like many who exist today who thought he could control occult knowledge for himself only.
The book is much better though I've talked about it here: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=174959#p174959

AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
The Ninth Gate - it ends with Satan burning a human alive because he tried to be as strong as him (through blood sacrifices and orgies of course).
Why are these movies up?
Anyone else down with this track? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SysLLmRBkuE&feature=emb_title
Here's my magnum opus, dudes only, no girls allowed in the fort mix

don't be looking up that gamer tag to play video games or shit with me I don't care about baby kid video game
I am The Hawk
You know this.
Since I thought about talking about occult elements in videogames, I might as well mention that aside from element 115 from cod zombies possibly being well. . . the actual 115, element 115 might also be an allegory for vril/ectoplasm. (ammo for the wunderwaffen probably)

That's all I have for cod zombies and if you want me to rate it from the eyes of a spiritual satanist, many will find the excessive zombification of German special forces (SchutzStaffel) rather blasphemous, almost like it's some kind of spiritual attack that much of the general public unknowingly take part of.
There are mods that change the zombies or if you want to skip out on the conventional game itself, you can always kill generic zombies if you play a spinoff called "Recoil Zombies".

And just when I didn't expect it, I caught a glimpse on the bottom right corner at 1:54, either I'm looking too hard or the 108 number definitely follows me around.

All this coming from a guy who still has very little experience regarding the occult.

>Another argument is that conservatives are shunned in the industry.[1] For example, Vin Di Bona, a producer responsible for many hit television shows, agreed during an interview with Shapiro that Hollywood promotes a liberal political agenda, commenting, "I'm happy about it, actually." Di Bona also said that MacGyver, the cult hit show on which he was a producer, promoted an anti-gun movement position, as the character of MacGyver does not use a gun, but rather his own intelligence. People involved with television shows M*A*S*H and Happy Days told Shapiro that the series had pacifistic and anti-Vietnam War agendas.[2] Another example is the television show Sesame Street which is accused of deliberately spreading left-wing propaganda to children.[3]

>Producer Leonard Goldberg stated to Shapiro that in the industry liberalism is "100 percent dominant, and anyone who denies it is kidding, or not telling the truth", and when Shapiro asked if politics are a barrier to entry replied, "Absolutely".

>Producer and director Nicholas Meyer replied "Well, I hope so," when asked if conservatives are discriminated against, and stated regarding the 1983 made-for-TV film The Day After that, "My private, grandiose notion was that this movie would unseat Ronald Reagan when he ran for re-election."

>Executive Fred Silverman stated regarding TV comedy nowadays that "...there’s only one perspective, and it’s a very progressive perspective. And if you want the other perspective... well it's just not there right now."

>TV series COPS creator John Langley stated that he prefers showing segments where whites are the criminals because he fears that he would be promoting negative stereotypes.[4]
Henu the Great said:
EnkiUK55 said:
Need a series to watch guys,

I have never seen the Sopranos.

Recommend me some guys.
Better Call Saul :D They have its last season (6th) running this year.

And yeah, Sopranos is pretty epic.

Bro Better Call Saul might be the best show. And I didn't like Breaking Bad much at all. They are very different.
Anyone watched The Boys? It looks like anti white/anti man propaganda from the trailers but apparently is a good show from what a friend told me. He's without so I take his recommendations on this very lightly so I thought I would ask here instead.
The author is a retarded soviet-praising marxist who is obsessed with nazis (second season is entirely dedicated to it), and the showruners are kikes. Amazon Prime is full on attacking pro-White anything more so than Netflix as far as I know.

hailourtruegod said:
Anyone watched The Boys? It looks like anti white/anti man propaganda from the trailers but apparently is a good show from what a friend told me. He's without so I take his recommendations on this very lightly so I thought I would ask here instead.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Henu the Great said:
EnkiUK55 said:
Need a series to watch guys,

I have never seen the Sopranos.

Recommend me some guys.
Better Call Saul :D They have its last season (6th) running this year.

And yeah, Sopranos is pretty epic.

Bro Better Call Saul might be the best show. And I didn't like Breaking Bad much at all. They are very different.

Funny I saw Breaking Bad and in retrospect if I had to recommend it. Absolutely not, it's not even that good in retrospect. I think the show was hyped up badly and Brian Cranston was just riding on the coattails of Malcom in the Middle even though the show ended by around 2006. Funny enough people began to meme the show I think it's similar to Game of Thrones. It was up for like what 9 months maybe a solid year almost nearing into the second year before Reddit blew up GoT.

Many people memed Malcolm and Breaking Bad together stating things like Malcolm in the Middle is a show that should have been done after Breaking Bad because it shows Brian Cranston under witness protection program. And a funny joke meme popped up during a period of time when Cranston was using a gas mask stating he's up to his old tricks again during his Malcolm episode with fumigation.

At the end of the day I think Breaking Bad and to a large degree Game of Thrones are the last TV shows of the old era whereby the internet wasn't as massively populated and was still in it's pre-mainstream form before all the mainstream nonsense popped up.

Reminds me of a good friend of mines who states Death metal lost popularity as it became more mainstream and this was back in the 80s with others having experiences in the 90s. And this is the reason Black Metal got so popular as an underground cult during the 1st and 2nd waves of black metal. He states Black Metal HAS gotten more mainstream even if BM artists are more like we don't care about fans or money we just want to play even if 5 people show up to our show we don't care. But he does state a lot of people have joined black metal for the worse and many times express shock and anger at how most Black Metal or a lot of Black Metal has a strong Nat.Soc. tone to it and are dumbfounded by that. It's like National Socialism is like 60% of Black Metal. If your NOT Nat.Soc. your at least respective of the views or may even be a band up and coming into said political-religious system.

Better Call Saul I only saw the first episode I didn't like the show per say because I was getting to a point whereby TV was sickening to me. I literally lost interest in television and this is coming from a HEAVY TV user. I literally grew up on TV in the 90s and 00s. TV was my internet, that currently I use(even though I'm old school and prefer watching TV normally episode per episode week by week rather than binging or streaming), funny even watching |||(((History Channel)))|||, I always sloughed off the non-sense from the truth. Even growing up knowing the negatives funny I'd spend few time on the internet but when I did I researched all the things wrong and why that was and was always finding new tidbits and odd information.

I watched HC and other channels but always kept the negatives out. IF anything the very negative things kept me in WW2 for years really. I just kept running into information opposing those so-called FACTS.

But I do like Saul when he was speaking a few times in limited amounts during the first episode. I think the first episode was more like a pilot. But Saul, Odenkirk, is a hell of an awesome actor and his circling speech during his entrance into the legal office room. Judging from him his character is a fast, long talker that goes off tangents and circles around topics returning back. Like in the first episode, you guys don't remember that show on TV and he was just memeing and trolling the people who are like basically "I don't know WHAT your talking about but I'm simply a lawyer and I focus on my task I don't go off tangents".

I'm under the assumption Saul is a fanatical lawyer? He uses all technologies entering his senses to fanatically defend his clients?

I wanted to watch the show but around that time really by 2014 I just dropped TV. It took me two years to break away from TV just like now with coof-19, I surmised it would take people at least 2 years to break down and pay attention to the breakdown of the Human Civilization i.e. great reset. And that it did within the year things where breaking down and by the second year people wised up to a certain degree or fairly enough as to say normies realized SHTF moment is occurring.

Anyways maybe sometime in the future if I ever desire to watch TV I might consider Better Call Saul. But frankly knowing the way I live I'm being a hypocrite if I was to say I'd do it or that somehow I'm investing in a TV and media streaming technologies to watch TV. At this point in time I view the television as a pointless apparatus that serves no purpose.

I'm too oldschool with 90s-00s TV styling to stream, watch or binge TV, I'm still into watching TV once a week to catch up on new episodes and yet too into the internet and too into walking and thinking to simmer down and relax.

In essence to me Television = Dead and buried. I'm too despondent to sit down and relax for a few hours. I don't want to go back to that realm of reality. I'm not anti-tech but I don't view my past as positive. I just don't desire to relax or watch anything. Hell even using my phone or computer to watch shows is like "Ugh that's too advanced and complicated for me, I don't have the confidence nor the practice by experience or learning to practice to watch shows". I wanted to watch an anime on Bitchute but it's like yeah I looked it up some episodes are there about 8-10 and yet that is too much for me.

I don't know maybe overwhelmed by my negatives, I think too much into the dark side of my self.

Anyways Breaking Bad was okay to a degree for it's era but now with the internet and alternative tv technologies it didn't age well.
Henu the Great said:
EnkiUK55 said:
Need a series to watch guys,

I have never seen the Sopranos.

Recommend me some guys.
Better Call Saul :D They have its last season (6th) running this year.

And yeah, Sopranos is pretty epic.

Aww Henu better call saul was magic pal loved it.

Dont know why i havent seen the Sopranos yet but im on the look :D
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Henu the Great said:
EnkiUK55 said:
Need a series to watch guys,

I have never seen the Sopranos.

Recommend me some guys.
Better Call Saul :D They have its last season (6th) running this year.

And yeah, Sopranos is pretty epic.

Bro Better Call Saul might be the best show. And I didn't like Breaking Bad much at all. They are very different.

Oh no way you not like Breaking Bad my good pal you need re watch it love it so i do, at least you like Saul hes that funny i might need someone like him in real life :lol:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Bro Better Call Saul might be the best show. And I didn't like Breaking Bad much at all. They are very different.
Very different, but I enjoyed both series and the acting was to my liking. It's interesting how these two have been intertwined together.
Henu the Great said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Bro Better Call Saul might be the best show. And I didn't like Breaking Bad much at all. They are very different.
Very different, but I enjoyed both series and the acting was to my liking. It's interesting how these two have been intertwined together.

Quality my bro, here the film was a kinda let down for me el carmino i think it was called u think?
Egon said:
The author is a retarded soviet-praising marxist who is obsessed with nazis (second season is entirely dedicated to it), and the showruners are kikes. Amazon Prime is full on attacking pro-White anything more so than Netflix as far as I know.

hailourtruegod said:
Anyone watched The Boys? It looks like anti white/anti man propaganda from the trailers but apparently is a good show from what a friend told me. He's without so I take his recommendations on this very lightly so I thought I would ask here instead.

Understood. I figured as much as the main (?) bad guy they keep showing on clips (and memes) just looks like the wet fantasy of what leftists FASELY believe is out there in regards to "unhinged White men".

Will stay away from that trash. Thank you.
Nimrod33 said:
I was wondering, what do you think of Koichi Sugiyama, the deceased Japanese VGM composer, known mainly for Dragon Quest? I've read that he was a Nationalist and a denier of the hoax of the "Nanking Massacre".

I've played some of them, some of the games are seriously well written story wise, but there is a certain one that correlates extremely well in regards to Satanic allegories. The one I'm talking about is Dragon Quest V - Hand of the heavenly bride, also part of the "castle in the sky" trilogy. It's seriously good and hits deep, you will be mind blown. But not only that, the hidden messages these games entail.

I've played some others which are pretty good, also lots of allegories to the kundalini but not as much as V.
The 13th Warrior - This movie is a childhood classic for me and one of my earliest contacts with Norse-related themes ever. Keep in mind this is based on real muslim accounts of Vikings so you can expect a lot of bias of the muslin world being much more civilized than the "unclean Pagan Barbarians", however in this case here there was this Arab account that was even wholesome and friendly with those "unclean Barbarians" portraiting them in somewhat of the "Noble Savages" stereotype. Surprisingly enough these accounts from Middle-Easterns and in this movie the Vikings are depicted in a way more positive light, even if they exaggerate some things, than by xtian (((monks))) which are the base for most media nowdays like this new movie The Northman and other TV series.

The accounts I'm talking about (one of this being a kike with very degenerate accounts as expected):


Lord of War - This movie is very revealing, the protagonist's father is obsessed in pretending to be a kike in order to not be persecuted in Soviet Jewnion.



Nimrod33 said:

No offense to Americans, but I absolutely despise when Hollywood and similar cultures portrays our Gods as means to make money.

In Disney's Hercules there's a scene in which is basically a parody of New York, where a shady merchant wearing yarmulke is trying to sell stolen wristwatch to Heracles: https://youtu.be/zOQ0iKIqizk?t=32

I wouldn't say that cartoon is good but it can be pedagogic for SS with children if you know how to use it imo.

This reminded me of this video, "ADL How cartoons brainwashed us with jewish stereotypes":

That, Hercules The Legendary Journeys, Xena, and 97's movie The Odyssey were the only "ok" entertainment "based" on mythology I had as a child unfortunately. :(
The Odyssey as a movie doesn't hold up today but at least it was respectful. I love the Odyssey so much.

Egon said:
Nimrod33 said:

No offense to Americans, but I absolutely despise when Hollywood and similar cultures portrays our Gods as means to make money.

In Disney's Hercules there's a scene in which is basically a parody of New York, where a shady merchant wearing yarmulke is trying to sell stolen wristwatch to Heracles: https://youtu.be/zOQ0iKIqizk?t=32

I wouldn't say that cartoon is good but it can be pedagogic for SS with children if you know how to use it imo.

This reminded me of this video, "ADL How cartoons brainwashed us with jewish stereotypes":

That, Hercules The Legendary Journeys, Xena, and 97's movie The Odyssey were the only "ok" entertainment "based" on mythology I had as a child unfortunately. :(
The Odyssey as a movie doesn't hold up today but at least it was respectful. I love the Odyssey so much.

Thanks for the reply. What I really don't like of Disney's Hercules is the fact that it looks like a xianized version of the original myth, mixed with Superman's cliches, other than the fact that they took too much liberty on changing the entire story. But I find it more tolerable than anything Marvel or DC that uses our Gods.

I've also watched Xena as a child and, while back then I liked it, when I gave a second look as an adult I couldn't bear anymore after the first three episodes, because of how much unrealistic every element of the show was.

If there is a plus side on all the cash grab based on our Old Culture is at least that they portray it in a good way most of the time, even tough they end up demonizing at least one of Our Gods, such as Hades, Loki or Seth. But its still better than the (((God of War))) saga (yes, the creator of the game is a jew named David Jaffe), which interprets our myths in a very modernist way.
Egon said:

I've heard of the 13th Warrior, but that cover photo turns me off entirely.

It's depicting a Viking sword with an edge that looks less like iron, and more like a slab of rock. Who made that prop?

On top of that, the hilt is about the length of a longsword even though Viking swords were closer to typical arming swords. They did not have a two hand grip.

Actually, if they want to depict a "Viking sword" they should just imitate the Roman Spatha because it's so close in design. Then they might actually get it right.

If I had the choice of fighting with a sword like that, or using my fists, I would toss the sword and take my chances. That thing looks useless.
Nimrod33 said:
I was wondering, what do you think of Koichi Sugiyama, the deceased Japanese VGM composer, known mainly for Dragon Quest? I've read that he was a Nationalist and a denier of the hoax of the "Nanking Massacre".



There was another Nanking website posted with photos and whatnot. The incident was Chinese soldiers mostly Nationalists using uniform of Japanese made with 1938 collars up in other words the Uniform was made with collars two almost three years BEFORE the collars up adoption by Japan, they adopted the collars up later in the later 30s. And they killed a family, their muslim butler, there were also decapitations whereby they use Japanese blades in one hand. Japanese are taught to execute with both hands to make sure it's a clean, proper decapitation and maximum power is applied to the blade.

Also they had an American guy photographing he took a young Chinese toddler placed him near the railroad tracks and faked a photoshoot to make it seem like the Japanese are monsters the parents discovered their child and where like "WTF are you doing" the guy just points to his camera for taking the shot. They should have ripped the camera from him and shoved it up his ass.

So in essence Nanking is mostly a propaganda war. It happened but not to the extent of what everyone states. In fact it seems the Kai-Shek Nationalists were just as culpable as the Communists in Nanking. The Nationalists like the communists would sometimes attack Chinese citizens in other parts as well. China really is a cluster fuck there was atrocities done by all sides there. Although the Japanese were very strict and crimes against citizens was punishable up to 14 years hard labor in labor camps. Technically I think they even went so far as to execute Japanese soldiers if the crime was heinous enough.
In the movie because he is a small Arab man who can't use the same weapons as the Norse he has to reshape one of the swords himself to fit his fighting style, and the Norse joke on him for using a girly sword. But yes the production of the movie in general is a bit old and rough, though I'm mostly ok with it.

Flowers of Adonis said:
I've heard of the 13th Warrior, but that cover photo turns me off entirely.

It's depicting a Viking sword with an edge that looks less like iron, and more like a slab of rock. Who made that prop?
Gear88 said:
Nimrod33 said:
I was wondering, what do you think of Koichi Sugiyama, the deceased Japanese VGM composer, known mainly for Dragon Quest? I've read that he was a Nationalist and a denier of the hoax of the "Nanking Massacre".



There was another Nanking website posted with photos and whatnot. The incident was Chinese soldiers mostly Nationalists using uniform of Japanese made with 1938 collars up in other words the Uniform was made with collars two almost three years BEFORE the collars up adoption by Japan, they adopted the collars up later in the later 30s. And they killed a family, their muslim butler, there were also decapitations whereby they use Japanese blades in one hand. Japanese are taught to execute with both hands to make sure it's a clean, proper decapitation and maximum power is applied to the blade.

Also they had an American guy photographing he took a young Chinese toddler placed him near the railroad tracks and faked a photoshoot to make it seem like the Japanese are monsters the parents discovered their child and where like "WTF are you doing" the guy just points to his camera for taking the shot. They should have ripped the camera from him and shoved it up his ass.

So in essence Nanking is mostly a propaganda war. It happened but not to the extent of what everyone states. In fact it seems the Kai-Shek Nationalists were just as culpable as the Communists in Nanking. The Nationalists like the communists would sometimes attack Chinese citizens in other parts as well. China really is a cluster fuck there was atrocities done by all sides there. Although the Japanese were very strict and crimes against citizens was punishable up to 14 years hard labor in labor camps. Technically I think they even went so far as to execute Japanese soldiers if the crime was heinous enough.

Thanks for the reply, but the subject of the question was not about the war crimes that are falsely attributed to the Japs by (((Commies))) and (((Allies))).
Egon said:
In the movie because he is a small Arab man who can't use the same weapons as the Norse he has to reshape one of the swords himself to fit his fighting style, and the Norse joke on him for using a girly sword. But yes the production of the movie in general is a bit old and rough, though I'm mostly ok with it.

I looked up more images.

Honestly, if it was a real sword, I think it might fall apart. It just doesn't look stable or functional at all. Don't let that fictional man become a bladesmith.

I also watched a clip where a character was dragging a sword along the ground because he couldn't even hold his arm up, I guess to overdramatize his exhaustion or something. It looked ridiculous.

I might watch this movie at some point just to nitpick. It's kind of embarrassing to look at.
Nike said:
The Neverending Story movie is full of Satanic Themes. The inhabitants of Fantasia, 'the realm of human fantasy', are being destroyed by the Nothing (literal nothingness that is devouring thier world). The Nothing is caused because people have begun to loose their hopes and forget their dreams. There is a (briefly mentioned) power behind the Nothing that seeks to enslave humanity, which will be easy to control when they have no hopes or dreams left. There is also a book that the movie is based on.

Sorry for the late answer. According to Wikipedia, the author was influenced by (((Ariosophy))), therefore he was not an SS.
Do you know anything about Dan Brown? I bought Deception Point, still at the beginning, but it deals with the secret societies employed by the government and the space discovery and national security side of things. Wondering if he is a kike trying to mess up perceptions or if he uses "fiction" to rise awareness on real issues.
I hear he is the one who wrote The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons (haven't read these yet)
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Do you know anything about Dan Brown? I bought Deception Point, still at the beginning, but it deals with the secret societies employed by the government and the space discovery and national security side of things. Wondering if he is a kike trying to mess up perceptions or if he uses "fiction" to rise awareness on real issues.
I hear he is the one who wrote The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons (haven't read these yet)
Dan Brown was a kike troll, don't waste your time with him.
Okay, won't buy any more books from him. Before hearing he is a kike I really liked that book. Guess it's their art of deception. Don't know how he could write a good book, if they lack 3 Chakras. Technically, they can't create can they? I suppose they copy Gentiles' writing style? I know that Fuhrer banned kike compositors in the Third Reich.
AscendingSun said:
The Ninth Gate and Rosemary's Baby were recommended as well. There was a movie list on the main JoS site

Hell yeah, I remember that. The ninth portal has become one of my favorite movies as you can see in my signature. Thanks to HP Maxime for this.
Egon said:
Nick Vabzircnila said:
The movie "Law Abiding Citizen" with Gerard Butler is good in the sense that it really exposes the American justice system for what it is - completely rotten from the inside.
That's an excellent movie. His revenge is epic.

A worth watching Third Reich movie in French about Masonry, Forces Occultes:

Jew Süss:


Noragami is an excellent Shinto anime in 2 seasons and 4 OVAs, very well animated. There is "7 sins" crap (it's kind of a fetish in Japan lol), but the interesting is the dynamic between Gods and humans, and that most problems there are caused by negative thoughtforms they have to destroy. It's funny as hell too.

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TRwivx7B9I


Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods is a worth watching movie as well.

Reposting user VP666 about Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F:

OKi I've just seen that New Dragon Ball Z movie Resurrections F and it's awesome and what I find interesting
about it is that both Goku and Vegeta have got a new blue form and Goku even says that this is his God Form!


Where as Freiza has just mastered a new Golden form:

Also the movie has a hell of lot of other spiritual things and so on...
Plus the movie is funny as hell which is a good thing so I am looking
forward to what the next movie will be!!! :mrgreen:

Damn I love that series Noragami is great it's about satanism after finishing the two seasons I started to read the manga of that series, it's was so damn good, can't really put into words honestly..

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
