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Managing Disease and Pain.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2017
Many years of my life I have experienced nearly excruciating levels of physical pain from issues and all over pain in my entire body to the point a few times it has lead me to collapse, and unable to function. While I have made great progress in where I was, much needs fixed and it will take time. I was almost led to taking my own life from this a few times in my life, as the pain was so intense and would not go away.

Ultimately one HAS to understand, we are to build ourselves above such eroding forces and shun away from escapism including suicide as a release, even if certain problems are so intense, they buckle our body to the ground. WE ARE HERE TO CHANGE THE COURSE OF THE WORLD.

As a result, I have given it some thought and I will make this article for any Satanists in a similar position so that they may know ways of handling this, as this has lead me in many different directions in life, trying to escape this. Unfortunately, we can be presented with obstacles that even if we throw a lot of physical, spiritual and mental changes at, and even large amounts of energy these things may still take some years to heal.

The first and obvious solutions are to employ everything we have here in terms of learning Traditional Chinese Medicine, seeking medical treatment in the case of serious issues and ruling out problems, and of course seeking to heal spiritually some deep issues and consult the Gods in helping through this process. What I write here will mainly be for extreme, chronic cases to where it can ultimately be a game of time, time has to understood as the defining factor in the worst of cases, and one must not falter in the faith one has in the Gods, they are here for all of us.

Deep lifestyle changes and changes in routine and employment, may need to even be necessary. Energy expenditure makes issues we have that are inborn and chronic much harder to deal with, as the body regains vitality much slower then someone in poor health, the body doesn't really have it to give. Things like driving, running errands and even basic life skills can be fairly difficult, so a large over haul is a very efficient way to better manage these difficulties.

( An example i can give here is I often get so exhausted that even after a full nights rest I could fall asleep running errands or doing anything. Collapsing to the ground from weakness in the body can sometimes occur in intense moments of fatigue and pain. If this does occur, wait and then pick yourself up to a chair or stand against a wall. Don't panic and just keep it together and see a doctor if you have to. )

The first thing one must do is take time to calm down, and find somewhere to rest. Especially if this happens weekly, as sometimes this does not go away with rest. Wait until this passes and finish the things you must do, then focus later on really working the chakras and feeling them vibrate with energy as this can sometimes temporarily eliminate the drain of energy that is commonly an issue with chronic illness.

Do not be discouraged if it takes you years to have even a simple answer from doctors and specialists. Some things are still not able to really be understood, even in the case of situations where there is a visible problem to where it affects many aspects of ones life.

Trust the Gods in this process as you work to heal and manage trying to live a normal life. There really is no other way around things but facing this. You cannot just give up and die, as one will have to come back and face this regardless. The self will adjust to whatever it has to tank and handle, even if this would look like a very torturous circumstance to another person. Have energy work for you and ease sharp pains, and general overall pain in the body when walking or moving the hands. I often have days where my hands become very strained and unable to complete daily tasks. Again, one can use energy to envelope and program it to help in this case. The same can be done for weakness in the legs in the case of abnormal levels of exhaustion. It can be rather uncomfortable, but it can help one with gaining a tolerance for this.

Never lose sight of Satan and our purpose here as Satanists. We are all in this together and develop as much as you can despite these issues. Yes, one may take some time to develop and grow to an extent where one can be useful, but even then, you can just try your best. The Gods WILL GUIDE YOU.
This is extremely inspiring! I've been faced a hefty burden yet this year I've been really working on myself spiritually and I am seeing moderate improvement. Physicians are simply no help sometimes. Mine in particular acts as if I'm a hypochondriac and solely used a blood panel, a stool test and an X-ray to deem that my problems are not serious, that I should eat more fibre and seek mental therapy when honestly, neither of these things are an issue in my life presently.

I'll try insisting on getting a proper diagnosis from a specialist after I get myself more physically and spiritually equipped.

I have a number of health problems (which I won't describe in too much detail here). The moment I was born I was faced with surgery, incubation, addict parents, etc; along with a deplorable diet for 20 or so years and issues with my teeth. I'm so different from everyone else physically and this had made me very depressed in the past, seeking to use cannabis to escape from my isolation and physical discomfort while forcing myself into a left-brained existence. In my past I had reached points of such lows when SHTF (leading to major self harm) that I developed a nearly complete lack of emotion towards death and tragedy.

2024 is my year of positive change and not feeling sorry for myself. After seeing videos of diseases and sickness that others have to face, I've realized that mine might not be permanent and that there is hope for me, especially considering that anything is possible through this path which I now believe more than ever. Sometimes it feels like no single person can fathom what I experience day-to-day, that everyone else was given a far better life than what I had to start with.

All things considered, I'm grateful that I've found the JoS and gained advice from Blitzerkreig on mantras, accupressure and how to perform a sun square for healing. The usual cleaning, AoP, RTRs and chakra opening hasn't helped me to heal but it has improved my life in innumerable ways.

In spite of my poor outward appearance, after meditating daily and being positive in all ways, people have really gravitated towards me and I feel as though most people don't actually judge me the way that I used to think they did. My confidence has gone way up and I feel like I'm a new person because of it; able to feel genuinely happy regardless of my past and current situation. A year ago it was very different, like being in the 'Truman Show' or something.

To date, my only harmful coping mechanisms are coffee and vaping. These two things are something I should work on also, yet a part of me feels that I must overcome my physical problems to get to that point. Depression is weird this way, that even if one feels they have overcome it there are ways in which it still can manifest in small ways unconsciously, such as rituals and coping mechanisms.

I'm so inspired by your story here, that you fought through so much and still keep fighting on in spite of the pain! Your progress has given me even greater hope and a reason to keep struggling through my own life-long challenges. It would be amazing to show certain people in my family that I did have problems of which I will overcome as they don't take me seriously about how detrimental they are. Again, that 'Truman Show' idea manifests here perhaps because they are on such a lower vibration and they see me as doing all the right things; happy without TV and social media, constantly driven, intelligent and able to find the utmost joy in the smallest of things; like sunshine, nature, other people (i.e life in general); not to mention in spite of seeing all the bad in the world of which they seem to have an aversion to, as if it's harmful and erroneous thinking.

Thanks for sharing this and I'm sorry to write so much here! I can't help but express my gratitude to you for showing how these things are possible. We are never alone and it only takes the words of one person to change the course of someone else's life. This is one of the most valuable things about these forums in my view. We are all here to help ourselves and others to become the best person that they possibly can be. These forums and the JoS are the best spaces in the world and I'm very excited to see the our teachings reach the world even further.
These things have been an major obstacle for me for literally half of my life now. I fought and tried countless ways to heal things, spent immense amounts of money and they showed second to none results and in the end I lost hope and learned to live with it.
This post has gave me new hope and I cannot express enough gratitude to you for reminding us that everything is possible and that there is a cure for everything.
In the end, we are all children of Satan and oftentimes it is enough to ask for their help and guidance about these matters and one will receive it.
I am very pleased to know this has been helpful, sometimes I doubt whether my posts are meaningful or of any substance. But seeing all of you take something from this makes me very happy to see. We Satanists got this and we will succeed in life despite anything that is in our way.

Let us all carve forward until we grasp as the hands of the Gods, and they have us join them in eternity as deities in our own right!
To add onto that as someone who's fairly overcame my own afflictions, is that you need to be able to fully analyse your body and it's functions.

Understanding what's going on can make healing rituals more effective as you can really be more accurate, another thing would be ( Recovery/ Healing) is dependant on how strong you are. The more adapte you are the better it is to cure yourself,

As sepentwalker666 mentioned changing certain will also help and all these things working together will greatly improve your health but it is something that requires daily efforts.
To add onto that as someone who's fairly overcame my own afflictions, is that you need to be able to fully analyse your body and it's functions.
You're right about that, I used to have a variety of physical problems but I have fixed almost all of them now, thanks to Spiritual Satanism.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
