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I have just found a video that sums up this very good. And moreover, if you know some spiritual allegories, this video can be understood even better. Anyways, I will include a commentary here.


About the Elysian Mysteries:

Note that the Elysian fields were thought to where the advanced souls reside, so the purpose of this cult that almost every Athenian partaken in is for advancing the soul, to reach this field.

Death and reborn means a spiritual transformation here, as it is said in the video, people would die and reborn in these rituals. This means a spiritual transformation of the soul, and becoming a God.

Mania is unlocking the power of the soul.

The description of Plutarch of this ritual is very reviling: "Than in accordance to nature the soul stays engaged with the body in close union thereafter." As we know, the more advanced you soul gets, the more it will be connected to your astral body and physical body. When your soul unites with you physical body, you become a God, and immortal.

Pythagorean Mysteries:

There isn't much to explain here, note that "altered state of consciousness" means a trance state, meditating, and also a higher state of consciousness, connected to things such as intuition, "all knowing" Kundalini, and so on.

The Bacchic Mysteries:

Bacchus is Dionysus, as explained, but he is also Satan. People in this cult were literally dedicated to Satan.

Here, similarly to Mania, Baccheia is the unlocking the power of the soul.
Ecstasy is often related to the pineal gland, when it is activated, it gives an ecstasy feeling.

Here he gives an inaccurate description of women's life. In reality women were esteemed by man, besides not having political rights, they were esteemed. Just because they did not had political rights it doesn't mean they weren't esteemed. It was a manly characteristic to engage in politics but we see woman to had actual power, even political in the ancient word. See for example Cleopatra, or the Pythia (priestess of Apollo) who were consulted by leaders to take the right decision.

Moreover, "killing others" and "intoxicants" is still allegorical here. The secretion of the pineal gland were also thought to be a poison, but this is this is life energy as we know today. This was also cakked as wine / mead.

The Orphics:

As said, advancing the soul gets it to higher dimensions, aka a more pleasant afterlife. Katabasis could mean astral projection, meditation, and rising of the Kundalini.
And it has nothing to do with Christianity as we can see.


Here it is further confirmed that Katabasis could mean the rising of the kunalini. Meeting the unnamed Goddes who reveals the secretes of reality could mean the Kundalini penetrating the crown chakra, resulting in a higher state of conciseness. But also what he explains, meeting a Goddes literally.
Everything is one could mean the ether.


This is speking for its self.
High level rabbis have prophesized in their inner circles and publicly, how at one point the "goyim" will reverse their religion and powerhouse, the Hebrew Kabbalah and Hebrew Alphabet, containing the spiritual essence of all their power , birthing out of, rituals and full systems of warfare, used endlessly against Gentiles. This is the Apocalypse and Fall of the Jewish spiritual dominion, which cannot not be stopped neither delayed - all initiated, produced and enforced by the Gods instructed initiates of Joy of Satanas.

We reversed all of it. With unbendable supernal force, purity and divine authority. We did this for all of you. We performed the Final Reverse Torah Rituals, we destroyed the Jewish Protection Soul and we declared their Tetragrammaton Dead and Useless. We lifted the Soul of Egypt (our souls collectively) in unseen before heights while we cursed the Soul of Judea.

We came into being in the most intense and unjust spiritual supremacy, a matrix imposed artificially by the jews, and in the penultimate darkness, we lit the Fire-Suns of Apollo, arrow edicts. Didn't we struck with the lightning of Zeus the heart of the evil of this world? You must listen and witness our history and our present developments.

They expected much less and now terrified, knowingly in the last hours of dominion, watch us as we teach you and we initiate YOU on the real path towards holiness and being a "chosen" individual.
You are chosen in reading the writings of the disciples of the Gods, telling you how too absolve yourself out of the obstacles imposed unjustly by your enemies, become unbound by delusion and progress in the path we guarantee.

As we did over 70+ exceptionally occult and powerful rituals over the decades, Gods elevated us to give to the world more power, more authority and more answers to all of humanity.

They won by lack of spiritual competition, given they subverted, stole and hid secret magical spells and other endless stolen methodology. On top of this, they used as much as they could these forces against all human population in barbaric and savage ways. They did all of this for power, money, influence and deep psychopathic self interest, while enslaved whole of humanity under the false tutelage of a made up "God", which they admit is their own being as a collective. They want you as cattle and as a servant.

All elites of the world and current ownership of material directions as well as spiritual had a dominion of the highest criminality and injustice. We do not accept this and we deny all of this insanity. We are not alterable upon our path to help the sons and children of Gods on this Earth.

We come to serve justice and tip the balance in humanities favor, with answers, ascension of intellectual and philosophical genius, theurgy and connection to real superior beings, empowerment - we give keys to all of existence.
Greece is known for being a culture of the Gods, first and foremost. We have to bring that back, in a positive and healthy way.
I look at people. I see how beautiful they are. I see how happy and powerful and prosperous they can be. Their beautiful smiles, bright eyes and pure souls.
These are our people !.
But on the other side, I see many people who want to take everything from Us, from our people !.
O Father Satan, true master, give me strength to protect our people.

You are a winter house where the fire burns while it snows outside.
Smoky, with stone stairs, gray smoke.
It doesn't matter if it's stone, I'll warm myself with you.
The street lamp would ignite the darkness, the nights would end like rain, the trees would sway.
The lost traveler always wandered.
Every morning I would look at you and watch from afar,
Like sunlight in the pouring rain.
A ship used to pass through this harbor, port, starboard.
In the dark dome of the sky, the stars would look at you, ashamed of shining as if they were looking at a lover,
Don't look at the cold outside, I'll warm my myself with you.
I loved you as if I were dying.
I would love you even if I were dying.

The foreign God of the jews, if actually connected to and asked for blessings, one will encounter the following:

1. Emotional and intuitive feeling of ultimate advanced psychic attack - and this comes in many forms such as to state minimally: Feelings of guilt, terror, wrongness, fear and trauma, health issues and insanity. This can come later as delayed effect as well, when one is unsuspecting , then a person attaches these to the wrong causality. They can be masked and planned insidiously.

2. Life altering disasters can happen and this is in tune with all the Jewish spells and angelic filth: Death, Accidents, Tragedies, Shock of the Mind, Mental Illness , oppressive and demoralizing events that puts one "in check", "check" which in Jewish tale means one needs to become enslaved, destroyed and destitute of hope, life force and abilities.

3. One will be aligned to be enslaved into the Jewish spells upon Gentiles: A veil and drive to enrich, benefit and help the Jewish elites, the puppets of the jews and every current that benefits the jews at the expense of gentile aspects.

4. Sealing of spiritual abilities such as sealing from Higher mind, Higher spiritual Powers, seal from our Gods. One will become less intelligent, less able to know truth.

5. Destitution of birth rights, such as right to have ownership over your spiritual faculties and potential.

When one connects to the Gentile Gods under Satan or Zeus, when one asks for blessings or simply touches them, one will be blessed in the following ways minimally:

1. Emotional, Physical, Mental, Spiritual elevation of Spirit. One will get raised bioelectricity and vibration of the being, which will clean one of dross and falsehoods. Feelings of endless hope, power, clarity, happiness, gnosis, "arriving home", friendship. These are very basic yet, as one who delves more deeply, will encounter life altering mysticism of the highest refinements, which are all under the full embodiment of the words: WELL-BEING , GOODNESS, PLEASANTNESS.

2. Life-altering positive steering, towards good life, meaningful and fulfilled life. Fulfillment of purpose, direction, satiation of internal needs , external needs by the experience of life and by being blessed by the Gods. One can become super-human by performing God Rituals.

3. One will be aligned with supernal primordial currents of the Universe, that are fountains of everlasting life force, youth, inspiration, power and wisdom. One will become creator and holder of ownership of life, away from the influence of petty humans and entities.

4. Opening , advancement and expansion of spiritual faculties, connection to Higher Mind, Higher Spirit and unfoldment of the Higher Potential of humans to become GOD.

5. Achievement of more rights over nature, power to overcome the cycle of mortals, the laws of the lower existence.
The jews have no god or gods, the creator of jews the reptilians are not gods in anyway. So there is not an "ultimate advanced psychic attack" from them because they are not gods so they have nothing of the "ultimate" psyhic attack because they are not ultimate beings.
Thank you, once again well said, I really enjoy reading your articles JG NakedPluto
During Returning Curses Part 1, don't try to take too much at once. Let the light take what it takes as it descends, otherwise you may get stuck.
Dietrich Eckart


Dietrich Eckart was born in Neumarkt, Bavaria on the 23rd of March, 1868.

The death of Eckart's mother in 1878, when he was only 10 years old, was an event that heavily affected him and made him rebellious against various forms of authority, most notably his father and the various schools he went to as a teenager.

In his early 20's, Eckart started cultivating his interest in literature and spirituality. In 1891, he decided to start writing poems and playwrights. He moved to Berlin in 1899, where he wrote a number of plays. In 1913, after 14 years of living in Berlin, he moved to Munich. Adolf Hitler, who at the time had no association with Eckart, also moved to Munich in 1913 from Vienna.

Dietrich Eckart, along with Gottfried Feder, Anton Drexler, and Karl Harrer, founded the DAP (Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) in January of 1919. The DAP was later rebranded into the NSDAP (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, commonly referred to as the "Nazi Party").

All four founders of the DAP were members of the Thule Society (from the Greek "Θούλη"), a Völkisch/Pagan occult group which denied both Abrahamism and communism. Its central ideas were Paganism/Satanism, anti-communism, anti-semitism, and Germanic racialism. There were also references to the "Holy Grail", not as a christian symbol, but rather as a metaphor for the Solar Chakra, where the elixir of life is stored.

The "Holy Grail" (Solar 666 Chakra) is also seen in Satanas's second Sigil:

Adolf Hitler, who soon became the leader of the NSDAP, was mentored by Dietrich Eckart. It is also stated that Eckart was a Dedicated Satanist. Many prominent members of the Third Reich were also members of the Thule Society, including Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler, Hitler's deputy in the NSDAP Rudolf Hess, as well as Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring.

Eckart's most notable work is "Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin", where he exposes christianity and communism as vehicles for Jewish world domination.

In 1923, on his deathbed, Eckart stated the following:
"Follow Hitler! He will dance, but it is I who have called the tune."

Part of Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf" was dedicated to Eckart.
I am starting a 30 day meditation so I won't be online for a while my guardian wants me to meditate and ground myself for the next 30 days .
Quote of the day by Lord Khepu

“To free oneself is to acknowledge first and foremost that one is caged. You cannot free a caged mentality and call oneself free while being the former. Acknowledge your weaknesses, and formulate a decisive action to break the caged mentality to really open up to freedom. That is your first step” - Lord Khepu/Cimeries
Could autism just be the result of a debilitated Mercury in conjunction with a prominent Uranus?
HPS Lydia
No, because that would make every single person born at the same time autistic. There are different factors that make a person autistic, yet a lot of it is simply lack of social skills, lack of self control (reacting to noise etc in an exaggerated manner), or a disconnection from others that comes from damaged and closed chakras.
@HPS Lydia
It sounds like the nature of autism is that of damaged chakras. Root and solar plus heart and throat by the sounds of it. It's not a matter of merely being "non-neurotypical" as it has been portrayed in recent times.

If someone is this damaged, do they really have a future, even with SS? How would they overcome it?
HPS Lydia
@Epiphany For some people with actual autism, yes, damaged chakras makes sense. For some other people, it is likely caused by toxins built up in the brain, which can be removed through certain detoxes but I am not an expert on this so I can't advise further.

I do believe damaged chakras can be healed. It takes time and consistency, and actively trying to connect to the Gods, even if they don't yet have astral communication yet. The Gods directly help with our chakras.
If any of you notice important posts/threads that were deleted and you think they should be restored, please let us know. A lot of posts were accidentally automatically deleted when the forums changed over to the new platform.

I've just restored Shannon's important post on Palmistry, if any of you would like to read it :)
Here is what color magic is and there meanings

Color magic is the practice of using specific colors to influence energy, emotions, or outcomes in magical rituals and spellwork. In many belief systems, colors are associated with particular meanings, symbols, and vibrations that can affect different aspects of life. By incorporating colors in candles, crystals, clothing, or even visualizations, practitioners aim to amplify certain energies to achieve desired results.

Red: Passion, love, energy, strength, courage, protection

Orange: Creativity, joy, enthusiasm, success, confidence

Yellow: Communication, intellect, happiness, clarity, focus

Green: Abundance, growth, health, nature, prosperity, fertility

Blue: Calm, healing, intuition, peace, clarity, protection

Purple: Spirituality, wisdom, power, psychic ability, transformation

Black: Protection, banishing, endings, mystery, grounding

White: Purity, healing, clarity, peace, protection, all-purpose

Pink: Love, friendship, compassion, emotional healing

Gold: Success, abundance, wealth, enlightenment

Silver: Intuition, psychic abilities, mo
on magic, reflection

Colors are often chosen based on the intention of the spell or ritual, as different colors align with different areas of life or types of energy.
In my Country Bangladesh, Islamic Jihadi is growing. I am very worried about this. We should also Stop Islamic Terrorist.
Satan golden red ninja666
Satan golden red ninja666
Just make sure you keep yourself safe and don't get in any conflicts with them it's cowardly at all because we are fighting a spiritual war by spiritual means it's better we survive then foolishly die and nothing gets accomplished I wish or all dedicated satanists family members to stay safe so look after yourself shiva666
Har Har Mahadev
Satan golden red ninja666
Satan golden red ninja666
Correction "it's not cowardly "
Henu the Great
Henu the Great
Keep building your aura of protection daily and build a strong connection to Gods. The increase of their influence through rituals and the overall advancement of our membership will eventually wash away the filth.
I just wanted to take a moment to say how much you all mean to me. The joy and gifts that you, along with the gods, helped me rediscover are things I thought were gone forever."

I hope to get myself out there more in the forums. I will try to post about the magic I practice, and hopefully, one day, share a real talk on my magical journey.

Hopefully, in the coming days, I will post about sympathetic magic, color magic, and how I incorporate them into my everyday life, alongside the rites and rituals I perform to the gods
Satanic «Digital Art» 🎃
Autumn Equinox, Happy Mabon 🦊

«Mabon, Autumn Equinox. This is a time of balance, welcoming the coming darkness, and preparing for the increased inner-reflection that comes with Autumn» - HPS Lydia 🦉🦉🦉




Best wishes, AristocraticDragon666 🐲
Two users have changed their profile pictures to jewish hexagrams this last week, and another one wants to "delete his account". They can't hide for long, can they?
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής
Also his (one of them) topic of the 7 pointed star where I replied, is gone now. If the HPs or Guardians thought it is too harmful and that is why they deleted it, it is ok, but it would be good to be notified or something. I wanted my last reply to be read by people in that crazy topic...
HPS Lydia
To the reply above: These forums don't allow for some things to be done. Instead of complaining about us for not notifying you that topics were deleted, understand that the notification system doesn't do that, so there is nothing we can do. And we can't individually message every member in a thread when something needs to be deleted.

It isn't our fault, its just how the forums are. There's nothing we can do about it, unless someone can actually change the forums.

Also, if the first post in a thread is deleted, then every single reply in the thread is automatically deleted. There is no way around it.
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής
Oh it was not really a complaint, I mean not a serious complaint! I just believed that it can be done automatically for example, of course it would take a lot of time to send message or notifications to everyone who was involved in a topic or topics. So don't misunderstand me please. It is ok.
That weird topic was sort of worrying anyways, so in the end it is right that it was removed.

Nuestra Gran Tarea: Ser Traductor​

En las noches de introspección reflexiono un poco sobre nuestra gran tarea de traductores, y pienso para mí misma de que por supuesto es una gran tarea, es un gran propósito y objetivo que los Dioses nos han puesto.

Hemos sido llevado a este gran puesto como mensajeros, nuestro propósito es llevar el gran mensaje de los Dioses a todos los idiomas existentes y por existir. Esto a veces puede ser una tarea fácil en otras compleja, puede que la traducción en algún momento se vuelva larga en otra corta, quizá no estés de ánimo o estés pasando por momentos de dificultad, pero aun así nuestra misión es cumplir con el proyecto/objetivo que los Dioses nos han puesto.

Esta tarea es de gran valor, es una creación , es la resolución a un problema, a una barrera que estaba impuesta como lo es el idioma. Y es que a veces quizá el traducir nos parezca aburrido, a veces quizá no tengamos energía o cabeza para seguir traduciendo y llevando el mensaje, aun así, hay una llama en nuestro interior que nos impulsa a seguir.

Es que no estamos pensando en el ahora, pensamos en un futuro, en nuestros hijos, en nuestros niños, en la humanidad. Entonces en este pensamiento hacia futuro surge una pregunta ¿Que nos mueve?...
Llego a la conclusión definitiva de que es el amor a la humanidad lo que nos impulsa una vez más hacia el futuro, es que es simplemente la fuerza del amor.

Debemos tener en cuenta que este gran propósito de llevar un mensaje debe ser integro y hecho desde el deber de la responsabilidad. No se trata de hacerlo porque si, ni siquiera se hace desde un reconocimiento, se hace desde una quizá, desde una semilla que va floreciendo poco a poco, va cogiendo forma y te enamoras de este proceso.

La responsabilidad alberga en el traductor y en el respeto y la integridad con su trabajo y las palabras. Hay una fuente de energía inspiradora en la palabra. El poder que emana de ella es algo indescriptible.

Si alguna vez pensaste que tu trabajo era pequeño, déjame decirte que es enorme, es de gran valor, estas transmitiendo el gran conocimiento y abarcando la mitad del camino hacia ello. Abres el paso a las nuevas generaciones superando las barreras del idioma.

Ser traductor es crear y darle vida a algo que no estaba ahí en su momento. Los traductores somos las ramas de ese gran árbol del que desprende ese conocimiento y las personas que llegan nuevas y se encaminan por esas ramas son los frutos de ello. Es una metáfora bastante acertada ¿No?

Ten en cuenta ese gran valor incalculable y que todo este proceso es necesario para la expansión de esta gran Hogar que es de los Dioses y de Padre Satanás.

Créeme que Satanás está muy contento con tu gran esfuerzo, tiempo y energía que le pones a la traducción. Es posible que digas ¿Que trabajo supone traducir? .... y yo te diré supone un gran trabajo y tiempo, no es fácil....
Es revisar, detallar, crear formato, actualizar, corregir errores de gramática, llevar un contexto adecuado de un idioma a otro. Es posible que digas, pero una app de traducción hace eso y te diré que aun así ese tipo de cosas cometen errores al traducir y requiere del componente humano para ello.

Este trabajo es importante, requiere de detalles y de ingenio, de intuición y de lógica, no lo mires como algo sencillo, porque NO LO ES. Dale el valor que se merece y haz tu trabajo lo mejor que se pueda, sé que a veces es difícil sentarse en la PC y traducir, quizá no tengas energía o quizá quieras abandonar porque no te das cuenta del valor que tiene, en esos momentos reflexiona que tú eres el gran puente que tu comunidad necesita, eres alguien que la humanidad necesita.

Expresa la voluntad de los Dioses lo mejor que se pueda, resiste la tormenta, sigue caminando y llevando el conocimiento a la humanidad, tu nombre quedara inmortalizado en esta gran oportunidad y los Dioses te observaran como el valiente que se atrevió a llevar este gran regalo a su comunidad.

Te escribo con un gran amor
Two of the most active members in the Live Chat turned out to be trolls, one of them even using a jewish pfp before leaving for good. Don't hesitate to report trolls and people who promote abrahamism.
Your teachings and wisdom brought life back into me. Because of you, a part of me had something to live for.

I remember when I asked a question in the yahoo groups. It was a simple question but you answered it, and you told me the importance of study. I will continue to study Maxine, I will grasp the wonderful and infinite knowledge and learn the secrets of the world. I wish I got to know you more and talk to you again.

You knew very well and prepared for any circumstance because you have trust in your clergy and your people. I hope the JoS lives up to your will as it will continue to do so.

This is a movement that will never die. Thank you and farewell.
Hey, an alert to and from an Asian SS brother, have you heard about the recent stabbing of Japanese students in China :mad:? My condolences to the guy's Soul and his family. I was in Taiwan at the time these stabbings were occurring, laptop wasn't with me, and @STanBlank sent me in a DM of what was happening in mainland China to Japanese foreign students. According to his own personal investigation, this is politically-motivated and of doing by the communist party. May they feel the wrath of Lord Baal Zabul....father of the Oriental race.......(sorry for the crappy link display, only one of them shows the preview).

One of the biggest issues plaguing the Orientals as me and @STanBlank have observed is the inter-fighting and hatred between the Oriental subraces.

Of course I have heard of this incident. It is very sad and shocking. I don't know the facts, but Japanese people think that the Chinese are being educated to hate the Japanese, and this is the reason for incidents like this. However, I know that the Jews(Chinese Communist Party, Media, and others) are good at making people hate their neighbors.
As you say, that is probably one of the biggest issues in the Orient. Particularly, I think Japan is at the center of the problem because Japan invaded Asian countries during the Pacific War.
Honestly as for Japan invading those other Asian countries from the research I've done on the nature of the Empire of Japan and their ambitions seems like they were trying to do in Asia what Hitler was doing Europe with the Whites and trying to protect Asian interests from the kikes. Most SS agree that the accepted "narrative" behind Pearl Harbor is a lie. There was a reason why many Chinese, Manchus and Koreans sided with Japan as their empire's military had Asians of all sorts of backgrounds, not just Japanese, as far as Javanese, Malays and Filipinos. Hitler often referred to the Showa Emperor as an "honorary Aryan" and his imperial name "Showa" sounds a lot similar to "Shoah" (Hebrew for "destruction") - possibly meaning the destruction of Jewish interests in Asia. Some Chinese nationalists like Chiang Kai-Shek even admitted Japan wasn't the real threat, until he was forced by the communists to go to war against Japan.

Sadly, just like the way the Reich had traitors and Jews working in its ranks, the Japanese also had degenerates, traitors and Asian Jews ruining the Showa Emperor's plans, and I feel that's where you get all the war crimes. In the late 19th century and early 20th century in Meiji Japan, Chinese Jewish (or Jewish-funded Chinese societies) operated in there like the Tongmenghui - who in my opinion, was an enemy organization posing as a "Chinese nationalist" group. Then again, history is written by the victors, those "war crimes" could all be lies for all I know, just like they make up lies about Hitler being financed by the Wall Street or the entire holohoax.

In South Korea, their government, supposedly "democratic" has a confiscation program against descendants of Korean nobles who sided with Japan. Ridiculous in my opinion. Those Koreans who sided with Japan still had functioning societies even as all of the other Koreans were being killed in the Korean War - a war between American Jews vs. Soviet Jews.
Idea! 💡

To help with my progress I have a recordings of "Things I am Truly Grateful For" & my "Positive Affirmations" which I (try to) listen to daily. It's been very helpful & beneficial for my Spiritual progress.

Now, regarding spiritual warfare, what if I made a recording of me doing various rituals & the affirmations that are stated after the x9 repetitions? Like "Cursing Israel" ritual? The recording could be set to loop so then the ritual energy would be repeated multiple times.

It's been helpful for my affirmations. The ritual also has affirmations. The only difference I see is that I have intention to subliminally program my subconscious to accept the statements of my affirmations, whereas with warfare recordings my intention would be to repeatedly put the destructive & freeing energies out there to cancel out the enemy alephbet & affirm the demise of enemy agendas.

Please share your thoughts & opinions.

Wonderful blessings to anyone who reads this.
Hellenic SS
Hellenic SS
Rituals, same as mantras, have to be spelled out to raise the energy. I'm not saying that there aren't technicalities, but listening to RTR affirmations isn't as effective as spelling the ritual by yourself. On the other hand, affirmations of other kinds (e.g. for self-confidence) DO help when heard on repeat. This has to do with self-programming of your subconscious.
C. Kret
C. Kret
I'll stick to how I've been going about things for now. Thank you Hellenic SS for your helpful feedback. :)
Hellenic SS
Hellenic SS
You're welcome.
Hps Maxine you shall be missed and honored for centuries to come we all at the joy of satan community love and Honor you for all the hardwork you have done for us as a community may you blessed by Father Satan. You're wish has come true in regards to the Gods speaking through you in all honesty everytime am reading one of your sermons or just listen to it by audio am greatly inspired by you your knowledge and dedication is unmatched you don't know us but we know you in the most positive and powerful way through writing and voice you feed our soul with the know and power we need my your loving soul always look out for us and may you be connected to each of us knowing full well you accomplished the highest and most crucial part of our existence as Spiritual Satanist you shall always be crowned as the loving knowledgeble mother of the joy of satan that brought us the highest form of knowledge that humanity has seen in a very long time
Blessed be Hps mother Maxine
Hail Father Satan Lucifer

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
