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I would like for our websites:
1) translation button with drop down menu for language options.

All I've thought of for now!
Hellenic SS
Hellenic SS
I was actually thinking about this too. Each site can have its own built-in translation. Islamic Evil also does have this option, but there are no translated versions available at the moment. This way, the JoS can also save money for other things instead of domains for translated websites.
C. Kret
C. Kret
It will be figured out. :)
Can someone tell me what funeral rites I can do for someone that has already past
I don't know what can be done for someone has already past but I remember reading that (if they are not a SS) you can pray to Father Satan to take him/her to hell and protect from dangers until he/she reborn.
It has been a great week, my business is doing well but is challenging me to push and meet/excel expectation that some people have of me.

Spiritually I did not excel this week, I missed doing my 6 day streak, this time I’m making it 10 day streak 🔥 I gave myself a way out and now it’s time to pay in!

since I have cut back on caffeine to 0 my anxiety and sense of well being is much higher. I no longer feel depleted and my gastric system thanks me. Going to get my decaf on!

Dreams, I had a really good dream Wednesday I think. First dream, I appeared within a corridors with doors lining each side, feeling impending hide and seek I rushed down the doors and went inside and hid behind some curtains hoping they wouldn’t come in. I held my breath trying to not will them to come in. I was suddenly grabbed through the curtains and started getting my belly tickled ? This was enough to wake me up as it scared me lol. I could feel the sensations of being tickled very vividly.

Pretty interesting! Thank you for all you support. I’m going to work much harder now

Oración Satánica a Padre Satanás antes de la dedicación​

Esta oración es para aquellos que al momento de la dedicación sienten emociones negativas o por X o Y motivo el miedo los paraliza y los hace posponer dicha dedicación con dudas o temores sin sentido.

Esta oración surgio en un momento asi, fue dada a un conocido que llevaba días posponiendo la dedicación aún queriendo hacerla y fuera de eso con todas sus dudas claras, me contaba que en el momento de la dedicación ese miedo parecía paralizarse y que no podía moverse en pro del objetivo de la dedicación. Esto pasa más de lo que se cree cuando alguien quiere dedicarse, sin embargo esta oración puede ayudar a calmar su psique y pedir fuerza y carácter a Padre Satanás para tener una dedicación más tranquila y consciente.

Es algo corta, pero poderosa ya que fue hecha desde la intención del amor y la guía:

Padre Satanás, en este día/noche vengo a pedirte guía y consejo,
vengo a pedirte fuerza y coraje.

El miedo me ha paralizado por completo y no he podido llegar al inicio de mi viaje,
llega a mi corazón y hazme participe de tus misterios.

Ilumina mi sendero de la restauración y llena mi mente y corazón de tu energía divina
para poder dedicarme a ti con total paz y consciencia.

Esto te lo pido con el corazón y el alma abierta.

AUM x 3 veces
Interesting fictional characters that I have used/I am using as profile pictures here, part 2:
Messmer the Impaler (Elden Ring)


Messmer the Impaler is the character I've chosen for my profile picture for now.
His story is tragic, but it's a bit out of topic as there are not great parallels to Spiritual Satanist knowledge in it.

The reason why I chose him (other than he looks badass) is that his character design and themes are actually based on something we know very well: the Kundalini Serpent.
You can see 2 striking characteristic when looking at Sir Messmer: his 2 Winged Serpents and the fact that he can wield Fire. Obvious relation, fire and serpents → Kundalini, but there's more.

Let's not kid ourselves: of course there is some inspiration from the "christanity devil" in his design, this is not the first instance where Elden Ring does that, but I still think that the Kundalini references are very interesting since they're so obvious and direct. Also, Messmer is not an evil character, he did evil things and is presented as a villain in the trailer, but when you get to know the lore behind him he's just as morally grey and fucked up as literally any other character in a Souls game. These games typically don't have good/bad characters, except some very rare cases.
But this is not what I wanted to talk about anyway, even if I like this aspect of the games, so let's continue.

Messmer is a "boss" enemy, and as many other bosses do, he has a "phase transition" when you get him to half health.
In Souls games, once a boss changes phase (there's typically just 2), it almost always changes name in the UI.
In the first phase, Messmer is called "Messmer the Impaler", because he impaled his enemies, so a very shallow title, based only on outside evidence and public actions.
When you reach second phase, a cutscene plays out, and he says some lines, and some of them are very interesting:
Soon, Tarnished. ["Tarnished" is the title of the player character]
Wilt thou be taken in the jaws...
Of the Abyssal Serpent, shorn of light.
In the cutscene, before this lines, Messmer removes the fake golden eye (which was put there by his mother, out of topic) and we can see that inside him there's yet ANOTHER Serpent, coiled in his eye socket. This is what he looks like after this painful process:

I also forgot to mention: as he (and many other characters in Elden Ring) has one eye completely shut, and the other was fake, and now he has even removed it, we can assume he's basically blind.
Except one thing, when you enter his boss room, he looks at you through one of his Winged Serpents:
(I don't know if this might have some further parallels, I just thought it was cool to point out. Also, the snake is cute. I guess you could make a parallel between this and Odin removing His eye to gain Knowledge, Messmer removes his eye and frees the Kundalini, so raising the Kundalini is similar to gaining Knowledge, it is positive.)

Anyway, back to his second phase.
In this phase, Messmer in the UI is called in a most direct reference to the Kundalini: "Base Serpent Messmer".
Surely I don't need to explain it, "Base Serpent" is one word away from "Base Chakra Serpent", the Kundalini as in the current fallen state of Humanity.
So Messmer has actually 3 Serpents: 2 Winged Serpents and 1 Abyssal Serpent.
The main difference in the lore is that the 2 Winged Serpents are his loyal and benign companions, that help him to keep in check the malignant Abyssal Serpent.
Why "malignant" though? We already said that there is no good/bad in these games, right?
It's called malignant because it is considered so by the society in that universe, which is somewhat based off a christian society (monotheistic cult etc) and they really, really hate snakes.
So the game isn't really telling us that the Abyssal Snake is malignant, it's just telling us that society in that universe saw it as malignant and something to be hidden.
Further, I think that the 2 Winged Serpents might be a reference to Ida and Pingala.
So we have Ida, Pingala and the Kundalini all represented in this character.

In this phase, Messmer can do some attacks in "serpent form", truly displaying that the Abyssal Serpent is free and risen. He also summons a Fire Orb, further solidifying the relation between the Abyssal Serpent, the Serpent which stays in the Abyss, the lowest part, with Fire, the Base Chakra, which is also the lowest chakra.

While there may be nothing in Messmer's character that's as subsersive to the enemy control as the elements of Rudol von Stroheim, the previous character I've talked about, I still find him very interesting and cool, because the spiritual references are very much blunt and you can be sure this was at least partly intentional.
It feels good to see bits of spiritual knowledge surviving in one of the most significant and influential games of these last years, and the highest rated DLC of all time.
Even if most of our knowledge has been suppressed, it can't be forever and it will surface in the minds and souls of good creators, as we are working towards the full awakening of the Soul of Egypt, the Soul of Mankind.

Base Serpent Messmer is just one badass instance of this.

Emociones en el Arte

Hablemos un poquito del proceso de creación. Todo SS desde que empieza en este camino se embarca en un camino de creación, pero la mayoría quizá experimente una especie de inseguridad en ello, llegándose a cuestionar si lo que está haciendo forma parte de la creación

¿Que es crear?
Es simplemente traer a tu mente algo que no estaba allí y lograr volverlo físico/material

¿Como asi?
Pongamos un ejemplo, en tu vida cotidiana, tú arreglas todo tu espacio, donde duermes, cocinas, la sala de estar, el lugar de juegos etc. Resulta que en esos días tú buscas una manera de volver muy acogedor tu hogar, estás pensando de que manera podrías mover los muebles, o poner una plantita o probar con aromas etc.

Nunca te habías puesto a pensar en ello, simplemente ese día en tu mente surgio una idea , un pensamiento o una pregunta. Este "simple proceso" de pensamiento que albergaste es el proceso de creación, en ese mismo instante se creo una nueva idea y un nuevo plan de acción.

Una de las enseñanzas que nuestra queridísima Diosa Astarte me ha estado otorgando es sobre la creación y sus procesos, todo lo que alberga desde lo más simple hasta lo más complejo.

Hoy aquí quiero hablarte sobre una emoción displacentera: la inseguridad y la sensibilidad extrema, ya que van juntas.

La Diosa Astarté mediante unas página de un libro me hablo largo y tendido sobre ello, ya que soy una persona con una sensibilidad bastante alta. Ella me ha ido enseñando con un buen enfoque para crear cosas y aprovechar esta sensibilidad en el proceso del arte y la creación.

El arte va ligado a la sensibilidad y percepción profunda, es por eso que muchas veces ciertas personas sienten el arte con mucha más emoción que otras.

Recordemos que la Diosa Astarté rige todo lo de la belleza y el tema artístico.


Todos dudamos de nuestras capacidades. Y aunque nos gustaría que desaparecieran, las dudas están ahí para brindarnos un servicio.

Los errores humanos, y la atracción que ejerce el arte procede de la humanidad que alberga. Si fuéramos como máquinas, el arte no resonaría. Carecería de alma. El dolor, la inseguridad y el miedo son inseparables de la vida.

Todos somos distintos, todos somos imperfectos, y esas imperfecciones hacen que nosotros y nuestras obras sean más interesantes. Creamos piezas que reflejan quiénes somos, y si la inseguridad forma parte de nuestra persona, nuestro trabajo proyectará, a consecuencia de esta, mayor autenticidad.

La creación artística no es un acto competitivo. Nuestro trabajo representa nuestro yo. Te equivocarías si dijeras: "No tengo las capacidades que hacen falta para afrontar este desafio" Sí, es posible que debas perfeccionar tu destreza para plasmar plenamente tu visión. Si tú no te sientes capaz, nadie más puede hacerlo. Solo tú. Eres la única persona en posesión de tu voz particular.

Las personas que deciden expresarse a través del arte, son con frecuencia, las más vulnerables. Hay cantantes considerados entre los mejores del mundo que no soportan escuchar su propia voz. Y no son excepciones. Muchos artistas de distintos ámbitos se enfrentan a problemas parecidos.

La misma sensibilidad que les permite crear obras de arte es la vulnerabilidad que los hace menos resistentes a las criticas. Sin embargo, muchos siguen compartiendo su trabajo y se arriesgan a ser juzgados a pesar de todo. Es como si no pudieran evitarlo. Su condición de artistas es su identidad y se sienten realizados a través de la autoexpresión.

Si a un creador le asustan tanto las criticas que se siente incapaz de continuar, es posible que el deseo de compartir su obra no sea tan fuerte como el anhelo de protegerse.

Puede que el arte no sea para él. Tal vez su temperamento se adapte mejor a otra actividad. Este camino no es para todo el mundo. La adversidad forma parte del proceso.

No estamos obligados a responder a esta vocación por el hecho de poseer un talento o habilidad. Vale la pena recordar que la posibilidad de crear es una bendición. Es un privilegio. Lo escogemos. Nadie nos ordena que lo hagamos. Si preferimos no hacerlo, nadie nos obliga.

Algunos artistas de éxito arrastran grandes inseguridades, se sabotean, sufren adicciones o se enfrentan a obstáculos mientras crean o comparten sus obras. Una mala autoimagen o alguna adversidad vital puede ser un combustible que permite crear grandes obras de arte, al convertirse en un pozo profundo de intuición y emoción del que un artista extrae material. También puede impedir que sea capaz de crear durante largos periodos de tiempo.

Las personas que experimentan este tipo de dificultades, por lo general, no pueden llevar a cabo un proceso creativo de manera continua. No se debe a que carezcan de capacidad artística, sino a que solo en contadas ocasiones consiguen superar sus problemas y entonces crean grandes obras.

Una de las razones por las que muchos artistas mueren de sobredosis en épocas tempranas de su vida es que emplean las drogas para anestesiar una existencia muy dolorosa. Ese dolor es la razón de que se hicieran artistas en su primer momento: Su extraordinaria sensibilidad.

Si uno ve una belleza prodigiosa o un tremendo dolor allí donde otros ven poco o nada en absoluto, tendrá que experimentar sentimientos intensos una y otra vez. Esas emociones pueden resultar desconcertantes o abrumadoras. Cuando las personas a nuestro alrededor no ven lo que uno ve ni percibe lo que uno percibe, la situación puede conducir a una sensación de aislamiento y de no encajar.

Esas emociones tan potentes, que resultan poderosas cuando se expresan en una obra, son las mismas nubes sombrías que uno desea atenuar para poder dormir o levantarse de la cama y afrontar el día por la mañana. Son una bendición y una maldición.

Tomado del Libro El acto de crear: una manera de ser. Rick Rubin

Con amor

Inspiración Divina​

Aveces me pongo a pensar sobre la profundidad del amor, los sentimientos y reacciones que emanan de esa palabra.

¿Estamos hablando de una palabra o de un sentir?
Me pregunto con total perplejidad.

Quizá muchos se sientan inspirados por un sentir,
o simplemente por las palabras,
pero yo, bueno,
yo me inspiro al verla a ella.

Dejaré que la experiencia de escribir y la musa invadan mi vida o al menos en este pequeño instante.

¿Pequeño instante?.
Me digo en tono de reproche.

¡Que va!
Es el gran instante que estoy viviendo cuando la tengo entre mis brazos.

Ha de ser difícil imaginarte tanta grandeza en una mujer
y que de repente ella te haya visto en medio de toda esta multitud con esa misma grandeza que ella emana.

¿De donde viene y hacia donde va?.
Son preguntas que habitan en mí a diario

¡Que voy a saber yo!

Es que aparece en los momentos más sorpresivos, con tanta fuerza que pareciera un trance del que no puedo moverme ni despertar.

"Ven aca", me dice con dulzura, y yo caigo ante sus palabras.
Es que no hace falta que diga algo, yo ya he caído ante su presencia.

¿He visto algo igual?

Diría que NO, es más, aseguraría completamente que NO.
De solo pronunciar su nombre mi corazón se acelera, es que parece salirse del pecho.

Aquí está ella, pero no solo en presencia, ella se ha metido en lo más hondo de mi alma,
pareciera que ni tengo decisión propia porque cedo ante lo que ella me pide , pero...
¿Quien soy yo para negarle algo?

Es que mi vida, en este momento la vida que se me ha otorgado, parece que me fue dada con el propósito de amarla completamente.

Y bueno, aquí estamos, ella inspirándome en esto y yo, bueno, yo escribiendo esto.
Es que no hay otra opción, incluso con el olor de su piel ya caigo completamente a sus pies.

Ella disfruta completamente de este juego de seducción, y con gran autoridad y placer dice "Eres mía" y yo,
con gran asombro y sin ninguna pizca de querer negarme, digo que SI.

Quisiera contarte más sobre ella, pero es que no dejo de mirarla y su sonrisa alberga un millón de estrellas,
ni siquiera este escrito alberga un 1% de lo que quiero que sepas.

Este gran regalo de amor y de palabreo inspirado por ella y para ella, es algo que quiero compartir contigo...
He de decirte que su encanto y dulzura hipnotiza hasta al más fuerte.
Pero ¡vamos! que es que de pensar que alguien más disfruta de su belleza, entra en mí una clase de celos que parecieran revolcar ese lado oscuro.

¿Celos? me digo a mi misma,
pero ¿porque ahora? ¿porque NO antes?
y me he dado cuenta que estás preguntas han llegado a una respuesta,
y ¡SI! tal como lo sospechas me he enamorado completamente de ella.

He de decirte que ella es la perfección hecha mujer,
y aunque tuviera mil vidas restantes estoy completamente segura que la elegiría una y mil veces.

¡Que complejo es esto! Me digo a mi misma con una especie de aliento y de esperanza.
Y en esa esperanza surge el primer pensamiento y es que en la complejidad del amor es donde encuentro el verdadero sentido de vivir y ¿Adivina que? en el centro de esa complejidad está ella, con nombre propio.

Con amor
Interesting fictional characters that I have used/I am using as profile pictures here, part 1:
Rudol von Stroheim (JoJo's Bizarre Adventures)


At the time of writing this, I have used him as my profile picture for at least 3 years. I felt like changing it after so long but I wish to write something to remember it.
Rudol von Stroheim is, as you can see, a National Socialist soldier, specifically, a "Nazi Major" according to the JoJo wiki.
He's featured in the second part of JJBA: "Battle Tendency".
Why do I think he's interesting?
Because this is the only Nazi character that I have ever seen in fiction who is portrayed as one of the "good guys" through the later stages of the story.
Actually, the entire Nazi Army (yes, we can say Nazi, remember there is a Goddess named Nazi, although I can't find the related thread) becomes a major force for good as it helps the protagonist save Humanity from annihilation/slavery.
Although (of course) the Nazi presence starts as antagonistic (I mean, the writer had to, it would've been "suspicious" to the public if he didn't), in the course of just 2 episodes, it turns into positive, when Stroheim proudly sacrifices himself to kill an almost unkillable monster that has entered his body, by blowing himself up with a grenade.
Stroheim is later reintroduced as a badass cyborg, saved from death by German science.
Literally, his most popular line is: "You fool! German science is the world's finest!".
In the final battle against Kars, a superhuman evil being who has achieved genetic perfection and is actually unkillable, Stroheim delivers critical assist to the protagonist.
Without Stroheim, the protagonist would've never saved the world from Kars. His role was objectively critical.


And even his sendoff was great. The story tells us Stroheim died proudly and valorously, fighting for his country against the USSR, at the battle of Stalingrad in 1943.

It fills me with joy to know that Stroheim has reached the heart of many, even with the stigma and hate towards National Socialism.
It is a true display that Humanity has nothing to hate about National Socialism when it is devoid of the hoax of the Holocaust, as the series never mentions it, not even once.
I am aware that the concept of cyborgs is wrong and unnatural, but in this case I let it slide, as it is a plot device to give him a comeback and superpowers, and also a way to praise Nazi science.
Other than a throwaway line from Joseph of: "I guess I can't exactly meet him anymore, since we're apparently at war with the Germans", there is no negative portrayal of the SS in Part 2. Partly because it's a japanese work, and partly because Hirohiko Araki is a very studied man. He portrays a lot of cultures neutrally and realistically, and I'm almost sure that he has a far more down to Earth and neutral view of World War 2.
Stroheim was a great character, I hope he gets more content in the future. Far more minor characters got one-shot manga and spin-offs in the past, so here's hoping.
The SS is portrayed slightly more negatively at the start, only in the anime. Partly because of ominous visuals, Stroheim being a bit of a dick early on, the ominous music. The manga actually (obviously, no music) keeps a far more neutral attitude in colors and portrayal down from the start.
Demonic Tech
Demonic Tech
Thing is, nowadays, they'd just make some bullshit "redemption arc", were they to do more with Stroheim. I have already seen that there is a fan fiction of this.
Some people can't cope with Stroheim being SS.
Can someone clear this up is Hades or Thanos the god of death Hades as I know him rules the underworld. Thanos is the god of death
In mythology, Hades is the Greek god of the Underworld, who holds absolute power over the realm of the dead; therefore, he is clearly the one who reigns over death and the afterlife. He is one of the three major Olympian deities, alongside, Zeus (the god of the sky) and Poseidon (the god of the seas). Hades rules the underworld and has the ultimate authority over the souls of the dead, being directly associated with death and the fates of the afterlife.
Satan golden red ninja666
Satan golden red ninja666
You can do lord Anubis ritual and humbly request him to protect your loved one
“Strength within oneself is the fundamental piece towards going upwards to the Godhead. To be an aspiring human to a human which you are rooted into your fundamental principles as a Spiritual Satanist is key. Your advancement is dependent upon your core understanding and following of the principles you have undertaken when beginning the path. As you advance more things become clear. If you fall, stand up. If you falter, see your weakness and continue. One thing that is not acceptable in your heart and mind should be failure.”- Lord Khepu, Master of Scarab.
I will be starting to write daily small quotes from the God, my teacher Lord Khepu( Cimeries if any are unaware who I refer to) that I learn from him when we do converse. I hope its motivating for all of us. The Gods are awesome!

“Aside from one’s normal duties in life, Satanic or otherwise, plan for the unexpected, but do not give in to the temptation of fear that many will fall into. Plan but do not fear. Respect fear as a symbol towards your advancement, but do not fall prey to it.” - Lord Khepu.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich, were it not for You, we'd all be lost.
I know for certain I'd be lost.

I wish I never got scared out of Spiritual Satanism in my teen years, so I would've had years to be around your wisdom.
Instead I came back home only as you were leaving for greater purposes.
The timing was very unfortunate for me.

I dream of the day we can hear back from You, in any way.
I can literally feel the Joy of imagining that, one day, suddenly, a new message from You appears.

But anyway:
Thank You infinitely for what You've done.
For all purposes, you're a Goddess.
Hail You, Hail Maxine!
Today I learned something about my aura, right now since I’m healing my aura is white, meaning I’m cleaning but pushes people away and I think that’s interesting as I love my family and but need to be alone which helps me realize I am done seeing them as smart or caring. They are not me and since I have tried to show them Satan and they refuse the proof; as HoodedCobra said ( paraphrasing) that everyone wants to help but sometimes that’s a loosing battle that only takes you down with them and that’s how I feel and they would kiss a Jewish persons feet. I just wanna advance so I can get out. So I’m working on that and me. I love you family thanks for the love, support and caring so much you refuse to let me slack. I think this will be the beginning of something transformative.
I turned some Rituals into metal AI music using Suno:


  • Baalzebul's Power Ritual power metal.mp3
    4.5 MB
  • Satan's Absolution Ritual metal.mp3
    4.3 MB
  • The Grand Ritual.mp3
    5.4 MB

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
