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hiii. i miss you allll a lot.
Samhain has passed and i still wish you all a happy samhain. Yule is coming. i hope we will celebrateYule together very soon and even have a gift giveaway with each others or something. maybe one day we won't even need to do rtr since we have completely cleared our world of enemies? hahah.

i love you all so much. i hope beloved Hps Lydia and HP Hooded Cobra are doing very well too.
never forget that what belongs to you will find you. even it doesnt, make it find cuz youre a SS. hahah
please protect your family and loved ones against diseases and natural disasters/accidents. aarti loves you so much

a song for you
Whispers of the Window

Not all who wander are lost,
Not all who are alone are lonely—
A mantra, a whisper, a fragment of truth
I’ve clung to time and time again.

This morning, I hear it anew,
As my husband steps into the grey dawn,
His shadow swallowed by the waiting world.
I stand at the single-pane window,
A soul in a run-down house
That creaks with the weight of lives before me.

The blinds fall like a curtain,
Cutting off the view but not the thoughts.
How many hands have brushed this same frame?
How many eyes have peered through this fragile glass?
How many hearts have beat alone
Within these walls, listening to their own silence?

The house speaks in whispers,
Its voice stitched together by echoes of time.
I can feel them—
The sorrow of a mother waiting for a soldier,
The joy of a child’s first steps across the warped floor,
The quiet ache of a man who worked himself to bone and dust.

Eight years I have called this place my own,
And yet, I am but a speck
In the endless stretch of its memory.
A drop in a bucket so vast,
It drowns my sense of permanence.

But still, I linger,
Bound to this house, this window, this life.
Not all who are alone are lonely—
I wonder if that’s what they told t
The ones who came before.
Quote of the Day From Lord Khepu

”Becoming powerful is necessary, but to forgo the basics of that power is what will ultimately cause your downfall. Respect the struggle and learn to appreciate the basis of your foundations. Nothing is gained without trying endeavor to your status in life, nor will it be gained for you in the afterlife, nor will anything be gained if you do nothing. Live each day with fierce determination and resolute devotion to gaining power and strength. Only then will the open pathway of the Gods show forth. -Lord Khepu/Cimeries
New Sermons on the YT page.
Started my 40 day meditation program today! Super excited to begin this journey of growing my vril and reclaiming my Divine gifts of the Gods!
One issue I'm having though, is trying to meditate in a house with a very blatant andrapoda (my MIL is currently staying with us until further notice...)
As soon as I began meditating today, she comes to the doorway and interrupts my focus... and this isn't the first time she's intervened during my focus, whether it be studying, meditating, yoga, etc.
I know I'll overcome this, and once my AOP is established, it should repel her, hopefully.
Wish me luck, you guys 🤗 💛

Un Curso de Nuestro Armamento Espiritual RTR

Sumo Sacerdote HC 666
Febrero 26, 2018

Demos un paseo por la sala de guerra y expliquemos lo que los RTR te hacen a ti y al enemigo, uno por uno. Esto llevaría una enorme cantidad de tiempo para explicar cada uno, por lo que este es un repaso muy corto para resaltar algunas cosas.

RTR Shema: Este es uno de los RTR más poderosos, literalmente desenchufa al enemigo de su forma de pensamiento, destruyendo toda su matriz, y rasgando su protección al mismo tiempo. Este es el aceite a través del cual el fuego se multiplica. Este RTR es principalmente ofensivo, pero elimina la influencia mágica judía de la persona que lo hace. Ayuda a aflojar cualquier maldición impuesta a alguien por el judaísmo, incluyendo la pobreza y cualquier otra cosa infligida por el sistema judío. Cualquier maldición y cualquier cosa que los judíos hagan depende del Shema, y cada protección que el judío hace para sí mismo también está directamente ligada a esto. Remover esto es una de las peores cosas que potencialmente les puede pasar, ya que todos los judios hacen el Shema, desde el último, hasta los cabalistas mas gigantes. Esto es devastador para ellos y abre las puertas a través de las cuales se pueden lanzar bombas nucleares más allá de su barrera.

Sermón Completo en el PDF Adjunto


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Crow's Dream

You are an old love poem,
Hence these descriptions, hence these rhymes,
You are beautiful, you can laugh for without reason.

You are a November morning,
Where the winds blow and the trees shed their leaves,
You are beautiful, you can live without reason.

You're an autumn dream,
Beautiful, scary,
No one else is afraid,
Nor the son for his father, nor Apollo for his Daphne,
As much as losing you scares me.

You are beautiful, you can love for without reason.

-Satan's Crow

I made these for myself, but I figured some of you would also enjoy these. Sorry that they're not the highest quality. I recall seeing something similar on the forums for Satan and Astarte, so I thought I would make one for Adolf and Eva.


Mars (Andras): What You Might Not Know

When the infant Romulus, the founder of Rome and son of Mars, was carried off in a basket of reeds down the Tiber River—intended to be drowned—he ended up on a shore beneath the fig tree, Ficus Ruminalis. Unable to care for himself, a she-wolf appeared and nursed him as her own. She was not alone, however; a woodpecker, a bird of prophecy, accompanied her.

Both the wolf and the woodpecker are sacred animals to Mars. While Mars is commonly associated with war, the woodpecker also signifies his prophetic role. The woodpecker, known for its oracular abilities, was said to land on a sacred wooden pole dedicated to Mars, where it would offer prophecies.

Moreover, Mars, before his association with the Greek god Ares, was primarily an agricultural deity. In fact, Cato the Elder invokes him as Mars Silvanus in his treatise on agriculture, referring to him as Mars of the Woods (or Mars of the Fields). Additionally, the woodpecker, sacred to Mars, was known as a "doctor" of trees, keeping them healthy and free from disease.

Later, Romulus was discovered by Faustulus, a swineherd, who took him in and entrusted him to his wife, Larentia, who was also known as Dea Dia, a goddess associated with fertility and agriculture. As Romulus grew, he founded the Arval Brotherhood—a group dedicated to the worship of Dea Dia and agriculturalism. According to Plutarch, only the priests of Mars, however, could officiate the rites dedicated to Larentia.

A hymn to Mars reads as follows:
Help us, Lares!
Marmar, let not plague or ruin attack the multitude.
Be filled, fierce Mars. Leap the threshold! Halt, wild one.
By turns, call on all the gods of sowing.
Help us, Marmor!

Marmar is an archaic name for Mars, used in certain hymns. Mars is not only a warrior god; he also drives off ruin and plague, protecting the fields and ensuring fertility. His connection to leaping, seen in both the hymn and his priesthood, reflects the god's dynamic nature—his role in both warfare and the protection of agriculture.

A common theme in Indo-European mythology is the story of the young man (or men) cast out to find his own way, often leading to the founding of an empire. Mars is the god who rules over these men—those who carve out their own destiny. Strabo recalls that during a famine, the Sabines realized that although they had dedicated their excess crops to Mars the previous year, they had neglected to dedicate their sons to him. To alleviate the famine, they dedicated their young men to Mars and sent them out as colonists. Mars is thus linked not only with warriors but also with the founding of colonies and the alleviation of famine.

In conclusion, Mars is indeed the god of war, protection, and colonialism. But he is also a god of agriculture, prophecy, and the founding of cities. His multifaceted nature reflects the Romans' deep understanding of the interconnectedness of warfare, survival, and prosperity.

Too many ads promoting race-mixng.

Here’s a spoken word poem inspired by your vision. I went for something with mystical depth, evoking that encounter with Anubis on the beach and the profound solitude.


In the Presence of Gods

I had a dream once,
on a beach many years ago,
where time stood still,
and the weight of every forgotten year
pressed into the soles of my feet.
I remember the rocks crunching beneath me,
sharp reminders that I was there,
really there.

The air smelled of salt and something ancient,
something older than memory itself.
The ocean stretched out before me,
grey, endless, vast—
like the edge of the world itself.
And I was alone,
no soul in sight,
just me and the endless sea.

For minutes, I walked in that quiet,
each step an echo swallowed by waves.
And then—
in the distance, a shape took form,
a figure,
half man, half dog,
like the statues from stories,
like the god Anubis
come to life.

He stood there by the water,
still as stone, watching, waiting,
and I knew—
I was in the presence of something holy,
something that knew me
better than I knew myself.

As I drew closer, I saw them, too—
people, silent, watching,
their faces soft as whispers in dreams.
And when I looked behind me,
there were temples rising from the sand,
buildings tall as memories,
a city built by hands
long turned to dust.

I stood there, between two worlds,
between the endless ocean and an ancient shore,
feeling the weight of gods upon me,
feeling the pull of something beyond.

And in that place, that moment,
I understood that I was never alone,
that all things have a memory,
and even gods walk beaches
when no one else can see.
Your work will never be forgotten, thousands of souls that you've awaken and many to come , who knows what the world would look today if weren't for you.
Father Satan and the God's are proud of you and I am sure with all of my heart that you're very well as well! Looking forward seeing each other in another time !
Thank you for everything you've done for all of us , even for the one's who are not yet SS but the one's who are yet to come. Ave Satanas!
"But the more righteous of you, who stand upon the threshold of the change to the diviner state, shall among men be righteous kings, and genuine philosophers, founders of states, and lawgivers, and real seers, and true herb-knowers, and prophets of the gods most excellent, skillful musicians, skilled astronomers, and augurs wise, consummate sacrificers--as many of you as are worthy of things fair and good."

- Isis, kore kosmou
Just posted a lot of Designs I've made for the Outreach Project. Feel free to Share Them anywhere!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
