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Your Relation With The Gods & Communicating Properly

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Let's now embark on a very beautiful topic in regard to Communication with the Gods, one of the most important topics in Spiritual Satanism.

That topic is a highly besieged topic, with most sources coming from the works of the enemy, while real sources from real Initiated people to the Gods who have taken it seriously historically, are hidden or not expressed. Of course, the Gods, according to the enemy are "liars" and many other epithets of evil notions have been ascribed to them. It's well known that the enemy only attempted to slander the Gods and any of "their attempts" for any "Communication", were borne out of evil intents on the part of these Jewish "Sorcerers".

Long story short, 99% of the things one reads online on these topic, are pure lies that were generated out of these writings of slander and falsehood.

It's natural that when these evil people went to consult the Gods, sources of highest good, they were lied to, denied and trolled from embarking in these in anyway. Yet that much is not an accurate statement either; because these entities were never in any real "Communication" with the Gods at all. They just made up slanderous stories and wrote them to instate fear in the population, which was unknowing, but also to deter their own from even attempting Communication any way, because that would eventually lead them to the Truths that these beings decided to hide for their own particular vile interests.

All the enemy accounts on these topics are lies. They had ill intents and they followed programs of lies and deception, yet they also have the nerve to attempt to add insult to injury and slander upon the Gods for their own evil and defiled actions. For that reason, no account of the jews must ever be taken in consideration to any of this, anymore than a lying slanderer has issued any text about beings they have been sworn to hate.

One will never find the Truth about these subject, but only here. The people that love the Gods and have been loved by them, know them to be beings of Truth and Enlightenment. They can see through any human like an open book, in their entirety. The sacredness of these procedures has also been villified by the enemy, who wants the whole situation of this topic to be hidden behind walls of lies, deception and falsehood. This topic will bring these walls down, same as our truthful knowledge will bring down the walls of ignorance.

Over the years in Spiritual Satanism I have noticed a lot of people tend to maintain a wrong mindset when it comes to matters such as Communication with the Gods and so on. In this path, you are supposed to actively seek the Gods, try to understand them and do your best to develop abilities to advance yourself. Every Spiritual Satanist is assigned a Guardian Demon, who oversees their progress and is there to help you when you need it, in accordance to your issues and level of development at the time.

Delusion, not having advanced properly enough, or lack of understanding, or not having a proper Spiritual Satanist mindset, can jeopardize this process and lead to numerous mistakes. One still should not be afraid or reluctant in contacting the Gods, but for actual success in this topic [success = growth, moving away from delusion], the Gods cannot be used as scapegoats for irrationality or falsehood in one's life.

When one consults the Gods, you learn over time to receive their messages correctly. Then, one must learn to take responsibility when this was not the case. Above all, Spiritual Satanism and the ways of the Gods, on the higher levels, are understood as a default because one finally "Has become a Spiritual Satanist", so consulting the Gods on every small topic is no longer necessary when you are advanced. When you begin, in order to verify their existence, you might want to do this very often and the Gods will be there to give you signs and so on. That is fine if you are a beginner. After a while, one understands that one can handle things on their own.

The Gods are not here to create for you a situation where you must rely on them about eating a sandwich or not, what color to paint your nails, or even other more nonsense I have heard over the years like one woman who "Was going shopping astral with Azazel and asking his opinion on clothing". These states described here do not represent the Gods and they are delusions borne out of one's own mind, which the mind can give credibility into to justify other weaknesses. It's your own mind that will be perverted first from these notions and YOU will be the person confusing YOURSELF if you do these things.

These states will also make one break trust with the Gods, because one is not really talking to them, but delusions they are creating, and eventually these will crack down on some important question, because the ability to truly communicate is not established or present. Deceived by the idea that one hears them on what color clothes to buy, they will also later on ask them on some important topic, and when all things will fall apart in their life, they will try to invalidate all their previous experiences.

There are dangers borne out of delusion that can arise out of this, and the Gods nor the JoS are responsible for this. Many people do want a form of a video game situation, but this is life and not a video-game. The Gods are seriously interested in you, so they will help you find YOURSELF in most cases. They can do anything and they are extremely powerful. But the question here is to teach you how to find things yourself.

There is not a thing under the world that Thoth does not know. That much is True. But what about you? The whole process here is to make beings like the Gods, not people just dependent upon them. Their aim is to bring people up there, not to come down there solely to assist.

The enemy entities are out there doing "favors" and quick band fixes for people. The uninitiated can get anything and they "worship" these, because they have lost the meaning of life. The purpose of life is to expand past this and to see your own potential. It's not to be constantly a being in ignorance that relies due to weakness only to the Gods. The SELF must be discovered. The Gods help in that process.

Another thing it's best to avoid, is going to the Gods to make your own decisions, because they will not really do that. They will help you and inform you, and give you insight. But then your decisions are your own choices, whether you will take this or that path. If you want to talk to a girl or not, you should take this decision and mature up to it, there is no point to do a full blown Ritual and evoke all the powers just to go say "Hello" to somebody. If you engage in this process and you hear wrong, you will then blame the Gods (again, deflecting your own responsibility and lack of mature communication, to them).

A case where also mutual deception can take place, and a reason to avoid interactions with people that are not yet acclimated to the path, is that children gather together with the Ouija Board or something else, and they start asking questions. Another kid picks up the Pendulum (they practiced for a while of 3 days) and then they ask the numbers of the Lotto. Then they don't win the Lotto, and they are so confused, mad at one another and the Gods. Or another person who does not know the Gods, issues holier than thou statements, born only after their emotional need to prove themselves of not being at a level that they are yet. This creates mutual deception and can be catastrophic.

The same people also in this case are the people who want to "try for themselves" and will bring out most commonly the line about "No Mediators", because they essentially try to meditate for themselves and their other 14 year old friend; they cannot listen to wisdom as they perceive it's a negative thing, but they don't understand what kind of negativity they cause to themselves and others by these processes of actually "Mediating". There is nothing bad in that form of experimentation, but one must know what they are doing and not take these things too far.

You can definitely try to ride a car when you are 9 years old. To try to prove your parents wrong or something like that, or just for fun, or because you felt like it. You might also successfully bring it to the super market, once or twice even. But the chances are that this journey ends up with a crashed car. If you have another on the passenger seat, then you must consider their existence also. Communication with the Gods should be taken seriously, but experimented with regardless. But still it's a very serious topic.

For reasons such as the above, many of these methods in the JoS were only taught in Ancient Schools to people well over their 30 years of age. There were strong reasons for this. At 30 you understand that if you give wrong advice, it can be bad for another. When you are 15, you care more for other emotional matters. Other topics were shared with people only after they were 45 plus years old; where the feelings of social responsibility are more important than other feelings. Of course, we do not put age limitations at this point, but that won't stop me from saying these facts to illustrate the reality of the situation.

To protect you from these situations described above, which are forms of self-delusion that will in the end violate your trust with the Gods, I have to clarify these topics and be honest. Yes, I know the stuff about "No mediators in Spiritual Satanism". But, there won't be anyone else's responsibility if you think you went with Azazel on the mall to help you pick up clothes; in other words, the delusions you might create, will not be with me, since I make this post and thoroughly explain it all - they will be solely upon you. They won't even be on the Gods themselves. Oftentimes, people also might deflect their own personal problems or dilemmas towards the Gods, eventually receiving biased or wrong divination, only to blame them later for it.

Deflecting these is different from just asking them for guidance to solve your problems. Deflection means you throw the responsibility on them over what you try to do, instead of you taking this responsibility. In regard to the topic of "No Mediators", there is topic here explaining more about this:

If you makeup your own version of anything, and you just try to enforce the standard of your mere feelings into this, like most people do with "Allah" and other non-existing things, you will have to endure eventually the weight of delusion falling on you. That is a very unpleasant experience. Since there are many lies on these topics, it's my task to help rectify these. At the same time it's your job to evaluate your own path-walking, and apply the "No Mediators" rule in a sensible manner, ie, by learning from experience and knowing where you are at, at any given point.

My aim here is to make sure that you make the least amount of errors possible in this path, but learning = errors. We learn by errors, and errors are welcome. Therefore, to reduce the margin of these errors or potential catastrophe, I can only advise up to an extent. Then one must reason out on their own and yes, take accountability for their own reasoning.

Trying to use the Gods in a form of a parasitic relationship, or a relationship of mommy-baby type, is only going to work for very new initiates most of the time. When you are new, they will really take care of you until you become a grown up in the path (that is also related to your age). In the early aspects of your development, you are a baby and your are expected to behave as a baby; the Gods too understand it and they are trying to acclimate you with your new experience, of which nothing else has existed prior.

Outsiders simply have no idea of how it is to have truly existing Gods. They do not know how it is to receive signs, to receive answers, or to receive guidance and counsel actually from higher beings.

Building fundamental communication with the Gods is based upon trust and serious personality development on your behalf for the most part. The personality development is the most serious foundation, alongside your ability to awaken the astral body in order to finally communicate. It's a privillege to earn and it has nothing to do with just a notion of entitlement. It's about developing the personality and power necessary for this.

The ego requires rectification in order to embark in proper communication that has meaning, alternatively, it will always get in the way. Even with this, one can only do this very well when there is sound ethical construction in a mind. Ethical construction is given because the Ego balances out with the Higher Self via Ethics. Your higher self does not have always the longings and problems of the lesser ego. Because alternatively your requests and the things you ask for, will be more confused and cause confusion. The balance in these and you actually being disciplined and raising your level of understanding, are the key factors to consider in order to grow.

Communication with the Gods, unlike the enemy religions which is "Everything goes", is a high hierarchical structure. Despite of lines and Westernized "liberal" notions of "No Meditators", the reality of the Ancient World is that people knew where they were, and it was accepted that not everyone is on the same level. So they had a hierarchical system of approach, that had to do with interpretation of the messages of the Gods. Some messages are highly personal and it's up to you to figure them out, but others are strict and deal with society. Creating always your own version out of things is something that won't really serve in the longterm or for very serious topics of learning with the Gods.

When the Gods want to teach you about something, they don't just scrap on the surface of knowledge. If you ask the Gods how you can become rich, the Gods will put you on a path for you, based on your request. This path might involve learning, change of self, and self adaptation so you rise to that level. Love and other topics are similar. They can also do miracles, but the most important thing they do is they actually guide you and show you that you have powers to attain these purposes, in order so that you develop and find the God within. When there are obstacles that are beyond understanding or beyond ability to solve, they will lead you to understand how to solve them. Finally, the Gods can know what one can or cannot do, and they will help you understand the limitations that you have.

Lastly, if I recall correctly, the Ancient Philosopher Plutarch, writes very vividly a story where people convened with Azazel [Apollo] to inquire about the building of a temple dedicated to Him. Instead of him giving the ready plans and everything, his response was only two words: "Learn Geometry". This put the initiates to study further sacred geometry, and then the Gods showed people as they went. Eventually the temple was built, but the answer was only "Learn Geometry" because the Gods wanted the people to know and have this knowledge, not just give them everything on the platter. This is how human beings evolve.

The smaller Demons can help with many personal matters and situations in one's life, also. That is not to make their importance lesser. But the Grand Gods are interested in teaching people the arts of existence. If a Grand God is asked a question, instead of just leading you to a quick patch up solution, they will give guidance so the knowledge of a subject is attained.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you very much for this sermon!
Very true, many cases of people having no will to choose and consistently follow a path, just relying on some external judgement. Hopefully, trying times will school outsiders and those without on how reality works.

You are on a win-streak spree with these posts, one banger after another.
Thank you very much for this sermon!
Very true, many cases of people having no will to choose and consistently follow a path, just relying on some external judgement. Hopefully, trying times will school outsiders and those without on how reality works.

You are on a win-streak spree with these posts, one banger after another.

Thank the Gods, like everyone else I have been striving to improve as their representative and as a representation of our Community. Thank you all for helping me improve over the years as my most precious incentive.
Thank you for this sermon, HP. As mentioned above, one banger after another. And that's great, thank you for sharing such necessary information :)

I am grateful to the Gods for all their help, support and guidance that literally saved me at different stages of my life. Following their path has made me a completely different person. Everything changes when you start listening and understanding them.

Hail Satan! Hail Our Gods!
Thank you for this post. So far on my journey I have focused mostly on myself but never really focused to also try and establish a proper connection with Gods.
I never thought of a idea, or it never crossed my mind until you brought it now, that Gods teach about everything one wants to know and at some point in this path I will need their guidance. But I always respected the fact that they are not here to solve all my problems and give me all I want and that is why I never really talked to them. Maybe it was a mistake not to talk to them. I will have to approach things differently now.

Thanks for talking about this.
Thank you for this sermon, HP, is gold.
Sometimes people go too far in their delusional beliefs. They end up not doubting themselves, as if communicating with the Gods is easy and success is always assured, because they are special in some way. The Gods become their mirror. But the higher one goes in delusion, the more painful the fall will be.
So instead of doubting themselves and trying to understand why they believed certain things, they convince themselves that Gods do not exist.
Let's now embark on a very beautiful topic in regard to Communication with the Gods, one of the most important topics in Spiritual Satanism.

That topic is a highly besieged topic, with most sources coming from the works of the enemy, while real sources from real Initiated people to the Gods who have taken it seriously historically, are hidden or not expressed. Of course, the Gods, according to the enemy are "liars" and many other epithets of evil notions have been ascribed to them. It's well known that the enemy only attempted to slander the Gods and any of "their attempts" for any "Communication", were borne out of evil intents on the part of these Jewish "Sorcerers".

Long story short, 99% of the things one reads online on these topic, are pure lies that were generated out of these writings of slander and falsehood.

It's natural that when these evil people went to consult the Gods, sources of highest good, they were lied to, denied and trolled from embarking in these in anyway. Yet that much is not an accurate statement either; because these entities were never in any real "Communication" with the Gods at all. They just made up slanderous stories and wrote them to instate fear in the population, which was unknowing, but also to deter their own from even attempting Communication any way, because that would eventually lead them to the Truths that these beings decided to hide for their own particular vile interests.

All the enemy accounts on these topics are lies. They had ill intents and they followed programs of lies and deception, yet they also have the nerve to attempt to add insult to injury and slander upon the Gods for their own evil and defiled actions. For that reason, no account of the jews must ever be taken in consideration to any of this, anymore than a lying slanderer has issued any text about beings they have been sworn to hate.

One will never find the Truth about these subject, but only here. The people that love the Gods and have been loved by them, know them to be beings of Truth and Enlightenment. They can see through any human like an open book, in their entirety. The sacredness of these procedures has also been villified by the enemy, who wants the whole situation of this topic to be hidden behind walls of lies, deception and falsehood. This topic will bring these walls down, same as our truthful knowledge will bring down the walls of ignorance.

Over the years in Spiritual Satanism I have noticed a lot of people tend to maintain a wrong mindset when it comes to matters such as Communication with the Gods and so on. In this path, you are supposed to actively seek the Gods, try to understand them and do your best to develop abilities to advance yourself. Every Spiritual Satanist is assigned a Guardian Demon, who oversees their progress and is there to help you when you need it, in accordance to your issues and level of development at the time.

Delusion, not having advanced properly enough, or lack of understanding, or not having a proper Spiritual Satanist mindset, can jeopardize this process and lead to numerous mistakes. One still should not be afraid or reluctant in contacting the Gods, but for actual success in this topic [success = growth, moving away from delusion], the Gods cannot be used as scapegoats for irrationality or falsehood in one's life.

When one consults the Gods, you learn over time to receive their messages correctly. Then, one must learn to take responsibility when this was not the case. Above all, Spiritual Satanism and the ways of the Gods, on the higher levels, are understood as a default because one finally "Has become a Spiritual Satanist", so consulting the Gods on every small topic is no longer necessary when you are advanced. When you begin, in order to verify their existence, you might want to do this very often and the Gods will be there to give you signs and so on. That is fine if you are a beginner. After a while, one understands that one can handle things on their own.

The Gods are not here to create for you a situation where you must rely on them about eating a sandwich or not, what color to paint your nails, or even other more nonsense I have heard over the years like one woman who "Was going shopping astral with Azazel and asking his opinion on clothing". These states described here do not represent the Gods and they are delusions borne out of one's own mind, which the mind can give credibility into to justify other weaknesses. It's your own mind that will be perverted first from these notions and YOU will be the person confusing YOURSELF if you do these things.

These states will also make one break trust with the Gods, because one is not really talking to them, but delusions they are creating, and eventually these will crack down on some important question, because the ability to truly communicate is not established or present. Deceived by the idea that one hears them on what color clothes to buy, they will also later on ask them on some important topic, and when all things will fall apart in their life, they will try to invalidate all their previous experiences.

There are dangers borne out of delusion that can arise out of this, and the Gods nor the JoS are responsible for this. Many people do want a form of a video game situation, but this is life and not a video-game. The Gods are seriously interested in you, so they will help you find YOURSELF in most cases. They can do anything and they are extremely powerful. But the question here is to teach you how to find things yourself.

There is not a thing under the world that Thoth does not know. That much is True. But what about you? The whole process here is to make beings like the Gods, not people just dependent upon them. Their aim is to bring people up there, not to come down there solely to assist.

The enemy entities are out there doing "favors" and quick band fixes for people. The uninitiated can get anything and they "worship" these, because they have lost the meaning of life. The purpose of life is to expand past this and to see your own potential. It's not to be constantly a being in ignorance that relies due to weakness only to the Gods. The SELF must be discovered. The Gods help in that process.

Another thing it's best to avoid, is going to the Gods to make your own decisions, because they will not really do that. They will help you and inform you, and give you insight. But then your decisions are your own choices, whether you will take this or that path. If you want to talk to a girl or not, you should take this decision and mature up to it, there is no point to do a full blown Ritual and evoke all the powers just to go say "Hello" to somebody. If you engage in this process and you hear wrong, you will then blame the Gods (again, deflecting your own responsibility and lack of mature communication, to them).

A case where also mutual deception can take place, and a reason to avoid interactions with people that are not yet acclimated to the path, is that children gather together with the Ouija Board or something else, and they start asking questions. Another kid picks up the Pendulum (they practiced for a while of 3 days) and then they ask the numbers of the Lotto. Then they don't win the Lotto, and they are so confused, mad at one another and the Gods. Or another person who does not know the Gods, issues holier than thou statements, born only after their emotional need to prove themselves of not being at a level that they are yet. This creates mutual deception and can be catastrophic.

The same people also in this case are the people who want to "try for themselves" and will bring out most commonly the line about "No Mediators", because they essentially try to meditate for themselves and their other 14 year old friend; they cannot listen to wisdom as they perceive it's a negative thing, but they don't understand what kind of negativity they cause to themselves and others by these processes of actually "Mediating". There is nothing bad in that form of experimentation, but one must know what they are doing and not take these things too far.

You can definitely try to ride a car when you are 9 years old. To try to prove your parents wrong or something like that, or just for fun, or because you felt like it. You might also successfully bring it to the super market, once or twice even. But the chances are that this journey ends up with a crashed car. If you have another on the passenger seat, then you must consider their existence also. Communication with the Gods should be taken seriously, but experimented with regardless. But still it's a very serious topic.

For reasons such as the above, many of these methods in the JoS were only taught in Ancient Schools to people well over their 30 years of age. There were strong reasons for this. At 30 you understand that if you give wrong advice, it can be bad for another. When you are 15, you care more for other emotional matters. Other topics were shared with people only after they were 45 plus years old; where the feelings of social responsibility are more important than other feelings. Of course, we do not put age limitations at this point, but that won't stop me from saying these facts to illustrate the reality of the situation.

To protect you from these situations described above, which are forms of self-delusion that will in the end violate your trust with the Gods, I have to clarify these topics and be honest. Yes, I know the stuff about "No mediators in Spiritual Satanism". But, there won't be anyone else's responsibility if you think you went with Azazel on the mall to help you pick up clothes; in other words, the delusions you might create, will not be with me, since I make this post and thoroughly explain it all - they will be solely upon you. They won't even be on the Gods themselves. Oftentimes, people also might deflect their own personal problems or dilemmas towards the Gods, eventually receiving biased or wrong divination, only to blame them later for it.

Deflecting these is different from just asking them for guidance to solve your problems. Deflection means you throw the responsibility on them over what you try to do, instead of you taking this responsibility. In regard to the topic of "No Mediators", there is topic here explaining more about this:

If you makeup your own version of anything, and you just try to enforce the standard of your mere feelings into this, like most people do with "Allah" and other non-existing things, you will have to endure eventually the weight of delusion falling on you. That is a very unpleasant experience. Since there are many lies on these topics, it's my task to help rectify these. At the same time it's your job to evaluate your own path-walking, and apply the "No Mediators" rule in a sensible manner, ie, by learning from experience and knowing where you are at, at any given point.

My aim here is to make sure that you make the least amount of errors possible in this path, but learning = errors. We learn by errors, and errors are welcome. Therefore, to reduce the margin of these errors or potential catastrophe, I can only advise up to an extent. Then one must reason out on their own and yes, take accountability for their own reasoning.

Trying to use the Gods in a form of a parasitic relationship, or a relationship of mommy-baby type, is only going to work for very new initiates most of the time. When you are new, they will really take care of you until you become a grown up in the path (that is also related to your age). In the early aspects of your development, you are a baby and your are expected to behave as a baby; the Gods too understand it and they are trying to acclimate you with your new experience, of which nothing else has existed prior.

Outsiders simply have no idea of how it is to have truly existing Gods. They do not know how it is to receive signs, to receive answers, or to receive guidance and counsel actually from higher beings.

Building fundamental communication with the Gods is based upon trust and serious personality development on your behalf for the most part. The personality development is the most serious foundation, alongside your ability to awaken the astral body in order to finally communicate. It's a privillege to earn and it has nothing to do with just a notion of entitlement. It's about developing the personality and power necessary for this.

The ego requires rectification in order to embark in proper communication that has meaning, alternatively, it will always get in the way. Even with this, one can only do this very well when there is sound ethical construction in a mind. Ethical construction is given because the Ego balances out with the Higher Self via Ethics. Your higher self does not have always the longings and problems of the lesser ego. Because alternatively your requests and the things you ask for, will be more confused and cause confusion. The balance in these and you actually being disciplined and raising your level of understanding, are the key factors to consider in order to grow.

Communication with the Gods, unlike the enemy religions which is "Everything goes", is a high hierarchical structure. Despite of lines and Westernized "liberal" notions of "No Meditators", the reality of the Ancient World is that people knew where they were, and it was accepted that not everyone is on the same level. So they had a hierarchical system of approach, that had to do with interpretation of the messages of the Gods. Some messages are highly personal and it's up to you to figure them out, but others are strict and deal with society. Creating always your own version out of things is something that won't really serve in the longterm or for very serious topics of learning with the Gods.

When the Gods want to teach you about something, they don't just scrap on the surface of knowledge. If you ask the Gods how you can become rich, the Gods will put you on a path for you, based on your request. This path might involve learning, change of self, and self adaptation so you rise to that level. Love and other topics are similar. They can also do miracles, but the most important thing they do is they actually guide you and show you that you have powers to attain these purposes, in order so that you develop and find the God within. When there are obstacles that are beyond understanding or beyond ability to solve, they will lead you to understand how to solve them. Finally, the Gods can know what one can or cannot do, and they will help you understand the limitations that you have.

Lastly, if I recall correctly, the Ancient Philosopher Plutarch, writes very vividly a story where people convened with Azazel [Apollo] to inquire about the building of a temple dedicated to Him. Instead of him giving the ready plans and everything, his response was only two words: "Learn Geometry". This put the initiates to study further sacred geometry, and then the Gods showed people as they went. Eventually the temple was built, but the answer was only "Learn Geometry" because the Gods wanted the people to know and have this knowledge, not just give them everything on the platter. This is how human beings evolve.

The smaller Demons can help with many personal matters and situations in one's life, also. That is not to make their importance lesser. But the Grand Gods are interested in teaching people the arts of existence. If a Grand God is asked a question, instead of just leading you to a quick patch up solution, they will give guidance so the knowledge of a subject is attained.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

People need to understand that HPHC is not being rude when he corrects and guides us on these matters, nor are the Gods "withholding" things, or any of these reasons of which people may become upset.

The elements of Saturn and hierarchy that both HPHC and the Gods are instructing us here are GUIDES FOR SUCCESS! Saturn helps us sense true boundaries, not fake boundaries. The nature of Saturn itself may seem harsh, but it is only showing us what already existed and what we needed to know. It doesn't just make up problems that were not based on your current patterns of behavior.

Therefore, when we learn these lessons, we are not actually losing anything. This is important to understand as we generally cling to delusions because they make us feel better in some way. This can make us resistant to what someone else tells us, because we don't want to lose a sense of comfort from what we believed to be true.

In this example of Azazel, someone may feel like knowledge is being withheld from them and become resentful, based on the misunderstanding that they were actually more worthy or capable than they were treated. In this case, they don't want to deal with the uncomfortable truth, so they may resist.

However, Azazel or other God is treating them in the best way possible and showing them what they need to know. You can test this yourself and try to teach a preschool child Trigonometry before they have learned even the first 10 numbers. This is not about "withholding" something from them, but because anything more simply wouldn't stick, and this would cause even more problems.


Likewise, in this case of someone wanting to believe that they were clothing shopping with Azazel, this could be out of desire for closeness or attention. They may resist giving up what they felt because they subconsciously don't want to feel less close to Azazel, or less competent with their spiritual abilities, and so on.

However, all aspects of our being are improved by our advancement, including the social element. If you want a closer relationship to a God, this is improved by advancing, not by delaying this through a belief in false notions. A soul with more advanced Venusian energies and skills is going to be able to receive a much better social interaction with Azazel than whatever existed beforehand.

Everything the Gods do is to help us, including when they let us feel the stress of our mistakes. If they protected you from everything, then you would not learn as fast, and this would not help you grow. It doesn't mean you have been abandoned or anything like that.

The Gods help us achieve our desires and goals. Trust in the process they are using, because they are helping us build this into a more fulfilling outcome, as opposed to whatever we thought the outcome should have been. Don't conflate this with a lack of fulfillment, which can fuel anger or other negativity.
Let's now embark on a very beautiful topic in regard to Communication with the Gods, one of the most important topics in Spiritual Satanism.

That topic is a highly besieged topic, with most sources coming from the works of the enemy, while real sources from real Initiated people to the Gods who have taken it seriously historically, are hidden or not expressed. Of course, the Gods, according to the enemy are "liars" and many other epithets of evil notions have been ascribed to them. It's well known that the enemy only attempted to slander the Gods and any of "their attempts" for any "Communication", were borne out of evil intents on the part of these Jewish "Sorcerers".

Long story short, 99% of the things one reads online on these topic, are pure lies that were generated out of these writings of slander and falsehood.

It's natural that when these evil people went to consult the Gods, sources of highest good, they were lied to, denied and trolled from embarking in these in anyway. Yet that much is not an accurate statement either; because these entities were never in any real "Communication" with the Gods at all. They just made up slanderous stories and wrote them to instate fear in the population, which was unknowing, but also to deter their own from even attempting Communication any way, because that would eventually lead them to the Truths that these beings decided to hide for their own particular vile interests.

All the enemy accounts on these topics are lies. They had ill intents and they followed programs of lies and deception, yet they also have the nerve to attempt to add insult to injury and slander upon the Gods for their own evil and defiled actions. For that reason, no account of the jews must ever be taken in consideration to any of this, anymore than a lying slanderer has issued any text about beings they have been sworn to hate.

One will never find the Truth about these subject, but only here. The people that love the Gods and have been loved by them, know them to be beings of Truth and Enlightenment. They can see through any human like an open book, in their entirety. The sacredness of these procedures has also been villified by the enemy, who wants the whole situation of this topic to be hidden behind walls of lies, deception and falsehood. This topic will bring these walls down, same as our truthful knowledge will bring down the walls of ignorance.

Over the years in Spiritual Satanism I have noticed a lot of people tend to maintain a wrong mindset when it comes to matters such as Communication with the Gods and so on. In this path, you are supposed to actively seek the Gods, try to understand them and do your best to develop abilities to advance yourself. Every Spiritual Satanist is assigned a Guardian Demon, who oversees their progress and is there to help you when you need it, in accordance to your issues and level of development at the time.

Delusion, not having advanced properly enough, or lack of understanding, or not having a proper Spiritual Satanist mindset, can jeopardize this process and lead to numerous mistakes. One still should not be afraid or reluctant in contacting the Gods, but for actual success in this topic [success = growth, moving away from delusion], the Gods cannot be used as scapegoats for irrationality or falsehood in one's life.

When one consults the Gods, you learn over time to receive their messages correctly. Then, one must learn to take responsibility when this was not the case. Above all, Spiritual Satanism and the ways of the Gods, on the higher levels, are understood as a default because one finally "Has become a Spiritual Satanist", so consulting the Gods on every small topic is no longer necessary when you are advanced. When you begin, in order to verify their existence, you might want to do this very often and the Gods will be there to give you signs and so on. That is fine if you are a beginner. After a while, one understands that one can handle things on their own.

The Gods are not here to create for you a situation where you must rely on them about eating a sandwich or not, what color to paint your nails, or even other more nonsense I have heard over the years like one woman who "Was going shopping astral with Azazel and asking his opinion on clothing". These states described here do not represent the Gods and they are delusions borne out of one's own mind, which the mind can give credibility into to justify other weaknesses. It's your own mind that will be perverted first from these notions and YOU will be the person confusing YOURSELF if you do these things.

These states will also make one break trust with the Gods, because one is not really talking to them, but delusions they are creating, and eventually these will crack down on some important question, because the ability to truly communicate is not established or present. Deceived by the idea that one hears them on what color clothes to buy, they will also later on ask them on some important topic, and when all things will fall apart in their life, they will try to invalidate all their previous experiences.

There are dangers borne out of delusion that can arise out of this, and the Gods nor the JoS are responsible for this. Many people do want a form of a video game situation, but this is life and not a video-game. The Gods are seriously interested in you, so they will help you find YOURSELF in most cases. They can do anything and they are extremely powerful. But the question here is to teach you how to find things yourself.

There is not a thing under the world that Thoth does not know. That much is True. But what about you? The whole process here is to make beings like the Gods, not people just dependent upon them. Their aim is to bring people up there, not to come down there solely to assist.

The enemy entities are out there doing "favors" and quick band fixes for people. The uninitiated can get anything and they "worship" these, because they have lost the meaning of life. The purpose of life is to expand past this and to see your own potential. It's not to be constantly a being in ignorance that relies due to weakness only to the Gods. The SELF must be discovered. The Gods help in that process.

Another thing it's best to avoid, is going to the Gods to make your own decisions, because they will not really do that. They will help you and inform you, and give you insight. But then your decisions are your own choices, whether you will take this or that path. If you want to talk to a girl or not, you should take this decision and mature up to it, there is no point to do a full blown Ritual and evoke all the powers just to go say "Hello" to somebody. If you engage in this process and you hear wrong, you will then blame the Gods (again, deflecting your own responsibility and lack of mature communication, to them).

A case where also mutual deception can take place, and a reason to avoid interactions with people that are not yet acclimated to the path, is that children gather together with the Ouija Board or something else, and they start asking questions. Another kid picks up the Pendulum (they practiced for a while of 3 days) and then they ask the numbers of the Lotto. Then they don't win the Lotto, and they are so confused, mad at one another and the Gods. Or another person who does not know the Gods, issues holier than thou statements, born only after their emotional need to prove themselves of not being at a level that they are yet. This creates mutual deception and can be catastrophic.

The same people also in this case are the people who want to "try for themselves" and will bring out most commonly the line about "No Mediators", because they essentially try to meditate for themselves and their other 14 year old friend; they cannot listen to wisdom as they perceive it's a negative thing, but they don't understand what kind of negativity they cause to themselves and others by these processes of actually "Mediating". There is nothing bad in that form of experimentation, but one must know what they are doing and not take these things too far.

You can definitely try to ride a car when you are 9 years old. To try to prove your parents wrong or something like that, or just for fun, or because you felt like it. You might also successfully bring it to the super market, once or twice even. But the chances are that this journey ends up with a crashed car. If you have another on the passenger seat, then you must consider their existence also. Communication with the Gods should be taken seriously, but experimented with regardless. But still it's a very serious topic.

For reasons such as the above, many of these methods in the JoS were only taught in Ancient Schools to people well over their 30 years of age. There were strong reasons for this. At 30 you understand that if you give wrong advice, it can be bad for another. When you are 15, you care more for other emotional matters. Other topics were shared with people only after they were 45 plus years old; where the feelings of social responsibility are more important than other feelings. Of course, we do not put age limitations at this point, but that won't stop me from saying these facts to illustrate the reality of the situation.

To protect you from these situations described above, which are forms of self-delusion that will in the end violate your trust with the Gods, I have to clarify these topics and be honest. Yes, I know the stuff about "No mediators in Spiritual Satanism". But, there won't be anyone else's responsibility if you think you went with Azazel on the mall to help you pick up clothes; in other words, the delusions you might create, will not be with me, since I make this post and thoroughly explain it all - they will be solely upon you. They won't even be on the Gods themselves. Oftentimes, people also might deflect their own personal problems or dilemmas towards the Gods, eventually receiving biased or wrong divination, only to blame them later for it.

Deflecting these is different from just asking them for guidance to solve your problems. Deflection means you throw the responsibility on them over what you try to do, instead of you taking this responsibility. In regard to the topic of "No Mediators", there is topic here explaining more about this:

If you makeup your own version of anything, and you just try to enforce the standard of your mere feelings into this, like most people do with "Allah" and other non-existing things, you will have to endure eventually the weight of delusion falling on you. That is a very unpleasant experience. Since there are many lies on these topics, it's my task to help rectify these. At the same time it's your job to evaluate your own path-walking, and apply the "No Mediators" rule in a sensible manner, ie, by learning from experience and knowing where you are at, at any given point.

My aim here is to make sure that you make the least amount of errors possible in this path, but learning = errors. We learn by errors, and errors are welcome. Therefore, to reduce the margin of these errors or potential catastrophe, I can only advise up to an extent. Then one must reason out on their own and yes, take accountability for their own reasoning.

Trying to use the Gods in a form of a parasitic relationship, or a relationship of mommy-baby type, is only going to work for very new initiates most of the time. When you are new, they will really take care of you until you become a grown up in the path (that is also related to your age). In the early aspects of your development, you are a baby and your are expected to behave as a baby; the Gods too understand it and they are trying to acclimate you with your new experience, of which nothing else has existed prior.

Outsiders simply have no idea of how it is to have truly existing Gods. They do not know how it is to receive signs, to receive answers, or to receive guidance and counsel actually from higher beings.

Building fundamental communication with the Gods is based upon trust and serious personality development on your behalf for the most part. The personality development is the most serious foundation, alongside your ability to awaken the astral body in order to finally communicate. It's a privillege to earn and it has nothing to do with just a notion of entitlement. It's about developing the personality and power necessary for this.

The ego requires rectification in order to embark in proper communication that has meaning, alternatively, it will always get in the way. Even with this, one can only do this very well when there is sound ethical construction in a mind. Ethical construction is given because the Ego balances out with the Higher Self via Ethics. Your higher self does not have always the longings and problems of the lesser ego. Because alternatively your requests and the things you ask for, will be more confused and cause confusion. The balance in these and you actually being disciplined and raising your level of understanding, are the key factors to consider in order to grow.

Communication with the Gods, unlike the enemy religions which is "Everything goes", is a high hierarchical structure. Despite of lines and Westernized "liberal" notions of "No Meditators", the reality of the Ancient World is that people knew where they were, and it was accepted that not everyone is on the same level. So they had a hierarchical system of approach, that had to do with interpretation of the messages of the Gods. Some messages are highly personal and it's up to you to figure them out, but others are strict and deal with society. Creating always your own version out of things is something that won't really serve in the longterm or for very serious topics of learning with the Gods.

When the Gods want to teach you about something, they don't just scrap on the surface of knowledge. If you ask the Gods how you can become rich, the Gods will put you on a path for you, based on your request. This path might involve learning, change of self, and self adaptation so you rise to that level. Love and other topics are similar. They can also do miracles, but the most important thing they do is they actually guide you and show you that you have powers to attain these purposes, in order so that you develop and find the God within. When there are obstacles that are beyond understanding or beyond ability to solve, they will lead you to understand how to solve them. Finally, the Gods can know what one can or cannot do, and they will help you understand the limitations that you have.

Lastly, if I recall correctly, the Ancient Philosopher Plutarch, writes very vividly a story where people convened with Azazel [Apollo] to inquire about the building of a temple dedicated to Him. Instead of him giving the ready plans and everything, his response was only two words: "Learn Geometry". This put the initiates to study further sacred geometry, and then the Gods showed people as they went. Eventually the temple was built, but the answer was only "Learn Geometry" because the Gods wanted the people to know and have this knowledge, not just give them everything on the platter. This is how human beings evolve.

The smaller Demons can help with many personal matters and situations in one's life, also. That is not to make their importance lesser. But the Grand Gods are interested in teaching people the arts of existence. If a Grand God is asked a question, instead of just leading you to a quick patch up solution, they will give guidance so the knowledge of a subject is attained.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It's a very beautiful sermon 😍(y)
High Priest Hooded Cobra 666, thanks for the detailed explanations!
One thing to be careful about is that the shortcomings you have suffered in your life can cause hang-ups and delusions when communicating with the gods, as in the case you describe of going to the marketplace with Azazel.
And in the case of an over analytical mind with an overactive right side it can hinder communication and the ability to understand the messages you receive from the gods, which is the biggest problem I have always had.
Thank you for elaborating on this. I guess I didn't have to right context with that one question I answered. I wish you the best.

But Sigourney I read your comment and it was very good. Let me know if anything needed more clarification in that topic. Thank you.
Amazing HP sermon,
I remember some years ago when I was doing the devotion and I was new to spiritual Satanism I was in some occult groups on social media and I was seeing all these stupid lying Satanists and lying witches who were fooling people by constantly saying they were talking to Satan and Demons without really knowing who Satan and the Gods are beyond the hostile propaganda. Some of them were posting hostile Cabalistic techniques from Aleyster Crowley to Qliphot and in the end ended up with paranoia and serious psychological problems. Most of them went back to Christianity and now blame Satan and the Demons for the wrong choices they made. A scenario that I keep seeing repeated. I thought at the time that I could bring them to Jos and have them see the truth, so I tried to post some things about spiritual Satanism. The result was that I was attacked by these people who were running the groups thinking that only they have the right to talk about Satanism and Demons and that what Jos is saying is cheap Nazi propaganda and has nothing to do with Satanism. Since then I realized that there is no point in dealing with them it is a waste of time, so I left all the groups and closed all the accounts I had and then put all the energy into Jos and the translations I started. I thank the gods that I found Jos or I would have ended up on the wrong paths and a sure disaster
100% correct and a great read. It is hard to put into words exactly how the process began, but I originally asked Azazel for help learning how to make and hold extreme wealth. Of course, they didn't just dump money on me, which I would have blown or lost due to inexperience. Instead it began the path to learn how to make money, learn how to hold it, learn how to protect it. It involved me becoming a better man, improving my personality and controlling my emotions. It almost seemed like it was touching everything BUT the money. Sure I think it would have been a lot easier to just give me a million right off the bat, but what would I have learned? Now I am 100x more prepared for everything else, but it started because I asked for help and just tried to follow and change according to the guidance I received.
Thank you for sharing this pure gold Brother HPHC 666,
Hail Father Satan Forever!
Thank you so much for taking time to write this. I really mean it. You describe the exact inner journey I have been feeling intuitively these past year, about how the gods actually talk to me, how they really assist and guide me etc.
I dont want to sound corny, but I'm very grateful for your overall emotional balance, maturity and wisdom. I owe much.
Thank you, HPHC. The virtues section is very powerful.. strong and emotional.

I had the wrong understanding of what entropy actually is, and mistakenly looked at it in a positive light.. This clears up many ongoing misunderstandings i've had.

When I dedicated, I made it a mission to redefine or correct alot of terms, even if I thought I understood. Being young, or living within misguided communities can cause idealogical misconceptions or assumptions that need evaluation, even with seemingly obvious basic ideas and words..

Thank you again.

Hail Satan!
Thank you, HPHC. The virtues section is very powerful.. strong and emotional.

I had the wrong understanding of what entropy actually is, and mistakenly looked at it in a positive light.. This clears up many ongoing misunderstandings i've had.

When I dedicated, I made it a mission to redefine or correct alot of terms, even if I thought I understood. Being young, or living within misguided communities can cause idealogical misconceptions or assumptions that need evaluation, even with seemingly obvious basic ideas and words..

Thank you again.

Hail Satan!
Posted in the wrong thread..🤒
We also need to allow ourselves to receive guidance. Many people these days rush around all the time, or distract their minds with tv and social media. Instead, sit and think for a while, after asking for guidance or doing a God Ritual.
The ego requires rectification in order to embark in proper communication that has meaning, alternatively, it will always get in the way.
Hatha yoga helps with this. Holding an asana for a prolonged period of time when one would rather "do something more fun", then another asana, continuing, will train the mind and ego to be under one's conscious control. Practice Void meditation while doing hatha, to increase the benefits.

This method helps expand the consciousness during yoga, which will help with receiving guidance from the Gods:
100% correct and a great read. It is hard to put into words exactly how the process began, but I originally asked Azazel for help learning how to make and hold extreme wealth. Of course, they didn't just dump money on me, which I would have blown or lost due to inexperience. Instead it began the path to learn how to make money, learn how to hold it, learn how to protect it. It involved me becoming a better man, improving my personality and controlling my emotions. It almost seemed like it was touching everything BUT the money. Sure I think it would have been a lot easier to just give me a million right off the bat, but what would I have learned? Now I am 100x more prepared for everything else, but it started because I asked for help and just tried to follow and change according to the guidance I received.
I also asked Apollo for help in the direction of creativity and the acquisition of an art studio, but so far I am just doing regular drawing and building up the pace in this direction and do not want anything else but art. I also want to leave the cursed country where the regime does not allow me to realize myself. 😈
Thank you for this wonderful sermon High Priest!! :)
I appreciate your elaboration! Excellent analogies! I see, the Gods show us patience at that young-and-dumb and new stage where we need to develop ourselves while through this process we are taught the value of patience and that things don't happen overnight, that it takes time and effort.

Being this way in life solely (constantly seeking immediate answers and fearing the long journey of exploring the basis of these answers) might bring us a tiny bit of strength overtime yet with a very poor foundation. The Gods show us a bottom-up approach to everything and teach us to learn about the root-sources and origins of things.

I am totally enamored with this beautiful concept! The kundalini rests at the base chakra in the beginning (the physical in a sense) and we rise it via spiritual ascension.

I have one question about that... how does it rise exactly? Is it after we open our chakras while building a strong aura/energy field? (cleaning, AOP, energy meditation, chakra-spin, ve-va-vo, etc?) I know that physical yoga helps in this process yet I'm uncertain about how this whole process works in its entirety. Does it rise by itself indirectly or do we also need to directly rise it ourselves in any way?

Thank you for your time brother. 🙂
Thank you, High Priest. This was a beautiful read.

I've been thinking about this recently, actually. I still struggle with communication with the Gods, although, I suspect with me only being over a year since my Dedication, it's to be expected. But regardless, I do sometimes receive messages from them, some of which catch me off-guard and surprise me. And sometimes, these responses are complete sentences and not just "yes" or "no" responses.

With that said, there have been some contradictions in messages I hear, which lead me to question if all of them come from the Gods, or whether I'm being deceived at times by the enemy, or perhaps they are just from spirits or other beings which happen to be near me at the time. And of course, there are times where I'm sure it's not a message at all, but just my own imagination. As HPS Lydia has just said, I think I am too distracted (I should also practice void meditation more). When I do receive messages, it is usually extremely subtle, and I feel like I really have to be paying attention, or I'll miss it. It's almost like a line of internal monologue, only it isn't mine, if I could try to describe it. I've only heard clear voices when I'm near the boundary of sleep.

Anyway, there is one interesting experience on this topic I thought I'd share. I think the Gods are able to see what we think and imagine, even if we struggle to hear them. When I was new, I was thinking of this fantasy of myself being some great leader, who somehow managed to restore peace and order in the world without firing a single shot, or something stupid like that. But suddenly, I heard a voice say "stop thinking you're so great". That kinda woke me up a bit, lol. Again, I have no 100% way of telling if that was one of the Gods, but it would not surprise me if it was.
Thank you, High Priest. This was a beautiful read.

I've been thinking about this recently, actually. I still struggle with communication with the Gods, although, I suspect with me only being over a year since my Dedication, it's to be expected. But regardless, I do sometimes receive messages from them, some of which catch me off-guard and surprise me. And sometimes, these responses are complete sentences and not just "yes" or "no" responses.

With that said, there have been some contradictions in messages I hear, which lead me to question if all of them come from the Gods, or whether I'm being deceived at times by the enemy, or perhaps they are just from spirits or other beings which happen to be near me at the time. And of course, there are times where I'm sure it's not a message at all, but just my own imagination. As HPS Lydia has just said, I think I am too distracted (I should also practice void meditation more). When I do receive messages, it is usually extremely subtle, and I feel like I really have to be paying attention, or I'll miss it. It's almost like a line of internal monologue, only it isn't mine, if I could try to describe it. I've only heard clear voices when I'm near the boundary of sleep.

Anyway, there is one interesting experience on this topic I thought I'd share. I think the Gods are able to see what we think and imagine, even if we struggle to hear them. When I was new, I was thinking of this fantasy of myself being some great leader, who somehow managed to restore peace and order in the world without firing a single shot, or something stupid like that. But suddenly, I heard a voice say "stop thinking you're so great". That kinda woke me up a bit, lol. Again, I have no 100% way of telling if that was one of the Gods, but it would not surprise me if it was.
I think it is much more interesting to understand how the human being himself is structured, both physically and mentally, and how these internal program algorithms work. I believe there are many answers to be found that way - in knowing how man is organized and how his life system works. And how inexpressibly connected man is to nature. I don't believe too much in some voices of gods, some mythical aliens who speak in an incomprehensible language if they want to say something, although I sometimes hear my own inner voice, which told me to do a particular thing, and it's been almost two years now, and I'm convinced by experience that I chose the right direction. But I must say that the world of ether or fantasy or whatever they call it is very interesting, it is interesting how images are born. The sound of the wind, for example, always speaks, the flowing brook also sings its song. All this speaks about eternal movement and you don't have to be a spiritual Satanist to understand these things. Open any anatomical atlas and you will see many revelations. While I don't deny the existence of gods and demons, one thing I do understand is labor. I've already been fatally mistaken so many times in trusting people, so I'd rather labor at my craft and trust myself more. When I read artists, I see that they often understand more than individual Satanists. Pardon the Eng...)
Thoth's gematria value is a beautiful number. 98,009 the position of which is also prime 9,149. For some aspects of numerology the zeros dont count and 989 is palindromic, another reason why its such a lovely number. Is Thoth the green orb?
I should clarify that in Greek gematria the value for Omega is 800. On English it would be 15 with a digital sum of 6. When finding the digital sum of a number you can just eliminate the nines and zeros since it won't change the value.
Thank you, HPHC. The virtues section is very powerful.. strong and emotional.

I had the wrong understanding of what entropy actually is, and mistakenly looked at it in a positive light.. This clears up many ongoing misunderstandings i've had.

When I dedicated, I made it a mission to redefine or correct alot of terms, even if I thought I understood. Being young, or living within misguided communities can cause idealogical misconceptions or assumptions that need evaluation, even with seemingly obvious basic ideas and words..

Thank you again.

Hail Satan!

In regard to Entropy, you can read about it as it's a law of physics that acts on the physical universe as well.

Thank you, High Priest. This was a beautiful read.

I've been thinking about this recently, actually. I still struggle with communication with the Gods, although, I suspect with me only being over a year since my Dedication, it's to be expected. But regardless, I do sometimes receive messages from them, some of which catch me off-guard and surprise me. And sometimes, these responses are complete sentences and not just "yes" or "no" responses.

Anyway, there is one interesting experience on this topic I thought I'd share. I think the Gods are able to see what we think and imagine, even if we struggle to hear them. When I was new, I was thinking of this fantasy of myself being some great leader, who somehow managed to restore peace and order in the world without firing a single shot, or something stupid like that. But suddenly, I heard a voice say "stop thinking you're so great". That kinda woke me up a bit, lol. Again, I have no 100% way of telling if that was one of the Gods, but it would not surprise me if it was.

Yes, the Gods always hear you, even if you do not. From their dimension everything appears openly, so even the most silent prayer or unclear messages from you, are clear to them. It's on our part as receivers that we need to work. It's all very normal. The Gods hear you most definitely.

Thank you so much for taking time to write this. I really mean it. You describe the exact inner journey I have been feeling intuitively these past year, about how the gods actually talk to me, how they really assist and guide me etc.
I dont want to sound corny, but I'm very grateful for your overall emotional balance, maturity and wisdom. I owe much.

The point is to actually verify and instruct properly, so one can walk with less problems in the path and more clarified. Thank you.
While reading this sermon I remembered something. When I was a young child, I read a storybook about a magic Dragon, who would help the children who wrote to him. The kids in the story wrote a note for the Dragon and let it be carried away by the wind and a day later he would show up at their house.

I wanted to try this and wrote a letter for the Dragon to come. I made sure to follow every step the kids did in the story. But no Dragon showed up, of course.

I thought of every possible reason why it did not work. I must've wrote the letter incorrectly, the wind blew the wrong way, the Dragon didn't like me... whatever my kid-mind did come up with.

Looking back that was silly of me, but I just was not old enough yet to grasp that was a case of way too much fantasy on my part.

Somehow I view my past self of a few years ago in a similar vein..
If you are a person with a vivid fantasy, it is easy to live too much in your head and mistake this inner world that you made up with the reality thats in front of you. Viewing other people and situations through "warped glasses" and creating an image that leads to false conclusions and actions.

Learning about Spiritual Satanism and training my mind has really been a freeing experience in this regard. It made me appreciate living in the current moment and paying attention so much more.
A good sensitive topic handled in details Commander.
As personal experience with my Guardian, in all these years, I learnt that a relationship with a God or a Goddess is not "set". You have to build it up, you can't pretend to be best pal with someone while you never ask about them, or you just take things for granted.
Our Gods are kind most of the times, but if you don't put efforts in actually knowing them personally, and paint a unique bond, they are not going to knock your door bringing biscuits and flowers.

More specifically, if you refuse to meditate even 1 minute per day on his/her sigil than you better sort out your priorities.
As last note it's important to remind that sometimes you will not receive help from them, not because they are arrogant, but because they know us and if what we are doing or the mistakes we made do not rappresent the true nature of ourselves, your Guardian isn't going to fuel your delusional dreams.

There's a reason why a specific God/Goddess is our Guardian, and it doesn't concern the tale of the almighty chosen one. But it's for our nature, which have a deeper meaning than what we could actually understand in our human state. And exactly for this one MUST learn.
True reality is much bigger and deeper than our eyes and mind can perceive.
Communication with the Gods is always something I have struggled with, sometimes I can just have a thought and receieve an instant answer from the Gods and for a few weeks at a time they will answer every time I pray and then for months at a time I dont get the same sort of clear definitive responses, the issue is I never know why sometimes the Gods answer me so clearly and sometimes they do not.

It always makes me think I am asking them too many questions and so they stop responding to encourage me to be more independent but it feels almost random sometimes and its strange to me how it happens in phases of every time I pray I get a clear answer for like a month and then for a phase everytime I pray nothing and it dosent seem to correlate to my current energy levels or stress and it always leaves me very confused and questioning what I have done wrong, I understand the Gods can and will choose not to answer every prayer but its so strange to me how it almost feels like I get 1 month of every question no matter how small answered even when I dont directly pray and I am just thinking to myself and then months of silence, I dont want to come across as ungrateful as I am thankful for everytime the Gods have helped me, but I just dont understand why its like this for me, it feels like im doing something wrong but I just dont know what.

For reference I cannot hear the Gods, they communicate with me by sending me into a trance or pseudo astral projection and then interacting with my astral body and pulsing energy to answer my questions e.g one pulse for yes two for no and so I kind of need to know what to ask them in order to get an answer so I cant ask why this happens as a yes no answer wont explain anything and I cant figure out a reason for it.

Its always been quite distressing for me as it always makes me think I have done something to offend them as I do suffer from intrusive thoughts although I have a much better handle and that now but then one day I feel their answers clear as day but then a few weeks later nothing for months at a time and I am always left thinking I have made a misstep or tried their patience in some way.

When I have interacted with the Gods they have always been very kind and understanding and have always answered no to my intrusive thoughts upsetting them and so I just dont understand why I cant communicate consistently with them.
When I have interacted with the Gods they have always been very kind and understanding and have always answered no to my intrusive thoughts upsetting them and so I just dont understand why I cant communicate consistently with them.
I think I can understand where you might be coming from. In my experience, they sometimes are there immediately and frequently while other times they give us answers in the form of day-to-day experiences and realizations over long periods.

I think it could be that since they know us and our world far deeper than we ourselves do they tend to act only when they know that it will have a lasting impact on our future. Be sure to look into some astrology and see if there are some things coming up that you need to focus on.

I had questions such as 'how do I become better' and the answers I get manifest in unexpected ways to me here and through learning more deeply about where I sit in my life and where I can go rather than what I can't do. Can't is not a word to them. They understand doubts, yet they are good teachers in not acting on these and allowing for us to find answers; to make a few mistakes and grow from them. It may seem cold but I think that it shows their confidence in us.

If for instance something absolutely devastating happens to you emotionally/mentally and you're at a sort-of breaking point (needing to do something about it which likely will not be positive because your rational mind is clouded with emotion), then they tend to step in right away and fill you with their love and/or help you to see a way out.

I look to past experiences like these as a sign that they do care (always at the ready for us) and they don't judge us or avoid us for making mistakes. They instead allow us as much freedom as possible while being there when they need to be... that's truly a good parent!

It's challenging but I think you should try to take this as a sign that they have great confidence in you doing what you are doing. Even in this simple act of absence alone they could be trying to teach you a lesson about something that you might not yet grasp until further experiences or events have been reached. A little self-evaluation and metacognition with consistent action can go a long way too during this process.

Anyway, that's how my experience has been. I don't know if it helps in your particular situation but I do hope that you reach that next step you're seeking in the best way possible. Also, always keep moving forward (less planing and more action). It used to be half-and-half for me when I've realized that most of your time should be on action while planning occurs maybe 10% to 15% of the process (at times one day of the week 80% and the rest minimal can help too). That's been helping me out a bit anyway. 😄

Procrastination and doubt... those two things are no good for us on this path and in myself I have to work on these daily TBH. 😄
Thank you, Lord Cobra for your intricate sermon! I never blame the Gods, but I only asked them to help me by blessing my rituals or guiding me, or taking away negativity after I shed it from cleansing. I make sure to do rituals that aren’t just benefiting only myself every day, as an offering to them, to help the earth and existence. my problem is that I don’t want to bother them with my issues and human bs…
I used to with my tarot cards, but I think my own delusions got in the way from ever receiving a valid message. I’ve just figured that as long as I meditate and disseminate, they will guide me. If I don’t get it in this life, I’ll get it in the next life. if I get it a little bit here and there, it’s better than nothing…
I will try to seek them out, which would actually help me with my delusions. I know they are not petty beings, of course, but I don’t want to bother them. I appreciate that you give us the coordinates! I want to know the gods notI want to know the Gods not just believe in the gods, and so I can’t just assume they will appear to me when I’m ready if I don’t seek them out. This has been a misunderstanding/delusion of mine for a very long time. 💎 🎯💯🙏🏼🔥🤘🏼Hail Satan ! ⚡⚡🙋🏻‍♂️☠️
Let's now embark on a very beautiful topic in regard to Communication with the Gods, one of the most important topics in Spiritual Satanism.

That topic is a highly besieged topic, with most sources coming from the works of the enemy, while real sources from real Initiated people to the Gods who have taken it seriously historically, are hidden or not expressed. Of course, the Gods, according to the enemy are "liars" and many other epithets of evil notions have been ascribed to them. It's well known that the enemy only attempted to slander the Gods and any of "their attempts" for any "Communication", were borne out of evil intents on the part of these Jewish "Sorcerers".

Long story short, 99% of the things one reads online on these topic, are pure lies that were generated out of these writings of slander and falsehood.

It's natural that when these evil people went to consult the Gods, sources of highest good, they were lied to, denied and trolled from embarking in these in anyway. Yet that much is not an accurate statement either; because these entities were never in any real "Communication" with the Gods at all. They just made up slanderous stories and wrote them to instate fear in the population, which was unknowing, but also to deter their own from even attempting Communication any way, because that would eventually lead them to the Truths that these beings decided to hide for their own particular vile interests.

All the enemy accounts on these topics are lies. They had ill intents and they followed programs of lies and deception, yet they also have the nerve to attempt to add insult to injury and slander upon the Gods for their own evil and defiled actions. For that reason, no account of the jews must ever be taken in consideration to any of this, anymore than a lying slanderer has issued any text about beings they have been sworn to hate.

One will never find the Truth about these subject, but only here. The people that love the Gods and have been loved by them, know them to be beings of Truth and Enlightenment. They can see through any human like an open book, in their entirety. The sacredness of these procedures has also been villified by the enemy, who wants the whole situation of this topic to be hidden behind walls of lies, deception and falsehood. This topic will bring these walls down, same as our truthful knowledge will bring down the walls of ignorance.

Over the years in Spiritual Satanism I have noticed a lot of people tend to maintain a wrong mindset when it comes to matters such as Communication with the Gods and so on. In this path, you are supposed to actively seek the Gods, try to understand them and do your best to develop abilities to advance yourself. Every Spiritual Satanist is assigned a Guardian Demon, who oversees their progress and is there to help you when you need it, in accordance to your issues and level of development at the time.

Delusion, not having advanced properly enough, or lack of understanding, or not having a proper Spiritual Satanist mindset, can jeopardize this process and lead to numerous mistakes. One still should not be afraid or reluctant in contacting the Gods, but for actual success in this topic [success = growth, moving away from delusion], the Gods cannot be used as scapegoats for irrationality or falsehood in one's life.

When one consults the Gods, you learn over time to receive their messages correctly. Then, one must learn to take responsibility when this was not the case. Above all, Spiritual Satanism and the ways of the Gods, on the higher levels, are understood as a default because one finally "Has become a Spiritual Satanist", so consulting the Gods on every small topic is no longer necessary when you are advanced. When you begin, in order to verify their existence, you might want to do this very often and the Gods will be there to give you signs and so on. That is fine if you are a beginner. After a while, one understands that one can handle things on their own.

The Gods are not here to create for you a situation where you must rely on them about eating a sandwich or not, what color to paint your nails, or even other more nonsense I have heard over the years like one woman who "Was going shopping astral with Azazel and asking his opinion on clothing". These states described here do not represent the Gods and they are delusions borne out of one's own mind, which the mind can give credibility into to justify other weaknesses. It's your own mind that will be perverted first from these notions and YOU will be the person confusing YOURSELF if you do these things.

These states will also make one break trust with the Gods, because one is not really talking to them, but delusions they are creating, and eventually these will crack down on some important question, because the ability to truly communicate is not established or present. Deceived by the idea that one hears them on what color clothes to buy, they will also later on ask them on some important topic, and when all things will fall apart in their life, they will try to invalidate all their previous experiences.

There are dangers borne out of delusion that can arise out of this, and the Gods nor the JoS are responsible for this. Many people do want a form of a video game situation, but this is life and not a video-game. The Gods are seriously interested in you, so they will help you find YOURSELF in most cases. They can do anything and they are extremely powerful. But the question here is to teach you how to find things yourself.

There is not a thing under the world that Thoth does not know. That much is True. But what about you? The whole process here is to make beings like the Gods, not people just dependent upon them. Their aim is to bring people up there, not to come down there solely to assist.

The enemy entities are out there doing "favors" and quick band fixes for people. The uninitiated can get anything and they "worship" these, because they have lost the meaning of life. The purpose of life is to expand past this and to see your own potential. It's not to be constantly a being in ignorance that relies due to weakness only to the Gods. The SELF must be discovered. The Gods help in that process.

Another thing it's best to avoid, is going to the Gods to make your own decisions, because they will not really do that. They will help you and inform you, and give you insight. But then your decisions are your own choices, whether you will take this or that path. If you want to talk to a girl or not, you should take this decision and mature up to it, there is no point to do a full blown Ritual and evoke all the powers just to go say "Hello" to somebody. If you engage in this process and you hear wrong, you will then blame the Gods (again, deflecting your own responsibility and lack of mature communication, to them).

A case where also mutual deception can take place, and a reason to avoid interactions with people that are not yet acclimated to the path, is that children gather together with the Ouija Board or something else, and they start asking questions. Another kid picks up the Pendulum (they practiced for a while of 3 days) and then they ask the numbers of the Lotto. Then they don't win the Lotto, and they are so confused, mad at one another and the Gods. Or another person who does not know the Gods, issues holier than thou statements, born only after their emotional need to prove themselves of not being at a level that they are yet. This creates mutual deception and can be catastrophic.

The same people also in this case are the people who want to "try for themselves" and will bring out most commonly the line about "No Mediators", because they essentially try to meditate for themselves and their other 14 year old friend; they cannot listen to wisdom as they perceive it's a negative thing, but they don't understand what kind of negativity they cause to themselves and others by these processes of actually "Mediating". There is nothing bad in that form of experimentation, but one must know what they are doing and not take these things too far.

You can definitely try to ride a car when you are 9 years old. To try to prove your parents wrong or something like that, or just for fun, or because you felt like it. You might also successfully bring it to the super market, once or twice even. But the chances are that this journey ends up with a crashed car. If you have another on the passenger seat, then you must consider their existence also. Communication with the Gods should be taken seriously, but experimented with regardless. But still it's a very serious topic.

For reasons such as the above, many of these methods in the JoS were only taught in Ancient Schools to people well over their 30 years of age. There were strong reasons for this. At 30 you understand that if you give wrong advice, it can be bad for another. When you are 15, you care more for other emotional matters. Other topics were shared with people only after they were 45 plus years old; where the feelings of social responsibility are more important than other feelings. Of course, we do not put age limitations at this point, but that won't stop me from saying these facts to illustrate the reality of the situation.

To protect you from these situations described above, which are forms of self-delusion that will in the end violate your trust with the Gods, I have to clarify these topics and be honest. Yes, I know the stuff about "No mediators in Spiritual Satanism". But, there won't be anyone else's responsibility if you think you went with Azazel on the mall to help you pick up clothes; in other words, the delusions you might create, will not be with me, since I make this post and thoroughly explain it all - they will be solely upon you. They won't even be on the Gods themselves. Oftentimes, people also might deflect their own personal problems or dilemmas towards the Gods, eventually receiving biased or wrong divination, only to blame them later for it.

Deflecting these is different from just asking them for guidance to solve your problems. Deflection means you throw the responsibility on them over what you try to do, instead of you taking this responsibility. In regard to the topic of "No Mediators", there is topic here explaining more about this:

If you makeup your own version of anything, and you just try to enforce the standard of your mere feelings into this, like most people do with "Allah" and other non-existing things, you will have to endure eventually the weight of delusion falling on you. That is a very unpleasant experience. Since there are many lies on these topics, it's my task to help rectify these. At the same time it's your job to evaluate your own path-walking, and apply the "No Mediators" rule in a sensible manner, ie, by learning from experience and knowing where you are at, at any given point.

My aim here is to make sure that you make the least amount of errors possible in this path, but learning = errors. We learn by errors, and errors are welcome. Therefore, to reduce the margin of these errors or potential catastrophe, I can only advise up to an extent. Then one must reason out on their own and yes, take accountability for their own reasoning.

Trying to use the Gods in a form of a parasitic relationship, or a relationship of mommy-baby type, is only going to work for very new initiates most of the time. When you are new, they will really take care of you until you become a grown up in the path (that is also related to your age). In the early aspects of your development, you are a baby and your are expected to behave as a baby; the Gods too understand it and they are trying to acclimate you with your new experience, of which nothing else has existed prior.

Outsiders simply have no idea of how it is to have truly existing Gods. They do not know how it is to receive signs, to receive answers, or to receive guidance and counsel actually from higher beings.

Building fundamental communication with the Gods is based upon trust and serious personality development on your behalf for the most part. The personality development is the most serious foundation, alongside your ability to awaken the astral body in order to finally communicate. It's a privillege to earn and it has nothing to do with just a notion of entitlement. It's about developing the personality and power necessary for this.

The ego requires rectification in order to embark in proper communication that has meaning, alternatively, it will always get in the way. Even with this, one can only do this very well when there is sound ethical construction in a mind. Ethical construction is given because the Ego balances out with the Higher Self via Ethics. Your higher self does not have always the longings and problems of the lesser ego. Because alternatively your requests and the things you ask for, will be more confused and cause confusion. The balance in these and you actually being disciplined and raising your level of understanding, are the key factors to consider in order to grow.

Communication with the Gods, unlike the enemy religions which is "Everything goes", is a high hierarchical structure. Despite of lines and Westernized "liberal" notions of "No Meditators", the reality of the Ancient World is that people knew where they were, and it was accepted that not everyone is on the same level. So they had a hierarchical system of approach, that had to do with interpretation of the messages of the Gods. Some messages are highly personal and it's up to you to figure them out, but others are strict and deal with society. Creating always your own version out of things is something that won't really serve in the longterm or for very serious topics of learning with the Gods.

When the Gods want to teach you about something, they don't just scrap on the surface of knowledge. If you ask the Gods how you can become rich, the Gods will put you on a path for you, based on your request. This path might involve learning, change of self, and self adaptation so you rise to that level. Love and other topics are similar. They can also do miracles, but the most important thing they do is they actually guide you and show you that you have powers to attain these purposes, in order so that you develop and find the God within. When there are obstacles that are beyond understanding or beyond ability to solve, they will lead you to understand how to solve them. Finally, the Gods can know what one can or cannot do, and they will help you understand the limitations that you have.

Lastly, if I recall correctly, the Ancient Philosopher Plutarch, writes very vividly a story where people convened with Azazel [Apollo] to inquire about the building of a temple dedicated to Him. Instead of him giving the ready plans and everything, his response was only two words: "Learn Geometry". This put the initiates to study further sacred geometry, and then the Gods showed people as they went. Eventually the temple was built, but the answer was only "Learn Geometry" because the Gods wanted the people to know and have this knowledge, not just give them everything on the platter. This is how human beings evolve.

The smaller Demons can help with many personal matters and situations in one's life, also. That is not to make their importance lesser. But the Grand Gods are interested in teaching people the arts of existence. If a Grand God is asked a question, instead of just leading you to a quick patch up solution, they will give guidance so the knowledge of a subject is attained.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Yeah my communication with the Gods have been steadily getting more frequent but still i only do this maybe once to twice a month I'm still under the pride of i can do it on my own but i do begrudgingly accept help now I'm not one of them yet and so i can't do it all on my own is a fact that im slowly beginning to accept and the more i do the more powerful i have become and easier my life has gotten.

In regards to communications its usually done in feelings i feel their energy pulling me to go do something or look something or look something up to go learn about a solution and i know when their direct gaze is on me or when they have decided to make their presence obvious to me rarely is there a direct verbal communication but when there is it is short direct and sweet i do not have long winded conversations about nonsense i have conversations about life choices and ask them what i should about certain things like investments or employment or love.

Love for me i believe is now solved issue but im still clawing my way up financially although i do much better then most my age.
To pay a moment of tribute to my many communications with the Gods over the years, I really have to acknowledge the sheer degree of their care and compassion throughout. For better and for worse, I approached my spiritual progression relentlessly from the word go. I was determined to rise, no matter the struggles. The pace I set was blistering, because my soul called so strongly towards the Path. It goes without saying, I have benefited greatly from the hard work I've put into myself, though such a relentless mindset can come with its pitfalls. The inevitable manifestation of struggles, obstacles, patterns came as hard and fast as my progression did. I'm the first to admit, that I was reckless, and perhaps a little foolish, not pacing myself better. Perhaps I could have had an easier time, but what's done is done.

I'm very much an Air dominant personality. My mind is quick, able to think tactically and dozens of moves ahead far past the norm. As much as I can pay compliment to that, I also do not tend to have much grounding, as is the norm for us Airy folk. Being able to think so far ahead is a double-edged sword, as although you can plan for most any inevitability, you can also think in outlandish, far out terms and fret over things that only have a 0.1% chance of occurring.

The truth is, I've asked the Gods many questions over the years. A good number of them were me making sure my situation, in moments of strife, wasn't due for a doom beyond my ability to handle. It came close, more than once. As it so happened however, my questions did not reach deaf ears. As the years went on, and I learned to listen, and ask the right questions, I began to plug the leaking holes on my ship. Inch by inch, everything that busted open wide during my reckless pursuit was slowly being repaired. The Gods were the first to understand, and thus allay, my fears. They knew where my strengths were, but also my weaknesses. They communicated these things to me, as it would aid in my progression to not simply endlessly waste time with workings over things that were now assured to not happen. Many cases required a mere 40 day working, on which I communicated and received the all clear.

Were it not for the fact I simply reached out to the Gods, to this very day, I would have to waste valuable mental energy planning for crisis situations which may never have come. The beautiful thing about all this is, one could argue these weren't things I needed. Perhaps I would have had the strength to keep endlessly suffering through things, but they chose compassion. They saw what I'd been through, and chose to spare me further woe. Truth be told, that's more time and effort than literal family members have put to me.

My penultimate point is this. Talk to the Gods. Yes, even if some small part of you feels it is stupid. Consider for a moment what the Gods see, moment to moment, day to day, in this world gone wrong. Then think of yourself, as you're at least trying to rise from the muck, improve yourself and fight for a better tomorrow. There is no "pestering" them. They aren't going to sigh and roll their eyes. They are cosmic beings, who in the time it takes your mortal heart to beat once, have already seen a thousand things infinitely more pitiful than you in a moment of weakness, choosing to ask for help. At least in this, you're showing you love and respect them, and remember them, contrast to the billions who have forgotten them or worse, scorn them.

It's better to feel a little foolish for a moment, then waste time on indecision and anxiety. Take it from me, here, slightly further up the road, and choose communion over silence. As noble as it is to live life strongly, the Gods, better than anyone, know if you're suffering or not. No matter how brave your face is, they know what's within.
A case where also mutual deception can take place, and a reason to avoid interactions with people that are not yet acclimated to the path, is that children gather together with the Ouija Board or something else, and they start asking questions. Another kid picks up the Pendulum (they practiced for a while of 3 days) and then they ask the numbers of the Lotto. Then they don't win the Lotto, and they are so confused, mad at one another and the Gods. Or another person who does not know the Gods, issues holier than thou statements, born only after their emotional need to prove themselves of not being at a level that they are yet. This creates mutual deception and can be catastrophic.

The same people also in this case are the people who want to "try for themselves" and will bring out most commonly the line about "No Mediators", because they essentially try to meditate for themselves and their other 14 year old friend; they cannot listen to wisdom as they perceive it's a negative thing, but they don't understand what kind of negativity they cause to themselves and others by these processes of actually "Mediating". There is nothing bad in that form of experimentation, but one must know what they are doing and not take these things too far.
I am totally guilty of a similar deception early in my path, jumping into source material I didn't grasp while giving my self spiritual CPR with the spiritual satanism.com site guidelines and rituals. The early 2000's era was my youth, and I can admit I found JOS ministries trying to find a cool sigil of Satan for my metal band promotion. In the way I chose to read and learn about what's today the purest Truth about direct communion with the old Gods, the path to power and control over your self and pure facts about Jews and Christians as abomination made flesh. Spiritual slavery became obvious and this bondage that held me was snapped. It's gonna come in its own time, and I think my point is that deception is real and it can be a learning experience.
100% correct and a great read. It is hard to put into words exactly how the process began, but I originally asked Azazel for help learning how to make and hold extreme wealth. Of course, they didn't just dump money on me, which I would have blown or lost due to inexperience. Instead it began the path to learn how to make money, learn how to hold it, learn how to protect it. It involved me becoming a better man, improving my personality and controlling my emotions. It almost seemed like it was touching everything BUT the money. Sure I think it would have been a lot easier to just give me a million right off the bat, but what would I have learned? Now I am 100x more prepared for everything else, but it started because I asked for help and just tried to follow and change according to the guidance I received.
My objection to you is this. For example, personally, at this point in time, I would prefer to get a decent amount of money just by a miracle and for free in order to make a rest, take a break and gain strength for further practice. Since I have been living without money for a long time, at someone else's expense and it is a heavy blow to the psyche. Because while a person will put everything in order naturally, he can simply destroy his health with bad nutrition, as a person's psyche is often "disturbed" by the lack of certain foods in his diet. I practiced yoga in a room where there is no heating and the temperature was +8 degrees and all this because of lack of material means. Therefore, I believe that some people need a miracle, they need money for nothing!!! And, of course, I know how I will spend my "million" that I will be "given". I will invest it all in my future development and hire a consultant for a few classes in my profession, to raise my skill level. There is a bit of a "joke" here, but there is also enough truth to it.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
