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Write Down Your Problems

Ok, I will like to know more about the eight fold path and how to achieve the godhead. Thanks!
I want to know the morality about love magic. Really confused here. Some say it's wrong and some say it's not. If you do a spell to attract a specific person it's wrong because you are forcing them to love you but at the same time if you do a general spell to attract the best person for you it's still acting on their "free will" (even tho it probably doesn't exist because the planets and so on). Isn't it the same thing?

And we can say more, like attracting more constumers for a business or getting a job, you are still acting on people's free will. I personally think it doesn't matter and one should do what they want, at the end of the day unless people are SS they are pilotated by the planets anyway. This is my take on it but I would like some official explanation because I see a lot of people confused about it. The Jos does have love spells for specific people and we should know if it's wrong or not officially.
Yes, this is very interesting to me as well, I would like this dilemma settled. Obviously forcing someone to love you slavishly and removing their free will is terrible and most definitely isn't love, but this is not what we are doing right? We do not have this kind of power. We are only making this specific person be more open to us and make us more likable to them.

HPS Maxine gave us workings to separate a couple and make a person fall in love with us. If she thought that was evil and immoral, she wouldn't give it to us and include it in JoS main page. However, we do not know if our new relationship will work in the end, because we are not Gods. Then we have destroyed a happy relationship for this person because we wanted to have a shot, not knowing if it was even worth it. So I understand why breaking up a couple might be bad, but just attracting someone wouldn't make them break up their current relationship if they didn't think we were better than what they currently have.

I would really like some definite clarification on this, because this concerns me very personally and has been a burden on me for some years now...
I’m still in love with Someone who I separated from 5 months ago, who thinks I’m crazy for being a Satanist. I’ve done so many ending and soul freeing rituals, but I still seem to have strong feelings for him.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I have a very hard time with learning and comprehending information. It takes me longer than usual or average to learn new things and to comprehend even simple instructions or even training on a job, my memory in those moments seems to go quite literally out the window and I completely forget or I do not understand what someone would be telling me especially regarding learning something for as job.

What should I do about this problem which I've had my whole life?
I have thought a lot about this.

At first I wanted to write that I have a relationship problem. That I can't develop a relationship with women I like that develops into a relationship.

Then I thought, it's not just up to me, it's up to women, it's up to society. Perhaps these should also be changed in some way. In a positive direction.
I thought that perhaps the control of sexuality should be taken away from the jews and given to the Gods.
Some kind of ritual seemed logical given our situation.

But tonight I thought of something else, independent of all this.
Maybe my real problem is that I have a compulsion to conform.

I always want to do more and more meditation. To improve and meet. I can keep the balance for a while. But eventually I always break down and then I redesign my meditations. To a level I can do it. Then it starts all over again.
I start piling up meditations to a level that I can't do anymore and then I fail. And then redesign.

But I'm afraid that if I don't meditate enough, I won't reach the magnum opus. But sometimes I know that's not likely. But then I want to do everything I can to achieve it and start again.

But it seems that I am driven by the need to conform. I want to comply with this place, but somehow the execution is not good.

I used to want friends and a relationship to meet social expectations.
I'd rather not have anything at all.

I don't know what the right solution is here, which is true. I am often confused. When it's just the need to conform and when I'm on the right track. This is often difficult for me to decide.

Thank you for the opportunity.
-If you already have a hypertrophic Sun in your birth chart, can using solar mantras for cleansing make it worse?

-When empowering the soul, is insomnia normal? Many people experience it here.

-I don't understand exactly what chakras are blocked. It also seems to me that some chakras are more expanded than others; I need more information

-If I meditate in a hurry, it is as if that hurry remains in my astral body and I feel it on a physiological level for the rest of the day.

-Sometimes energy gets trapped in certain parts of the body causing pain, what to do?

-If I don't want to think about something I think about it, so I fear manifesting negative things.

-Very often I read about not empowering the soul and doing mostly cleansing, is this true? In my experience there may be periods when you do that, but by not empowering the soul you advance less quickly in general.


Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
To be honest I did not have the time to read all the thread, but I want to add my main problems. All of them are "solving" status, but the way is long :
- Childhood abuse with consequent multi traumas, PTSD, personality split (= thoughtforms steering life away), emotional outbursts
- High amount of curses stored into the soul (solving with repeated deep cleanings)
- Incapacity to see the astral with 3rd eye (only the mind's eye works)
- Stuck and stubborn blockage to heart chakras, with consequent "mind wall" preventing correct cooperation of male/female sides of the Soul / mind.
I can't understand, maybe I'm not open enough, even though I've been meditating every day for 2 years, maybe I'm doing my meditations wrong, can someone help me please?
It's normal that you haven't met your guardian after 2 years, but if you don't seek the Gods than you should change that. Meditate on Satan's sigil every day, do the schedules, do some God ritual, etc. It will naturally come to you who your guardian COULD BE, and later when they can talk to you (and you listen!) your guardian will tell you who they are.
It is not the best to admit, but I do not always maintain constant hygiene. I still manage to look good and presentable, but still I think I should clean myself more often.

I wash my hands, my teeth and I also shave. The problem is with the shower, I feel like a blockage. In some cases after I have changed the sheets and am thus forced to wash, I can wait or procrastinate for more than an hour. But once I'm done, I feel better.

I am not sure what it is due to.
I’ve always had this feeling inside where if I needed help asking for things I would sound needy to friends & family. I hate to bother people about my problems since we all go through struggles. Ever since I dropped out of high school it has been hard to find a good paying decent job even until this day. I know there’s not much to do but keep looking there’s something out there . Another thing I find difficult is meditation and participating in these rituals . I don’t know if my deslexia has anything to do with it I’ve always had the thought that I was born with a learning disability. Also I find it difficult is getting to know my guardian demon. I know he/she is around I can feel their presence most of the times. I don’t want to seem like I am full of excuses.
Greetings my Satanic Family,
Thanks beloved High Priest Hooded Cobra666 for asking such question ( I mean from bottom of my heart ) , it is something that even my family never asked

Seems that almost all of us have same problems, so here are mine ( if anybody have any advise or something I am open to listen ) :

1- Financial problem.

2- Health problem.

3- ( and the most important I think ) Failing to do Meditations .

4- Not Doing Spiritual Warfare .

5- Being too lazy, recently.

I just lost the track of how many times I failed to do the 3 and 4 .

I feel very ashamed not doing the God's Rituals or RTRs

Is it OK to update my list ?
It's normal that you haven't met your guardian after 2 years, but if you don't seek the Gods than you should change that. Meditate on Satan's sigil every day, do the schedules, do some God ritual, etc. It will naturally come to you who your guardian COULD BE, and later when they can talk to you (and you listen!) your guardian will tell you who they are.
What should I add to my routine to be able to listen to them?
Everything... is an issue with me these days..🙄😡 and it's people..!
The hate. War, politics..you name it! The list goes on and on.
The Jews and getting more and more obnoxious. Xtian nationalists are just as bad as the Muslims. And here we are trying to hold on to our sanity and common sense. And trying to figure out what to do? And how to handle things properly. With out losing our heads, try not to do or say anything stupid.
Im struggling with the 'earn as much money as possible' and then 'pay all you taxes to the government' mentality of the JOS community.

I think there should be more discussions on how to build communities with crypto, and living off grid, with alternative independent communication systems, power sources, food and medicine growing.
Everything... is an issue with me these days..🙄😡 and it's people..!
The hate. War, politics..you name it! The list goes on and on.
The Jews and getting more and more obnoxious. Xtian nationalists are just as bad as the Muslims. And here we are trying to hold on to our sanity and common sense. And trying to figure out what to do? And how to handle things properly. With out losing our heads, try not to do or say anything stupid.
And if you have no appliances, no electricity, no money to pay for phone service? Where will your cryptocurrency be then?

I feel that the people in ukraine are overwhelmingly mutants. I feel sorry for the animals here, they should not suffer. Many ukrainian bastards have left and left their animals on chains to starve to death. Many ukrainian bastards sold out to the Jews and are now killing ukrainians their own so called brothers. I can no longer stand this ukrainian madhouse - ward number 6.
What should I add to my routine to be able to listen to them?
As I said, meditate on their sigil. That's it, try to tune into them.

(Also, "listening" also means to do as the Gods says, aka. If you feel like the Gods want to convey something to you, than listen to that and do as you feel like they want you to do. Although only if this is something beneficial for you or just generally beneficial, because otherwise it's not the Gods messaging you.)
I would also like some information on how to work with crystals (the article that's on JoS Witchcraft doesn't give much practical information. How do we store eg anger energy in a crystal? And how do we use it afterward? How can we use the crystals to further open or empower our chakras? Etc).
Im struggling with the 'earn as much money as possible' and then 'pay all you taxes to the government' mentality of the JOS community.

I think there should be more discussions on how to build communities with crypto, and living off grid, with alternative independent communication systems, power sources, food and medicine growing.

The JoS doesn't tell you what you should be doing on these decisions, but it tells you to be aware, anything you do or don't do, to know what are the potential ramifications either way. You are making this up from your mind. When one is warned of certain dangers [which were not created by us], that is called reality not anything else.

Personally I find this "We wuz makin our civilization" total worthless nonsense and inapplicable, unless one wants to live in a very undignified state, while everyone else in the world moves forward. Christians say this bullshit all the time as if civilization didn't already belong to the people. It belongs to us, but the more it's forfeited and allowed in the hands of anyone else, then it drifts away.

Like yeah of course, "we wuz makin civilizations n shiet" and most people won't do basic 1+1 things that don't even account to the basics of developing something powerful inside the already sheltered landscape of civilization, but they will somehow make rockets in their backyard, "Only if we left them" in the JoS. That is major delusional hypocrisy.
Aparência física e como ela se relaciona com a alma
Por que algumas pessoas nascem incrivelmente atraentes e recebem atenção quase ilimitada do sexo oposto?
Por que algumas pessoas nascem extremamente feias e estão condenadas a se tornarem incels? O carma de vidas passadas poderia estar relacionado a isso?
Há algum tempo, fiz um tópico sobre como, nos tempos antigos, as pessoas eram mais atraentes fisicamente por comerem alimentos mais duros e densos em nutrientes e porque respiravam pelo nariz, a maneira correta de respirar. Isso permite que o rosto cresça para frente e os rostos crescidos para frente sejam objetivamente mais atraentes. Os dentistas estudaram os crânios dos humanos dos tempos antigos e os dentes das pessoas das sociedades "primitivas" e descobriram que as suas mandíbulas são mais fortes, os seus dentes têm menos desgaste apesar de mastigarem alimentos mais duros e compararam-nos com os crânios das pessoas das sociedades modernas que comem alimentos procedentes e descobriram que suas mandíbulas estão mais fracas, os ossos faciais estão recuados, etc.
Tudo isso poderia ser apenas um problema social? Alimentos processados nos causaram muitos danos.

Relacionamentos - Superando o desgosto, aprendendo a amar novamente
Este é autoexplicativo. Terminar depois de um relacionamento de seis anos com alguém que eu achava que era um verdadeiro SS e minha alma gêmea dói profundamente.
Parte de mim acha que vai demorar mais do que apenas 40 dias trabalhando com Wunjo para me curar disso.

Encontrar pessoas que pensam como você no mundo
Não deveria ser nenhuma surpresa que a maioria das pessoas no mundo são NPCs que nem conseguem visualizar ou falar consigo mesmas em suas mentes.
Como então um SS de qualquer nível de progresso deveria fazer para fazer amigos e formar conexões no mundo exterior? Especialmente quando alguém é um introvertido tímido.
You mentioned an extremely critical point there. I am a mixed race white man, who was Mongolized and mixed with many things here in Brazil, I was born with not so good looks, without any talent, and to put an end to me once and for all, I have a very perfectionist personality characteristic, it is not enough to be white pure, needs to be of excellent appearance, with talents, etc. I idealized something that I cannot be and that causes me extreme pain, as Nietzsche said. I believe that the genetic cleansing of having a whiter body would give a huge upgrade, but I simply can't change my body like changing clothes, I need to heal mine. I would really like to fix these genetic problems without having to reincarnate, because reincarnation without me resolving this effectively would be a disaster, because I didn't want to be born an incel again, a Latin American again, I wanted to be born attractive and with absurdly better genetics. So far I haven't received any effective response about this, the runes modem minimize, othala with uruz to give a more athletic and masculine energy, but completely changing your appearance would be cool. I much improved version of yourself. In addition to the streets, I would like better information on these subjects from someone more experienced in genetics and spirituality, because my life is not good at all.
The JoS doesn't tell you what you should be doing on these decisions, but it tells you to be aware, anything you do or don't do, to know what are the potential ramifications either way. You are making this up from your mind. When one is warned of certain dangers [which were not created by us], that is called reality not anything else.

Personally I find this "We wuz makin our civilization" total worthless nonsense and inapplicable, unless one wants to live in a very undignified state, while everyone else in the world moves forward. Christians say this bullshit all the time as if civilization didn't already belong to the people. It belongs to us, but the more it's forfeited and allowed in the hands of anyone else, then it drifts away.

Like yeah of course, "we wuz makin civilizations n shiet" and most people won't do basic 1+1 things that don't even account to the basics of developing something powerful inside the already sheltered landscape of civilization, but they will somehow make rockets in their backyard, "Only if we left them" in the JoS. That is major delusional hypocrisy.
What I meant is, i'm surprised there is not more discussion about crypto in the community, and about alternative tech, communications, power, and off grid living, food growing etc. Not that you or the clergy should be telling anyone what to do.

“We wuz makin our civilization”, I'm not sure what you mean by this.

If you think people living off grid are living in an undignified and uncivilized state, then you are very very uniformed.

Recently, I keep getting condescending answers from people here, and well, I think we both know why.

I have never spoken about rockets in here, I was talking about phase array antennae, ground mesh works, and water turbines, which yes you can make at home.
Greetings everyone,

As the JoS is about to go through structural changes for everyone's benefit, it's important for you to relate all the problems you have. Or whatever you feel comfortable relating.

Before I start with new information and structuring, the most important thing is to receive feedback.

This could be in categories: For example, health, relationships, life understanding, financial, learning, or anything of the sort. It can be specific things, like "I need to understand more about visualization". All these problems and whatever else you need, can be written down and explained openly.

On the above information, I will tailor solutions that will be spiritual but also very practical to follow, to solve these problems. Many people don't understand the power of this place because they have no clear understanding of their own problems or do not use powers to solve them.

It is not shameful to have problems, on the contrary, it's what makes us humans and develops us. Problems is how we develop ourselves. So please share openly. Make sure to be honest, as all views will be taken in consideration to help in the update and creation of very specific solutions.

If anyone is uneasy please mention the category or type of problem from another temporary account. That is fundamental for us to know in order to start designing solutions based on what everyone needs.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Some other requests from my people, please (translation below):

7. Void Meditations, Trance, Visualization: they are a problem and I would like more possible variants of their good performance.

8. Right progression: there are a lot of meditations and I would like more specificity on what in our short time of life to give more energy to, for example: Kundalini rising, it would be good to adjust meditations to reach this moment well and safely. And actually the understanding that you are doing everything right, because doubts, especially at the beginning, often lead you off the path. I hope it was corrected in a clear way.
Greetings everyone,

As the JoS is about to go through structural changes for everyone's benefit, it's important for you to relate all the problems you have. Or whatever you feel comfortable relating.

Before I start with new information and structuring, the most important thing is to receive feedback.

This could be in categories: For example, health, relationships, life understanding, financial, learning, or anything of the sort. It can be specific things, like "I need to understand more about visualization". All these problems and whatever else you need, can be written down and explained openly.

On the above information, I will tailor solutions that will be spiritual but also very practical to follow, to solve these problems. Many people don't understand the power of this place because they have no clear understanding of their own problems or do not use powers to solve them.

It is not shameful to have problems, on the contrary, it's what makes us humans and develops us. Problems is how we develop ourselves. So please share openly. Make sure to be honest, as all views will be taken in consideration to help in the update and creation of very specific solutions.

If anyone is uneasy please mention the category or type of problem from another temporary account. That is fundamental for us to know in order to start designing solutions based on what everyone needs.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Some other requests from my people, please (translation below):

7. Void Meditations, Trance, Visualization: they are a problem and I would like more possible variants of their good performance.

8. Right progression: there are a lot of meditations and I would like more specificity on what in our short time of life to give more energy to, for example: Kundalini rising, it would be good to adjust meditations to reach this moment well and safely. And actually the understanding that you are doing everything right, because doubts, especially at the beginning, often lead you off the path. I hope it was corrected in a clear way.
What I meant is, i'm surprised there is not more discussion about crypto in the community, and about alternative tech, communications, power, and off grid living, food growing etc. Not that you or the clergy should be telling anyone what to do.

“We wuz makin our civilization”, I'm not sure what you mean by this.

If you think people living off grid are living in an undignified and uncivilized state, then you are very very uniformed.

Recently, I keep getting condescending answers from people here, and well, I think we both know why.

I have never spoken about rockets in here, I was talking about phase array antennae, ground mesh works, and water turbines, which yes you can make at home.
The point is, don't run away from civilization cause you don't like it and can't handle it, instead grow there and change it for the better. But as HP Cobra said, the JoS doesn't tell one what to do, so do whatever you want.
- About psychic vampirism, I can't undesrtand, when someone influences me negatively, is this always called vampirism?

- Holes in the aura, how to find and heal them in the most effective way;

- I remember there was a sermon on workings longer then 90 days concerning freeing the soul that can be very useful. As it was already written a lot of information is scattered and need to be collected and highlighted. I'm not sure but probably even the sermon on the witches sabbath does not appear in the meditations page;

- New members usually report difficulty with chakras spinning, initially it was difficult for me as well;

Already known side effects of power meditations that I experienced and write for statistical purposes:
-Lack of grounding (there was a useful sermon on reach balance and advance faster that need to be highlighted );
-Extreme rage;
-Worsening of pre-existing cutaneous eruptions/eczema .
The point is, don't run away from civilization cause you don't like it and can't handle it, instead grow there and change it for the better. But as HP Cobra said, the JoS doesn't tell one what to do, so do whatever you want.
right, but its not running away, if you are building useful technology, food, medicine, generating power. Just means we are paying less taxes.
right, but its not running away, if you are building useful technology, food, medicine, generating power. Just means we are paying less taxes.
Hi, star. I see where you’re coming from and I like it. May we share ideas in private?
Greetings everyone,

As the JoS is about to go through structural changes for everyone's benefit, it's important for you to relate all the problems you have. Or whatever you feel comfortable relating.

Before I start with new information and structuring, the most important thing is to receive feedback.

This could be in categories: For example, health, relationships, life understanding, financial, learning, or anything of the sort. It can be specific things, like "I need to understand more about visualization". All these problems and whatever else you need, can be written down and explained openly.

On the above information, I will tailor solutions that will be spiritual but also very practical to follow, to solve these problems. Many people don't understand the power of this place because they have no clear understanding of their own problems or do not use powers to solve them.

It is not shameful to have problems, on the contrary, it's what makes us humans and develops us. Problems is how we develop ourselves. So please share openly. Make sure to be honest, as all views will be taken in consideration to help in the update and creation of very specific solutions.

If anyone is uneasy please mention the category or type of problem from another temporary account. That is fundamental for us to know in order to start designing solutions based on what everyone needs.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I need to get full natal Astrology reading by advanced astrologer.

And also is there somekind of exercise to make visualising white gold light more easily? I have no problems with it, but every time I do it I have to put enormous efforts, sometimes it is more easy, sometimes it is almost impossible but I still manage to get it by feeling. But there is maybe somewhat exercise to make myself more proficient in this?
Already known side effects of power meditations that I experienced and write for statistical purposes:
-Lack of grounding (there was a useful sermon on reach balance and advance faster that need to be highlighted );
-Extreme rage;
-Worsening of pre-existing cutaneous eruptions/eczema .
The eczema could be an indication of a release of trapped emotions, like the rage you mentioned. Emotions affect the body physically. Over time this should lessen and disappear (I am not sure how long you've been practicing). Its basically a detox you're going through.
Just a question, do you use, in example, cortisol salves with the eczema or do you use a holistic approach? A holistic approach might be better for the time being. (No need to answer this. I am asking this to make you think.)
To be clear this thread is about expressing areas of struggle so we can focus on them with new knowledge in the form of new information, motivation, spiritual knowledge or direct knowledge given.

We still have to handle our problems. But if there are certain tailor made assistance solutions given, this should make everything easier.
Hp if it is not too much to ask could you create a program that is spesifically designed to create a clear astral communication with the gods
Aside from family troubles, the most recurring issue is just life. Everyday, with the chaos of kids (my siblings), college and clinicals, my devotion to my Satanic path has been lacking.

I saw this thread the first day it was posted, yet I put it off. The stressors of upcoming tests and constantly studying for them have been weighing on me. So much so, that what once was my drive for going to college in the first place was put on the back burner.

I have taken action to fix the karma revolving around my family, through moon squares and many workings, now I need to focus on life in general. All throughout nursing school, I compared myself to my other classmates causing me to revert into myself and increase my already existing insecurities.

"They have so much more experience than me", "They are smarter than me", "I am insignificant compared to these adults who have their lives together". The list goes on.

The thing is, I got to thinking that this is what they make themselves appear on the surface. Most of them are Xians or Muslims. They don't understand the importance of medicine or how it connects to the soul. They don't even have a grasp on half the things that I do through my years as a Satanist.

So, why compare myself? This is the same issue I had when I first dedicated, comparing myself to those like HP. Comparison is the fastest way to degrade a person and I am going to take the proper action to fix it.

My life has had many ups and downs, but I really think that I'm starting to find my center. I am young, it's alright to make mistakes, I just have to learn from them. I have seen how my life has changed through the workings, squares and meditation and it still surprises me, even to this day.

With the constant support of the Clergy, the community and my Guardian, I genuinely feel like I have all the means I need to achieve my goals. As a nurse and as a Satanist.

Thank you for this, HP. Having a place free from judgement, where we will receieve a listening ear and solid advice is a blessing.
Greetings everyone,

As the JoS is about to go through structural changes for everyone's benefit, it's important for you to relate all the problems you have. Or whatever you feel comfortable relating.

Before I start with new information and structuring, the most important thing is to receive feedback.

This could be in categories: For example, health, relationships, life understanding, financial, learning, or anything of the sort. It can be specific things, like "I need to understand more about visualization". All these problems and whatever else you need, can be written down and explained openly.

On the above information, I will tailor solutions that will be spiritual but also very practical to follow, to solve these problems. Many people don't understand the power of this place because they have no clear understanding of their own problems or do not use powers to solve them.

It is not shameful to have problems, on the contrary, it's what makes us humans and develops us. Problems is how we develop ourselves. So please share openly. Make sure to be honest, as all views will be taken in consideration to help in the update and creation of very specific solutions.

If anyone is uneasy please mention the category or type of problem from another temporary account. That is fundamental for us to know in order to start designing solutions based on what everyone needs.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Runic blottings. Are they legitimate?
I believe everything has been answered here, so now the answers will be taken and then added to other answers to make grand considerations about improving on many areas.

Soon, Donors will also receive something to help in that regard.
Greetings everyone,

As the JoS is about to go through structural changes for everyone's benefit, it's important for you to relate all the problems you have. Or whatever you feel comfortable relating.

Before I start with new information and structuring, the most important thing is to receive feedback.

This could be in categories: For example, health, relationships, life understanding, financial, learning, or anything of the sort. It can be specific things, like "I need to understand more about visualization". All these problems and whatever else you need, can be written down and explained openly.

On the above information, I will tailor solutions that will be spiritual but also very practical to follow, to solve these problems. Many people don't understand the power of this place because they have no clear understanding of their own problems or do not use powers to solve them.

It is not shameful to have problems, on the contrary, it's what makes us humans and develops us. Problems is how we develop ourselves. So please share openly. Make sure to be honest, as all views will be taken in consideration to help in the update and creation of very specific solutions.

If anyone is uneasy please mention the category or type of problem from another temporary account. That is fundamental for us to know in order to start designing solutions based on what everyone needs.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
1. Akasha, the akashic records, someone opened the registers for me, the person told me im from another planet, some kind of blue planet, etc it was a long story but i would like to hear your thoughts on Akasha, and this astral realm.
2. Kundalini blockages, i feel very blocked, it is a strange and weird feeling that i am not able to reproduce in words, i have tried many times to discuss with different people but the more i did the more like a lunatic i sound.. I feel this pressure on my forehead, it goes to my eyes as well, i feel like my mandible is not relaxed, i feel only tension in my mandible and in my mouth and tongue, and i feel like there is this grasp which holds me tight..and also a lot of tingle-ing in my feet and in my genital area and anus. (yeah its a bit embarassing to discuss this but it is true). I feel my eyebrows also that they tremor, my face muscles also tremor a bit, i am having a difficult time having a neutral face, a serious gaze. In some nights when i go to bed i feel this energy, or i dont know what it is, but i am feeling that something is embracing me, and i drown in this pleasant feeling. In every day life i feel like there is something stuck or attached to me and i feel this pulsation on my forehead 24/7, i could go on with describing... but i hope someone could shed some light on this matter. It is difficult to describe in words, english is not my mother language but even in my own language i cannot explain this.I am living like this for quite som years now, and i feel like its connected to kundalini and enlightment because i felt like the more i evolve spiritually and the more ii free my soul this things that i feel become less and less stressfull, and they diminish.. But i would like to believe that this is because of spiritual nature and not some illness or whatever disease i may have or something worse than this.. I have done a lot of chackra alignment and other practices i found since i discovered JoS and i can say that it helped me in ways i could not even think of... i discovered here a lot of knowledge which helped me evolve and ascend, but the issue still remains.. like i said i am very lost, i dont know what to do anymore.. i barely remember how it is to live without feeling any tingling in my body and this pulsation on my forehead.
3.Addition: i observed that this ,,tingling,, is more accentuated on my left side of the face up to the left eye and the left temple.. do you happen to know what is all about the left temple?
There is some mystical stuff related to it but i don't know for certain what it is. See ep1 S3 from Westworld, when Dolores is at some sort of party, and there is that guy who thinks that what if we live a simulation within a simulation, then Dolores says "t could just be this" and points to her left temple then says "The nucleus accumbens is a small part of your brain about an inch and a half long its the part of you that evolved to believe in God" . Im not taking it for granted obviously but it ringed me a bell because i do feel this pulsation there, which made me wonder that there is definetly something with that. I am not crazy please believe me, nor i am delusionate or what else, i try to keep my feet on the ground and be grounded as much as i can but everything that i said is true. Would be great to hear some other toughts on these.

Thank you for existing, and for this vast amount if knowledge and may the serpent bite all of you!

laziness and nihilism

feels like nothing works, yet i just still do the bare minimal routine of chakra meditation and rtr
i care enough to do it
but not care enough to do it with passion
despite of the fact that i exactly know what i should do,
i simply lack motivation and energy

to be honest, maybe i just want rant a bit how unsatisfied i am about my personal growth but it not really that a much of trouble to bother write it in here

i just want to complain to myself but ill continue do what i think "right" things do in minimal effort
not exactly in need of help nor reply, i just want to scribble my anxiety here since i know exactly i need to do anyways
I have great ideas,

but I lack either the money, abilities, perseverance, motivation, resources, knowledge to do everything on my own.

At the same time I'm bad with connecting to new people/Business partners. Communication/Trust issues.

Trance and communication with the gods I could be better.
Same here. Ideas are a bit easy to generate. My problem is executing said ideas to any good length of time. My other problem is restarting, whenever I fail for a day on a meditation program for example, it takes me months to be able to start a new program. It's like do or die, because if I fail even for a day then it will take me a long time before I can start again to work on that particular areas, that's one of the reason why it's hard for me to make progress on things I'm trying to work on.
Hi, stars. What should I do? There's a chick I have feelings for, and I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.

We're different races. She's Indian and I'm Persian. This sounds bad because it'd be 'racemixing'. But on the other hand I'm aware that life has many loopholes. I assume racemixing might be allowed in very specialised cases. I just don't know if mine & her relationship is one of those 'specialised cases' or not. I was hoping someone can answer that for me.

Idk how relevant this is: my North Node is conjunct her Descendant by an orb of 1⁰.
Hi, stars. What should I do? There's a chick I have feelings for, and I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.

We're different races. She's Indian and I'm Persian. This sounds bad because it'd be 'racemixing'. But on the other hand I'm aware that life has many loopholes. I assume racemixing might be allowed in very specialised cases. I just don't know if mine & her relationship is one of those 'specialised cases' or not. I was hoping someone can answer that for me.

Idk how relevant this is: my North Node is conjunct her Descendant by an orb of 1⁰.
And our Ascendants are Square.
The JoS doesn't tell you what you should be doing on these decisions, but it tells you to be aware, anything you do or don't do, to know what are the potential ramifications either way. You are making this up from your mind. When one is warned of certain dangers [which were not created by us], that is called reality not anything else.

Personally I find this "We wuz makin our civilization" total worthless nonsense and inapplicable, unless one wants to live in a very undignified state, while everyone else in the world moves forward. Christians say this bullshit all the time as if civilization didn't already belong to the people. It belongs to us, but the more it's forfeited and allowed in the hands of anyone else, then it drifts away.

Like yeah of course, "we wuz makin civilizations n shiet" and most people won't do basic 1+1 things that don't even account to the basics of developing something powerful inside the already sheltered landscape of civilization, but they will somehow make rockets in their backyard, "Only if we left them" in the JoS. That is major delusional hypocrisy.

Ive started to study chinese medicine, and one of the texts I've read recently is a set of vows or Code of conduct, to not head for the hills and abandon sick people, so I guess this tallies up with what you said, about not leaving society, but instead trying to heal people.

However, I am currently living with my christian sister, and I have tied to heal our realtionship, and show her love, but every time I let down my guard, and show her any affection, she sees it as a sign of weakness, and laughs, attacks and ridicules me.

She and people like her, make me want to go live totally off grid, because most people, dont want to change, or heal.
I will try to express myself as best as possible (sorry for my bad English.)

I don't usually comment much, because for me silence is more valuable than words and I have always considered SS as an individual path. (I'm on the forum because I love sermons and the reflections I come to when I meditate on them. 💕)
Lately, when visiting the forum I have noticed a growth in users who are confused with problems that can be solved by studying; such as: failed invocations or rituals. The other most common type of problem is solved with practice, especially those related to concentration, visualization and meditation, but what I think is the biggest problem is that I notice that some have not bothered to foster a bond and a true relationship with the Gods.

Dedication to Our Lord Satan is just the beginning and it is not enough to do it and then immediately stretch out our hand and ask them for money or for all our problems to be resolved.

Take time each day to know each God individually; Let them get to know you too and form beautiful bonds with them. The Gods are beings with personality, with likes and dislikes, just like us!

Study hard and above all, be aware of your limitations, do not ask them for "fame" and "wealth", rather ask for wisdom and clarity to know where and how to apply your knowledge; ask for patience to face challenges and imagination to solve problems; Ask for inspiration to fall in love with life and do not lose faith in our Gods so that you do not fall asleep again and be a sheep like the others.

Please do not be offended by my words, because they come directly from my heart. And although I did not touch on the direct topic of personal problems, I only wish that they are resolved in the best possible way for all.
Do not give up!
This path is not easy, but that is the beauty and remember that we are warriors in training.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
