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World Changes One Deserves

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
If one pays close attention to the animal kingdom, the only animal that is stupid enough to complain, is the human.

A lion does not complain because they went in the middle of 10 hungry hyenas, with eyes closed, and wanted to make 'friends'.

A cat does not complain it was unable to hunt its prey or because birds can fly and escape.

A microbe does not complain it was not able to infect something in order to live.

Man on the other hand is a whole other subject. People consistently complain. One typical example here is how many people complain about so called 'injustice', but they maintain everything that leads to exactly these injustices.

They do not like injustice and thievery, but they like stupidly supporting the idea that all races on earth, who are biologically different and always act for their own benefit, have to be slapped together into the same territory to compete over what is clearly a limited amount of resources.

Then the mistakes are always furthered. For example, instead of accepting humans are acting in a biological manner and friendlier with their own but lack of friendliness towards those that do not resemble them, the world decides the best way to go is to create depressive societies filled with benzos and propaganda in order to make the unnatural, natural.

They act like they have a problem with 'rape', such as fat feminists, but they don't have a problem when an uncountable amount of people in whose culture rape and child rape is normal, come into a territory where it's not the case.

Then rape increases exponentially because of this stupid advocacy. It wasn't long ago a fat feminist in Sweden was protesting about the deportation of a child molesting multiple offender muslim in an ariplane. Then, the muslim was let loose and just repeated the crimes. Tragic.

They complain about how this world is being usurped on it's wealth, and how everyone suffers as a result, and how beings as such live a miserable life, but nobody has any of the guts to even accept the IDEA about ending this situation. There are around 300 jews on this planet owning what all the ownership of all the slaves combined is on this planet, and people are too cucked to even say the phrase 'jews are responsible'.

The total of the worlds wealth is controlled by 1 banking institution and 5 companies who have bought all others at this point or indirectly control them in a total way. Yes, only 5 international companies do control the whole world's production.

This is why politics has died in the west, because everything is just a whining of what 'should have been', all done by a bunch of idiots in complete oblivion of how this matter would be achieved, or what price there is to pay for any achievement. Therefore, their only understanding is nihilism.

One example to explain the above. People want to increase the wealth in a country. But when the plan is laid out about how the wealth in such country would be increased by work and so forth, people of course do not want to pay the price to make it happen. And given most politicians are jewish sellouts, and horrible planners, these plans are also illogical, slavelike, and unachievable. So nothing really progresses. And people refuse to progress something. Since nobody is also willing to counter the great parasitic jews on the top who siphon 90% of the outcome of these plans, leaving nothing for those that make them, then this leaves things as they were before. As such countries do not develop or develop only with the remaining 10% of labor production.

So what happens is many people migrate and move to other places is they are looking for a new order to put their powers in motion, but at the same time, many people are jealous and hateful of this new authority. Even-though them moving in, in the same place, just shows that they need this authority and accept it's superiority. This is the case of many people on this world who move to White nations for a better life but hate whites. But they are here since they accept that their order is superior.

Then what happens is simple people just want everything to 'suit' the low energy and low productivity planning they had from where they came. Where you can sit in a rock and eat from a tree and survive. So when the requirements of existence start piling up, one does not want to pay the price of labor to belong as part of such organized structured. And therefore becomes a criminal, so they can have 'the life' and just do no labor to follow the state of existence up.

So what one essentially requests is an upgrade to their existence, for free. But nothing is for free, and when this EBT and "Free" is analyzed, it breaks down by added burden on the shoulders of those that produce. So what remains out of this is someone just coming in and demanding to be upgraded a hundred times, while downgrading others by a hundred times. And the jew has made this a rule, since the degradation of one team (White nations) is positive, while the upgrading of those coming in is just superficial, and no matter their living style upgrading, they can never oppose the actual order of the world which is the jews.

This is why you have Democrats in the US just trying to rip the country open. On one hand, they don't care how many people are worked in the corn fields, as this does not matter. On the other hand, this serves the jewish aim of destroying a country that could potentially wake up to them. All while the jew will be the one to work these people in the corn fields, and also gain from the collapse of the country, so to say. So of course, the US needs to get as many of such people in as possible. Actually Soros will just pay them huge amounts to go in, since the collapse of said nation will just crown his race supreme rulers of the earth. Paying them 2-3 thousands is therefore nothing if one calculates the outcome.

When shit hits the fan on this planet, everyone cries on two skirts. One skirt is the skirt of the Asians, the other one is the skirt of the Whites. People die in x region, whites have to go in and save them. Many terrible things happen in Arab countries but they do not go to Saudi Arabia which is a rich and strong country to receive an ear, because unfortunately none will be given. How many doctors as Saudi Arabia sent to Africa to help the people there? When people were running from Syria how many people did Saudi Arabia take in as a rich power in the Middle East? None. And nobody scorns them for it either.

So we have a paradox here, those who help are not only parasitized, but are also hated. Constantly they are presented with new unreasonable and dumb demands, and constantly called racist. And those who look after their own ass get nothing of these things to them.

But he who gains all the profits from any of the living labor parasitism is just the jew. From whom nobody asks responsibilities from. The jew leads this planet by controlling all resources, but people do not ask anything out of them, nor they force changes, nor they expect them to get out of the way for them. Most people are even afraid to name them. This is because Whites are a slave race to do the 'humanitarian help' and the jew is the actual master who is just usurping all the benefits and has absolutely zero responsibility for anything.

So what it all boils down to is beings who do not want to accept any of the reality of what is going on, but whine this is the case of this reality. Basically they are not whining about reality, they are just whining about what the jew has taught them is reality to whine about. Plus, none of the people complaining about this so called 'reality' are even working to make anything different.

There are many blacks who wish for a normal white person who works 65 hours a week to die, but there aren't many blacks who have the guts to say that 5 jewish companies own and control all the worlds living supplication systems. And this is called cowardice. The same is the case of many others who just blame random concepts. There are many stupid feminists in Sweden that will whine for one more day about the 'rights of women' and will just inject people who are pedophiles into their country. There are people who have completely forgot how any working rights were earned by the blood of millions sacrificed, and just look idly when the jew requires people to study for 25 or 30 years for a job that hardly earns them the basics of life, and who consider this a 'reality' and comply with it without raising an eyebrow.

Maybe if all the above people cared for 1 year in total, they wouldn't be spending 30 years or a lifetime in this situation. For example, if all the planet did the RTR for 40 days, we would be absolved extremely quickly from all our problems related to spiritual exploitation. But people somehow consider harder or more 'trying' the duration of 1 year being woke up than sleeping 100 years in a nighmarish dream that for many is life.

Another reality of this world is poverty. This is simply because the majority of people do not develop any wealth. How many people do you know who took the stress, the effort, and the time, to develop about anything? Out of all these people, how many people who inherited things later, did respect it? How many people do want to baseline get a heart attack daily from stress, or overwork themselves, to generate any 'wealth'?

Most people just work because it's a must thing for survival, and if they could live for free, they would simply live for free. And of course this is how many people want to live, since, nobody wants to raise the burden of existence really. There are whole chunks of people in the west who simply exist by getting free labor coins of other people. This includes whole nations. And want to exterminate them on top of it.

Another thing is where many people complain about negative circumstances of life. The situation financially between Brazil and some places in Eastern Europe or Southern Europe is the same. People live in slum conditions. The poverty is still the same. If you do not have knowledge, intelligence, and work ethic, you will live the same anywhere you go.

Everyone whines about the situation in let's say in the US and Europe, but they do not want to do any of the existential lifting for it. Leave this to the stupid worthless Whitey to die for constitutions, freedom, and human rights, and stuff like that. We can just come in later and whine at them to be 'equal'. Then stupid whitey will take us all in, so we can exterminate them in unison with jews and get the products for free. After all bargains with the jews are always known to turn out honest...lol.

The jew has perverted Paganism and as a result all the natural understanding of people was lost. If two people have owned a goat each, they would understand how a goat is raised, and what it means to raise one. And they wouldn't wish for the goat of other to die, but rather, for it to be healthy and living. Now the jew just tells people if the goat of the neighbor dies (Whitey neighbor) you will have a million goats. So go kill his goat or something. But as to how this process of the million free goats will happen the jew does not explain anything. Because it won't happen.

Similar is the case where people wish for Europeans and many other to go extinct or their countries to go under. The situation is if you and your neighbor had a goat, and yours died as a result, your neighbor may have been kind enough to give you milk. But if you kill his goat, he will not be able to give you milk. Or if you go to kill his goat and the jew steals your own goat while you're out of the house doing what the jew said, you will also die. But many people do not even think of these things.

There were many cases where Whites had to risk the future of existence of their own country in order to generate something better for the living condition for the existence inside a country. Who has been historically willing to make a similar sacrifice? If a people in a country were asked, do you want 50% of the people to randomly die, for a GAMBLING CHANCE for better rights in the future, how many people would take this chance?

There is commonly the question where are things going to 'improve' for people and nations? The answer of this can only be given by the natural order of things. So long lions stay with eyes closed in the middle of hungry hyenas and holding a banner like 'solidarity between lions and hyenas cause god is love', are lazy as fuck, and do not accept the reality of this world, this world can only advance through coincidence or the labor of the very few, who do actually give a fuck, and have to raise the burden of the whole planet as a result.

This is why the Gods given us the RTR so we can raise weight that is otherwise impossible to fix and carry. This world has reached so far it cannot be saved by any conventional means at this point based on it's ignorance. And it advances slowly and by coincidence. Political power is also impossible to fix something directly either on its own, and any such better power requires spiritual pushing and protection, especially in this current century where all the interests of all humans on earth have become mixed up in one bowl.

The only changes that can happen are the changes humanity deserves. And from the standpoint of strict realism, humanity as a whole doesn't deserve even half of what it has. But regardless it appears the Gods are beneficiaries and too good to comply with this strict and violent natural realism, which is good for us, and for which they deserve respect. But guess what is going to happen 1 billion Muslims will still fall on their knees today and throw stones on Satan's idol again this year. This is needless to say an enraging and worthless situation, but as it appears, the Gods are too powerful to care about the negativity of the inferiors, and are only interested in development while showing lenience to a sick humanity that is controlled by a hebrew mind virus.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
A lot of places are poor despite the populace has to work up to seven days a week like in China they are assigned the place of work and they work 28 days a month straight for nothing. To the point they have suicide nets on their plants. The same in other nations the reason is the economic system is run by the IMF and other Globalist outfits that are simply stealing the wealth and resources of entire nations and then fostering regimes that allow them to do this. Libya paid the price for trying to end this system within Africa. Libya had a high standard of living because their Green Revolution.

The reason there is no desire for many people to work is because their wages are undercut by capitalist bosses, they are over taxed and over worked to exhaustion and thus demoralized. Who wants to work hard at their motivating career of Walmart.... They are wage serfs on the Neo-Liberal, globalist plantation state. When you work up to 13 hour days of manual labour for serf wage you start to understand the situation.

The other issue is the UBI is now a conversation because of the undercutting of wages and the drive to save on labour and make production more faster and efficient to compete in a global market. Automation is the now the future and this means entire industries that still remain are now in the process of automation. So how is a person supposed to live in a money based society with no chance of a job even at slave wages.... When a person realizes the capitalist class are thieves who steal the value of their labour and many just sit around all day from doing this the stock holders make millions a month off your labour when you make slave wage. UBI sounds more fair then having your life stolen off you by the capitalist machine. They print this money from nothing and then make money off manipulation of this to extreme criminal levels.

The issue with social psychology is people are not taught to think on the big picture so they are distracted by the rulers into small picture issues to confuse and mislead them. People are suffering from a life time of psychological abuse and economic abuse. What they require is education, motivation and organization. This is the job of the leadership of a paradigm change. People need a reason to live, act and struggle.
We are going to have to move society into a moneyless direction as the monetary system is a bad idea that is destorying everything on the planet. Its just a materialistic substitute to spiritual energy and will. One thing is the cities are going to have to be dismantled and people live in smaller communities with incentives to contribute as part of this. When its the food of your community and family your overseeing on automated style farming or the solar panel grid and such people will naturally work on this. This includes socialization where the desire of social altruism takes over and the self respect one gains from knowing they matter come in.

This will free people to do what they want in life. With a simple human based culture with spiritual practices and knowledge people's desire for spiritual expression and freedom will be the driving factor. My ancestors lived in a resource based society for half a million years maybe. And where fine.
HP Mageson666 said:
A lot of places are poor despite the populace has to work up to seven days a week like in China they are assigned the place of work and they work 28 days a month straight for nothing. To the point they have suicide nets on their plants. The same in other nations the reason is the economic system is run by the IMF and other Globalist outfits that are simply stealing the wealth and resources of entire nations and then fostering regimes that allow them to do this. Libya paid the price for trying to end this system within Africa. Libya had a high standard of living because their Green Revolution.

The reason there is no desire for many people to work is because their wages are undercut by capitalist bosses, they are over taxed and over worked to exhaustion and thus demoralized. They are wage serfs on the Neo-Liberal, globalist plantation state. When you work up to 13 hour days of manual labour for serf wage you start to understand the situation.

The other issue is the UBI is now a conversation because of the undercutting of wages and the drive to save on labour and make production more faster and efficient to compete in a global market. Automation is the now the future and this means entire industries that still remain are now in the process of automation. So how is a person supposed to live in a money based society with no chance of a job even at slave wages....

The issue with social psychology is people are not taught to think on the big picture so they are distracted by the rulers into small picture issues to confuse and mislead them. People are suffering from a life time of psychological abuse and economic abuse. What they require is education, motivation and organization. This is the job of the leadership of a paradigm change.

This whole automation thing will just distance the rich from the poor and basically make the rich independent from the labor (and free of the potential uprising) of the poor. But many times even here I have seen this thing being glorified as some sort of very good upcoming thing.

I do not see 8 billions of people living in a 'labor free society', other than being given some 'free money' in some post scarcity (and all knowing surveillance based) civilization. If that is the case then many dissidents and others will not survive, while the rest will be living as worthless ants on the feet of those in power.

8 or 10 and ever increasing amounts of people and a scarcity free civilization, with a healthy planet, and free gurbs for all, simply cannot happen. And not because it's impossible but simply because those in power do not want this.

The only reason the super rich have not exterminated the poor is simply because they are related and it's through their labor they can maintain their status. But as time goes and robots will replace humans then there will be no point for them to keep troublesome humans around.

If one studies the incomes of the states and how much they pay to debt collectors their jaw is going to drop. Literally more than 90% of the production of all states is going to jewish financial blackholes, while the rest of the 10% that remains is just kept around in jewish owned bank account such as the Rotshchild banks.

Whites are so entitled. Like, I do not know one white person who doesn't work 60 hours or more a week, to barely get by, almost unable to pay rent by the end of the month, in their own homelands where the blood of their ancestors filled the rocks for a better life.

Asians are even more entitled, just look in Asia and their work schedules as stated and you can see it. Meanwhile, many others who literally freeload on the mercy of others on that planet, are the 'supressed' ones.

I am willing to take on oppressed status and go to Harvard for free and without grades just because of the color of my skin guys. And 6500$ a month to raise 12 illegitimate babies like the other Muslim in London. Gibs me muh oppression.
That's what they want a caste system of haves and haves not. But the UBI allows the poor to have enough money to then give it back to the rich by spending it on their monopolized consumer industry. That is the finalization of the wheel of monopoly. Who is going to keep the rich, rich..... UBI.
HP Mageson666 said:
That's what they want a caste system of haves and haves not. But the UBI allows the poor to have enough money to then give it back to the rich by spending it on their monopolized consumer industry. That is the finalization of the wheel of monopoly. Who is going to keep the rich, rich..... UBI.

Just look at Zuckerberg talking about the UBI it's like his commander from the borg came to him and gave him a kiss onto his reptilian cyborg head.

The UBI and "Universal Basic Income" is a big scam. How they plan to bring this about is that humans will relinquish all their privacy, and through this, the data mining or new oil will be used to steer the wheels into the so called "automated and post scarcity" civilization.

Yes goyim rest reassured we will pay you whatever you need for your life, all 10 billions of you, and your 20 billions children. The Borg will be very charitable, so much, that it wants none of you to work and get tired. We will calculate this every year based on what the Borg needs. Then the Borg will give you 300 or 400 Borg Coins, enough for you to buy your molded bread so you can live as a data gathering point for the Borg. Since you won't be able to produce and work we will keep you alive as we see fit. And then we will send you to become soil to the earth. Welcome to the UBI. - Mark "Borg" Kikeberg

So basically we will already have the same society we have now but with UBI.
We would be better off with moldy bread then the trash people buy from Macdonalds.
HP Mageson666 said:
So basically we will already have the same society we have now but with UBI.

Based on the experiments they have done with the UBI in places like Finland they found out it actually helped some people get their stuff together and improvise with their time and do interesting things. But this wasn't always the case.

According to how the jews imagine the so called "UBI" it will just be digital coins for the hoards of goyim to cover their so called 'necessities', but what they will have to give for exchange will be their data, bio-metric and otherwise. They will have to share their data and privacy, so they can receive the UBI as some sort of 'universal basic income for survival'.

This is sort of like the scheme The Zucc Borg created on Facebook where it does mine all the data and spy on everyone to provide a seemingly 'free service' that by some huge coincidence where everything is 'free', has generated hundreds of billions for the Zucc and anyone else involved, without taking money from people. But just siphoning their data and selling it.

There will be no freebies so long this world exists, it's that simple. Another example is the lie we are moving to a cashless society but the bottom of it we are moving to a society that is the foundation of all that the creators of money imagined. We are just trans-versing the already existing monetary system into a digital one. There is no new system below it however same old usurious crap, just with the potential of the jews to create infinite amounts of deficits and wealth through digital keyboards.

The idea of the scarcity free civilization is based on two things, one that full relinquishing of privacy (because info and data will be equal to oil to have such an automated civilization running) and the other one in full unification of the planet. Europe doesn't have coal reserves, and in such a situation without 'money' couldn't get them either.
The financial situation of this planet is...

Scarcity only exists because the Jewish controllers want it to be such. They have created this scarcity to then control everything thought it. Its all artificial scarcity so they can maintain monopoly. Half the food created in America alone is thrown away on purpose so the corporations can then fix prices high.

Most of what you arguing is the fact Jews are criminal and will game any system to take control. It does not matter what system we have with Jews in it. However we are already moving to UBI and thats how it is. Italy is already considering this as part of their Nationalist elections. Thats the current future. People need to money live in this society.
An universal income would work best when the racial, spiritual and cultural situation is appropriate for it. When people use it for dedicating themselves to pursuits such as raising children - financial help to families has the same purpose, which works well in a racially homogeneous society with sound policies. Or pursuits such as the arts, spirituality or humanitarian endeavours (which should be renamed to "racial solidarity" and only used to help one's own people). It has to be something that serves the community or race in a way, even in a very indirect way.

When people will mostly use the universal income to watch netflix all day while the world is burning.. or even worse create more pisslamic spawns of pure evil, or make more gang warfare like they do in the USA.. It just doesn't work at this point it's only a way for jews to push further enslavement. Because the goyim masses will only revolt when you remove their bread. So keep giving them a bit of bread while they get borged with microchips... Anyway even with the population goyimified and the jews in control, and the universal income not being used well of course some people will use it well. But overall it's just another drain on the productive workers who are slaved by the jews. That's the main problem. For every SS that would use an universal income for self improvement and the betterment of the world, how many selfish, retarded and sometimes outright evil goyim that will only have a net negative impact of society.

There is already some forms of basic universal income in some countries such as in european socialist countries (think Nordic countries) it was working fine for them when people where aryan and hard working.. because it was mostly a safety net.
UBI is simply going to exist because that's the way the capitalist system is going. This is also a move towards more socialistic programs like healthcare and the such. The pragmatic reality of the situation is people need UBI and that's it. Unless you have the power to rebuild a new social and economic political system right now.

In the near future UBI is going to become a major platform for politicians and political parities. When millions of people are like to the government "Hey asshole C3PO stole my job" that is how it is.
HP Mageson666 said:
UBI is simply going to exist because that's the way the capitalist system is going. This is also a move towards more socialistic programs like healthcare and the such. The pragmatic reality of the situation is people need UBI and that's it. Unless you have the power to rebuild a new social and economic political system right now.

In the near future UBI is going to become a major platform for politicians and political parities. When millions of people are like to the government "Hey asshole C3PO stole my job" that is how it is.

The thing is all these ideas cannot be thought in the span of a racially clean, paradise place such as Norway, even the US, or Canada. The life and actual rationality on these places is a dream compared to what is going on in other nations. Giving these people benefits like that won't be posed with any issues.

But give UBI to two billions of Muslims and tell me how it goes. Now "Allah" provides us all the means to have 5 kids each to take the heathens down, finally.

Plus, the UBI theme is only a theme right now not because of human help (Welfare existed for centuries) but because of two things: A buildup of wealth nations can distributed based on marginal profit created by business and years of history.

You need to feed useless migrants who do nothing to contribute to your workforce. Nationalists now hate this as they call it parasitism, but when every honey's little life matters, all prisoners from Somalia can finally gain this money without any so called complaints, we are living in a new world. And you also need to feed some other guys who are called 'natives' and are going to be slowly removed from the working system and may potentially revolt.

Aka distribution of random money to random people, which could be used in other ways. And the second thing of the UBI is that it needs to exist simply because people will start getting the boot from the workforce because Capitalism is going to the final state of automation right now. So one has to feed the monkeys something to shut up.

Personally I know on Europe on electricity bills there is a forced tax where it goes to the migrants to give them their lovely UBI, but in another name. I am sure UBI in France and many other places will be such a dream, now the whole of Somalia can come there and get their UBI, because all human beings now matter.

The implementation of most of this away from an NS system or the very least a Nationalist system will just make all countries a toilet. Most people do not come to the West because of lack of freedom of movement and inability to exist within this system. Those who can, do come, and they get astronomical levels of welfare, at the expense of those that produce it.

The bullshit of 'distribute the riches of the rich so we can all be richer' has never worked anymore than just looting a computer store and stealing a play-station makes you an engineer. And all the money of socialist policies at this point is only possible because of the cutthroat levels of capitalism that have produced deficits for other countries and other people. Giving 98% of that to the jews and 2% as form of 'social policy'.

In Finland it worked well to help some people that were out of the workforce and needed to survive in order to develop some other way to live. But give UBI to India, and to many other countries, and let me know how it goes with the population, littering and such goes.
Politicians will simply just cry loud the UBI simply because it will win them elections given the majority of people and Abdullah's 5 children in London will be finally be able to live without doing any heavy lifting.

So Sadiq Khan will be crying about UBI a few years from now to become Prime Minister of The United Kingdom and to distribute the wealth of the English to foreigners as some part of the mighty UBI of "human rights".

I do not know how it is in every single country, but in some countries more than 40% of people lives below poverty level, and no provision was given to these people in most cases. But now suddenly when it is to break down the global economy and have the borg giving free money (which it stole from the production of nations anyway for centuries) everyone suddenly becomes so sensitized. And most people just look at the carrot not the hole in front of it.

Anyway I am against people dying from poverty and hunger as this is plain wrong, as stated we have the ability to keep everyone alive. And I'd be glad if we did have measures in place for Gentiles. But it will be filled with complications. Probably better complications than the things we have now by gathering corpses of hungry people from the streets so certainly better. UBI may also increase the productive power of the jews as simply the money from UBI will definitely also become Mac Donalds.

I have heard a lecture on the fact how Zuckerberg with the UBI wanted to get all people on the world to have a smartphone. With 100$ from each person's UBI, Zuckerberg would simply become the first trillionaire on the world. None of this happens because of good hearts of those at the top.

But as the longterm sustainability, oh boy, some real planning needs to go down. Already the welfare systems in the west put burdens on productive people, the universal UBI will have to have it's weight put on some non existent money supply (outside of the actual market as fiat currency) or on robots or automation or something.

AS for what Sinistra stated most people given UBI, they have done studies and none spent it on alcohol and cigarettes and stuff like that. But this was in Nordic predominant lands, so again, this doesn't mean anything about it being applied on the global world.

The buildup of wealth and pain and tears in many Western Nations is leading to automation, which could provide a life free of labor gradually for it's citizens. If the jews also are removed from wealth management and the infinite amounts they have amassed until now, then there would be serious potential of Robin Hood for UBI and other things like that. And then after that we would as always help others to attain this. But doing this UBI stuff in the mixed situation that exists today it will just further all the problems existing today with multiculturalism and all the like.

@Sinistra An universal income would work best when the racial, spiritual and cultural situation is appropriate for it.

Totally yes.
Sinistra said:
When people will mostly use the universal income to watch netflix all day while the world is burning.. or even worse create more pisslamic spawns of pure evil, or make more gang warfare like they do in the USA.. It just doesn't work at this point it's only a way for jews to push further enslavement. Because the goyim masses will only revolt when you remove their bread. So keep giving them a bit of bread while they get borged with microchips... Anyway even with the population goyimified and the jews in control, and the universal income not being used well of course some people will use it well. But overall it's just another drain on the productive workers who are slaved by the jews. That's the main problem. For every SS that would use an universal income for self improvement and the betterment of the world, how many selfish, retarded and sometimes outright evil goyim that will only have a net negative impact of society.

As you understand very clearly on all these conversations people are thinking of the positive.

Some Swedish guy is thinking "oh, let's give everyone free money so they can be off the struggle to survive". unconsciously thinking of how it would have been for his own people that think like him, while some recently released prison migrant inmate next block is just going after yet another kid to rape. I guess let's give him free money so he can get get MacDonalds after the act.

Revolt under the UBI system will be simply impossible as those in power can use it as an excuse to kick you out of the reception of UBI. Sort of like how many Nationalists and Republicans are de-platformed aka financially restricted merely for their beliefs.

This is the second level of ruining of attack to ruin someone, with the 3rd level being assassination, kidnapping, and other things like that. The first level of social outcry but many people actually support Nationalists so media guilt tripping is not working.

Then after UBI I think the next step will be everyone will simply out of the blue will just keep demanding more and more. Like migrants entering Europe, they go to Serbia but they don't like it here as the pay is extremely low. So they want to go Muh Germany to get strong gurbs there.

But the Swedish guy just thinks what is going to happen from UBI will be just his people not dying and based on himself and his own constitution, they will want to give back to society, or develop something better. But this is not the case many people do not have this ethic embed in them. The reality is that Sweden will be a 3rd world country in 15 or 20 years and that the only way to stop this is to stop feeding the mouths that want to kill you. But Muh Christianity and Muh Whitey Hopefullness just get in place.

It's like a grandma somewhere in Sweden is like stuck in her home from the crime rates and she is just religiously believing in multiculturalism because of the good nature of people. Must be because of the good nature of people she cannot go out because she may get raped or ransacked. But this good nature is not there and uhm...it's not there. But well all people are goodie goodie.

Whites just keep making these beautiful things in a world where more than half the inhabitants simply DGAF about these and will just benefit in order to further dumb behavior anyway.
Your arguing the negative aspects of UBI without actually addressing the larger underlying picture of the why its happening. Hence thus how to stop such from happening. Which would take a major labour protest movement that has the power to exert political influence on the political sphere to force them to pass laws against automation. However this would occur within the globalized economy so what would then happen is what is already happening..... Individual nations that would offer automation to corporations and general investors would then open the market for the major corporations to move their manufacturing to those nations and save millions of dollars in production labour costs. And flood the market with enough to out compete those who don't use automation. That is why the Unions have lost all power. The manufacturing just moves to another nation like China. So we have already gone thought this type of failure. The best one might be able to do is force localized industries that are required like trucking to not be over taken by automation and service sector industries. However the business class runs the political class so they would just throw enough money at the political class to out buy the labour movements.

We have just reached the point in which the contractions in the free market capitalism have reached the singularity.

Hoodedcobra666 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
UBI is simply going to exist because that's the way the capitalist system is going. This is also a move towards more socialistic programs like healthcare and the such. The pragmatic reality of the situation is people need UBI and that's it. Unless you have the power to rebuild a new social and economic political system right now.

In the near future UBI is going to become a major platform for politicians and political parities. When millions of people are like to the government "Hey asshole C3PO stole my job" that is how it is.

The thing is all these ideas cannot be thought in the span of a racially clean, paradise place such as Norway, even the US, or Canada. The life and actual rationality on these places is a dream compared to what is going on in other nations. Giving these people benefits like that won't be posed with any issues.

But give UBI to two billions of Muslims and tell me how it goes. Now "Allah" provides us all the means to have 5 kids each to take the heathens down, finally.

Plus, the UBI theme is only a theme right now not because of human help (Welfare existed for centuries) but because of two things: A buildup of wealth nations can distributed based on marginal profit created by business and years of history.

You need to feed useless migrants who do nothing to contribute to your workforce. Nationalists now hate this as they call it parasitism, but when every honey's little life matters, all prisoners from Somalia can finally gain this money without any so called complaints, we are living in a new world. And you also need to feed some other guys who are called 'natives' and are going to be slowly removed from the working system and may potentially revolt.

Aka distribution of random money to random people, which could be used in other ways. And the second thing of the UBI is that it needs to exist simply because people will start getting the boot from the workforce because Capitalism is going to the final state of automation right now. So one has to feed the monkeys something to shut up.

Personally I know on Europe on electricity bills there is a forced tax where it goes to the migrants to give them their lovely UBI, but in another name. I am sure UBI in France and many other places will be such a dream, now the whole of Somalia can come there and get their UBI, because all human beings now matter.

The implementation of most of this away from an NS system or the very least a Nationalist system will just make all countries a toilet. Most people do not come to the West because of lack of freedom of movement and inability to exist within this system. Those who can, do come, and they get astronomical levels of welfare, at the expense of those that produce it.

The bullshit of 'distribute the riches of the rich so we can all be richer' has never worked anymore than just looting a computer store and stealing a play-station makes you an engineer. And all the money of socialist policies at this point is only possible because of the cutthroat levels of capitalism that have produced deficits for other countries and other people. Giving 98% of that to the jews and 2% as form of 'social policy'.

In Finland it worked well to help some people that were out of the workforce and needed to survive in order to develop some other way to live. But give UBI to India, and to many other countries, and let me know how it goes with the population, littering and such goes.
From my quoted reply:

"And the second thing of the UBI is that it needs to exist simply because people will start getting the boot from the workforce because Capitalism is going to the final state of automation right now."

Unions have lost all power part of why you mention part because only kikes run them since the before Hitler's time and after them. Hitler liberated the unions so the voice of workers could be heard.

As to unions I haven't seen any operating unions not lead or controlled by jews unless in Nazi Germany and a couple other examples. So their power is non existent where as stated there isn't industry, there aren't unions, and there is no advocacy for working rights. And the gov and banker class simply loves to hear it will just ATM's to do the work since they had NPC's before this anyway.

Not sure how it was back then in America with unions but in Europe the situation was really bad.

HP Mageson666 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Your arguing the negative aspects of UBI without actually addressing the larger underlying picture of the why its happening. Hence thus how to stop such from happening. Which would take a major labour protest movement that has the power to exert political influence on the political sphere to force them to pass laws against automation. However this would occur within the globalized economy so what would then happen is what is already happening..... Individual nations that would offer automation to corporations and general investors would then open the market for the major corporations to move their manufacturing to those nations and save millions of dollars in production labour costs. And flood the market with enough to out compete those who don't use automation. That is why the Unions have lost all power. The manufacturing just moves to another nation like China. So we have already gone thought this type of failure. The best one might be able to do is force localized industries that are required like trucking to not be over taken by automation and service sector industries. However the business class runs the political class so they would just throw enough money at the political class to out buy the labour movements.

We have just reached the point in which the contractions in the free market capitalism have reached the singularity.

Hoodedcobra666 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
UBI is simply going to exist because that's the way the capitalist system is going. This is also a move towards more socialistic programs like healthcare and the such. The pragmatic reality of the situation is people need UBI and that's it. Unless you have the power to rebuild a new social and economic political system right now.

In the near future UBI is going to become a major platform for politicians and political parities. When millions of people are like to the government "Hey asshole C3PO stole my job" that is how it is.

The thing is all these ideas cannot be thought in the span of a racially clean, paradise place such as Norway, even the US, or Canada. The life and actual rationality on these places is a dream compared to what is going on in other nations. Giving these people benefits like that won't be posed with any issues.

But give UBI to two billions of Muslims and tell me how it goes. Now "Allah" provides us all the means to have 5 kids each to take the heathens down, finally.

Plus, the UBI theme is only a theme right now not because of human help (Welfare existed for centuries) but because of two things: A buildup of wealth nations can distributed based on marginal profit created by business and years of history.

You need to feed useless migrants who do nothing to contribute to your workforce. Nationalists now hate this as they call it parasitism, but when every honey's little life matters, all prisoners from Somalia can finally gain this money without any so called complaints, we are living in a new world. And you also need to feed some other guys who are called 'natives' and are going to be slowly removed from the working system and may potentially revolt.

Aka distribution of random money to random people, which could be used in other ways. And the second thing of the UBI is that it needs to exist simply because people will start getting the boot from the workforce because Capitalism is going to the final state of automation right now. So one has to feed the monkeys something to shut up.

Personally I know on Europe on electricity bills there is a forced tax where it goes to the migrants to give them their lovely UBI, but in another name. I am sure UBI in France and many other places will be such a dream, now the whole of Somalia can come there and get their UBI, because all human beings now matter.

The implementation of most of this away from an NS system or the very least a Nationalist system will just make all countries a toilet. Most people do not come to the West because of lack of freedom of movement and inability to exist within this system. Those who can, do come, and they get astronomical levels of welfare, at the expense of those that produce it.

The bullshit of 'distribute the riches of the rich so we can all be richer' has never worked anymore than just looting a computer store and stealing a play-station makes you an engineer. And all the money of socialist policies at this point is only possible because of the cutthroat levels of capitalism that have produced deficits for other countries and other people. Giving 98% of that to the jews and 2% as form of 'social policy'.

In Finland it worked well to help some people that were out of the workforce and needed to survive in order to develop some other way to live. But give UBI to India, and to many other countries, and let me know how it goes with the population, littering and such goes.

In the USA the white working class is more racially conscious. The libtards come mostly from middle to upper classes from states that are either almost fully white or that are jewed heavily like jew york or california. Even if unions lost real power the white productive and working class can't be bullshitted that easily this showed with Trump election. In Europe there is much more disconnection between unions/workers rights movements/working class and racial consciousness. The rising xtian nationalist goyim types are simply a basic reaction to seeing jews pulling extreme multiculturalism garbage and rapefugee epidemic. They don't have any real economic and social plan or understanding. Most are deep into muh zionism and xtian heritage.. Worker unions in Europe are all communists or social-democrats leaning towards communism. The old school types not the SJW types of course. Typically the only thing unions do in Europe is endoctrinate workers slowly towards communist thinking patterns and slow down the progress of savage capitalist exploitation. Only slow down because the wages get "preserved" or "less reduced" and the loss of jobs via delocalisation is "slowed". Nothing gets actually better anymore it just gets worse and worse. It's always" workers vs employers" narrative. Which the latter ones reinforce as well there is zero willingness to provide better living conditions for workers out of solidarity and interest for the community. In many cases for small time employers it wouldn't even be possible because the taxation is crushing on small employers and the jews just parasite all the wealth. How will a massive workers movements even appear in these conditions. The unions are just slow boiling the workers like frogs hand in hand with the executives class... who are working as high pay high status slaves of the jews. Like shabbos goyim overseers of other goyim. While the nationalist types are mostly zionist usuful idiots with no racial consciousness. It's not a coincidence Le Pen like shills are the ones getting traction in Europe. It's because people are still brainwashed deeply. There is no jew naming at all and no big picture understanding at all both in the worker movements and the so called nationalist movements. Jews have also provided gatekeepers and completely locked the waking up goyim into pro zionist or mildly anti zionist (and still let the jews do whatever they want..)
People being overwhelmingly individualists with a complete lack of wisdom and long range vision and being mentally crushed and defeated by capitalist exploitation at this point, will just accept the UBI without thinking further (seeing it as either a relief or some sort of social solidarity for muh human rights), and this will dull them more to accept sinking employement and economic conditions. And then it's a direct road into JewSSR. Even with demographics itself.. The non aryan and pisslamist invaders are breeding like a pest and will just be too happy to enjoy extra free money and serve as dutiful idiot goyim to enforce sharia/JewSSR.
Without racial consciousness and jew naming it will all end up in a JewSSR. What good is "preserving" the life of goyim (even be they racially aryan) with an UBI if it leads to a JewSSR. It wouldn't even matter why UBI happens in that case.
And that is the issue that is where the deep context of the conversation needs to focus instead of the negatives of UBI with a quick mention of automation thrown in. The underlying psychology of why automation is doing this connects to the entire underlying structuralism of the global monetary system.

Hoodedcobra666 said:
From my quoted reply:

"And the second thing of the UBI is that it needs to exist simply because people will start getting the boot from the workforce because Capitalism is going to the final state of automation right now."
Hoodedcobra666 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
That's what they want a caste system of haves and haves not. But the UBI allows the poor to have enough money to then give it back to the rich by spending it on their monopolized consumer industry. That is the finalization of the wheel of monopoly. Who is going to keep the rich, rich..... UBI.

Just look at Zuckerberg talking about the UBI it's like his commander from the borg came to him and gave him a kiss onto his reptilian cyborg head.

The UBI and "Universal Basic Income" is a big scam. How they plan to bring this about is that humans will relinquish all their privacy, and through this, the data mining or new oil will be used to steer the wheels into the so called "automated and post scarcity" civilization.

Yes goyim rest reassured we will pay you whatever you need for your life, all 10 billions of you, and your 20 billions children. The Borg will be very charitable, so much, that it wants none of you to work and get tired. We will calculate this every year based on what the Borg needs. Then the Borg will give you 300 or 400 Borg Coins, enough for you to buy your molded bread so you can live as a data gathering point for the Borg. Since you won't be able to produce and work we will keep you alive as we see fit. And then we will send you to become soil to the earth. Welcome to the UBI. - Mark "Borg" Kikeberg


Resistance is not futile prepare to adapt to ''service'' us! ''and stop assimilating our stuff'' Seriously though, Hail Satanama! Hail Father!
HP Mageson666 said:
A lot of places are poor despite the populace has to work up to seven days a week like in China they are assigned the place of work and they work 28 days a month straight for nothing. To the point they have suicide nets on their plants. The same in other nations the reason is the economic system is run by the IMF and other Globalist outfits that are simply stealing the wealth and resources of entire nations and then fostering regimes that allow them to do this. Libya paid the price for trying to end this system within Africa. Libya had a high standard of living because their Green Revolution.

The reason there is no desire for many people to work is because their wages are undercut by capitalist bosses, they are over taxed and over worked to exhaustion and thus demoralized. Who wants to work hard at their motivating career of Walmart.... They are wage serfs on the Neo-Liberal, globalist plantation state. When you work up to 13 hour days of manual labour for serf wage you start to understand the situation.

The other issue is the UBI is now a conversation because of the undercutting of wages and the drive to save on labour and make production more faster and efficient to compete in a global market. Automation is the now the future and this means entire industries that still remain are now in the process of automation. So how is a person supposed to live in a money based society with no chance of a job even at slave wages.... When a person realizes the capitalist class are thieves who steal the value of their labour and many just sit around all day from doing this the stock holders make millions a month off your labour when you make slave wage. UBI sounds more fair then having your life stolen off you by the capitalist machine. They print this money from nothing and then make money off manipulation of this to extreme criminal levels.

The issue with social psychology is people are not taught to think on the big picture so they are distracted by the rulers into small picture issues to confuse and mislead them. People are suffering from a life time of psychological abuse and economic abuse. What they require is education, motivation and organization. This is the job of the leadership of a paradigm change. People need a reason to live, act and struggle.

The Gentile System Vs The Jew System
HP Mageson666 said:
And that is the issue that is where the deep context of the conversation needs to focus instead of the negatives of UBI with a quick mention of automation thrown in. The underlying psychology of why automation is doing this connects to the entire underlying structuralism of the global monetary system.

Hoodedcobra666 said:
From my quoted reply:

"And the second thing of the UBI is that it needs to exist simply because people will start getting the boot from the workforce because Capitalism is going to the final state of automation right now."

In other words, despite not being allowed to be against the holocaust in public, these things should be put to the open.
Even someone that can not name the real threat but knows what is going on - sort of - is of more use than someone that doesn't know anything at all.

By the way, very interesting thread. Like reading it.
The largest asset management company, BlackRock, is headed by the reptilian-looking (((Laurence Fink))). It's no surprise that so many people don't have enough to eat when so much is run by openly Saturn-obsessed Jews.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
If one pays close attention to the animal kingdom, the only animal that is stupid enough to complain, is the human.

Awesome sermon with very important points but next time I think we should not say that human is also an animal because it's not really true. As we know the jews call humans "animals".
I understand when we use the term "goyim" in ironical way but sorry, it annoys me when I read such statements that human is also an animal and part of animal kingdom...
There was a poem that we learnt back at school many moons ago that struck me.

So you can imagine the bow of a ship here:

"Self Pity.....

I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself.

A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bow...

Without ever having felt sorry for itself."

I made sure to remember that and I have often thought of it over the years.

Now I'm not one to feel sorry for myself and I think it's strange how some people will go into hypnosis with their selfishness.

Now I am selfish myself.

But I am selfish because I need to look after myself and need to focus on my RTR and Spirituality. Important things as far as I'm concerned.

However others just complain because they have nothing else to talk about. And they're self absorbed for the sake of being the centre of their own universe. So people's complaining is usually just useless selfishness.

I've been thinking of Anton Szandor LaVey and his misanthropy.

Sadly because I feel like I'm busy with work and then am busy with my stuff here. I feel misanthropic as well to some of these people that don't work but are just negative complaining useless drones.

I just don't have the time or energy to hang around and socialise with people. Especially those around here that don't work.

And because I feel many people are just complaining nosy parkers. I'm thinking the disparity between those without and us creates a clash.

It's true that I cannot open up and point out what's really going on or directly point out the jews. And that leaves me frustrated at people's useless moaning and it bores me.

I've been getting back into the swing of meditating.

I think I'm looking better and I feel more energetic and happy.

And because I'm more aware of my minds movements at the moment.

When I notice people are just being negative and moaning for moaning sake. I feel a stress reaction and an energy drain from me.

It's good to be involved in making useful use of my free time. And making a difference instead of just uselessly moaning.

And when a person meditates it improves your life in that things miraculously start working out for the better and in your favour.


"I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself......"

And keep up with the good work guys. Others seem to like to just complain for complaining sake.

We here are doing something about it.
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
If one pays close attention to the animal kingdom, the only animal that is stupid enough to complain, is the human.

Awesome sermon with very important points but next time I think we should not say that human is also an animal because it's not really true. As we know the jews call humans "animals".
I understand when we use the term "goyim" in ironical way but sorry, it annoys me when I read such statements that human is also an animal and part of animal kingdom...

I have replied to your thread in my latest sermon.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
