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What are they doing to him now? What is he suffering?....
I want to know what the promised justice will look like.
Please give some details rather than a general answer.
What are they doing to him now? What is he suffering?....
Dünİsrail'in babalarından ve tam bir Siyonist olan Jacob Rothschild bugün hayatını kaybetti.
Basında ölümü haber verebilecek kadar ileri gidiyorlar ama elbette nerede olduğu, kime hizmet ettiği gibi pek çok unsuru dışarıda bırakıyorlar. Elbette, onun kişiliği hakkında, Yahudilerin gerçekte nasıl olduklarına dair gerçekleri bilmeyenlerin çoğu, her türlü teoriyi uyduruyor.
Bu teoriler, Yahudilerin omurgalarından biri olan ve Şeytan'a saldırma kültürünü inşa eden bu canlının aslında "Satanist" olduğu ve benzeri saçmalıkları içeriyor. Gerçekte, bugün gezegende Şeytan karşıtı büyük bir gücün ölümü yaşandı.
Aslında o, Şeytan'ın ve Tanrıların en ateşli düşmanlarından biriydi ve "Goyim" [Yahudi olmayanlar] Milletleri üzerinde güçlü bir şekilde kurulmuş mali bir tuhaflık vardı.
Elbette onun soykırımcı İsrail devletine katılımı ya da ailesinin 1. ve 2. Dünya Savaşı'nın arkasında nasıl olduğu hakkında yazmayacaklar. Sadece bu "Hayırsever" hakkında yazacaklar. Zaten Yahudilerin insan olarak kabul ettiği tek kişi söz konusu olduğunda, kendisi oldukça "Hayırsever"di: Kendileri. O zaman dünya, mali çöküşlerin, Yahudi olmayanların zenginliklerinin ilhak edilmesinin veya savaşların ve ıssızlığın arkasında olan ve ipleri elinde tutan bu "Büyük Hayırsever"in bu büyük "kaybına" bir şekilde ağıt yakmalıdır.
Lord Jacob Rothschild: Financier dies aged 87
In a statement on Monday, his family called Lord Rothschild "a towering presence in many peoples' lives".www.bbc.com
Geçen yılın Sunday Times Zenginler Listesi'ne göre Rothschild ailesinin tahmini serveti yaklaşık 825 milyon £'dur.
Lord Rothschild, "müthiş başarılı bir finansçı, sanat ve kültürün savunucusu, sadık bir kamu görevlisi, İsrail ve Yahudi kültüründeki hayırseverlik amaçlarının tutkulu bir destekçisi, keskin bir çevreci ve çok sevilen bir arkadaş, baba ve büyükbaba" olarak tanımlandı. ailesi tarafından yapılan açıklamada.
Lord Rothschild ayrıca BSkyB Television'da başkan yardımcılığı, şu anda BHF Kleinwort Benson Group olarak bilinen RHJ International'ın direktörlüğü gibi görevlerde bulundu ve o zamanki Galler Prensi için Cornwall Dükalığı konseyinin bir üyesiydi.
Rothschild ailesine taziyelerini ileten Sir Tony Blair, arkadaşını çok özleyeceğini söyledi.
"Elbette Britanya'nın Yahudi cemaatinde önemli bir şahsiyetti, ancak sanat ve çevre de dahil olmak üzere büyük amaçlara verdiği destek ve Orta Doğu'da barışı ilerletmek için yaptığı yorulmak bilmeyen çalışmasıyla etkisi küreseldi."
İsrail, Tanrıları ve Kadim kültürleri yok etmeye "adanmış", onları "Düşman" olarak damgalamış bir Millettir. Eski ve Yeni Ahit kitaplarında, kültürlerinin Yahudi olmayan insanların öldürülmesi ve vurgunculuğundan nasıl doğduğunu canlı bir şekilde gururla anlatıyorlar. Batı hâlâ bunu görmemiş gibi davranıyor.
Bu yazıyı genel bir hatırlatma olarak yazıyorum. Bu onun, Şeytan'ın "Şeytan Lejyonlarını Çağırıyor" adlı tablosunun önünde kibirli bir şekilde durduğu resimdir. Şeytan gerçekten de bu Lejyonları çağıracak.
Klasik tablonun önünde kendini bir çeşit ölümsüz gibi gösterirken, sanki şeytan ona öfkeyle bakıyormuş gibi.
İbranice'de "Şeytan", "Düşman" ve düşman anlamına gelir. Bu düşmanı kendilerine seçtiler; haklısın.
Bu fotoğrafta, önünde poz verecek kadar ileri giderek "düşmanını" yendiğine inanıyordu. Bugün de kendi türünden pek çok kişi, ne yaparlarsa yapsınlar, kendileri için kıyamet gününün asla gelmeyeceğini düşünmektedir. Ancak Yakup için bu geldi ve o artık, diğer tüm uluslara karşı işlenen soykırımların, nefretin ve kötülüğün ülkesi olan "İsrail"i ilerletmek için bu tür bir güce sahip olduğu bu dünyada değil.
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Birçoğu şu boş hayallerin hepsine inanıyor: Ölümsüz olduklarına, durdurulamayacak kadar güçlü olduklarına ya da ne yaparlarsa yapsınlar asla düşemeyeceklerine. Gerçek ise onlara bunun aksini kanıtlamak için geldi. Jacob şu anda resimdeki varlığı görmeyi beklediği diğer boyutta yaşıyor.
Elbette İsrail bu çok eski kuşatmayı sürdürüyor, kendisini dokunulmaz ve bunu sürdürmeye "görevlendirilmiş" olarak görüyor. Onların sonu nasıl olacak? Bütün bunlar kendilerini seçtikleri hedefe, harabeye götürecektir.
Bugün, insanlığın Jacob Rothschild'in ölümünü bir mesaj olarak alabileceği tarihi bir gün: Bu varlıkların mali ve genel hakimiyeti sona erecek. Bu resimdeki Varlığı kızdırmamak en iyisi olacaktır; ve ben olmak derken Rothschild'i veya kesik Keçi başlarıyla poz vererek Tanrılarla alay eden diğer fahişeyi kastetmiyorum [Keçi Şeytan'ın simgesidir, küfürdür]. Zamanı gelecek ve büyük orakçı herkesi ziyaret edecek.
Bildiğimiz kadarıyla sıradaki isim Soros olabilir; her şey düşünüldüğünde, ödeme günü her zaman gelir.
Günümüzün yanlış inançları zamanın döngüsünü tutamaz... Yeryüzündeki en güçlü kişi olan Yakup, artık Yahudi etkisinden daha özgür bırakarak insanlığın geri kalanına Yahudi elini sallıyor.
-Yüksek Rahip Kapüşonlu Kobra 666
Jacob Rothschild, one of the fathers of Israel and a total Zionist, has perished today.
In the press they go as far as they can report the death but they of course leave many elements out, such as where he was or who he served. Of course, around his personality, many of those who don't know the facts about how jews really are, are making all sorts of theories up.
These theories involve that this creature which has been one of the backbones of the jews, who have built the culture of attacking Satan [later to be made in Christianity and Islam], that they are actually "Satanists" and all that nonsense. In reality, today there has been the death of a major anti-Satanic force on the face of the planet.
Actually, he was one of the most ardent enemies of Satan and the Gods, with a financial strangehold strongly established on the Nations of the "Goyim" [Gentiles].
They will not write of course about his involvement in the genocidal state of Israel, or how his family was behind WW1 and WW2. They will just write about this "Philanthropist". He was very "Philanthropic" when it comes to the only people jews consider human in anyway: Themselves. Then the world has to somehow lament for this great "loss", of this "Great Philanthropist" that has been behind financial crashes, annexation of the wealth of the Gentiles, or wars and desolation, pulling the strings.
Lord Jacob Rothschild: Financier dies aged 87
In a statement on Monday, his family called Lord Rothschild "a towering presence in many peoples' lives".www.bbc.com
The Rothschild family has an estimated fortune of about £825m, according to last year's Sunday Times Rich List.
Lord Rothschild was described as "a superbly accomplished financier, a champion of the arts and culture, a devoted public servant, a passionate supporter of charitable causes in Israel and Jewish culture, a keen environmentalist and much-loved friend, father and grandfather," in a statement released by his family.
Lord Rothschild also held roles including deputy chairman at BSkyB Television, director of RHJ International, now known as BHF Kleinwort Benson Group, and was a member of the council for the Duchy of Cornwall for the then-Prince of Wales.
Sending his condolences to the Rothschild family, Sir Tony Blair said he would miss his friend immensely.
"He was of course a towering figure in Britain's Jewish community but his impact was global in his support for great causes, including in the arts and the environment, and in his tireless work to advance peace in the Middle East."
Israel, is a Nation that has "Dedicated itself" to eradicating the Gods and the Ancient cultures, branding them as "Adversaries". In their books of the Old and New Testament, they vividly explain how their culture arose out of the murder and profiteering of non-jewish people, proudly. The West is still pretending they aren't seeing it.
I write this post as a general reminder. This is a picture of him arrogantly standing in front of Satan's painting, called "Satan summons his Legions". Satan is indeed going to summon these Legions.
It's as if Satan looks at him angrily, while he poses himself as some sort of immortal in front of the classical painting.
In Hebrew, "Satan" means "Adversary" and enemy. They picked this enemy for themselves; fair enough.
He believed he conquered his "enemy" in this picture, going as far as to pose in front of it. Many of his own kind also think today that no matter what they do, the day of judgement will never arrive for them. But for Jacob it has arrived, and he is no longer in this world where he held this type of power to further "Israel", the Nation of genocides, hate and evil committed against all other Nations.
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Many of them believe all of the following pipe-dreams: that they are immortal, too powerful to be stopped, or that they can never fall, no matter what they do. Reality came to prove them otherwise. Jacob is now residing on the other dimension where he likely is expecting to see the being on the picture.
Of course, Israel is continuing this very old siege, considering themselves immune and "ordained" to keep doing so. How is to going to end for them? All this will lead to the destination of their choosing, into ruins.
Today marks a historical day, where humanity can take the death of Jacob Rothschild as a message: The financial and general domination of these beings will come to an end. It would be best to not anger the Being in this picture; and by being I don't mean Rothschild or the other hoe that does mockery to the Gods by posing with severed Goats heads [Goat is a symbol for Satan, a blasphemy]. The time will come and the greater reaper will visit everyone.
Soros could be next for all we know; all things considered, day for payment always arrives.
False convictions of the present can't hold the cycle of time... Jacob, their most powerful person on earth, is now waving his jewish hand farewell to the rest of humanity, leaving it more free from jewish influence.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
A bunch of wannabe posers these Rothshields are, Baroness Philippine De Rothschild being among the worst ones. Just look at how she appeared wearing baphomet depicting neck jewelry for everyone to see, while laughing at their faces.
Pretty odd indeed. On the other side, there is no thing that can not be obtained in exchange for money. Even clowns can wear a kings robe.
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who's that?? is he famous huh?? why i never hear about him in my country what i know man was famous now biden,putin,xi jin ping and elon musk.
good la if he gone becoz he jewish...
Great news.
I have a question, though:
Are the Rothschilds themselves Rabbis? If so, do they curse people as well?
I just happened to be thinking of this thing/creature recently, for some reason. And sure enough, I heard the news!
It seems more and more that their empire is crumbling to pieces. As HP HoodedCobra has mentioned, many people were not even aware of him until now. So with this being in the media, people may be a step closer to finally waking up.
I feel like there will be many more positive developments for us in the near future. I feel very happy and optimistic, right now.
What exactly awaits his soul?
Will he suffer forever, or will his soul be completely destroyed?
Hey man. He is probably suffering suffering now.What are they doing to him now? What is he suffering?
I want to know what the promised justice will look like.
Please give some details rather than a general answer.
That’s good news! If his soul continues after death, and is escorted back to the afterlife with our Gods, how come they keep reincarnating back to the same soul group. Is it part of the karma? And they don’t have a choice to reincarnate back to a better family?Jacob Rothschild, one of the fathers of Israel and a total Zionist, has perished today.
In the press they go as far as they can report the death but they of course leave many elements out, such as where he was or who he served. Of course, around his personality, many of those who don't know the facts about how jews really are, are making all sorts of theories up.
These theories involve that this creature which has been one of the backbones of the jews, who have built the culture of attacking Satan [later to be made in Christianity and Islam], that they are actually "Satanists" and all that nonsense. In reality, today there has been the death of a major anti-Satanic force on the face of the planet.
Actually, he was one of the most ardent enemies of Satan and the Gods, with a financial strangehold strongly established on the Nations of the "Goyim" [Gentiles].
They will not write of course about his involvement in the genocidal state of Israel, or how his family was behind WW1 and WW2. They will just write about this "Philanthropist". He was very "Philanthropic" when it comes to the only people jews consider human in anyway: Themselves. Then the world has to somehow lament for this great "loss", of this "Great Philanthropist" that has been behind financial crashes, annexation of the wealth of the Gentiles, or wars and desolation, pulling the strings.
Lord Jacob Rothschild: Financier dies aged 87
In a statement on Monday, his family called Lord Rothschild "a towering presence in many peoples' lives".www.bbc.com
The Rothschild family has an estimated fortune of about £825m, according to last year's Sunday Times Rich List.
Lord Rothschild was described as "a superbly accomplished financier, a champion of the arts and culture, a devoted public servant, a passionate supporter of charitable causes in Israel and Jewish culture, a keen environmentalist and much-loved friend, father and grandfather," in a statement released by his family.
Lord Rothschild also held roles including deputy chairman at BSkyB Television, director of RHJ International, now known as BHF Kleinwort Benson Group, and was a member of the council for the Duchy of Cornwall for the then-Prince of Wales.
Sending his condolences to the Rothschild family, Sir Tony Blair said he would miss his friend immensely.
"He was of course a towering figure in Britain's Jewish community but his impact was global in his support for great causes, including in the arts and the environment, and in his tireless work to advance peace in the Middle East."
Israel, is a Nation that has "Dedicated itself" to eradicating the Gods and the Ancient cultures, branding them as "Adversaries". In their books of the Old and New Testament, they vividly explain how their culture arose out of the murder and profiteering of non-jewish people, proudly. The West is still pretending they aren't seeing it.
I write this post as a general reminder. This is a picture of him arrogantly standing in front of Satan's painting, called "Satan summons his Legions". Satan is indeed going to summon these Legions.
It's as if Satan looks at him angrily, while he poses himself as some sort of immortal in front of the classical painting.
In Hebrew, "Satan" means "Adversary" and enemy. They picked this enemy for themselves; fair enough.
He believed he conquered his "enemy" in this picture, going as far as to pose in front of it. Many of his own kind also think today that no matter what they do, the day of judgement will never arrive for them. But for Jacob it has arrived, and he is no longer in this world where he held this type of power to further "Israel", the Nation of genocides, hate and evil committed against all other Nations.
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Many of them believe all of the following pipe-dreams: that they are immortal, too powerful to be stopped, or that they can never fall, no matter what they do. Reality came to prove them otherwise. Jacob is now residing on the other dimension where he likely is expecting to see the being on the picture.
Of course, Israel is continuing this very old siege, considering themselves immune and "ordained" to keep doing so. How is to going to end for them? All this will lead to the destination of their choosing, into ruins.
Today marks a historical day, where humanity can take the death of Jacob Rothschild as a message: The financial and general domination of these beings will come to an end. It would be best to not anger the Being in this picture; and by being I don't mean Rothschild or the other hoe that does mockery to the Gods by posing with severed Goats heads [Goat is a symbol for Satan, a blasphemy]. The time will come and the greater reaper will visit everyone.
Soros could be next for all we know; all things considered, day for payment always arrives.
False convictions of the present can't hold the cycle of time... Jacob, their most powerful person on earth, is now waving his jewish hand farewell to the rest of humanity, leaving it more free from jewish influence.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank Gods, May this kike piece of shit have it's soul destroyed and if not, then may he suffer through every torment the God's can put him through. He like the other Rockefellars, Buiderburgs, and Soro's kikes have ruined life for so many people of the God's on a mass scale, may his bones be knawed on by rabid dogs.Jacob Rothschild, one of the fathers of Israel and a total Zionist, has perished today.
In the press they go as far as they can report the death but they of course leave many elements out, such as where he was or who he served. Of course, around his personality, many of those who don't know the facts about how jews really are, are making all sorts of theories up.
These theories involve that this creature which has been one of the backbones of the jews, who have built the culture of attacking Satan [later to be made in Christianity and Islam], that they are actually "Satanists" and all that nonsense. In reality, today there has been the death of a major anti-Satanic force on the face of the planet.
Actually, he was one of the most ardent enemies of Satan and the Gods, with a financial strangehold strongly established on the Nations of the "Goyim" [Gentiles].
They will not write of course about his involvement in the genocidal state of Israel, or how his family was behind WW1 and WW2. They will just write about this "Philanthropist". He was very "Philanthropic" when it comes to the only people jews consider human in anyway: Themselves. Then the world has to somehow lament for this great "loss", of this "Great Philanthropist" that has been behind financial crashes, annexation of the wealth of the Gentiles, or wars and desolation, pulling the strings.
Lord Jacob Rothschild: Financier dies aged 87
In a statement on Monday, his family called Lord Rothschild "a towering presence in many peoples' lives".www.bbc.com
The Rothschild family has an estimated fortune of about £825m, according to last year's Sunday Times Rich List.
Lord Rothschild was described as "a superbly accomplished financier, a champion of the arts and culture, a devoted public servant, a passionate supporter of charitable causes in Israel and Jewish culture, a keen environmentalist and much-loved friend, father and grandfather," in a statement released by his family.
Lord Rothschild also held roles including deputy chairman at BSkyB Television, director of RHJ International, now known as BHF Kleinwort Benson Group, and was a member of the council for the Duchy of Cornwall for the then-Prince of Wales.
Sending his condolences to the Rothschild family, Sir Tony Blair said he would miss his friend immensely.
"He was of course a towering figure in Britain's Jewish community but his impact was global in his support for great causes, including in the arts and the environment, and in his tireless work to advance peace in the Middle East."
Israel, is a Nation that has "Dedicated itself" to eradicating the Gods and the Ancient cultures, branding them as "Adversaries". In their books of the Old and New Testament, they vividly explain how their culture arose out of the murder and profiteering of non-jewish people, proudly. The West is still pretending they aren't seeing it.
I write this post as a general reminder. This is a picture of him arrogantly standing in front of Satan's painting, called "Satan summons his Legions". Satan is indeed going to summon these Legions.
It's as if Satan looks at him angrily, while he poses himself as some sort of immortal in front of the classical painting.
In Hebrew, "Satan" means "Adversary" and enemy. They picked this enemy for themselves; fair enough.
He believed he conquered his "enemy" in this picture, going as far as to pose in front of it. Many of his own kind also think today that no matter what they do, the day of judgement will never arrive for them. But for Jacob it has arrived, and he is no longer in this world where he held this type of power to further "Israel", the Nation of genocides, hate and evil committed against all other Nations.
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Many of them believe all of the following pipe-dreams: that they are immortal, too powerful to be stopped, or that they can never fall, no matter what they do. Reality came to prove them otherwise. Jacob is now residing on the other dimension where he likely is expecting to see the being on the picture.
Of course, Israel is continuing this very old siege, considering themselves immune and "ordained" to keep doing so. How is to going to end for them? All this will lead to the destination of their choosing, into ruins.
Today marks a historical day, where humanity can take the death of Jacob Rothschild as a message: The financial and general domination of these beings will come to an end. It would be best to not anger the Being in this picture; and by being I don't mean Rothschild or the other hoe that does mockery to the Gods by posing with severed Goats heads [Goat is a symbol for Satan, a blasphemy]. The time will come and the greater reaper will visit everyone.
Soros could be next for all we know; all things considered, day for payment always arrives.
False convictions of the present can't hold the cycle of time... Jacob, their most powerful person on earth, is now waving his jewish hand farewell to the rest of humanity, leaving it more free from jewish influence.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
and in an "indirect" way to the gods. Yes!The "game" is not a logical level. But it has deeper roots. Gentiles, all of them, have been cursed and deceived for a long time.
This has brought big problems, individually and collectively, in the "own whole" and in an "indirect" way to the gods.
This translates, for the gentiles, into going against themselves. Their perception is completely "misaligned" or "not present" and their "soul" is completely "disconnected" from the "whole."
You cannot go against the gods, because it means going against yourself. It is self-destructive. In the case of the Gentiles.
He who has truly understood and goes against the gods, by an act of his own will and not "induced," will be punished in the same way. We also performed RTR for these cases.
Some people will not be able to connect the dots, the corruptions, egopathy and all the "disturbances/unbalances" created by the enemy will be fatal for some. We work on this, among other things. There will be no escape from responsibility; it is not possible.
What I don’t understand is if satan and the demons are so powerful, how were they imprisoned?The "game" is not a logical level. But it has deeper roots. Gentiles, all of them, have been cursed and deceived for a long time.
This has brought big problems, individually and collectively, in the "own whole" and in an "indirect" way to the gods.
This translates, for the gentiles, into going against themselves. Their perception is completely "misaligned" or "not present" and their "soul" is completely "disconnected" from the "whole."
You cannot go against the gods, because it means going against yourself. It is self-destructive. In the case of the Gentiles.
He who has truly understood and goes against the gods, by an act of his own will and not "induced," will be punished in the same way. We also performed RTR for these cases.
Some people will not be able to connect the dots, the corruptions, egopathy and all the "disturbances/unbalances" created by the enemy will be fatal for some. We work on this, among other things. There will be no escape from responsibility; it is not possible.
They have not been "imprisoned." This cannot happen. They act on the "planes of existence," where they "affect," "indirectly" Gods, but not in the way you mean.
The fuckers out numbered them, that's how.What I don’t understand is if satan and the demons are so powerful, how were they imprisoned?
They have not been "imprisoned." This cannot happen. They act on the "planes of existence," where they "affect," "indirectly" Gods, but not in the way you mean.
"Existence" of Gods is also at the level of "perception" and "within themselves," their focus is on these "planes," because they cannot attack them directly or in any other way, such as "blocking," "manipulating," or other nonsense.
The enemy relentlessly continues to destroy your soul and hide the truth and existence of Gods, through devious ways, such as denial and lying. Talk to ordinary people to see what I
. I read on the site, that they had been imprisoned and are now mostly free. If their freedom is affected by our level of awareness of them, and peoples’ awaresnsss of them is Growing, then they should be growing in strength also.
What I don’t understand is if satan and the demons are so powerful, how were they imprisoned?
Great news.
I have a question, though:
Are the Rothschilds themselves Rabbis? If so, do they curse people as well?
Yes, the more the enemy's work weakens on these "planes," the more present/stronger Gods' "will" will be.I read on the site, that they had been imprisoned and are now mostly free. If their freedom is affected by our level of awareness of them, and peoples’ awaresnsss of them is Growing, then they should be growing in strength also.
I’m happy about thisJacob Rothschild, one of the fathers of Israel and a total Zionist, has perished today.
In the press they go as far as they can report the death but they of course leave many elements out, such as where he was or who he served. Of course, around his personality, many of those who don't know the facts about how jews really are, are making all sorts of theories up.
These theories involve that this creature which has been one of the backbones of the jews, who have built the culture of attacking Satan [later to be made in Christianity and Islam], that they are actually "Satanists" and all that nonsense. In reality, today there has been the death of a major anti-Satanic force on the face of the planet.
Actually, he was one of the most ardent enemies of Satan and the Gods, with a financial strangehold strongly established on the Nations of the "Goyim" [Gentiles].
They will not write of course about his involvement in the genocidal state of Israel, or how his family was behind WW1 and WW2. They will just write about this "Philanthropist". He was very "Philanthropic" when it comes to the only people jews consider human in anyway: Themselves. Then the world has to somehow lament for this great "loss", of this "Great Philanthropist" that has been behind financial crashes, annexation of the wealth of the Gentiles, or wars and desolation, pulling the strings.
Lord Jacob Rothschild: Financier dies aged 87
In a statement on Monday, his family called Lord Rothschild "a towering presence in many peoples' lives".www.bbc.com
The Rothschild family has an estimated fortune of about £825m, according to last year's Sunday Times Rich List.
Lord Rothschild was described as "a superbly accomplished financier, a champion of the arts and culture, a devoted public servant, a passionate supporter of charitable causes in Israel and Jewish culture, a keen environmentalist and much-loved friend, father and grandfather," in a statement released by his family.
Lord Rothschild also held roles including deputy chairman at BSkyB Television, director of RHJ International, now known as BHF Kleinwort Benson Group, and was a member of the council for the Duchy of Cornwall for the then-Prince of Wales.
Sending his condolences to the Rothschild family, Sir Tony Blair said he would miss his friend immensely.
"He was of course a towering figure in Britain's Jewish community but his impact was global in his support for great causes, including in the arts and the environment, and in his tireless work to advance peace in the Middle East."
Israel, is a Nation that has "Dedicated itself" to eradicating the Gods and the Ancient cultures, branding them as "Adversaries". In their books of the Old and New Testament, they vividly explain how their culture arose out of the murder and profiteering of non-jewish people, proudly. The West is still pretending they aren't seeing it.
I write this post as a general reminder. This is a picture of him arrogantly standing in front of Satan's painting, called "Satan summons his Legions". Satan is indeed going to summon these Legions.
It's as if Satan looks at him angrily, while he poses himself as some sort of immortal in front of the classical painting.
In Hebrew, "Satan" means "Adversary" and enemy. They picked this enemy for themselves; fair enough.
He believed he conquered his "enemy" in this picture, going as far as to pose in front of it. Many of his own kind also think today that no matter what they do, the day of judgement will never arrive for them. But for Jacob it has arrived, and he is no longer in this world where he held this type of power to further "Israel", the Nation of genocides, hate and evil committed against all other Nations.
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Many of them believe all of the following pipe-dreams: that they are immortal, too powerful to be stopped, or that they can never fall, no matter what they do. Reality came to prove them otherwise. Jacob is now residing on the other dimension where he likely is expecting to see the being on the picture.
Of course, Israel is continuing this very old siege, considering themselves immune and "ordained" to keep doing so. How is to going to end for them? All this will lead to the destination of their choosing, into ruins.
Today marks a historical day, where humanity can take the death of Jacob Rothschild as a message: The financial and general domination of these beings will come to an end. It would be best to not anger the Being in this picture; and by being I don't mean Rothschild or the other hoe that does mockery to the Gods by posing with severed Goats heads [Goat is a symbol for Satan, a blasphemy]. The time will come and the greater reaper will visit everyone.
Soros could be next for all we know; all things considered, day for payment always arrives.
False convictions of the present can't hold the cycle of time... Jacob, their most powerful person on earth, is now waving his jewish hand farewell to the rest of humanity, leaving it more free from jewish influence.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Couldn't say it better myself brother, Hail Satan!I really do hope the "being" in the picture will fuck him up and his hoe next.
Fuck the grays and reptilians and their brainless puppets.
Yes it is, the Rothchilds, builderburgs, Rockefellars, Soros and his kin, and many other evils are next.Good riddance. One down, way too many to go. It's a good day for the White Race.
I zoomed in on Lord Satan's face in this painting. Unbelievable and very scary!!!!! Lord Satan is really looking at him with anger!!!It's as if Satan looks at him angrily, while he poses himself as some sort of immortal in front of the classical painting.
I zoomed in on Lord Satan's face in this painting. Unbelievable and very scary!!!!! Lord Satan is really looking at him with anger!!!
"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan