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Women as Navy SEALs?

The Alchemist7 said:
SatanicWorshiper666 said:
Plus, a woman can have a word or two at dinners, in politics, on the Internet and / or the media, she is not a dog in a lash to play with, just like you consider women here @Alchemist7 and @Lydia
I didn't say anything about women, what I said is that the qween didn't have any word to say in politics. Her position was more symbolic considering that fact that UK is a monarchy but is not the qween/king in UK the one who holds any power, is the parliament and government. Probably this is only specific to UK because in most monarchies the king/qween does have political power as far as I know.

They are there only to troll, skip them.
Gear88 said:

Please calm down. You are perfectly capable of meditation, and actually in a very good position to do so, in regards to free time.

Therefore, it is sad that your intellect is not able to experience what others have, as a result of their consistent spiritual practice. You would make a good teacher, but you are holding yourself back with self-limiting mindsets.

I have done my best to answer your questions in detail, across many different posts, as I can relate and empathize with your drive to think and communicate. At the same time, this cannot replace the sheer ACT of meditation.

Please, do not make us literally beg you to meditate. Start a very simple beginner program. If you need help with this, email me or something. You are fully capable of this.

You are standing at the crossroads of either becoming literally superhuman or refusing to partake. As I related before, you can use energy to make this even easier for you, but for this to happen you must initially try. Again, do not make us literally beg you to simply enjoy what others have.

You are a great example of the category of people Lydia described in a reply in a thread I posted

Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=387992 time=1663056331 user_id=57]
A lot of people's depression is caused by people not having true spirituality and purpose in their lives. We were created to be spiritual, yet have been ignoring it for centuries and lifetimes.

People living pointless lives, working at pointless jobs, having pointless relations with others. Those who have some sense of awareness know this is not right, but they have depression because they don't have the JoS and correct meditations, and no real purpose in their lives.

It seems this describes you 100%.

Gear88 said:
But I'll say this all I'm looking for is not beyond reasonable proof of evidence to the occult or spirituality or whatever. I'm ask for simply reasonable evidence.
Is this the reason you don't meditate? I assume you would know after 20 years that advanced spiritual abilities build in years for one and for second no sane person with such abilities is going out in the public to show down. Is highly unlikely you will ever see advanced spiritual abilities "at work" from someone, at least not when the jews are at the power. I've heard once of someone with native pyrokinesis ability. he was able to set on a fire a piece of paper after concentrating on it for about 30 minutes. It doesn't sound very impressive but still this is something 99.9999% of people cannot do. Guess what he dissapeared. He was recruited by the intelligence? Nobody knows. People with proven spiritual abilities are hunted down, probably not to be killed or something but to be "studied" or to work for the enemy behind closed doors.

This is a personal path and a life-long endeavour. If you want to see evidence of meditation that is working, you have to practice it and feel it yourself. In 20 years you could have achieved immensely. Perhaps something is definitely wrong with your mind, which is very chaotic, or maybe you are depressed for some reason or some similar conditioning or karmic issue that made you see life only as grim and dark. Perhaps you might need some sessions of hypnosis or subconscious programming to program your mind to eliminate such toxic views and mindsets that have been affecting your whole life. This is definitely a better place to start than dozen people explaining to you countless times why meditation is important for a person and how it can benefit you, especially given that you know all this already.

The problem is not a lack of knowledge but most likely an inner issue that needs identified and eliminated from your soul with hypnosis or programming. Few years ago I did subconscious programming with audio recordings of me saying an affirmation that I wanted to "engrave" in the subconscious mind. The effects were major after only 3 nights of listening to this affirmation on repeat for the whole night while sleeping. It was vibrate AUM - say Meditation - vibrate AUM, on repeat. I suggest you should do something like this, program your subconscious mind to see meditation as neccesary and to eliminate any toxic mindsets. It might likely require more than 3 nights but this is nothing compared to the healthy effects it might have on your mind. This is definitely a starting point to work with your mind.
Gear88 said:

If you want to stay here, then stay. If you want to leave, then leave. If you want to help yourself, then help yourself. If you want to hurt yourself, then hurt yourself. Whatever you choose to do is nobody else's business and none of us care anymore. Many people have spent years of time, effort, and physical and emotional energies to try to help you, and all of it has been wasted so far. Each person that tried to help you made the choice to do this so we can all only blame ourselves. But the situation now is that you have absolutely no intentions of changing your behaviour or doing anything to help yourself and you know this. So for you to try to take anymore time, attention, or emotional energy from any of us, you are only being a parasitic and harmful influence.

Every advice or helpful message that you get from somebody does not come from nowhere. It is taking something from that person. You have gotten helpful messages that I'm sure has taken a very large amount of time and effort to create, and have gotten hundreds of these. The people who have given these to you have known that it is not nothing and they know what it has taken from themselves to give you this help, but it is just like an investment. We all have paid you an investment of help and hoped that it would be successful and profitable, that you would become much stronger, smarter, and improved in every way. And that you would then repay this by yourself becoming a good and helpful influence to the world and you giving back by working to help more people.

Now we all know these investments toward you all have been wasted and have not produced anything good or beneficial because you have purposefully chosen to waste them and chosen to do nothing to help yourself. This does not require you to leave and of course you can stay here, but it is an ending to most people trying to help you anymore because we all know how any effort given to you is all only wasted. And I know that this doesn't look nice to be written down, but it is the truth and it is what it is.

So of course you can stay here. But you should not write any more long messages just begging for attention because it is only a parasitic action and it does not do anything beneficial for anybody, and not even beneficial for yourself. The only effect these messages from you would have if they do anything would be to continue to drain and suck psychic and emotional energies out of the people who read it. You are basically exactly the same as Loki88 with the effect of just wasting the time of whoever is wanting to help you. Now we know that Loki88 was only a character and the guy who had that account was a jew with bad intentions and his entire goal was to purposefully drain from everybody and waste everybody's time as much as possible. I do not think that you are a jew and I don't think you have bad intentions, but the actions from both of you end up having the same effect. If Loki88 was a fictional character, you are like the real life version of him. So we are just done wasting any time on you and it looks like most of us are just going to ignore you now. If you ever change your mind and decide to help yourself and make yourself become useful towards yourself, this would not require any response from anybody, and would not require you to ask any of us anything. You already have full access to every piece of information and every tool to use to help yourself. You have all access to the same information that the rest of us have so you don't need anything else.
Aquarius said:
@Ramier, hello Brother. No I would not, but this subhuman keeps complaining and specifically said that the JoS gave him nothing. JoS gave him nothing but he spends all of his literally worthless days on here making long ass posts that nobody wants to read. He is a sorry excuse of a human being, and reading the things that he writes is disgusting.

True, I’ve seen enough of his post. This seems like nothing new. Hopefully he will get on board. However, realistically, I don’t see it going to happen.
You know what I'll just leave. Not out of spite or hate or whatever but it seems like Blitz said my issues stem from something far worse. Which I've entertained probably since a child.

Astrological my Saturn is strong in a few places as well as having several squares i.e. what is known as frustrated or diminished development.

As for you Blitz around 2001 I recall delving into things like Binaural Beats like the Brainwave generator website. Old website probably originally from late '99 I believe it was called BWGen or BW Generator. Not the first nor only generator but one that seemed to most famous. I've been involved with the internet with things like TOTSE(Temple of the Screaming Electron). And other places of alternative information.

I've at least been involved with psychological stuff since early I recall going to a psycho-therapist in '96 but funny most of the time she spent talking to my parents. We went a few sessions and basically said I'm brainwashed and in some form of misunderstanding or confused state of mind.

Sheer fact is as far as I've been on the internet I've researched as far as I can possibly be trance, hypnosis, and other forms of mental manipulation. I literally believed I can create a new person from as young as I can contemplate as I reached my pre-teens. I wanted to become a different person.

I wanted to change. I wanted to load up all this stuff of hypnosis and manipulate myself into doing stuff. For example saying whatever or getting involved with something. Eventually I gave up as I said to myself am I lying to myself or am I genuinely manipulating me. I try the trance it doesn't work, I try the affirmations they don't work.

I'm not manipulating myself to do things. In essence I always wanted to command myself like a robot. Improve myself, as far as I can remember I was always a broken person. So I stepped up and with the internet I wanted to become a better person and do whatever I wanted. I always viewed the human condition as being a robotic command that can change on the fly. Turns out that never happened and I just carried on. Just contemplate and think about it merely as a fantasy.

Frankly with lucid dreaming and astral projection I was like yipee freedom I can go out and do whatever I want just like I think whatever I want in my mind only this time it's involved with my entire body being released out to the astral.

Maybe some people don't like literal spiritual effects. I mean as far as I can contemplate on meditation I thought meditation was a drug time a fun time to experience something away from this hellhole called life.

My body feels like a prison and to me getting involved with hypnosis or LD/AP was like whoa finally some real freedom away from this boring shithole life.

I don't know if it's birth trauma or activating self defenses or some incident when I was young. But Blitz your absolutely correct in telling me I got issues. In fact I probably should leave in case I get worse. But your right involving with hypno. Still I feel like it's all fake. If I ever get in a hypnotic state I want to remain in a state whereby I don't feel my body. Not dying but completely away from my physical vessel as it's just a pain to exist in.

TLDR: As far as I can I wanted to change the internet helped me tremendously finding all this stuff. But again it proved just like getting involved with Jelqing and other things. As far back as I can see since before pre-teen age I broke gear teethes and the mechanism got broken.

I simply wanted to command myself like a robot and simply do whatever I wanted. But somehow that doesn't work and some mechanism is in the way preventing me from controlling myself. For me LD/AP/Meditation were seen as drugs to simply experience a new frontier. Hell if I could meditate like I fantasized I'd be doing it for as many hours as possible simply to pass the time and explore the Universe whether it is the micro or macro cosmic.

Simply for me spirituality = fun and enjoyment. Unfortunately that didn't happen and rather quite the opposite if anything it drives me crazy just to calm down.

I suppose years earlier in school saying stuff like I hate school, I hate life, I hate breathing, I hate eating, and basically adopting a negative attitude hurt me.

So I'll make this one final post. I'm simply trying to help myself maybe some day I can return back to this website. It's my decision okay. So please don't fret much on it. I'm not trying to come off as negative. I'm actually quite assured of this.

So this is my final post. Thanks guys and gals I'll still check up on the forums but I knew my instinct on ProPHP fit with A-Forums as well, don't join.

BTW mind if I mention a suggestion. Can one of the mods or Blitzkreig mention to HP.Cobra to set up a Off-Topic subforum. That way people can post off-topic and not have simply everything crammed into General666 forum?

As for OAL: On Loki88.

I don't know much on Loki88 but he suggested things like drink your own piss and whatnot.

I don't know what is up with him but he seems like genuinely misinformed person. I would not be surprised if he is into kindergarten safety scissor safe occultism. I don't know what is up with him but I got the thoughts that maybe he is like Tom Araya + Alice Cooper = Both Catholics both expressing similar things wanting a more liberal and less preachy bible thumping Catholicism. I know Cooper was a long time Catholic and same for Araya but I do recall both of them mentioning similar things like just because I look like a rebellious rocker guy doesn't mean I don't read the bible and am religious in my own way.

I think Loki88 was simply a new ager with a sprinkle of Odinism in his quest for a safe occult.
Ramier108666 said:
Aquarius said:
@Ramier, hello Brother. No I would not, but this subhuman keeps complaining and specifically said that the JoS gave him nothing. JoS gave him nothing but he spends all of his literally worthless days on here making long ass posts that nobody wants to read. He is a sorry excuse of a human being, and reading the things that he writes is disgusting.

True, I’ve seen enough of his post. This seems like nothing new. Hopefully he will get on board. However, realistically, I don’t see it going to happen.

The most optimistic and realistic case is that he would go so down that he would realize he has two options: keep falling down or start working on himself regardless any possible failure. The ironic part is that in the second scenario happines will come fast by working hard, the results will be only a bonus
Gear88 said:

From what I recall about your astrology, I can understand why you feel this way. At the same time, you must understand that meditation is a process of doing, not just thinking alone. It is the same with any other actions on this world, such as farming. You can think about farming, but you also must plant the crops by your hand for them to actually grow.

Your chart is geared towards thinking, which is fine, but you need to balance it so that you have more focus on "doing" as well. This is literally as simple as using Nauthiz or Sowilo and programming it to increase your productivity with meditation or other chores. Yet, you must get an initial amount of power to implement these changes.

The same way how you have a strong drive to think, you can also create a strong drive to act. Do you understand this? Your situation is not hopeless as you may think, but you are giving up way too early. You could start these workings within even 1 month of decent practice, and just keep hammering them until you have a strong drive to advance.

There is no need to self-limit yourself. There are also people here who need to increase their thinking ability, and I would tell them the exact same thing if they refused to do so. It does not mean they are stupid, and it does not mean you are lazy, but you just have to start working on the problem.

As I said before, you can start just a basic meditation routine, and then you can resolve this and any other problems in your life? Isn't that better than just thinking? Why not both? You have way more potential than you think.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=388461 time=1663256891 user_id=21286]
Gear88 said:
There is no need to self-limit yourself. There are also people here who need to increase their thinking ability, and I would tell them the exact same thing if they refused to do so. It does not mean they are stupid, and it does not mean you are lazy, but you just have to start working on the problem.
It won't work this way. He told me before he used to merely pronounce runes while walking around in the room and thinking at totally other things, and then wondering why it doesn't work. That was his meditation attempt. Merely starting meditating is not a solution because he has done this before already. From this I conclude that his mind is totally chaotic and cannot focus on anything in particular. I think this is obvious given the very long messages he is posting, most of them containing a lot of information that is not even related to each other or even with the context. I think when he wants to reply to someone, he thinks at a basic message and then a lot of other things come to his mind while writing and adds all he's thinking to his comments. If he writes such comments then is obvious his mind is at least as chaotic and probably endless thoughts he is thinking at are appearing and dissapearing in his mind permanently, making it impossible for him to concentrate or focus at anything in general, not only on meditation.

Void meditation will definitely help him in this regard but he must be extremely disciplined with the consistency of not skipping a single day of void meditation because the mind loses the ability to focus properly when void meditation is not done for longer periods of time. Of course the ability to concentrate and focus the mind on something in particular comes back a lot easier when restarting void meditation but passing even a single day without it is not going to help him at all. He shouldn't allow this. Then if he cannot focus he cannot meditate so he won't be able to get rid of this toxic mindset of seeing life and everything else as miserable and worthless, to the point where he applies this even to himself, for example when he said that Aquarius can come over and kill him if he wants.

This is why I think that hypnosis or mind programming is something that should be tried first and foremost to see whether it will have an impact on his subconscious mind where everything is based. I read once that the conscious mind represents only 5% of our "minds" and 95% is represented by the subconscious mind. If his mind is consciously so chaotic is unlikely that he will be able to consciously fix this issue, unless as said he manages to calm his mind down with void meditation until he can focus with intent on vibrating or breathing and visualizing and "willing" for the scope of a meditation to manifest. This can be started with like just one minute of void meditation a day and then increasing with like 30 seconds every 2 days which is not a lot but in a month or something he should be able to do any meditation with intent and focus.
It seems to me like Gear88 might have too much air element causing imbalance. Regularly invoking Earth, and meditating near water might help. Try meditations in the shower, or sitting in front of a body of water. Do basic meditations, like feeling and perceiving yourself inside your body, and just sinking within yourself and embracing the calm. And just feel.

You can also try Hatha Yoga near water, and do the Ocean's Breath Pranayama while holding each Asana and letting go.

All of that will be a fantastic start to learning to feel, and switching between overactive mental mode and calm feeling mode. It will help you achieve deeper relaxation and connection with yourself.

You don't have to be so up in your head all the time. Try to get in touch with your body. Whatever thoughts run through your head and compete for your attention, just calmly tell yourself that there will be time for them later, and that this space right here and right now is for you. And just let the thoughts go. Train your focus on the here and now, and just be present in the moment with yourself.

You can also try Hatha Yoga videos. They can be soooooo relaxing and soothing.
Gear88 said:
You know what I'll just leave. Not out of spite or hate or whatever but it seems like Blitz said my issues stem from something far worse. Which I've entertained probably since a child.

Astrological my Saturn is strong in a few places as well as having several squares i.e. what is known as frustrated or diminished development.

As for you Blitz around 2001 I recall delving into things like Binaural Beats like the Brainwave generator website. Old website probably originally from late '99 I believe it was called BWGen or BW Generator. Not the first nor only generator but one that seemed to most famous. I've been involved with the internet with things like TOTSE(Temple of the Screaming Electron). And other places of alternative information.


This posts just sounds like you wish to change and advance, as we all do, but you are getting dismayed by various stresses or other beliefs.

In regards to being robotic, this is sort of what the earth element helps one with. Earth provides structure and helps someone do a certain task regardless of whatever negativity is against them. That is why I relayed to you that you should use Nauthiz to aid your ability to "just do it".

As Jrvan has mentioned, and I believe I have mentioned in the past, you can use the elements even on a short term basis. In the case where you may feel like you cannot stop thinking, you can breath in ether or earth to help stabilize yourself.

Everyone has major problems facing them when they first come to Satanism, so this is not unique to you. The main point is that you just simply cannot give up. Start with the basics of improving your soul, then you can attempt larger workings to permanently resolve that which is stressing you.

The above will take some time, but it will also continually get easier. Even just 6 months to 1 year of medium effort would make a huge difference in stabilizing any problems you are going through.

No, you do not need a trance for this, either. I have done plenty of work as a beginner without a proper trance. Do not bother with advanced stuff whilst still learning the basics.

We are not asking you to leave or condemn yourself. We are asking you to simply calm yourself and do the basics within the 40 day program. No trance, no Merkaba, and no doubting yourself.

Here is something you can try:

-void 5 min
-basic clean 2-5 min
-basic protect 2-5 min
-open/spin chakras 2-5 min
-15 minutes total for hatha yoga

You can see that this is only about 1 hour of effort, which can also be broken up across the day. Even doing just a few weeks of this will give you a discernible result in your soul.

There is no need to go to the extreme of leaving JoS, or other levels of extreme stress. Ask yourself, can't you try to do the above efforts, to alleviate your suffering? The answer is that yes, you can do it.
Ramier108666 said:
Aquarius said:
@Ramier, hello Brother. No I would not, but this subhuman keeps complaining and specifically said that the JoS gave him nothing. JoS gave him nothing but he spends all of his literally worthless days on here making long ass posts that nobody wants to read. He is a sorry excuse of a human being, and reading the things that he writes is disgusting.

True, I’ve seen enough of his post. This seems like nothing new. Hopefully he will get on board. However, realistically, I don’t see it going to happen.
How are you doing my brother?
SatanicWorshiper666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SatanicWorshiper666 said:
A band which I had under my control and the identity I use here to spread the truth are two different things, you gas mask! :lol: :lol: :lol:

How is your "old grandma's house doing?"" :lol: :lol: :lol: :p I hope it's not falling on you! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Let's say you just "found me" :lol: :lol: :lol:

So kike are you here to explain to us why women need to be in front-lines to be blasted apart and raped in the Navy Seal situations? I thought this was the official policy of Israel, so go sing up on Israel. No towers, no artillery, not anywhere else: Go to the frontline in Israel, and fight against Hamas. Let's see how that goes for you.

That aside, you are also historically illiterate. Women did not fight in frontlines or any other military posts besides nurses and behind the "action" posts in WW1, or WW2. The delusions about military women do not apply to 95% of women. If you are of the 5% of the rest, that is fine. But you trying to promote this as a regular situation is stupid.

SatanicWorshiper666 said:

Plus, a woman can have a word or two at dinners, in politics, on the Internet and / or the media, she is not a dog in a lash to play with, just like you consider women here @Alchemist7 and @Lydia

Oy vey, my feminist revolution, in a world where women are literally in politics and everywhere just normally. Oy vey, we wuz repressed n shiet. Revolt against men goy. HPS Maxine is a woman goy in this religion but forget this, react against Abrahamism goy that we created and removed women, oy vey...We wuz repressed and shit.

It's 2022. You are not repressed. You are retarded, because you judge the present day over crazy jewish hoaxes that have not happened in decades. That's a persecution syndrome.

Unfortunately kike, the West is going great on women's rights. The west has women atheletes, scientists, in major positions, business or otherwise. There is no place besides the "West" where women are better than here. In fact, many argue that this has overextended itself, this is how equal things are now - where literally we go "Beyond the equal" when it comes to women.

Maybe you do not in Israel, but we do. Actually, women are fine over here. You just consider yourself repressed because you are not powerful at all, let alone as powerful as you claim to be, or even capable of doing anything besides whining. But you try to make a case for "Women Navy Seals"...

Please jewish shiksa get a grip, lol...
It is 2022 and you still haven't learned about how to avoid being a retard. It is clear why Maxineeft this forum, because you formed a retarded gargantuanic amount of bullshit from what you write here.

Get down on your knees and be a good ol guy fag and suck the NS's dick continuously.

Some members will be in places like Bevery Hills? Have you ever touched a girl in Bevery Hills? Of course not you 67 old grandpa.

If it is the show that you are spreading here, then you must know that once in a while, I will ve behind billions and billions of accounts and I will not stop 'till I see you fall into an Abyss of misery and putrid alimentary waste from what you are promoting here.

Tick tock tick tok, thank you for the ban and continuously suckibg the NS's cock 😜 :lol: :lol: :lol:

You just made yourself another shit of a Priest who isn't capable to hold his rapist hormonal desire to fuck someone and troll everyone 💯 :cool:

I screwed u :cool: :cool: :cool:

Aw, wittwe baby kike iz hungry for gentile blood?
Sorry dear we dont have that right now. Mommy pissrael is too busy killing kids in Palestine.

But youre in luck cuz i got dis

Here you go bebe now why dont you go eat shit in that little corner of the universe.

Have fun!
SatanicWorshiper666 said:
BlackJackal said:
Guys&Gals just ignore this "SatanicWorshiper666" fella. You can tell clearly by his bullshit writings about Ukraine that he's the same brainlet that went into Talmudic rage mode at mere mention of JoS having money in JoS Donations thread.

A band which I had under my control and the identity I use here to spread the truth are two different things, you gas mask! :lol: :lol: :lol:

How is your "old grandma's house doing?"" :lol: :lol: :lol: :p I hope it's not falling on you! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Let's say you just "found me" :lol: :lol: :lol:

Grandmas house? Building in my avatar picture is called barn you fucking lobotomized retard. :lol:

If you're gonna troll at least have some basic knowledge about the world muppet. I know you're afraid of leaving your basement, but maybe you could give a call over to IDF to send you few of their tactical diapers, that they use when they go fight bunch of rock armed civilians with their tanks and all other modern weaponry. :lol:
mercury_wisdom said:
Ramier108666 said:
Aquarius said:
@Ramier, hello Brother. No I would not, but this subhuman keeps complaining and specifically said that the JoS gave him nothing. JoS gave him nothing but he spends all of his literally worthless days on here making long ass posts that nobody wants to read. He is a sorry excuse of a human being, and reading the things that he writes is disgusting.

True, I’ve seen enough of his post. This seems like nothing new. Hopefully he will get on board. However, realistically, I don’t see it going to happen.
How are you doing my brother?

Doing well Mercury. How are you doing?
BlackJackal said:
SatanicWorshiper666 said:
BlackJackal said:
Guys&Gals just ignore this "SatanicWorshiper666" fella. You can tell clearly by his bullshit writings about Ukraine that he's the same brainlet that went into Talmudic rage mode at mere mention of JoS having money in JoS Donations thread.

A band which I had under my control and the identity I use here to spread the truth are two different things, you gas mask! :lol: :lol: :lol:

How is your "old grandma's house doing?"" :lol: :lol: :lol: :p I hope it's not falling on you! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Let's say you just "found me" :lol: :lol: :lol:

Grandmas house? Building in my avatar picture is called barn you fucking lobotomized retard. :lol:

If you're gonna troll at least have some basic knowledge about the world muppet. I know you're afraid of leaving your basement, but maybe you could give a call over to IDF to send you few of their tactical diapers, that they use when they go fight bunch of rock armed civilians with their tanks and all other modern weaponry. :lol:

bro i do have to say you are absolutely JACKED tho.

SS= chads Kikes= Weak, incompetent virgin twats
Ramier108666 said:
mercury_wisdom said:
Ramier108666 said:
True, I’ve seen enough of his post. This seems like nothing new. Hopefully he will get on board. However, realistically, I don’t see it going to happen.
How are you doing my brother?

Doing well Mercury. How are you doing?
Great! Missed hearing of you. Email me when you can.
BlackJackal said:
SatanicWorshiper666 said:
BlackJackal said:
Guys&Gals just ignore this "SatanicWorshiper666" fella. You can tell clearly by his bullshit writings about Ukraine that he's the same brainlet that went into Talmudic rage mode at mere mention of JoS having money in JoS Donations thread.

A band which I had under my control and the identity I use here to spread the truth are two different things, you gas mask! :lol: :lol: :lol:

How is your "old grandma's house doing?"" :lol: :lol: :lol: :p I hope it's not falling on you! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Let's say you just "found me" :lol: :lol: :lol:

Grandmas house? Building in my avatar picture is called barn you fucking lobotomized retard. :lol:

If you're gonna troll at least have some basic knowledge about the world muppet. I know you're afraid of leaving your basement, but maybe you could give a call over to IDF to send you few of their tactical diapers, that they use when they go fight bunch of rock armed civilians with their tanks and all other modern weaponry. :lol:

This is the same measly kike that wrote death threats to me and everyone, so they are deleted now. They will go cry in their synagogue now.
Gear88 said:
You know what I'll just leave. Not out of spite or hate or whatever but it seems like Blitz said my issues stem from something far worse. Which I've entertained probably since a child.

Astrological my Saturn is strong in a few places as well as having several squares i.e. what is known as frustrated or diminished development.

As for you Blitz around 2001 I recall delving into things like Binaural Beats like the Brainwave generator website. Old website probably originally from late '99 I believe it was called BWGen or BW Generator. Not the first nor only generator but one that seemed to most famous. I've been involved with the internet with things like TOTSE(Temple of the Screaming Electron). And other places of alternative information.

I've at least been involved with psychological stuff since early I recall going to a psycho-therapist in '96 but funny most of the time she spent talking to my parents. We went a few sessions and basically said I'm brainwashed and in some form of misunderstanding or confused state of mind.

Sheer fact is as far as I've been on the internet I've researched as far as I can possibly be trance, hypnosis, and other forms of mental manipulation. I literally believed I can create a new person from as young as I can contemplate as I reached my pre-teens. I wanted to become a different person.

I wanted to change. I wanted to load up all this stuff of hypnosis and manipulate myself into doing stuff. For example saying whatever or getting involved with something. Eventually I gave up as I said to myself am I lying to myself or am I genuinely manipulating me. I try the trance it doesn't work, I try the affirmations they don't work.

I'm not manipulating myself to do things. In essence I always wanted to command myself like a robot. Improve myself, as far as I can remember I was always a broken person. So I stepped up and with the internet I wanted to become a better person and do whatever I wanted. I always viewed the human condition as being a robotic command that can change on the fly. Turns out that never happened and I just carried on. Just contemplate and think about it merely as a fantasy.

Frankly with lucid dreaming and astral projection I was like yipee freedom I can go out and do whatever I want just like I think whatever I want in my mind only this time it's involved with my entire body being released out to the astral.

Maybe some people don't like literal spiritual effects. I mean as far as I can contemplate on meditation I thought meditation was a drug time a fun time to experience something away from this hellhole called life.

My body feels like a prison and to me getting involved with hypnosis or LD/AP was like whoa finally some real freedom away from this boring shithole life.

I don't know if it's birth trauma or activating self defenses or some incident when I was young. But Blitz your absolutely correct in telling me I got issues. In fact I probably should leave in case I get worse. But your right involving with hypno. Still I feel like it's all fake. If I ever get in a hypnotic state I want to remain in a state whereby I don't feel my body. Not dying but completely away from my physical vessel as it's just a pain to exist in.

TLDR: As far as I can I wanted to change the internet helped me tremendously finding all this stuff. But again it proved just like getting involved with Jelqing and other things. As far back as I can see since before pre-teen age I broke gear teethes and the mechanism got broken.

I simply wanted to command myself like a robot and simply do whatever I wanted. But somehow that doesn't work and some mechanism is in the way preventing me from controlling myself. For me LD/AP/Meditation were seen as drugs to simply experience a new frontier. Hell if I could meditate like I fantasized I'd be doing it for as many hours as possible simply to pass the time and explore the Universe whether it is the micro or macro cosmic.

Simply for me spirituality = fun and enjoyment. Unfortunately that didn't happen and rather quite the opposite if anything it drives me crazy just to calm down.

I suppose years earlier in school saying stuff like I hate school, I hate life, I hate breathing, I hate eating, and basically adopting a negative attitude hurt me.

So I'll make this one final post. I'm simply trying to help myself maybe some day I can return back to this website. It's my decision okay. So please don't fret much on it. I'm not trying to come off as negative. I'm actually quite assured of this.

So this is my final post. Thanks guys and gals I'll still check up on the forums but I knew my instinct on ProPHP fit with A-Forums as well, don't join.

BTW mind if I mention a suggestion. Can one of the mods or Blitzkreig mention to HP.Cobra to set up a Off-Topic subforum. That way people can post off-topic and not have simply everything crammed into General666 forum?

As for OAL: On Loki88.

I don't know much on Loki88 but he suggested things like drink your own piss and whatnot.

I don't know what is up with him but he seems like genuinely misinformed person. I would not be surprised if he is into kindergarten safety scissor safe occultism. I don't know what is up with him but I got the thoughts that maybe he is like Tom Araya + Alice Cooper = Both Catholics both expressing similar things wanting a more liberal and less preachy bible thumping Catholicism. I know Cooper was a long time Catholic and same for Araya but I do recall both of them mentioning similar things like just because I look like a rebellious rocker guy doesn't mean I don't read the bible and am religious in my own way.

I think Loki88 was simply a new ager with a sprinkle of Odinism in his quest for a safe occult.

I don't post much on the forum. But now that I have read this thread, something has dawned on me about you. The Moon square can help you. With general confirmation. But you have to do it persistently, for years. Then it gets better. But it's more about getting the mental part right. And you have to treat it as if your life depended on it.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
If a woman tries, she just would not be able to.
Women are more than capable of making it through SEAL training and meeting the same standards as the men. Why do people act like women are incapable of running, swimming and lifting heavy things?

Here’s an excerpt from The Female Body Bible by Baz Moffat, Dr. Bella Smith and Dr. Emma Ross, page 160:
Far from being ‘the weaker sex’, women can actually outperform men when it comes to repeatedly performing strength exercises.

Women are shown to be less susceptible to fatigue, which means that when they are doing strength exercises, they can go on for longer than men. And the difference isn’t trivial: in research studies, women keep performing, rep after rep, for 60% longer than men doing the same resistance exercise.

Better still, in the second half of the menstrual cycle, when progesterone is high, this effect is amplified.

These are excerpts from Up To Speed: The Groundbreaking Science of Women Athletes by Christine Yu, pages 90-96:
In 2020, researchers examined more than five million results from nearly 15,500 ultrarunning events to determine the average pace and finishing time across all participants. They found that as distance increased, the gap between women and men narrowed.

While women were, on average, 11.1 percent slower than men in the marathon, that percentage dropped to 3.7 percent for 50-mile races and just 0.25 percent for 100-mile races. At distances over 195 miles, women were 0.6 percent faster than men. In other words, the average woman was faster than the average man in superlong races.

Sandra Hunter has spent the better part of the last twenty years studying muscle function in women and creating models to explain why muscles are susceptible to fatigue.

In the lab, she has observed that women tire less quickly during specific kinds of exercise. For example, she asked women and men volunteers to perform intermittent, static muscle contractions—repeatedly engaging their arm muscles at 50 percent of their maximum strength for six seconds, then resting for four seconds, until they were exhausted.

The men quit the steady-state activity after an average of 8.5 minutes while the women lasted approximately 23.5 minutes—nearly three times longer.

In 2012, a team of Canadian and French researchers set out to determine if women were still more resistant to fatigue after an actual ultra-endurance exercise session.

They recruited ten men and ten women who were participating in the Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc (UTMB) in the Alps, the Super Bowl of the ultrarunning world.

After the 110-kilometer race (the normally 171-kilometer course was shortened due to wintery conditions), the muscles in the men’s calves and thighs were more exhausted compared to the women.

The finding confirmed what Hunter saw in her lab studies: Women tire less than men after long, steady-state physical activity.

Interesting. So it's mostly about specific strengths for each sex at least on the general/average point of view.

I wonder if this goes into women and men's gymnastics during the endurance combined with strengths parts. The power and endurance displayed during when on the bars is magnificent.

Haven't seen you write in a while. Good to see you here again. Hope all is well. :)
Academic Scholar said:

These look like they are all saying the same thing, which is women's muscles may not get tired as quickly as men's. But I don't see any mention of the actual amount of weight carried by each participant. Women may do more repetitions of an exercise, but is everybody trying to lift the same weight, or is each person just using the weight that he or she is comfortable with? If a woman is lifting a half, a third, or a quarter of the weight of the man, then I would expect her to do this a larger number of times. Like the test of each person repeatedly straining their muscles to 50% of the maximum load for as many times as possible. This is entirely dependent on what this maximum load actually is. And in an extremely long distance race, I would certainly expect the men's leg muscles to be much more exhausted than the women's, when you think about that a man may easily weigh twice the weight of a woman. Most female long distance runners I have seen are very small and skinny, likely close to 100-110 pounds, when most men are more like 170-200 pounds.

I can lift 10 pounds all day long, carry it everywhere for hours, and never get tired. If you ask me to carry 50 pounds, I will get tired exponentially more quickly and want to put it down much sooner. So this factor of time only means anything when directly compared with the factor of the work that is done, what amount of weight is carried for what distance.

I hope to see a reply from Stormblood. He knows much more about these things than I do and can do a better job explaining.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Most female long distance runners I have seen are very small and skinny, likely close to 100-110 pounds, when most men are more like 170-200 pounds.

No way the male olympic long distance runners are anywhere close to that weight lol. I think you're getting mixed up with sprinters. The latter usually have heavier builds because having better twitch muscles helps with the quicker movements they have to do.

Long distance runners are very skinny. Average for men would be 115-145. There are those that reach just over 150 but those are rare and even more rare for that weight to be as good as the lighter ones.

Take into context the average woman long distance runners go from just under 100lbs to 120lbs.

My reply isn't a contradiction to your reply to Academic Scholar but just a correction for better context.


-watching the Olympics every time (lol)
Women are more valuable than men in general. A population's most important resource is its women and children, because that is what creates the next generation. If you have 5 women and 95 men, you will become extinct because 5 women can not have enough children to continue the population. But 95 women and 5 men, it would not be a good situation either but at least you would be able to survive.

A civilization has to be absolutely failed and backward if instead of protecting its women, it instead would send all of them to be killed in a war. This is a total opposite of what is natural or what is right. This is a thing that jews would try to enforce onto a population that they are purposefully trying to extinct.

A woman's job is to create life and create the next generation, and to carry the knowledge from previous generations to the next generation. And a man's job is to protect life, protect the women, and protect the children so that the next generation will be able to survive. A man's job is to provide protection, shelter, food, and all other things that are required to protect the lives of the women and children. The woman carries the spark of life, and the man covers this spark to prevent it from being extinguished and helps to build it into a flame.

One effect is that one individual man ends up being more disposable than one individual woman. If one man dies, there are other people who can continue to do his jobs. There are more men who can do the man's physical labor. Or it will be much more difficult, but women can do the physical labor if there is no other choice. But if a woman dies, this in a way is like killing all of the children she would have had, and it is like killing several people instead of one. Even if the woman would not have any children, she would have a position of still helping to care for the new generation. Like a grandmother is not the child's mother, but she still helps with the work of caring for the child. A man dying is only one person dying, but a woman dying is directly affecting the future survival of the entire population.
Academic Scholar said:

Ol Argedco Luciftias made many important considerations. I haven't seen a reply from you addressing those considerations.

I can go into things a little more spiritually. The things you said are partially plausible, if we look at it from a spiritual point of view. Stamina and endurance are ruled by the earth element, a feminine element. It's obvious that women in general would have an advantage, just like it's obvious men in general have a greater advance in feats of strength and power, which are ruled by fire, a masculine element. Even if we don't consider the specific elements but we go back to yin and yang itself, the same considerations apply.

I would urge to experience spirituality a little more in depth to understand this. Some things are just impossible to change on the material level, as when femininity crystallised to generate a woman's body you can't expect it to suddenly start to have male characteristics without destroying it like some evil surgeons do. On higher levels, the duality of male and female still exist.

Why does Mars, the most masculine planet, rule war and the military, and not Venus? Go back to the rituals for both Gods. What does each affirmation say for each of them? Does any of Lady Inanna's affirmations have anything to do with war or with the role of the military, which is protecting the nation and civilisation?

Think about the role of the military. Think about what masculine energies relate to and how they express. Then think about what feminine energies relate to and how they express.

Think of the Moon. Does it have anything to do with matters of the military? The role of the Moon can be protective sure, but what areas does it operate in? The family, spirituality, what's inside. Combat doesn't relate to the Moon or Venus in any way whatsoever.

You want a woman to be in the military? Sure they can. Not in combat roles, though. Try human resources, try intelligence, science, healthcare, cooking, "chaplaincy", psychological warfare, logistics, etc. A woman will take care of the personnel and internal affair, will work in the realm of emotions and spirituality. Combat is an external affair, which men are most suited to. Denial, unfortunately, won't change this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
