Yuri Bezmenov, the son of a high-ranking Soviet officer, was a member of the elite propaganda arm of the KGB, known as the Novasti Press Agency. One of his...
As Yuri Bezmenov explained, these are useful idiots who unwittingly promote a big brother government in Washington D.C. and at the same time they subvert the culture.
Both with Frankfurt School and kgb infiltration, the jews destabilized western culture. They could do that because of christianity, this religion eliminate the spirituality, destroy ancient values and prepare the masses for total slavery which is communism. Usually it is also called marxism, but the essense is obviously the same since Marx wrote the communist manifesto.
Marxism separates social classes and pits them against each other, capitalists vs proletarians, White vs Blacks, while they fight each other, jews takes the power. So yes, the woke agenda is an enemy tool because it is marxism.