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Why water people can actually be very strong

Aldrick said:
You wish to think like a psychopath? If one were in the trenches and fighting for their life, we could talk about what that would entail.

But we are not, we live in a decent society. We have all our needs met. So what would be the purpose of this psychotic personality, in our really great lives today?

To prepare for the wars ahead, of course. It only takes a split second for me to go from a semi-comfortable, lower middle class life to having a rifle in my hands fighting to protect the ones I love, and myself. As far as I'm concerned, I can only do that in one way: By engaging and taking out all enemy contacts I encounter. I may get shot, I may get killed, but damn If I'm not going down fighting! Only then will my presumed death be honorable in nature. It's the only way I'd ever want to go if I did go, dying in battle. Even if I'm not some great general, hopefully my name would be on some war Memorial somewhere, if Antifa doesn't burn it down.
Aldrick said:
I'm sorry Raven, it's not fair to take out my irritation on certains things on you.

I should be more aware of others.

You seem like a great guy. I enjoy you being here with us. You go through a certain period of Anger, till the soul is cleansed out.

Now I'm going through other Emotions being cleaned out. But we are getting there, little by little.

Have a good day. ;)

It's all good dude. I'm doing the same thing, cleaning all of my hangups out. Clearly this has to be one of them...if you wanna email me and talk, I'm fine with it. [email protected]
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I don't think you are weak. It's not like I am laughing at you or anything, I seriously do not have any urge at all to say anything bad about that. I don't think you are a bad person. I just think that you have some problems, just like everybody in the world all has some problems, and you have spent your whole life trying to cover up and hide them instead of removing them. This is not an uncommon reaction. Most people in the world have all done some amount of this. You have been in many painful situations, so you have a lot you have been trying to hide.

Every piece of pain is like a thorn inside your soul. If it's strong enough, you will even feel it physically. You don't heal a thorn or splinter by covering it with a thick outside layer, all that does is hold the thorn inside. You try to keep it covered all the time and trying to push it away, but that is only pushing the thorn deeper into you where it would do even more damage. And you feel that sharp point even when you try to ignore it.

You can only heal it by trying to specifically remove the thorn. And slowly, it works its way out. Might take a long time of consistent work, but it has to be done. Then once the thorn or splinter is removed, then you can cover the skin with a strong layer. Then the body can really heal, and you can start becoming stronger.

Sucks I can't just rip the thorn out, scream a whole bunch of obscenities, then treat the resulting wound.
Cringe AF post.

"Oh but PTSD tho. I feel sad for the people I've blown up."
ShadowTheRaven said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
No one in their right mind would say or treat someone that way..
It is easy to think of ourselves or have a certain image of what we want or should be but most of theae are unrealistic (jewish) ideals (put in by media or other circumstances where others never batted an eye to you, in example).

It sounds like you have aome trouble with the people in your life and you should do a working or a few to fix these issues but I guess you already know.

you'll be having weird crazy psychopatic or otherwise insane people everywhere but that doesnt mean that there are not good people also; garbage shouldnt be taken too serious? And make your judgement before getting too serious with them.
I wanted to word the last bit differently but it slipped my mind.

Funny you should say "No one in their right mind would treat someone like that" because that was from the 1970 movie "Patton", and yes, he actually slapped and berated several soldiers. He got in trouble for it, but it happened nonetheless.

I'm all alone now, I have no time for toxic motherfuckers. If they by some miracle find me, well...I'm going to jail. Not much else to say in that regard.

Young children watch movies and forget that it is acting and that toure not supposed to behave like that. Then the older generation quotes parta from movies like it is nothing.
A lot of backgroundstory is missing in a lot of movies as its only focussed on action. We dont know what they think or feel. All we see is the action.

Speaking of motherfuckers.. I wish I had a picture of the fucking bastard that drove my cousin to suicide.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Speaking of motherfuckers.. I wish I had a picture of the fucking bastard that drove my cousin to suicide.

I wish I had the name and address of the drug dealer that killed my friends with his product. Let's just say I'd proudly serve 25 with an L for taking him out.
Jack said:
Cringe AF post.

"Oh but PTSD tho. I feel sad for the people I've blown up."

PTSD isn't being sad for blowing people up, it's sheer terror after almost being blown up. What you mean is "Ohh I'm so scared I was 2 feet from a mortar explosion or an IED in the street blowing my legs off, now I got prosthetics and shit, I'm lucky to be alive"

If you really feel that way, then join the military, blow some people up, then tell Reddit about your first time killing a man.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
No one in their right mind would say or treat someone that way..
It is easy to think of ourselves or have a certain image of what we want or should be but most of theae are unrealistic (jewish) ideals (put in by media or other circumstances where others never batted an eye to you, in example).

It sounds like you have aome trouble with the people in your life and you should do a working or a few to fix these issues but I guess you already know.

you'll be having weird crazy psychopatic or otherwise insane people everywhere but that doesnt mean that there are not good people also; garbage shouldnt be taken too serious? And make your judgement before getting too serious with them.
I wanted to word the last bit differently but it slipped my mind.

Funny you should say "No one in their right mind would treat someone like that" because that was from the 1970 movie "Patton", and yes, he actually slapped and berated several soldiers. He got in trouble for it, but it happened nonetheless.

I'm all alone now, I have no time for toxic motherfuckers. If they by some miracle find me, well...I'm going to jail. Not much else to say in that regard.

Young children watch movies and forget that it is acting and that toure not supposed to behave like that. Then the older generation quotes parta from movies like it is nothing.
A lot of backgroundstory is missing in a lot of movies as its only focussed on action. We dont know what they think or feel. All we see is the action.

Speaking of motherfuckers.. I wish I had a picture of the fucking bastard that drove my cousin to suicide.
You don't need the picture, the intent coupled with affirmations is enough.
Aquarius said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
Funny you should say "No one in their right mind would treat someone like that" because that was from the 1970 movie "Patton", and yes, he actually slapped and berated several soldiers. He got in trouble for it, but it happened nonetheless.

I'm all alone now, I have no time for toxic motherfuckers. If they by some miracle find me, well...I'm going to jail. Not much else to say in that regard.

Young children watch movies and forget that it is acting and that toure not supposed to behave like that. Then the older generation quotes parta from movies like it is nothing.
A lot of backgroundstory is missing in a lot of movies as its only focussed on action. We dont know what they think or feel. All we see is the action.

Speaking of motherfuckers.. I wish I had a picture of the fucking bastard that drove my cousin to suicide.
You don't need the picture, the intent coupled with affirmations is enough.

Im not sure what I typed before was submitted, but only knowing that this guy was a teacher is not enough detail to curse someone.

Also I think you do have enough info to send a few curses his/her way shadow.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Jack said:
Cringe AF post.

"Oh but PTSD tho. I feel sad for the people I've blown up."

PTSD isn't being sad for blowing people up, it's sheer terror after almost being blown up. What you mean is "Ohh I'm so scared I was 2 feet from a mortar explosion or an IED in the street blowing my legs off, now I got prosthetics and shit, I'm lucky to be alive"

If you really feel that way, then join the military, blow some people up, then tell Reddit about your first time killing a man.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Jack said:
Cringe AF post.

"Oh but PTSD tho. I feel sad for the people I've blown up."

PTSD isn't being sad for blowing people up, it's sheer terror after almost being blown up. What you mean is "Ohh I'm so scared I was 2 feet from a mortar explosion or an IED in the street blowing my legs off, now I got prosthetics and shit, I'm lucky to be alive"

If you really feel that way, then join the military, blow some people up, then tell Reddit about your first time killing a man.
PTSD or any kind of terror is caused by a lack of moral character. It doesn't need to involve physical damage to your body. Most people develop PTSD by getting into high stress situations. It can be after the death of a family member or an attempted rape.This is because it's too much at once. A little prince just signed up thinking about movies about the military and now he sees mass murder,explosions and all this. It's too much to process.

People who have no ability of Void Control and Emotional control experience Trauma in any situation of life not just war or death. Never being in emotionally charged situations which needs emotional control,most people have never developed this ability because most people have never been trained in this. The US Navy Seals have the bastardized ideology of the same ,"To make a bunch of male killers, You have to kill the Woman in them." which refers to the concept of desensitization of emotions to become a swift mechanical killing machine. However this never works as unless you're a Psychopath you'll always have emotions. Its important to realize and actualize Dissociating your ego from your actions and emotions. People take everything that happens very personally which stifles them because they let outside stimulus determine their internal reality. They associate everything external that happens and the emotions that emerge with their 'self' which binds the self into whatever emotional or mental state they are undergoing.

Adolf Hitler disparages the Pacifists and Marxists who were against war as Traitors to the motherland. He wasn't giving speeches about killing millions of people, but he was giving speeches about saving and defending your motherland. And this is what all the pacifists and cowards who are against war do not understand - it's about destroying to protect that which you love. Heinrich Himmler head of the elite SS always had a Bhagvat Gita, a part of the Mahabharata within his coat pocket and he took it wherever he went. He was manufacturing the SS to be a modern Kshyatriya caste (warrior caste) who were also supposed to be the race ideal of the future and he structures them with ideals and attributes like the Aryan Kshyatriyas in the past.

Most people can't even imagine this but this was even a more desolate situation than killing random people in war. The warrior prince Arjuna had to kill his own half brothers, his teachers, his uncles. Before the war began he asked Krishna his charioteer to take him infront of the army so that he can see and assess the enemy. When Arjuna saw the enemy as the brothers he played with when he was young, and uncles and teachers who loved him and made his who he was crippled by an existential deep depression and he forsake the Battlefield saying he was going to completely leave earthly life. Lord Krishna which is an anagram for Venus,the Morning star Lucifer then gives his revelation about life to him which constitutes the Bhagvat Gita which spans a lot of material not just war.



But Krishna tells Arjuna the same advice that western authors like Eckart Tolle and David Hawkins stole and repackaged for consumption of westerners ,that Krishna had said some 6000 years ago. He tells Arjuna to master void control and emotional control. He tells Arjuna how human beings have different identities that they have like a son, a lover and a husband, a warrior, a statesman, a prince etc. Humans adopt and work through certain identities in certain situations. He tells us that a warrior monk who is on the path to dharma must do his duty as a man and defend his family by any means necessary. He tells us that as your doing anything through any identity (in this case a soldier in war) you have to dissociate the ego from the identity its utilizing which takes Void Control and Control over the emotions. Suppressing the emotions will lead to more association and agony and suffering. The Vikings had the same ideology during war and battle that you never suppress yourself emotionally. You must always be in equanimity with your emotions. And Krishna says the same thing, in any situation you experience the emotions fully but always keep your ego separate from the identity your working through. What this does is not letting anything outside of you affect your internal reality.

This is the same advice of being an unchangeable pillar in a world than is transient. Your ego is a rod in the earth that is unaffected by any wind whatsoever no matter what happens. Even if it's a loud nightclub or a comfy home or a battlefield where people are dying all around you, you do not flinch you do not waver because you know in the end nothing affects your ego personally. This is how the Buddhist monks were doused with petrol and set on fire but they didn't flinch because they had mastered complete void and emotional control.

You are not your identity. You are not your feelings. You are not your emotions. You are not anything that you own or have or are in relationship to.

You are what is experiencing all of this. Once you truly experience this dissociative state ,nothing will make you flinch even in case of imminent danger and you'll always keep your cool no matter what happens. You will kill the enemies of your motherland and come straight back to your house and have sex with your wife because it hasn't affected you personally. Also the thing about this is emotions are transient. The reason why people keep prolonging suffering is by dwelling on negative emotions. Associating your ego with negative emotions only makes you prolong the suffering. This is why meditation which is void meditation has helped millions of army men in the US get over PTSD because as you dissociate yourself from the identities that are afflicted by negative emotions, the negative emotions go away as they are transient in nature. All emotions, whether positive or negative are transient in nature.

War is unchanged throughout history. It is only about one thing which is your duty as a man.

















Nothing has Changed. The war against adharma Rages on !!!
There is a positive and negative side to all things to keep them in balance --
to keep the Universe going. There are awful and terrible things that must happen, destructive deathly things, and there are good and miraculous things that must happen full of life and creative construction. It seems this would come to each randomly and it seems thus it should continue this way for eternity. This is not true. And this is the essence of Who I Am.

The world is to evolve out of this. There is always another way to do a thing. That way is far away. But it is still a possible way. Destruction and terror will not always be the other way. But until the time comes when destruction and terror are removed the world you must work how the world works. Until that time, that will come in time, this is Me -- a Perfect Balance. This is necessary. Destruction and creation.

Since the time is not yet, and you are in the time that is not yet, destruction and creation are in your hands as they are Mine. Do not be afraid to do these things. Until the time comes where these things have found more peaceable means you must keep the earth in balance. Do not be afraid to destroy. Do not be afraid to create. LISTEN to Me. Create with all of your being. Destroy with all of your being. You will not be more created by creating any more than you will be destroyed by destroying. Are you more created now? Are you here or are you destroyed? You are here. You will be here as long as I am here and that is forever. Listen to what I tell you. If I tell you to create -- do it. And do it with perfection and pleasure. And if I tell you to destroy, do it. Do not hesitate. Destroy with all of your might and pleasure; yes, I tell you to delight in what you have destroyed.

Dictated, from Him personally- 4/28/05

Gott Mit Uns - God With Us
Jack said:
I didnt even read it all because its blatant atupidity of some of the things you write. Its all theory but you've never been through it yourself nor do you even understand or can even imagine how these things work. Otherwise you wouldnt be saying this.

You dont understand what PTSD is. In the old days it was called Shell Shock Syndrome. With voiding it out and exercising emotional control as you call it youre only making the problem worse. The pain HAS and NEEDS to come out.

The "dissacisiative ego" - reeks of mental insanity. We play parts in other peoples lives but we are still us, a whole complete being.
To dissasociate the ego is a buddhist practice and if you had read and remembered the sermons you would have known that (Magesons sermons in particular)
What you are saying here is that having a multiple personality thing living within you is a good thing.

But if you ask me, this goes straight against nature.

My personal opinion on this is as follows: Reach into the depths of your soul and bring whatever needs to be brought up for that situation, that youve already learned, and radiate it outwards.
If its an entirely new skill that needs to be handled then all one can do is practice.
Jack if you are so obsessed with military just join and leave people here alone finally.

Everybody can gain a severe trauma, even most trained people in military can end up with some sort of an emotional scar, want them to admit it or not.
We aren't all bred here to go around and just kill everybody who looks bad at the first sight anyways. Stop pushing your own hang-ups at people here and stop trying to project your own visions of what perfect man and society is.

The post is not cringe, you are cringe.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Jack said:
I didnt even read it all because its blatant atupidity of some of the things you write. Its all theory but you've never been through it yourself nor do you even understand or can even imagine how these things work. Otherwise you wouldnt be saying this.

You dont understand what PTSD is. In the old days it was called Shell Shock Syndrome. With voiding it out and exercising emotional control as you call it youre only making the problem worse. The pain HAS and NEEDS to come out.

The "dissacisiative ego" - reeks of mental insanity. We play parts in other peoples lives but we are still us, a whole complete being.
To dissasociate the ego is a buddhist practice and if you had read and remembered the sermons you would have known that (Magesons sermons in particular)
What you are saying here is that having a multiple personality thing living within you is a good thing.

But if you ask me, this goes straight against nature.

My personal opinion on this is as follows: Reach into the depths of your soul and bring whatever needs to be brought up for that situation, that youve already learned, and radiate it outwards.
If its an entirely new skill that needs to be handled then all one can do is practice.
You don't understand any of this because you don't have the patience to go through it and research it. You don't understand what Void control and Emotional control even means. It means being in the moment feeling the emotions fully in equanimity without being affected by it. It's not something you can do without training.

Trauma or pain is based on suppressing negative emotions in the moment because you are scared. That is not what The Bhagvat Gita teaches. The Bhagvat Gita tells us to experience the emotions fully in the moment without suppressing it,which prevents trauma or emotional pain to take root in the first place. That's what being in emotionally charged situations mean. Your habitualized of these emotions and thus, they do not make a big of a problem. The process of dissociation of the true ego from the identity while fully experiencing the emotions yet being unaffected by it ,is gained practically after advanced forms of voidvmeditation.
Focus on a specific emotion- anger, happiness, sadness, love, hate. You can choose an emotion going by how you feel on a specific day. This is excellent training for advanced ritual.

Mastering the ability of state control I.e the ability of conjuring up emotions at will from within yourself, without any outside stimulus is when you can say you've truly reached an intermediate SS advancement level. After mastering this ability almost nothing coming from outside of you will phase you. A true Yogi, a hard pillar in the ground unchanged by any wind that hits him. This is also how you'll be able to experience the equanimity state where your experiencing emotions fully and yet Dissociating the ego from the identity its working through so it doesn't affect you personally. At this stage, weakness from outside of you is extinguished.

HPMageson talks about the true ego,that is born out of and removed from the dross. Hes talking about the Kundalini Alchemical Process. What I'm talking about is the mental ego and the emotional ego.The balance of equanimity of emotions and the separation of the true ego is a function of the higher brain conceptually and of a being of higher consciousness in practice. And you are correct no matter how trained(wrongly trained), most people get traumatized about a lot of things. But SS aren't most people. The SS are supposed to be the elite in terms of higher abilities against the entire population so I don't judge the SS here the same way I judge the normal people. And even if I do judge them, it doesn't make much difference because most people here don't even understand most of the things I'm talking out since its completely out of their reality. The ones who get this will take it to heart and the ones who can't comprehend it will leave it and keep living their lives unchanging as it were. Makes no difference to me or the agenda of the SS which will go on unchanged with the things that are to come which everyone here will experience.
Azorm said:
Jack if you are so obsessed with military just join and leave people here alone finally.

Everybody can gain a severe trauma, even most trained people in military can end up with some sort of an emotional scar, want them to admit it or not.
We aren't all bred here to go around and just kill everybody who looks bad at the first sight anyways. Stop pushing your own hang-ups at people here and stop trying to project your own visions of what perfect man and society is.

The post is not cringe, you are cringe
CRINGE AF . Muh trauma. Muh sadness. Muh crying. Muh bullying.






Its pretty sad.

You can't get it right if you can't relate
Trade the cash for the beef for the body for the hate
And my time is a piece of wax fallin' on a termite
That's chokin' on the splinters
Soy un perdedor
I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?
(Get crazy with the Cheeze Whiz)
Soy un perdedor
I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?
(Drive-by body pierce)
Soy un perdedor
I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?
(I can't believe you)
Soy un perdedor
I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?
Soy un perdedor
I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?
(Sprechen Sie Deutche, baby)
Soy un perdedor
I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?
(Know what I'm sayin'?)
Jack said:
Some bullshit reddit tier meme

I still don't see you in uniform, Private Jack!
Jack said:
Waaah Waaah MOMMY SOMEONE CALLED ME OUT *pulls up 10 pictures and some song quotes while crying***
And of course any comment on your bullshit is "bullying" again. That's the Jack Special™. :lol:
Jack said:
Azorm said:
Jack if you are so obsessed with military just join and leave people here alone finally.

Everybody can gain a severe trauma, even most trained people in military can end up with some sort of an emotional scar, want them to admit it or not.
We aren't all bred here to go around and just kill everybody who looks bad at the first sight anyways. Stop pushing your own hang-ups at people here and stop trying to project your own visions of what perfect man and society is.

The post is not cringe, you are cringe
CRINGE AF . Muh trauma. Muh sadness. Muh crying. Muh bullying.






Its pretty sad.

You can't get it right if you can't relate
Trade the cash for the beef for the body for the hate
And my time is a piece of wax fallin' on a termite
That's chokin' on the splinters
Soy un perdedor
I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?
(Get crazy with the Cheeze Whiz)
Soy un perdedor
I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?
(Drive-by body pierce)
Soy un perdedor
I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?
(I can't believe you)
Soy un perdedor
I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?
Soy un perdedor
I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?
(Sprechen Sie Deutche, baby)
Soy un perdedor
I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?
(Know what I'm sayin'?)

-But sir, sir- Jack desperately cried out to this random reptile. -Sir, I saw people having emotions. Sir, it was so bad, I saw them mutually respecting and loving each other, I saw them expressing their deepest emotions and I felt some water in their souls. It was disgusting sir, idk how will I ever recover from it.-

Reptilian looked at him with frustration in his eyes- But have you tried your best to warn them how bad and troublesome that is?-
-Yes sir- answered Jack. - I also tried to tell them how big failures they are and how they will be castrated and thrown into gulags for not being masculine enough and obedient to the system, that is, to me and my masters. It seems that they keep still showing some resistance. Sir idk what went wrong.-

Mr. Reptilian raised his voice and started yelling - BUT HAVE YOU SHOWN THEM YOUR THING?!-
-Not yet sir, I am working on that. I'm sure that will silence them and bring some order. It must be done.-
Creature started circling around room nervously. - You gotta tell 'em. YOU GOTTA TELL EM HOW FEMALES ARE TWISTED. ROTTEN. SPOILED, PIECES OF SHIT. ABOMINATIONS... My girls gotta obey me, I keep beating them every day, you can't trust them. The moment I relax and turn around, is the moment they start wanting some rights and shit, start screaming, making drama, wanting to be free and hoe around. Those muslims understand that, why can't all gentiles be like that? Females are scary man, supress them, make them your slaves, don't let them speak or do anything than cleaning and giving birth...
I keep slapping my wife's butt in front of everybody, she gotta know her place...- Reptiles cheeks got red a bit, he can't not get turned on at such a scene. Then he suddenly pulled some whips and started punishing himself while furiously mumbling some curses and screaming almost silently. - No no no, she will seduce me and destroy my soul, I must not think in that way, I must not be weak!-

Then he turned around to Jack again- SEE WHAT THEY ARE CAPABLE OF? DAMN THOSE ABOMINATIONS!-
-Yes sir, I am working hard to spread the truth among gentiles as well. Females are born only for slavery. It's clear. Beat those chicks well sir. I completely understand your situation, we must not allow ourselves to get attached to them in any way and to let them manipulate us. - With dead like eyes he started thinking of a terror girls put him through. Never again! Purge the world from that evil. He had those thoughts in his head, he couldn't stop shaking.

- Oi,you listening to me?- shouted reptilian to Jack whose thoughs started wandering around. - YES SIR, I allowed my thougts to be free. It will never happen again. I will whip myself later for this. My apologies sir.-

- Listen to me now. Go and try harder. Don't forget about the dick power. It's only good power. Use it well!- 
Mr. Reptilian left the room obviously angry and furious. Jack understood that he has a mission that is not going on very well, HE MUST TRY HARDER! 

Wandering Jack worked hard to educate people about problems that femininity brings. He traveled whole world in hope that people will understand. He found online groups and forums, he tried his best to fight this evil.

Before few days he saw something so utterly wrong again.
He saw feminine male. How dares he. HOW DARES THIS ABOMINATION EXIST. 
He raged for days. Called the guy a pussy. It didn't worked as he wanted. He must be more dominant, maybe, more scary, more convincing. He furiously wrote the guy as he is taught - you are a failure for the white race. Have you seen Hitler? Have you seen how masculine he is? Do you think his army had pussies like you? You think they had emotions, wanted to stay home and bake some bread?- *inserts some random pictures of Nazi army**
*rubs his arms** -hehehe, this will teach them well!-

He continued writing- You think Satan will allow such a failures to exists? It is really saddening to see grown up men behaving like this. ....And anime! LOOK AT THOSE SOLDIERS, YOU THINK THEY WOULD WATCH THAT CRAP? FEEL HOW MASCULINE AND DOMINANT THEY ARE. Their dicks are bending the space and time around them!- 
Lots of people reacted badly. Next day he tried to explain that breeding machines, aka women must stay in the kitchen.
He felt summoned on a thread where they talked about sexuality and femininity. 
- All third sex people are mentally ill and will barely be allowed in fourth reich. Their insanity must be contained. Hitler made it clear!-

Masculine girls appeared on the thread disgusted. He knew he must explain more how it goes. - No real female will be allowed to live if she doesn't give us at least 10 children by the age of 30! Real female has no ego, she must live for her kid and for her husband. Aside from it she is useless. -

Some more drama started. He felt so frustrated. - WHY ARE THEY RESISTING. I MADE IT CLEAR. I MUST, I MUST BE MORE DOOOMINAAANTT!!!!! I WILL VIBRATE URUZ 666x times. I WILL BE RESPECTED, I WILL BE LISTENED, I WILL BE FOLLOWED! MORE DOMINAN..- At that moment he saw some males going on some relaxing bath at a local hot spring.

He sprinted to catch to them. Then when he arrived he just took off his clothes in a mid air and jumped in a water completely naked. He aimed his dick at those random boys there, making it clear who is the boss. One of them had pentagram tattooed on his chest. He hoped it's an SS, started having huge erection to gain some respect.

Then they silently left him alone and sad in a pool.
He started yelling and eating his own hair - WHY, WHY THEY AREN'T IMPRESSED???!!! WHY, WHYYYYY? I AM THE MOSSST DOMINANTTTT!!-
He went nuts. After a while he calmed down and stopped yelling. He remembered some of those masculine evil chicks. He started having sexual fantasies about his cold-hearted kike mom.
- Oh mommy, but I miss you so much - he cried with his giant manly erection....
Jack said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Jack said:
I didnt even read it all because its blatant atupidity of some of the things you write. Its all theory but you've never been through it yourself nor do you even understand or can even imagine how these things work. Otherwise you wouldnt be saying this.

You dont understand what PTSD is. In the old days it was called Shell Shock Syndrome. With voiding it out and exercising emotional control as you call it youre only making the problem worse. The pain HAS and NEEDS to come out.

The "dissacisiative ego" - reeks of mental insanity. We play parts in other peoples lives but we are still us, a whole complete being.
To dissasociate the ego is a buddhist practice and if you had read and remembered the sermons you would have known that (Magesons sermons in particular)
What you are saying here is that having a multiple personality thing living within you is a good thing.

But if you ask me, this goes straight against nature.

My personal opinion on this is as follows: Reach into the depths of your soul and bring whatever needs to be brought up for that situation, that youve already learned, and radiate it outwards.
If its an entirely new skill that needs to be handled then all one can do is practice.
You don't understand any of this because you don't have the patience to go through it and research it. You don't understand what Void control and Emotional control even means. It means being in the moment feeling the emotions fully in equanimity without being affected by it. It's not something you can do without training.

Trauma or pain is based on suppressing negative emotions in the moment because you are scared. That is not what The Bhagvat Gita teaches. The Bhagvat Gita tells us to experience the emotions fully in the moment without suppressing it,which prevents trauma or emotional pain to take root in the first place. That's what being in emotionally charged situations mean. Your habitualized of these emotions and thus, they do not make a big of a problem. The process of dissociation of the true ego from the identity while fully experiencing the emotions yet being unaffected by it ,is gained practically after advanced forms of voidvmeditation.
Focus on a specific emotion- anger, happiness, sadness, love, hate. You can choose an emotion going by how you feel on a specific day. This is excellent training for advanced ritual.

Mastering the ability of state control I.e the ability of conjuring up emotions at will from within yourself, without any outside stimulus is when you can say you've truly reached an intermediate SS advancement level. After mastering this ability almost nothing coming from outside of you will phase you. A true Yogi, a hard pillar in the ground unchanged by any wind that hits him. This is also how you'll be able to experience the equanimity state where your experiencing emotions fully and yet Dissociating the ego from the identity its working through so it doesn't affect you personally. At this stage, weakness from outside of you is extinguished.

HPMageson talks about the true ego,that is born out of and removed from the dross. Hes talking about the Kundalini Alchemical Process. What I'm talking about is the mental ego and the emotional ego.The balance of equanimity of emotions and the separation of the true ego is a function of the higher brain conceptually and of a being of higher consciousness in practice. And you are correct no matter how trained(wrongly trained), most people get traumatized about a lot of things. But SS aren't most people. The SS are supposed to be the elite in terms of higher abilities against the entire population so I don't judge the SS here the same way I judge the normal people. And even if I do judge them, it doesn't make much difference because most people here don't even understand most of the things I'm talking out since its completely out of their reality. The ones who get this will take it to heart and the ones who can't comprehend it will leave it and keep living their lives unchanging as it were. Makes no difference to me or the agenda of the SS which will go on unchanged with the things that are to come which everyone here will experience.

What you're talking about is way far ahead for most people. The state you're talking about is legit, but there is observations that even Gods make which have shaken and will continue to shake them to the core. It's the nature of the universe. When one hits a certain level in development of what you're saying, things below that certain level won't hurt them or affect them in any serious way sure. Things that are though don't apply, even advanced SS will experience emotional shocks that are too much for them to take at that one moment, frying them out or driving them insane if they persist so that's why we are supposed to be patient. Know when we have to rest, recuperate and ameliorate our emotional friction and stresses. Even people in emotional equanimity have to do this, but that's the thing, in a war(or if you are working on a project which demands a lot of time) you have to know how to do RnR in a quick, efficient way so as to save precious time.

It doesn't mean never do RnR and just 100% zoning into a mindset of war, not many people can do that who are here and the grand majority of humans are nowhere near that level, they are still on the process of experience and of transforming their soul and mind to understand and eventually be capable of doing that. This same thing here, which makes the soul callous to the loud and violent things, can also get confused with lack of actual sensitivity, like a psychopath who doesn't actually feel emotion and thinks he's above it cos of "discipline" or some wank. That's different. You have to make sure you get the differentiation between the two: the being high up in the resilience metre, and flat out psychopath. Also learn to value those who don't adhere to systems as you seem to be a systemic thinking, regimented type of a personality who doesn't like different, hippie-ish personalities. Those types of people are much better at being unpredictable generally, which is an important trait in any kind of warfare. Yes, even if they are tentative in going overboard with RnR stuff, but not if they are jeopardising you and your aims.

Azorm's reply is hilarious btw lol, but I think you're more aware than you sometimes let on.
Azorm said:
Jack said:
Azorm said:
Jack if you are so obsessed with military just join and leave people here alone finally.

Everybody can gain a severe trauma, even most trained people in military can end up with some sort of an emotional scar, want them to admit it or not.
We aren't all bred here to go around and just kill everybody who looks bad at the first sight anyways. Stop pushing your own hang-ups at people here and stop trying to project your own visions of what perfect man and society is.

The post is not cringe, you are cringe
CRINGE AF . Muh trauma. Muh sadness. Muh crying. Muh bullying.






Its pretty sad.

You can't get it right if you can't relate
Trade the cash for the beef for the body for the hate
And my time is a piece of wax fallin' on a termite
That's chokin' on the splinters
Soy un perdedor
I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?
(Get crazy with the Cheeze Whiz)
Soy un perdedor
I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?
(Drive-by body pierce)
Soy un perdedor
I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?
(I can't believe you)
Soy un perdedor
I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?
Soy un perdedor
I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?
(Sprechen Sie Deutche, baby)
Soy un perdedor
I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?
(Know what I'm sayin'?)

-But sir, sir- Jack desperately cried out to this random reptile. -Sir, I saw people having emotions. Sir, it was so bad, I saw them mutually respecting and loving each other, I saw them expressing their deepest emotions and I felt some water in their souls. It was disgusting sir, idk how will I ever recover from it.-

Reptilian looked at him with frustration in his eyes- But have you tried your best to warn them how bad and troublesome that is?-
-Yes sir- answered Jack. - I also tried to tell them how big failures they are and how they will be castrated and thrown into gulags for not being masculine enough and obedient to the system, that is, to me and my masters. It seems that they keep still showing some resistance. Sir idk what went wrong.-

Mr. Reptilian raised his voice and started yelling - BUT HAVE YOU SHOWN THEM YOUR THING?!-
-Not yet sir, I am working on that. I'm sure that will silence them and bring some order. It must be done.-
Creature started circling around room nervously. - You gotta tell 'em. YOU GOTTA TELL EM HOW FEMALES ARE TWISTED. ROTTEN. SPOILED, PIECES OF SHIT. ABOMINATIONS... My girls gotta obey me, I keep beating them every day, you can't trust them. The moment I relax and turn around, is the moment they start wanting some rights and shit, start screaming, making drama, wanting to be free and hoe around. Those muslims understand that, why can't all gentiles be like that? Females are scary man, supress them, make them your slaves, don't let them speak or do anything than cleaning and giving birth...
I keep slapping my wife's butt in front of everybody, she gotta know her place...- Reptiles cheeks got red a bit, he can't not get turned on at such a scene. Then he suddenly pulled some whips and started punishing himself while furiously mumbling some curses and screaming almost silently. - No no no, she will seduce me and destroy my soul, I must not think in that way, I must not be weak!-

Then he turned around to Jack again- SEE WHAT THEY ARE CAPABLE OF? DAMN THOSE ABOMINATIONS!-
-Yes sir, I am working hard to spread the truth among gentiles as well. Females are born only for slavery. It's clear. Beat those chicks well sir. I completely understand your situation, we must not allow ourselves to get attached to them in any way and to let them manipulate us. - With dead like eyes he started thinking of a terror girls put him through. Never again! Purge the world from that evil. He had those thoughts in his head, he couldn't stop shaking.

- Oi,you listening to me?- shouted reptilian to Jack whose thoughs started wandering around. - YES SIR, I allowed my thougts to be free. It will never happen again. I will whip myself later for this. My apologies sir.-

- Listen to me now. Go and try harder. Don't forget about the dick power. It's only good power. Use it well!- 
Mr. Reptilian left the room obviously angry and furious. Jack understood that he has a mission that is not going on very well, HE MUST TRY HARDER! 

Wandering Jack worked hard to educate people about problems that femininity brings. He traveled whole world in hope that people will understand. He found online groups and forums, he tried his best to fight this evil.

Before few days he saw something so utterly wrong again.
He saw feminine male. How dares he. HOW DARES THIS ABOMINATION EXIST. 
He raged for days. Called the guy a pussy. It didn't worked as he wanted. He must be more dominant, maybe, more scary, more convincing. He furiously wrote the guy as he is taught - you are a failure for the white race. Have you seen Hitler? Have you seen how masculine he is? Do you think his army had pussies like you? You think they had emotions, wanted to stay home and bake some bread?- *inserts some random pictures of Nazi army**
*rubs his arms** -hehehe, this will teach them well!-

He continued writing- You think Satan will allow such a failures to exists? It is really saddening to see grown up men behaving like this. ....And anime! LOOK AT THOSE SOLDIERS, YOU THINK THEY WOULD WATCH THAT CRAP? FEEL HOW MASCULINE AND DOMINANT THEY ARE. Their dicks are bending the space and time around them!- 
Lots of people reacted badly. Next day he tried to explain that breeding machines, aka women must stay in the kitchen.
He felt summoned on a thread where they talked about sexuality and femininity. 
- All third sex people are mentally ill and will barely be allowed in fourth reich. Their insanity must be contained. Hitler made it clear!-

Masculine girls appeared on the thread disgusted. He knew he must explain more how it goes. - No real female will be allowed to live if she doesn't give us at least 10 children by the age of 30! Real female has no ego, she must live for her kid and for her husband. Aside from it she is useless. -

Some more drama started. He felt so frustrated. - WHY ARE THEY RESISTING. I MADE IT CLEAR. I MUST, I MUST BE MORE DOOOMINAAANTT!!!!! I WILL VIBRATE URUZ 666x times. I WILL BE RESPECTED, I WILL BE LISTENED, I WILL BE FOLLOWED! MORE DOMINAN..- At that moment he saw some males going on some relaxing bath at a local hot spring.

He sprinted to catch to them. Then when he arrived he just took off his clothes in a mid air and jumped in a water completely naked. He aimed his dick at those random boys there, making it clear who is the boss. One of them had pentagram tattooed on his chest. He hoped it's an SS, started having huge erection to gain some respect.

Then they silently left him alone and sad in a pool.
He started yelling and eating his own hair - WHY, WHY THEY AREN'T IMPRESSED???!!! WHY, WHYYYYY? I AM THE MOSSST DOMINANTTTT!!-
He went nuts. After a while he calmed down and stopped yelling. He remembered some of those masculine evil chicks. He started having sexual fantasies about his cold-hearted kike mom.
- Oh mommy, but I miss you so much - he cried with his giant manly erection....
This is actually pretty funny although you ruined it at the end with insinuating about deranged sexual fantasies about my mother which is a pretty low blow although its expected from an emotional leech and a pathetic human being(?). I knew you were extremely weak,manipulative,jealous and had mental health issues from other SS who had encountered you but insinuating that my mother was a kike and other disgusting things about her is the lowest of the low. I knew that you were an emotional leech and you'd start any drama I can give you but I didn't know you had such hatred for random anonymous SS on forums and you'd delve into such low personal attacks about my mother. Its primarily my mistake to feed a rabid dog and then get bitten but this is pretty low. Even though I'm completely unphased ,I thought about it for 3-4 minutes and I feel kind of bad for you as to what made you such scum of the earth, a putrid mass which is hanging lower day by day. Its somewhat sad that someone who calls herself a woman or an SS can fall this low attacking a mans mother who he has an extremely emotionally charged relationship with ,its disturbing. Maybe it's because of all the emotional abuse you've been given all your life and been called all sorts of names and ostracized out of social groups that you've developed such emotional vanity and you attack people after figuring out what would hurt them the most. You seem to be a master of how to emotionally trigger even the most emotionally resilient people's by trying to target their deepest emotional wounds. If it was said to me some months prior, I would have been extremely angry but currently I am simply cognizant of your pattern of behavior. Its disgusting and disturbing. It reeks of weakness and stench trying to figure out others deepest emotional insecurities and then attacking them for where it'll sting most. I always am hopeful that my SS brothers and Sisters would do well in life, heal and get over their traumas and insecurities and generally become strong and go ahead in life.

But I can't say the same for you. For you I'll make a separate one only case because this was astonishing to me. I wouldn't wish for constant emotional suffering, depression and deep sadness for anyone. And if some SS would tell me they are in that state, I'd try to help them somehow I'd either motivate them or share with them something that helped me personally. But if someone told me that you were in that depressiive state because no one seems to like you, everyone hates and everyone ostracizes you out of their groups and for that you're extremely sad,depressed and suffering. I will not care. I will not blink. I will not try to help you or share anything helpful to you. You deserve it. I've excluded you as a human being deserving of basic respect from my mind.
Jack said:
The process of dissociation of the true ego from the identity while fully experiencing the emotions yet being unaffected by it ,is gained practically after advanced forms of voidvmeditation.

A true Yogi, a hard pillar in the ground unchanged by any wind that hits him. This is also how you'll be able to experience the equanimity state where your experiencing emotions fully and yet Dissociating the ego from the identity its working through so it doesn't affect you personally. At this stage, weakness from outside of you is extinguished.

HPMageson talks about the true ego,that is born out of and removed from the dross. Hes talking about the Kundalini Alchemical Process. What I'm talking about is the mental ego and the emotional ego.The balance of equanimity of emotions and the separation of the true ego is a function of the higher brain conceptually and of a being of higher consciousness in practice. And you are correct no matter how trained(wrongly trained), most people get traumatized about a lot of things. But SS aren't most people. The SS are supposed to be the elite in terms of higher abilities against the entire population so I don't judge the SS here the same way I judge the normal people. And even if I do judge them, it doesn't make much difference because most people here don't even understand most of the things I'm talking out since its completely out of their reality. The ones who get this will take it to heart and the ones who can't comprehend it will leave it and keep living their lives unchanging as it were. Makes no difference to me or the agenda of the SS which will go on unchanged with the things that are to come which everyone here will experience.

There are a couple of things Id like to say here, but let me ask you first, do you have a dominance of water?
I do not think you quite understand what water dominant people go through yet here you are posting a long post with 'advice' and how others should behave.

People dominant in water feel their emotions pretty much all the time to begin with. When something upsetting happens, it feels like being hit by a concrete wall (crashing car into it at full speed), stepping on a couple of landmines, and if the feeling continues even a cat 5 tornado like Katrina.
If you expect to live your life normal and with a pokerface through all of that, you are mistaken and it is abnormal to do so. Imagine watching a loved one die. Someone close to your heart. Did you not care at all?
At least we SS have some perspective that makes it more relateable and a little bit easier to deal with because even if said person has left the physical plane he or she isnt gone forever. Well usually not.

How is this any different from the image of the warrior, portrayed in movies, stabding tall with a sword in hand, chopping down enemy after enemy on a bloody battlefield?

if you disconnect the "emotional ego" arent you just disassociating yourself from your emotions and disconnecting yourself from them? How contradictory.

Look, some of the things you say may be useful but there are plenty of things that reek like you just read em somewhere, they sounded good and you decided to apply them without thinking whether or not itd even make sense to apply them in the first place.

HP Mageson said:
If youd be so kind to confirm whether or not this info about these egos is actually true?
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Jack said:
The process of dissociation of the true ego from the identity while fully experiencing the emotions yet being unaffected by it ,is gained practically after advanced forms of voidvmeditation.

A true Yogi, a hard pillar in the ground unchanged by any wind that hits him. This is also how you'll be able to experience the equanimity state where your experiencing emotions fully and yet Dissociating the ego from the identity its working through so it doesn't affect you personally. At this stage, weakness from outside of you is extinguished.

HPMageson talks about the true ego,that is born out of and removed from the dross. Hes talking about the Kundalini Alchemical Process. What I'm talking about is the mental ego and the emotional ego.The balance of equanimity of emotions and the separation of the true ego is a function of the higher brain conceptually and of a being of higher consciousness in practice. And you are correct no matter how trained(wrongly trained), most people get traumatized about a lot of things. But SS aren't most people. The SS are supposed to be the elite in terms of higher abilities against the entire population so I don't judge the SS here the same way I judge the normal people. And even if I do judge them, it doesn't make much difference because most people here don't even understand most of the things I'm talking out since its completely out of their reality. The ones who get this will take it to heart and the ones who can't comprehend it will leave it and keep living their lives unchanging as it were. Makes no difference to me or the agenda of the SS which will go on unchanged with the things that are to come which everyone here will experience.

There are a couple of things Id like to say here, but let me ask you first, do you have a dominance of water?
I do not think you quite understand what water dominant people go through yet here you are posting a long post with 'advice' and how others should behave.

People dominant in water feel their emotions pretty much all the time to begin with. When something upsetting happens, it feels like being hit by a concrete wall (crashing car into it at full speed), stepping on a couple of landmines, and if the feeling continues even a cat 5 tornado like Katrina.
If you expect to live your life normal and with a pokerface through all of that, you are mistaken and it is abnormal to do so. Imagine watching a loved one die. Someone close to your heart. Did you not care at all?
At least we SS have some perspective that makes it more relateable and a little bit easier to deal with because even if said person has left the physical plane he or she isnt gone forever. Well usually not.

How is this any different from the image of the warrior, portrayed in movies, stabding tall with a sword in hand, chopping down enemy after enemy on a bloody battlefield?

if you disconnect the "emotional ego" arent you just disassociating yourself from your emotions and disconnecting yourself from them? How contradictory.

Look, some of the things you say may be useful but there are plenty of things that reek like you just read em somewhere, they sounded good and you decided to apply them without thinking whether or not itd even make sense to apply them in the first place.

HP Mageson said:
If youd be so kind to confirm whether or not this info about these egos is actually true?
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Jack said:
The process of dissociation of the true ego from the identity while fully experiencing the emotions yet being unaffected by it ,is gained practically after advanced forms of voidvmeditation.

A true Yogi, a hard pillar in the ground unchanged by any wind that hits him. This is also how you'll be able to experience the equanimity state where your experiencing emotions fully and yet Dissociating the ego from the identity its working through so it doesn't affect you personally. At this stage, weakness from outside of you is extinguished.

HPMageson talks about the true ego,that is born out of and removed from the dross. Hes talking about the Kundalini Alchemical Process. What I'm talking about is the mental ego and the emotional ego.The balance of equanimity of emotions and the separation of the true ego is a function of the higher brain conceptually and of a being of higher consciousness in practice. And you are correct no matter how trained(wrongly trained), most people get traumatized about a lot of things. But SS aren't most people. The SS are supposed to be the elite in terms of higher abilities against the entire population so I don't judge the SS here the same way I judge the normal people. And even if I do judge them, it doesn't make much difference because most people here don't even understand most of the things I'm talking out since its completely out of their reality. The ones who get this will take it to heart and the ones who can't comprehend it will leave it and keep living their lives unchanging as it were. Makes no difference to me or the agenda of the SS which will go on unchanged with the things that are to come which everyone here will experience.

There are a couple of things Id like to say here, but let me ask you first, do you have a dominance of water?
I do not think you quite understand what water dominant people go through yet here you are posting a long post with 'advice' and how others should behave.

People dominant in water feel their emotions pretty much all the time to begin with. When something upsetting happens, it feels like being hit by a concrete wall (crashing car into it at full speed), stepping on a couple of landmines, and if the feeling continues even a cat 5 tornado like Katrina.
If you expect to live your life normal and with a pokerface through all of that, you are mistaken and it is abnormal to do so. Imagine watching a loved one die. Someone close to your heart. Did you not care at all?
At least we SS have some perspective that makes it more relateable and a little bit easier to deal with because even if said person has left the physical plane he or she isnt gone forever. Well usually not.

How is this any different from the image of the warrior, portrayed in movies, stabding tall with a sword in hand, chopping down enemy after enemy on a bloody battlefield?

if you disconnect the "emotional ego" arent you just disassociating yourself from your emotions and disconnecting yourself from them? How contradictory.

Look, some of the things you say may be useful but there are plenty of things that reek like you just read em somewhere, they sounded good and you decided to apply them without thinking whether or not itd even make sense to apply them in the first place.

HP Mageson said:
If youd be so kind to confirm whether or not this info about these egos is actually true?
You don't seem to understand what I'm talking about. There is one ego which takes different shapes like water in a cup,water in a vessel, water in a bottle etc. Is the water part of the cup ? Is the water,part of the bottle or is it separate ? That is how your Ego interacts with your emotions. The ego (/or consciousness) is not part of your experiences, your emotions, or your beliefs. It is what is experiencing all of it. It is fitting itself into different bottles or vessels but at the same time,if you do not make it separate and attach yourself strongly with your emotions(identifying with them) its going to be extremely hard to develop emotional independence and self reliance. It is also going to prolong suffering if you attach yourself with negative emotions. This is described by HPMaxine when she says ,NEVER identity with the disease. If you think about this carefully, what does she mean. For example "I am sick." This is identifying and attaching yourself/your ego with the disease.

"I am Sad." Vs "I am temporarily Experiencing the emotion of sadness." This is the crucial difference that I am talking about. I am not talking about being emotionless. You cannot suppress your emotions because whatever you resist, persists emotionally. But you cannot let the emotions control your life,your behavior and your actions. If you do ,one cannot do literally anything in life. If you are not mindful of your emotions, they will take you over and dictate every aspect of your life. You cannot prevent sadness when a loved one die. But if you keep dwelling on your sadness and are unable to let it pass naturally, your life will be a living hell.

People don't know this, but emotions are chemicals in your brain firing off by your feelings and thoughts that might be personal or motivated from outside you. If you constantly think about something (for example sadness) and identify yourself deeply with it and attach your ego with it. What will happen is the neurons will constantly keep firing the same chemicals until the brain becomes addicted to them. At that point Sadness is like a Cocaine addiction. Anything that is even remotely related to that event will constantly trigger sadness and this will constantly keep repeating in a loop. This is what PTSD is. Constant repetition by dwelling on negative emotions. Once you are in control of your ego and do not let the emotions control your behavior ,they will naturally run its course and disappear because they are by virtue of their existence, transient.

Imagine if a man feels anxiety which approaching a woman he loves or desires. If he attaches his ego with his emotional state ,he "becomes anxious. " "I am anxious." is what stifles him because an anxious person cannot proceed further by definition. If instead he was mindful of his emotions and in control of his ego, he would be experiencing anxiousness but he wouldn't let the emotion dictate his reality. "I am temporarily feeling the emotion of anxiousness. " He doesn't let emotions dictate his life (emotions which he didn't consciously choose to feel.) and goes on to talk to the woman anyway and while talking he didn't even notice it but the anxiety has already dissapeared and now their laughing and are in a jolly mood which looks like the beginning of a great relationship. If in retrospect this guy would have let the anxiety take hold of his life, he couldn't accomplish anything because he would let anxiety dictate his life.

The emotions that is created through outside stimulus should not decide your mental state. You should be the one to decide that,which is what I'm trying to say. If you get overwhelmed by emotions and let them run you, you've already lost free will. Your internal reality and by corollary your actions are now determined by outside influences,and not with your conscious awareness.

Water people have it the hardest and need the training of Void meditation on their emotions, the most because they are constantly being triggered by outside influences. This is an extremely volatile state of mind to be in where everyone and everything can change how you internally feel. I have fire dominant nature exacerbated by Air which means I'm extremely stubborn and fanatical about my views and beliefs, I'm generally not going to let anyone else dictate how I feel internally, I simply do not give a shit. But Water people seem to be very easily manipulated because manipulation is an appeal to emotions, not logic. If you're constantly in an emotionally charged state all the time, any seasoned person knowledgeable in basic Persuasion and Influence and quickly hack this process and make you believe whatever he/she wants them to do. You can see how this poses an extremely problematic situation. I'm hopeful now you get this :) :) :)

Its extremely unlikely that a water person will get what I'm trying to say at the first time. It will take them some readings before they figure out what I'm talking about has nothing to do with what they are projecting at me. They are being run totally by emotions and are seeing everything through the emotions that they are experiencing.

For example "Orange Man = Bad" . These liberal savants are extremely emotional type of people and are unable to understand logic. They are unable to logically look at the situation and make conscious decisions. Everyone and everything, they paint with the unnecessary hatred they possess after being manipulated by jews.

This is why I suggest everyone do void meditation to control their emotions. If your emotions control you, its going to be extremely hard to live life because life is going to be throwing loads of emotionally charged situations at you. This is something that Water people can learn from Fire and Earth people.

And also,there seems to be some confusion. I wasn't saying The Original post was cringe,because the original poster didn't talk about PTSD or war at all. I was talking about the responses of people on the thread to ShadowOfRaven who was talking about going to war and everyone started throwing in emotionally charged pacifism at him. I don't condone how he went about things but pacifism in itself is a cancer. War and death are inevitable and have been occurring since Eternity and will continue to occur for many years until the formation of the Satya Yuga. And even then there could be war between humans and another alien species just like the gods are at war with Another Alien species. The point being, a brutal war against the Jewish people and the Muslims is inevitable and is destined to happen one way or another. Don't misconstrue this as a call for action. But when the inevitable situation does happen, people are going to die in swathes. And this should be common knowledge because a warrior kills people who attacks his people. I'm not sure what's there to argue here. A warrior will fight against the external invaders or do the pacifist people here condone rape and conquest of the white race rather than fighting violently to ensure the races survival because it CANNOT go both ways. There is no peaceful solution, it should be apparent to everyone here already. We don't talk about this often in the forum but this is the reality. The muslims that are inside Europe will not get out without force and a subset of these are going to commit acts of violent terrorism when they are forcibly kicked out. They must be killed. And do you think that the marxists and liberals in the western countries are going to let the complete restructuring of the Jewish World order without violence ? Because that's naivety. There is going to be war and there is going to be death and we're already approaching that time. If people here do not develop emotional resilience, I do not think they'll be able to take what's coming without PTSD. "Thing happen without warning and the reason always become apparent afterwards. "
It might not be tomorrow or next month but its going to happen someday inevitably because you simply cannot collapse an existing order and replace it without people from the old order violently defending the order.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Jack said:
The process of dissociation of the true ego from the identity while fully experiencing the emotions yet being unaffected by it ,is gained practically after advanced forms of voidvmeditation.

A true Yogi, a hard pillar in the ground unchanged by any wind that hits him. This is also how you'll be able to experience the equanimity state where your experiencing emotions fully and yet Dissociating the ego from the identity its working through so it doesn't affect you personally. At this stage, weakness from outside of you is extinguished.

HPMageson talks about the true ego,that is born out of and removed from the dross. Hes talking about the Kundalini Alchemical Process. What I'm talking about is the mental ego and the emotional ego.The balance of equanimity of emotions and the separation of the true ego is a function of the higher brain conceptually and of a being of higher consciousness in practice. And you are correct no matter how trained(wrongly trained), most people get traumatized about a lot of things. But SS aren't most people. The SS are supposed to be the elite in terms of higher abilities against the entire population so I don't judge the SS here the same way I judge the normal people. And even if I do judge them, it doesn't make much difference because most people here don't even understand most of the things I'm talking out since its completely out of their reality. The ones who get this will take it to heart and the ones who can't comprehend it will leave it and keep living their lives unchanging as it were. Makes no difference to me or the agenda of the SS which will go on unchanged with the things that are to come which everyone here will experience.

There are a couple of things Id like to say here, but let me ask you first, do you have a dominance of water?
I do not think you quite understand what water dominant people go through yet here you are posting a long post with 'advice' and how others should behave.

People dominant in water feel their emotions pretty much all the time to begin with. When something upsetting happens, it feels like being hit by a concrete wall (crashing car into it at full speed), stepping on a couple of landmines, and if the feeling continues even a cat 5 tornado like Katrina.
If you expect to live your life normal and with a pokerface through all of that, you are mistaken and it is abnormal to do so. Imagine watching a loved one die. Someone close to your heart. Did you not care at all?
At least we SS have some perspective that makes it more relateable and a little bit easier to deal with because even if said person has left the physical plane he or she isnt gone forever. Well usually not.

How is this any different from the image of the warrior, portrayed in movies, stabding tall with a sword in hand, chopping down enemy after enemy on a bloody battlefield?

if you disconnect the "emotional ego" arent you just disassociating yourself from your emotions and disconnecting yourself from them? How contradictory.

Look, some of the things you say may be useful but there are plenty of things that reek like you just read em somewhere, they sounded good and you decided to apply them without thinking whether or not itd even make sense to apply them in the first place.

HP Mageson said:
If youd be so kind to confirm whether or not this info about these egos is actually true?
And you can also understand why its frustrating for me from people start misconstruing what I'm trying to say with their own projections. This other girl started acting hysterically on this thread because she was being driven by emotions and like every person who is ruled by emotions started talking about things I've never said before. This is because she was inventing these out of thin air with her imagination to fit her emotional state. After I triggered her for fun,she started hysterically ranting about ancient history I have on this forum which I don't even remember. And shes Constructed this imaginary narrative of how I'm so bad and all this and things that I've never said before attached to me, even though I don't remember who this girl this. I tried remembering after reading her hysterical posts that certain SS had encountered her and she had Jewish tendencies and behaviors along with mental health issues and I was able to put two and two together, that I shouldn't give any attention to this person whatsoever. The point being not everyone is disturbingly malicious like her, but most emotional people paint imaginary pictures of other people in their mind even if they've never said anything like this before. You could see how this poses problems to Constructive dialogue.
Aldrick said:
13th_Wolf said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
I don't like water. I'm not a very emotional type of person, if all of a sudden I start invoking water I might turn into a whiny little bitch.

But you, like me everyone else were also once a whinging and whiny little baby once. That is Water. Everyone has a base level of Water which manifests through this, the mother and so on.

If your concern is about water making you be perceived as less intimidating; theres a strong power which can emanate from one when they sublimate the negatives of Water, as Libra has pointed out. When it becomes empathetic in the right way, it turns one towards the Mike Tyson levels of deliberation. People who lack and are not acknowledged in water will not be fearless or have any kind of way of preventing other people from seeing their mental weaknesses. People who are strong in it will also be able to analyse other peoples defense better as well. A big part of the Art of War is generally written from a Water standpoint I noticed. Sun Tzu seemed to hate the Fiery youthful pride, impulsiveness etc. And he placed it as the most frequent temperament that makes the costly mistakes in battle.

I have Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, and also a Grand Water Trine.

For years I felt bad about it, I hid it. I didnt want anyone to know or perceive any water, I wanted to be full fire.

I said the hell with it, those born with a strong birth chart are weak, I could have everything against me and still rise. The Birth Chart being irrelevant. I would make myself what I wanted.

My chart is overly compassionate, and my destiny to heal and nurture others. I thought how pathetic. Let me run around while others take what they want.

I managed to become very strong, but it would continue to slip out of me. Then I had this battle that developed into two separate personalities, fighting for control.

One that was strong and masculine and didnt care and the other feminine and wanting to take care of everyone.

But now I'm starting to see, that perhaps the water was the strength the whole time. I met people that as I felt, had it all. 5 Aries planets, and 3 Taurus or whatever.

Yet they were idiotic. I also have a bit of air. Air and water, made me intelligent and Psychic, but I envied those with fire and earth.

To be grounded and fiery. To just march through life. But I found them slow and like a moron banging their head into a wall 10 times before they felt they should stop.

Like cobra said those without Air, dont really have the intelligence. I'm like why does what I envy, never get anywhere. I have more of the aspects then they do. Have I just invoked the energy of different signs enough?

But something had changed somehow, I no longer needed to put signs anymore. I think I was too much water, and through meditation I burned out the hyper sensitive part of it, and came closer to a balance.

Still being water, but getting rid of the oversensitive part. Also water signs become stronger as they mature. Such as cancer, that builds a shell.

With the curses removed, my mind has shifted completely. I'm like why do I need to be something I'm not? In the end denying myself, only left me miserable and alone.

I was still trying to protect myself, when people cannot even hurt me in that way anymore. I am sensitive but no longer fragile inside.

I thought I would become weak. But instead, it would seem that strength comes from my true planets and true self. But time will tell.

I dont have a Grand trine but i do identify as well with alot what you just described especially when you said,
" One that was strong and masculine and didnt care and the other feminine and wanting to take care of everyone". I seem to have a clash between fire and wather big time, also in my chart. my sun and moon are fire, yet the moon is my chart ruler in water. it has gotten to the point where i dont know which one should dominate or which one i gravitate to most...I have this side of me that has a big time firey temper, that burns my own path through life and can be extremely stubborn, and impatient, and one that just wants to go all out berzerk against the enemy...then theres this other side of me that is very emotional and nuturing that recieves alot of happinness in making someone else feel better and taking care of them. i also have very strong intuition and feel very connected to my dreams. i feel the time is coming where i will eventually have to balance the two. Sometimes i thought " i dont know which one i should choose/gravitate too more" perhaps it is both.

"I was still trying to protect myself, when people cannot even hurt me in that way anymore. I am sensitive but no longer fragile inside. "
This. the last part especially is something i learned the hard way. i know the feeling.
Thanks for sharing.
Jack said:
Imagine if a man feels anxiety which approaching a woman he loves or desires. If he attaches his ego with his emotional state ,he "becomes anxious. " "I am anxious." is what stifles him because an anxious person cannot proceed further by definition. If instead he was mindful of his emotions and in control of his ego, he would be experiencing anxiousness but he wouldn't let the emotion dictate his reality. "I am temporarily feeling the emotion of anxiousness. " He doesn't let emotions dictate his life (emotions which he didn't consciously choose to feel.) and goes on to talk to the woman anyway and while talking he didn't even notice it but the anxiety has already dissapeared and now their laughing and are in a jolly mood which looks like the beginning of a great relationship. If in retrospect this guy would have let the anxiety take hold of his life, he couldn't accomplish anything because he would let anxiety dictate his life.

The emotions that is created through outside stimulus should not decide your mental state. You should be the one to decide that,which is what I'm trying to say. If you get overwhelmed by emotions and let them run you, you've already lost free will. Your internal reality and by corollary your actions are now determined by outside influences,and not with your conscious awareness.

Water people have it the hardest and need the training of Void meditation on their emotions, the most because they are constantly being triggered by outside influences. This is an extremely volatile state of mind to be in where everyone and everything can change how you internally feel. I have fire dominant nature exacerbated by Air which means I'm extremely stubborn and fanatical about my views and beliefs, I'm generally not going to let anyone else dictate how I feel internally, I simply do not give a shit. But Water people seem to be very easily manipulated because manipulation is an appeal to emotions, not logic. If you're constantly in an emotionally charged state all the time, any seasoned person knowledgeable in basic Persuasion and Influence and quickly hack this process and make you believe whatever he/she wants them to do. You can see how this poses an extremely problematic situation. I'm hopeful now you get this :) :) :)

Its extremely unlikely that a water person will get what I'm trying to say at the first time. It will take them some readings before they figure out what I'm talking about has nothing to do with what they are projecting at me. They are being run totally by emotions and are seeing everything through the emotions that they are experiencing.
It may surprise you, but I've always been very calm. People used to shout at each other around me, throwing their emotions at every moment they saw fit, but I never did. Later I did when I grew older, because too much crap happened.
And there was also an odd part in a video that I saw. It said 'children see through bullshit' but how many times have people lied to me like it was normal? How many times have I been stabbed in the back by that? Must I always search for the bad in someone? Must I always expect to be deceived? That was very strange growing up. This among other things, felt like I couldn't rely on anybody.
I've always been a straightforward person, but somehow others think its fine to tell lies because they are afraid of the consequences. Punishment. I know that when I was a child, I didn't speak like dutch people speak. I spoke more like you'd expect of an englishman, instead of straightup asking or jumping to conclusions it seems like I tried to walk the path with a bend to reach my destination instead of straigthly hopping down a few rocks.

Anyway, the reason why I didn't understand what you were saying is because the way you worded it. Like I said, saying things straight out or 'jumping down a few rocks' can come off very wrong. Thinking everyone can read between the lines and know what you mean (especially for a child this is impossible, they're still learning).

Also, if you throw a fit towards your employer it can obviously get you fired, so thinking about your relationships with others, is kind of important.

Jack said:
And also,there seems to be some confusion. I wasn't saying The Original post was cringe,because the original poster didn't talk about PTSD or war at all. I was talking about the responses of people on the thread to ShadowOfRaven who was talking about going to war and everyone started throwing in emotionally charged pacifism at him. I don't condone how he went about things but pacifism in itself is a cancer.
Well its mercury retrograde after all.

Jack said:
War and death are inevitable and have been occurring since Eternity and will continue to occur for many years until the formation of the Satya Yuga. And even then there could be war between humans and another alien species just like the gods are at war with Another Alien species. The point being, a brutal war against the Jewish people and the Muslims is inevitable and is destined to happen one way or another. Don't misconstrue this as a call for action. But when the inevitable situation does happen, people are going to die in swathes. And this should be common knowledge because a warrior kills people who attacks his people. I'm not sure what's there to argue here. A warrior will fight against the external invaders or do the pacifist people here condone rape and conquest of the white race rather than fighting violently to ensure the races survival because it CANNOT go both ways. There is no peaceful solution, it should be apparent to everyone here already. We don't talk about this often in the forum but this is the reality. The muslims that are inside Europe will not get out without force and a subset of these are going to commit acts of violent terrorism when they are forcibly kicked out. They must be killed. And do you think that the marxists and liberals in the western countries are going to let the complete restructuring of the Jewish World order without violence ? Because that's naivety. There is going to be war and there is going to be death and we're already approaching that time. If people here do not develop emotional resilience, I do not think they'll be able to take what's coming without PTSD. "Thing happen without warning and the reason always become apparent afterwards. "
It might not be tomorrow or next month but its going to happen someday inevitably because you simply cannot collapse an existing order and replace it without people from the old order violently defending the order.
That is written in the stars. Astrologically saying it has been said before.
And to be honest, I hope we could resolve this as peaceful as possible, with as little casualties as possible. But there are just going to be some that will die and to be honest, as long as I don't need to watch them being shot right in front of my face, I think I'll be just fine.
I've already watched many people 'die' on movies. But real life is really different.
Oh, what is it Jack? You made a lil joke, I made one too. I see no issue here.

I guess you aren't aware how sick your jokes can be, and how bad your behaviour often is, so I made it a bit more clear. I believe that you lack awareness and that you are completely numb to other's people emotions, I guess cause you completely lack water in your natal chart, or you have jewish genes, or both.

Also, It's really fun how you keep talking how I am driven by emotions and hysterical. First off, hysterical behaviour looks kinda like Zola when she was exposed, it's obvious that hysteria makes us unstable and unable to control ourselves, our emotions, what we talk and how we are acting, it's also blocking our 7. chakra and 6. chakra that is ruling our mind, logical thinking and overal sanity. Someone who is hysterical can't think what they will write, nor they can be really creative at that moment. It takes too much effort in those states to do those things. So you made it all up. You hoped that I will react in that way. Same as being emotional, led by emotions. While I genuinely had fun replying and felt nothing as you are trying to describe. People staying calm, no tears, nothing, no issues at all, but Jack making things up how we all are acting nuts, driven by emotions and similas bs. Usual bs I guess, you just again trying to use some random situation to tell us how emotions are bad, why should we even bother feeling stuff.

( The moment Jack sees anything about emotions, he simply must teach us how it's so bad to feel them, how all those things gonna ruin us). Bull.fucking.shit.

Anyways, it's also funny how you keep trying to explain it all as me making things up, while you told anyways that is a history here, so it's real. Tons of people know that. No way that you can pretend now that I made it all up. You can't understand nor accept properly third sex people, especially transexuals, who are dangerous for you and are completely mentally ill people and should be forced to change their beliefs and behaviour in any way possible. You also made insane drama on some threads about women, femininity, and sexuality for no special reason whatsoever, to the point where threads had to be literally deleted.

Apparently, you also have a habit to call people mentally ill and similar shit over every little smallest thing that is off for you. You used that move so much that is not even valid anymore. It's like you raised so many false alarms that it's not even possible to take you seriously anymore.

I like the way you said that you don't know who am I, but you for sure talked a lot about me with other SS in private, apparently. I guess some of them are still toxic and confused as ever, but I don't care about them nor I wanna bother about them at all. At least they are gentiles (at least I guess) so sooner or later they will make their way out.
Also really funny thing about draining is that I learned it only before few months, when I was learning black magic, but some people are so paranoid and ignorant that everything feels to them like some sort of a draining or that some harm will get in their way all the time, from everyone, and sadly they keep being like that all the time. Well, can't help them.

I see you lying when you feel pressure. You become really awkward, and you try to run away, you lie a lot and make up tons of weird stuff. You keep trying to convince people also that they are wrong and that you never did and said some things, even when everybody saw it. Kike trying to kike it's way out. Just say no. Everytime they ask you did you did something bad say no. In very robotic programmed voice, over and over again, until they start believing you, just repeat no. Also try to act as innocent as possible.

Well I don't have much time nor energy to write here as some of people do, so I will shorten this a bit now.
I would never go as far as with you with a real SS who is a Gentile. I made a "lil joke" simply cause since I can't believe how much jewish nonsense you keep talking here. Lots of those things are literally taken from enemy sites, and some of them are even worded the same. I see you creating hang-ups to people here, confusion, chaos, and you are raising unusal amouns of negative energy all the time, I would say it's coming from your constantly dirty sacral chakra, then you keep bothering others with it all the time, in one way or another.

I'm a Gentile with some water in my natal chart, that gives me empathy and creativity and lots of talents, and I have lots of fire too that is like a tool to react when something bad is going on, and to destroy my obstacles. Yes my fire can be scary, and I can be really destructive and combined with my water I can hit where it's needed and to destroy a lot, but I would never try to really damage an SS for no reasons whatsoever. I'm not a psychopath.

People should be proud of their emotions and of being in tune with themselves, and should work hard on being the best version of themselves. No reason to be suppressed, controlled by someone in any way or to be constantly brainwashed and shaped in a way that someone out there wants them to. No reason to please others all time and to show no real emotions to others, and to pretend all the time. It's okay to control emotions and it's needed, but suppressing them and destroying them all is different than real control and emotional maturity. It's about knowing yourself and being capable of healing later rather than not feeling anything and destroying who you actually are deep inside.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
