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About Interacting With The Gods

Power of Justice [TG]

Joy of Satan Guardian
Nov 2, 2019
There is a lot that goes into interacting with the astral that is rarely written about. One of the most overlooked things is the importance of the pineal gland. Right away, I want to dispel one of the biggest myths concerning it, namely that one’s pineal gland is somehow inactive or dysfunctional.

Everyone has an "active" and “working” pineal gland; there are only different levels at which it can operate based on one’s bioelectricity. The pineal gland's primary and most basic function is to produce melatonin, which regulates the sleep-wake cycle.

The pineal gland is connected to the retina of the eyes through a chain of neural pathways, making it very sensitive to visible light. When the optic nerve is stimulated by light, this information is relayed to the pineal gland, which reduces melatonin production. This is what keeps us awake and alert during the day.

When there is an inhibition or lack of light, the pineal gland increases melatonin production. As melatonin levels rise, our brainwaves begin to slow down, leading to sleepiness and eventually sleep. This is why the pineal gland is more active at night.

One of its higher functions, and the one Satanists mainly refer to when talking about it, is that of a "biological transducer." A transducer is anything that receives a signal in the form of one type of energy and converts it into a signal of another type. For example, your TV has a transducer that translates the digital signal it receives into a picture that you can perceive and understand instead of ones and zeros.

That is why the pineal gland is essential to the function of astral senses like astral sight, as even if you have a completely open and functional third eye, without the pineal gland, it's like having a high-definition camera that is not plugged into a monitor; you won’t be able to see the feed. This is what we are working to achieve by meditating on the pineal gland.

Another essential factor to be aware of is one’s level of vibration. You can only perceive that which resides on a similar vibration as you. What we call “matter” is just atoms whose vibration is slow enough to be perceived with our physical senses. Yet, that same matter can exist in states outside of human perception by adding energy to it and raising its vibration. An example everyone can understand is water.

If you slow down the vibration of water molecules, eventually the water will freeze into a solid. But if you add energy [heat] to water, it will begin to evaporate. If you keep adding more energy, the water vapor will become ionized and turn into plasma, at which point the vibration of the water molecules is so fast that it cannot be observed with physical sight alone. The water is still there, yet it is imperceptible.

However, if you raise your own vibration [by adding energy to your being, i.e., meditating], you could perceive the plasma through your higher [astral] senses. Therefore, experiencing the astral is completely normal as your vibration begins to rise and matches that of the higher dimensions.

Covens have a way easier time with this, as every member can contribute to the collective vibration of the space they occupy, thus being able to experience many things they otherwise couldn’t on their own. Everything gets better the higher one’s vibration is.

Lastly, one’s vibration and consciousness [level of understanding] are directly linked. Most often, the biggest sign that one’s vibration is rising is an increase in awareness and understanding, i.e., greater consciousness. That’s why it is always good practice to go back and re-read the JoS website and old sermons, as the same words can have a completely different meaning to you as your consciousness changes.

Now, just like you can elevate your consciousness, you can also lower it. A good example of lowering one’s consciousness is when an adult tries to explain something to a child. The difference in understanding is monumental, and the adult cannot have the same conversations with a child as with other adults; there will likely be little or nothing learned. So the adult has to step into the shoes of the child and see things from their perspective so that communication can be facilitated.

This is sometimes necessary, as whenever there is a discrepancy in consciousness between people, there is always confusion, conflict, and a lack of understanding. This is how the Gods teach us, and one can receive several different answers to the same question based on what they can understand at any given time.

The Gods can guide us in every possible way based on how receptive we are, but since everyone is naturally interested in direct contact with them, there is something you must know. Since the Gods are always going to be way more advanced than any human, by default, they have to lower their consciousness for such an interaction to take place. However, they will never lower their consciousness past a point, not for anyone, not for anything, because then they will change their being and “no longer be Gods.” We must at least meet them halfway by advancing ourselves, and that is not a quick process, so have patience.

Extra information:

Looking at the more literal meaning of vibration, one of the biggest distinguishing factors between humans and animals is the ability of speech. Almost all traits found in humans can be seen across the animal kingdom, yet only humans are capable of articulating speech. A handful of animals are capable of mimicking human speech, but it’s only that—mimicry.

The vibrational resonance of vowels and consonants can be calculated and represented in the medium of a toroidal field. This is a preferable alternative to the conventional way of representing sound waves in the form of a spectrogram, as sound is three-dimensional.


If every vowel and consonant has a unique toroidal shape, then it can be inferred that every word produces a construct of sorts, which holds power. That's why some languages are more spiritual and holy than others. The etymology of many words used to refer to magical workings shows us that.
  • The word "incantation" has its roots in Latin. The prefix "in-" can mean "into" or "upon," and the verb "cantare" means "to sing" or "to chant."
  • The term "magic spell" literally means that one is spelling (vibrating) a word of power.
This means that magic is a technology—mantras are just words that produce different constructs to achieve a desired effect.

An example of the resonance field of vowels:

This is the truth. A lot of things opened up for me as I intermittently started using the PTAH and GAUM mantras, especially on power dates of the Moon. INANNA can also help with this in a more general way.

Another thing is that the rear extension of the Sixth Chakra can contribute here too, to a lesser extent, as do the Clairvoyance points. They are not as important for this specific function as the Pineal though by any stretch.
Another thing is that the rear extension of the Sixth Chakra can contribute here too, to a lesser extent, as do the Clairvoyance points. They are not as important for this specific function as the Pineal though by any stretch.
Isn't the rear extension of the 6th chakra in the occipital lobe? Perhaps this gives a spiritual explanation to why vision comes from the back of the brain and not from the front.
However, they will never lower their consciousness past a point, not for anyone, not for anything, because then they will change their being and “no longer be Gods.”
Amazing post. But this...

This part.

It really disturbs me for some reason. As if as you are advancing, you're losing something...

I thought the Gods could do whatever they wanted to these extents, and the reason they couldn't physically come to earth was because of their war with the reptilians or something.

This feels like showing a limit to the Gods...
This feels wrong no matter how much I think about it. And I have read similar posts like this, for example High priest's post back in 2020 I think, labelled "Why isnt the enemy gone yet?"

He said something along the lines of this same part.

I dont know. I know the Gods aren't omnipotent, but I just can't accept this part in my mind. It feels like a huge limitation imposed on them. I think perhaps things are much more complex than they seem... I just hope I can reach a proper conclusion.

As if, you are escaping a place when you are advancing, not necessarily becoming stronger, since if you return back to that place, you can be defeated.

It just feels very wrong to me.
Amazing post. But this...

This part.

It really disturbs me for some reason. As if as you are advancing, you're losing something...

I thought the Gods could do whatever they wanted to these extents, and the reason they couldn't physically come to earth was because of their war with the reptilians or something.

This feels like showing a limit to the Gods...
This feels wrong no matter how much I think about it. And I have read similar posts like this, for example High priest's post back in 2020 I think, labelled "Why isnt the enemy gone yet?"

He said something along the lines of this same part.

I dont know. I know the Gods aren't omnipotent, but I just can't accept this part in my mind. It feels like a huge limitation imposed on them. I think perhaps things are much more complex than they seem... I just hope I can reach a proper conclusion.

As if, you are escaping a place when you are advancing, not necessarily becoming stronger, since if you return back to that place, you can be defeated.

It just feels very wrong to me.

It's not a limitation, but rather a personal choice. As individual beings, I suppose they can choose to do whatever they want, but just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.

As I explained in the article, one's level of vibration is directly tied to understanding and spiritual ability. A normal human resides in a very low [material] vibration and can only perceive the physical world. If they raised their vibration, they could slowly gain access to different levels of the astral. If your vibration is high to begin with and you lower it too far, you literally lose access to the spiritual realms as you become too material in being. Does that make sense? Why would a God ever do that?
It's not a limitation, but rather a personal choice. As individual beings, I suppose they can choose to do whatever they want, but just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.

As I explained in the article, one's level of vibration is directly tied to understanding and spiritual ability. A normal human resides in a very low [material] vibration and can only perceive the physical world. If they raised their vibration, they could slowly gain access to different levels of the astral. If your vibration is high to begin with and you lower it too far, you literally lose access to the spiritual realms as you become too material in being. Does that make sense? Why would a God ever do that?
yes but what does that even mean? lowering your vibration I mean. What specific actions or decisions would lead to that?

Because I personally doubt that If the Gods decided to come down on Earth from Orion, they would lose their powers or their advancement.... Then again this is my own feelings about the subject.

Now, this might sound a bit "out there", but...
maybe it would have something to do with the enemy aliens gaining too much power on the lower vibrations, so again maybe the Gods deciding to physically visit lower vibrating realms such as Earth, would be dangerous for them because they would risk a physical war -and maybe even the survival of humans- so that's why both sides of the war have decided on a proxy war type of situation...

I dont know maybe Im looking too much into it...
yes but what does that even mean? lowering your vibration I mean. What specific actions or decisions would lead to that?

Because I personally doubt that If the Gods decided to come down on Earth from Orion, they would lose their powers or their advancement.... Then again this is my own feelings about the subject.

Now, this might sound a bit "out there", but...
maybe it would have something to do with the enemy aliens gaining too much power on the lower vibrations, so again maybe the Gods deciding to physically visit lower vibrating realms such as Earth, would be dangerous for them because they would risk a physical war -and maybe even the survival of humans- so that's why both sides of the war have decided on a proxy war type of situation...

I dont know maybe Im looking too much into it...
lets say for example, there is a very advanced magician in the world who is guided and protected by the gods, but he is still human. This magician is experiencing some hardship coming from another man, who is a regular human who is non spiritual. Obviously, being spiritually superior, he can simply use his powers to get rid of the problem, and because he is facing a human who isn't much of a spiritual threat, he can just alter fate and whatnot to make sure he gets back on his feet and live normally, and that the other man who caused him trouble would get punished...

Now, if a magician can do that to an inferior human, why cant the gods have the same dynamic with humans and their level of vibration?

I feel like I may be missing something, so please let me know.
If you slow down the vibration of water molecules, eventually the water will freeze into a solid. But if you add energy [heat] to water, it will begin to evaporate. If you keep adding more energy, the water vapor will become ionized and turn into plasma, at which point the vibration of the water molecules is so fast that it cannot be observed with physical sight alone. The water is still there, yet it is imperceptible.

plasma is a metallic taste, isn't it?
yes but what does that even mean? lowering your vibration I mean. What specific actions or decisions would lead to that?

Because I personally doubt that If the Gods decided to come down on Earth from Orion, they would lose their powers or their advancement.... Then again this is my own feelings about the subject.

Now, this might sound a bit "out there", but...
maybe it would have something to do with the enemy aliens gaining too much power on the lower vibrations, so again maybe the Gods deciding to physically visit lower vibrating realms such as Earth, would be dangerous for them because they would risk a physical war -and maybe even the survival of humans- so that's why both sides of the war have decided on a proxy war type of situation...

I dont know maybe Im looking too much into it...
We're not even on the same page here. I'm talking about astral communication, not a physical manifestation.
lets say for example, there is a very advanced magician in the world who is guided and protected by the gods, but he is still human. This magician is experiencing some hardship coming from another man, who is a regular human who is non spiritual. Obviously, being spiritually superior, he can simply use his powers to get rid of the problem, and because he is facing a human who isn't much of a spiritual threat, he can just alter fate and whatnot to make sure he gets back on his feet and live normally, and that the other man who caused him trouble would get punished...

Now, if a magician can do that to an inferior human, why cant the gods have the same dynamic with humans and their level of vibration?

I feel like I may be missing something, so please let me know.
Look again at the example of water I gave, the limit is always the human. You can only perceive something that is around your level of vibration/consciousness, which means that for a God to communicate with a human, it is THEM who have to lower themselves to our level. But since the humans of this era are on such a low level of vibration, that is not always possible for them.

What should happen is people advance themselves to a level where they can comfortably facilitate this communication, as sort of middle ground [still extremely low vibration compared to that of a God but still], otherwise it can't happen.
I wasn't aware of the pineal gland having a direct connection with the eyes and especially their perception of light. This makes perfect sense though, I recall that one of the pineal gland meditations shared on the forums was advised to be done in the dark. Ever since then, I've been trying to do all my pineal meditations in the dark.
There is a lot that goes into interacting with the astral that is rarely written about. One of the most overlooked things is the importance of the pineal gland. Right away, I want to dispel one of the biggest myths concerning it, namely that one’s pineal gland is somehow inactive or dysfunctional.
Excellent article. I will continue to enjoy reading it.

Was spiritual work in the ancient world different from our current practices?

This is the truth. A lot of things opened up for me as I intermittently started using the PTAH and GAUM mantras, especially on power dates of the Moon. INANNA can also help with this in a more general way.
I know I'm a little late, but congratulations on your promotion. I have been very busy with exams for a couple of weeks so I could not send you a congratulatory message in time.
Amazing post. But this...

This part.

It really disturbs me for some reason. As if as you are advancing, you're losing something...

I thought the Gods could do whatever they wanted to these extents, and the reason they couldn't physically come to earth was because of their war with the reptilians or something.
Imagine yourself trying to explain Spiritual Satanism to stoners in a club. It's simply not worth it. You might give them signs and see the slight hope there is in them, but there's no reason for you to try to change them. They themselves deny the hope in them at all costs, as they're afraid to realise they have to put in the work by themselves. They choose to numb their personal reality, instead. Some people would even hate you for it.

In the same way, the Gods have their priorities.
Amazing post. But this...
Yes, they are not omnipotent, but they can easily put an end to the earth's problems through miracles.

They don't do this because their consciousness is superior, the way they see humans is different and their plans are more complex.
What the Gods want to teach humanity is a lesson
Humanity must do the work for itself, otherwise there will be no real evolution.

For example, when a person earns money for free, most of the time they don't value and take care of the wealth they've received so easily.
Unlike someone who has fought to have it, the Gods don't interfere in *I* - they won't change a low-level being with their powers - that person isn't truly evolving in existence.
There is a lot that goes into interacting with the astral that is rarely written about. One of the most overlooked things is the importance of the pineal gland. Right away, I want to dispel one of the biggest myths concerning it, namely that one’s pineal gland is somehow inactive or dysfunctional.

Everyone has an "active" and “working” pineal gland; there are only different levels at which it can operate based on one’s bioelectricity. The pineal gland's primary and most basic function is to produce melatonin, which regulates the sleep-wake cycle.

The pineal gland is connected to the retina of the eyes through a chain of neural pathways, making it very sensitive to visible light. When the optic nerve is stimulated by light, this information is relayed to the pineal gland, which reduces melatonin production. This is what keeps us awake and alert during the day.

When there is an inhibition or lack of light, the pineal gland increases melatonin production. As melatonin levels rise, our brainwaves begin to slow down, leading to sleepiness and eventually sleep. This is why the pineal gland is more active at night.

One of its higher functions, and the one Satanists mainly refer to when talking about it, is that of a "biological transducer." A transducer is anything that receives a signal in the form of one type of energy and converts it into a signal of another type. For example, your TV has a transducer that translates the digital signal it receives into a picture that you can perceive and understand instead of ones and zeros.

That is why the pineal gland is essential to the function of astral senses like astral sight, as even if you have a completely open and functional third eye, without the pineal gland, it's like having a high-definition camera that is not plugged into a monitor; you won’t be able to see the feed. This is what we are working to achieve by meditating on the pineal gland.

Another essential factor to be aware of is one’s level of vibration. You can only perceive that which resides on a similar vibration as you. What we call “matter” is just atoms whose vibration is slow enough to be perceived with our physical senses. Yet, that same matter can exist in states outside of human perception by adding energy to it and raising its vibration. An example everyone can understand is water.

If you slow down the vibration of water molecules, eventually the water will freeze into a solid. But if you add energy [heat] to water, it will begin to evaporate. If you keep adding more energy, the water vapor will become ionized and turn into plasma, at which point the vibration of the water molecules is so fast that it cannot be observed with physical sight alone. The water is still there, yet it is imperceptible.

However, if you raise your own vibration [by adding energy to your being, i.e., meditating], you could perceive the plasma through your higher [astral] senses. Therefore, experiencing the astral is completely normal as your vibration begins to rise and matches that of the higher dimensions.

Covens have a way easier time with this, as every member can contribute to the collective vibration of the space they occupy, thus being able to experience many things they otherwise couldn’t on their own. Literally everything gets better the higher one’s vibration is.

Lastly, one’s vibration and consciousness [level of understanding] are directly linked. Most often, the biggest sign that one’s vibration is rising is an increase in awareness and understanding, i.e., greater consciousness. That’s why it is always good practice to go back and re-read the JoS website and old sermons, as the same words can have a completely different meaning to you as your consciousness changes.

Now, just like you can elevate your consciousness, you can also lower it. A good example of lowering one’s consciousness is when an adult tries to explain something to a child. The difference in understanding is monumental, and the adult cannot have the same conversations with a child as with other adults; there will likely be little or nothing learned. So the adult has to step into the shoes of the child and see things from their perspective so that communication can be facilitated.

This is sometimes necessary, as whenever there is a discrepancy in consciousness between people, there is always confusion, conflict, and a lack of understanding. This is how the Gods teach us, and one can receive several different answers to the same question based on what they can understand at any given time.

The Gods can guide us in every possible way based on how receptive we are, but since everyone is naturally interested in direct contact with them, there is something you must know. Since the Gods are always going to be way more advanced than any human, by default, they have to lower their consciousness for such an interaction to take place. However, they will never lower their consciousness past a point, not for anyone, not for anything, because then they will change their being and “no longer be Gods.” We must at least meet them halfway by advancing ourselves, and that is not a quick process, so have patience.

Extra information:

Looking at the more literal meaning of vibration, one of the biggest distinguishing factors between humans and animals is the ability of speech. Almost all traits found in humans can be seen across the animal kingdom, yet only humans are capable of articulating speech. A handful of animals are capable of mimicking human speech, but it’s only that—mimicry.

The vibrational resonance of vowels and consonants can be calculated and represented in the medium of a toroidal field. This is a preferable alternative to the conventional way of representing sound waves in the form of a spectrogram, as sound is three-dimensional.

View attachment 2397

If every vowel and consonant has a unique toroidal shape, then it can be inferred that every word produces a construct of sorts, which holds power. That's why some languages are more spiritual and holy than others. The etymology of many words used to refer to magical workings shows us that.
  • The word "incantation" has its roots in Latin. The prefix "in-" can mean "into" or "upon," and the verb "cantare" means "to sing" or "to chant."
  • The term "magic spell" literally means that one is spelling (vibrating) a word of power.
This means that magic is a technology—mantras are just words that produce different constructs to achieve a desired effect.

An example of the resonance field of vowels:

View attachment 2398

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
