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Why humans?

Venus Z

New member
May 4, 2003
Hi, I'm new to hearing about the JoS and I have a question. I've gone through most of the JoS website - still have to go through more - and it makes me have questions. I haven't dedicated yet but my question is this:
If Satan is so powerful and has lived a long time, why hasn't he already destroyed the enemy?? Why does he need humans to destroy the enemy by doing RTRs? Why didn't he and the other gods destroy them?
Thank you to anyone who can answer these!
He is stronger, actually the strongest in the universe.

But you have to understand somethings;
1. The enemy out-numbered Satan few thousand years ago.2. Nothing this big happens in a day and night.
3. Right now Satan has won / is winning the war out there (Satan and his demons are at war with enemy aliens).4. Picture it like this, Earth is like a person, and the enemy jews are cancer cells, now you can eliminate the enemy by destroying the body. But what good would that do?
But if Satan helps the body eliminate the cancer that would result in much less losses.
That's why Satan wants us to fight the enemy and hadn't come to earth yet to destroy them, Satan wants the least amount of causalities as we all are his children and doesn't want us to get harmed.
Satan uses us because he can only have so much effect on the corpreal world. He can't just pop out of Hell and smite every Christian or Jew he finds. Satan has matters to attend to in Hell as well as the fact that Jehova has somewhat bound Satan to Hell. As long as Jehova as followers, he has the strength to keep Satan in Hell. Therefore, we must try our best to wage our spiritual war against Jehova.
On Feb 4, 2017 9:34 PM, "Venus Z darknesswelcomesu@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Hi, I'm new to hearing about the JoS and I have a question. I've gone through most of the JoS website - still have to go through more - and it makes me have questions. I haven't dedicated yet but my question is this:
If Satan is so powerful and has lived a long time, why hasn't he already destroyed the enemy?? Why does he need humans to destroy the enemy by doing RTRs? Why didn't he and the other gods destroy them?
Thank you to anyone who can answer these!
that's a really good question. I honestly never thought of it before. I'm guessing that Satan needs help with the rtr's cause the jews/christians have a lot of collective power, there are billions of christians and not to many satanist? maybe that' why we need to help Satan anyway we can to destroy the enemy for good?i'm no expert that's just my opinionHail Satan!!!
Satan was heavily outnumbered by the enemy alien hive thousands of years ago and was pushed back from Earth. The enemy alien hive then proceeded to put their agents, the jews, on Earth and begin cursing humanity for thousands of years to enslave humans onto a lower vibrational level, cut off from all spiritual power. Satan has won on his end, but energies take time to manifest into the physical. As of right now, humanity is still suffering from thousands of years of curses that have been reinforced by billions of deluded idiots everyday. The Earth is basically in a box with an enemy-created reality imposed on the physical due to the amount of power those curses have. The jews physically own 90% of the world's wealth and if humans do nothing to save themselves, the enemies will proceed to establish a world slave state where everyone here will be executed or worked to death in a labor camp. At that point in time, humanity will be unsalvageable.

"The Satanic Revelation" and "Torah and the jews Exposed" in Satan's Library explain more.

Satan's Library
http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Sa ... brary.html
Patrick, you need to read the Joy of Satan website. Jehova is a collective of human-hating entities. They are extraterrestrials called Greys, Reptilians and enemy Nordics. They are against humanity, and against Satan. They are his enemies.
Where did you read Jehova has bound Satan to Hell? The Gods of Hell were freed/unbound from 2002-2003 by HPS Maxine and a few others.

On Monday, February 6, 2017 4:47 AM, "Patrick Bussler patbus02@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Satan uses us because he can only have so much effect on the corpreal world. He can't just pop out of Hell and smite every Christian or Jew he finds. Satan has matters to attend to in Hell as well as the fact that Jehova has somewhat bound Satan to Hell. As long as Jehova as followers, he has the strength to keep Satan in Hell. Therefore, we must try our best to wage our spiritual war against Jehova.
On Feb 4, 2017 9:34 PM, "Venus Z darknesswelcomesu@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Hi, I'm new to hearing about the JoS and I have a question. I've gone through most of the JoS website - still have to go through more - and it makes me have questions. I haven't dedicated yet but my question is this:
If Satan is so powerful and has lived a long time, why hasn't he already destroyed the enemy?? Why does he need humans to destroy the enemy by doing RTRs? Why didn't he and the other gods destroy them?
Thank you to anyone who can answer these!

Satan is not bound to hell.
On Feb 5, 2017, at 23:13, Patrick Bussler patbus02@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Satan uses us because he can only have so much effect on the corpreal world. He can't just pop out of Hell and smite every Christian or Jew he finds. Satan has matters to attend to in Hell as well as the fact that Jehova has somewhat bound Satan to Hell. As long as Jehova as followers, he has the strength to keep Satan in Hell. Therefore, we must try our best to wage our spiritual war against Jehova.
On Feb 4, 2017 9:34 PM, "Venus Z darknesswelcomesu@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Hi, I'm new to hearing about the JoS and I have a question. I've gone through most of the JoS website - still have to go through more - and it makes me have questions. I haven't dedicated yet but my question is this:
If Satan is so powerful and has lived a long time, why hasn't he already destroyed the enemy?? Why does he need humans to destroy the enemy by doing RTRs? Why didn't he and the other gods destroy them?
Thank you to anyone who can answer these!
I think because Satan and his Demons are well aware that we humans alone already have the strength/potential to destroy the enemy on our own. If you had children, and you knew for a fact that they're capable of doing something without your assistance, wouldn't you want them do it themselves? Additionally, their initial goal was for us to become Gods just like them, so it would be an amazing way for us to show them we can actually fight our way out of all this. There's also the fact that the Gods had already fought the enemy outside of Earth, while our task is to destroy them 'down here' on this planet, since we are capable of such with their guidance and the RTRs. 
The Gods can and will step in if the enemy becomes too powerful for us humans and things go out of hand to the extent of us not being able to fight back on our own
Wtf patrick? This "jewhova" is not some almighty creator of everything that has power over Satan and has Satan "bound" in Hell. Thats bullshit. Jehovah or yaweh is a collective term for a group of human hating entities who hate humanity and wish to enslave us. The demons of Hell have been freed and Satan and his demons are winning the war "out there" This "yaweh" really fears our original pagan gods.
On Sun, 2/5/17, Patrick Bussler patbus02@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Why humans?
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Sunday, February 5, 2017, 10:13 PM

Satan uses us because he
can only have so much effect on the corpreal
world. He can't just pop out of Hell and
smite every Christian or Jew he
finds. Satan
has matters to attend to in Hell as well as the fact that
Jehova has somewhat bound Satan to Hell. As
long as Jehova as followers, he
has the
strength to keep Satan in Hell. Therefore, we must try our
best to
wage our spiritual war against

Feb 4, 2017 9:34 PM, "Venus Z darknesswelcomesu@...
[JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]

Hi, I'm new to hearing about the JoS and I have a
question. I've gone
through most of
the JoS website - still have to go through more - and it
makes me have questions. I haven't
dedicated yet but my question is this:

If Satan is so
powerful and has lived a long time, why hasn't he
destroyed the enemy?? Why does
he need humans to destroy the enemy by doing
RTRs? Why didn't he and the other gods
destroy them?

Thank you to anyone who can answer these!
I think it's that the universe doesn't work like that. He could eliminate every enemy but that doesn't make us any stronger or more advanced. Also I'm not sure how practical it is for him to just obliterate all enemies on earth and I'm sure resources would be strained.

Without advancing we would still be low as beings and still bring plenty of suffering on ourselves, even without Jewish control. Our karma would still haunt us from the eons of jewish control and spiritual decline. It would be a tower built on a sandy foundation. We need to build the tower on a bedrock foundation of ascended beings.

This is just MHO.
I think some of you misunderstand things. Satan is not using us. He's helping us. It's our cause. He and the gods decided to help us in that. That's how it is.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Mon, 6 Feb 2017 at 10:34 p.m., Magus Immortalis magus.immortalis@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Patrick, you need to read the Joy of Satan website. Jehova is a collective of human-hating entities. They are extraterrestrials called Greys, Reptilians and enemy Nordics. They are against humanity, and against Satan. They are his enemies.
Where did you read Jehova has bound Satan to Hell? The Gods of Hell were freed/unbound from 2002-2003 by HPS Maxine and a few others.

On Monday, February 6, 2017 4:47 AM, "Patrick Bussler patbus02@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Satan uses us because he can only have so much effect on the corpreal world. He can't just pop out of Hell and smite every Christian or Jew he finds. Satan has matters to attend to in Hell as well as the fact that Jehova has somewhat bound Satan to Hell. As long as Jehova as followers, he has the strength to keep Satan in Hell. Therefore, we must try our best to wage our spiritual war against Jehova.
On Feb 4, 2017 9:34 P[/IMG]darknesswelco[/IMG][email protected] wrote:
  Hi, I'm new to hearing about the JoS and I have a question. I've gone through most of the JoS website - still have to go through more - and it makes me have questions. I haven't dedicated yet but my question is this:
If Satan is so powerful and has lived a long time, why hasn't he already destroyed the enemy?? Why does he need humans to destroy the enemy by doing RTRs? Why didn't he and the other gods destroy them?
Thank you to anyone who can answer these!
How were there Gods helping the Nazis in the 40's if they were not freed until 2000ish? Were there some Gods that were still free and thus helping our side?
Hello everyone remember the jew god is not a real god, is the energy of the jews itselF, i guesS that i read this in the text exposing christianity, if im bad, let me know
Many years ago,actually from birth until 2014 I was one of those independent fundamental king James bible believing bible thumping Baptists. If Father Satan would've destroyed all the enemy I would've never been able to follow him. I'm no where near where I need to be but by the help of Him and the Gods of hell(our true Gods) I will be in the near future. It is difficult sometimes because I live in the Texas panhandle area right in the middle of the bible belt.
Hail Satan!
I assume bound only in spirit not physically? Could they still astral project and make contact that way?
Guys, Jehova is not a god, It's a thoughtform, a mass full of energy that is empowered by prayers of xtians and mudslimes ecc enemy gods feed on that.
Satan and some of the demons were free from long time ago . Hitler met with Satan or Sorax (more probably Sorax ) by having a kind of out of body experience. somwhere in between the start of the war and the funding of his political party,if I remember right.
I think you meant Sorath, not "Sorax."

[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD] [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]

On Thursday, February 9, 2017 5:46 AM, "theop.chipyx@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Satan and some of the demons were free from long time ago . Hitler met with Satan or Sorax (more probably Sorax ) by having a kind of out of body experience. somwhere in between the start of the war and the funding of his political party,if I remember right.

There are numerous curses in the bible and torah specifically against certain gods. These curses have been infused with power for thousand of years by billions of deluded idiots. For example, Yom Kippur is a holiday specifically for cursing Azazel. More information on that is in the sermon below.

Demons: The Gods of the Gentiles
Hitler had already demigod-like abilities. He saw and spoke with demons like you speak with a regular person in front of you. Also Gods are no longer bound.
Thanks guys for all your responses. I'm still confused because you all had different answers.
I would also like to hear from some of the high priests/priestesses as well since they have more knowledge on this.
On Feb 9, 2017 3:45 AM, "theop.chipyx@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Satan and some of the demons were free from long time ago . Hitler met with Satan or Sorax (more probably Sorax ) by having a kind of out of body experience. somwhere in between the start of the war and the funding of his political party,if I remember right.
Is there any way a HP could shed some light on my question? I'm asking for them because they have more knowledge on this. 
No offense but it's annoying when members give different answers.
On Feb 9, 2017 11:00 PM, "starduststreakoflightning@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Hitler had already demigod-like abilities. He saw and spoke with demons like you speak with a regular person in front of you. Also Gods are no longer bound.
no one here knows what they are talking about. its a giant circle jerk of confirmation bias and speculation. no better than xtians. 
Seedofdivinity, it is not speculation. Just because it isn't known to you doesn't make it untrue. 

There are different ways to recieve information than simply physical documents or video evidence. 

The astral is filled with enormous amounts of information, then there is the Gods who teach us stuff we need to know or answer our questions when we ask them. 

Most of the stuff discussed in this thread is truth, there is no misinformation, except in the posts that were corrected by other more knowledgeable members. 
The reason the enemy isn't gone yet is because they are powerful in their own right. Satan is not omnipotent or able to erase anyone just with a flick of his finger or something. The enemy is dangerous and the Gods are fighting against them and have gbeen doing so for atleast 10000 years as far as we have been told. 

The reason we humans need to destroy the jews here on earth ourselves is because:

1. Satan and the Gods are busy fighting the enemy on many fronts, earth isn't the only place they are concerned about or fighting over. We are behind enemy lines at this time, so by doing the RTR's and destroying the "kaaba" and other enemy influence around our planet on the metaphysical level we open the gates for Satan and his influence from the inside. 

Think of it this way. A fortress is nearly impossible to storm from the outside, but if there is someone on the inside who can open up the gates and lower the drawbridge the army can walk right in with little resistance. That is what we are doing now, opening the gate from within so Satans army can storm the fortress with ease and little effort or losses. 

2. This ties in with the fact that we are Satans creation. We are his children. He created us with the intent of having us all become Gods just like them. In order to advance and evolve we must overcome our own hardship and we must become strong. If Satan would do everything for us we would never grow or advance, we would always depend on him and never become Gods, we would always be weak humans incapable of caring for themselves, like an infant that can only cry out for help of it's parents when it faces a problem beyond it's capabilities.

We need to become strong, we need to become as they are. In control of our own destiny, Relying not on Satan to do everything for us, but relying on our own power, believing in our selves and acting to protect our own. We need to evolve beyond the limits of current humanity through spiritual advancement and also through beating our enemies with our own abilities as best we can. 

People should realize that Satan doesn't need us. The Gods are safe from the enemy, they will never get destroyed by anything. They are beyond that, fully in control of their own destiny and existence in all ways. They do not die as they are above death, they do not loose to anything that stands in their way as they dictate whether something stands in their way or not. 

We need to become as they are, this is what Satan wanted for us and why he created us. So we must fight our own war and safe ourselves by applying the means Satan gives us. Satan gives us the knowledge to become as they are and the knowledge to safe ourselves, it is up to us to apply this and to evolve beyond what we are now. Only the strong will reach beyond and make it to where the Gods are. 
We have no need for the weak and the Gods don't have this either. 

Be strong in mind, body and soul and become a master of your own existence. Step into the realm of infinity. 
Satan cannot do this for us, we need to do this ourselves. He watches over us and guides us onto the right path, but like a good parent who doesn't shelter their child to keep them weak, he let's us face our problems as they come into our existence so we can overcome them and grow stronger along the way untill we become just as the Gods. 
The jews are more like HIV than cancer.

With cancer, it is a natural self defence menchanism while HIV attacks the white bloood cells that protect the body. Much more better example of calling the jews HIV than cancer, in my opinion.
@ shitofdivinity

So get lost to shit-hovah, troll


---In [email protected], <seedofdivinity@... wrote :

no one here knows what they are talking about. its a giant circle jerk of confirmation bias and speculation. no better than xtians. 
Venus Z, I may not be a Clergy Member, but I'm going to take the time to answer anyway.
Satan has told us he is 500'000 years old. As some of the members here answered, you have to understand He and the Gods with him were greatly outnumbered by the enemy (reptilians, their slaves the greys and Enemy Nordics). Back then the Gods were physically with us, we ourselves were almost to the stage of attaining Godhead for ourselves. Then we were attacked. We were vastly outnumbered. The Gods were forced to leave Earth and bring the fight out there to them. While Earth lies at the fulcrum of our struggle, this fight extends outwards into the Universe.
The Gods were heavily bound (as in their power was reduced here on Earth). They weren't physically hogtied and tossed into some jail cell by Jewhova or any shit like that. Satan is not and never HAS been “bound” in Hell! Satan is a real physical Being. He's not here physically at this time. But that doesn't mean He isn't with us. He has great effect on the corporeal world. He is a corporeal Being. As He has stated in the Al Jilwah:
I am ever present to help all who trust in me and call upon me in time of need. There is no place in the universe that knows not my presence.”
He has also stated:
He that opposes me will regret it sorely.”
You mistake: Satan doesn't need US. He is not “Using” us. WE need HIM. Since this is our Earth, yes, He wants us to lend a hand to the Cause of freeing this Earth and Gentile Humanity. He wants us to help help ourselves. And what more noble cause could there be? What else would you rather be doing?
A good parent knows that a child has to learn and to do things on their own. He expects us to make an effort. IF He was to come down here physically, He could eliminate the enemy I'm sure but....think of a butterfly. Its in it's coccoon, straining, struggling to get out. If a well meaning person comes along and rips the thing open for the creature, thinking this will free it, it actually cripples and destroys it. WE must fight for ourselves. But we don't fight alone. We have the One True God, Satan, and all the Gods and Goddesses of Hell, helping us.
Nature doesn't give a shit if something is right or wrong. The crimes perpetrated by the enemy upon humanity on this Earth are terribly wrong. But there is no almighty “God” who is going to wave a magic wand over us and magically make everything better FOR us. The truth is there is only our Father Satan and the Gods who are our family who care enough to lend US a hand. But they expect us to do whatever WE can do as well. We have the potential, given to us literally by Satan, as the white (Aryan) race are literally his blood, to become Gods just like our Father. We are the Jews greatest enemy, and they know it. The other Gentile races (Asian and Black) are also capable of elevating themselves and helping in the Cause. However, this is why there is a worldwide push (co-ordinated by the Jews) on to exterminate the white race IN PARTICULAR. The Aryan IS the Master Race.
Satan created the Gentile Races. The enemy Reptilians created the Jew.
Satan is our Father. He cares very much for us. He and the Gods work tirelessly to help us. This is a vast, ongoing, many levelled, layered and complex effort and a struggle that has endured for many thousands of years. The Gods never abandoned us. We lost a battle. We have NOT lost the War.
Christians are powerless spiritually compared to an SS. WE are much stronger. However, There was a great deal of effort and time put into tricking humanity to work for its own damnation by cutting people off from their True God and their power through the PROGRAMS of Xianity and Islam. The Gentile mass mind has poured energy for a thousand years into this mind/soul trap for Gentiles that was created by the enemy. In essence; humanity was tricked into building their own prison for their masters, being their own thought police and singing for their own damnation.
From Exposing Xianity page 57-58:
EA is another name for Satan. [Most of you already know the name "Satan" means "truth" in one of the most ancient of languages Sanskrit]. EA is pronounced AY-AH. AY as in May, say, day, etc. Nearly all of the words in Sanskrit end in the letter A. The letter A symbol in English and in many other Western alphabets is tapered like the pyramids, and many other spiritual symbols. The taper is symbolic of the serpentine energy ascending the soul. This also has to do with focus on the spine. The so-called "tetragrammaton" of the soul follows as I-O-E-A. EE-OH-AY-AH. These are the four vowel vibrations that empower and raise the energies of the four quarters of the soul to a high level. Right shoulder/right side of the body, vibrate I [EEEEE]; Left shoulder/left side of the body, Vibrate O [OOHHHH]. Front side of your body, vibrate E [AAYYY] as in the word say, or may On your backside, focusing on your spine, vibrate A [AHHHH]
Now, one can see where this vibration was stolen, altered, and completely corrupted from a PAGAN CONCEPT into that foul Jewish invented entity "jehova." Again and again, I reiterate THE WORD "GOD" IS A CODE-WORD FOR THE SELF!!! THERE IS NO "JEHOVA" OR "YAHWEH" WHICH WAS TAKEN FROM IDIOT CHRISTIANS TRYING TO PRONOUNCE "YHVH," AS THE J IS OFTEN PRONOUNCED AS Y IN MANY LANGUAGES, AFTER THIS CONCEPT WAS STOLEN AND CORRUPTED BY THE JEWS. The Christians are so far deluded it is way beyond pathetic. The Jews have usurped spiritual knowledge and corrupted it in order to enslave and control the entire world, they, themselves, at the higher levels becoming "God." In truth, that is all it is...a vibration to drastically empower the soul.”
From Exposing Christianity page 48:
The Truth about "Jesus Christ" Many of you who visit this website know the facts regarding the Nazarene being a fictitious Jewish archetype for Gentiles to slavishly worship. Above all the Nazarene is a diversion and distraction to keep humanity from advancing spirituality, from working on and evolving our own souls. The fictitious character of "Jesus" was invented from spiritual CONCEPTS originating in the Far East, such as spiritual alchemy, the kundalini energy [Serpent of Satan], and what is known as the "vril" "chi" "life-force" and "witchpower." Truth be known, one saves one's own soul through advancing spiritually, and activating this power. The Nazarene is a deterrent to this and keeps humanity from doing anything spiritually, and keeps humanity enslaved through living a totally material existence. Christians cannot argue, as they do not know true spirituality. They have not experienced it.
Exposing Christianity page 49:
Each event in the fictitious life of the Nazarene reveals a CONCEPT, STOLEN AND CORRUPTED FROM PAGAN RELIGIONS PREDATING CHRISTIANITY.”
`*High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Jesus is not and never WAS a real person. However, after a thousand years of the mass mind of the Gentile Slave's energy being poured into it, it DOES exist as a thought form.
HPS Maxine and some others have freed the Demons, our RTR's are crumbling their power structure by the roots. We are all expected to do whatever we can to help our side. As HPS Maxine has said: “Civilization should not be taken for granted.”
It has been stated that "In the end, the truth will come out and many will want to join on at the last minute, but it will be too late for them..."

From Exposing Xianity page 4:
The Catholic Church, which is the root of the Christian religion, is controlled by a secret society that has abused occult power to enslave the masses. The end goal is the total enslavement of humanity, which they have worked towards relentlessly and ruthlessly. All of this has directly affected each and every one of us. Humanity has suffered unnecessarily because of the denial of this knowledge. People have been coerced over the centuries into paying for their own damnation to the tune of billions and billions of dollars to keep this lie prospering and continuing strong. The survival and prosperity of this vicious hoax on humanity requires only ONE thing- A LACK OF KNOWLEDGE!
Study in Satan's Library as well as on JOS, do the RTR's. Do whatever you can in your own unique way to help Satan, the rest of humanity and YOURSELVES. Ask Satan: What more can I do? You will be given guidance.
YOU are your own 'Saviour.”
Hail Satan! Hail all the Gods and Goddesses of Hell! Hail to our Anti-Christ! 88!
Yes, I can see this. Kind of disappointing. It would be helpful if a HP could answer this.

On Feb 19, 2017 7:51 AM, "seedofdivinity@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  no one here knows what they are talking about. its a giant circle jerk of confirmation bias and speculation. no better than xtians. 

On Feb 19, 2017 7:51 AM, "seedofdivinity@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  no one here knows what they are talking about. its a giant circle jerk of confirmation bias and speculation. no better than xtians. 
Thank you Zola for responding. It makes a lititle more sense but I still have questions.
Thanks again for explaining!
On Feb 20, 2017 11:06 AM, "zolaluckystar@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Venus Z, I may not be a Clergy Member, but I'm going to take the time to answer anyway.
Satan has told us he is 500'000 years old. As some of the members here answered, you have to understand He and the Gods with him were greatly outnumbered by the enemy (reptilians, their slaves the greys and Enemy Nordics). Back then the Gods were physically with us, we ourselves were almost to the stage of attaining Godhead for ourselves. Then we were attacked. We were vastly outnumbered. The Gods were forced to leave Earth and bring the fight out there to them. While Earth lies at the fulcrum of our struggle, this fight extends outwards into the Universe.
The Gods were heavily bound (as in their power was reduced here on Earth). They weren't physically hogtied and tossed into some jail cell by Jewhova or any shit like that. Satan is not and never HAS been “bound” in Hell! Satan is a real physical Being. He's not here physically at this time. But that doesn't mean He isn't with us. He has great effect on the corporeal world. He is a corporeal Being. As He has stated in the Al Jilwah:
I am ever present to help all who trust in me and call upon me in time of need. There is no place in the universe that knows not my presence.”
He has also stated:
He that opposes me will regret it sorely.”
You mistake: Satan doesn't need US. He is not “Using” us. WE need HIM. Since this is our Earth, yes, He wants us to lend a hand to the Cause of freeing this Earth and Gentile Humanity. He wants us to help help ourselves. And what more noble cause could there be? What else would you rather be doing?
A good parent knows that a child has to learn and to do things on their own. He expects us to make an effort. IF He was to come down here physically, He could eliminate the enemy I'm sure but....think of a butterfly. Its in it's coccoon, straining, struggling to get out. If a well meaning person comes along and rips the thing open for the creature, thinking this will free it, it actually cripples and destroys it. WE must fight for ourselves. But we don't fight alone. We have the One True God, Satan, and all the Gods and Goddesses of Hell, helping us.
Nature doesn't give a shit if something is right or wrong. The crimes perpetrated by the enemy upon humanity on this Earth are terribly wrong. But there is no almighty “God” who is going to wave a magic wand over us and magically make everything better FOR us. The truth is there is only our Father Satan and the Gods who are our family who care enough to lend US a hand. But they expect us to do whatever WE can do as well. We have the potential, given to us literally by Satan, as the white (Aryan) race are literally his blood, to become Gods just like our Father. We are the Jews greatest enemy, and they know it. The other Gentile races (Asian and Black) are also capable of elevating themselves and helping in the Cause. However, this is why there is a worldwide push (co-ordinated by the Jews) on to exterminate the white race IN PARTICULAR. The Aryan IS the Master Race.
Satan created the Gentile Races. The enemy Reptilians created the Jew.
Satan is our Father. He cares very much for us. He and the Gods work tirelessly to help us. This is a vast, ongoing, many levelled, layered and complex effort and a struggle that has endured for many thousands of years. The Gods never abandoned us. We lost a battle. We have NOT lost the War.
Christians are powerless spiritually compared to an SS. WE are much stronger. However, There was a great deal of effort and time put into tricking humanity to work for its own damnation by cutting people off from their True God and their power through the PROGRAMS of Xianity and Islam. The Gentile mass mind has poured energy for a thousand years into this mind/soul trap for Gentiles that was created by the enemy. In essence; humanity was tricked into building their own prison for their masters, being their own thought police and singing for their own damnation.
From Exposing Xianity page 57-58:
EA is another name for Satan. [Most of you already know the name "Satan" means "truth" in one of the most ancient of languages Sanskrit]. EA is pronounced AY-AH. AY as in May, say, day, etc. Nearly all of the words in Sanskrit end in the letter A. The letter A symbol in English and in many other Western alphabets is tapered like the pyramids, and many other spiritual symbols. The taper is symbolic of the serpentine energy ascending the soul. This also has to do with focus on the spine. The so-called "tetragrammaton" of the soul follows as I-O-E-A. EE-OH-AY-AH. These are the four vowel vibrations that empower and raise the energies of the four quarters of the soul to a high level. Right shoulder/right side of the body, vibrate I [EEEEE]; Left shoulder/left side of the body, Vibrate O [OOHHHH]. Front side of your body, vibrate E [AAYYY] as in the word say, or may On your backside, focusing on your spine, vibrate A [AHHHH]
Now, one can see where this vibration was stolen, altered, and completely corrupted from a PAGAN CONCEPT into that foul Jewish invented entity "jehova." Again and again, I reiterate THE WORD "GOD" IS A CODE-WORD FOR THE SELF!!! THERE IS NO "JEHOVA" OR "YAHWEH" WHICH WAS TAKEN FROM IDIOT CHRISTIANS TRYING TO PRONOUNCE "YHVH," AS THE J IS OFTEN PRONOUNCED AS Y IN MANY LANGUAGES, AFTER THIS CONCEPT WAS STOLEN AND CORRUPTED BY THE JEWS. The Christians are so far deluded it is way beyond pathetic. The Jews have usurped spiritual knowledge and corrupted it in order to enslave and control the entire world, they, themselves, at the higher levels becoming "God." In truth, that is all it is...a vibration to drastically empower the soul.”
From Exposing Christianity page 48:
The Truth about "Jesus Christ" Many of you who visit this website know the facts regarding the Nazarene being a fictitious Jewish archetype for Gentiles to slavishly worship. Above all the Nazarene is a diversion and distraction to keep humanity from advancing spirituality, from working on and evolving our own souls. The fictitious character of "Jesus" was invented from spiritual CONCEPTS originating in the Far East, such as spiritual alchemy, the kundalini energy [Serpent of Satan], and what is known as the "vril" "chi" "life-force" and "witchpower." Truth be known, one saves one's own soul through advancing spiritually, and activating this power. The Nazarene is a deterrent to this and keeps humanity from doing anything spiritually, and keeps humanity enslaved through living a totally material existence. Christians cannot argue, as they do not know true spirituality. They have not experienced it.
Exposing Christianity page 49:
Each event in the fictitious life of the Nazarene reveals a CONCEPT, STOLEN AND CORRUPTED FROM PAGAN RELIGIONS PREDATING CHRISTIANITY.”
`*High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Jesus is not and never WAS a real person. However, after a thousand years of the mass mind of the Gentile Slave's energy being poured into it, it DOES exist as a thought form.
HPS Maxine and some others have freed the Demons, our RTR's are crumbling their power structure by the roots. We are all expected to do whatever we can to help our side. As HPS Maxine has said: “Civilization should not be taken for granted.”
It has been stated that "In the end, the truth will come out and many will want to join on at the last minute, but it will be too late for them..."

From Exposing Xianity page 4:
The Catholic Church, which is the root of the Christian religion, is controlled by a secret society that has abused occult power to enslave the masses. The end goal is the total enslavement of humanity, which they have worked towards relentlessly and ruthlessly. All of this has directly affected each and every one of us. Humanity has suffered unnecessarily because of the denial of this knowledge. People have been coerced over the centuries into paying for their own damnation to the tune of billions and billions of dollars to keep this lie prospering and continuing strong. The survival and prosperity of this vicious hoax on humanity requires only ONE thing- A LACK OF KNOWLEDGE!
Study in Satan's Library as well as on JOS, do the RTR's. Do whatever you can in your own unique way to help Satan, the rest of humanity and YOURSELVES. Ask Satan: What more can I do? You will be given guidance.
YOU are your own 'Saviour.”
Hail Satan! Hail all the Gods and Goddesses of Hell! Hail to our Anti-Christ! 88!
Your question has been answered. What is "kind of disappointing?" about it? Our HPS and HP's are very busy. WHY is it you must have THEM answer you? When there are many members here who can answer? Our HPS and HP'S are busy working for Satan. I get the feeling you just want to waste their time.
I'm not wasting anyone's time here. If you don't like me asking questions, block me.
On Feb 22, 2017 3:03 PM, "zolaluckystar@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Your question has been answered. What is "kind of disappointing?" about it? Our HPS and HP's are very busy. WHY is it you must have THEM answer you? When there are many members here who can answer? Our HPS and HP'S are busy working for Satan. I get the feeling you just want to waste their time.
Whose voice sound like a hidden jew in the Holyhood family? asking beyond is Limits!!
On Sun, 2/26/17, Venus Z darknesswelcomesu@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Why humans?
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Sunday, February 26, 2017, 8:53 PM

I'm not wasting
anyone's time here. If you don't like me asking
block me.

On Feb 22, 2017 3:03 PM,
[JoyofSatan666]" <
[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]

Your question has been answered. What is "kind of
disappointing?" about
it? Our HPS
and HP's are very busy. WHY is it you must have THEM
you? When there are many members
here who can answer? Our HPS and HP'S are
busy working for Satan. I get the feeling
you just want to waste their time.
Wait ah minute! Wait ah minute! Lemme guess... Does it sound like fingernails on a chalkboard?

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Sun, Feb 26, 2017 at 8:15 PM, Mugaite Charles mugaitecharles@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Whose voice sound like a hidden jew in the Holyhood family? asking beyond is Limits!!
On Sun, 2/26/17, Venus Z darknesswelcomesu@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:

Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Why humans?
To: [email protected]
Date: Sunday, February 26, 2017, 8:53 PM

I'm not wasting
anyone's time here. If you don't like me asking
block me.

On Feb 22, 2017 3:03 PM,
[JoyofSatan666]" <
[email protected]

Your question has been answered. What is "kind of
disappointing?" about
it? Our HPS
and HP's are very busy. WHY is it you must have THEM
you? When there are many members
here who can answer? Our HPS and HP'S are
busy working for Satan. I get the feeling
you just want to waste their time.
Hi there, 
What's a wonderful reply and love to read.  I'm just a new comer and learnt so much from the group.   Thank you for sharing 
Hail Lucifer Max

2017年2月23日 06:02 於 "Venus Z darknesswelcomesu@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] 寫道:
  Thank you Zola for responding. It makes a lititle more sense but I still have questions.
Thanks again for explaining!
On Feb 20, 2017 11:06 AM, "zolaluckystar@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Venus Z, I may not be a Clergy Member, but I'm going to take the time to answer anyway.
Satan has told us he is 500'000 years old. As some of the members here answered, you have to understand He and the Gods with him were greatly outnumbered by the enemy (reptilians, their slaves the greys and Enemy Nordics). Back then the Gods were physically with us, we ourselves were almost to the stage of attaining Godhead for ourselves. Then we were attacked. We were vastly outnumbered. The Gods were forced to leave Earth and bring the fight out there to them. While Earth lies at the fulcrum of our struggle, this fight extends outwards into the Universe.
The Gods were heavily bound (as in their power was reduced here on Earth). They weren't physically hogtied and tossed into some jail cell by Jewhova or any shit like that. Satan is not and never HAS been “bound” in Hell! Satan is a real physical Being. He's not here physically at this time. But that doesn't mean He isn't with us. He has great effect on the corporeal world. He is a corporeal Being. As He has stated in the Al Jilwah:
I am ever present to help all who trust in me and call upon me in time of need. There is no place in the universe that knows not my presence.”
He has also stated:
He that opposes me will regret it sorely.”
You mistake: Satan doesn't need US. He is not “Using” us. WE need HIM. Since this is our Earth, yes, He wants us to lend a hand to the Cause of freeing this Earth and Gentile Humanity. He wants us to help help ourselves. And what more noble cause could there be? What else would you rather be doing?
A good parent knows that a child has to learn and to do things on their own. He expects us to make an effort. IF He was to come down here physically, He could eliminate the enemy I'm sure but....think of a butterfly. Its in it's coccoon, straining, struggling to get out. If a well meaning person comes along and rips the thing open for the creature, thinking this will free it, it actually cripples and destroys it. WE must fight for ourselves. But we don't fight alone. We have the One True God, Satan, and all the Gods and Goddesses of Hell, helping us.
Nature doesn't give a shit if something is right or wrong. The crimes perpetrated by the enemy upon humanity on this Earth are terribly wrong. But there is no almighty “God” who is going to wave a magic wand over us and magically make everything better FOR us. The truth is there is only our Father Satan and the Gods who are our family who care enough to lend US a hand. But they expect us to do whatever WE can do as well. We have the potential, given to us literally by Satan, as the white (Aryan) race are literally his blood, to become Gods just like our Father. We are the Jews greatest enemy, and they know it. The other Gentile races (Asian and Black) are also capable of elevating themselves and helping in the Cause. However, this is why there is a worldwide push (co-ordinated by the Jews) on to exterminate the white race IN PARTICULAR. The Aryan IS the Master Race.
Satan created the Gentile Races. The enemy Reptilians created the Jew.
Satan is our Father. He cares very much for us. He and the Gods work tirelessly to help us. This is a vast, ongoing, many levelled, layered and complex effort and a struggle that has endured for many thousands of years. The Gods never abandoned us. We lost a battle. We have NOT lost the War.
Christians are powerless spiritually compared to an SS. WE are much stronger. However, There was a great deal of effort and time put into tricking humanity to work for its own damnation by cutting people off from their True God and their power through the PROGRAMS of Xianity and Islam. The Gentile mass mind has poured energy for a thousand years into this mind/soul trap for Gentiles that was created by the enemy. In essence; humanity was tricked into building their own prison for their masters, being their own thought police and singing for their own damnation.
From Exposing Xianity page 57-58:
EA is another name for Satan. [Most of you already know the name "Satan" means "truth" in one of the most ancient of languages Sanskrit]. EA is pronounced AY-AH. AY as in May, say, day, etc. Nearly all of the words in Sanskrit end in the letter A. The letter A symbol in English and in many other Western alphabets is tapered like the pyramids, and many other spiritual symbols. The taper is symbolic of the serpentine energy ascending the soul. This also has to do with focus on the spine. The so-called "tetragrammaton" of the soul follows as I-O-E-A. EE-OH-AY-AH. These are the four vowel vibrations that empower and raise the energies of the four quarters of the soul to a high level. Right shoulder/right side of the body, vibrate I [EEEEE]; Left shoulder/left side of the body, Vibrate O [OOHHHH]. Front side of your body, vibrate E [AAYYY] as in the word say, or may On your backside, focusing on your spine, vibrate A [AHHHH]
Now, one can see where this vibration was stolen, altered, and completely corrupted from a PAGAN CONCEPT into that foul Jewish invented entity "jehova." Again and again, I reiterate THE WORD "GOD" IS A CODE-WORD FOR THE SELF!!! THERE IS NO "JEHOVA" OR "YAHWEH" WHICH WAS TAKEN FROM IDIOT CHRISTIANS TRYING TO PRONOUNCE "YHVH," AS THE J IS OFTEN PRONOUNCED AS Y IN MANY LANGUAGES, AFTER THIS CONCEPT WAS STOLEN AND CORRUPTED BY THE JEWS. The Christians are so far deluded it is way beyond pathetic. The Jews have usurped spiritual knowledge and corrupted it in order to enslave and control the entire world, they, themselves, at the higher levels becoming "God." In truth, that is all it is...a vibration to drastically empower the soul.”
From Exposing Christianity page 48:
The Truth about "Jesus Christ" Many of you who visit this website know the facts regarding the Nazarene being a fictitious Jewish archetype for Gentiles to slavishly worship. Above all the Nazarene is a diversion and distraction to keep humanity from advancing spirituality, from working on and evolving our own souls. The fictitious character of "Jesus" was invented from spiritual CONCEPTS originating in the Far East, such as spiritual alchemy, the kundalini energy [Serpent of Satan], and what is known as the "vril" "chi" "life-force" and "witchpower." Truth be known, one saves one's own soul through advancing spiritually, and activating this power. The Nazarene is a deterrent to this and keeps humanity from doing anything spiritually, and keeps humanity enslaved through living a totally material existence. Christians cannot argue, as they do not know true spirituality. They have not experienced it.
Exposing Christianity page 49:
Each event in the fictitious life of the Nazarene reveals a CONCEPT, STOLEN AND CORRUPTED FROM PAGAN RELIGIONS PREDATING CHRISTIANITY.”
`*High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Jesus is not and never WAS a real person. However, after a thousand years of the mass mind of the Gentile Slave's energy being poured into it, it DOES exist as a thought form.
HPS Maxine and some others have freed the Demons, our RTR's are crumbling their power structure by the roots. We are all expected to do whatever we can to help our side. As HPS Maxine has said: “Civilization should not be taken for granted.”
It has been stated that "In the end, the truth will come out and many will want to join on at the last minute, but it will be too late for them..."

From Exposing Xianity page 4:
The Catholic Church, which is the root of the Christian religion, is controlled by a secret society that has abused occult power to enslave the masses. The end goal is the total enslavement of humanity, which they have worked towards relentlessly and ruthlessly. All of this has directly affected each and every one of us. Humanity has suffered unnecessarily because of the denial of this knowledge. People have been coerced over the centuries into paying for their own damnation to the tune of billions and billions of dollars to keep this lie prospering and continuing strong. The survival and prosperity of this vicious hoax on humanity requires only ONE thing- A LACK OF KNOWLEDGE!
Study in Satan's Library as well as on JOS, do the RTR's. Do whatever you can in your own unique way to help Satan, the rest of humanity and YOURSELVES. Ask Satan: What more can I do? You will be given guidance.
YOU are your own 'Saviour.”
Hail Satan! Hail all the Gods and Goddesses of Hell! Hail to our Anti-Christ! 88!
Relax guys, his post came before he saw Zolas awesome explaining post. He apparently answered to the troll seedofdivinity and then he read zolas post, it's jsut a misunderstanding. Everyone has doubts before entering Satanism, it's a lot of things to realize in such a little time so there's nothing wrong in asking questions. 
(Just to clear out the misunderstanding)
Anyway... Let me ask something relevant that I often wonder... Satan is 500.000 yrs old, ok till here.. But the universe is way older, going back billions of years. I always have Satan and the Gods as the supreme beings that we cannot even reach in the slightest bit into understanding, but aren't the even greater powers and beings somewhere in the vast universe? Or in the vast Astral? I am not obviously wondering whether Satan is a Superior being, but since there is never ending in the evolution there must be beings higher even than him, right? This question comes to my mind when I read about in Ancient greek mythology and in Ancient Sumerian, where in the first one, he was a Titan that was chained by Zeus (Ok, this contradicts the fact that Satan is superior to Mamon, so I dunno what sense that makes), made into giving his liver into an eagle, so I guess, that they saw that he also had an inferior god. Also, in ancient sumerian mythology, EA is not the only superior gods, and clearly someone can see also others (again, I am not trying to say that Satan is not an allmighty powerful god). I just can't seem to find any explanations online, since there are no interpretations of ancient myths online, and most of them are simple giberish or fairy tales....

Στις 2:45 μ.μ. Τρίτη, 28 Φεβρουαρίου 2017, ο/η "Mugaite Charles mugaitecharles@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:

  Whose voice sound like a hidden jew in the Holyhood family? asking beyond is Limits!!
On Sun, 2/26/17, Venus Z darknesswelcomesu@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:

Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Why humans?
To: [email protected]
Date: Sunday, February 26, 2017, 8:53 PM

I'm not wasting
anyone's time here. If you don't like me asking
block me.

On Feb 22, 2017 3:03 PM,
[JoyofSatan666]" <
[email protected]

Your question has been answered. What is "kind of
disappointing?" about
it? Our HPS
and HP's are very busy. WHY is it you must have THEM
you? When there are many members
here who can answer? Our HPS and HP'S are
busy working for Satan. I get the feeling
you just want to waste their time.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
