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Why Christians Are So Retarded: The Real Reasons - Satan Could Help You...

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
patrioticgentile_666 said:

My experience during my days as Bible prophecy/whistleblower student pretty much is summed-up by what you describe.

The "fellow whistleblowers" around me would always talk smack about people who meditate, or practice yoga, claim that "they're causing America's downfall/Jewhovah's judgement", and remember.....to the Judeo-Xian program, good is evil, evil is good.

They were seriously the dumbest and stupidest people anyone can imagine, who obssesss 24/7 about being warlords and criminals for yahwisheewashee/jewhovah, and they pride themselves in having toxic, and hateful personalities and how America is doomed. The worst of the worst of them even stated that Xmas is evil, and shouldn't be celebrated because it doesn't align with communistic beliefs of the bible (anti-gift giving, anti-personal/luxury properties, anti-joy, ANTI-LIFE).

Basically this is where all the stupidity of these idiots begins with. Christianity creates a schism in the human mind. It tries to "deny" the lower instincts and suppress them by hitting them on the head with nonsense about how this is "moral".

The above, creates a situation where the most uncontrollable instincts of stupidity, need to dominate at any cost, kill or attack, and so on, ferment themselves in the background, oftentimes not only unrecognized but repressed on the maximum.

These great drives for murder, death and destruction that are very much existing in Christians in this form, also parallel those of Muslims.

Slowly, these start bleeding into society and societal norms. It is no mistake that most criminals have the "only God can judge me" and other Christian nonsense tattooed on them, or giant crosses and so on. These are representations of these undisciplined souls that they have, which are parallel to those of animals or lower.

The hate ranges from Christian to Christian. When they boast about how America is going to be destroyed, they are just expressing their own inner desires on the subject.

The constant application of this wrong program, takes human beings down the rails.

It is funny also how the United States, the most obsessed egoistically over the "ego-less" religion of Christianity, is literally the Nation with the biggest egos on earth, for better or for worse.

Thanks to Christianity, that is 9 out of 10 times it is for the worst, while the US could produce amazing personalities.

Going back to the subjects of hate and and so on, this is very obvious. Christians constantly rave that their own Nation who gave birth to them, and is also "Officially Christian", is somehow persecuting Christians, or is "The Whore Babylon" and other nonsense.

That is because Christians are programmed to pretend they are persecuted, even when they own most of the National Infrastructure or literally most things as slaves of the Jews and so on.

They just have to pretend, same as jews, who even after having taken over most places in the West, have to pretend they wuz in Auschwitz n Shiet in 2022 or something.

Of course, as "harlot America" destroys herself, they will revile in the most basic hatred and joy while they are at it, enjoy megatons of expressed and repressed hatred as they see random people dying for not having complied to their genocidal program.

The above, is merely basic psychology of how repressed emotions work. Christians become slowly toxic monsters as they engage in this program.

As these are repressed, these drives grow and grow, and they are never individuated inside the human self, let alone sublimated or recognized as existing. The highest level of a Christian is when they completely pretend these do not exist, all while the cancer in them has grown so much that their pastors do rape or something in Christian Schoolboy camps.

Generally, these people are worse than even wild animals, as wild animals are animals that are presenting their urges, while most Christians are just walking timebombs of repression and evil.

If you want to find hate, jealousy, spite, petty games, backstabs, endless hypocrisy, and you are ready to see untold amounts of evil, the only thing one has to do is get in the "Church".

The more people walk inside the odious enemy programs, which are designed to ruin people and make them civilization hating mobs, then one will want to escape. Christians are to where they read verses about killing their own homeland and giving it to the "tribe of David" in the church and they pretend they are "Nationalists".

They then read verses about poverty, how God loves retards, how if you are maimed and fully retarded you are "Good" in the eyes of the lord, and so on, so forth, it's endless. These things register in their minds and manifest in their lives accordingly.

Of course, Christians are mostly hypocrites. All the people who are merely trying to live normally or just are living life, will oftentimes say things like "I am a Christian", even though they know these values and how they live do not reconcile with their "Religion" in anyway.

In general Christians are living in a schizoid situation where their opposing values between themselves, what is logical, and their "belief system", are all in opposition and destroy them on a daily basis.

These dangerously opposing views, and the rest of the moral system of Christianity which is filled with disorganization and contradictions, or mere emotional retardation, turns people progressively insane.

Most people out there merely say they are "Christians", but they are not. This guarantees them mental health. More natural people also don't give a crap about any of this, and rightfully so. The degree of them not giving a fuck is always directly correlated to how healthy these individuals are.

The reason this happens is because most people believe in "God" as it's in the biology of our species to do so. It is normal. But they have no clue of what "God" they believe in or anything.

A Christian should be sized up to the extent they have imparted or not imparted in themselves the deadly hebrew program. For example, a lot of people have only 1% of this into their minds. Despite the claims, they are not "Christian". Others however, even many proclaimed "atheists" or "mediocre Christians" have 20 or 50% of the odious program in their minds.

The general degree of lunacy and evil also presents itself in a united parallel to how stupid, vile and evil a person is.

As people try to maintain one thing, for example, their Nation, and they pretend they are "pro Nation", they read nonsense from the Bible that their Nation is "Evil" because it's not led by the Tribe of David. Then, they do everything as a voting body to make sure the offspring of the jews makes it into power.

They believe this subconsciously, so no matter what they say to others, they subconsciously hate their own Nation because it's not ruled by Jews. Then the jews sit on the chair, and they bomb Iran, Iraq, start WW3 over nothing and what have you, trolling them.

This hate manifests in themselves in many ways - social implosion, eroding their own culture, or just electing stupid kikes that will totally Talmudize their Nation until everyone is dead.

The rabbit hole goes far deeper, but the above should give an outlook of how evil a soul becomes from engaging in these programs.

patrioticgentile_666 said:
Over 95% of those "evil people" who meditate had/have less toxic personalities (let alone at all), eat/live healthy and social lives, lend their helping hands to people, and overall, wanna make the world a better place. These "evil hell-bound people" are literally the ones who have helped me out in life.

That was one of the defining "awakening" moments that made me seriously reflect and reevaluate the types of people I surround myself with, they weren't too far off from the Westboro Baptist Church, except with a bit of "patriotic/conspiracy whistleblower string".

Fighting for Constitutional rights......yet at the same time, proclaiming that America will fall "anyway" because the jews say so in their rituals (Book of RevaLIEtion), so basically fighting a battle you know you will lose. That, among many others, was the kind of stupidity, idiocy and nonsense that I was surrounded with.

People who meditate, even if they do very basic meditations, are better people.

For one, they are looking "within", with whatever this entails. This creates a sense of open mindedness and more awareness. Through open mindedness, there arises a sense of self, and meditation integrates also awareness about other people through awareness of one's self.

Knowing this, the enemy tried to at first stop, then hijack the new meditation systems and so on by infesting them with garbage. When this does not work, they throw tantrums of a talmudic nature.

Regardless, humanity is largely moving on. As humanity moves on, it will leave Christians behind. The Christians are looking at the obsolete status of their fake program as a "war against Christianity" and "the devil at work".

They cannot see that Christianity really has nothing to offer to themselves or society, besides illness and internal decay. And that humanity is healing past this. Muslims are equally insane and more genocidal over this.

Why these people constantly want "Civilization to fall", is because they are programmed to that end by the Jews.

In fact, they are programmed with many more parameters through the bible, like literal robots, which are parameters to literally "lose" the war to the Jews in every level and area of life, but also other more nefarious programs.

In their warped mind, any person that does not follow their program, is an enemy on the automatic. They do not see white black and grey, they only see black everywhere.

I heard Christians before and how much they want everyone to die, because they do not follow "The Word". Basically, they are espousing openly a genocide of all Races and Nations, but nobody stops them, because they always say this is "because of love".

One has to also be seriously mentally handicapped to want all the planet to die over this. Yet, this is the message of the "Revelations" which these idiots worship as a "Holy book".

As they see humanity goes on and nobody cares for them, they go into rabid. But many more people from this program will simply escape. It just takes a little decency and honesty to look at their own program and see it's all about nonsense and hate.

All of these lead to damnation and accelerate downfall.

We will rise from that downfall, so we must welcome it.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
My brother, H.P Hooded Cobra 666.
I really needed to hear this message from you😃.
It has been 2 weeks since I did my dedication to the Father SATAN. I can't explain the peace & happiness that I have felt. I have so many questions, but know that I can always come to the JOS website for answer's. I don't know if you will allow this but the other day I was meditating and suddenly this blue ambient glow came into sight, I just felt so warm and happy inside. If you ever experienced anything like this, I would appreciate your opinion..

I like how xians are like sex should be between a man an woman, then you bring up how most of the kings in the bible had many wives and concubines, an then you can hear the windows error messages pop up as they reeeeeeeeeeee,anyway I've been around xians who have the same blood lust as muslims, it's disgusting really an that whole (I knows moreses than you cause mes worship jew in sky)mentality is irritating

It's should be obvious to anyone new an otherwise,these xian/abrahamic programming is against nature an life
Yes! Awesome post Cobra! We have planted the seeds, first comes the gradual and GREAT decrease from those hideous hate and death cults.

Next step on the list, is helping remove the old parasitic energies from those odious programs, even after one has left, they can still be infested with energies that'll make one a miserable person in general - and recovering some old Gentile festivals, so that Gentiles can start requesting days off of work/school.

It truly has been a JOY (the ministry has truly lived up to its name)! When I finally left, and started celebrating all these "evil pagan feasts" it was the most liberating experience of my life, i felt like a child all over again, knowing that I could put up as many Xmas trees, buy as many presents and do all the pure Heathen things, and the RIGHT way (no blood sacrifice BS, which is jewish/phony "jewish paganism"....the jews like to sacrifice children on these holidays to mock and blaspheme it, not celebrate it).

Now I continue to piss on yahwisheewashee by recovering other old ancient Pagan feasts and burning torah copies on the stupid roshhashanah or yom kippur.

Someone remind me.......to have a GOOD PORK ROAST on yom kippur!
Witajcie. :)
Nie wszyscy chrześcijanie są uczeni nienawiści do narodu. Byłam kiedyś baptystką i tam uczono, że nie ma się narodowości. Uczono, że jest się obywatelami Nieba, że tu na ziemi, jest się tylko przechodniem. Uczono wielu głupot. Kategorycznie jednak nie wolno było myśleć. Zadałam niewygodne pytania pastorowi zboru, wtedy myślałam, że mi na nie odpowie i wyjaśni, jako nauczyciel. Tak się nie stało. Widocznie uznał mnie za niebezpieczną, bo zdyskredytował moją osobę. Wypisałam się od nich. Pastor rozpowiadał kłamstwa na mój temat, co poskutkowało tym, że z wielu znajomych i tych co uważałam za przyjaciół, zrobiło się kilka osób. Wtedy nie znałam Szatana, ale studiowałam biblię i to było złe. Niby baptyści zachęcają do studiowania biblii, ale nie do końca tak jest. To co mówi pastor ma być niepodważalne, nawet jeśli jest sprzeczne z biblią. Można studiować, ale pod kierownictwem, a nie samodzielnie, samodzielnie myśląc.
Cieszę się, że to za mną, że mogłam się tego wyrzec i że Szatan pokierował mnie do Siebie. :)))
Chwała Szatanowi!

Hello. :)
Not all christians are taught to hate the nation. I was once a baptist and learned tehere no nationality. They were taught to be citizens of Heaven, to be just a passer-by here on earth. Much foolishness was taught. However, it was absolutely forbidden to think. I asked uncomfortable questions to the church pastor, then I thought he would answer them and explain to me like a teacher. It did not happen. Apparently he found me dangerous because he discredited me. I crossed out of them. The pastor was spreading lies about me, which resulted in this that many acquaintances and those I considered friends, a few people remained.. I didn't know Satan then, but I was studying the bible, and that was wrong. Supposedly baptists encourage bible study, but that's not quite the case. What the pastor says is to be irrefutable, even if it contradicts the bible. You can study, but under the guidance, not by yourself, thinking for yourself.
I am glad that it is was behind me, that I was able to renounce it and that Satan directed me to Himself. :)))
Glory to Satan!
Many Christians do not study the Bible, they follow Christianity out of ignorance and fear.

Once when I was a child my uncle said to me...what books do you read? I listed a few including the bible. And he told me, don't read that book.... OK he didn't like that useless book but too bad he couldn't offer me anything better.

I mean, why do you follow Christianity if you don't study it and if it doesn't give you any spirituality?
Yes that hits the nail on the head. Thanks to JOS I now have an insight into my toxic and abusive relationship with my very xian mother.

She always said she loves me but would fly into rages physically attacking me. It was a material relationship but otherwise she was very narcisstic.

I could not feel her love because how can you attack something you love.

She opened her soul to be filled with that odious enemy spirit.

The babbling in tongues is the proof.

But her psychotic behaviour and that towards me was her possession by the enemy.

Nothing you can do for these people that are totally taken over by the enemy. Best to reduce contact where possible.

It's true. Xianity is a brotherhood religion. They very welcoming until you show you don't believe.

And then you see how negative and hateful they really are. You can feel the vibe when you refuse to give your soul away which is what they're asking.

Xtianity is a death cult.
Hail Satan!!!🖤 I am proud to be here. And iam honored to be who I am. In Satan's name!!!⚡💯 Thank you for sharing this!! ❤ HP HoodedCobra666 You hit the nail on the head with this!. And you left nothing out. Of described the Christian mind to a T! Who and what they are exactly! And how fucked up they have always been! And how fucked up they always will be! Especially if they continue on with their nonsense! They have brought on their own problems throughout the years! They only have themselves to blame when it comes down to it! :D and they'll be the ones left behind cleaning up the mess that they have made throughout the centuries! And they will be haunted by their own fears and their own stupidity! And many of those that they have persecuted and killed and put to death throughout the centuries! They will have a lot to deal with as if though they don't have enough to deal with as it is? Other people and people like us! Will continue on growing spiritually and mentally and have a purpose to do so in many ways! We will have our gifts and our Awards! And we will have our happiness at least! We are the type of people that don't give up! And we will be recognized for who we are and are good works! And we are the ones that stand out in the crowd! Taking the time to study and read things and taking the pride to sit down and meditate! The Christians and the Jews and the Muslims May bitch and scoff because they know what they're going through they are suffering internally from the inside out! Therefore they get what they get and what they serve is what they get! They only have themselves to blame and they will always have themselves to blame! :D and everything they serve is going to be throwing right back out them more and more especially when they continue on with their stupidity! Blaming other people for their nonsense and using Satan and his gods and demons as a scapegoat! And they know very well that that's not going to work! And when it comes down to people like us? We have that right to smile with pride because we know who we are and we have the right to do as we please in Satan's name! When it comes down to yoga and meditation we have every right to do so! And we have better things to do than to fight with the Enemy out there! 🔥 at least we know who we are! And we do have big shoes to fill when it comes down to it! Plenty to read and wants to do! We are the type of people that don't give up! And we are going to do what we are going to do in Satan's name and nobody is going to get between us and who and what we are and what we do and what we believe in! :D I am so glad to be here! And this is the best program I have ever gotten into! Being here with others like us. And to be with Satan. And to be reprogrammed and educated properly! Knowing the truth behind things and being properly educated in Satan's name! And to know that I can get away with talking about him :) celebrating his holidays! And honoring the gods and the demons! The ancient wisdom and knowledge! And to be able to sit down and talk about it and share it with others on here! ❤ it is both an honor and a blessing to have you here! And reading your sermons and sharing your values and experiences with us. And for the purpose of being here to get an education! And to get a better view of this world and what we are living with! Comparing my knowledge up with the past and what I am learning now it is a huge difference compared to what I grew up with! And what I was forced to believe in! And the things that we should have taken the time to listen to and pay attention to! And things that we should have learned growing up as children! And a lot of the things that I've missed out on and never got a chance to understand or learn and appreciate! Up until now! And how much it has helped me being here!❤ I don't know what I would do without you people and the Joy Of Satan! ❤ this place is my home and it's my sanctuary! And it is definitely my college of education! Mentally physically spiritually and emotionally through and through! Getting a whole different view of everything that I grew up with and a whole different change of attitude! It has helped me in so many ways being here! I don't know how I can thank you guys! But you guys mean the whole world to me!!❤ thank you!!! HAIL SATAN!!!
This is why I enjoy doing the RTR's and meditating!! :) 😀🔥
This has been on my mind recently referring to an associate of mine.

They acknowledge the issues of communism exist and then out of panic and obvious apathy go back to milder arguments against the offenders [cuck tier] and defaulting to how great jeebuzz is, always bringing up the latter in tandem with the idea of how society will be destroyed in a blaze of fire. There is no way past this wall. Many boomers are like this, but also some young people.

I keep my poker face up as I can see how intimately connected with that putrid thoughtform they are.

And while I've experienced the 'only gawd can judge me' type meth lunatics and inbred muslims, this person is on the surface very person next door. For the spiritually aware, however, you can tell something is seriously, very wrong and it is poisoning their relationships with people, breeding unawareness about the self, etc
There are youtube hell testimonies about christians that celebrate christmas,,, all going to hell, as it's a pagan holiday and god hates it. '"Here comes Santa Claus,, Here comes Satan Lucas, singing April fools. There's no Santa Claus, there's no prayer to Jesus gonna save your souls from hell."" Also,, wearing makeup, wigs, JEW, EL ry ( jewelry ), rings, necklace, even touching a glass of wine, will damn people to hell. The christian extremists are that 'gone'. The extreme christians also like to ''preach against a sin, mistake,,, then, commit the sin, error. I have noticed this all of my life. ""What the Jews are and do, they accuse Satan and the Demons.'" And, "they accuse of others of what they are and do"". And many of these christians enjoy being this way. I can only hope they burn in their own jew god's lake of fire. ( These christians are the one's that a witch can send some death energy their way at the right time, in the right method, and they might have very quick results. ). If one has a reason to do this to one of them. Those that are preaching so vehemently about a sin, like adultery, alcoholism, theft, etc... are probably the one's committing these crimes the most. Then we have the 10 commandments,,,, now,,, fast forward to the Crusades. Some christian organizations even claim day dreaming is a sin WTF??? . Watching star wars ( occult themes ), E.T. Ghostbusters ( "They go up"" ). Etc. Celebrating Easter is a sin for some of these christians. And the Christians that are screaming the loudest about christianity being persecuted so much, ( "Jews always scream the loudest" ),and how they are being silenced by the ''''''Enemy'''''', they will turn right around and take away the freedoms of everyone else, even by violence. ( crusades ). ""The great falling away""". = People are waking up.
Back before I dedicated, I tried to actually "read" the bible. Xians love to say their "holy book" has all the answers, but it left me with more questions than answers. All the "answers" vary by the way.

One big question for me was this, why would "god" create mankind with such diversity and individuality, then ask for everyone to become drones? Meaning if you don't metaphysically lobotomize yourself, you "burn in hell"? Why not just build little bootlicking zombies in the first place if that's ultimately what it wanted?

I tried to follow the insane rules from the "good book". I felt like shit throughout, but eventually gave up and felt better. Not to mention the "doomsday mentality" I got from rEVILations, which Satanic meditation and help from the Gods cleared out with ease.

Also, I remember reading the parts about animal sacrifice and the whole time I'm thinking "what the fuck!?" The passages went into great detail about chopping up bodies, and even admitting their "god" savors the smell of burning flesh. Xians may try to downplay it by saying "oh, that's all symbolic, it's all about the return of Jewsus". So I guess Jewsus enjoys the same depravity as his "father", yes?

However, when I would read stuff about our Gods, even if it was somewhat corrupted, I was still very interested. I enjoyed researching Greek, Egyptian, and various Pagan mythology for hours on end, versus me having to force myself to read the bible. When I tried to read the bibLIE, I'd get headaches, if I tried to listen to it, I'd fall asleep. Never again will I put myself through that, as now I'm 100% sure reading it is unnecessary and metaphysically dangerous.

Excellent sermon HP Cobra!
Hail Satan forever!
Sunny said:
Many Christians do not study the Bible, they follow Christianity out of ignorance and fear.

Once when I was a child my uncle said to me...what books do you read? I listed a few including the bible. And he told me, don't read that book.... OK he didn't like that useless book but too bad he couldn't offer me anything better.

I mean, why do you follow Christianity if you don't study it and if it doesn't give you any spirituality?

I've seen a Christian arguing that it is not possible to interpret the bible alone, so it is necessary to have someone like a priest to teach you the book. Only then you will be "enlightened". So if you want to apply Christian "wisdom" in your life, you should ask HP. Cobra to "interpret" the JoS websites so your faith is not mistaken.
Ursa Minor said:
Back before I dedicated, I tried to actually "read" the bible. Xians love to say their "holy book" has all the answers, but it left me with more questions than answers. All the "answers" vary by the way.

One big question for me was this, why would "god" create mankind with such diversity and individuality, then ask for everyone to become drones? Meaning if you don't metaphysically lobotomize yourself, you "burn in hell"? Why not just build little bootlicking zombies in the first place if that's ultimately what it wanted?

I tried to follow the insane rules from the "good book". I felt like shit throughout, but eventually gave up and felt better. Not to mention the "doomsday mentality" I got from rEVILations, which Satanic meditation and help from the Gods cleared out with ease.

Also, I remember reading the parts about animal sacrifice and the whole time I'm thinking "what the fuck!?" The passages went into great detail about chopping up bodies, and even admitting their "god" savors the smell of burning flesh. Xians may try to downplay it by saying "oh, that's all symbolic, it's all about the return of Jewsus". So I guess Jewsus enjoys the same depravity as his "father", yes?

However, when I would read stuff about our Gods, even if it was somewhat corrupted, I was still very interested. I enjoyed researching Greek, Egyptian, and various Pagan mythology for hours on end, versus me having to force myself to read the bible. When I tried to read the bibLIE, I'd get headaches, if I tried to listen to it, I'd fall asleep. Never again will I put myself through that, as now I'm 100% sure reading it is unnecessary and metaphysically dangerous.

Excellent sermon HP Cobra!
Hail Satan forever!

I remember when I was a young kid looking at other people and their cultures, I always thought to myself, how beautiful it is that there are so many different people, nations, cultures, so many different things to see - that it's all endless and that we all have limitless possibilities.

I used to read the mythologies of many races, Asiatic people's too, Europeans, Black people. I was amazed at the density and depth of all the cultural heritages of mankind.

Then the enemy comes in and tells people to just crash it all and for us to become uniform chipped drones without anything that makes us different or beautiful in anyway.

Erm, no thanks.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ursa Minor said:
Back before I dedicated, I tried to actually "read" the bible. Xians love to say their "holy book" has all the answers, but it left me with more questions than answers. All the "answers" vary by the way.

One big question for me was this, why would "god" create mankind with such diversity and individuality, then ask for everyone to become drones? Meaning if you don't metaphysically lobotomize yourself, you "burn in hell"? Why not just build little bootlicking zombies in the first place if that's ultimately what it wanted?

I tried to follow the insane rules from the "good book". I felt like shit throughout, but eventually gave up and felt better. Not to mention the "doomsday mentality" I got from rEVILations, which Satanic meditation and help from the Gods cleared out with ease.

Also, I remember reading the parts about animal sacrifice and the whole time I'm thinking "what the fuck!?" The passages went into great detail about chopping up bodies, and even admitting their "god" savors the smell of burning flesh. Xians may try to downplay it by saying "oh, that's all symbolic, it's all about the return of Jewsus". So I guess Jewsus enjoys the same depravity as his "father", yes?

However, when I would read stuff about our Gods, even if it was somewhat corrupted, I was still very interested. I enjoyed researching Greek, Egyptian, and various Pagan mythology for hours on end, versus me having to force myself to read the bible. When I tried to read the bibLIE, I'd get headaches, if I tried to listen to it, I'd fall asleep. Never again will I put myself through that, as now I'm 100% sure reading it is unnecessary and metaphysically dangerous.

Excellent sermon HP Cobra!
Hail Satan forever!

I remember when I was a young kid looking at other people and their cultures, I always thought to myself, how beautiful it is that there are so many different people, nations, cultures, so many different things to see - that it's all endless and that we all have limitless possibilities.

I used to read the mythologies of many races, Asiatic people's too, Europeans, Black people. I was amazed at the density and depth of all the cultural heritages of mankind.

Then the enemy comes in and tells people to just crash it all and for us to become uniform chipped drones without anything that makes us different or beautiful in anyway.

Erm, no thanks.

It's actually interesting how if one thinks about it, Satan's army is the most diverse ecosystem in all of the Universe. So many different cultures and civilizations, and so many Daemons, human and non-human alike. It's funny how Jews claim Joy of Satan is racist, when Satan has the most diverse family in this entire Universe. Black White Asian, animals and even beings from other planets and solar systems. And so many diverse cultures and lifestyles, and an infinite world of creativity and knowledge and wisdom and the time and space for growth and development.

One would be stupid and jealous to want to suppress that, but it goes to show just how dumb the Reptilians and Jews actually are. Clever, but not smart.
Satnam666 said:
I like how xians are like sex should be between a man an woman, then you bring up how most of the kings in the bible had many wives and concubines, an then you can hear the windows error messages pop up as they reeeeeeeeeeee,anyway I've been around xians who have the same blood lust as muslims, it's disgusting really an that whole (I knows moreses than you cause mes worship jew in sky)mentality is irritating

It's should be obvious to anyone new an otherwise,these xian/abrahamic programming is against nature an life

Yeah, I notice that whenever these Retarded-Hand-Path xian whistleblowers would mention these million-some concubines and sex slaves that pig kosher kings had, "it's all okay....shit happens.....", to just an outright, "no, nothing wrong here - "god" let it happen for a reason" or no negative reaction at all, completely normal.

But oy vey yahweh forbid....24-year old decides to live a promiscous life,

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: IT'S HELLLLLLLLL FIRE FOR YOU UNLESS YOU REPENT GOY! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

None of the followers ever bet an eye as to how hypocritical, fucked-up, l and deranged that is. Whenever I brought these up, the response was literally always the same....." :evil: :evil: :evil: But SATAN this! SATAN that! :evil: :evil: :evil: " - start the blitz of insults and gossip.

....and I probably bet you they're all eating lobster, shrimp and roasted hogs behind closed doors in their synagogues all while lying and laughing to their sheeple about their stupid kosher law after doing their stupid tettramgraton child sacrifice rituals....i dont even care to spell it right 'cuz i dont give a shit.

All the "pork worm" videos I've noticed were all from bored torah-retards or mudslimes, using already-tainted/rotting pork meat for their idiotic "pork-coke" experiment, proof by "kikovich Leviticus is RIGHT"! Oy vey........

I remember reading some Scrooge hebrew roots Xian's post back in the day, around 2012-13 or so, about why Xians shouldn't celebrate Xmas or give presents, and when confronted with the verses about rabbi jebo getting gifts, myrrh, gold, frankincense and etc., the guy responded that "gift-giving is only for Jewish kings".

I should have taken that a HUGE warning sign from the Gods showing what garbage and filth abrahamic religions are. Of course....being the mindless drone that I was, I continued to give my energy to reptilian monster yahwisheeyahsee and his retarded-ass son.
Elas Qilar said:
Sunny said:
Many Christians do not study the Bible, they follow Christianity out of ignorance and fear.

Once when I was a child my uncle said to me...what books do you read? I listed a few including the bible. And he told me, don't read that book.... OK he didn't like that useless book but too bad he couldn't offer me anything better.

I mean, why do you follow Christianity if you don't study it and if it doesn't give you any spirituality?

I've seen a Christian arguing that it is not possible to interpret the bible alone, so it is necessary to have someone like a priest to teach you the book. Only then you will be "enlightened". So if you want to apply Christian "wisdom" in your life, you should ask HP. Cobra to "interpret" the JoS websites so your faith is not mistaken.

Look, even in JoS HPHC teaches us and explains things in his sermons things that we cannot understand on our own about life and spirituality.

Christianity not only gets you nowhere in any way but also ruins you individually, culturally and racially.

What good is a religion without spirituality? To me such a thing is just a tyrannical political party.
Elas Qilar said:
Sunny said:
Many Christians do not study the Bible, they follow Christianity out of ignorance and fear.

Once when I was a child my uncle said to me...what books do you read? I listed a few including the bible. And he told me, don't read that book.... OK he didn't like that useless book but too bad he couldn't offer me anything better.

I mean, why do you follow Christianity if you don't study it and if it doesn't give you any spirituality?

I've seen a Christian arguing that it is not possible to interpret the bible alone, so it is necessary to have someone like a priest to teach you the book. Only then you will be "enlightened". So if you want to apply Christian "wisdom" in your life, you should ask HP. Cobra to "interpret" the JoS websites so your faith is not mistaken.

I forgot to say, why would you follow and treat Christianity as something superior or divine, when it gives you nothing of the sort? Christianity is an inferior, false and lying jewish thing compared to the Old Gods of Humanity.
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Yes! Awesome post Cobra! We have planted the seeds, first comes the gradual and GREAT decrease from those hideous hate and death cults.

Next step on the list, is helping remove the old parasitic energies from those odious programs, even after one has left, they can still be infested with energies that'll make one a miserable person in general - and recovering some old Gentile festivals, so that Gentiles can start requesting days off of work/school.

It truly has been a JOY (the ministry has truly lived up to its name)! When I finally left, and started celebrating all these "evil pagan feasts" it was the most liberating experience of my life, i felt like a child all over again, knowing that I could put up as many Xmas trees, buy as many presents and do all the pure Heathen things, and the RIGHT way (no blood sacrifice BS, which is jewish/phony "jewish paganism"....the jews like to sacrifice children on these holidays to mock and blaspheme it, not celebrate it).

Now I continue to piss on yahwisheewashee by recovering other old ancient Pagan feasts and burning torah copies on the stupid roshhashanah or yom kippur.

Someone remind me.......to have a GOOD PORK ROAST on yom kippur!

You are correct their is a cult called Jewhovah witness were they flat out won't celebrate birthdays etc cause (might makses reptilian jewish god madses)the jokehova witness are as cultish as cults get,but it is as xian goes no fun no festivals just a blank slate, I'm surprised the jokehova witness don't ask their members to self mutilation yet,

"You never know what you had till it's taken from you"

Their are ex jehova witness in the forums,to them I say do your research your on the right path,soon you'll see the lies of christianity
Sunny said:
Elas Qilar said:
Sunny said:
Many Christians do not study the Bible, they follow Christianity out of ignorance and fear.

Once when I was a child my uncle said to me...what books do you read? I listed a few including the bible. And he told me, don't read that book.... OK he didn't like that useless book but too bad he couldn't offer me anything better.

I mean, why do you follow Christianity if you don't study it and if it doesn't give you any spirituality?

I've seen a Christian arguing that it is not possible to interpret the bible alone, so it is necessary to have someone like a priest to teach you the book. Only then you will be "enlightened". So if you want to apply Christian "wisdom" in your life, you should ask HP. Cobra to "interpret" the JoS websites so your faith is not mistaken.

Look, even in JoS HPHC teaches us and explains things in his sermons things that we cannot understand on our own about life and spirituality.

Christianity not only gets you nowhere in any way but also ruins you individually, culturally and racially.

What good is a religion without spirituality? To me such a thing is just a tyrannical political party.

I've just wanted to point out that you can read all JoS websites with no trouble and interpret them correctly, while the bible has many traps regarding its interpretation (which indicates that our religion is better than Christianity). For most of the Christian sects, it is mandatory to learn/study under the guide of someone of a higher level, while in Spiritual Satanism it is just convenient. I hope it makes sense to you now.
Elas Qilar said:
Sunny said:
Elas Qilar said:
I've seen a Christian arguing that it is not possible to interpret the bible alone, so it is necessary to have someone like a priest to teach you the book. Only then you will be "enlightened". So if you want to apply Christian "wisdom" in your life, you should ask HP. Cobra to "interpret" the JoS websites so your faith is not mistaken.

Look, even in JoS HPHC teaches us and explains things in his sermons things that we cannot understand on our own about life and spirituality.

Christianity not only gets you nowhere in any way but also ruins you individually, culturally and racially.

What good is a religion without spirituality? To me such a thing is just a tyrannical political party.

I've just wanted to point out that you can read all JoS websites with no trouble and interpret them correctly, while the bible has many traps regarding its interpretation (which indicates that our religion is better than Christianity). For most of the Christian sects, it is mandatory to learn/study under the guide of someone of a higher level, while in Spiritual Satanism it is just convenient. I hope it makes sense to you now.

Yes, I understand all right. People can't understand much of the bible beyond Jewish stories like the holy land etc. because they have no basis of spiritual knowledge and understanding to understand the shenanigans and curses written there for Gentiles by Jews.
Yes I totally agree with that Christians are all a bunch of retarded crippled-minded people. So many of them will accuse others even their own kind (other Christian, but never the Jews) of lying, stealing, abuse, toxic behaviors and personalities, false accusations, ect. ect., yet they are always the ones doing those same things. When they are finally found out. Then they always go striaght to blame Father Satan, for their evil acts. or they will blame a person like our Fuhrer: Adolf Hitler for everything. I know one Christian to give an example of some of their evil, that same Xiantian, decided to kick a large hole in our house's bathroom wall, then lie to me after she did it. to then go and complain to her former Foster Mother who helped paid for the house. Who is also a fucking one of those Pastors. That I kicked the hole in the wall. So another example i'll give is that that same licensed foster mother, beleives that Monster Energy Drinks are evil becuase someone using the occult to summon a demon called a "Monster" t put into the can that becomes a Monster Energy Drink. That makes whoever drinks it go crazy. She gave that example after that same christian room mate slammed my head into the floor of my bedroom, because I would not do what she told me to do. That Christian roommate of mine has even given me her dumb excuse to why she is so evil towards me, is that I am not christian like her. That i instead go do studying at College. Instead of staying home like her collecting a disability checks and being a drian on society and me. As well as that I also have an interest in Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. Instead of just talk about the Bible all day and Jesus Christ and God. She does not even talk about that all day, even through she is just a really dumb tool of the Jews and their pro-cripple retarded loving Shitxiaity and the shit Jewsus. She even claims she has an interest that she does not want her own foster mom to find out she has with Adolf Hitler. Or let me tell even the foster about her having. even though the same fricking Jew-loving foster mom know about my own Hitler and Nazi interest too. Yeah that room is just using me and she is now cursed for her slandering and try to exploit the Great and wonderful fuhrer Adolf Hitler too. I also know that that Room mate own Grandmother is call Fran Frank, so a bloody Jew is in her family; while this girl has the name Blackman somehow.? that is why all of her teeth are now falling out of her shit filled mouth that is always blowing other men.Just can't wait tell my death curse will finally finish her off. Hopefully that happens very very soon before I go off to Graduate this spring with my History Degree and off to University. So in the end my hard work will pay off while that Roommate is cursed with death and destruction.So somehow she has to be getting wretcked ever since I started doing the recent RTRs lately. As well as I bet my Rune meditations stopped her from making that false accusation against me to that former foster mother.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
