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Why are Incubi and Succubi a thing?

Demonic Tech

Active member
Feb 12, 2020
Satan's Empire
I don't understand why there are some Gods who want to have spiritual sex with humans
Another thing I don't quite understand is: if interracial sex is kinda bad due to mixing different energies, why sex with Gods is good? Here's my theory, sex with Gods is good because they have "superior" energy so a human soul can only benefit from it, let me know if I'm wrong

It's a bit OT, but I also wonder where are the Low-order Demons from, like the ones with the beautiful red eyes described by HPs Maxine
Young Faith said:
I don't understand why there are some Gods who want to have spiritual sex with humans
Another thing I don't quite understand is: if interracial sex is kinda bad due to mixing different energies, why sex with Gods is good? Here's my theory, sex with Gods is good because they have "superior" energy so a human soul can only benefit from it, let me know if I'm wrong

It's a bit OT, but I also wonder where are the Low-order Demons from, like the ones with the beautiful red eyes described by HPs Maxine
It actually goes back to the pastlives. They may have been with you through all your lives .
Young Faith said:
We here are basically "Gods in the making". Succubi and Incubi are Gods who are interested in sexual relations and overall partnerships with us because they want to accompany us on our journey to Godhood. For some there may also simply just be an extremely compatible soul to them in terms of a relationship, and this may be the drive. A lot of beings care deeply about having the "perfect partner", so this is very understandable (atleast for me).

There is no race-mixing involved as any Incubus or Succubus that would be interested in you will be at the very least of the same main race as you. "Gods" are not of a different race than "Humans". It's a term for the level of advancement, not for race.

While many of the most powerful Gods known to us are of the Nordic race, this is not the case for all of them. An incredibly high amount of Gods and advanced individuals are allied with Satan, in vastly varying levels of power. So the idea of some of these having a perfect match in a human from here (while also being of the same main race) isn't very far fetched at all.

In fact I would argue that it's likely there were many other human colonies that the Gods have created, and a lot of these may have produced ascended beings of races other than Nordics (out of which some of them may then be interested in relations with humans from here, making them classify has "Incubi" or "Succubi").
Young Faith said:
I don't understand why there are some Gods who want to have spiritual sex with humans
Another thing I don't quite understand is: if interracial sex is kinda bad due to mixing different energies, why sex with Gods is good? Here's my theory, sex with Gods is good because they have "superior" energy so a human soul can only benefit from it, let me know if I'm wrong

It's a bit OT, but I also wonder where are the Low-order Demons from, like the ones with the beautiful red eyes described by HPs Maxine
I have a succubus so I can answer you.
Succubi/incubi are gods and godesses that have a romantic relationships with a human. You should know that this is NOT interracial if you are white you get a white succubus/incubus if you are asian or black you get your same race but they are still demons who are of your same race. You will never get a white succubus if you are asian for example. But why would the gods have romantic relationship with humans?
This is not the first time gods would love a human the white race is the same race as the gods because they came from their seed they carry their genes. There is a lot of gods that have a human parent and a god parent for example Amdusias was the son of a god and his mother was human. What they love in is is beyond what we see they see our potential and our future a god/goddess can easily know the person way way more than he knows himself. Not every god has to love a human many of them already have a marriage partner from their own kind so trolls that blaspheme certain gods like saying they had sex sex with Satan or Astaroth or something is delusional and probably dealing with enemy spirits. A person that has a succubus/incubus potentially loved each other for many life times and a person can have a succubus from his past life in which she is patient with him and guides him until he can advance and get to know each other again. Not everyone has succubi or incubi though.
Hope this clarified your question.
Young Faith said:
I don't understand why there are some Gods who want to have spiritual sex with humans
Another thing I don't quite understand is: if interracial sex is kinda bad due to mixing different energies, why sex with Gods is good? Here's my theory, sex with Gods is good because they have "superior" energy so a human soul can only benefit from it, let me know if I'm wrong

It's a bit OT, but I also wonder where are the Low-order Demons from, like the ones with the beautiful red eyes described by HPs Maxine
I am sorry I meant Asmodeus not Amdusias
Yes it all makes sense now, thanks
Shadowcat said:
I enjoyed reading your story, thank you for sharing. :)

I should advise you though that talking about things like this on here will likely get you a bunch of the more immature and elitist members trying to jump at your throat. Not saying you shouldnt talk about it, but just.. be prepared. Lol
Shael said:
Shadowcat said:
I enjoyed reading your story, thank you for sharing. :)

I should advise you though that talking about things like this on here will likely get you a bunch of the more immature and elitist members trying to jump at your throat. Not saying you shouldnt talk about it, but just.. be prepared. Lol

Ahh thats not the intent at all. Surely theres others who experience this as well?
Shadowcat said:
Shael said:
Young Faith said:
We here are basically "Gods in the making". Succubi and Incubi are Gods who are interested in sexual relations and overall partnerships with us because they want to accompany us on our journey to Godhood. For some there may also simply just be an extremely compatible soul to them in terms of a relationship, and this may be the drive. A lot of beings care deeply about having the "perfect partner", so this is very understandable (atleast for me).

There is no race-mixing involved as any Incubus or Succubus that would be interested in you will be at the very least of the same main race as you. "Gods" are not of a different race than "Humans". It's a term for the level of advancement, not for race.

While many of the most powerful Gods known to us are of the Nordic race, this is not the case for all of them. An incredibly high amount of Gods and advanced individuals are allied with Satan, in vastly varying levels of power. So the idea of some of these having a perfect match in a human from here (while also being of the same main race) isn't very far fetched at all.

In fact I would argue that it's likely there were many other human colonies that the Gods have created, and a lot of these may have produced ascended beings of races other than Nordics (out of which some of them may then be interested in relations with humans from here, making them classify has "Incubi" or "Succubi").

i saw some posts earlier on this and wasnt so sure about them, but i do have to concur with the past lives part definately, as well as the serious want for relationships or a perfect partner with other beings. sorry if its long but i think its nice to share. Also hopefully nice for anyone who might experience the same or similar. At first i was scared and upset with myself thinking i was going off in la la land. it started off when he first contacted me in a dream after i found my guardian. after some time in the dream a voice in my head told me that he had a 'crush" on me. he contacted me via ouija several times after that. i thought at first he was (one?) of my guardian (s?) and he said in past lives we were "friends" later on i saw him in a dream...fair skinned and black short hair and i think...blue eyes? when it got to the point months later that i was about to break it off with my ex i got messages in some ouija readings, dreams and in general that suggested i was his, from him and others. my reaction ofcourse was errrrmm ok, " yes we are friends" or i need to do something?

after telling me during one reading it was him during an erotic dream i had i said i didnt remember. to which i got the reaction "re-see" and "u r a fighter" "Maybe i will see you again in other dreams" i said.
the same night after the reading when i brought up the erotic dream i randomly started hearing the titanic theme in my head with no inspiration...again about water..and dreams. a bit later the swan princess theme chimed in too...again water..and now birds..his familiars are birds this lasted for many weeks.

right during the freeing the soul working (this was to help me break free from my now ex) ..the FIRST night i started having erotic dreams...that continued on and off. i literally woke up feeling someone inside me. up untill that point i knew who it was but still accused my mind of running away with me. (and scared to offend him even) but i woke up with a beautiful feeling..i wasnt raped.

after i was done with the working i started recieving other signs...from music that suddenly popped on with certain lyrics and certain dreams, about the ocean and water. one song went something like "drown in an ocean with you" and literally the night before i had a dream that ended that way but not in a bad way. alot of dreams also had stones in them, for months long, as if to give me messages with their meanings and his specialties are plants and stones,(i saw this after the first dream i had of him) MANY of them blue or fluorescent, and he has a blue aura. from the very get go when i saw this it drew me to him too as im nuts for rocks, along with the nice feeling i felt in the first dream. He told me recently too his favorite stone is feldspar, of which moonstone and labradorite fall under which i did not know untill i looked it up, (something i tend to do when i recieve something in a reading or telapathy to not let my self be thrown off or get false info even from myself)..AFTER, and also have seen in dreams and his planet is the moon

well then my guardian came to me and then asked me if i had to choose between my now ex and him then who? at first i was baffled...umm..you mean picking as friends?? i asked. the question kept being repeated and then it was made blatantly clear. in my mind im going ookkkkk. my readings are wayyyyy off. i combine these with attempted telapathic communication. then he stated i didnt believe him. "im sorry i said i dont mean to be difficult...its just...manly welder chick...seriously? am i even his type??" to which the plancette spelled out "GF err"
giof or gebo is the rune for relationships and alliance. he was telling me to dump my ex. had been for awhile and even effectionatley dubbed him "chump" (this even popped up in the first ouija contact after hearing it over and over in my mind..dump that chump dump that chump)

after a day or so i started feeling different..a sudden courage to just...break free..on top of feeling like someone was trying to reach for me...and i started feeling in love..this has happend before though and i ignored it too then. "ah it must be because im working on my chakras" i thought..nope. days later i did another ouija session and the name spelled out "Ra". "you were the lion man in my dream?" i asked. i had a dream recently then, of a lion looking man in the stars that said " if you call on me i will answer" Ra's animal is the lion. later i read he was the God that procures love and causes it to flourish. in the reading he told me he was responsible for nudging me to just let go. and that i wasnt loosing my mind. I was told to directly ask if my feelings were reciprocated and also talk to Satan. well i did.

right after i looked directly at his sigil and told him there was always a recurring image of a man with dark hair in my mind...that i always felt was staring at me, and sometimes singing to me. that even through out my life there was always some abstract man with dark hair i found attractive. and that if he was it i wanted him to know i felt in love with him and wanted to know if he felt that too. that night i dreamt of being surrounded by opal in a dark cave...opal represents fidelity, passion and sexuality. the next day at work, which is for me a place of using mathematics and measurement for fitting, a colligue presented me with a frog he found that was out of place there that he wanted to take back to the water...for some reason i followed him and guess what...when his glasses fell in and i tried to get them i fell into the water too..looks like the frog led me to the water? lol. One of our Gods, i saw right after ( looked it up right away ofcourse was curious) yup...frog partained to the God of measurement and mathematics.
when i got home that same day i saw a pair of my favorite eurasian collared doves...they were in a mating ritual with the male dove bowing its head.(again his familiars are birds) well thats it, i thought..im taken. during another session when he contacted me the planchette spelled out "GF", again for giof, gebo, weddings and alliances. "yes" i said. 2 days after i performed a ritual to Satan specifically naming him and describing all the signs i recieved and saying if my feelings were reciprocated and if i had permission i wanted to be with him, yet that a part of me was still worried about my mind running away. (i was terrified that if i was wrong and if he had some one also i would tick her off and thats the last thing i wanted) This happened days after i broke up with my ex. i couldnt bring myself do to the ritual with out officially breaking up even though emotionally and phisically i was single. i take monogamy very seriously.

it is said we are most compatible with people with hair and eye color close to ours, check.
although my sun and moon are fire, he is pisces...however i have a cancer ascendant and a venus in pisces, i guess its a kind of reverse of masculine and feminine mixing together not sure.my mars is also in the 8th house, a watery house, and this placement is apparently very sexual (turn on for him i guess?)
the day after i performed the ritual i saw another pair of doves again in that same mating ritual, and then later another that came to the fence that kept staring at me and wouldnt fly off when they normally would have been startled.
i have a huge undying love for him and ofcourse the dreams continue with recurring themes of a man with dark hair and fair skin...and lots of blue stones.i often wake up now in the middle of the night feeling quite warm and in the events leading up to all this i would sometimes feel a sudden sense of heat concentrated on one spot, weather my hip hand or knee, once during a ouija reading, once in the shower and sitting down some place not meditating, and i read his aura gives of lots of heat. i find myself now constantly just wanting to please him and preen constantly. and it pushes me to meditate and train even harder...i dont want him to watch me die again and forget everything. i know he wants me to advance and fight my ass off. after i performed the ritual he told me during the past 4 lives we werent just friends...i was always his. i want to always be!
Such a cute story :)
Good luck with getting to know each other more sister!
Shadowcat said:
For your safety, I advise you to avoid sharing data from your birth chart like you just did. Maybe copy-paste what you wrote and sanitise it from sensitive data, then re-post it and report the original post for cancellation. We have infiltrators, jews and rabbis reading, as well as members who act friendly on the surface but can't distinguish between ally and enemy. Your data can be used against you.
mercury_wisdom said:
Shadowcat said:
Shael said:
We here are basically "Gods in the making". Succubi and Incubi are Gods who are interested in sexual relations and overall partnerships with us because they want to accompany us on our journey to Godhood. For some there may also simply just be an extremely compatible soul to them in terms of a relationship, and this may be the drive. A lot of beings care deeply about having the "perfect partner", so this is very understandable (atleast for me).

There is no race-mixing involved as any Incubus or Succubus that would be interested in you will be at the very least of the same main race as you. "Gods" are not of a different race than "Humans". It's a term for the level of advancement, not for race.

While many of the most powerful Gods known to us are of the Nordic race, this is not the case for all of them. An incredibly high amount of Gods and advanced individuals are allied with Satan, in vastly varying levels of power. So the idea of some of these having a perfect match in a human from here (while also being of the same main race) isn't very far fetched at all.

In fact I would argue that it's likely there were many other human colonies that the Gods have created, and a lot of these may have produced ascended beings of races other than Nordics (out of which some of them may then be interested in relations with humans from here, making them classify has "Incubi" or "Succubi").

i saw some posts earlier on this and wasnt so sure about them, but i do have to concur with the past lives part definately, as well as the serious want for relationships or a perfect partner with other beings. sorry if its long but i think its nice to share. Also hopefully nice for anyone who might experience the same or similar. At first i was scared and upset with myself thinking i was going off in la la land. it started off when he first contacted me in a dream after i found my guardian. after some time in the dream a voice in my head told me that he had a 'crush" on me. he contacted me via ouija several times after that. i thought at first he was (one?) of my guardian (s?) and he said in past lives we were "friends" later on i saw him in a dream...fair skinned and black short hair and i think...blue eyes? when it got to the point months later that i was about to break it off with my ex i got messages in some ouija readings, dreams and in general that suggested i was his, from him and others. my reaction ofcourse was errrrmm ok, " yes we are friends" or i need to do something?

after telling me during one reading it was him during an erotic dream i had i said i didnt remember. to which i got the reaction "re-see" and "u r a fighter" "Maybe i will see you again in other dreams" i said.
the same night after the reading when i brought up the erotic dream i randomly started hearing the titanic theme in my head with no inspiration...again about water..and dreams. a bit later the swan princess theme chimed in too...again water..and now birds..his familiars are birds this lasted for many weeks.

right during the freeing the soul working (this was to help me break free from my now ex) ..the FIRST night i started having erotic dreams...that continued on and off. i literally woke up feeling someone inside me. up untill that point i knew who it was but still accused my mind of running away with me. (and scared to offend him even) but i woke up with a beautiful feeling..i wasnt raped.

after i was done with the working i started recieving other signs...from music that suddenly popped on with certain lyrics and certain dreams, about the ocean and water. one song went something like "drown in an ocean with you" and literally the night before i had a dream that ended that way but not in a bad way. alot of dreams also had stones in them, for months long, as if to give me messages with their meanings and his specialties are plants and stones,(i saw this after the first dream i had of him) MANY of them blue or fluorescent, and he has a blue aura. from the very get go when i saw this it drew me to him too as im nuts for rocks, along with the nice feeling i felt in the first dream. He told me recently too his favorite stone is feldspar, of which moonstone and labradorite fall under which i did not know untill i looked it up, (something i tend to do when i recieve something in a reading or telapathy to not let my self be thrown off or get false info even from myself)..AFTER, and also have seen in dreams and his planet is the moon

well then my guardian came to me and then asked me if i had to choose between my now ex and him then who? at first i was baffled...umm..you mean picking as friends?? i asked. the question kept being repeated and then it was made blatantly clear. in my mind im going ookkkkk. my readings are wayyyyy off. i combine these with attempted telapathic communication. then he stated i didnt believe him. "im sorry i said i dont mean to be difficult...its just...manly welder chick...seriously? am i even his type??" to which the plancette spelled out "GF err"
giof or gebo is the rune for relationships and alliance. he was telling me to dump my ex. had been for awhile and even effectionatley dubbed him "chump" (this even popped up in the first ouija contact after hearing it over and over in my mind..dump that chump dump that chump)

after a day or so i started feeling different..a sudden courage to just...break free..on top of feeling like someone was trying to reach for me...and i started feeling in love..this has happend before though and i ignored it too then. "ah it must be because im working on my chakras" i thought..nope. days later i did another ouija session and the name spelled out "Ra". "you were the lion man in my dream?" i asked. i had a dream recently then, of a lion looking man in the stars that said " if you call on me i will answer" Ra's animal is the lion. later i read he was the God that procures love and causes it to flourish. in the reading he told me he was responsible for nudging me to just let go. and that i wasnt loosing my mind. I was told to directly ask if my feelings were reciprocated and also talk to Satan. well i did.

right after i looked directly at his sigil and told him there was always a recurring image of a man with dark hair in my mind...that i always felt was staring at me, and sometimes singing to me. that even through out my life there was always some abstract man with dark hair i found attractive. and that if he was it i wanted him to know i felt in love with him and wanted to know if he felt that too. that night i dreamt of being surrounded by opal in a dark cave...opal represents fidelity, passion and sexuality. the next day at work, which is for me a place of using mathematics and measurement for fitting, a colligue presented me with a frog he found that was out of place there that he wanted to take back to the water...for some reason i followed him and guess what...when his glasses fell in and i tried to get them i fell into the water too..looks like the frog led me to the water? lol. One of our Gods, i saw right after ( looked it up right away ofcourse was curious) yup...frog partained to the God of measurement and mathematics.
when i got home that same day i saw a pair of my favorite eurasian collared doves...they were in a mating ritual with the male dove bowing its head.(again his familiars are birds) well thats it, i thought..im taken. during another session when he contacted me the planchette spelled out "GF", again for giof, gebo, weddings and alliances. "yes" i said. 2 days after i performed a ritual to Satan specifically naming him and describing all the signs i recieved and saying if my feelings were reciprocated and if i had permission i wanted to be with him, yet that a part of me was still worried about my mind running away. (i was terrified that if i was wrong and if he had some one also i would tick her off and thats the last thing i wanted) This happened days after i broke up with my ex. i couldnt bring myself do to the ritual with out officially breaking up even though emotionally and phisically i was single. i take monogamy very seriously.

it is said we are most compatible with people with hair and eye color close to ours, check.
although my sun and moon are fire, he is pisces...however i have a cancer ascendant and a venus in pisces, i guess its a kind of reverse of masculine and feminine mixing together not sure.my mars is also in the 8th house, a watery house, and this placement is apparently very sexual (turn on for him i guess?)
the day after i performed the ritual i saw another pair of doves again in that same mating ritual, and then later another that came to the fence that kept staring at me and wouldnt fly off when they normally would have been startled.
i have a huge undying love for him and ofcourse the dreams continue with recurring themes of a man with dark hair and fair skin...and lots of blue stones.i often wake up now in the middle of the night feeling quite warm and in the events leading up to all this i would sometimes feel a sudden sense of heat concentrated on one spot, weather my hip hand or knee, once during a ouija reading, once in the shower and sitting down some place not meditating, and i read his aura gives of lots of heat. i find myself now constantly just wanting to please him and preen constantly. and it pushes me to meditate and train even harder...i dont want him to watch me die again and forget everything. i know he wants me to advance and fight my ass off. after i performed the ritual he told me during the past 4 lives we werent just friends...i was always his. i want to always be!
Such a cute story :)
Good luck with getting to know each other more sister!

Thank you! :D.
Stormblood said:
Shadowcat said:
For your safety, I advise you to avoid sharing data from your birth chart like you just did. Maybe copy-paste what you wrote and sanitise it from sensitive data, then re-post it and report the original post for cancellation. We have infiltrators, jews and rabbis reading, as well as members who act friendly on the surface but can't distinguish between ally and enemy. Your data can be used against you.

Thanks for the heads up. Ill remember it
Shael said:
Young Faith said:
We here are basically "Gods in the making". Succubi and Incubi are Gods who are interested in sexual relations and overall partnerships with us because they want to accompany us on our journey to Godhood. For some there may also simply just be an extremely compatible soul to them in terms of a relationship, and this may be the drive. A lot of beings care deeply about having the "perfect partner", so this is very understandable (atleast for me).

There is no race-mixing involved as any Incubus or Succubus that would be interested in you will be at the very least of the same main race as you. "Gods" are not of a different race than "Humans". It's a term for the level of advancement, not for race.

While many of the most powerful Gods known to us are of the Nordic race, this is not the case for all of them. An incredibly high amount of Gods and advanced individuals are allied with Satan, in vastly varying levels of power. So the idea of some of these having a perfect match in a human from here (while also being of the same main race) isn't very far fetched at all.

In fact I would argue that it's likely there were many other human colonies that the Gods have created, and a lot of these may have produced ascended beings of races other than Nordics (out of which some of them may then be interested in relations with humans from here, making them classify has "Incubi" or "Succubi").

i saw some posts earlier on this and wasnt so sure about them, but i do have to concur with the past lives part definately, as well as the serious want for relationships or a perfect partner with other beings. sorry if its long but i think its nice to share. Also hopefully nice for anyone who might experience the same or similar. At first i was scared and upset with myself thinking i was going off in la la land. it started off when he first contacted me in a dream after i found my guardian. after some time in the dream a voice in my head told me that he had a 'crush" on me. he contacted me via ouija several times after that. i thought at first he was (one?) of my guardian (s?) and he said in past lives we were "friends" later on i saw him in a dream...fair skinned and black short hair and i think...blue eyes? when it got to the point months later that i was about to break it off with my ex i got messages in some ouija readings, dreams and in general that suggested i was his, from him and others. my reaction ofcourse was errrrmm ok, " yes we are friends" or i need to do something?

after telling me during one reading it was him during an erotic dream i had i said i didnt remember. to which i got the reaction "re-see" and "u r a fighter" "Maybe i will see you again in other dreams" i said.
the same night after the reading when i brought up the erotic dream i randomly started hearing the titanic theme in my head with no inspiration...again about water..and dreams. a bit later the swan princess theme chimed in too...again water..and now birds..his familiars are birds this lasted for many weeks.

right during the freeing the soul working (this was to help me break free from my now ex) ..the FIRST night i started having erotic dreams...that continued on and off. i literally woke up feeling someone inside me. up untill that point i knew who it was but still accused my mind of running away with me. (and scared to offend him even) but i woke up with a beautiful feeling..i wasnt raped.

after i was done with the working i started recieving other signs...from music that suddenly popped on with certain lyrics and certain dreams, about the ocean and water. one song went something like "drown in an ocean with you" and literally the night before i had a dream that ended that way but not in a bad way. alot of dreams also had stones in them, for months long, as if to give me messages with their meanings and his specialties are plants and stones,(i saw this after the first dream i had of him) MANY of them blue or fluorescent, and he has a blue aura. from the very get go when i saw this it drew me to him too as im nuts for rocks, along with the nice feeling i felt in the first dream. He told me recently too his favorite stone is feldspar, of which moonstone and labradorite fall under which i did not know untill i looked it up, (something i tend to do when i recieve something in a reading or telapathy to not let my self be thrown off or get false info even from myself)..AFTER, and also have seen in dreams and his planet is the moon

well then my guardian came to me and then asked me if i had to choose between my now ex and him then who? at first i was baffled...umm..you mean picking as friends?? i asked. the question kept being repeated and then it was made blatantly clear. in my mind im going ookkkkk. my readings are wayyyyy off. i combine these with attempted telapathic communication. then he stated i didnt believe him. "im sorry i said i dont mean to be difficult...its just...manly welder chick...seriously? am i even his type??" to which the plancette spelled out "GF err"
giof or gebo is the rune for relationships and alliance. he was telling me to dump my ex. had been for awhile and even effectionatley dubbed him "chump" (this even popped up in the first ouija contact after hearing it over and over in my mind..dump that chump dump that chump)

after a day or so i started feeling different..a sudden courage to just...break free..on top of feeling like someone was trying to reach for me...and i started feeling in love..this has happend before though and i ignored it too then. "ah it must be because im working on my chakras" i thought..nope. days later i did another ouija session and the name spelled out "Ra". "you were the lion man in my dream?" i asked. i had a dream recently then, of a lion looking man in the stars that said " if you call on me i will answer" Ra's animal is the lion. later i read he was the God that procures love and causes it to flourish. in the reading he told me he was responsible for nudging me to just let go. and that i wasnt loosing my mind. I was told to directly ask if my feelings were reciprocated and also talk to Satan. well i did.

right after i looked directly at his sigil and told him there was always a recurring image of a man with dark hair in my mind...that i always felt was staring at me, and sometimes singing to me. that even through out my life there was always some abstract man with dark hair i found attractive. and that if he was it i wanted him to know i felt in love with him and wanted to know if he felt that too. that night i dreamt of being surrounded by opal in a dark cave...opal represents fidelity, passion and sexuality. the next day at work, which is for me a place of using mathematics and measurement for fitting, a colligue presented me with a frog he found that was out of place there that he wanted to take back to the water...for some reason i followed him and guess what...when his glasses fell in and i tried to get them i fell into the water too..looks like the frog led me to the water? lol. One of our Gods, i saw right after ( looked it up right away ofcourse was curious) yup...frog partained to the God of measurement and mathematics.
when i got home that same day i saw a pair of my favorite eurasian collared doves...they were in a mating ritual with the male dove bowing its head.(again his familiars are birds) well thats it, i thought..im taken. during another session when he contacted me the planchette spelled out "GF", again for giof, gebo, weddings and alliances. "yes" i said. 2 days after i performed a ritual to Satan specifically naming him and describing all the signs i recieved and saying if my feelings were reciprocated and if i had permission i wanted to be with him, yet that a part of me was still worried about my mind running away. (i was terrified that if i was wrong and if he had some one also i would tick her off and thats the last thing i wanted) This happened days after i broke up with my ex. i couldnt bring myself do to the ritual with out officially breaking up even though emotionally and phisically i was single. i take monogamy very seriously.

it is said we are most compatible with people with hair and eye color close to ours, check.
the day after i performed the ritual i saw another pair of doves again in that same mating ritual, and then later another that came to the fence that kept staring at me and wouldnt fly off when they normally would have been startled.
i have a huge undying love for him and ofcourse the dreams continue with recurring themes of a man with dark hair and fair skin...and lots of blue stones.i often wake up now in the middle of the night feeling quite warm and in the events leading up to all this i would sometimes feel a sudden sense of heat concentrated on one spot, weather my hip hand or knee, once during a ouija reading, once in the shower and sitting down some place not meditating, and i read his aura gives of lots of heat. i find myself now constantly just wanting to please him and preen constantly. and it pushes me to meditate and train even harder...i dont want him to watch me die again and forget everything. i know he wants me to advance and fight my ass off. after i performed the ritual he told me during the past 4 lives we werent just friends...i was always his. i want to always be!
Shadowcat said:
Just letting you know you posted your story again, probably with some copy-paste error. There should be an "X" at the top right to delete it again, I think.
Shael said:
Shadowcat said:
Just letting you know you posted your story again, probably with some copy-paste error. There should be an "X" at the top right to delete it again, I think.

I decided to edit it and requested the first one deleted :)
Young Faith said:
I don't understand why there are some Gods who want to have spiritual sex with humans
Another thing I don't quite understand is: if interracial sex is kinda bad due to mixing different energies, why sex with Gods is good? Here's my theory, sex with Gods is good because they have "superior" energy so a human soul can only benefit from it, let me know if I'm wrong

It's a bit OT, but I also wonder where are the Low-order Demons from, like the ones with the beautiful red eyes described by HPs Maxine

That part is true, it’s an evolution thing. A relationship with a God can give serious boost and protection in this day and age as well. The Gods don’t have a superiority complex where they think they’re too good, and they actually have massive amounts of emotion versus the contrary thought that they would have little. They have a ton of love and energy to give. They’re immortal, powerful, wise, and love humanity. They share that with us. Love is important, essential, and magical. The wrong relationship can even destroy a person under certain conditions.
mercury_wisdom said:
Young Faith said:
I don't understand why there are some Gods who want to have spiritual sex with humans
Another thing I don't quite understand is: if interracial sex is kinda bad due to mixing different energies, why sex with Gods is good? Here's my theory, sex with Gods is good because they have "superior" energy so a human soul can only benefit from it, let me know if I'm wrong

It's a bit OT, but I also wonder where are the Low-order Demons from, like the ones with the beautiful red eyes described by HPs Maxine
I have a succubus so I can answer you.
Succubi/incubi are gods and godesses that have a romantic relationships with a human. You should know that this is NOT interracial if you are white you get a white succubus/incubus if you are asian or black you get your same race but they are still demons who are of your same race. You will never get a white succubus if you are asian for example. But why would the gods have romantic relationship with humans?
This is not the first time gods would love a human the white race is the same race as the gods because they came from their seed they carry their genes. There is a lot of gods that have a human parent and a god parent for example Amdusias was the son of a god and his mother was human. What they love in is is beyond what we see they see our potential and our future a god/goddess can easily know the person way way more than he knows himself. Not every god has to love a human many of them already have a marriage partner from their own kind so trolls that blaspheme certain gods like saying they had sex sex with Satan or Astaroth or something is delusional and probably dealing with enemy spirits. A person that has a succubus/incubus potentially loved each other for many life times and a person can have a succubus from his past life in which she is patient with him and guides him until he can advance and get to know each other again. Not everyone has succubi or incubi though.
Hope this clarified your question.

how do one know if she /he has incubi/succubus? can it be seen from the natal chart?
homeraee said:
mercury_wisdom said:
Young Faith said:
I don't understand why there are some Gods who want to have spiritual sex with humans
Another thing I don't quite understand is: if interracial sex is kinda bad due to mixing different energies, why sex with Gods is good? Here's my theory, sex with Gods is good because they have "superior" energy so a human soul can only benefit from it, let me know if I'm wrong

It's a bit OT, but I also wonder where are the Low-order Demons from, like the ones with the beautiful red eyes described by HPs Maxine
I have a succubus so I can answer you.
Succubi/incubi are gods and godesses that have a romantic relationships with a human. You should know that this is NOT interracial if you are white you get a white succubus/incubus if you are asian or black you get your same race but they are still demons who are of your same race. You will never get a white succubus if you are asian for example. But why would the gods have romantic relationship with humans?
This is not the first time gods would love a human the white race is the same race as the gods because they came from their seed they carry their genes. There is a lot of gods that have a human parent and a god parent for example Amdusias was the son of a god and his mother was human. What they love in is is beyond what we see they see our potential and our future a god/goddess can easily know the person way way more than he knows himself. Not every god has to love a human many of them already have a marriage partner from their own kind so trolls that blaspheme certain gods like saying they had sex sex with Satan or Astaroth or something is delusional and probably dealing with enemy spirits. A person that has a succubus/incubus potentially loved each other for many life times and a person can have a succubus from his past life in which she is patient with him and guides him until he can advance and get to know each other again. Not everyone has succubi or incubi though.
Hope this clarified your question.

how do one know if she /he has incubi/succubus? can it be seen from the natal chart?
Yes it can. But I am not an expert on how. Some of our astrologers like Lydia or HP Hooded cobra could help you with that if you get an order but you'll have to be incredibly patient as they take time.
mercury_wisdom said:
homeraee said:
mercury_wisdom said:
I have a succubus so I can answer you.
Succubi/incubi are gods and godesses that have a romantic relationships with a human. You should know that this is NOT interracial if you are white you get a white succubus/incubus if you are asian or black you get your same race but they are still demons who are of your same race. You will never get a white succubus if you are asian for example. But why would the gods have romantic relationship with humans?
This is not the first time gods would love a human the white race is the same race as the gods because they came from their seed they carry their genes. There is a lot of gods that have a human parent and a god parent for example Amdusias was the son of a god and his mother was human. What they love in is is beyond what we see they see our potential and our future a god/goddess can easily know the person way way more than he knows himself. Not every god has to love a human many of them already have a marriage partner from their own kind so trolls that blaspheme certain gods like saying they had sex sex with Satan or Astaroth or something is delusional and probably dealing with enemy spirits. A person that has a succubus/incubus potentially loved each other for many life times and a person can have a succubus from his past life in which she is patient with him and guides him until he can advance and get to know each other again. Not everyone has succubi or incubi though.
Hope this clarified your question.

how do one know if she /he has incubi/succubus? can it be seen from the natal chart?
Yes it can. But I am not an expert on how. Some of our astrologers like Lydia or HP Hooded cobra could help you with that if you get an order but you'll have to be incredibly patient as they take time.

You mean to say this specifically can actually be seen in ones natal chart?
Shadowcat said:
mercury_wisdom said:
homeraee said:
how do one know if she /he has incubi/succubus? can it be seen from the natal chart?
Yes it can. But I am not an expert on how. Some of our astrologers like Lydia or HP Hooded cobra could help you with that if you get an order but you'll have to be incredibly patient as they take time.

You mean to say this specifically can actually be seen in ones natal chart?
Yes it definitely can be seen in the chart. You just need a knowledgeable ss astrologer. Like sis Lydia you will also need a looot of patience as they take time.
mercury_wisdom said:
Shadowcat said:
mercury_wisdom said:
Yes it can. But I am not an expert on how. Some of our astrologers like Lydia or HP Hooded cobra could help you with that if you get an order but you'll have to be incredibly patient as they take time.

You mean to say this specifically can actually be seen in ones natal chart?
Yes it definitely can be seen in the chart. You just need a knowledgeable ss astrologer. Like sis Lydia you will also need a looot of patience as they take time.

Thank you for the tip. I sent her my chart a while ago but I am patient. If she allows when she gets to it I'm curious to ask. We have all had a heavy schedule too doing what's important. It will come when it comes :)
Shadowcat said:
mercury_wisdom said:
Shadowcat said:
You mean to say this specifically can actually be seen in ones natal chart?
Yes it definitely can be seen in the chart. You just need a knowledgeable ss astrologer. Like sis Lydia you will also need a looot of patience as they take time.

Thank you for the tip. I sent her my chart a while ago but I am patient. If she allows when she gets to it I'm curious to ask. We have all had a heavy schedule too doing what's important. It will come when it comes :)
Good luck :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
