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Why All Politcians Failed [Except One] To Free Nations From Jews

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The answer here is simple.

The moment one is a "believer" in Christianity, this may look innocent on the surface. It's just a "religious faith", isn't it? Like any other faith?

On the deeper spiritual level however, what is someone? One has accepted the moral, spiritual, and supernal connection towards what? A jewish historical symbol.

Where did the myth of "Christianity" take place? In the Middle East, and in places like Nazareth. Whom did primarily did this whole intra-racial feud of jews concern? Jews fighting other jews, and their observations on traditional jewish scripture of the time.

What does it mean to be a "Christian"? It means to long for the return of a make believe jew from thousands of years ago, and follow dictates about how one is to live his life, based on the life of this jew. One is expected to live as a servant to this jew soul and spirit, until it "Returns".

What is the affirmation to "Christianity"? A surrender of the mind and soul to this jewish program.

What is the hope of a "Christian"? To go to a heaven filled with jews, and be a servant to jews up there for all eternity.

What does this "return" entail? The Apocalypse [jewish book] explains it succinctly: That a Jew will come who will unite Israel, slay all non jews and general sinners, and permanently destroy all orders, governments, and rally people into a gulag situation where they are judged based on...Their loyalties to the jew himself.

Makes you wonder if the jews are right when they ridicule Gentiles in this way, since, what Gentiles call their "Religion" now, is nothing but taking a side on a debate between one jew [Christos] and his tribe, and sort of like pussies hiding behind one jew, hoping it will punish his own tribe. An ancient "Ben Saphiro or Bill Maher" is taking place. "Christian Anti-Semites" support Bill Maher, and Jews support "Ben Saphiro".

Behind the scenes these give the hands and pray the prayers from Deuteronomy [Oh, that is your bible, I am sorry] to bless Israel. They laugh at the goyim, and call it a day.

What cultural idols sets one forth for themselves socially, as Christians? Essentially, the life of a rebel jew [Rabbi Yeshu to the jews, or Christos to the people who were forcibly converted later], his 12 jewish disciples, and their war of earthly and heavenly conquest and genocidal murder against non-jews and their beliefs, summarized as "Devil Worship" and "Paganism" or just "Satanism" in the Bible, and the people as "Gentiles", a blanket term for those of no jewish descent.

These people they fought and proselytized against all were Gentiles, such as Greeks, Romans, and other White people of the time.

The Ancient Gods who presided over Gentiles and gave them superiority and control over their lands and race, are in the above context called "Demons". The primary power of opposition to jewish works, is called "Satan" which means enemy in Hebrew, and translates to "TRUTH" in the world's most ancient language such as Sanskrit.

Why jews frown upon Christians? Marcus Eli Ravage has the answer here. They laugh at the animal they have enslaved, and they ridicule it's attempts and funny movements when it pretends it tries to mobilize against them. As Marcus Eli Ravage said, they always allow, push and promote Christian Anti-Semitism, for this particular reason: People mentally paralysed by the hoax of xianity can never master the jew on the outside, as they have already collapsed from within.

There is no war taking place there, just a pig caught in a net [Christians in this case] leaving out sounds, while the jews laugh and ridicule it for being caught.

Somehow, believing in the above is ignored, and people claiming to be White or something, take the above system of jewish conquest and try to apply it to make corny claims that they try to save primarily White people, or other Gentiles from time to time.

They act surprised that this never works and never has worked. Since the sole application of Christianity within any political notion, only ends up, somehow, by the people believing it getting only temporary empty victories, getting back stabbed, getting re-ruled by jews, and eventually even if jews are pushed back in some sort of coincidental way, re-conquered in only a few years time: The messages of love, open borders, and jewish culture, suffocates any fake opposition created within the context.

The last card of the losing jew has always been as such, a bolstering of "Christianity" before they are about to fall apart, as a means of "Opposition" to themselves. This repeated process has helped them survive centuries and centuries, and has served them really well. As Pope Leo said, "It has served us well, this myth of Christ".

It surmises to say that people who believe in this program and expect any progress in regards to jews, are either stupid, are jews themselves [and therefore cannot disassociate from "Christ" as a jewish symbol on top of Gentiles], or just fools who are incapable of self leadership before leading.

Do not whine for getting defeated and displaced, when you literally have the spirit of your enemies inside you, and do not act surprised and betrayed when this stabs you in the back. It's only meant to and designed to act that way.

Idiots have hoaxes like "Jesus" to thank for the complete domination of jews on our world, and the complete incapability of people to assess this danger and effectively solve this issue for over 15 centuries. Christians are losers in front of the jews, constantly losing, constantly getting over-ruled, constantly getting out smarted, replaced and so forth.

It's time for radical change for those who truly want to have a soul and move forward from this problem, and this change is called Spiritual Satanism.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Christianity is Judaism with the kaballistic meditations and rituals removed and replaced with the abstract love concept for consumptions of goys. Similar to how the bhakti tradition replaced the actual tantric practice.
Meanwhile, the atheists on the other side of the shekel are brainwashed to believe their souls do not exist and that they have no free will, which just ties into the same matrix as Christianity, stating that all the Goyim are powerless to do anything that G-d does not will, and are nothing more than mindless cattle. It's all the same.

When people say they want to improve themselves, the Jews don't bat an eye, as individualism will change nothing.When people say they want to improve their nation and race, the Jews immediately panic and send every minion they can to kill this person. And when people say they want to reach perfection and make all mankind into gods...Well, it's no wonder the Jews have done everything they can to make all their religions declare that an unthinkable 'sin' greater than any other.
This is why it's sad when i see some good politicians with good ideas but they belive is xianity...in Italy we have Salvini but he is seriously so xian that it makes me puke. I hope it's just as a "Marketing tool" and he actually is not. I feel like because of his belives the fact that even if now is the first party in Italy he is not at the government and the left is. Xianity makes you loose.
Just tell these people to read their damn buybull if they think Jewsus can save them from the Jews. :lol: they probably never did. I actually when I was younger read some of it there is nothing in there that would support the type of beliefs they had. Also note to them how the ideals of Liberalism came from xtianity this may be a little hard to prove unless they are somewhat intelligent this is probably where these people are lost. I tried to argue this point to my dad who is a strong xtian once without any of the stuff about Jews just communism however he said it's not the same the communists don't believe in god. This is how dumb some people are they will be admitting you are right in conversation that the ideals of communism are based upon the buybull but they will think it falls short cause they don't believe in the xtian God so thus it's something completely different and an enemy to fight against. I honestly don't see the logic in any of this.

Make them realize they are probably more leftist than they think even calling themselves a conservative or National Socialist or whatever they say.
This is the first step.

I don't really think these types of people should be that hard to get through to but it appears some of them are the thing some have to be aware of is that if they do see the truth behind this some are so connected to the enemy that they may choose to be full on xtian supporting the Jews or maybe even go deeper in support of them or something if they realize this that is my fear when I post replies to anyone on comments with this as some people are truly lost. I never have met an xtian antisemite offline though in that case I might not bring up Satanism but I'd still try to remind them of this stuff. You can't be too silent or weak to stand up to these people.
luis said:
This is why it's sad when i see some good politicians with good ideas but they belive is xianity...in Italy we have Salvini but he is seriously so xian that it makes me puke. I hope it's just as a "Marketing tool" and he actually is not. I feel like because of his belives the fact that even if now is the first party in Italy he is not at the government and the left is. Xianity makes you loose.

Salvini had a chance for the presidency but well, being a xian and all, he couldn't pick the right decision at the right time, and he is now out of the game.

With Rabbi Jesus you lose.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
This is why it's sad when i see some good politicians with good ideas but they belive is xianity...in Italy we have Salvini but he is seriously so xian that it makes me puke. I hope it's just as a "Marketing tool" and he actually is not. I feel like because of his belives the fact that even if now is the first party in Italy he is not at the government and the left is. Xianity makes you loose.
Salvini had a chance for the presidency but well, being a xian and all, he couldn't pick the right decision at the right time, and he is now out of the game.

With Rabbi Jesus you lose.
Yes, this is why i don't fully trust him. Sometime he seems to be with the enemy (he may be faking It for approval) and sometime he does weird things like praying with the rosary in front of everyone lol if he did the right move (wich he could but didn't) now Italy wouldnt have this leftist government. The only good thing about this government is that now more people's are worke to the Truth about these leftis and how you can't trust them.
The problem is that even if a christian/muslim quit, he will be attracted to figures like che guveara or carl marx they are real messaiahs themselves. I know many athiests here in saudi arabia and i could say 75% of them have communist ideas.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
This is why it's sad when i see some good politicians with good ideas but they belive is xianity...in Italy we have Salvini but he is seriously so xian that it makes me puke. I hope it's just as a "Marketing tool" and he actually is not. I feel like because of his belives the fact that even if now is the first party in Italy he is not at the government and the left is. Xianity makes you loose.

Salvini had a chance for the presidency but well, being a xian and all, he couldn't pick the right decision at the right time, and he is now out of the game.

With Rabbi Jesus you lose.

I had a longer post typed up, but my browser ate it. What it boils down to is: How is there any way to come close to winning when every single "resistance" movement is like this? "Christian Nationalists" make absolute fools of themselves every time they're pressed, but they have an endless Golem army to draw from that will never listen to anyone else - even NS Germany had to be patient with putting Christianity in the grave, and we're not getting another one of those.

What way out is there except letting this entire world society of 7+ billion people destroy itself, and then fighting a guerrilla war for centuries against the mutant remains of every form of Jew-worship? I want to believe that some massive, direct intervention from the Gods is just a few years away - before ecosystem/resource collapse, Ultimate Political Jewing, etc. all happens in at least the 2030s. Is there any hope for the world other than that?
The National Socialist Party was lead by spiritual adepts and used spiritual power the racial magic of the runes even Hitler's book was wrote in the older common German to connect to the runic German language the Christian leaders had attempted to remove. Their rallies were magical rituals to generate and send out psychic power to awaken the mass mind.

The political solution is found in leadership the rest follow.

Case in point, this thread just from today - the OP starts off with the "Most Based EVAR" Christian pastor utterly disavowing Hitler, and half the thread chimes in with full proof of the NS position against Christianity. The "Christfag" half just goes on like nothing has even happened - "water off a raincoat," if you will - and reminds everyone again how Hitler was the #1 fan of Rabbi Yeshua and was chosen by Yahweh to save the Real Aryan Hebrews from the Edomite Fake Jews. This shouldn't be a problem in a fair fight - their guys vs our guys, stupidest side loses - except guess who the "Nationalist Normies" universally side with? Nick Fuentes & crew are currently the only mass movement in the US that's "edgy" enough to take the (((Conservatives))) to task on their Jew-sucking betrayal of America, but they refuse to see any problem in making Jew-worship one of their own main platforms. Protestants & Catholics? Sure bro, we're all on the same team... it's not like we damn each other to eternal Hell when we get just a little bit serious about things, or like we start slaughtering each other in the tens of millions when we get really serious... what could go wrong?!

There's been an incredibly impressive wave of Goyim-Knowing in the last few years, and I have no doubt the JoS rituals have been part of that. But the Jews don't just keep power through occult means - there are literally billions of people whose brainwashing can permanently overpower their IQ, there are almost no "nations" worth the name that aren't divided-and-conquered with "Diversity" and Free Trade, there's Big Tech which isn't going away, there's a total lockdown on US politics (which means a total lockdown on world politics for everywhere except Iran), there isn't even a way to get a hundred people together in meatspace just to escape somewhere. And again, there's a ticking clock - oil, aquifers, topsoil, fisheries, and the rest have maybe a decade and a half until demand tops supply, then it's a race from 8 billion people alive on Earth to 2 billion or less. And just before that, in the next half-decade, the US will roll the dice on whether it has a), a permanent Jew "electoral" tyranny brought to you by mass immigration and the DNC, or b), the will to totally self-destruct to keep some shred of its freedom intact (with every resulting piece locked into their own forms of Jew ideology anyway).

So what, in Hell's name, can we do to beat all that, and not just fight it?
Small update: The Pope just tried to Jew Japan and Japan isn't having it. /pol/ isn't having it either; the threads are stuffed with Christfags getting their shit kicked in because they have no way to justify this. Nobody can miss the connection.


Jack said:
Christianity is Judaism with the kaballistic meditations and rituals removed and replaced with the abstract love concept for consumptions of goys. Similar to how the bhakti tradition replaced the actual tantric practice.

Hi, Jack. Have you written or know of any article's that explain how bhakti is a corruption? I'm really interested in objective evidence that exposes all the corruptions in Santana Dharma.
Kundalini666 said:
Jack said:
Christianity is Judaism with the kaballistic meditations and rituals removed and replaced with the abstract love concept for consumptions of goys. Similar to how the bhakti tradition replaced the actual tantric practice.

Hi, Jack. Have you written or know of any article's that explain how bhakti is a corruption? I'm really interested in objective evidence that exposes all the corruptions in Santana Dharma.
Simply because there is no meditation and it is the inverse of gnosis. Instead of relying on the kundalini power within they are saying that in order to gain liberation you have to pray to someone outside of you.

Essentially Bhakti is the opposite of Yoga and didn't exist until after Muslim rule.
Jack said:
Kundalini666 said:
Jack said:
Christianity is Judaism with the kaballistic meditations and rituals removed and replaced with the abstract love concept for consumptions of goys. Similar to how the bhakti tradition replaced the actual tantric practice.

Hi, Jack. Have you written or know of any article's that explain how bhakti is a corruption? I'm really interested in objective evidence that exposes all the corruptions in Santana Dharma.
Simply because there is no meditation and it is the inverse of gnosis. Instead of relying on the kundalini power within they are saying that in order to gain liberation you have to pray to someone outside of you.

Essentially Bhakti is the opposite of Yoga and didn't exist until after Muslim rule.

The way I understand bhakti practice is that you keep your mind on Brahman 24/7. Its similar to constant void meditation, but you're doing it mostly to watch over your thoughts, stay vigilant, and not letting your mind get caught up in actions that heep up negative karma. Basically, half of your attention is on God, the other half is on what you're doing in your everyday life, whether its work, recreation, or whatever. I've practiced this kind of "divided attention" for years, and always thought that "void meditation" and bhakti were the same thing. Now, I'm reading that you guys are against bhakti. I'll admit, I picked up this form of meditation in Eastern Orthodox Christianity, but I've always assumed that it came from Hinduism. I've noticed that when I'm not keeping God in my thoughts, my mind strays and I end up doing what the ego wants to do, and not what the True Self wants to do. I see this as a safeguard to keep your mind stable. Is what I'm doing wrong? How is a person supposed to liberate themselves from false ego if they don't keep their mind on Brahman?
Kundalini666 said:
Jack said:
Kundalini666 said:
Hi, Jack. Have you written or know of any article's that explain how bhakti is a corruption? I'm really interested in objective evidence that exposes all the corruptions in Santana Dharma.
Simply because there is no meditation and it is the inverse of gnosis. Instead of relying on the kundalini power within they are saying that in order to gain liberation you have to pray to someone outside of you.

Essentially Bhakti is the opposite of Yoga and didn't exist until after Muslim rule.

The way I understand bhakti practice is that you keep your mind on Brahman 24/7. Its similar to constant void meditation, but you're doing it mostly to watch over your thoughts, stay vigilant, and not letting your mind get caught up in actions that heep up negative karma. Basically, half of your attention is on God, the other half is on what you're doing in your everyday life, whether its work, recreation, or whatever. I've practiced this kind of "divided attention" for years, and always thought that "void meditation" and bhakti were the same thing. Now, I'm reading that you guys are against bhakti. I'll admit, I picked up this form of meditation in Eastern Orthodox Christianity, but I've always assumed that it came from Hinduism. I've noticed that when I'm not keeping God in my thoughts, my mind strays and I end up doing what the ego wants to do, and not what the True Self wants to do. I see this as a safeguard to keep your mind stable. Is what I'm doing wrong? How is a person supposed to liberate themselves from false ego if they don't keep their mind on Brahman?
Without the Purification from the Kundalini rising the Negative Ego cannot be Purified into a positive ego. It happens through the Purification by Fire. The Brahman will suck you and erase your identity if you try to connect with it without already having a strong Kundalini Risen soul. This is what the Buddhists are trying to do.

Essentially the Dual Mastery of Identity is to be conducted. Your Atman (self consciousness) is as real as the Superconciousness (Brahman). You cannot let your own consciousness go.

Samadhi is essentially making a permanent connection spiritually through the Crown chakra with the Brahman (while) maintaining your identity. This happens when the Kundalini pierces the crown chakra and extends out. This establishes a permanent connection while maintaining your identity.

If you try to do the opposite and try to establish a connection with only Raja Yoga. The Brahman will suck you like a Black hole and you'll be like a vegetable without any personality or identity.

Essentially Abhinavguptas translation of the Bhagvat Gita is the most accurate where he challenges all the rest of the authors.

The freedom from negative ego simply means that the mind is free from unconscious or genetic or primitive persuasion or drive through emotions. Once you have choice to do something you've essentially overcome the negative ego.
Jack said:
Kundalini666 said:
Jack said:
Simply because there is no meditation and it is the inverse of gnosis. Instead of relying on the kundalini power within they are saying that in order to gain liberation you have to pray to someone outside of you.

Essentially Bhakti is the opposite of Yoga and didn't exist until after Muslim rule.

The way I understand bhakti practice is that you keep your mind on Brahman 24/7. Its similar to constant void meditation, but you're doing it mostly to watch over your thoughts, stay vigilant, and not letting your mind get caught up in actions that heep up negative karma. Basically, half of your attention is on God, the other half is on what you're doing in your everyday life, whether its work, recreation, or whatever. I've practiced this kind of "divided attention" for years, and always thought that "void meditation" and bhakti were the same thing. Now, I'm reading that you guys are against bhakti. I'll admit, I picked up this form of meditation in Eastern Orthodox Christianity, but I've always assumed that it came from Hinduism. I've noticed that when I'm not keeping God in my thoughts, my mind strays and I end up doing what the ego wants to do, and not what the True Self wants to do. I see this as a safeguard to keep your mind stable. Is what I'm doing wrong? How is a person supposed to liberate themselves from false ego if they don't keep their mind on Brahman?
Samadhi is essentially making a permanent connection spiritually through the Crown chakra with the Brahman (while) maintaining your identity.

What are we supposed to be doing with the mind when we do this?
Kundalini666 said:
Jack said:
Kundalini666 said:
The way I understand bhakti practice is that you keep your mind on Brahman 24/7. Its similar to constant void meditation, but you're doing it mostly to watch over your thoughts, stay vigilant, and not letting your mind get caught up in actions that heep up negative karma. Basically, half of your attention is on God, the other half is on what you're doing in your everyday life, whether its work, recreation, or whatever. I've practiced this kind of "divided attention" for years, and always thought that "void meditation" and bhakti were the same thing. Now, I'm reading that you guys are against bhakti. I'll admit, I picked up this form of meditation in Eastern Orthodox Christianity, but I've always assumed that it came from Hinduism. I've noticed that when I'm not keeping God in my thoughts, my mind strays and I end up doing what the ego wants to do, and not what the True Self wants to do. I see this as a safeguard to keep your mind stable. Is what I'm doing wrong? How is a person supposed to liberate themselves from false ego if they don't keep their mind on Brahman?
Samadhi is essentially making a permanent connection spiritually through the Crown chakra with the Brahman (while) maintaining your identity.

What are we supposed to be doing with the mind when we do this?
You don't do anything. The Kundalini will do everything for you. Your just supposed to be ready mentally to be able to handle being connected with the Brahman. You prepare for this by mastering one pointed focus. And throughout the process you maintain focus on the Kundalini and nothing more.
You know you've mastered total focus when you can "feel" your focus on empty space and can keep your focus for 15-30 minutes without a single thought or mental fluctuation.

Because if you're unprepared mentally and unable to maintain one pointed focus the unlimited information from the Superconciousness field will make you go mad. This happens in those whose kundalini ascends without them having the necessary focus or preparation or maybe they had an accident and their spine was damaged. These people end up in a mental asylum.
Jack said:
Kundalini666 said:
Jack said:
Samadhi is essentially making a permanent connection spiritually through the Crown chakra with the Brahman (while) maintaining your identity.

What are we supposed to be doing with the mind when we do this?
You don't do anything. The Kundalini will do everything for you. Your just supposed to be ready mentally to be able to handle being connected with the Brahman. You prepare for this by mastering one pointed focus. And throughout the process you maintain focus on the Kundalini and nothing more.
You know you've mastered total focus when you can "feel" your focus on empty space and can keep your focus for 15-30 minutes without a single thought or mental fluctuation.

Because if you're unprepared mentally and unable to maintain one pointed focus the unlimited information from the Superconciousness field will make you go mad. This happens in those whose kundalini ascends without them having the necessary focus or preparation or maybe they had an accident and their spine was damaged. These people end up in a mental asylum.

This is what I've been looking for. I always thought that one-pointed focus on Brahman is what raised Kundalini. That's why I've never given much effort on the physical part of yoga. Thank you for the book. I'll read it through and get started on what you said. Hopefully I have enough time to raise it before shit hits the fan. You've helped me a lot!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
