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Who is Apophis?


New member
Oct 29, 2022
Whom amongst the daemonae is Apophis?

Apophis is Apep, the chaos serpent who attacks Ra every night and morning where the only one who could successfully fight him back was is Set. Only Set can defeat him, so can Hathor, but not Ra alone. It is said that no one can destroy Apophis because he is eternal and all powerful where he is invincible the Ennead have to join up to fight him, seriously. They all have to gang up together to fight Apophis at one point because even Set got where he could not do this work alone!

The thing is, I read that Set is Eros of Egypt and Eros is so powerful that even Zeus fears him and so do all the other deities..

...But why is it even so hard and difficult for Eros who is Set to beat a giant cobra?

Apophis is invincible and is considered to be a force of evil when originally he represented the Nile itself who is also Wadjet and Taweret.

Who is Taweret also, by the way?

I read that she is a mother goddess and a form of Isis herself whom became Taweret after Hathor DIED, whilst Horus married Nephthys who took Hathor's place, Nephthys having been Set's wife and now Set is married to Taweret who keeps Set in chains, holding him back as in a metaphorical way that she technically controls and rules over him.

So, I went to summon Sitri about this matter and he grinned and laughed. He said Taweret is Isis to answer my question and that he Set is Tammuz who is Eros and that Tammuz is Dumuzid who is Adonis. And he then confirmed that he himself (Sitri) is Dumuzid and that Isis is Ishtar who is Inanna. He said also that Horus is Enlil and that Nephthys who married him is Hera whom I was told by him is Lilith. Then I pointed out; "But you're married to Nephthys." He then sighed and told me that Nephthys is Lilith, but Lilith is likewise Persephone and that Aphrodite and she have been at war with one another over him, Aphrodite being Isis who is Taweret. I then proceeded to ask him about Apophis and he said it was complicated but Apophis will be revealed later to whom or what he is and that, if Satan desires it and is permitting, it may be discussed with the others here at JoS. Sitri insists that Apophis is an actual entity, a deity, and not just a metaphorical representation of pure chaos, whom pointed out to me is Isfet whom is the counterpart of Ma'at and is the sibling of Ma'at.

So, I wanted to bring this up since I myself am looking for answers and I am wanting answers.

I believe it's because of that nightmare I had...

And since Apophis is real and I dreamed of a giant cobra killing a beautiful Egyptian woman... Does this truly mean anything?

I dug into more information about Egyptian Deities and remembered the serpent hissing out in a very peculiar way and realized the snake who sounded the name out as his voice turned feminine had actually hissed out the name "Seshat".

Seshat is Thoth's wife from what I read upon the website, but according to Egyptian Mythology Ma'at was originally considered Thoth's wife and the woman in my dream cried out "Tote!" as she begged for help, which may be how Thoth's name is actually pronounced.

Why is Apophis wanting to kill Seshat is beyond me... But looking at all the details...

Is Apophis, in truth, Isis herself?

I want to hear anyone else's input on all this, please!

Henu the Great said:
At least you showed some effort trying to blend in (saw right through you) before you launched your nonsense this time.

Lol I saw right through that the minute i saw how they write.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
