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What is the real problem with Interracial marriage?


New member
Apr 28, 2022
Interracial marriage is not supported in JoS. I am fully aware of this. And i think it is not a problem at all because most people are actually comfortable with each others race anyway.

But With my curious nature i just have to question some things. I am usually not one of those people who just takes in things without questioning the real Deep meaning behind all of it.

So.... Why? what is the real issue with Interracial marriage? I know before, interracial marriage was so difficult to happen because difference in culture was so huge. But the world is in a different state now. People are much more understanding of each other. And it has become sooo easy for races to relate start a family and basically have good relations. I have seen different interracial relationships where couples seemed happy and even the energy they gave off was actually very vibrant and positive. Whites with asians, black with white, latino with black.

Most interracial relationships I have seen that were somewhat problematic, was when one or both individuals were low value people. Such as the black guy who acts tough and gangsta ish, or the white girl who is controlled by social media, seeks attention or just have unresolved issues. But most interracial relationships with higher value people that i have seen were actually interesting in a positive way.

I have seen that the Gods has the presence of Gods of other races too. I mean i see Gods who are considered to be Black. Also one of the Arabic descent. Set, who is a black god is Satan's son. So it seems Satan has Fathered Black Gods too. I know the Gods way of life cannot be equated with ours, especially Lord Satan. But... We are evolving and advancing too. Is it not safe to say that Souls of a higher nature even if of the s
Different race can coexist together and even bare children of a higher nature too.

The reasons I have heard of why races shouldn't intermarry are such as
1. Human Nature...
But doesn't human nature evolve too. Does it mean should it be our nature to just light up fire with sticks or live in stoneage like we used to? We evolved.

2. The children face problems.
Well maybe this is more so the environment they are born into than the fact that they are mixed.

3. Jews want all to be mixed.
It is true they have their agenda. It is true they want races to mean nothing so that all can be slaves in their eyes. To them i guess all gentiles are the same. But what about after the jewish problem is solved? We will be separated and live like enemies?

4. The Soul cannot incarnate.
Well, i see children mixed and still having souls. I still see mixed children happy and thriving. Some get higher opportunities due to their nature. This is what i see.

I don't wanna be a hypocrite or say things that i don't truly feel in my heart. All because i truly do wanna UNDERSTAND FROM HEART the REAL reason I cannot intermarry. I have felt great connections with a person of a different race. One of the best sex i have ever had was with a person of a different race.

I feel like separating and annihlating races will create much more disharmony than harmony. I know the media exaggerates stuff. It makes things look bigger than they really are for their agenda. Whites against blacks, men against women, left vs right... Just to push agendas. But when no propaganda is pushed and people followed nature, i know most people will be comfortable with being with their race, but for those who desire to be with the other races, Why should it be an issue? Why is intermarriage a bad thing for a Satanist?
Curious666 said:
Set, who is a black god is Satan's son. So it seems Satan has Fathered Black Gods too.

This is a ridiculous lie. Set is white.
Curious666 said:
But most interracial relationships with higher value people that i have seen were actually interesting in a positive way.

"Interesting" is not an argument for destroying your race. Race mixing is basically destroying your race, since you no longer give birth descendants of your race. Add to that the fact that some races have a very low fertility rate, so pushing race mixing to these races means you're calling for their genocide. That's what the jews do, by reducing the fertility of European nations through promotion of mass abortion, no fault divorce and all those chemicals in foods, and then say "the European population is aging and declining, we need to import millions of immigrants" instead of finding a solution to increase the European fertility rate.

Curious666 said:
I have seen that the Gods has the presence of Gods of other races too. I mean i see Gods who are considered to be Black. Also one of the Arabic descent. Set, who is a black god is Satan's son. So it seems Satan has Fathered Black Gods too.

Yes, he created him using genetic engineering though, not actual sex. Many of those Demons were genetically engineered. If you look at their descriptions of them, some of them are actually half-greys. Greys really can't have sex because they don't have genitals. The only way to create a half-grey is using genetic engineering.

Curious666 said:
The reasons I have heard of why races shouldn't intermarry are such as
1. Human Nature...
But doesn't human nature evolve too. Does it mean should it be our nature to just light up fire with sticks or live in stoneage like we used to? We evolved.

Nature doesn't evolve, Nature sets the context in which evolution happens. Evolution happens inside nature. Evolution is about perfecting each race/species, not by destroying them through mixing them. That's the opposite of evolution. That's why

Curious666 said:
2. The children face problems.
Well maybe this is more so the environment they are born into than the fact that they are mixed.

So, which enviroment causes mixed children to not find compatiblebone marrow transplants and have numerous problems, much more health and psychological problems than pure races even though they live in the same environment an them? Different races also have different genetic diseases, and mixed people have the genetic diseases of both races, and race mixing can cause these diseases to mutate and become monstrous.

Obviously "muh environment" excuse is really stupid. The spiritual dimension of it is also important: mixed people are very hard to impossible to reach Godhood. Unless there's some working to purify your genes I'm not aware of.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
3. Jews want all to be mixed.
It is true they have their agenda. It is true they want races to mean nothing so that all can be slaves in their eyes. To them i guess all gentiles are the same. But what about after the jewish problem is solved? We will be separated and live like enemies?

Separating doesn't mean living like enemies. You can respect other races and cultures while living with your people. Multiculturalism doesn't work and never worked, even without the jews. This is what causes people to live like enemies, not separating. Different races aren't bad, but are largely incompatible with each other and if you lump them in together you are causing them to separate into tribes and fight each other. That is what always happened throughout history. Different races have a different collective racial soul, so they need a different form of government. Black people obviously are held down when ruled by a White person in a White culture, they need their own leaders, traditions and culture.

Curious666 said:
4. The Soul cannot incarnate.
Well, i see children mixed and still having souls. I still see mixed children happy and thriving. Some get higher opportunities due to their nature. This is what i see.

They can incarnate, but they cannot reach Godhood, as I said.

Curious666 said:
I feel like separating and annihlating races will create much more disharmony than harmony.

You are stating the exact opposite here, like I explained above: annihilating races happens through race mixing, not by separating them. Separating them preserves them, mixing them destroys them. Lumping them together is what creates disharmony, as multicultural countries slowly become shitholes.

Curious666 said:
But when no propaganda is pushed and people followed nature, i know most people will be comfortable with being with their race, but for those who desire to be with the other races,

Yes, most people chose their own race by nature. When left alone, race mixing rate is so low that it's statistically insignificant. Most instances of race mixing happen because the jews push it. Over 80% of advertisements in the US feature mixed couples, even though less than 10% of couples are mixed in reality. This is abnormal and unnatural.
Set is a Nordic God, not black at all.

He has a tan skin in many depictions, and black hair, as many whites also have.

The tan skin is symbolic for his role in the Egyptian pantheon. As for his actual appearance, I do not know since I have never met him.

Maxine wrote he has a dark complexion, however that refers to for example, the eyes and hair, not to his skin or race.

Him being associated with Darkness may also have him appear darker to people meeting him, than what he actually is.

Hail Satan!
It's one of the stupidest, most selfish, suicidal things you can possibly do. Many others before us built our bloodlines and kept them pure, and then they don't get to enjoy its continuation all because one of their dumbfuck brainwashed descendants thought it was a good idea to stick it into someone who doesn't even look like them.

The descendants also have terrible health consequences. I have seen this. It's so fucking selfish, retarded, and cruel to create a child with someone of a different race. Just goes to show how little people actually think of the children in this world, like at all. Where's the responsibility? Nowhere. People who do this are reckless monsters who only think of themselves, and even that is questionable because if they could see clearly and weren't so disastrously out of touch with their biological instincts then they would not only see it as NOT being in their best interest, but also they would be utterly repulsed by just the mere thought of race mixing.

The simple answer is that "after the jewish problem is solved" as you say, people won't even have the desire to race mix. And those who do will be considered swine, receive social backlash and lack of approval and possibly face being ostracized, as they should be. Such people are traitors to their racial soul. Not fucking each other and not destroying ourselves racially doesn't make us Gentile races "enemies." Living separately doesn't make us enemies either, that's ridiculous.

But doesn't human nature evolve too. Does it mean should it be our nature to just light up fire with sticks or live in stoneage like we used to? We evolved.
This is retarded. The level of civilization has nothing to do with race mixing. Our Pagan ancestors were not troglodytes living in the stone age, their science, technology and level of spirituality all greatly surpassed what we have now. They were far more evolved than we are, we have only devolved because of stupid kike invaders imposing their false slave religion on us for hundreds of years. The only time we have ever been primitive is under the oppressive rule of christardianity.

I feel like separating and annihlating races will create much more disharmony than harmony.
It's MIXING that annihilates races, not separation.

And one more thing. Set is not black. Don't bring the Gods into it, and don't speculate on their lives especially when you clearly have never seen them.
What happens when a white mix with a black? The offspring is usually black. Normalise this and with time Whites will not exist anymore and the Black too because the offspring will just resamble them but be less than them. Do this with Asians and now the original races will not exist anymore.

Our soul will not reincarnate with a compatible body and the health of the offspring will probably be worse because you are mixing two or more different races. You can see this in dogs that are heavily mixed.
Racial mixing goes directly against nature and you can see how the Jews have always pushed this as part of their destructive and nefarious agenda.

Besides for a self aware SS to racially mix is to directly betray your ancestors, your racial soul and the gods.
VoiceofEnki said:
Set is a Nordic God, not black at all.

He has a tan skin in many depictions, and black hair, as many whites also have.

The tan skin is symbolic for his role in the Egyptian pantheon. As for his actual appearance, I do not know since I have never met him.

Maxine wrote he has a dark complexion, however that refers to for example, the eyes and hair, not to his skin or race.

Him being associated with Darkness may also have him appear darker to people meeting him, than what he actually is.

Hail Satan!

I always thought Set, Vapula and gremory were black. About set i will learn more.

But i still do believe Vapula is of the black race.

Unless you mean all Gods Are Nordic and of the Aryan race. And if this is so, it would be a very wow moment for me.

Many Myths Depict Set as black. Images and so. But i guess its not as they say.
jrvan said:
I feel like separating and annihlating races will create much more disharmony than harmony.

And one more thing. Set is not black. Don't bring the Gods into it, and don't speculate on their lives especially when you clearly have never seen them.

We learn from the Gods. So don't tell me not to bring the higher beings we look up to as if they cannot be used as a guide.

I am asking to know. And now that i have known that Set is not Black, then i will leave it at that. I always believed 100% Set was black. And it always made me question things.

Thank you for your comment about intermarriage. Has actually opened some things for me. Ur comment about "Don't bring ....", made me angry though, as if you are trying to tell me what to think.

Still; All is well.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Curious666 said:
Set, who is a black god is Satan's son. So it seems Satan has Fathered Black Gods too.

This is a ridiculous lie. Set is white.


Are there No Gods of other races except white Gods? So all Gods depicted as Dark complexion are actually white gods? Only just with a tan skin?
Is Vapula a Black Goddess?

What about Arabic Descent Gods and Asian Gods?
Or these other races have only Hereos and no Gods?

Curious666 said:
Interracial marriage is not supported in JoS. I am fully aware of this. And i think it is not a problem at all because most people are actually comfortable with each others race anyway.

But With my curious nature i just have to question some things. I am usually not one of those people who just takes in things without questioning the real Deep meaning behind all of it.

So.... Why? what is the real issue with Interracial marriage? I know before, interracial marriage was so difficult to happen because difference in culture was so huge. But the world is in a different state now. People are much more understanding of each other. And it has become sooo easy for races to relate start a family and basically have good relations. I have seen different interracial relationships where couples seemed happy and even the energy they gave off was actually very vibrant and positive. Whites with asians, black with white, latino with black.

Most interracial relationships I have seen that were somewhat problematic, was when one or both individuals were low value people. Such as the black guy who acts tough and gangsta ish, or the white girl who is controlled by social media, seeks attention or just have unresolved issues. But most interracial relationships with higher value people that i have seen were actually interesting in a positive way.

I have seen that the Gods has the presence of Gods of other races too. I mean i see Gods who are considered to be Black. Also one of the Arabic descent. Set, who is a black god is Satan's son. So it seems Satan has Fathered Black Gods too. I know the Gods way of life cannot be equated with ours, especially Lord Satan. But... We are evolving and advancing too. Is it not safe to say that Souls of a higher nature even if of the s
Different race can coexist together and even bare children of a higher nature too.

The reasons I have heard of why races shouldn't intermarry are such as
1. Human Nature...
But doesn't human nature evolve too. Does it mean should it be our nature to just light up fire with sticks or live in stoneage like we used to? We evolved.

2. The children face problems.
Well maybe this is more so the environment they are born into than the fact that they are mixed.

3. Jews want all to be mixed.
It is true they have their agenda. It is true they want races to mean nothing so that all can be slaves in their eyes. To them i guess all gentiles are the same. But what about after the jewish problem is solved? We will be separated and live like enemies?

4. The Soul cannot incarnate.
Well, i see children mixed and still having souls. I still see mixed children happy and thriving. Some get higher opportunities due to their nature. This is what i see.

I don't wanna be a hypocrite or say things that i don't truly feel in my heart. All because i truly do wanna UNDERSTAND FROM HEART the REAL reason I cannot intermarry. I have felt great connections with a person of a different race. One of the best sex i have ever had was with a person of a different race.

I feel like separating and annihlating races will create much more disharmony than harmony. I know the media exaggerates stuff. It makes things look bigger than they really are for their agenda. Whites against blacks, men against women, left vs right... Just to push agendas. But when no propaganda is pushed and people followed nature, i know most people will be comfortable with being with their race, but for those who desire to be with the other races, Why should it be an issue? Why is intermarriage a bad thing for a Satanist?

The Magnum Opus is strongly connected to the race and soul. It was encoded in our genes by Satan when He was creating different races. Even just regular meditation and especially kundalini yoga has been shown to reverse aging as it has an effect on the division of cells in the body which past a certain age usually slows causing aging to start. This is the most important reason we don't support race mixing. Because mere feelings can't make up for losing the ability to perform the Magnum Opus which is possible when race mixing is done past a point as with what the jews are pushing.

Set is Nordic. All the old Gods were Nordic. There was another class of Gods made of humans who ascended in recent history. They were remembered as heroes in various pagan cultures such as Heracles and Asclepius in Greek culture, Utnapishtim and Gilgamesh in Sumerian culture and all the others all over the ancient world.

The Nordics are on a different level as many are extremely old and have acquired levels of knowledge and power that are quite impossible for us to even understand.

We're not for the annihilation of races. We want every race to achieve the best version of their existence and that involves being separated and allowed to advance in their own lands. We don't push for Blacks vs Whites, or any race against another.

Black people were taken by jews to White countries to live as slaves for a long time. White people had a much better civilization at the time so this caused deep shame issues with Blacks. Jews also sabotaged all efforts by Whites and Blacks to help Blacks return to their lands.

They just forced two different races to live on the same land while also abusing one and blame shifting to the other. The goal was to normalize the idea of a multicultural society in white lands.

Contrary to what you're saying, I don't see happy Black people in America. Black people are always complaining about something. They have fallen under the illusion of equality in a country that was founded by White people.

So now everything is racist. The fact that they weren't allowed to vote for a long time, the fact that White men (many of these were also jews who infiltrate governments as usual) have always been the government, the fact that they were not accommodated instantly with a nice bed awaiting them, the fact that there is anything with White people or for White people.

This situation is actually very sad. Imagine for a second Asians were brought to an African country like Nigeria and forced to live there. Or Arabs to India. Will the native people just allow the foreign ones into their government? Will they make it their life purpose to please the newcomers and accommodate them in their culture, neighborhoods and everything else?

Of course not. So how does this make the native people bad for wanting a nation of their own?

Only White people have allowed a foreign people to be treated as those who founded the nation. This has taken the delusion to a whole new level on both sides. Because now Whites have to answer for why like all presidents, government officials and related people have been white. Or why there's a neighborhood with only white people.

Everything about the country is seen as oppression against Blacks. I'm not saying Blacks should have been abused but this was the work of jews.

The only reason Blacks and Whites are even somewhat coexisting is because each race's natural sense of existing among their own and putting their own first has been killed by the jews thanks to their propaganda and the illusion of this situation being normal. Whites should be fighting to make America their own nation again. Brainwashed people will tell you this is racism. But picture a Black country seeking to remove foreigners. They'll tell you it's independence. See the double standards?
Curious666 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Curious666 said:
Set, who is a black god is Satan's son. So it seems Satan has Fathered Black Gods too.

This is a ridiculous lie. Set is white.


Are there No Gods of other races except white Gods? So all Gods depicted as Dark complexion are actually white gods? Only just with a tan skin?
Is Vapula a Black Goddess?

What about Arabic Descent Gods and Asian Gods?
Or these other races have only Hereos and no Gods?


High Priest Hooded Cobra has talked about meeting an Asian God. Satan Himself has stated several times that all Gentile races can perform the Magnum Opus and become Gods.
The situation with White countries is so messed up, let me explain it further for everyone to see.

Let's say I have a beautiful wife and kids. One day I find a stranger in my house. He is desperate so out of kindness I allow him to stay in my house. With time we develop tolerance for each other and coexist well. However with time, he comes to see himself as sort of equal to me. He wants access to my wife now, he wants my kids to see him as another father, he is even offended that all old family photos don't include him. All while claiming that I'm oppressing him by not giving in to these ridiculous demands.

Do you see how messed up multiculturalism is? In the past, Black people wanted to return to their lands. This situation is extremely abnormal and has been cultivated by the jews.

So no there are no happy mixed couples or anything like that. These people are gambling with their offspring's ability to become perfected into Gods, mixing racial karma and basically spitting on Satan's face. This isn't true happiness, it's ignorance backed by a happy feeling. Even drug users can tell you how they are happy.

And there are definitely no happy people in a multicultural country like America. It only means that those who the nation has always belonged to are seriously brainwashed like the in the analogy I gave you above. What happiness is that when you can't even be proud of your ancestors because they having not been brainwashed to readily give away their nationality is "racist"? You want to see really happy White people? Look at the footage from Hitler's Germany.

This is also just how the jews conduct revolutions. They instill in people a hatred of their own culture, race, gender or whatever. For Whites they abused Blacks and placed the blame on Whites. Now Whites have to be constantly sorry for shit they didn't do. Meanwhile the jews who created the problem provide the solution for race mixing and multiculturalism. They promise you how by mixing and abandoning your race, no one will have to worry about the bad feelings like shame and anger for Blacks or guilt for Whites (which the same jews were responsible for).

Meanwhile they have hijacked China and are building a powerful communist army to come and slaughter everyone and rule above the remaining few with an iron fist.

I say no to this bullshit. Let people be separated and allowed to heal and live in peace in their own lands. That will actually bring true happiness that doesn't need you to overlook or suppress your natural instincts in any way.
Just a random question on here... and im not advocating for anything, so please keep that in mind... But How would subraces or variety be created in a civilization or in a race if they never ever mix with others at some point? Wouldnt everybody in a racial group look the same? Because Im pretty sure those Whites who are Mediterranean or Arabs for example, are mixed. So in the ancient past mixing was only fine to an extent with which if it was extremely rare?

Im confused.
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=401901 time=1669465684 user_id=19170]
Curious666 said:
Interracial marriage is not supported in JoS. I am fully aware of this. And i think it is not a problem at all because most people are actually comfortable with each others race anyway.

But With my curious nature i just have to question some things. I am usually not one of those people who just takes in things without questioning the real Deep meaning behind all of it.

So.... Why? what is the real issue with Interracial marriage? I know before, interracial marriage was so difficult to happen because difference in culture was so huge. But the world is in a different state now. People are much more understanding of each other. And it has become sooo easy for races to relate start a family and basically have good relations. I have seen different interracial relationships where couples seemed happy and even the energy they gave off was actually very vibrant and positive. Whites with asians, black with white, latino with black.

Most interracial relationships I have seen that were somewhat problematic, was when one or both individuals were low value people. Such as the black guy who acts tough and gangsta ish, or the white girl who is controlled by social media, seeks attention or just have unresolved issues. But most interracial relationships with higher value people that i have seen were actually interesting in a positive way.

I have seen that the Gods has the presence of Gods of other races too. I mean i see Gods who are considered to be Black. Also one of the Arabic descent. Set, who is a black god is Satan's son. So it seems Satan has Fathered Black Gods too. I know the Gods way of life cannot be equated with ours, especially Lord Satan. But... We are evolving and advancing too. Is it not safe to say that Souls of a higher nature even if of the s
Different race can coexist together and even bare children of a higher nature too.

The reasons I have heard of why races shouldn't intermarry are such as
1. Human Nature...
But doesn't human nature evolve too. Does it mean should it be our nature to just light up fire with sticks or live in stoneage like we used to? We evolved.

2. The children face problems.
Well maybe this is more so the environment they are born into than the fact that they are mixed.

3. Jews want all to be mixed.
It is true they have their agenda. It is true they want races to mean nothing so that all can be slaves in their eyes. To them i guess all gentiles are the same. But what about after the jewish problem is solved? We will be separated and live like enemies?

4. The Soul cannot incarnate.
Well, i see children mixed and still having souls. I still see mixed children happy and thriving. Some get higher opportunities due to their nature. This is what i see.

I don't wanna be a hypocrite or say things that i don't truly feel in my heart. All because i truly do wanna UNDERSTAND FROM HEART the REAL reason I cannot intermarry. I have felt great connections with a person of a different race. One of the best sex i have ever had was with a person of a different race.

I feel like separating and annihlating races will create much more disharmony than harmony. I know the media exaggerates stuff. It makes things look bigger than they really are for their agenda. Whites against blacks, men against women, left vs right... Just to push agendas. But when no propaganda is pushed and people followed nature, i know most people will be comfortable with being with their race, but for those who desire to be with the other races, Why should it be an issue? Why is intermarriage a bad thing for a Satanist?

The Magnum Opus is strongly connected to the race and soul. It was encoded in our genes by Satan when He was creating different races. Even just regular meditation and especially kundalini yoga has been shown to reverse aging as it has an effect on the division of cells in the body which past a certain age usually slows causing aging to start. This is the most important reason we don't support race mixing. Because mere feelings can't make up for losing the ability to perform the Magnum Opus which is possible when race mixing is done past a point as with what the jews are pushing.

Set is Nordic. All the old Gods were Nordic. There was another class of Gods made of humans who ascended in recent history. They were remembered as heroes in various pagan cultures such as Heracles and Asclepius in Greek culture, Utnapishtim and Gilgamesh in Sumerian culture and all the others all over the ancient world.

The Nordics are on a different level as many are extremely old and have acquired levels of knowledge and power that are quite impossible for us to even understand.

We're not for the annihilation of races. We want every race to achieve the best version of their existence and that involves being separated and allowed to advance in their own lands. We don't push for Blacks vs Whites, or any race against another.

Black people were taken by jews to White countries to live as slaves for a long time. White people had a much better civilization at the time so this caused deep shame issues with Blacks. Jews also sabotaged all efforts by Whites and Blacks to help Blacks return to their lands.

They just forced two different races to live on the same land while also abusing one and blame shifting to the other. The goal was to normalize the idea of a multicultural society in white lands.

Contrary to what you're saying, I don't see happy Black people in America. Black people are always complaining about something. They have fallen under the illusion of equality in a country that was founded by White people.

So now everything is racist. The fact that they weren't allowed to vote for a long time, the fact that White men (many of these were also jews who infiltrate governments as usual) have always been the government, the fact that they were not accommodated instantly with a nice bed awaiting them, the fact that there is anything with White people or for White people.

This situation is actually very sad. Imagine for a second Asians were brought to an African country like Nigeria and forced to live there. Or Arabs to India. Will the native people just allow the foreign ones into their government? Will they make it their life purpose to please the newcomers and accommodate them in their culture, neighborhoods and everything else?

Of course not. So how does this make the native people bad for wanting a nation of their own?

Only White people have allowed a foreign people to be treated as those who founded the nation. This has taken the delusion to a whole new level on both sides. Because now Whites have to answer for why like all presidents, government officials and related people have been white. Or why there's a neighborhood with only white people.

Everything about the country is seen as oppression against Blacks. I'm not saying Blacks should have been abused but this was the work of jews.

The only reason Blacks and Whites are even somewhat coexisting is because each race's natural sense of existing among their own and putting their own first has been killed by the jews thanks to their propaganda and the illusion of this situation being normal. Whites should be fighting to make America their own nation again. Brainwashed people will tell you this is racism. But picture a Black country seeking to remove foreigners. They'll tell you it's independence. See the double standards?

Thank you for your Answer blackdragon. It so very enlightening in so many levels. If the Magnum Opus is the ultimate Goal, I am never intermarrying.

What would be your advice to someone who is of a different race than whites that wants to move to America or London? These are places so very developed. And the fact that they Have such diverse people makes it much more better to live in than places of extreme bad conditions such as India or Africa.

My birthchart shows i have a higher posibility of staying abroad and living there permanently. Can I start a life of my Own in one of these two countries? I know America has its problems but deep down i feel like It is the best country in the world to be in. I am sure even different races such as blacks or asians or latinas; are more than willing to stay in America.

I always saw America As a place with a collective group of different races existing together. And Cant it be that way? Where races Coexist even without intermarrying.
Curious666 said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Set is a Nordic God, not black at all.

He has a tan skin in many depictions, and black hair, as many whites also have.

The tan skin is symbolic for his role in the Egyptian pantheon. As for his actual appearance, I do not know since I have never met him.

Maxine wrote he has a dark complexion, however that refers to for example, the eyes and hair, not to his skin or race.

Him being associated with Darkness may also have him appear darker to people meeting him, than what he actually is.

Hail Satan!

I always thought Set, Vapula and gremory were black. About set i will learn more.

But i still do believe Vapula is of the black race.

Unless you mean all Gods Are Nordic and of the Aryan race. And if this is so, it would be a very wow moment for me.

Many Myths Depict Set as black. Images and so. But i guess its not as they say.

You must abandon the equality mindset. This mindset will put you through unnecessary mental torment. There is no equality. Things are just the way they are.

If you take any of the recently ascended Gods like those who did in the past ten thousand years, do you think they are equal in power to a God like Zeus?

So when you take White people who had been performing the Magnum Opus for tens of thousands of years, will they be equal to races that are still in an early stage of spiritual development? Are you equal in skill at composing lyrics to someone like Eminem who has been doing it for decades? The answer is obviously no and no hard feelings need to come up over this.

You must learn to live above the mess and not project this mess on earth onto eternal truths, like the fact that those who meditate more will achieve more. And likewise, races that have collectively done more for their own growth will do better than others.

Satan and the Gods are way above our little human affairs. Like even this Black vs White meme is a few centuries old at best. Satan is eternal. Satan doesn't even remotely see the situation as some of us may see it. Ask any non white SS who has interacted with the Gods. I had a mixed SS who had a very good relationship with Gremory. Like good friends. He is half Indian and Black.

Set is as Nordic as it gets. Another Egyptian God depicted as black was Min the fertility God. Except this has to do with the black river basin that had fertile soils. He is depicted with an erection again showing the fertility symbolism.
So you've been SS for 10 years and never realized why this is bad?

Really all you have to see about this is already out there. Do you think a global Brazil is a good thing?

Higher value people can make anything 'work' on the surface, but most race-mixed examples are not people of higher castes at all. Even if the higher caste person is race mixing, they often won't breed.

The majority of White men I've known going with Asian women for example are low-tier pervs and the Asian woman is calculating it purely on a materialistic basis. Even if the synastry is theoretically great, the problems begin to build up quickly.

There's a reason you aren't together with the person you had 'good sex' with. People can have 'good sex' with anything including incest which some depraved person in Cosmo described as the height of sexual pleasure so that by itself isn't good testimony.

This togetherness you speak of is actually complacency. It might be 'easier' on the masses to do this in a stressful situation when they're told they should neck themselves if they don't by Netflix, but Spiritual Satanists don't adhere to what the masses and the lowest common denominator does.

If Netflix, TikTok and Disney+ stated advocating incest tomorrow and shaming the non-incestuous as 'privileged', the masses would probably do it and would start feeling happy, 'validated' and content with it. This is called a shared delusion and mass hysteria, regardless of consequences. Islam removed the taboo of first cousin marriage a very long time ago. Subsequently Muslims see the practice as a good and healthy thing. The reality however - 1/3rd of disabled kids in the UK for example are born to Pakistanis alone. Gulf Arabs have large amounts of distinct genetic problems.

People in communist societies thought they were 'happy' as no other options were available.

Many of the masses are suddenly crowning themselves trans too because it makes them euphoric and 'happy' (and the research backs this up), but this bullshit is still antithetical to reality. The list goes on and on...
Blackdragon666 [JG said:
" post_id=401909 time=1669468255 user_id=19170]
Curious666 said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Set is a Nordic God, not black at all.

He has a tan skin in many depictions, and black hair, as many whites also have.

The tan skin is symbolic for his role in the Egyptian pantheon. As for his actual appearance, I do not know since I have never met him.

Maxine wrote he has a dark complexion, however that refers to for example, the eyes and hair, not to his skin or race.

Him being associated with Darkness may also have him appear darker to people meeting him, than what he actually is.

Hail Satan!

I always thought Set, Vapula and gremory were black. About set i will learn more.

But i still do believe Vapula is of the black race.

Unless you mean all Gods Are Nordic and of the Aryan race. And if this is so, it would be a very wow moment for me.

Many Myths Depict Set as black. Images and so. But i guess its not as they say.

You must abandon the equality mindset. This mindset will put you through unnecessary mental torment. There is no equality. Things are just the way they are.

If you take any of the recently ascended Gods like those who did in the past ten thousand years, do you think they are equal in power to a God like Zeus?

So when you take White people who had been performing the Magnum Opus for tens of thousands of years, will they be equal to races that are still in an early stage of spiritual development? Are you equal in skill at composing lyrics to someone like Eminem who has been doing it for decades? The answer is obviously no and no hard feelings need to come up over this.

You must learn to live above the mess and not project this mess on earth onto eternal truths, like the fact that those who meditate more will achieve more. And likewise, races that have collectively done more for their own growth will do better than others.

Satan and the Gods are way above our little human affairs. Like even this Black vs White meme is a few centuries old at best. Satan is eternal. Satan doesn't even remotely see the situation as some of us may see it. Ask any non white SS who has interacted with the Gods. I had a mixed SS who had a very good relationship with Gremory. Like good friends. He is half Indian and Black.

Set is as Nordic as it gets. Another Egyptian God depicted as black was Min the fertility God. Except this has to do with the black river basin that had fertile soils. He is depicted with an erection again showing the fertility symbolism.

I don't have that equal mentality. I always thought the old Gods had Gods that were Black amongst them. This is very eye opening for me. So many questions have been answered. I now know why some things are as they are. I feel alittle bit Sad, But i believe i will internally understand better With time.
Karnonnos said:
So you've been SS for 10 years and never realized why this is bad?

Really all you have to see about this is already out there. Do you think a global Brazil is a good thing?

Higher value people can make anything 'work' on the surface, but most race-mixed examples are not people of higher castes at all. Even if the higher caste person is race mixing, they often won't breed.

The majority of White men I've known going with Asian women for example are low-tier pervs and the Asian woman is calculating it purely on a materialistic basis. Even if the synastry is theoretically great, the problems begin to build up quickly.

There's a reason you aren't together with the person you had 'good sex' with. People can have 'good sex' with anything including incest which some depraved person in Cosmo described as the height of sexual pleasure so that by itself isn't good testimony.

This togetherness you speak of is actually complacency. It might be 'easier' on the masses to do this in a stressful situation when they're told they should neck themselves if they don't by Netflix, but Spiritual Satanists don't adhere to what the masses and the lowest common denominator does.

If Netflix, TikTok and Disney+ stated advocating incest tomorrow and shaming the non-incestuous as 'privileged', the masses would probably do it and would start feeling happy, 'validated' and content with it. This is called a shared delusion and mass hysteria, regardless of consequences. Islam removed the taboo of first cousin marriage a very long time ago. Subsequently Muslims see the practice as a good and healthy thing. The reality however - 1/3rd of disabled kids in the UK for example are born to Pakistanis alone. Gulf Arabs have large amounts of distinct genetic problems.

People in communist societies thought they were 'happy' as no other options were available.

Many of the masses are suddenly crowning themselves trans too because it makes them euphoric and 'happy' (and the research backs this up), but this bullshit is still antithetical to reality. The list goes on and on...

It is what it is. As late as it is. Now i have learnt!
VoiceofEnki said:
Set is a Nordic God, not black at all.

He has a tan skin in many depictions, and black hair, as many whites also have.

The tan skin is symbolic for his role in the Egyptian pantheon. As for his actual appearance, I do not know since I have never met him.

Maxine wrote he has a dark complexion, however that refers to for example, the eyes and hair, not to his skin or race.

Him being associated with Darkness may also have him appear darker to people meeting him, than what he actually is.

Hail Satan!
I think so too. Also how He is said to dress in all black. It all ties to the "Lord of Darkness". The Gods are very strong on symbolism and you find it in their epithets, titles, mythology and so on. Satan's name is actually a title that has a deep spiritual meaning relating to consciousness levels when one is extremely advanced.

Another thing that Maxine mentioned was that some Gods have the Nordic features but a tan skin due to the planets some of them live on. I can't find the post but maybe someone else can. I think it was the egroups. Like you can meet a God who is very tall, blonde hair and blue eyes but skin that has a tan appearing to be darker than one would expect a Nordic to be like.

Yes there are definitely Black people who ascended in the ancient past. You'll get over the feeling don't worry. Ever since I got in touch with my kundalini I have never doubted Satan's words that all Gentiles are meant to advance and become Gods.
Curious666 said:

None of the gods have ever done any race mixing or procreation with other races.

Set and Vapula are both white. Darkness is not talking about the color of their skin, it is a symbolism that is saying they work with more hidden and subtle energies. Energies related to night time more than energies related to day time.

The other races have been created by Satan by genetic engineering. Not by mixing or direct procreation. There are many younger gods who are black or asian, because they were black and asian people living here on Earth in the last thousands of years who have done the spiritual work to transform into gods. So there are black and asian gods who started as humans on Earth, but the black and asian races were originally created and invented by white gods.
Caspian said:
Just a random question on here... and im not advocating for anything, so please keep that in mind... But How would subraces or variety be created in a civilization or in a race if they never ever mix with others at some point? Wouldnt everybody in a racial group look the same? Because Im pretty sure those Whites who are Mediterranean or Arabs for example, are mixed. So in the ancient past mixing was only fine to an extent with which if it was extremely rare?

Im confused.

It was not "only fine to an extent."

What you are actually talking about are populations in Greece and Southern Italy where young white girls have been raped by africans who went there on boats. And all of the genetic differences you see are the result of these rapes.

There is nothing fine or okay about this. Rape is a horrible crime against humanity, and whoever has done this should be entirely erased in both body and soul to never live or exist ever again.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Caspian said:
Just a random question on here... and im not advocating for anything, so please keep that in mind... But How would subraces or variety be created in a civilization or in a race if they never ever mix with others at some point? Wouldnt everybody in a racial group look the same? Because Im pretty sure those Whites who are Mediterranean or Arabs for example, are mixed. So in the ancient past mixing was only fine to an extent with which if it was extremely rare?

Im confused.

It was not "only fine to an extent."

What you are actually talking about are populations in Greece and Southern Italy where young white girls have been raped by africans who went there on boats. And all of the genetic differences you see are the result of these rapes.

There is nothing fine or okay about this. Rape is a horrible crime against humanity, and whoever has done this should be entirely erased in both body and soul to never live or exist ever again.

I'd appreciate it if you could lead me to the source of your information about the rape incident. Be it wikipedia etc. ... I'll need it in future arguments.
But still.
How will a greater variety exist between individuals of the same race if its all only meant to be totally and completely consistent? For example we manage to save the white race and in continents like europe, australia, and parts of america you have whites, but nearly all of them look somewhat the exact same at times, and you may even grab around 1000 white individuals from even the same country and they all look the exact same without much uniqueness. I think you get what I mean.

Idk man its weird to think that everybody's supposed to look the exact same. I mean, fuck race mixing, no one wants that. But uh... yeah its also weird to think that again, everybody's supposed to look the same in the same race.

Maybe environmental differences can also create variety in races? For example white people who live in mountains or plains where they get plenty of sunlight would look notoceably different than whites who live in cold and frozen places of the world like Canada and the northern hemisphere.

What do you think?
Caspian said:

Also with Arabs, there used to not be any arab subrace. All of those middle eastern countries were Nordic white people.

There was a time in history that lasted for multiple hundreds of years which was caused by the creation of islam. And islam has many things in it giving instructions for slavery, rape, and for a muslim man to have many different slaves who he rapes. African muslims had their own pirates and pirate ships where they would sail to the coasts of European or middle eastern countries and they would steal all kinds of valuable things that they found. And the most valuable thing that they most often stole were white children and white women. In these few hundred years, there are many thousands of white women and children who have been stolen to be slaves owned by the black muslims. And they have been raped every day for the rest of their lives. And this is where arab race has come from.

The timeline for this happening was from around 1,000 years ago to around 400 years ago.
Curious666 said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Set is a Nordic God, not black at all.

He has a tan skin in many depictions, and black hair, as many whites also have.

The tan skin is symbolic for his role in the Egyptian pantheon. As for his actual appearance, I do not know since I have never met him.

Maxine wrote he has a dark complexion, however that refers to for example, the eyes and hair, not to his skin or race.

Him being associated with Darkness may also have him appear darker to people meeting him, than what he actually is.

Hail Satan!

I always thought Set, Vapula and gremory were black. About set i will learn more.

But i still do believe Vapula is of the black race.

Unless you mean all Gods Are Nordic and of the Aryan race. And if this is so, it would be a very wow moment for me.

Many Myths Depict Set as black. Images and so. But i guess its not as they say.

Gremory is my guardian and I know what she looks like: she has light white skin, red hair and blue eyes, I don't know where they got that nonsense about her being black.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Caspian said:

Also with Arabs, there used to not be any arab subrace. All of those middle eastern countries were Nordic white people.

There was a time in history that lasted for multiple hundreds of years which was caused by the creation of islam. And islam has many things in it giving instructions for slavery, rape, and for a muslim man to have many different slaves who he rapes. African muslims had their own pirates and pirate ships where they would sail to the coasts of European or middle eastern countries and they would steal all kinds of valuable things that they found. And the most valuable thing that they most often stole were white children and white women. In these few hundred years, there are many thousands of white women and children who have been stolen to be slaves owned by the black muslims. And they have been raped every day for the rest of their lives. And this is where arab race has come from.

The timeline for this happening was from around 1,000 years ago to around 400 years ago.

Yes, with Islam they pushed massive racial mixing, a good example is the Berbers who were a 100% white people and now look nothing like they did originally.
Wotanwarrior said:
Curious666 said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Set is a Nordic God, not black at all.

He has a tan skin in many depictions, and black hair, as many whites also have.

The tan skin is symbolic for his role in the Egyptian pantheon. As for his actual appearance, I do not know since I have never met him.

Maxine wrote he has a dark complexion, however that refers to for example, the eyes and hair, not to his skin or race.

Him being associated with Darkness may also have him appear darker to people meeting him, than what he actually is.

Hail Satan!

I always thought Set, Vapula and gremory were black. About set i will learn more.

But i still do believe Vapula is of the black race.

Unless you mean all Gods Are Nordic and of the Aryan race. And if this is so, it would be a very wow moment for me.

Many Myths Depict Set as black. Images and so. But i guess its not as they say.

Gremory is my guardian and I know what she looks like: she has light white skin, red hair and blue eyes, I don't know where they got that nonsense about her being black.

Wait i thought Lord Camio was your GD? You sure?

Im not too sure if a regular SS can have two GDs though.... well.. maybe thats possible, who knows.
Caspian said:
Im not too sure if a regular SS can have two GDs though.... well.. maybe thats possible, who knows.

We all have one god that has the official job of being our guardian.

But it is also common for some people to have relationships with multiple gods if we have known them from past lives.

You can contact and get to know any of the gods. They are all friendly to us.
Caspian said:
Wait i thought Lord Camio was your GD? You sure?

Im not too sure if a regular SS can have two GDs though.... well.. maybe thats possible, who knows.

Although Camio is the god with whom I have the closest bond, I have also interacted with other gods, in my list below of my signature the only one I have never had contact is mother Lilith.
Caspian said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Caspian said:
Just a random question on here... and im not advocating for anything, so please keep that in mind... But How would subraces or variety be created in a civilization or in a race if they never ever mix with others at some point? Wouldnt everybody in a racial group look the same? Because Im pretty sure those Whites who are Mediterranean or Arabs for example, are mixed. So in the ancient past mixing was only fine to an extent with which if it was extremely rare?

Im confused.

It was not "only fine to an extent."

What you are actually talking about are populations in Greece and Southern Italy where young white girls have been raped by africans who went there on boats. And all of the genetic differences you see are the result of these rapes.

There is nothing fine or okay about this. Rape is a horrible crime against humanity, and whoever has done this should be entirely erased in both body and soul to never live or exist ever again.

I'd appreciate it if you could lead me to the source of your information about the rape incident. Be it wikipedia etc. ... I'll need it in future arguments.
But still.
How will a greater variety exist between individuals of the same race if its all only meant to be totally and completely consistent? For example we manage to save the white race and in continents like europe, australia, and parts of america you have whites, but nearly all of them look somewhat the exact same at times, and you may even grab around 1000 white individuals from even the same country and they all look the exact same without much uniqueness. I think you get what I mean.

Idk man its weird to think that everybody's supposed to look the exact same. I mean, fuck race mixing, no one wants that. But uh... yeah its also weird to think that again, everybody's supposed to look the same in the same race.

Maybe environmental differences can also create variety in races? For example white people who live in mountains or plains where they get plenty of sunlight would look notoceably different than whites who live in cold and frozen places of the world like Canada and the northern hemisphere.

What do you think?

I'm pretty sure land energies play a big role in the phenotype and other such biological differences, as well as star energies overhead. Culture is another major factor.

Different groups of White folk have never had trouble telling each other apart, not in the ancient civilizations, and not in the present ones. A racially aware German can always tell who is of his tribe and who looks like him, and he also knows who is a Frenchman, who is an Englishman, etc...

We definitely don't all look the same, except to evil aliens. Another factor is spirituality. We've had none for many, many centuries. Very few people have been able to explore their souls and evolve internally which would evolve them externally. When we branch off from the group evolution and become Spiritual Satanists, we go on an independent path of evolution where we can rise higher. As for the racial groups who have always lived their lives and evolved together without going into the higher mysteries and exploring these things deeply, they are naturally going to look more close in appearance. Of course, when one of us reincarnates into one of their bloodlines, we branch off and become spiritual as our souls are inclined, and we end up looking quite a bit different. Spiritual evolution changes the genetics and the physical appearance. You can see it in the face of someone who has a healthy advancing soul compared to someone who isn't spiritual. Heck, you can notice the difference in the faces of people who simply do Yoga.

Oh and don't worry. We don't look the same to good aliens like the Gods because they see us as our souls rather than only our bodies.
Curious666 said:
jrvan said:
And one more thing. Set is not black. Don't bring the Gods into it, and don't speculate on their lives especially when you clearly have never seen them.

We learn from the Gods. So don't tell me not to bring the higher beings we look up to as if they cannot be used as a guide.

I am asking to know. And now that i have known that Set is not Black, then i will leave it at that. I always believed 100% Set was black. And it always made me question things.

Thank you for your comment about intermarriage. Has actually opened some things for me. Ur comment about "Don't bring ....", made me angry though, as if you are trying to tell me what to think.

Still; All is well.

I'll tell you what I please as you are the one who made the thread asking for input.

Fair enough. There are some here, myself included, who are protective of our Gods and can't stand lies about them. The way your post was written also seemed very suspicious to me, and if you read it again later on when you have greater and clearer understanding of things then you may realize why it would raise alarms. Glad to see that's not the case, and keep doing your best with learning.

By the way, if you have had sex with other races then it is a good idea to clean your soul thoroughly from their energies and do detachment rituals, at the very least.

Thanks for the reply ❤️💙🖤
Caspian said:

Thanks for the reply ❤️💙🖤

Certainly. Influence of a land's energy upon peoples is something I have thought about a fair bit in the past 2 years. I remember reading something by someone on here I think about how the influence of living on Mars supposedly changes the body compared to Earth, or something like that. So whether it's a different planet, or a different continent on the same planet, I do suspect energies of different lands have a huge impact on biological life.
When you mix races, races extincts. It is simple as that. What makes race itself unique, culture values, appearances, religion. If you mix one race with another, both races will loose what they had, okay you will make 1 unified race out of it, but then you can forget word race because it will not exist anymore.
Just try to date someone of your own race and don't think about the "good sex" with another race. If you are straight it makes it imperative to date and marry within your race. I am tired of seeing all these mixed people make the claim "well my mother is English and my dad is Mexican and I am so diverse" a serious race card there and a bunch of ridiculousness.
If I were straight I would want my children to look like me (white, dirty blonde hair, German, Finnish, English heritage and whatever else in the Scandinavian region).
It is that simple.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
