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Race Mixing {Sex Question}


New member
Jun 9, 2024
I have a question about race mixing as a white male. I apologize in advance if anything comes across ignorant or naive.

I live in America which is not a race we are land of settlers. My DNA test says I am Norwegian and well as European. I am curious as someone who enjoys flirting and touching more than I do physical sex sometimes. How specific should I be with this? Should I only be talking to Norwegian women and the countries of Europe I am from? What if they are majority from one I am from and like 10% from somewhere I’m not? As a white I know Scandinavians, Greeks, Russians, Germans, Australians, French even some Italians as well as more. Is it all different? If so would it be safer to only be strictly Norwegian or would any Scandinavian country count? To me it is about the tease and I run into a mixing pot of all sorts of different women. Does the mixing have to do with even emotional connections, flirting, or even just admiring a beautiful body. I am very picky about my sexual relationships as I have very difficult standards and I also refuse to get close to anyone I believe to be andrapods. I would be lying if I said I don’t have wandering eyes though and beauty exists everywhere around me.

I also would like to add, everything I have read about race mixing has been mostly about reproduction and the effect it can have on the children. I have a vasectomy so I was curious if it was also just dangerous for the mixing of energy as well.(If so I would presume touching to be bad as well but, would flirting even just innocently)? Or emotional connections as friends? I have family and friends of all different races. Since I have performed my dedication ritual I have been with the same person who is definitely white as well but I don’t know the exact logistics of her dna. Is this something to worry about as well?

Sincerely, I thank all of you in advance for any assistance and answers you leave

Well, Mediterraneans, Slavs, West Europeans, and Nordics are a bit different, but as a Norwegian in the United States you'll mostly encounter compatible Whites, as many Whites from the USA is from North / West Europe.
So yes, as long as we are not talking about Blacks, Mexicans or "Indigenous", mixed or whatever people, but White Americans, you are compatible with them.

After all, even between a Nordic and White Mediterranean (Arabs, Browns, and such are not White but live in the Mediterraneans) there is not much race mixing, it's fine.
For example this guy



From the Mediterraneans can have sexual intercourse with

This girl from the North if he really wants, even marry if faith has it so, but obviously the best if you settle with the most similar person, such as if you have blue eyes and blonde hair, best if you get together with a blue eyed and blonde haired partner, and if you have brown hair and brown eyes, best if you stay with a brown haired and brown eyed partner.
But if faith has it otherwise, I wouldn't brake this bond just because of sub-racial matters, there are other matters like synastry.

Now also note that a lot of people from the Mediterraneans are not White, ergo not compatible with any White, not even Mediterranean White, for example
From what I understand about race-mixing is not so much "what not to do", but "what to do" as in practicing Eugenics towards the greatest physical and spiritual goals for our race as possible. I think we forget there's a spiritual aspect to everything, Eugenics included -- so it's not just about the product of multiracial babies and peoples but the long process of this all towards greater human evolution.

We can befriend other races etc., this isn't "bad" at all but what is BEST (Best = "Eu-" in eugenics) to do is befriend and uplift from our own, this is how ultimately divine cultures and traditions and peoples are made throughout the aeons -- staying within, feeding and growing what is beautiful and most important about ourselves.

So, what seems like flirting ('flirting' both literally and figuratively, tbh) with other races can act to disturb this long process of building up towards great races and divine racial cultures for both races involved. It delays our greater human evolution and it is against what is necessary for all of us to become higher beings.

We, as humans, have biological impulses and instincts (with our monkey brain; we can see when someone is attractive, even if we're straight we can recognise beautiful people of the same sex for example) but this doesn't mean we should act on it, as it is our higher faculties like critical thinking, self-preserving values and ethos, and a higher consciousness that makes us act and eventually one day become divine beings that comprise divine races.

When you see members of your own race, you should develop that instinct of seeing yourself in them and loving and nurturing yourself and them. As this is culturing a greater racial collective mind and soul. If you want to eliminate White guilt, self-hatred etc., asides from returning the curses on our souls, you can behave/meditate/think as an evolved White man (loving yourself = loving your counterparts = loving White women above and only; this is a step in the direction of changing the vibration and destiny of the White race).

A race is only made up of the collective, your part is important and vital (the same goes for every race) and we all deserve divinity and excellence.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
