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What Is "Christ" To The Jews And Why It Exists?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
"Christ" is a stolen title from High Priests of the Ancient past circa 200 BC to 300 AD which has to do with being "Christened" or actually "Initiated" in the mysteries. That's all it means. It's just a name, and it existed way long before the advent of "Christianity".

It also existed as a name, like "Christopher" or "Christi", which are names related to this as well. Many people in all the history of the world were given surnames based on attainments of their clan, or titles that had to do with their attainments.

The foundation of this was information jews drew in from Solar Pagan religions of their area and they heard about the "Christs", and then they made a jewish hoax to deceive the masses. They literally turned a spiritual concept into a false history, purposefully. The concept of "Iesus Christ" it means "Healer and Initiated in the Mysteries" in Ancient Greek.

That's all on the term by "itself".

Then they started saying the story was "Literal" about a Jewish Rabbi and Torah "reformer" from Nazareth, who was born, raised and lived only inside Israel of the time, and how awesome he was, and how awesome that he had a beef with other jewish people over jewish "Torah" interpretation.

Then they started selling this story repackaged to the goy with Solar Pagan elements in it like the "resurrection", the "raising of the dead", the "eternal life" and other terms that had to do with the original point of the title of the "Christos", and attributing these to a kike.

Fundamentally, it was Torah Judaism or the "Old Testament" which is the Torah of the Jews. Since nobody non jewish would buy this as literal, they furthered the hoax with perversions to make it "acceptable" to the "Pagan Cultists" in the "New Testament" by inserting Pagan elements widely known and acceptable at the time.

That's why the "New Testament" that was aimed as a "Gospel to the Gentiles" has the most suicidal advice in it. It's for their enemies to consume.

The "Old Testament" is nothing but a book of jewish gore and hate that has to do with the conquests of the jewish race which never happened and is solely pseudohistory by the weakest race of the planet which are the jews.

Further confusing all of this, and eventually mixed the first and primary jewish "religion" into a mega-hoax that falsely claims that people will be "saved" if they do nothing but they "believe" in that particular "begotten" jew, that never existed.

Of course, the disability program they offered, was against everything that would truly spiritually promote a person that followed the cult, forbidden spiritual practices, nothing but "believe", suicidal advice, disarming of the mind and the body, and other deplorable "virtues". These are reversals of already existing virtues that were true and noble.

Any remnants of "occult" into this is because all of these are accumulated stolen legends from Pythagoreans, Ancient Egyptians, Sumerians and Middle Eastern philosophers. As all of the "Bible" is just stolen, there are many elements in it which resemble slightly altered "parables" and messages with only the names of the characters slightly altered and changed, with further inserted suicidal advice. And then presenting the jews as the source.

The biggest theft is from Ancient Greece on that hoax, and was facilitated by "Hellinized Jews" or kikes that were unfortunately taught Greek in the vast Greek empire of the time of the creation of the hoax. They had access therefore to spiritual knowledge of many civilizations, and this allowed them to cook a giant hoax.

Jews made this program in order to ruin the Roman Empire, who was really fond of the Greek thought, but was unable to articulate it fully stemming from a lesser background than what it inherited from the Greeks.

Most people were highly illiterate and could hardly understand clerical duties or knew about "history", let alone occult aspects of what is what, which was something only the very studied people could understand.

These huge gaps in understanding and haphazard decisions, same as jewish infiltration in Roman Empire, instated this program of death and mass control in order to "control" the masses better as an exchange for the unholy bargain, as it was based on suicidal virtues of weakening and abundant slavery mentality.

Jews never accepted this program for their midst as they knew it was "originally Pagan" and contained an overwhelming amount of Pagan things in it, which they detest.

Then they sold this out as that jew was actually good for the Gentiles, because jews generally see everything against their culture as excrement. Therefore, "Jesus" who was a symbol of what is excreted from jewish culture and was a lunatic, is a perfect jew to sell as super wise retard teacher to the "goyim", who are stupid anyway.

Despite of knowledge that this jew is the least important of any actual Greek Philopher, or dignified Brahman, they sold this as the "mega savior" to the already illiterate and stupid people who took the hoax in.

They also know it's a bogus hyperbole of an event that never happened, as they made up the whole hoax around this character and they generally view the symbol they created in hate. That's nothing weird, it's like you created crack cocaine, and you hate it, but since you are Heisenberg, it's giving you profits.

Wise jews cannot accept this for the same reason the creators of a lie won't believe in it, and will protect their people [jews] from believing in it. They will not get high on their own supply.

They forbid belief in this even remotely, in the same way a crack dealer would forbid his children from doing crack.

Meanwhile, as they "forbid" this for themselves, they advertise it strongly to the Gentiles, to weaken them down and put a noose of slavery onto their throats.

They also pretend that they are evil and against the "Good Jesus" in order for idiots to accept him, using reverse psychology. "If jews must hate that, it must be good for us". But the jews don't hate the crack, they hate crack for THEMSELVES.

Crack for the goyim slaves is a very good output in their mind. As such, you have overwhelming promotion of Christianity in the West for centuries and centuries.

They also "hate" this program as it's a toxic combination and the mere idea that their own race of "Enlightened ones" who made this hoax should accept this, is simply unacceptable to them, like the creators of crack cocaine and their great knowledge of what it does to people who do that drug. They consider any jew who falls for this hoax just retarded.

Meanwhile it's exported and advertised everywhere to Gentiles who die cracked out believing in jewish hebrew lies that are on a box that says "Pagan Solar Religion Antiobiotics tables" because that's the cover of the box.

The content of the box are crack tablets that are killing anyone. They are so deceived that they cannot understand this because of lack of both occult and ancestral knowledge.

Emotionally, Gentiles are coerced to want to accept this program as it "represents" on the exterior parts of their ancestral culture, yet internally, it's a toxic deadly combination. As viruses assume a false external appearance to infiltrate a cell, so does that program.

Stupid cells allow the virus in, who later on spews the destructive DNA and takes over the cell, like Christian NPC's are taken over. Then, the ill cells, thinking they are fine, start attacking the healthy cells to subvert them to the virus.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Leeges said:
I have been thinking.. the reason they do the body of Christ and blood of Christ in cannibalism rituals in the church and all is because Christ is a made up thought form for the human soul, that they rape and drain to keep us enslaved.

The actual Jesus character which means saviour of fire that you see in paintings does not exist but that it is our own human souls being chained to a cross.

What is the shape of the soul according to the JOS? It's a cross. So they use this to mock and enslave us, resulting in reincarnation as the soul can't take so much torment.

Once you see the truth "Sa-Ta-Na-Ma-Na", your soul is reborn in truth and stands on top of false teaching (false prophet), deception (There idea of third anti-Christ) and the Beast (All that is the Jew such as lying, murder, thieft etc) and is reborn in truth.

Just an idea I've had. I have seen spiritual warfare from both sides and most of Satanic warfare came from the false lies of Satan thought by the Jew and not true Lord Enki - lord of the earth in Satanama.

To burn is the yin to the yan which is the drown, balance in fire and water. Enki is the element of water.

What are your thoughts on this?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
...As viruses assume a false external appearance to infiltrate a cell, so does that program.

Just like jews as a whole, a virus with a humanoid appearance to infiltrate us.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
...Then, the ill cells, thinking they are fine, start attacking the healthy cells to subvert them to the virus.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Flashback of how vaccinated people try to convince others, even their own family members, to do the same.
This is a bit unrelated.. but was their other factors that led to illiteracy and lack of knowledge taking hold in some of the populace in the older civilizations like the Roman empire, besides the subversive influence and destruction the enemy caused?

Could this have been a possible side effect of the degradation of the human soul, even in times like these, since we were not completed?

It's just a bit difficult for me to understand this properly, as im sure knowledge was available to the populace and many would want to be literate and be properly educated. As these civilizations were very great and powerful.
So we will have to be better than the Roman, we will have to teach "stupid" people to be aware of their history in order to not repeat that history again?
Hail Satan,
Awesome post Between there's a documentary on the invention of xtianity... It goes by the name Ceasers messiah : Roman conspiracy to invent Jesus
Here's the link

And here's a good documentary it exposes that the muslims never had any relevance to the site of Mecca

I hope you find it useful...
It will take a long time until "iesus christ" will become a notion purged of all this filth and we'll be able to say it again.
SyraS_666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
...As viruses assume a false external appearance to infiltrate a cell, so does that program.

Just like jews as a whole, a virus with a humanoid appearance to infiltrate us.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
...Then, the ill cells, thinking they are fine, start attacking the healthy cells to subvert them to the virus.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Flashback of how vaccinated people try to convince others, even their own family members, to do the same.

Those quotes just remind me of something I once said, and it's something no one told me; i just learned during my first semester in college: Irony can be an unsung horror at its worst, and the scamdemic actually proved it.

In another example, the Gentiles who accept and support Christianity and Islam thinking it's a Pagan religion of improvement for living and attend Sunday sections, and then expect people to do the same, are the very people who suffer from those same religions.
I think some people here think the Jews were master strategists to befall Rome and such this is not the case many ancient civilisations who were way too powerful for the Jews to collapse e.g. Egypt had to be literally attacked by aliens with vastly superior technology to us at the time it should also be made a mention that while the jew is retarded jail warden at best the reptilians who order them and guide them are not they play the game of strategy rather well they still get flogged by the gods but they are not stupid they do not carry out these attacks on us or inject us with this Jewish virus during a golden age for humanity they deliberately waited for the worst time possible to place the Jews here when people were going through a lot of bad shit and the spiritual energy at the time was low we do not live in a high energy area of space time on this planet it's like mediocre at best while these things can be over come as a race it does leave us open to attack by assholes like the lizards and there half cast abominations.

Also information was not like it is today a new idea would take a few 100 centuries to circle around and even then you might have someone in your society smart enough to understand so you miss out a good example of this is a crossbow being a high powered improvement to the traditional bow it took nearly 90 years for most European militarys to adopt this I do believe it originally came out of France by the time this idea even started to catch on with other nations and peoples around the world or not at all om the case of most black races they were speeding up in chemistry to the point they over took the Chinese and made powerful gun powder weapons and cannons as well as made much more advanced forms of sailing and larger ships the other peoples of the world tried to copy them but they had no idea how the white's technology worked and worked so well then came the beginning of the industrial era.

The point I'm trying to make is if the main way something gets around is word of mouth like imagine having someone write endless exactly the same scriptures like today you can have a printer make like a 1000 JOS flyers and you can plaster them up around the place to get your idea out there back in those days could you seriously imagine yourself spending days weeks months writing that many and handing them out for most people who didn't vibe with your message to just kind of throw it over there shoulder like you can't force people into the arms of the gods while times like these might do that the fact of the matter is that the less aware people need to get angry enough to start paying attention because it's important while people aren't getting to being that of the gods yet they are starting to pay attention protest and care about all these freedoms being taken away and yes I'm aware that the current situation is not freedom it's a system a game rigged against you since before you were born but we can change that and we are when all their plans keep bombing and failing miserably and you have retard mega jew Elon musk loose 200 billion dollars in one financial year alone and has gone mega retard jew and is currently throwing endless amounts of his on Jews under the bus at the same time destroying his own fortune while doing as much damage to some of his other mega rich Jews as possible it's hilarious to watch them turn on themselves and this is what your RTRs are doing the Jews will destroy and fight each other and themselves as their own dip shit weak cop out magic is reversed back upon themselves.

And remember the jew is not the gentile we gentiles may have been naive and not at all at a good time spiritually when this muppets arrived on our world but make no mistake a gentile soul is much more powerful then a Jewish soul we have a natural defensive power hence the reason why even after all this time even with technologically superior aliens to help them out in the physical they still fucking suck and they still haven't enslaved us and they know their time is up because everyone is starting to see through it all hence the reason why now was a good time to do the reverse RTRs because we will bury these fools under all their own 1000 years worth of curses while we all wake up and then what ever is left of these lizard space goblins abandoned by their makers because let's face it an enlightened humanity isn't worth the trouble if the getting isn't easy they will piss off and find a weaker target that's generally what cowards do but anyway what ever is left of the Jews after they have finished destroying themselves then we will just mop them up Israel has nearly collapsed as a society near the end of last year and guess what they are still doing so much freedom removing shit even on their own people like this is how much our gods are laughing at this fools now because they have finally realised that they reap what they sow their evils bounce back hard on their people now every time they mess with humans wham something 3x worse happens in Israel mass rocket strikes, tensions with Arabs and Arab nations and now they have lost one of their biggest allys Russia because they chose to help Ukraine to stay in good with literally everyone else in the world yes they had to betray one of their own precious communist program country's to stay out of open criticism as much as possible which has put them on the tipping put of war with Iran.

You watch this space these guys are in for one shit year this year this is the comeback year I can feel a huge difference in the energy of this year I think it will be a little bumpy but not as bad as 2022 that year was a cluster fuck I knew it was coming I felt real negative energy this year I'm all guns blazing this year they have 0 defence against us we got rid of the last of it at the end of last year they are screwed now we dog pile on them keep reversing going and hit them with new rituals that will collapse all their garbage the enemy has lost trillions of dollars with all these shit attempts at controlling humanity.
Superb HPHC

The truth our Religion has exposed, and educated me is unparalled.

Thank you my bro.
Thanks for the reply.

I've been dealing with many false Satanic beings thought by Jewish lies and have been trying to teach the true meaning of Enki, Sa-ta-na-ma-na and so forth. Then you have the Pope and Bishops pretending to fight back in order to create a false spiritual war but it's funny when you no the truth and how weak they are.

The bible is brought up a lot by them because you can really feel there fear so I try to at least explain how it's the Jew that deceive, teaches falsely and is what they claim to be "The Beast".

Grey aliens too, they are strong and I have seen how they suck up the souls and drain them which is why I believe that is the reason for reincarnation. I was terrified at first but it really has made me strong now, following Buddhism has at least given me a strong core mind when dealing with them and the Reptilians.

They drain the soul which is the shape of a cross and it's our own human soul and nature that is being tortured, cannibalized and destroyed. You can break free from the chains of the cross (shape of the soul) by learning the truth and be free from there sick soul sucking abuse.

The amount of times I have heard "Did you sell your soul" was almost embarrassing. I have seen some messed up shit though that they put people through.. It's very sad..

I don't no about Eternal life in the flesh but I think it's possible.. not even a Christian thing but just what the Old Gods can do.. the power of the human soul is AMAZING when you break free from there chains. I now even question if blood is real or just an element of water lol

The 5 elements have amazing power, they drained me so much that they now fear me when around me despite me practicing no violence or harm, so it shows that they are weak when faced.

I remember someone here said they worked like a tape recorder of sorts or radio? This is very true. It's like an American Psycho voice talking soulessly non stop about things in the world without rest when you tune into it.

What a crazy week.. :lol:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
It will take a long time until "iesus christ" will become a notion purged of all this filth and we'll be able to say it again.

It won't happen, it's not even necessary.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
It will take a long time until "iesus christ" will become a notion purged of all this filth and we'll be able to say it again.

It won't happen, it's not even necessary.

Hi My HP HC,
I hesitated to ask this here as it doesn't concern this topic but I just really wanted to know what's up with what was on my mind.
The Hindu practice of tying a black thread to the wrist , does it signify or have any spiritual meaning. I googled it, and I wasn't satisfied so I decided felt to ask here.
Having tirelessly traced my finger back through as much obscured history as I could, I have a personal belief the point of origin for Christianity was the 200-300AD Roman Alexandrian Jews, specifically. Alexandria by that point had a large Jewish population, and many of which had began to Jew their way into accessing material belonging to the Temple of Serapis, and Alexandria was a place that was still overwhelmingly Hellenic even during the time and uprising of Rome, hence the access to the Greek language. More to the point, many of Serapis' associations came directly from Dionysus, and one of Dionysus divine epithets was literally Yes or Yesu (note the identical nature to Yeshu). Break down the name Dionysus to "ysus" and say it in a Greek accent and it'll become quickly apparent where the name was ripped from. Yesu, Divine son of Jove, savior of man, who died and was reborn, and is associated with the sacred nature of wine, born to a virgin in a cave. Wait a minute this sounds familiar...

It's extremely easy to trace the lineage and evolution of its bastard mythology. One of the earliest Christians, some probable kike by the name of Justin Martyr, said at the time, that the Jewsus fable was not something that had happened literally. Seemingly belief in the literal Superjew itself was not accepted, even by people who had drank the Kool-Aid. This is important, as it shows that most of what we know of it today was increasingly tacked on later and later. It would have been foolish for a man of Justin's time to make claim of this, as the supposed Jewsus era was so close in proximity to his own and easily disprovable. It only became a claim that Jewsus was a literal person later on, as history became lost and abstracted, and the system took on increasingly degenerate forms. Lo and behold, "Nazareth" wasn't even a town circa 0 C.E. I could sit here all day and write a book on all the bullshit, but I'm mostly just construing a point here that the swindle was evolved over time, from its point of origin. The great and infallible book of Jehova, which was still receiving edits in the 1700s. Oi vey.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
It will take a long time until "iesus christ" will become a notion purged of all this filth and we'll be able to say it again.

It won't happen, it's not even necessary.

Then even better it will just be forgotten as a normal word.
The Jews know that christ is a hoxe because they created him. They know what they were doing the whole time. And they know what they did and they're proud of it! Anything to fool the gentile people and to make us look like we're a bunch of useless garbage... and distinct that we're dumb enough to fall for that hoax when we know who our God is? And there's nothing fictitious and made up about father Satan or his gods and demons! Or we wouldn't exist! Because Satan knew what he was doing and the Jews were aware of it the whole time! And hated and resented every one of us from the very start! And always hated and resented Satan and his gods and demons just because they are who and what they are and because they're real and they don't take any shit! So the Jews decided to have a little fun and play some mind games with this and it got out of hand! And now they're going to pay for it dearly with every drop of their precious blood! For what they have done to West throughout the centuries and for the destruction that they have brought on us because of their stupidity! And for a lot of the people that fell into their traps and become slave because of this hoax! It has brought down a lot of people around the world and along with it it has brought on a lot of worldly problems as well! And the list goes on and on and on as we explain! Going into detail with these stupid Jews and why they hate Jesus christ! They know damn well what they did! And it's going to fall right back onto their lap! The mess that they have made of this world and many many lives and individuals who have had struggles throughout their life! And for the families around the world who had to face discrimination and destruction! Because of religion and all because of the fucking hatred of that of a fucking Jew who has no consideration for other people or the other lives of humans! And the Jews don't even have consideration for themselves even! Or they wouldn't put themselves through this kind of trial and Triumph taking over the world and building their empire! And the trouble that these stupid ass individuals went through trying to prove themselves worthy! To that of some religion just to fit into the world! Losing everything you own and everything that is rightfully yours! We have to fight for! All because of the stupid jews! Trying to put things back in a perspective and trying to get the truth out there so people can wake up and recognize what is going on! And to know the difference of the enemies and their frame of mind and how they think and how they want you to think! And people like us who were simply trying to get people to fucking wake up and notice what is going on and put things back in a perspective! And to put things back into perspective that is why we have father Satan and his gods and demons! Satan who took the time to create us and to create this beautiful world! For our use and for our benefit! And his gods and demons who helped and took the time in the effort to teach us and to get things going and to raise a world of intelligence truth and Enlightenment and knowledge! So the people will recognize the truth and what is really going on and what we can do to save our lives and our sanity! Recognizing the good and recognizing the things that we can do! To save our own! And to get people to learn and listen! And to prepare ourselves for the future! :) and the things that we can do! And the possibilities that we have! Thank Satan and The JOS. And the many possibilities! That we have been blessed with and the things that we can do as an individual! To make ourselves into a better people and to take the time to educate ourselves and to turn our mind around! Learning of the truth and preparing ourselves for now and for the future! And what to look forward to next?
I've seen some pics of npcs sad fact is most npc males look ill, in some way but that is what jewishwood an jewish programing does to Gentiles. anyway in the book of josephus their is 3 Christ's, an some actually caused insurrections, which is probably why the jews lost their stolen land to begin with, but jewish rats will be jewish rats,

Oh one more thing about christ the arcangel gabriel,said jewsus was the messiah of the jews, not Gentiles, but you won't find christians saying that verse,I'm just pointing out the obvious for anyone new
It’s crazy that people go through a education system which has Nietzsche in the curriculum and don’t learn about what he stated about it being created by Jews to trick aryans into self-destruction as stated in his book “Genealogy of Morals”. Then pretend like this kind of thinking is from illiterate people.
Thanks for the information, besides a quick explanation of what xianism is, it clarified a few things for me.

I think I will have to deprogram myself from everything that revolves around the words "iesus" and "christos", I think it is necessary to be completely free and to advance.

By this I mean that it is necessary to take back our words.
Arcadia said:
Having tirelessly traced my finger back through as much obscured history as I could, I have a personal belief the point of origin for Christianity was the 200-300AD Roman Alexandrian Jews, specifically. Alexandria by that point had a large Jewish population, and many of which had began to Jew their way into accessing material belonging to the Temple of Serapis, and Alexandria was a place that was still overwhelmingly Hellenic even during the time and uprising of Rome, hence the access to the Greek language. More to the point, many of Serapis' associations came directly from Dionysus, and one of Dionysus divine epithets was literally Yes or Yesu (note the identical nature to Yeshu). Break down the name Dionysus to "ysus" and say it in a Greek accent and it'll become quickly apparent where the name was ripped from. Yesu, Divine son of Jove, savior of man, who died and was reborn, and is associated with the sacred nature of wine, born to a virgin in a cave. Wait a minute this sounds familiar...

It’s worth pointing out too that the Orphics, a spin off of the Dionysian cult, practiced baptism, identified the first God who gave order to the cosmos as “Protogenus” or “the first begotten”, and believed in a Platonic trinity of Zeus, Saturn, and Dionysius.

I’ll give the Apostle Paul some credit, he was certainly educated at least in Philo of Alexandria.
Same with John the Evangelist. But all the rituals and basic theology of Christianity are stolen right from pagan sources.
Victorian666 said:
Hail Satan,
Awesome post Between there's a documentary on the invention of xtianity... It goes by the name Ceasers messiah : Roman conspiracy to invent Jesus
Here's the link

And here's a good documentary it exposes that the muslims never had any relevance to the site of Mecca

I hope you find it useful...

Just in case your profile picture is you, remove it asap, kikes like to use this, to curse people.
Eamonomae said:
Arcadia said:
Having tirelessly traced my finger back through as much obscured history as I could, I have a personal belief the point of origin for Christianity was the 200-300AD Roman Alexandrian Jews, specifically. Alexandria by that point had a large Jewish population, and many of which had began to Jew their way into accessing material belonging to the Temple of Serapis, and Alexandria was a place that was still overwhelmingly Hellenic even during the time and uprising of Rome, hence the access to the Greek language. More to the point, many of Serapis' associations came directly from Dionysus, and one of Dionysus divine epithets was literally Yes or Yesu (note the identical nature to Yeshu). Break down the name Dionysus to "ysus" and say it in a Greek accent and it'll become quickly apparent where the name was ripped from. Yesu, Divine son of Jove, savior of man, who died and was reborn, and is associated with the sacred nature of wine, born to a virgin in a cave. Wait a minute this sounds familiar...

It’s worth pointing out too that the Orphics, a spin off of the Dionysian cult, practiced baptism, identified the first God who gave order to the cosmos as “Protogenus” or “the first begotten”, and believed in a Platonic trinity of Zeus, Saturn, and Dionysius.

I’ll give the Apostle Paul some credit, he was certainly educated at least in Philo of Alexandria.
Same with John the Evangelist. But all the rituals and basic theology of Christianity are stolen right from pagan sources.

Funny timing on this. I have no idea if SHH666 is doing this to cover himself i.e. not get banned(accepting of Mystic Xtianism, then again, he can be stating this that these people aren't as brainwashed and can easily be turned into Satanists by a few explanations and showing of information) but apparently your timing of you two members, Arcadia and Eamonomae, is right on with this release.


Styxhexenhammer666 Mysticism remains Pagan.
Destroying Xianity and Rabbi Christ's Hoax & Influence RTR

Vibrate the paragraph below 10 times:


State with conviction 10 times:

Vibrate AUM
All authority of Jesus Christ in all its forms, is dead, is cursed, and is void in the heavens and the earth, now and forever.
The Jewish people and all people of Jesus Christ, have now fallen from all positions of influence and power.
All authority granted through the lie of Jesus Christ has collapsed, is void, and destroyed.
The Jewish thoughtform of Jesus Christ is cursed, defiled, and dead.
Vibrate AUM

End of Ritual . Best to keep up the rituals.
Masterj810610 said:
So we will have to be better than the Roman, we will have to teach "stupid" people to be aware of their history in order to not repeat that history again?

Well-being ;

People already have to know their own history, otherwise they will fall for fake formations, and we know that this will turn out to be positive for the Jews.

We have no choice but to open our eyes and raise awareness. I am Turkish, most Turks do not know the first faith of their ancestors. They do not know Tengri. It is painful for them to say that they have adopted the Arab culture.

In fact, they look at most Turkish rulers as if they are not one of them just because they are not Muslims, here is the pathetic point we come to.

We have no choice but to become conscious, we always have to take a step further.
nadiazell said:
Masterj810610 said:
So we will have to be better than the Roman, we will have to teach "stupid" people to be aware of their history in order to not repeat that history again?

Well-being ;

People already have to know their own history, otherwise they will fall for fake formations, and we know that this will turn out to be positive for the Jews.

We have no choice but to open our eyes and raise awareness. I am Turkish, most Turks do not know the first faith of their ancestors. They do not know Tengri. It is painful for them to say that they have adopted the Arab culture.

In fact, they look at most Turkish rulers as if they are not one of them just because they are not Muslims, here is the pathetic point we come to.

We have no choice but to become conscious, we always have to take a step further.

Then this person needs to ask question on the turks forum

People.can choose the path they want, but my advice is they need to read the website and ask question here first

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
