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What if Satan's Father dedication is not completed perfectly? Ask for answers


New member
Jan 28, 2025
During my dedication ceremony, when the needle was about to puncture my finger, my face turned pale. A little dizzy, I replaced the blood with saliva and bodily fluids, and the rest of the ritual was fine. Is this considered a success?
During my dedication ceremony, when the needle was about to puncture my finger, my face turned pale. A little dizzy, I replaced the blood with saliva and bodily fluids, and the rest of the ritual was fine. Is this considered a success?
the most important thing here is your intention. even if it wasn't "by the book" it's alright. if you remain doubtful, feel free to ask Satan to give you a sign you will be able to understand
If you're not willing to shed a single drop of blood when doing so is expected of you, how serious can a dedication ritual actually be? You are only dedicated to Satan when it's convenient for you or when you feel comfortable to do so? Did you ever consider that the act of drawing blood was a subtle symbol of your obedience?
If you're not willing to shed a single drop of blood when doing so is expected of you, how serious can a dedication ritual actually be? You are only dedicated to Satan when it's convenient for you or when you feel comfortable to do so? Did you ever consider that the act of drawing blood was a subtle symbol of your obedience?
absolutely no need to be so harsh. berating and scolding does not help whatsoever. you could've said the same exact thing nicely.
many people dedicate in their astral temples at first because its more "convenient" that way, it doesn't mean that it didn't work. same logic, if you get dizzy easily, do what you can for now and if necessary repeat at a later date. Satan knows your intentions. even if you had to repeat the ritual at a later date, including blood, he wouldn't be nearly as cranky about it as you are being right now
Berating, belitteling or scolding? WHERE? You're over-reacting - sorry

Hичто 's post - the guy/gal has a point.

For me it was just a matter of finding the right time for the Dedication. A drop of blood? Pfff - a small act of huge importance.

Fun fact, I hadn't known what I could prick my finger with. Then, as I was casually changing my clothes... oopsie, a shuriken dropped on my finger and pricked it :)
It is not a problem if you
During my dedication ceremony, when the needle was about to puncture my finger, my face turned pale. A little dizzy, I replaced the blood with saliva and bodily fluids, and the rest of the ritual was fine. Is this considered a success?
Hi Fullg, if you couldn't do it with blood it's not a problem, the important thing is what your heart wants, reading the questions in the dedication section will clarify your ideas, have a good day.
I replaced the blood with saliva and bodily fluids

Blood is necessary. But since you're not doing a Hollywood-style blood sacrifice, but it's just formal symbolism, you don't need a whole drop. Take exactly 1/1000000000000 drop. That's fine as an amount.
Berating, belitteling or scolding? WHERE? You're over-reacting - sorry

Hичто 's post - the guy/gal has a point.

For me it was just a matter of finding the right time for the Dedication. A drop of blood? Pfff - a small act of huge importance.

Fun fact, I hadn't known what I could prick my finger with. Then, as I was casually changing my clothes... oopsie, a shuriken dropped on my finger and pricked it :)
ill be honest maybe i misread your tone, it came off a bit arrogant to me however i wasn't having the best day so it probably played a big role, i apologise.
i agree it's worth it to prepare in advance and know how exactly you will do each step. i myself just happened to have a sterile needle at home, so it saved me some thinking.
however since they already posted after it was done, but not as instructed, and people seem to have different opinions i think its the safest to ask either someone higher up in the ranks or Satan himself and if necessary, do it again and prepare better.
По време на церемонията ми по посвещаване, когато иглата беше на път да пробие пръста ми, лицето ми пребледня. Малко замаян, замених кръвта със слюнка и телесни течности и останалата част от ритуала беше наред. Смята ли се това за успех?
Аз не можах да запаля листа това проблем ли е?
Родителите ми не ми дават да паля свещи и не можах да запаля листа.
Родителите ми не ми дават да паля свещи и не можах да запаля листа.
Uh, more people will be able to understand you if you use English. You want to be heard, don't you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
