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What drives you? Our gift from Satan

Nov 6, 2022
[email protected]
What drives you to keep on fighting? What makes you want to stand up and be free and learn the wonders of Satan's knowledge? What keeps you going against all hardships. What gives you the strength to not back down? What thoughts push through your mind and keep you motivated?

Let's share this drive with everyone else, let's share these inspirational thoughts, and feelings, to help each other to not give up. Let's lift each other up and post the best meditations,thoughts and actions and advice to motivate each other this year. Let's practice true spiritual self care and self discipline as we head into this new year. Let's make our resolutions a reality and not just meaningless words. Let's work towards the best version of ourselves and start this year out right.

We are not VICtims of a jewish cat and mouse game we are instead VICtorious as we break off these chains and free our souls with the healing knowledge and power bestowed to JOS, that Father Satan and the God's have given to us. The power is ours. What a shame it would be to waste it, What a terrible sad waste of a life it would be to do nothing. Just because you may reincarnate again means nothing if you continue to throw away your chances right now, your rightful and given chance to be something truly wonderful.

Father has blessed you with this gift, what a life full of sorrow for those who cast away his knowledge, his wonderful gift to us. He gave us the gift to create and we create wonderful things, and he also gave us the gift to destroy, and to destroy with all our heart, and all our might, the evil things that the enemy has done to us. That is why we have the blessing of the RTR our ultimate weapon. What a shame, those who never feel the need to do it. Those who say, "they don't have the time" will find themselves with no more time one day and it will be too late. There is ALWAYS time. If you have time to watch TV, read a book, stare at your phone for several minutes, you have TIME for a rtr. Even if it's just ONE you have time!

Stop procrastinating, stop doubting in yourself and your abilities! No more excuses the time is NOW more than ever to work on yourself, meditate, clean your aura, do yoga. Make a routine. Do the Rtr, It's never impossible you just have to work on managing your time. All we have is time, and what we do with it is of the utmost importance. Many of You are an ancient soul, some of who have been reincarnated many times. Make this time count, make this one stand out. Make this one the life that matters, leave your mark by using the gifts Father Satan and the god's have given to you and may you have a fruitful and productive New Year!!

Hail Satan!! Happy New year!
What drives me is the instinctive impulse to protect, shelter and feed our children, who deserve better than the world they are born into.

I have a deep-rooted hatred for anybody over 20 who does not man up and become aware of and struggle in some way against the collapse of the world. If you are over 20 and don't care about the state of things, and don't give a fuck about trying to make the world better for our children, you are subhuman filth that should be publicly executed.

All of these walking piles of shite I see prancing around getting drunk and dancing in front of cameras like retards, shit eating football fanatics and celebrity worshiping cocksuckers that put retards on pedestals and worship them, while the kikes poison and corrupt our children, and destroy the world and condemn future generations to poverty and suffering.

Fuck them, fuck ALL of them. I had a guy yesterday come to me almost crying because some football player died, and then got very upset when I told him I wish he had died with him. Fucking subhuman pieces of shit. Their dumbfounded, shocked expressions when I tell them these things, like they are facing reality for the first time in their lives, it's so fucking pathetic I really have no idea how the gods even bother helping this pathetic failed species.

Children are starving, being mistreated, kidnapped and raped by kikes on pedo islands, and these pathetic worthless scum are crying over celebrity break ups and athletes dying. I am entirely fucking finished with putting on clown makeup every day and playing along in this clown world.

I do RTRs because the children deserve a better world than the one I grew up in. Not the retard profligates who infest this world and rot civilization from within. If not for the children, I would have stopped fighting a long time ago.
SapphireDragon said:
What drives you to keep on fighting? What makes you want to stand up and be free and learn the wonders of Satan's knowledge? What keeps you going against all hardships. What gives you the strength to not back down? What thoughts push through your mind and keep you motivated?

Hail Satan!! Happy New year!

in essence, having power, being powerful, having freedom, pleasure in many things, perfecting myself even more in many things that i like and are necessary, not having pending problems, and another, is my only option, only i can get rid of it with the glory of satan, only success in my life

i am very attached to the gratitude of zeus's blessing that i received and I can't help but take advantage of it and follow the demonic path, it's absurdly good, even more so with the circumstances of baalzebub

as much as i have the manifestation of things in removal works, i feel more relieved and much closer to what i seek
Dahaarkan said:

In your words, 90% of the world population would be considered subhuman filth that should be publicly executed.

That is simply not a useful way to think or approach life.

If the Gods would think on such a low caliber of judgement and shortsighted judgement, they would have abandoned the Earth 2000 years ago and never looked back.

You should ask Satan why he hasn't done so, to understand why your level of thinking is as worthless as the common behaviors you consider subhuman and worthy of death.

Life is as it is due to many factors, most finding the root to the jew and the abrahamic programs of theirs.

Spiritual Satanism is about turning this vortex of decay around into an upwards spiral of growth and positive generation.

Condemning all behaviors of the common people to death accomplishes the opposite, exactly as the enemy wants.

It is counter productive to life and counterproductive to the purpose of rising this world out of the abrahamic sewer.

HP HoodedCobra has written on this many times in great detail, so I do not understand what got into you to fall down to this worthless level of thinking on it...

Saying it is for the sake of the children of our world does not excuse you from entertaining these nonsense allusions either, it is just an excuse to justify these purely destructive thoughts to yourself.

Azazel, the patron of children among many other great titles, protects the children of the world while helping the world rise upwards.

Much of the behaviors you condemn aren't nearly as villainous as you make them out to be, these states of people cannot be helped in many cases, and are normal behaviors for consciousness that has dropped to lower levels due to the degeneration of our world.

The way to change that is not through the endless condemnation of these things, but to counter this decay with healing and regeneration, to restore balance and bring the world to rise to higher levels of understanding and expression instead.

Hail Satan!
Dahaarkan said:

In your words, 90% of the world population would be considered subhuman filth that should be publicly executed.

That is simply not a useful way to think or approach life.

If the Gods would think on such a low caliber of judgement and shortsighted judgement, they would have abandoned the Earth 2000 years ago and never looked back.

You should ask Satan why he hasn't done so, to understand why your level of thinking is as worthless as the common behaviors you consider subhuman and worthy of death.

Life is as it is due to many factors, most finding the root to the jew and the abrahamic programs of theirs.

Spiritual Satanism is about turning this vortex of decay around into an upwards spiral of growth and positive generation.

Condemning all behaviors of the common people to death accomplishes the opposite, exactly as the enemy wants.

It is counter productive to life and counterproductive to the purpose of rising this world out of the abrahamic sewer.

HP HoodedCobra has written on this many times in great detail, so I do not understand what got into you to fall down to this worthless level of thinking on it...

Saying it is for the sake of the children of our world does not excuse you from entertaining these nonsense allusions either, it is just an excuse to justify these purely destructive thoughts to yourself.

Azazel, the patron of children among many other great titles, protects the children of the world while helping the world rise upwards.

Much of the behaviors you condemn aren't nearly as villainous as you make them out to be, these states of people cannot be helped in many cases, and are normal behaviors for consciousness that has dropped to lower levels due to the degeneration of our world.

The way to change that is not through the endless condemnation of these things, but to counter this decay with healing and regeneration, to restore balance and bring the world to rise to higher levels of understanding and expression instead.

Hail Satan!
The unique spirit I was endowed with that just keeps going and won't die in the night while kikes loot our planet.
It's kind of my thing.
Dahaarkan said:
"What drives me is the instinctive impulse to protect, shelter and feed our children, who deserve better than the world they are born into.

I have a deep-rooted hatred for anybody over 20 who does not man up and become aware of and struggle in some way against the collapse of the world. If you are over 20 and don't care about the state of things, and don't give a fuck about trying to make the world better for our children, you are subhuman filth that should be publicly executed.

All of these walking piles of shite I see prancing around getting drunk and dancing in front of cameras like retards, shit eating football fanatics and celebrity worshiping cocksuckers that put retards on pedestals and worship them, while the kikes poison and corrupt our children, and destroy the world and condemn future generations to poverty and suffering.

Fuck them, fuck ALL of them. I had a guy yesterday come to me almost crying because some football player died, and then got very upset when I told him I wish he had died with him. Fucking subhuman pieces of shit. Their dumbfounded, shocked expressions when I tell them these things, like they are facing reality for the first time in their lives, it's so fucking pathetic I really have no idea how the gods even bother helping this pathetic failed species."

You wrote it very well, I think the same.
We have a duty to do so. That's enough for me.

Dahaarkan said:

I understand your feelings, but this isn't a constructive way to go about it. We should be working to be inspiring leaders, and planting seeds that grow in these people. They should see SS as the best versions of themselves, and also ideal members of society.

The people you see around you are downtrodden and obsessed with stupid shit because of the jews, but insulting someone who doesn't know any different won't change anything. Most people have lived their whole lives following the herd, and doing whatever they're told.
Dahaarkan said:
What drives me is the instinctive impulse to protect, shelter and feed our children, who deserve better than the world they are born into.

I have a deep-rooted hatred for anybody over 20 who does not man up and become aware of and struggle in some way against the collapse of the world. If you are over 20 and don't care about the state of things, and don't give a fuck about trying to make the world better for our children, you are subhuman filth that should be publicly executed.

All of these walking piles of shite I see prancing around getting drunk and dancing in front of cameras like retards, shit eating football fanatics and celebrity worshiping cocksuckers that put retards on pedestals and worship them, while the kikes poison and corrupt our children, and destroy the world and condemn future generations to poverty and suffering.

Fuck them, fuck ALL of them. I had a guy yesterday come to me almost crying because some football player died, and then got very upset when I told him I wish he had died with him. Fucking subhuman pieces of shit. Their dumbfounded, shocked expressions when I tell them these things, like they are facing reality for the first time in their lives, it's so fucking pathetic I really have no idea how the gods even bother helping this pathetic failed species.

Children are starving, being mistreated, kidnapped and raped by kikes on pedo islands, and these pathetic worthless scum are crying over celebrity break ups and athletes dying. I am entirely fucking finished with putting on clown makeup every day and playing along in this clown world.

I do RTRs because the children deserve a better world than the one I grew up in. Not the retard profligates who infest this world and rot civilization from within. If not for the children, I would have stopped fighting a long time ago.

I know where this exasperation and anger comes from as I have seen this a lot around me as well. This combined with my own experiences with people has left me feeing angry and bitter at times and even quite destructive, thinking the only solution was to burn everything and only destroy to make way for new.

It was in one of these moments I felt relayed to me what I referred to here: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=409565#p409317

If there really was no hope I don't think the Gods would waste their time. They believe in humanity for a reason. I know how it can feel a lot easier to want to give up or just destroy because of being tired of it all but nothing worth it comes easy. We also have to create in order to destroy even though the latter seems easier.

Creation of weapons and arms to fight the enemy= our RTR'S and other rituals and means to wake people up
Creation of an awareness of our people and their future, so much creation of this until all enemy filth is drowned out and washed away.
VoiceofEnki said:
Dahaarkan said:


Hail Satan!

Dahaarkan wrote is very well!!
I totally agree with these despicable individuals described by Dahaarkan,except for the killing.
And btw Dahaarkan,I really appreciate what you wrote specifically about football and the indescribably pathetic football faggots.

The small example of football fans(more than that,in fact are much worse most football fans,as in this short video).
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Source of the quote


And about the massacre(kill)rather than,I think that these NPCs should be exposed to Satanic knowledgeso that Satanic knowledge can reach them,and if they use the knowledge of Satan,then move towards the Godhead.And if they didn't want to use Satanic knowledge,then let them be lost in the darkness of ignorance...
VoiceofEnki said:
Dahaarkan said:

In your words, 90% of the world population would be considered subhuman filth that should be publicly executed.

That is simply not a useful way to think or approach life.

If the Gods would think on such a low caliber of judgement and shortsighted judgement, they would have abandoned the Earth 2000 years ago and never looked back.

You should ask Satan why he hasn't done so, to understand why your level of thinking is as worthless as the common behaviors you consider subhuman and worthy of death.

Life is as it is due to many factors, most finding the root to the jew and the abrahamic programs of theirs.

Spiritual Satanism is about turning this vortex of decay around into an upwards spiral of growth and positive generation.

Condemning all behaviors of the common people to death accomplishes the opposite, exactly as the enemy wants.

It is counter productive to life and counterproductive to the purpose of rising this world out of the abrahamic sewer.

HP HoodedCobra has written on this many times in great detail, so I do not understand what got into you to fall down to this worthless level of thinking on it...

Saying it is for the sake of the children of our world does not excuse you from entertaining these nonsense allusions either, it is just an excuse to justify these purely destructive thoughts to yourself.

Azazel, the patron of children among many other great titles, protects the children of the world while helping the world rise upwards.

Much of the behaviors you condemn aren't nearly as villainous as you make them out to be, these states of people cannot be helped in many cases, and are normal behaviors for consciousness that has dropped to lower levels due to the degeneration of our world.

The way to change that is not through the endless condemnation of these things, but to counter this decay with healing and regeneration, to restore balance and bring the world to rise to higher levels of understanding and expression instead.

Hail Satan!

He's seen too much of the ugly side of life and reality, and he's very passionate. Maybe he needs to vent. I understand and relate to him, and if I had to cope with meeting degenerates all day then I think I would lose my mind far more than I have in the past, and be filled with far more hopelessness over the state of people. Lower levels of consciousness in people can be really grating.

Rather than attempting to correct his mindset (I do understand the reasons why), I think better advice to give him would be to vent these things in a journal so as not to influence others who look up to him to have a negative mentality, or simply to talk to the Gods more often when he's had a bad day which will feel like a breath of fresh air.

That being said, I will try to contribute to your piece with my own thoughts, if you don't mind.

I believe part of the mentality for some includes wanting to win this war ASAP, and seeing most of humanity as being "in the way" of victory. This can cause some to see humans as the enemy because they are inhibiting the path to victory, serving as a roadblock to the coveted destination. After all, we all want to be free and live free, and we all are painfully aware of the stakes. However, this way of perceiving causes one to lose sight of what we are fighting for, and what us more powerful souls came to this world for all together at this same time in history, which after all... IS humanity. We came to help fight this spiritual war for their sake and to liberate this world, and yes it would be a lot easier if they would simply wake up. But we were all needed at this specific time altogether precisely because they can't wake up and because it got this bad in the first place. Furthermore, all of the degenerate humans have become degenerate because of the countless curses and the terribly engineered society which traps them in a meaningless cycle of pointless existence, and they all used to be children, and they will be children again in the future. None of this is the fault of humanity. Their spiritual leaders were slain long ago, and they were left to be raised as cattle from child age by the enemy, generation after generation. This rot is solely the fault of jews, and humanity will rise above this once again with our help and the help of our Gods. Today's trash shall be tomorrow's gold, because the true nature of humanity is rising towards beautiful golden perfection, ever higher. All of us are proof of that, as our ascended ancestors are proof.
Dahaarkan said:
I have a deep-rooted hatred for anybody over 20 who does not man up and become aware of and struggle in some way against the collapse of the world. If you are over 20 and don't care about the state of things, and don't give a fuck about trying to make the world better for our children

looks like hphoodecobra666 in some posts.

I fully understand the filthy and immersed ignorance that exudes from the majority, i simply assume to be compassionate and laugh like a big joke inside, i got tired and started to find it disrespectful of me at a table to laugh at comments in the eyes of others completely normal and i don't mix willingly just because i’m bored with spiritually dead people without conscience and power

let's say the real me lives only in my head, with the gods, and in the forum now

i am camouflaged and i am not, so i relieve myself
Dahaarkan said:
What drives me is the instinctive impulse to protect, shelter and feed our children, who deserve better than the world they are born into.

I have a deep-rooted hatred for anybody over 20 who does not man up and become aware of and struggle in some way against the collapse of the world. If you are over 20 and don't care about the state of things, and don't give a fuck about trying to make the world better for our children, you are subhuman filth that should be publicly executed.

I completely understand how you feel. I try to put all my hatred of these kind of people in my RTRs, sending it to our enemies. I know some people say the words you've used are pretty extreme but we have to have a mindset like this, and channel these feelings into what we do, to stop the jew world order from making more of the human race into mindless cattle that eat up the jew fodder they feed them. Our children should always be first, They are the most truly innocent and good thing in this world and they are going to be the ones who take over our work when we are gone. I am reminded of a quote from the great Adolf Hitler,

"He who would live must fight. He who doesn't wish to fight in this world, where permanent struggle is the law of life, has not the right to exist."

He who throws his life away and does nothing fruitful for the human race is no better than the kikes, if you aren't part of the solution you are part of the problem. That's why we must fight this spiritual war, this is why we must do our rtrs. It's our only chance to actually be a part of the solution.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings on this, it's very helpful to open up to each other on why we do what we do. It keeps us on the right track and gives us the inspiration of what we are fighting for.

Hail Satan!
Dahaarkan said:
It's so fucking pathetic I really have no idea how the gods even bother helping this pathetic failed species.

Now this however is where I must say something in addition. You are rightful in feeling disgusted by those who do nothing. They're basically useless cattle following filthy jewish examples but they are still gentiles. I'm not speaking about the people who throw away their humanity to contribute to the evil that the kikes do. But just your average brainwashed sheep. some of these brainwashed people can wake up. It's not our concern to bother ourselves over forcing them to wake up, but we must be a good example and be good and just leaders to set a good example for our children so more people will want to follow us and become part of the solution.

The God's never gave up on us and help our race because of people like you, people like us. We must be careful not to be consumed by too much hate, else we will be human hating monsters like the kikes who want to destroy our world. They stir up anger and hatred between us all because they want us to hate each other the same way they hate us.

We are not a failed species. To say we are failed is to say the Gods have failed because Father Satan made us. We are not failed, for every new human gentile soul that dedicates to our path and finds themselves part of the Jos is a person closer to beating the enemy. A person who has been freed.

Do you hate Father Satan? No! otherwise you wouldn't be here, he made you as he did our race. Yes we must do better! But doing better also means being better and not being on the level and mindset of the enemy. Channel your hatred and disgust against the kikes in your Rtrs, Not against your fellow human being. Don't lose sight of who we are fighting. Don't get hung up on hating everyone, I too have been there many times but Satan has helped me every time set my mind straight. It's not worth my time or yours hating these people. Hate the reason why these people have become lazy and useless, that reason is the kikes our enemy.

I know I don't word things in the best of ways a lot of times, and definitely overboard on a few points but for clarification, I don't believe the people whose actions I'm condemning represent 90% of the world. I think less than 30% fit the category I'm trying to talk about.

I'm not talking about the guy who watches a few football matches and has some beers with his friends while goofing off on social media for a few laughs.

I'm talking about the guys who violently assault other people like savage apes over football.

I'm talking about the woman who let her child drown in a pool while she was shooting onlyfans porn.

I'm talking about the sheep who blindly worship and defend criminals and pedophiles online without question.

I'm talking about the clowns who fall for and continue to propagate the clown propaganda that is destroying the world.

I'm not having a bad day or losing my mind or anything of the sort. I am extremely passionate and emotional and it reflects upon my writings. Sometimes it goes a bit overboard yes, but so what. I will not apologize for being angry and passionate over this of all topics.

Children are being kidnapped, raped and slaughtered on pedo islands and nobody gives a fuck. If you don't think I'm right for raging over this, well I'm sorry but I simply cannot agree with you. One of my favorite posts from HC is when he was exposing the pedophile scandal and you can tell that he's extremely pissed off and it is absolutely righteous.

I fully support him for showing his emotions even though if I recall correctly a bunch of faggots were complaining that it's wrong for a HP to have so much emotion or whatever. When our children are threatened or harmed this is definitely the right time to rage and it's fully justified. I have explained above, to safeguard the children is my purpose and there is nothing else in the world that makes me rage more than this. If it shows and I go overboard sometimes, oh well.

As for the comment VoE made about talking to Satan, I did mention this before, it wasn't with Satan but I did commune with my GD over this very topic.

I asked him what it was that He saw in this world that is worth saving, and his response was just "you".

And not "you" as in myself personally, but us. And that nature will run it's course, for better and for worse. This was at the height of my disloyalty to the gods, and I won't elaborate on the rest of it.

Look just don't take everything I say literally especially when I'm talking about injustices and crimes related to children because these will make me rage and I go overboard. Of course I don't literally want to watch everybody dying or anything, I'm not a total psychopath. But I do think a lot of people cause tremendous harm to humanity with their actions and lifestyles, and this should be considered a crime and prosecuted as such.
Dahaarkan said:

Now it seems you finally realize the average gentile is not our friend I don't see this mentioned often. An npc will stay an npc no matter what world you put him in its hard to reprogram them "its easier to raise good children then to fix broken men." From other posts it seems you realize the necessity of collapse and chaos, this should weed out the problems that you see, good to see you understand.

These are the runes of the future..
Dahaarkan said:
What drives me is the instinctive impulse to protect, shelter and feed our children, who deserve better than the world they are born into.

I have a deep-rooted hatred for anybody over 20 who does not man up and become aware of and struggle in some way against the collapse of the world. If you are over 20 and don't care about the state of things, and don't give a fuck about trying to make the world better for our children, you are subhuman filth that should be publicly executed.

All of these walking piles of shite I see prancing around getting drunk and dancing in front of cameras like retards, shit eating football fanatics and celebrity worshiping cocksuckers that put retards on pedestals and worship them, while the kikes poison and corrupt our children, and destroy the world and condemn future generations to poverty and suffering.

Fuck them, fuck ALL of them. I had a guy yesterday come to me almost crying because some football player died, and then got very upset when I told him I wish he had died with him. Fucking subhuman pieces of shit. Their dumbfounded, shocked expressions when I tell them these things, like they are facing reality for the first time in their lives, it's so fucking pathetic I really have no idea how the gods even bother helping this pathetic failed species.

Children are starving, being mistreated, kidnapped and raped by kikes on pedo islands, and these pathetic worthless scum are crying over celebrity break ups and athletes dying. I am entirely fucking finished with putting on clown makeup every day and playing along in this clown world.

I do RTRs because the children deserve a better world than the one I grew up in. Not the retard profligates who infest this world and rot civilization from within. If not for the children, I would have stopped fighting a long time ago.

Dahaarkan the reality is people are multidimensional and they have their own individual consciousness and life, that's the way of existence.

Not everyone will "care" of children. Some are not on the level [yet] to even understand these things.

Others will care for football, or other things, and somehow still these people are part of a greater whole, which under proper guidance is how things are supposed to be. Even these people help on another aspect of existence, be it even the lower aspects.

People for example worship these celebrities as they represent qualities that people want to attain at some point in the indefinite future, while these celebrities and people have already done this, like professional athletes. This is still on a level younger souls do not understand. So like children these souls play around and do what they do, for better or for worse.

The Gods help these species because they know that through all of this, there is something better being created. They can see the greater spectrum as I have explained here and in this spectrum there are no "useless" people. People are supposed to be made useful in their journey in existence by also proper leadership and so on.

This is created by work and faith and understanding that this will actually occur, maybe for others first, and for others second.

In the absence of actual leadership of the world and actual ethical compass [not the bullshit fake ass morals of today, but the real ethics], the focus of civilizations becomes scattered. Yet, humanity was not built to cry about misery all day, people need recreation and so on, and there is nothing bad about this.

Also, a considerable amount of human beings can do little close to nothing to fix any of these issues, especially under the lack of coherent leadership and guidance.

The above aside it is correct that scorn, hate and criticism is likely deserved to an individual level, as the weight these people create now feeds the gluttony of the enemy. However one must not consume the blackpill that this processes of life are out of the ordinary or to be eradicated.

People's innocence or simplicity has a definite position into the wheel of existence, it's like condemning childhood itself for existing. This childhood exists on a soul level as well in the forms of ignorance or immaturity.

"Foolishness" has a place in reality as much as seriousness, the current problem is that utter imbalance is present 99 to 1, a situation which destabilizes the civilization the Gods have tutored.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Dahaarkan the reality is people are multidimensional and they have their own individual consciousness and life, that's the way of existence.

Not everyone will "care" of children. Some are not on the level [yet] to even understand these things.

Others will care for football, or other things, and somehow still these people are part of a greater whole, which under proper guidance is how things are supposed to be. Even these people help on another aspect of existence, be it even the lower aspects.

People for example worship these celebrities as they represent qualities that people want to attain at some point in the indefinite future, while these celebrities and people have already done this, like professional athletes. This is still on a level younger souls do not understand. So like children these souls play around and do what they do, for better or for worse.

The Gods help these species because they know that through all of this, there is something better being created. They can see the greater spectrum as I have explained here and in this spectrum there are no "useless" people. People are supposed to be made useful in their journey in existence by also proper leadership and so on.

This is created by work and faith and understanding that this will actually occur, maybe for others first, and for others second.

In the absence of actual leadership of the world and actual ethical compass [not the bullshit fake ass morals of today, but the real ethics], the focus of civilizations becomes scattered. Yet, humanity was not built to cry about misery all day, people need recreation and so on, and there is nothing bad about this.

Also, a considerable amount of human beings can do little close to nothing to fix any of these issues, especially under the lack of coherent leadership and guidance.

The above aside it is correct that scorn, hate and criticism is likely deserved to an individual level, as the weight these people create now feeds the gluttony of the enemy. However one must not consume the blackpill that this processes of life are out of the ordinary or to be eradicated.

People's innocence or simplicity has a definite position into the wheel of existence, it's like condemning childhood itself for existing. This childhood exists on a soul level as well in the forms of ignorance or immaturity.

"Foolishness" has a place in reality as much as seriousness, the current problem is that utter imbalance is present 99 to 1, a situation which destabilizes the civilization the Gods have tutored.

I'm surprised you responded to this personally, I really don't think it would be necessary for you to address such a personal matter that really only applies to one person but I appreciate the reply.

I know at this point I give the opposite impression but I'm not hopeless or blackpilled or anything of the sort, I am extremely passionate and my emotional intensity is extreme, and I've always fostered this and consider this the essence of my being.

I am fire, I am passion, and I am proud of what I am. I will never apologize for being who and what I am.

I just get extremely angry about people not caring about the horrific things happening to our children, this is not to say that I literally think people who are unaware because of the jews all deserve to die...what I'm trying to say albeit poorly, is those who are aware but choose to ignore what's happening after having been made aware and instead focus on and are only worried about stupid shit like football or tiktok should be considered criminals and prosecuted as such.

This is turning one's back to one's children who are crying out for one to save them, it is the ultimate treason and I WILL NEVER TOLERATE THIS. And will forever condemn it as being subhuman. I understand your explanation of people being multidimensional, but myself personally I've always seen it as a universal key component of what makes us functional human beings.

To me, when you see a child drowning, regardless of who or what you are, you should attempt to rescue this child. And if you do not, to my eyes you are not even a human being.

I love you all, and I love our children more than anything in the world. And I'm not saying that I've given up and would rather see the world end or something.

I'm saying that I would destroy the entire world if that's what it took to preserve you and your children. I would burn it all down if that's what it takes.

And please, don't worry about me. I am not in some state of hopelessness, quite the opposite, this is just my fire making me go a bit overboard is all. I deeply appreciate the replies and the concern, but it's all good.

Have a wonderful year everyone.
jrvan said:
as not to influence others who look up to him to have a negative mentality

Just on this bit, I want to point out I am not a good rolemodel in my opinion. I understand there are others who are intensely passionate like myself, but this too can have negatives and I am not an example for anyone, for many people, allowing extreme emotional intensity to bloom and being overly passionate can have disastrous results. I counterbalance these things, but others may not be able to.

I do not want anybody to feel like I have any authority or importance, I've specifically requested in the past to never be put on off mod or something for this reason. I want to contribute to our struggle but I don't want to be put up as an example for anybody to follow.

I have made many grave mistakes and nobody should try to follow in my footsteps or take example from me. I'm just another guy in the trenches with you. If you want someone to take example from, look at guardians and such, these are all very balanced and creative individuals.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Gods help these species because they know that through all of this, there is something better being created. They can see the greater spectrum as I have explained here and in this spectrum there are no "useless" people. People are supposed to be made useful in their journey in existence by also proper leadership and so on.

I know this was a reply made for Dahaarkan but I have to say, I sometimes still struggle with seeing the mast majority of people who are doing nothing as being useless. I know they aren't useless but it's so easy to fall into the mindset of thinking they are because getting on a higher level of understanding I feel more separated from the average people. I don't feel like I'm better than them or anything like that but I see them for how they really are. Satan always helps me get away from the negative thoughts I have when dealing with the public though. But yeah it's most definitely true these people aren't truly useless they're acting like it because they are being controlled by the enemy but every gentile has a purpose. It's always helpful to remember that. When I start feeling hate towards people these days for the way they behave, I try to aim it at our enemy instead with the Rtr. I know I refer to them as useless cattle I shouldn't have really worded it in that way but I just mean they're acting like pawns in the jews board game. I'm also learning how to be better as are we all. I'm glad I made this topic, I know there's many like it, but if it helps us help each other reach better understanding amongst ourselves that's all I care about. Thank you for always caring about our members and sharing your advice amongst us, you as always are very inspirational and thoughtful in your replies to our community.
When you are awake to what is happening to this planet.

When you see a possible blissful future with purity, harmony, balance and that's because of humanity being spiritual beings.

There is a saying that once someone joins Satanism they can never leave.

Well we know about the curses and we have been given the reversal rituals to help purge them.

Knowing this one cannot stop.
NPC#67 said:
Dahaarkan said:

woah this is very violent you know the rules of jos right? It seems you have many violations yet nobody questions you good thing I'm here to set you straight now stop posting such violence against your fellow gentiles its not helpful and just makes you sound insane mkay??

Literally everybody on this thread questioned and disagreed with the excessive nature of my comment...

I didn't promote any violence or such, it is merely a thought, one that can never be put into practice or harm anybody in any way. Just a thought.
Dahaarkan said:
jrvan said:
as not to influence others who look up to him to have a negative mentality

Just on this bit, I want to point out I am not a good rolemodel in my opinion. I understand there are others who are intensely passionate like myself, but this too can have negatives and I am not an example for anyone, for many people, allowing extreme emotional intensity to bloom and being overly passionate can have disastrous results. I counterbalance these things, but others may not be able to.

I do not want anybody to feel like I have any authority or importance, I've specifically requested in the past to never be put on off mod or something for this reason. I want to contribute to our struggle but I don't want to be put up as an example for anybody to follow.

I have made many grave mistakes and nobody should try to follow in my footsteps or take example from me. I'm just another guy in the trenches with you. If you want someone to take example from, look at guardians and such, these are all very balanced and creative individuals.

I understand. I'm less of a maverick type these days than I used to be, but I had a very similar attitude before as well. I wanted to do my own thing and not have anyone follow me or look up to me, but after a certain point it was unavoidable, and because I have taken on a bigger role in the community, I have to be more careful about things. Otherwise it would be irresponsible of me to have gained this prominence in the first place, as if for no reason whatsoever. I fought for recognition, and now I realize what it means to have recognition and the weight of being taken seriously.

Whether you want it or not, you have become a bigger voice and you have taken on bigger responsibilities, perhaps unknowingly. You're reaching closer and closer to the height where you can no longer avoid that. It's a product of speaking well and trying to do the right or proper thing often. Whether you like it or not, continuing like that, unless you remove yourself from the picture (which I know you don't have the heart to do either, and it would contradict some bold things you said in the past) then more will be expected of you.

My advice is to embrace it, and not to throw away what you have gained. There are many who will look up to you whether you want them to or not, and that carries a weight. This is what you are to the community, and you made it that way.

Also, try not to let the past weigh you down. You are who you are, that never changes. But how you are can change, and you have changed. You've grown a lot, and nobody can take that from you nor can they leverage your past against you.
Dahaarkan said:
Just on this bit, I want to point out I am not a good rolemodel in my opinion.

Although your sensitivity to this is mature, just keep in mind that any expressions of the fire element, which comes easy to you, will have a role model-like influence on other people.

Some time and energy should be spent refining this so that it becomes a full blessing, not just a mixed bag.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
