Rational Satanist said:
The Phantom Stranger said:
So what about authors and fictional movie writers in regards to the law of attraction?
Authors and playwrights spend a lot of time imagining and visualizing scenarios in great detail, does that mean that those scenarios will manifest in reality?
Do you not read my replies to you? As I said a couple of times to you before,
just visualizing something doesn't make it to come true. You have to believe it that this is true to become real. Belief is a very important thing in the whole process. An author visualizing a fictional scenario while knowing that this is totally fictional and doesn't happen in reality will not cause it to become real because he/she doesn't believe it.
To add onto this, just visualizing and believing something doesn't mean it will come true either. You need an appropriate level of spiritual advancement to be able to effect the world around you in any meaningful way. Regardless of how much you "believe" money will come to you, if you spend all day smoking crack and laying about, nothing will happen.
Energy takes the path of least resistance, that is why one of the three steps of magick are programming energy, that way it doesn't go down a harmful path such as losing a loved one and getting an inheretence, or, you getting in a car accident and winning a lawsuit, etc.
Something important about the law of attraction is. As you advance spiritually, void meditation is a must as a powerful mind and soul needs to be disciplined as to avoid catastrophe. This is why it is mentioned multiple times throughout the JoS site "to be careful what one dwells on" because, at a certain level of advancement, you can influence the world around you with your thoughts.
I have had personal experiences with this in the past, where, as a result of not disciplining my mind and rushing to advance spiritually. I had almost fucked my entire life up. I was terrified, the things I would focus on would happen, and yea, that sounds great and all, and at times it was, BUT, when a intrusive thought about something really fucked up pops into your mind and you can FEEL your mind and soul start to attract that outcome, it's torment.
Don't skip void meditation kids. Discipline your mind well or you'll regret it. Take my warning well.