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were kikes created on Earth or on a kike homeworld

Crystallized Mushroom

Active member
Jan 16, 2020
Crystal Planet
as the title says were these parasites created on Earth or on there own homeworld if they have one.

also if they have a homeworld like how reptilians and there grey slaves turn worlds into slave colonies and im assuming reptilians must have there own homeworld same as any other evil parasitical alien species would come from a homeworld/homeworlds.

and what is there life like on there homeworld/s and slave colonies is it full of pollution, star blocked from sky, creepy structures, energy farm sites by enslaved sapient species?

i remember someone mentioned on another thread about other alien species who attack reptilian and grey aliens and takeover the slave colony and turn it into there own planet after deleting the grey/reptilian structures(whatever they look like i guess they look ominous and disturbing and are probably grey black red or purple colored)

can anyone elaborate what there planets are called and what they look like and where they are at how does the average enemy nordic and reptard live do they attack there own have a slave/master hierarchy do they have careers or do they just use slaves and robots and are too lazy to do things themselves.

also one more thing is it impossible for them to create there own energy and is that why they harvest other species energies?
Proxima Centauri b is one of such planets that is close to us. Visible from the sky is city lights of some sort massive cities or lights from something that is much more spread out than something you would see on earth and you can see from space. This is what I saw trying to remote view it. You can try yourself that is why I name it. I find it interesting recently it's mentioned in an article talking about seeing city lights from space on other planets. Plus this planet also keeps being mentioned in articles a lot and pictures of that star. Wonder if they know about this.

The people on this planet are some sort of part grey species on their way to being turned into greys I assume. They have orangish color skin big heads. They always walk in pairs and do things together as if connected to each other in some way. They are often on some kind of device watching stuff. They feel very low intelligence and primitive. On the surface it has a very chaotic and violent feel too it like you might get in a bad neighborhood in Detroit or Oakland but a little more intense. Many of the structures look like they are falling apart and run down. It appears they have streets a little like ours.

The planet itself is surrounded in very dark black energy that is thick so for some this may be difficult to get a handle on. The cities look empty really tall buildings not streets like we have between them but something they look covered in some kind of vegetation. Totally different architectural style to anything seen on earth. It has a doomed feeling to it and like nothing is or has been there in awhile.

Reptilian home planet or one of them.
A giant gas Giant is there that is purplish and black with stripes around the center part. It is so large it's not even fully round. One of the reptilian planets is a moon of this. Looks like a waste land everything destroyed chemical look to the skies. Chemical like stuff spilled everywhere. Some structures that look small a little like the downtown of a small town in the USA but it's completly run down. Sky has a greenish chemical look. Same thing someone else who actually astrally projected there said to me but gave more detail on it.

Please don't astral project to any of these places. Totally not safe I told that to the person who said they did it (back when I was talking to Azorm and gang) this is totally dumb but they didn't listen. I learned remote viewing from a person awhile ago (offline) who knew how to do it not really on the site but it's not hard. There are things on how to do it you can find if you look it up.

Another enemy planet is around Betelgeuse star. They have an Israel and Jews and everything but it's in a completely different environment like in a Jungle. This was one I knew about long before now. I really don't feel like putting in the effort on this right now to be honest. But you get a really bad and doomed energy from that planet and solar system it is blue like earth in about half of it but some of it has a quite reddish hue to it that is not as badly.
The reptards have had a corruption in their evolution that has led to them being who they are today, so it is likely that they have a home planet (corrupted by themselves).
The Jew was created as an advanced biological weapon whose goal is not life or evolution but is to parasitize and harm the gentiles, however I think they created them here otherwise where they got the gene that makes them look like a human ?
I had read that there were other Jews in space doing the things they do here (as parasites, the homeworld could be the same as the reptards if they have one, but I think Jews are just cannon fodder and that if the enemies end up their mission, the Jews would be eliminated by their creators).
This is my opinion, look for yourself for safety.
This is honestly unknown territory. One can only assume that jews were created here as the reptilians needed to use human dna to make them resemble us as much as possible. The enemy aliens most certainly have their own planet or planets as they need a better place to reproduce, one they don't need to hide in. As of now we don't know where this creatures came from.
That's a very interesting historical question as the enemy Elohim(Reptilian/Greys) attacked about 10,000 years ago. But it wasn't till 6,000 or more specifically as some revisionists pointed out 5,776 years the jews popped in. Possibly some jews or some previous jewish species came in and created issues 6,000 years ago but wasn't till 300ish or so years the mass of jews came in with stolen/usurped knowledge. In simplest terms the rabbinical spiritualist class was created before the mass of jews trained by the enemy much like modern UFOlogist study humans living with the aliens these primal crazy aliens like the Brazilian guy that said a human women fucked him then bit him under the chin and sucked his blood and left pointing to her stomach. So the spiritual sabatean class was created the jews came en mass a few hundred years later some trained or maybe like the communists taught certain things and other things forbidden and then the diaspora and people being harrassed by the kosher species and massacres on both sides knowledge stolen/destroyed/perverted until modern times and even then there is still the information wars occurring.

It has been stated by the jewishjournal that jewish people suffer from covid-19 more so i.e. more transmittable and more symptomatic due to possessing more Neanderthal DNA. And this isn't Axis/NS/SS propaganda this is coming from the jews themselves.

While Neanderthals are human/humanoid they aren't at the level of cromagnon i.e. Homo Sapian rather they are close to a more advanced version of Homo Erectus.

Non-the less it begs the question where they come from cause in our backyard like the sermon from Hp.Cobra there are 10 planets under various levels of kosher supervision Earth is one and so is a cutting-edge planet that broke out of kosher supervision a short while back.

So it begs the question on the enemy when they decided to construct their offsprings. And it also begs the question when the Elohim left. Despite the fact the enemy is around and and despite the fact their empire struck. The greys and reptard have an odd habit. They leave a skeleton crew behind and turn planets into kosher shitholes while the greys and reptilians are slightly more cutting edge. For example Harry Turtledove's book Striking the Balance series is a perfect example. Earth gets attacked in 1942 by aliens who saw us in 1490s during the crusades and said we just need barely advanced technology to conquer them. When the aliens came and attacked it was like "WTF humanity advanced so quickly". For example there is a part in Turtledove's book whereby the Germans sneak a big Bertha to one of the alien cruisers and sink it with the Big Bertha before the alien vessel releases parasite fighters and destroys the Big Bertha but funny enough a simple human chemical explosive projectile sunk a highly advanced space-fairing craft.

I think like Humanity before we were constructed and like the jew they were constructed in outer space. In other words on their ships. The difference is maybe the aliens had bases built and they kept some jews back and forth on the planet, planets, and space ships and then they brought in the mass of jews and kept them blind and ignorant because even their own would harass their Gods. It's like if they saw greys and reptilians they'd freak out unless it's the advanced class that knows the truth about their own alien origin.

Either way it's an interesting story. Certainly there is some parallel to us. Another possibility is Humanoid/Simian species has already been discovered or the greys/reptilians divined certain things and created or modified humanoid DNA before their attack 10,000 years ago and created a kosher group already pre-planned. It's a little difficult to believe that as that would mean jews would be here several thousand years before they came. And it seems that despite the Elohim being highly technologically advanced they aren't very clever and potentially stupid. Like people who met greys the lag response or saying stupid shit like "We need a few days to formulate an answer to your question".

If your aliens and more advanced how do you not have the knowledge to answer my question. Certainly something is behind the scenes an alien can't be this stupid.

Either way the historicity of the question is very interesting and a good topic of understanding as it would explain a lot of events like how Sodom and Gomorrah where thermonuclear nuked and the jews knew about an event 4,226 years before their existence and eventually nearly 7,000 years later they scribed it into their torah sometime around 3,300-3,000bce. How did they knew and remember something which never had jews involved with. And it also begs the question when the Elohim nuked Sodom and Gomorrah and why. For example the LuciferianLiberationFront states S/G where genetic engineering facilities so then the question becomes when did the aliens attacked the places or what was going on that their nuclear strike was successful it's like air defenses or planetary defenses etc.etc. at what point did the aliens have the opening to perform a nuclear strike.

Obviously the historical nature is very important and would answer a lot of questions to people.
slyscorpion said:
Proxima Centauri b is one of such planets that is close to us. Visible from the sky is city lights of some sort massive cities or lights from something that is much more spread out than something you would see on earth and you can see from space. This is what I saw trying to remote view it. You can try yourself that is why I name it. I find it interesting recently it's mentioned in an article talking about seeing city lights from space on other planets. Plus this planet also keeps being mentioned in articles a lot and pictures of that star. Wonder if they know about this.

The people on this planet are some sort of part grey species on their way to being turned into greys I assume. They have orangish color skin big heads. They always walk in pairs and do things together as if connected to each other in some way. They are often on some kind of device watching stuff. They feel very low intelligence and primitive. On the surface it has a very chaotic and violent feel too it like you might get in a bad neighborhood in Detroit or Oakland but a little more intense. Many of the structures look like they are falling apart and run down. It appears they have streets a little like ours.

The planet itself is surrounded in very dark black energy that is thick so for some this may be difficult to get a handle on. The cities look empty really tall buildings not streets like we have between them but something they look covered in some kind of vegetation. Totally different architectural style to anything seen on earth. It has a doomed feeling to it and like nothing is or has been there in awhile.

Reptilian home planet or one of them.
A giant gas Giant is there that is purplish and black with stripes around the center part. It is so large it's not even fully round. One of the reptilian planets is a moon of this. Looks like a waste land everything destroyed chemical look to the skies. Chemical like stuff spilled everywhere. Some structures that look small a little like the downtown of a small town in the USA but it's completly run down. Sky has a greenish chemical look. Same thing someone else who actually astrally projected there said to me but gave more detail on it.

Please don't astral project to any of these places. Totally not safe I told that to the person who said they did it (back when I was talking to Azorm and gang) this is totally dumb but they didn't listen. I learned remote viewing from a person awhile ago (offline) who knew how to do it not really on the site but it's not hard. There are things on how to do it you can find if you look it up.

Another enemy planet is around Betelgeuse star. They have an Israel and Jews and everything but it's in a completely different environment like in a Jungle. This was one I knew about long before now. I really don't feel like putting in the effort on this right now to be honest. But you get a really bad and doomed energy from that planet and solar system it is blue like earth in about half of it but some of it has a quite reddish hue to it that is not as badly.
how interesting yet disturbing what the ENEMY does to planets and thanks for the headup about not astral projecting to those places. :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
EasternFireLion666 said:
This is honestly unknown territory. One can only assume that jews were created here as the reptilians needed to use human dna to make them resemble us as much as possible. The enemy aliens most certainly have their own planet or planets as they need a better place to reproduce, one they don't need to hide in. As of now we don't know where this creatures came from.

makes sense how many enemy alien species are there?
As a rabbi admitted, the jew comes from another galaxy. As is typical with jew things, the rabbi added "another universe", but there is only one universe - the Universe. Typically with jew things, reading between the lines - and the words and the letters - is important; the jew has many meanings and levels of understanding for the same thing, so "universe" is more like "circles" (i.e. the circles in which one moves) or spheres - Satanic spheres, jewish/reptilian spheres... The jew reckons it is so unachievably higher than us that it has the power to come from AnOtHeR uNiVeRsE, yet it has a 6000-year plan to ruin and destroy Earth and Her Inhabitants, and it took 3000 years to steal and rape Palestine off the Palestinians, which it was given illegally - but you know, it still was powerful enough that it CaMe FrOm AnOtHeR uNiVeRsE.

It is more like that the soul of the jew, being its alephbet and its jew/hebrew letters and all of that dirty magic, came from far away - that the reptillians originate far away - but the jew needs the fantasy of it being from AnOtHeR uNiVeRsE, to go along with its psychopathy and delusions of grandeur and delusions of godhood. Since the reptillian akhenaten and its wife had to learn and steal secrets from Ancient Egypt on this Planet, it seems that the jew is created on or near each individual, respective Planet, by its reptillian overlords, on which the jew was created to destroy. Its jew-magic soul is then incarnated into the jew body - jew DNA which is mixed with Human DNA, incarnated with the jew-magic soul - so it looks like us, but because our Planet has been cut-off from Spiritual knowledge which has been lost and kept away from us, it used to be impossilbe to identify and understand the jew and its things.

I either asked on this forum or the previous forum before, or if I didn't ask then I just speculated... that each created jew group on each occupied Planet might not give the blueprints to each other; that each group on each respective Planet has to work its own things on its own, but with jew scriptures and laws given it by its reptillian overlords. Sort of like on computer games where you have different maps and you basically have to start again from scratch collecting resources and information on each new map, where you can't transfer resources and knowledge to and from other maps. If the jew here on Earth was in communication with the jew on whatever other Planets out there, then it would be in a much better position, having clues and hints and tips given to each other - poignantly and in particular on Lucifuge Rofocale's Planet, where few escaped being borgified/greyified; however, here the jew is losing.

I don't reckon the jew has its own homeworld exactly; it is a parasitical race/species. It might have a homeworld of sorts, in that wherever it was where the first jew created ever originated on a planet somewhere, or the jew-magic soul was first established by the reptillians before being incarnated into a diseased Human-like piece of shit, but it doesn't have its own jew planet inhabited by j00z, I don't reckon. The jew was created as a slave race/species.

slyscorpion said:
Another enemy planet is around Betelgeuse star. They have an Israel and Jews and everything but it's in a completely different environment like in a Jungle. This was one I knew about long before now. I really don't feel like putting in the effort on this right now to be honest. But you get a really bad and doomed energy from that planet and solar system it is blue like earth in about half of it but some of it has a quite reddish hue to it that is not as badly.
If my space-geography is correct, then Betelgeuse is a star around which Satan lives. Du'at orbits Betelgeuse, and according to the JoS page, which I think was done by HPS Maxine, Betelgeuse is a very beneficial Star -

This is one of the most fortunate of fixed stars...

This makes me believe that the Energies of Betelgeuse had a massive hand in Satan, etc. being able to be as powerful as They are - and unlocking or discovering or being infused with such powers Naturally, by the Star.
FancyMancy said:
As a rabbi admitted, the jew comes from another galaxy. As is typical with jew things, the rabbi added "another universe", but there is only one universe - the Universe. Typically with jew things, reading between the lines - and the words and the letters - is important; the jew has many meanings and levels of understanding for the same thing, so "universe" is more like "circles" (i.e. the circles in which one moves) or spheres - Satanic spheres, jewish/reptilian spheres... The jew reckons it is so unachievably higher than us that it has the power to come from AnOtHeR uNiVeRsE, yet it has a 6000-year plan to ruin and destroy Earth and Her Inhabitants, and it took 3000 years to steal and rape Palestine off the Palestinians, which it was given illegally - but you know, it still was powerful enough that it CaMe FrOm AnOtHeR uNiVeRsE.

It is more like that the soul of the jew, being its alephbet and its jew/hebrew letters and all of that dirty magic, came from far away - that the reptillians originate far away - but the jew needs the fantasy of it being from AnOtHeR uNiVeRsE, to go along with its psychopathy and delusions of grandeur and delusions of godhood. Since the reptillian akhenaten and its wife had to learn and steal secrets from Ancient Egypt on this Planet, it seems that the jew is created on or near each individual, respective Planet, by its reptillian overlords, on which the jew was created to destroy. Its jew-magic soul is then incarnated into the jew body - jew DNA which is mixed with Human DNA, incarnated with the jew-magic soul - so it looks like us, but because our Planet has been cut-off from Spiritual knowledge which has been lost and kept away from us, it used to be impossilbe to identify and understand the jew and its things.

I either asked on this forum or the previous forum before, or if I didn't ask then I just speculated... that each created jew group on each occupied Planet might not give the blueprints to each other; that each group on each respective Planet has to work its own things on its own, but with jew scriptures and laws given it by its reptillian overlords. Sort of like on computer games where you have different maps and you basically have to start again from scratch collecting resources and information on each new map, where you can't transfer resources and knowledge to and from other maps. If the jew here on Earth was in communication with the jew on whatever other Planets out there, then it would be in a much better position, having clues and hints and tips given to each other - poignantly and in particular on Lucifuge Rofocale's Planet, where few escaped being borgified/greyified; however, here the jew is losing.

I don't reckon the jew has its own homeworld exactly; it is a parasitical race/species. It might have a homeworld of sorts, in that wherever it was where the first jew created ever originated on a planet somewhere, or the jew-magic soul was first established by the reptillians before being incarnated into a diseased Human-like piece of shit, but it doesn't have its own jew planet inhabited by j00z, I don't reckon. The jew was created as a slave race/species.

slyscorpion said:
Another enemy planet is around Betelgeuse star. They have an Israel and Jews and everything but it's in a completely different environment like in a Jungle. This was one I knew about long before now. I really don't feel like putting in the effort on this right now to be honest. But you get a really bad and doomed energy from that planet and solar system it is blue like earth in about half of it but some of it has a quite reddish hue to it that is not as badly.
If my space-geography is correct, then Betelgeuse is a star around which Satan lives. Du'at orbits Betelgeuse, and according to the JoS page, which I think was done by HPS Maxine, Betelgeuse is a very beneficial Star -

This is one of the most fortunate of fixed stars...

This makes me believe that the Energies of Betelgeuse had a massive hand in Satan, etc. being able to be as powerful as They are - and unlocking or discovering or being infused with such powers Naturally, by the Star.

It looked to me like it got taken over. That solar system has a very bad energy don't believe me do the same thing. The other star I am talking about has really positive energy too.

Betelgeuse is positive as in invoking it and taking in it's energy. Heck the sun is positive probably to some other species somewhere and protective they may feature it in their astrology or invoke it for things. Doesn't mean earth didn't get taken over. This appears to not stop the enemy.

I assume though that it's probably way more difficult to win at a place that has a positive star. I am guessing maybe that if the star or solar system was not that great naturally then the enemy would have an easy time taking over.

Anyone who is way more spiritually open of course is going to mention Zosma here. The energy is really bad to us but good and beneficial to the inhabitants of a relatively nice world who don't use the same logic we use and would never even be able to understand us and are so alien that we couldn't use the terms good or bad for. This is something I read about.

So what we think of as positive for us may not be positive to something else.

There is that too.
FancyMancy said:
As a rabbi admitted, the jew comes from another galaxy. As is typical with jew things, the rabbi added "another universe", but there is only one universe - the Universe. Typically with jew things, reading between the lines - and the words and the letters - is important; the jew has many meanings and levels of understanding for the same thing, so "universe" is more like "circles" (i.e. the circles in which one moves) or spheres - Satanic spheres, jewish/reptilian spheres... The jew reckons it is so unachievably higher than us that it has the power to come from AnOtHeR uNiVeRsE, yet it has a 6000-year plan to ruin and destroy Earth and Her Inhabitants, and it took 3000 years to steal and rape Palestine off the Palestinians, which it was given illegally - but you know, it still was powerful enough that it CaMe FrOm AnOtHeR uNiVeRsE.

It is more like that the soul of the jew, being its alephbet and its jew/hebrew letters and all of that dirty magic, came from far away - that the reptillians originate far away - but the jew needs the fantasy of it being from AnOtHeR uNiVeRsE, to go along with its psychopathy and delusions of grandeur and delusions of godhood. Since the reptillian akhenaten and its wife had to learn and steal secrets from Ancient Egypt on this Planet, it seems that the jew is created on or near each individual, respective Planet, by its reptillian overlords, on which the jew was created to destroy. Its jew-magic soul is then incarnated into the jew body - jew DNA which is mixed with Human DNA, incarnated with the jew-magic soul - so it looks like us, but because our Planet has been cut-off from Spiritual knowledge which has been lost and kept away from us, it used to be impossilbe to identify and understand the jew and its things.

I either asked on this forum or the previous forum before, or if I didn't ask then I just speculated... that each created jew group on each occupied Planet might not give the blueprints to each other; that each group on each respective Planet has to work its own things on its own, but with jew scriptures and laws given it by its reptillian overlords. Sort of like on computer games where you have different maps and you basically have to start again from scratch collecting resources and information on each new map, where you can't transfer resources and knowledge to and from other maps. If the jew here on Earth was in communication with the jew on whatever other Planets out there, then it would be in a much better position, having clues and hints and tips given to each other - poignantly and in particular on Lucifuge Rofocale's Planet, where few escaped being borgified/greyified; however, here the jew is losing.

I don't reckon the jew has its own homeworld exactly; it is a parasitical race/species. It might have a homeworld of sorts, in that wherever it was where the first jew created ever originated on a planet somewhere, or the jew-magic soul was first established by the reptillians before being incarnated into a diseased Human-like piece of shit, but it doesn't have its own jew planet inhabited by j00z, I don't reckon. The jew was created as a slave race/species.

slyscorpion said:
Another enemy planet is around Betelgeuse star. They have an Israel and Jews and everything but it's in a completely different environment like in a Jungle. This was one I knew about long before now. I really don't feel like putting in the effort on this right now to be honest. But you get a really bad and doomed energy from that planet and solar system it is blue like earth in about half of it but some of it has a quite reddish hue to it that is not as badly.
If my space-geography is correct, then Betelgeuse is a star around which Satan lives. Du'at orbits Betelgeuse, and according to the JoS page, which I think was done by HPS Maxine, Betelgeuse is a very beneficial Star -

This is one of the most fortunate of fixed stars...

This makes me believe that the Energies of Betelgeuse had a massive hand in Satan, etc. being able to be as powerful as They are - and unlocking or discovering or being infused with such powers Naturally, by the Star.

i remember that video of the rabbi giving that lecture some normies claimed he was just off his meds and couldn't believe what they were hearing.
slyscorpion said:
Another enemy planet is around Betelgeuse star.


I thought that star was part of the empire of Orion, Satans Empire. My account is named Betelgeuse because of its positive astrological benefits. I can't imagine an enemy planet near that star.
Betelgeuse said:
slyscorpion said:
Another enemy planet is around Betelgeuse star.


I thought that star was part of the empire of Orion, Satans Empire. My account is named Betelgeuse because of its positive astrological benefits. I can't imagine an enemy planet near that star.

No one has to believe me. Try what I said yourself. Try to shift your consciousness there with your third eye chakra. I had two others feel and sense something similar from it cause I didn't believe this myself either and wanted them to try.

I thought Betelgeuse was where Duat was too.
I only figured those two out because of some other random thing that caused me to suddenly see those places when doing the rtr thing where it says this world and all worlds. To be honest it caused my focus to shift to those places. I figured out the star later. Just to give background.
Crystallized Mushroom said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
This is honestly unknown territory. One can only assume that jews were created here as the reptilians needed to use human dna to make them resemble us as much as possible. The enemy aliens most certainly have their own planet or planets as they need a better place to reproduce, one they don't need to hide in. As of now we don't know where this creatures came from.

makes sense how many enemy alien species are there?

From what i read on the forums two: the reptilian like race and there is another one named grey which are an enslaved race by the reptillians. Those are the ones that concern us but there are infinite species in the universe i think
Betelgeuse said:
slyscorpion said:
Another enemy planet is around Betelgeuse star.


I thought that star was part of the empire of Orion, Satans Empire. My account is named Betelgeuse because of its positive astrological benefits. I can't imagine an enemy planet near that star.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say slyscorpion likes to talk out of its arse. If Satan's sun was conquered, then the entire known Universe and further would be fucked, because Satan is the most-powerful being on our side; the other Gods and Goddesses are not as powerful. Perhaps they are more-powerful than He when combined, but if Satan's sun, where other Gods and Goddesses also live, was conquered, then what are we doing here?
FancyMancy said:
Betelgeuse said:
slyscorpion said:
Another enemy planet is around Betelgeuse star.


I thought that star was part of the empire of Orion, Satans Empire. My account is named Betelgeuse because of its positive astrological benefits. I can't imagine an enemy planet near that star.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say slyscorpion likes to talk out of its arse. If Satan's sun was conquered, then the entire known Universe and further would be fucked, because Satan is the most-powerful being on our side; the other Gods and Goddesses are not as powerful. Perhaps they are more-powerful than He when combined, but if Satan's sun, where other Gods and Goddesses also live, was conquered, then what are we doing here?

No one said that is where Duat is. They said it was Satan's star they didn't say the solar system he lives in or any of the Gods. I always assume that this was referring to the energy as in it's one of the most beneficial stars for us and positive that has no bearing btw on the planets in a solar system. There could be really negative planets so far as energy composition. Just the star being positive what do you think that would lead too. You see the effects of Saturn transits right. In fact no one ever said what star Duat was around other than in the Orion Constellation. There are Greys from Orion too this is known in UFO circles. They are in that area of the Galaxy. Something just doesn't feel right about that place I would never dream of being there it certainly isn't of our Gods. Even more bad than earth.

Well ok say you don't believe the enemy took it over if not then something is wrong there then seriously wrong.
FancyMancy said:
Betelgeuse said:
slyscorpion said:
Another enemy planet is around Betelgeuse star.


I thought that star was part of the empire of Orion, Satans Empire. My account is named Betelgeuse because of its positive astrological benefits. I can't imagine an enemy planet near that star.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say slyscorpion likes to talk out of its arse. If Satan's sun was conquered, then the entire known Universe and further would be fucked, because Satan is the most-powerful being on our side; the other Gods and Goddesses are not as powerful. Perhaps they are more-powerful than He when combined, but if Satan's sun, where other Gods and Goddesses also live, was conquered, then what are we doing here?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
- If you have time, a short comment on this would be highly welcome
Henu the Great said:
I'm surprised to see that no one mentioned yet that jewish soul lacks the element of Aether, so they have to use humans and animals for energy gathering.
Well I never heard about this before... are you sure?
FancyMancy said:
Betelgeuse said:
slyscorpion said:
Another enemy planet is around Betelgeuse star.


I thought that star was part of the empire of Orion, Satans Empire. My account is named Betelgeuse because of its positive astrological benefits. I can't imagine an enemy planet near that star.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say slyscorpion likes to talk out of its arse. If Satan's sun was conquered, then the entire known Universe and further would be fucked, because Satan is the most-powerful being on our side; the other Gods and Goddesses are not as powerful. Perhaps they are more-powerful than He when combined, but if Satan's sun, where other Gods and Goddesses also live, was conquered, then what are we doing here?
Take what slyscorpion says with a pinch of salt, he is known for his delusions.
luis said:
Henu the Great said:
I'm surprised to see that no one mentioned yet that jewish soul lacks the element of Aether, so they have to use humans and animals for energy gathering.
Well I never heard about this before... are you sure?
Scratch that, it might not be true. Something to consider, though.
slyscorpion said:
...Orion Reptilian/Greys...and or just Orion Greys...

UFO circles might state this but how do you know it's not entities making shit up or new agers believing what an entity states.

I'm not denying that in the Orion region there ARE either greys or reptilian/greys or maybe a grey like race. Begs the question is the greys are hostile or just some grey race. Kinda begs the question the study of the greys as it might have been the reptilians originally found the greys and decided to use this template for it's borg process. Perhaps the greys are a race of aliens that is neither liberated to be a godlike entity but not controlled enough to be a slave race rather according to nature this race still needs more time to develop. Another possibility is the grey race is a slave race some sort of natural slave by the Universe, the Universe was just waiting for some entity to come in and treat the species as it should have been. This would imply the grey-like races are some sort of semi-advanced species that developed in it's own way and other races view them as pests or slave ready.

The problem with stating is it seems convenient to follow the trends much like LuciferianLiberationFront they state Orion Greys but this is an issue as it could have been like I said a entity/entities mentioning this as a bullshit maneuver to hide information.

States they are Greys from Orion, but in reality are only in the way they might not be at Orion but are near enough to affect communication or merely be speed bumps for those looking and peering for answers.

In reality it begs the question when the enemy aliens struck and how much of an attack it was over the section of space we live in. This would entail that the enemy only recently made it's attacks and is not as successful as other times. Non-the less if the enemy does have outposts and whatnot it would imply the enemy did something a long time ago or sometime in the past 10,000 years of physical strike to manipulate planets into their borg.

I think colonies of the enemy would only imply the enemy has done something with civilization magick and has sort blunted the Gods a bit but not much. In other words they have a grey World near the Gods place but realize it's only a matter of time before that planet collapses and the Orion Empire takes care of them.

Rather it begs the question for lots of things how much population do the enemies have, the Gods have, combat effectiveness etc.etc.

I'm not denying XYZ alien just stating perhaps calling them Orion is a bit much maybe some sort of interference species or speed bump to slow down human colonies from progressing.
Betelgeuse is Satan’s jurisdiction. Duat is the fourth planet from its sun. You are incorrect Slyscorpian. I was shown by Mulciber. The sunlight on Duat is not harsh like ours simply because of the global warming situation the Jews have stirred in the making here this on Earth.
Ramier108666 said:
Betelgeuse is Satan’s jurisdiction. Duat is the fourth planet from its sun. You are incorrect Slyscorpian. I was shown by Mulciber. The sunlight on Duat is not harsh like ours simply because of the global warming situation the Jews have stirred in the making here this on Earth.

Maybe I just shouldn't trust this method I am using then. I wasn't the only person that got something similar with this. I tried to confirm it with several people cause it just didn't make sense. My girlfriend actually was a little nervous about invoking Betelgeuse cause she saw it too.
Betelgeuse said:
slyscorpion said:
Another enemy planet is around Betelgeuse star.


I thought that star was part of the empire of Orion, Satans Empire. My account is named Betelgeuse because of its positive astrological benefits. I can't imagine an enemy planet near that star.

It is, obviously.

Look, stop taking everything people say seriously on these things, because these are complex and generally, Gods don't bother a lot with this with humans, it's just people imagining things.

For one, to actually fully astral project in full astral body outside the planet, is not achievable by many people. If it is, it's not for long, and if this is somehow overcome too, information can be really jumbled.

Imagining you spoke with dwarfs from star system 6W3419P or something, is not impossible, everyone with an imagination can start making things up.

Everything one sees and so on, should be taken in consideration with logic and not very seriously or at heart. The blatant evidence the Gods left there [monuments and so on], are to be trusted. Because too back then, without the enemy, could do these things way easier than it's possible today.

It's no wonder Azorm and all these people were batshit, it's the typical 2-3 years meditated, a Neptune out of control, reading Biblioteca Pleiades, etc etc.
Gear88 said:
slyscorpion said:
...Orion Reptilian/Greys...and or just Orion Greys...

UFO circles might state this but how do you know it's not entities making shit up or new agers believing what an entity states.

I'm not denying that in the Orion region there ARE either greys or reptilian/greys or maybe a grey like race. Begs the question is the greys are hostile or just some grey race. Kinda begs the question the study of the greys as it might have been the reptilians originally found the greys and decided to use this template for it's borg process. Perhaps the greys are a race of aliens that is neither liberated to be a godlike entity but not controlled enough to be a slave race rather according to nature this race still needs more time to develop. Another possibility is the grey race is a slave race some sort of natural slave by the Universe, the Universe was just waiting for some entity to come in and treat the species as it should have been. This would imply the grey-like races are some sort of semi-advanced species that developed in it's own way and other races view them as pests or slave ready.

The problem with stating is it seems convenient to follow the trends much like LuciferianLiberationFront they state Orion Greys but this is an issue as it could have been like I said a entity/entities mentioning this as a bullshit maneuver to hide information.

States they are Greys from Orion, but in reality are only in the way they might not be at Orion but are near enough to affect communication or merely be speed bumps for those looking and peering for answers.

In reality it begs the question when the enemy aliens struck and how much of an attack it was over the section of space we live in. This would entail that the enemy only recently made it's attacks and is not as successful as other times. Non-the less if the enemy does have outposts and whatnot it would imply the enemy did something a long time ago or sometime in the past 10,000 years of physical strike to manipulate planets into their borg.

I think colonies of the enemy would only imply the enemy has done something with civilization magick and has sort blunted the Gods a bit but not much. In other words they have a grey World near the Gods place but realize it's only a matter of time before that planet collapses and the Orion Empire takes care of them.

Rather it begs the question for lots of things how much population do the enemies have, the Gods have, combat effectiveness etc.etc.

I'm not denying XYZ alien just stating perhaps calling them Orion is a bit much maybe some sort of interference species or speed bump to slow down human colonies from progressing.

The greys is just a name people use for species that took the microchip and became fully enslaved with the Jews. They don't likely all look the same or even similar before becoming greys. It's a template. It's been stated before the Jews want to create artificial bodies for us that are microchipped at birth so that means they have a template they use for this.

I doubt there actually could be a natural species like that cause it's artificial completely they have no reproductive organs or gender so how are they supposed to evolve naturally or exist naturally for very long.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Betelgeuse said:
slyscorpion said:
Another enemy planet is around Betelgeuse star.


I thought that star was part of the empire of Orion, Satans Empire. My account is named Betelgeuse because of its positive astrological benefits. I can't imagine an enemy planet near that star.

It is, obviously.

Look, stop taking everything people say seriously on these things, because these are complex and generally, Gods don't bother a lot with this with humans, it's just people imagining things.

For one, to actually fully astral project in full astral body outside the planet, is not achievable by many people. If it is, it's not for long, and if this is somehow overcome too, information can be really jumbled.

Imagining you spoke with dwarfs from star system 6W3419P or something, is not impossible, everyone with an imagination can start making things up.

Everything one sees and so on, should be taken in consideration with logic and not very seriously or at heart. The blatant evidence the Gods left there [monuments and so on], are to be trusted. Because too back then, without the enemy, could do these things way easier than it's possible today.

It's no wonder Azorm and all these people were batshit, it's the typical 2-3 years meditated, a Neptune out of control, reading Biblioteca Pleiades, etc etc.

Ok so this is just imagination and making myself see things that are not there with meditation?

I am not fully sure I doubt the Proxima B thing all the way cause there were a couple news articles hinting at similar stuff to what I saw with it talking about finding alien life. I can link to what I mean if you would like.

But if this is just imagining things then I will not try this anymore.

I am not telling lies I actually saw this by meditation on my third eye. But if it's wrong it's wrong I don't want to mislead everyone or myself.
slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Betelgeuse said:

This is not your fault, it's the fact that everything seen in these manners, unless really really clarified, can have a lot of affects that manipulate what one is truly seeing. This extends more than the enemy.

Sure, I would be interested to read these experiences, but generally, most people who say these things hardly meditate or are into drugs, or just meditate for 6 months randomly and then pretend they are taking rounds in the universe, which for reasons I cannot elaborate on now, is total bullshit, as the soul itself is rather "weak" to truly penetrate these places.

So they see a mix of things poorly understood, imaginations, lies, and some facts even, but may be misunderstood heavily. Alpha Centauri in general has not been perceived as human friendly by many people, but then again, I go by what I explained above.
BTW, Betelguese, is only a star and basically a very big place. The fact that something might exist by it, or when on looks at the heaven or something, does not necessitate these things are close.

They can look two meters apart in heavens from human perspective, and be worlds apart in reality.
Ok I will admit the energy didn't feel anything like Betelgeuse at all. Let's just say there are enemy worlds out there. Maybe I was seeing something maybe I wasn't. The educational thing for me from this is that some of the technology we have here may not be that different from things on other enemy worlds. This may be good to know for people at large at some point in the future especially with fossel fuels and smartphone like devices and tv. We will either have to eliminate these things or edit them to something more positive. From the descriptions I read on here I would guess some of this type of stuff was used on Lucifuges world too. Cause it's really the main way to get a super detached population who is mindless and doesn't much care about anything. Have them paying attention to some kind of media most the time (Jew) Overstimulation of the mind to shorten the attention span. Plus add in Jew energy and there you go.
slyscorpion said:
Ramier108666 said:
Betelgeuse is Satan’s jurisdiction. Duat is the fourth planet from its sun. You are incorrect Slyscorpian. I was shown by Mulciber. The sunlight on Duat is not harsh like ours simply because of the global warming situation the Jews have stirred in the making here this on Earth.

Remote viewing is fine Sly. But you have to be proficient at it. Not just average. I can remote view proficiently because it comes easy to me.

Maybe I just shouldn't trust this method I am using then. I wasn't the only person that got something similar with this. I tried to confirm it with several people cause it just didn't make sense. My girlfriend actually was a little nervous about invoking Betelgeuse cause she saw it too.
slyscorpion said:
Ramier108666 said:
Betelgeuse is Satan’s jurisdiction. Duat is the fourth planet from its sun. You are incorrect Slyscorpian. I was shown by Mulciber. The sunlight on Duat is not harsh like ours simply because of the global warming situation the Jews have stirred in the making here this on Earth.

Remote viewing is fine Sly. But you have to be proficient at it. Not just average. I can remote view proficiently because it comes easy to me.

Maybe I just shouldn't trust this method I am using then. I wasn't the only person that got something similar with this. I tried to confirm it with several people cause it just didn't make sense. My girlfriend actually was a little nervous about invoking Betelgeuse cause she saw it too.
Ramier108666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Ramier108666 said:
Betelgeuse is Satan’s jurisdiction. Duat is the fourth planet from its sun. You are incorrect Slyscorpian. I was shown by Mulciber. The sunlight on Duat is not harsh like ours simply because of the global warming situation the Jews have stirred in the making here this on Earth.

Remote viewing is fine Sly. But you have to be proficient at it. Not just average. I can remote view proficiently because it comes easy to me.

Maybe I just shouldn't trust this method I am using then. I wasn't the only person that got something similar with this. I tried to confirm it with several people cause it just didn't make sense. My girlfriend actually was a little nervous about invoking Betelgeuse cause she saw it too.

Ok I am going to practice at it more. I am guessing the problem is it's lined up with that star in some way relative to earth and it's either much closer or much farther away.

Won't totally discount everything since it's consistent and detailed and when I asked my girlfriend and one other person to check it out they described about the same thing I did. I only asked cause I was like Betelgeuse what the fuck how is the enemy there exactly like everyone else on here.

But anyways yes I will practice more.
slyscorpion said:
Ramier108666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Remote viewing is fine Sly. But you have to be proficient at it. Not just average. I can remote view proficiently because it comes easy to me.

Maybe I just shouldn't trust this method I am using then. I wasn't the only person that got something similar with this. I tried to confirm it with several people cause it just didn't make sense. My girlfriend actually was a little nervous about invoking Betelgeuse cause she saw it too.

Ok I am going to practice at it more. I am guessing the problem is it's lined up with that star in some way relative to earth and it's either much closer or much farther away.

Won't totally discount everything since it's consistent and detailed and when I asked my girlfriend and one other person to check it out they described about the same thing I did. I only asked cause I was like Betelgeuse what the fuck how is the enemy there exactly like everyone else on here.

But anyways yes I will practice more.

That’s good to hear. Keep at it. If you want a bit of advice combine it with Laguz. To top it off work on the pineal gland. This will give the foundation you might need.
thanks for all the replies especially from slyscorpion though i wonder do other species like the bitchtilians exist and go to war with bitchtilians and make there own versions of jews? and gypsies of course like reptilians, greys, (insert other evil species here)
Crystallized Mushroom said:
thanks for all the replies especially from slyscorpion though i wonder do other species like the bitchtilians exist and go to war with bitchtilians and make there own versions of jews? and gypsies of course like reptilians, greys, (insert other evil species here)

Idk there are quite a few negative and unbalanced stars and planets out there (example like Algol Zosma or Scheat) I think if life arises on a planet orbiting something like this it has more of a potential than other places to go wrong and their logic and understanding wouldn't be the same as us.

For example one thing I observed is Zosma energy is kind of strange and alien as in not comprehendable to humans unsure if good or bad cause it's too different but it has a very negative effect on humans but it might not on something completely different than us.

The other two stars here are so negative I didn't even want to try to tune in so won't bother trying to use those as an example.

So yeah there probably are other evil and parasitic species out there. The thing is though this AI assimilate all planets thing probably isn't common.

I assume that certain methods have been found to take over planets by species. The Jews type thing may not be an uncommon one. I mean it works as people see here.

The enemy is always killing their own so honestly who knows they might do this to other versions of their own and their allies for various reasons. I don't think though we understand their form of life or logic at least I don't so I couldn't say for sure. I kind of doubt they would bother with a whole Jews and Gypsies type thing on another planet of reptilians.
the kike laitman says another dimension.
SATchives said:
the kike laitman says another dimension.

That in a way is true. Where they are from doesn't work like here. This is probably part of the reason Jews always suffer so much and have so many diseases and stuff. If anyone felt the energy of a reptilian ever on them they know it's from a place that is nothing like here. So another dimension is a good description. I am not sure if in actuality this is true or not. It may be quantum physics tells about all kinds of stuff.
slyscorpion said:
Crystallized Mushroom said:
thanks for all the replies especially from slyscorpion though i wonder do other species like the bitchtilians exist and go to war with bitchtilians and make there own versions of jews? and gypsies of course like reptilians, greys, (insert other evil species here)

Idk there are quite a few negative and unbalanced stars and planets out there (example like Algol Zosma or Scheat) I think if life arises on a planet orbiting something like this it has more of a potential than other places to go wrong and their logic and understanding wouldn't be the same as us.

For example one thing I observed is Zosma energy is kind of strange and alien as in not comprehendable to humans unsure if good or bad cause it's too different but it has a very negative effect on humans but it might not on something completely different than us.

The other two stars here are so negative I didn't even want to try to tune in so won't bother trying to use those as an example.

So yeah there probably are other evil and parasitic species out there. The thing is though this AI assimilate all planets thing probably isn't common.

I assume that certain methods have been found to take over planets by species. The Jews type thing may not be an uncommon one. I mean it works as people see here.

The enemy is always killing their own so honestly who knows they might do this to other versions of their own and their allies for various reasons. I don't think though we understand their form of life or logic at least I don't so I couldn't say for sure. I kind of doubt they would bother with a whole Jews and Gypsies type thing on another planet of reptilians.
so does the Gods and Goddesses of Duat go to war with those other evil species and races besides the bitchtilians and would other firendly species and neutral species possibly go to war with evil species bitchtilian or other and takeover their planets and remake them as a friendly or neutral aliens species or race colony?

also do you like my insult towards reptilians bitchtilians?
I think that thoes reptilan looks like us, when I wasn't satanist (I was like 10yrs) I dreamt that I was in the backyard and all of the sudden many airships covered the skies son I had to hide and not only airships but big planets getting closer to earth with yellowish color and a ring like saturn. I woke up thinking about that.

Then later I had another around 5 years ago, I got a dream again about the same shit, this time the same big planet close to the earth and many airships in the skies with lights scanning every where like if they were looking for someone, the weird thing is that nobody was there with me at that moment (in the dream) then I woke up thinking why I dreamt that again and similar dream when I was 10.

Then this year I had the freaking dream the same big planet that almost cover the whole sky and his rings, the same airships in the skies, but this time there were two person fighting each other (punch) and one of them ask me to help saying that one of them were impostors, then all the sudden came another one and rushing behind me holding a blade, so I started running away and then I woke up again.

Note: I am 33 yrs old now, I don't remeber to be watching movies related to that Sci-Fi thing.

(There could be a connection with this dreams and the topic above).
So, now that I am reading this topic I remembered that on each of us is Satan, so I want to think that Satan has been showing me parts of war in my dreams, I don't know yet why he was showing me that (in case he is doing it) but I think he will let me once I become advanced and enlighted.

Long live to the gentiles.
Blessing to our SS members.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
