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Welcome To the New Reality - The Revolution Has Began

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
History calls and it's understandable, with the chaos going on in the world, many will be forced to be out there to fight in the physical, either for moral reasons, or for necessities.

This revolution of peoples is only just beginning now. This is only the very very beginning of this, and how much it's going to drag forward it's not clear. Because of this, there may be chaos.

Brothers and Sisters in the United States have already seen much of this, France, Greece, Italy, get to live much of this as is. Of course, the world being so big, not every place will be equally affected.

Financially, human rights wise, freedom wise, and politically, the situation is heating up. The enemy knows this, and they know they will be at the center of that.

Currently, at this time, Saturn in Aquarius is being brutal. Jupiter is soon heading out of Aquarius, and will enter Pisces. For the next years, violations of freedoms [and also battle for these] will escalate and possibly turn in many places into bloodshed.

The enemy, is conversing about closing down the Internet. Why? Because the Internet [WWW] was their tombstone. Not everyone used this opportunity to look at gender studies on kikebook. People learned too much. We are here, and we exist on this place. You see this message physically, it's not astral.

Typical abuse of the enemy and these planets, is overuse of the law to ruin the masses. It's reaching the point where telling people to fuck off if they are Muslims is going to get you in a jail. So be really careful. Don't you see what happened to many people who were protesting? Be smart.

Of course, these things will happen, and for change to happen, they WILL HAVE to happen by many different factions of people worldwide, under any government, and beyond even the ideological spectrum. This war is against Humanity.

Sorry to say also but these "force for vaccination", "digital IDs" and all that shit, knocking people's doors over because they went to a protest, all these are to be expected. Yeah all for a virus that has like 0.02% death rate or another one that Billy <3 may throw or something. The enemy is rabid and they want to promote their agenda now and not later.

They are trying to steal Western Civilization and the planet in front of our very eyes or make it all raze to the ground.

Biden is however straight on his instructed course, on his policies on Iran, Iraq, Middle East all of a sudden...He decided on Purim, the major Jewish Holiday, to start a bombing spree on the behalf of Israel yet again. He's onto some real negative stuff here.

I recently read also the details of Biden's Stimulus plan. It doesn't get more obvious. He is feeding the greedy pigs again once more. While Biden will allocate about 1 billion in massive brainwashing and pay all the big corporations which are already sitting on the last Stimulus Bill checks hefty amount such as 12 billion, money will be given once and only on conditions for the masses. The bailouts for the pigs however will probably indefinitely continue.

A clash between people worldwide and their governments is not only necessary, but cannot be avoided. Things may turn physical on many levels and the time where people only spoke theoretically about these matters is looking further and further away. We're living it for more than a year now. The enemy has set up everything for this.

Everyone here must try to avoid the personal damage for obvious reasons. Regardless, since people come from different paths, and some can be of any profession, everyone now needs to take measures to protect themselves.

In regards to movements, such as the Trump movement, or even leftist factions, all of these are going to a random direction based on the Rituals that cannot be always predicted. In other words, do not tie onto ideologies of the enemy, and expect anything to come out of it.

For those "On the ground", please keep some basic rules in mind:

Safety first, be effective always, and keep it legal. For those with families and kids, it is your mission to now build protection around yourselves if you are confronted with issues.

The Rituals are working and everything is going as it would, with major reactions to the enemy already. But this is bound to continue, as chaos, unrest, and poverty will escalate - all of these created by the enemy. People know what is going on, worldwide.

The enemy has never been more exposed, part of this exposure coming from blatant attacks on the political and obvious levels rather than solely on a conspiratorial one. They can't go back to lying or hiding now. It has to be forward at all costs for them, and they are running out of time.

Now, people are activating and deploying in order to resist this impending doom. And there will be chaos of ranging extent between countries. Riots will be seen, chaos and unrest will follow, and the possibility of wars is not unlikely either, as the enemy is at an all time high of fear and exposure.

The enemy is clearly not going to fold, pull back, or do anything to calm the rage of people. We are seeing in front of us a kosher manifestation that is being fought by our energies, in a battle not seen ever before spiritually like that. They want a total major clash to take place, hoping they gamble and win it against humanity.

To those who have to do things, be blessed, stay strong, cleave close to the Gods, and DO NOT engage in stupid things. Look at the bigger picture.

We have to win this, not just express rage like many others will. Our rage has to be expressed in a victorious, final, and unequivocal crashing of the enemy that is of historic proportions.

Stay strong, attain physical mastery, and do not waste energy pointlessly. Remain focused, meditate, and don't let your life go to nothing. Also, do not listen to prophets of doom that have nothing to solve for you. We knew about this already for years and years.

There is no need to panic for those who are with the Gods and do their duties. They *WILL* look out for our own.

Our Rituals have fucked the enemy over. They don't know what to do, left and right. It has never been worse at them. As such, they are on the dying spree. But it is already too late as HPS Maxine has reiterated for how this is going to end for them.

Soon, they may also begin a losing war or something similar, to where people will want to chase them down the streets. We may see things that are very hard to believe. We no longer live in "Normalcy" and we are no longer in 2015 or something.

Jews have been evacuating Europe, hiding in the United States, and leaving their Nations to go as far as Costa Rica during these times. They are scared shitless because all of this chaos is their doing. Much of this, they are already reaping of what they sowed in their own country of Israel. It's going to get worse as they continue.

Soon we will have another spiritual warfare schedule that will go really hard on the enemy. The time for peace is over. They want to kill everyone, raze down our civilization, and destroy it in a non bound feat of hatred against Gentiles.

They want to destroy our civilization, extinct us, and reform us into a jewish technocratic dystopia where humans are reduced to nothing. People are getting what is going on from different levels, and different heights of understanding. We just know more of the full picture. So we can't be stupid or be one sided.

Our Gods and Satan and it doesn't matter what people think about this. They will evoke the forces of people in such strange and weird ways, that the enemy will be battered from all sides with nowhere to hide. This situation may be scary for many, but it's necessary.

You'll see the force of Satan manifesting from all sides now, in ranging extents. At this point with the enemy's collapse, the defeat of the enemy will come from all sides, even sides that the enemy traditionally considered "Their faithful goyim".

Don't be shocked when you listen to maybe the Democrats saying some shit like "Oy vey, we got to topple Biden because he's doing war at Israel", Democrats staging a coup against Biden, or if you see cops and military going against Biden, or if you see Communists even suddenly going "the jews must end", or if you see Christians and other traditionally enemy factions working as if we are controlling them with a remote controller saying all the contrary things to xianity.

It is not only the enemy that is going to collapse. But it will all get erased. Of course it may be "gradual", but it will happen. People will be our little elves left and right doing the right thing in every place.

We have opened the Gates of Satan and what is going to happen is beyond understanding of the mere mind.

These are the first manifesting stages of the enemy's collapse, and there is a long way to go. The Gods are in and the details don't concern them. They are going for war and nothing can stop that. The enemy has went too far.

Pretty soon, jews will be throwing jews under the bus to survive, politically, socially, financially. They will bow to Satan and ask for forgiveness even if this means destroying their own. Nothing is going to stop this impending force from manifesting itself. It is already too late.

In regards to the jews, with all the criminal energy returned at them, and all the rituals, it may come from just about any side, in the most unexpected ways.


To be honest, nothing would shock me anymore, and what is to come I will cherish and take pleasure in. It is a Historical moment in which we are witnesses. Let the Wrath of our Gods manifest exponentially and absolutely.

To all Satanists it should be clear that these moments, we fought for and we willed, to clear and destroy the enemy, no matter the turbulences we faced and we will. All of the material of the enemy is getting destroyed as there's no spiritual background anymore to sustain it.

Besides the clear goals they have, they will always operate in confusion and astral fog. Corona was also with the aim of confusion and disorientation. It is a shock in which they try to operate more on the people's collective consciousnes, So be very sure that astrally and in every spiritual form, the enemy is absolutely hammered and crying.

I look forward to the next rituals. They must not survive.

After all this is over, WE will be the ones to rise from the ashes. Humanity will finally move forward with us and the Gods leading the way!
meanwhile the grays are creating gray-human hybrids to use as slaves and create an army to fight humanity in a future final showdown. Every year in the United States, more than 35,000 Americans claim to be abducted by aliens. We know they use men's seeds and women's wombs to create these hybrids. All this is real, yet there is someone here in the forum who does not believe in these phenomena, I personally have lived these experiences face to face with the Grays, I have seen UFOs, balls of light in the sky disappear before my eyes, a sphere of reddish fire in front of my house completely exposed to the street. But in the end then we are taken for crazy.
They are really fucking angry. This is fact. This is why everyone must do endless protection. These bug-heads seem to be in the earth now, trying to enforce the enemy agenda.

Remain rational and don't focus too much or engage into these as these may open someone to attack. One of the major ways to stop these is to ignore and block it from your mind.

People see them all over the place and especially have been seeing them on the strong lockdowns last year. Many were also filmed.

We're not alone so no need to worry. Our Gods will also help everyone.

Elias Sebastian said:
meanwhile the grays are creating gray-human hybrids to use as slaves and create an army to fight humanity in a future final showdown. Every year in the United States, more than 35,000 Americans claim to be abducted by aliens. We know they use men's seeds and women's wombs to create these hybrids. All this is real, yet there is someone here in the forum who does not believe in these phenomena, I personally have lived these experiences face to face with the Grays, I have seen UFOs, balls of light in the sky disappear before my eyes, a sphere of reddish fire in front of my house completely exposed to the street. But in the end then we are taken for crazy.
Elias Sebastian said:
meanwhile the grays are creating gray-human hybrids to use as slaves and create an army to fight humanity in a future final showdown. Every year in the United States, more than 35,000 Americans claim to be abducted by aliens. We know they use men's seeds and women's wombs to create these hybrids. All this is real, yet there is someone here in the forum who does not believe in these phenomena, I personally have lived these experiences face to face with the Grays, I have seen UFOs, balls of light in the sky disappear before my eyes, a sphere of reddish fire in front of my house completely exposed to the street. But in the end then we are taken for crazy.

If I remember correctly some things, "top" priests of xianity have written and said they were contacted by grey aliens and fought for their life, as they got scared. One priest as well said on TV that when chanting the bible in mountains a Ufo appeared and tried to abduct him. It is clear the aliens desired other things, as it is very easy in a close encounter to do everything they desire to normal humans. Stupid people did not know which side they were on, greys wanted to establish contact for their agendas. Meanwhile, there are a lot more whistleblowers go unnoticed and dead in a short time and still confused about the whole reality of the war and where they are.
The affirmation is materializing

• The Jews are fully exposed to the world
• The Jews have lost all protection
• The Gates of Satan have permanently opened wide
• The Jews have lost all of their influence and power over Gentiles
• The Jews have lost all of their power, control, and influence over the world
• Gentiles are powerfully and effectively reacting against the Jews
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I just knew when I started reading all this about Newsome and Cuomo that the shit is actually kicking off finally i hope I survive through all of this shit with certain medical issues just dont know how crazy all of this is going to get but as I've always done im going to cling to the gods and I've been ok this far its nice to read that these BASTARDS are going to going to finally get what they deserve its a little unnerving tho see such a serious post by hp cobra let's all get through this crazy shit together ❤ stay safe brothers and sisters
The Gates of Satan have permantly opened wide!

Many of their commie foot soldiers are already hating them and it's only going to be more apparent. Lmao. Rejoice brothers and sisters but don't get cocky. It's not over until its over so we fight spiritually and sharing info with great confidence.

This post is perfect timing btw. It was very much needed so I can fully understand the situation at hand better when it comes to us here and the events coming and going on in the world. I have zero tolerance for stupidity (I mean the actual definition and not ignorance) and I can get really heated up when it comes to normies/those with out pushing their jewish influenced nonsense but this post made me understand to be more patient.

I was just losing patience from people pushing this commie shit everywhere but now I know a better way to go about things that doesn't involve me getting physically violent mwuahahaha. :twisted: which to be honest I wasn't planning on doing anyways or anything that's not legal to begin with.
Elias Sebastian said:
meanwhile the grays are creating gray-human hybrids to use as slaves and create an army to fight humanity in a future final showdown. Every year in the United States, more than 35,000 Americans claim to be abducted by aliens. We know they use men's seeds and women's wombs to create these hybrids. All this is real, yet there is someone here in the forum who does not believe in these phenomena, I personally have lived these experiences face to face with the Grays, I have seen UFOs, balls of light in the sky disappear before my eyes, a sphere of reddish fire in front of my house completely exposed to the street. But in the end then we are taken for crazy.

here in my city at the time I didn't even have a cell phone, I know several people who saw giant fireballs, blue balls floating, these giant balls sucked the blood of all the people, thousands of people reported.

people here have seen grays in person, my stepfather and their friends said they saw.

and once a man went fishing, he saw a fireball appear above him, he ran and the next day he came back, the place where he was was completely burned, I know it's hard to believe that, but many have already reported it.
Something people can look into who live in America, those who are capable to, are communities where you buy yourself into for when SHTF (when chaos starts) and are *very pro* 2nd amendment. Pretty much you have to agree with having a weapon and stock up yourself. It's like a vacation home you have bought out in case of emergencies. These are small enough to be over looked by the owner and his family but he has several across the USA. I'm talking about a specific company that does this but I won't give away the name. Maybe there are others unrelated and maybe an SS with the means can start a similar company of buying acres of land and building houses and have people who want to join sign to agree to be pro Constitution or similar. (Obviously not saying anything about SS if it'll get you in trouble)

My initial point is this can be a good place to start an aware community. Sharing info (SAFELY and EFFECTIVELY) is all it takes to have these communities have your back along with agreeing of protecting said community.
Inspiring and motivational.

"Our Gods and Satan and it doesn't matter what people think about this. They will evoke the forces of people in such strange and weird ways, that the enemy will be battered from all sides with nowhere to hide. This situation may be scary for many, but it's necessary."

I often assumed the gods influence certain collectives and individuals for "Proxy" reasons. I can see what you mean when you say "All sides". Satan will influence even the most inferior if it means damaging the enemy core.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
The affirmation is materializing

• The Jews are fully exposed to the world
• The Jews have lost all protection
• The Gates of Satan have permanently opened wide
• The Jews have lost all of their influence and power over Gentiles
• The Jews have lost all of their power, control, and influence over the world
• Gentiles are powerfully and effectively reacting against the Jews

I was able to feel this strongly and see with my physical eyes this manifest during the prior schedule. It'll become even more blatant.

Also, awesome gif! I didn't know tenor was based
This "gates of Satan" thing reminds me a lot of the enochian and some of the other enemy occult magick stuff I did look into just to see what they were doing. Some of them believed that there was some gates that needed to be opened on earth. I didn't fully understand it but it seemed the goal was to bring about an xtian end times type scenerio and furfill the Prophecies in the buybull. So if we opened the gates (not going to pretend to understand what that means) then that means the enemy is totally fucked cause our side will win now.
It is at this point that we must focus the most. Remain in control brothers and sisters! Let this hard-fought advantages not go to waste, remain resolute and carefully craft your ascension towards the very top both physically and andspiritually. Never lose track of the task ahead and let not a single day go to waste!

Hail Satan!
Hail Bastet!
Hail all of our satanic warriors!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They are really fucking angry. This is fact. This is why everyone must do endless protection.

So how much protection should we do?

Clear up some ignorance of mines. I recall a number of years someone mentioning you can clean as much as possible but when it comes to AoP. To keep it from being diluted and weakened only twice a day.

Is this a fact or can we clean and protect as much as we want? within reason of course.
Yes lets go!!!

Perfect I just dedicated to grow seriously strong and end this kindergarden!

Stay safe, stay strong!
Let’s end this for all eternities, in THIS LIFE TIME!

Elias Sebastian said:
meanwhile the grays are creating gray-human hybrids to use as slaves and create an army to fight humanity in a future final showdown. Every year in the United States, more than 35,000 Americans claim to be abducted by aliens. We know they use men's seeds and women's wombs to create these hybrids. All this is real, yet there is someone here in the forum who does not believe in these phenomena, I personally have lived these experiences face to face with the Grays, I have seen UFOs, balls of light in the sky disappear before my eyes, a sphere of reddish fire in front of my house completely exposed to the street. But in the end then we are taken for crazy.

Dude now real talk.

I have seen a UFO, very weirdly shaped, like fishing net, with cubes where the knots would be... it was big, as Big as a big house for 5 people.

This happened in 2009 or 2010, ans it was only 20-30m above me.

I am still alive, and doing well. So don’t freak out. This happened in Germany, in a big city. I have no idea why they would show themselves so open. It was night tho.

But me and my friend still remember it.

Don’t freak out, they have been here for a long time already.
Thank You,HPHC,for the awe-inspiring sermon! I am just SO EXCITED to begin the new Spiritual WARFARE schedule that I can hardly contain myself! I am SO READY to shred the enemy to PIECES and then to DUST and to fight by Father Satan's side to RESTORE his Kingdom on Earth along with ALL warrior SS Brothers and Sisters for the complete ANNIHILATION of the enemy! I just want to go TOTALLY lethal with the RTR's on the Bug Eyes, Kikes,and Rabbis! Once again,HPHC,Thank You for whipping us into ATTACK MODE!!! Hail Father Satan! Heil Hitler! Hail HPS Maxine! hail Commander HPHC!!!!!!
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They are really fucking angry. This is fact. This is why everyone must do endless protection.

So how much protection should we do?

Clear up some ignorance of mines. I recall a number of years someone mentioning you can clean as much as possible but when it comes to AoP. To keep it from being diluted and weakened only twice a day.

Is this a fact or can we clean and protect as much as we want? within reason of course.

I thought that this "weakened and diluted" phrase really means just make sure you are not neglecting other aspects of your advancement. This is what it seemed like when it was discussed in another thread. However, simply adding more energy to something shouldn't "dilute" it, right?

Is not the AOP a working like any other? I have not heard someone say "only do 54x reps instead of 108x for the money working, otherwise it dilutes it".

Or are your referring instead to the actual frequency of adding to the AOP per day? Like only do it 2x per day, but set the reps as high as you want?
It's going to get even more uglier than this, but just as HP HC pretty much said, it is the way. It is what it is. Don't forget to switch on a positive balance of Saturnian and Jupiterian energy within us. Keep up the great Satanic work. I'm not sure what to add but encouragement for my fellow SS bro/sis.
slyscorpion said:
This "gates of Satan" thing reminds me a lot of the enochian and some of the other enemy occult magick stuff I did look into just to see what they were doing. Some of them believed that there was some gates that needed to be opened on earth. I didn't fully understand it but it seemed the goal was to bring about an xtian end times type scenerio and furfill the Prophecies in the buybull. So if we opened the gates (not going to pretend to understand what that means) then that means the enemy is totally fucked cause our side will win now.

Gates do refer to:

1. Chakras, frequently called "Gates". The enemy whines that the "Goyim" will learn about this, and open the "Gates", and fuck them up.

2. Astral "Gates".

3. Symbolic speech of opening holes in the veil.

It's symbolic speech in this case, and very important that it's like that.
The most important thing to do now is to blame the Jews. The Globalists, The Democrats, Bill Gates and all of these internationalist organizations. All of the Right Wing and Left Wing concerns must coalesce on the point of the Jews. There needs to be massive polarization where clear battle lines are drawn. If the Whites are going to do in the US what happened in Germany, then the first thing to do is to channel the Hatred and Confusion due to to coming conflicts onto blaming the Jews. We might need to hide our intentions for a while by Calling them "Globalists " but we all know who we're talking about. This time we need to come together as Humanity and finish the job that was started by National Socialism. We can't go back to the living and co existing with these parasites anymore.
What a time to be alive.
Awe.🔥 Fuck yeah!!! Bring it on !!! Brothers and Sisters. HAIL SATAN!!! HAIL LILITH!!! HAIL US!!!🐍🐍🐍 We will have our places,and our weapons of destruction!!! We Have our Gods ! And our Demons! Our ancestors and those family members and loved ones by our side!!!👹🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🐍 We Gentiles** will win this war!!! 🐍🔥👹 Hail to our Joy of Satan family!!! 💗🔥🐍
The God of Israel has lost all power Gentiles. The jews have lost all power over Gentiles. The Jewish attempts at starting another war have failed completely and permanently!!! Hail Satan!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
If ever a future showdown is ever going to happen with the enemy, expect me to fight this all alone in my side of the story. I'm going to need to spiritually, mentally and physically "max out all my stats" asap...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
slyscorpion said:
This "gates of Satan" thing reminds me a lot of the enochian and some of the other enemy occult magick stuff I did look into just to see what they were doing. Some of them believed that there was some gates that needed to be opened on earth. I didn't fully understand it but it seemed the goal was to bring about an xtian end times type scenerio and furfill the Prophecies in the buybull. So if we opened the gates (not going to pretend to understand what that means) then that means the enemy is totally fucked cause our side will win now.

Gates do refer to:

1. Chakras, frequently called "Gates". The enemy whines that the "Goyim" will learn about this, and open the "Gates", and fuck them up.

2. Astral "Gates".

3. Symbolic speech of opening holes in the veil.

It's symbolic speech in this case, and very important that it's like that.

My personal belief is that some of the stuff that the angels were revealing to people to do to open the gates was created to remove some aspects of the veil and make other aspects stronger so that humanity might kill itself off from too much knowledge of things without any spiritual understanding.

But thanks for answering me in this it makes more sense now.
I remember as I intensified the Final RTR and Tetragamtton rituals, I would always hear in my spare time or busy time but not during the rituals, that I was opening the gates of Hell, and also that these xians have been talking about Hell, boasting and quoting all shitty scripture about Hell but have never seen or experienced it. But these times are different and they are going to experience it and fall.
I want more, I'm happy with my task. How's it going to turn out for us? How can we ensure our lifting while they fall.

slyscorpion said:
This "gates of Satan" thing reminds me a lot of the enochian and some of the other enemy occult magick stuff I did look into just to see what they were doing. Some of them believed that there was some gates that needed to be opened on earth. I didn't fully understand it but it seemed the goal was to bring about an xtian end times type scenerio and furfill the Prophecies in the buybull. So if we opened the gates (not going to pretend to understand what that means) then that means the enemy is totally fucked cause our side will win now.


Reminds me of this song
Jack said:
The most important thing to do now is to blame the Jews. The Globalists, The Democrats, Bill Gates and all of these internationalist organizations. All of the Right Wing and Left Wing concerns must coalesce on the point of the Jews. There needs to be massive polarization where clear battle lines are drawn. If the Whites are going to do in the US what happened in Germany, then the first thing to do is to channel the Hatred and Confusion due to to coming conflicts onto blaming the Jews. We might need to hide our intentions for a while by Calling them "Globalists " but we all know who we're talking about. This time we need to come together as Humanity and finish the job that was started by National Socialism. We can't go back to the living and co existing with these parasites anymore.

Talking about channeling hatred.

Now I personally have been feeling intense anger and hatred at what I'm seeing out there.

Out of control hot rage anger.

And it had me thinking that's not channeling the hatred. That's it consuming me.

Whatever you're thinking becomes your vibration. Maybe that's why I get so many haters because that's my vibration.

I don't know. We are supposed to be Gods and are connected to the supernatural. So as the old Upanishad saying goes: 'When a blade of grass is cut the whole universe quivers'.

Peoples anger will be felt by others. But having these emotions is like cursing myself to be angered upon and hated because I'm making it my vibration.

I don't know I'm wondering if a better way would be to in my mind imagine the people waking up.
This is so motivational!! :D :D :D
Thank you HP, your words give me so much courage and the desire to fight even harder! :twisted: :twisted:

I am really looking forward for all Gentiles to see through the enemies' lies and the Truth about Satan.
Blitzkreig said:
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They are really fucking angry. This is fact. This is why everyone must do endless protection.

So how much protection should we do?

Clear up some ignorance of mines. I recall a number of years someone mentioning you can clean as much as possible but when it comes to AoP. To keep it from being diluted and weakened only twice a day.

Is this a fact or can we clean and protect as much as we want? within reason of course.

I thought that this "weakened and diluted" phrase really means just make sure you are not neglecting other aspects of your advancement. This is what it seemed like when it was discussed in another thread. However, simply adding more energy to something shouldn't "dilute" it, right?

Is not the AOP a working like any other? I have not heard someone say "only do 54x reps instead of 108x for the money working, otherwise it dilutes it".

Or are your referring instead to the actual frequency of adding to the AOP per day? Like only do it 2x per day, but set the reps as high as you want?

I meant doing it as many times as possible.

Say you are a newer member and do RC.PT1 18-36 vibrations of Surya + RC.Pt2 affirmation, Algs x15 + affirmation, (basic AoP)White-Gold breath, (Basic AoP)White-Gold solar breath, one or two other AoP breaths found in JoS.

And instead of doing it twice a day you do it 5-6-7 times a day.

In other words how often you do it rather than how strongly you do it.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
