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Weather Control Weapons Behind California Disasters

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Weather Control Weapons Behind California And World Disasters

The situation is from all reports the wild fires that hit California where caused by direct energy weapons that are used with weather control technology. The information below will show the reality of this technology does exist and the weather situation in California is artificially created and did not conform to natural laws of weather science that would normally bring about such weather situation. Many witnesses in California report seeing phenomena in the sky that is documented to be associated with weather control technology. This is also happening not just in California but elsewhere around the world such as Greece and Sweden where also attacked with Direct Energy Weapons. And in the same way. The American government used weather control during the Vietnam war to cause monsoon's to flood regions populated by the Viet Con forces. The global heat waves are also being caused by this along with the flooding's and strange weather in general. Even hail storms in summer.

Note there is a direct attempt to censor any and all information about this by the Free Press.

The enemy is causing these disasters and insane weather to attempt to help bring about their Biblical prophecies in the mass mind of the end times. They are doing this while pushing for a greater world war. This is being done as a mass ritual to generate energy in the mass mind they can then program and direct for their world government program. If one notes the "Black Death" in Medieval Europe which wiped out a large part of the population was brought about by artificial means as well. Many reports that survive from the time state seeing hovering lights in the sky and then a fog would roll in and everyone would get sick with this. One city survived because they saw the lights in the sky and the mist rolled in. They started large bon fires in the city to burn out the mist because they knew what this meant because it was always happened when the plague showed up. Others obvious started to do this and it reduced the effects. Others stated they saw strangely dressed being spraying something on the crops and the air and then everyone got sick with this. Some reported these beings coming in flying craft. Keep in mind reports have stated they found the remains of an enemy Grey in the Vatican buried under the floor of an ancient chapel in Vatican City. Other reports from inside the Vatican mention their is a cabal of these Reptilian Greys there all the time directing things.

The Black Death was happening as the enemy program of Christianity was starting to lose control in the population. The mass hysteria and fear this caused in the public created a fundamentalist movement that consider this the end times and allowed the enemy to keep control of the population.

In Nuremberg in 1561 an ariel dog fight between UFO ships was recorded by the members of the city they even created images of it:


There are also many painting and even some historical records documenting UFO sightings during the Black Death as well. What else are the same hovering lights. The enemy has been at this for awhile.

With the current events.

Many people have also reported that laser weapons are being used from the air. Numerous video's have documented this happening.





The situation is this technology does exist:

"Solaren Corp. is based in Manhattan Beach, CA. They holds two patents for transmitting microwave directed energy from space to pinpoint locations on earth.

1 – Under patent US7612284B2 , a solar-powered satellite will generate a powerful microwave radio frequency beam focused on an array of collector antennas where it will be transformed to electrical power supplied to PG&E (Pacific Gas and Electric)

2- Under patent US20110204159A1, a solar-powered satellite will generate a powerful microwave radio frequency beam to control the weather by heating deployments of aluminum oxide or other conductive particulates, sprayed from aircraft. The patent describes methods of steering and changing the intensity of a hurricane.

The Guardian: It was reported on April 16, 2009 that a California solar energy firm – Solaren – plans to construct “orbiting solar farms” that will harvest electricity in space. Each “farm” would be a set of solar panels in outer space that would beam enough clean energy back to Earth to power half a million homes. Solaren’s specific plans (Patent US7612284B2) are to put an array of solar panels around 22,000 miles above the earth’s equator using existing rocket technology and then convert the power generated into microwave radio-frequency transmissions. The microwaves would be beamed back down to antennae in Fresno, California and then converted into electricity and fed into the PG&E power grid. Mirrors would focus sunlight on solar cells, generating electrical power. The electricity would be converted into microwaves suitable for transmitting through Earth’s atmosphere at frequencies of 2.45 or 5.8 GHz. For comparison, 2.45 GHz is the same frequency as your kitchen microwave, Wi-Fi, Blue tooth etc. (More)

An interesting coincidence involves what could be called ‘Russian collusion’. On August 12, 2016 the Russian Federation’s Federal Service for Intellectual Property announced the issuance of a key Space Solar Power (SSP) system patent to Solaren Corporation. This suggests that Russia is developing – or has already deployed an SSP and that Solaren required technical help from Russia in order to contract service to PG&E.

The coincidence continues when a 2011 email form a PG&E officlal, Brian K Cherry, announced the antenna receptor site would be moved from the Mojave desert to Sebastopol."
Oy vey, goy do you hear what you are speaking? Direct enegy weapons? UFOs in the medieval Europe?

Professor Shlomo Goldsteinbergowitz will tell you why this is all conspiracy and delusion, goy. You are making this all up, oy gevalt, have some (((rational thought))).

Pay 6.000.000 shekels if you do not want this to turn into another shoah, oy vey!
Weather modification is possible even with simple tools like the primitive orgone based systems wilhelm reich and others used which were not much powerful. KALI electron accelerator is one of the devices which may be able to do that.It is basically a x ray and microwave generator which also beams electrons in same beam. Such device may be used.

"The Black Death" was used by the Enemy when they were starting to lose control with Christianity on Europe.

And now their using Weather Control Weapons to radicalize the weather across the globe? Because their losing control of Us through Christianity and Islam right?
My mother saw a ball of light descending from the sky before a major fire happened once. Not even she cared much about what she saw, it could be anything she said. Thats because this planet is operating on a very low level of existence, so all events are devoid of any substance seen through the human eye.
I really hope those videos with the blue laser strikes are not legit ; this is treason on a different level. Wow.

I've watched the ionosphere experiments for at least 10 years now so nothing surprises me ... but this? wow.
anonymous666 said:
Weather modification is possible even with simple tools like the primitive orgone based systems wilhelm reich and others used which were not much powerful. KALI electron accelerator is one of the devices which may be able to do that.It is basically a x ray and microwave generator which also beams electrons in same beam. Such device may be used.


This is interesting, imagine how we would use these if ever we were in the new golden age of aquarius.
I suspected the crazy weather we'd been getting lately wasn't natural, but this proves it. How do we make it stop, what do we do? Just keep doing the final RTR? Will that stop (((them))) from being able to control the weather and start fires like this?
I found out the other day The National Weather Service and The National Ocean and Atmospheric Organization make all of their employees sign a secrecy agreement. These secrecy agreements were once met for righteous purposes, now just to shut everyone up.
Dane Wigington
Dr. Barrie Trower
I am not advocating that mass deaths are good, but after the black death life in europe did improve for the remaining populace.

To the jew, do mass sums of people have to die in order for improvement to happen?
StraitShot47 said:
I am not advocating that mass deaths are good, but after the black death life in europe did improve for the remaining populace.

"If you butcher someone's limb, at least the cells on the cut hand will mend around the wound. Similarly, the fact we threw infected corpses in Europe's river to kill around half of Europe, was only because we wanted to mend some cells goyim.

Be thankful for this you evil goyim, and ready to accept similar things happening in the future. Buy my new book for 600$ about how all of this is very logical and also necessary. " - Rabbi Shekelberg, Triple PhD in Goyim Social Control
The Jewish elites know they are losing their control on the world and they want to bring about their self created prophecy of the end times which ends with a global jooclear war that destroys the Gentile nations and out of the ashes of they want to create their Messiah Kingdom of a one world government. If they don't get this sooner then later they know they are fooked.

Artanis said:
"The Black Death" was used by the Enemy when they were starting to lose control with Christianity on Europe.

And now their using Weather Control Weapons to radicalize the weather across the globe? Because their losing control of Us through Christianity and Islam right?
Actually it didn't. It devastated the population and killed some of the best of Europe. It took Europe centuries to recover from the devastation a lot was lost.

StraitShot47 said:
I am not advocating that mass deaths are good, but after the black death life in europe did improve for the remaining populace.

To the jew, do mass sums of people have to die in order for improvement to happen?
Its well known and documented in history the Jooz got caught red handed throwing plague bodies into the Gentile water supplies. This is one reason so many pogroms against jooz happened around this time. The jooz mention one of their jooz got the plague and purposely went to as many cities and towns it could to spread it to as many of the Gentiles as possible. There the jooz is helping their alien masters.

Edelwise said:
So, it wasn't the poisoning of the wells?
StraitShot47 said:
I am not advocating that mass deaths are good, but after the black death life in europe did improve for the remaining populace.

To the jew, do mass sums of people have to die in order for improvement to happen?
most stupid thing ive heard
The weather where I live has been very strange lately, I haven't paid attention to it until now. It's been raining twice a day, every other day for a couple of weeks now. I think it was last Wednesday it was continuous on and off raining.
Edelwise said:
So, it wasn't the poisoning of the wells?

The story about the poisoning of the wells had to do, I believe, with cholera.
Basicly, some person went asking around after an outbreak of the disease and tried to figure out what they all had in common, and they got their water from the same source.

Many people died or almost died from the disease which I think was because it caused severe diarrea.
Yeah. The weather changing is too quick from one extreme to another.
This is so fucked up..I live in CA and the air quality was like Bejing China :shock: . It's like you want to live in a healthier place away from the city hustle and the jew gets you in the peaceful woods. Got to keep fighting them everyday.
I did an article on Japan and the information showed HAARP activity was in use at the time in the region of the tidal wave that hit Japan. Also it seems the reactors were sabotaged by within the systems that caused the melt down and some traced this back to an Israeli company. After the disaster the international jooz banking stepped in and tried to get a debt lending control over Japan. The Japanese are not stupid People and they have been one of the biggest opponents the Jooz have had.

BoRn of fire said:
I suspect the same was done to Japan years ago
Take this in a lesson of the Jewish alien soul. This weather technology could have been used to flower the deserts of the world and save the lives of millions by preventing massive natural disasters. But instead the enemy uses it as weapon to attack innocent people with and cause misery for Gentiles around the world.... Because the Jews want to be the false gods of the world.

When the Gods were on the earth they created a massive natural grid on the lay lines of the world to create good weather and keep plants and crops growing all year around to feed the world with. The Jews do the total opposite. Fucking kikes.
Scott Roberts did a good video on this years ago. He showed the Jews where dumping infected bodies into the water supply.

T.A.O.L. said:
Edelwise said:
So, it wasn't the poisoning of the wells?

The story about the poisoning of the wells had to do, I believe, with cholera.
Basicly, some person went asking around after an outbreak of the disease and tried to figure out what they all had in common, and they got their water from the same source.

Many people died or almost died from the disease which I think was because it caused severe diarrea.
Brea said:
This is so fucked up..I live in CA and the air quality was like Bejing China :shock: . It's like you want to live in a healthier place away from the city hustle and the jew gets you in the peaceful woods. Got to keep fighting them everyday.
I knew all the fires and weather in CA was NOT normal! This is why we have to eliminate all these fucking parasites please do the RTR.
Bull Gotze said:
My mother saw a ball of light descending from the sky before a major fire happened once. Not even she cared much about what she saw, it could be anything she said. Thats because this planet is operating on a very low level of existence, so all events are devoid of any substance seen through the human eye.
That could have been ball lightning:
It's a natural phenomenon, but it can be created artificially.
HP Mageson666 said:
Scott Roberts did a good video on this years ago. He showed the Jews where dumping infected bodies into the water supply.

T.A.O.L. said:
Edelwise said:
So, it wasn't the poisoning of the wells?

The story about the poisoning of the wells had to do, I believe, with cholera.
Basicly, some person went asking around after an outbreak of the disease and tried to figure out what they all had in common, and they got their water from the same source.

Many people died or almost died from the disease which I think was because it caused severe diarrea.

I also remember being told about similar diseases that were on the crops from the farmers, also causing people to become sick. I think they said it was in the animal dung but what if this would just be spread like the plague?
After that time, hygiene standards increased and people were told to wash their food before consuming them.

Basicly.. is what I was told in history class. For some reason I never got high marks with it but these things I find interesting and if those were the things asked on the test I would have probably aced it.. but they didn't.

Poisoning the Wells - Scott Roberts

HP Mageson666 said:
Scott Roberts did a good video on this years ago. He showed the Jews where dumping infected bodies into the water supply.

T.A.O.L. said:
Edelwise said:
So, it wasn't the poisoning of the wells?

The story about the poisoning of the wells had to do, I believe, with cholera.
Basicly, some person went asking around after an outbreak of the disease and tried to figure out what they all had in common, and they got their water from the same source.

Many people died or almost died from the disease which I think was because it caused severe diarrea.
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
Bull Gotze said:
My mother saw a ball of light descending from the sky before a major fire happened once. Not even she cared much about what she saw, it could be anything she said. Thats because this planet is operating on a very low level of existence, so all events are devoid of any substance seen through the human eye.
That could have been ball lightning:
It's a natural phenomenon, but it can be created artificially.
Also see what a Marx Machine is and can do. The amount of electricity generated by one of them is artificial lightning.

"A dormant lightning machine equal to all the power in Russia" for 100 microseconds.

Another abandoned machine, the Russian Woodpecker, was a big machine, which uses the ionosphere to bounce signals around the Earth's curve; the signals can't escape through the ionosphere. Apparently, it could be heard all around the world.

Of course, at least one of these types of machines could have "started world war 3", as usual.
HP Mageson666 said:
I did an article on Japan and the information showed HAARP activity was in use at the time in the region of the tidal wave that hit Japan. Also it seems the reactors were sabotaged by within the systems that caused the melt down and some traced this back to an Israeli company. After the disaster the international jooz banking stepped in and tried to get a debt lending control over Japan. The Japanese are not stupid People and they have been one of the biggest opponents the Jooz have had.

BoRn of fire said:
I suspect the same was done to Japan years ago
The US and israel collaborated on a cyberwarfare op to create a virus that was designed to sabotage Iran's nuclear program. It was designed to specifically attack the sort of infrastructure used in the nuclear industry. Though the original worm, Stuxnet, was deployed over a decade ago, the project seems to still be in effect as new worms are cropping up that target industrial/nuclear machinery that are thought to be related to Stuxnet.

Seems like that could be what's going on here.
Brea said:
This is so fucked up..I live in CA and the air quality was like Bejing China :shock: . It's like you want to live in a healthier place away from the city hustle and the jew gets you in the peaceful woods. Got to keep fighting them everyday.
Tell this to Varg. He has 200 000 larping subscribers and he tells them to go hide and shit in the woods.
They have been doing this for years each summer in many parts of southern Europe. Be it weather control weapons or not in any case it was (((criminal))) fires
Someone I know told me that sometimes there will be a strange smell in the air where they live, for almost half a day, and then a lot of people get sick afterwards.

And the weather's been really weird lately.

The jews are scared, this is the end game and they know it. It's kind of funny, my whole life I had a feeling that this time in human history (my lifetime and those following it) was going to be VERY important.

If I'd known as a kid that I would help in the destruction of mankind's enemies, along with the help of our Gods, I would have counted the days.
Sorry for doubting the person who made the other tread about this. I wonder why they target some houses but not others... It could happen to anyone...
Hvítr Ormr said:
I suspected the crazy weather we'd been getting lately wasn't natural, but this proves it. How do we make it stop, what do we do? Just keep doing the final RTR? Will that stop (((them))) from being able to control the weather and start fires like this?

I also noticed weather got more and more violent and sudden, that happened together with progressive increase of aggresiveness and ego clash/aggression in mainstream society, so that I was thinking it was caused by the transit of Uranus in Aries that will end soon (it will enter again in Ariesbfor a short while end of 2018). I did not pay attention to those artificial means to alter weather (so Nature itself).
Do you think this may also cause behavioural changes in Humans, due to electric/magnetic heavy and unnatural changes in weather by the enemy artificial force?
Gerecht Ror said:
Hvítr Ormr said:
I suspected the crazy weather we'd been getting lately wasn't natural, but this proves it. How do we make it stop, what do we do? Just keep doing the final RTR? Will that stop (((them))) from being able to control the weather and start fires like this?

I also noticed weather got more and more violent and sudden, that happened together with progressive increase of aggresiveness and ego clash/aggression in mainstream society, so that I was thinking it was caused by the transit of Uranus in Aries that will end soon (it will enter again in Ariesbfor a short while end of 2018). I did not pay attention to those artificial means to alter weather (so Nature itself).
Do you think this may also cause behavioural changes in Humans, due to electric/magnetic heavy and unnatural changes in weather by the enemy artificial force?

Most definetily. How I tend to feel changes with the weather. So from a sunny positive good feeling I woke up twice already with the rotten feeling of nothing goes right and all I want to do is sit in a corner and sob. Just because the sky is grey doesnt mean I have to feel grey. Never had such strong swings either. Is abnormal.
Gerecht Ror said:
I also noticed weather got more and more violent and sudden, that happened together with progressive increase of aggresiveness and ego clash/aggression in mainstream society, so that I was thinking it was caused by the transit of Uranus in Aries that will end soon (it will enter again in Ariesbfor a short while end of 2018). I did not pay attention to those artificial means to alter weather (so Nature itself).
Do you think this may also cause behavioural changes in Humans, due to electric/magnetic heavy and unnatural changes in weather by the enemy artificial force?

I wouldn't be surprised if this tech could cause changes like that, but I think (((they're))) probably relying on more "old fashioned" methods like starting fires and weather manipulation to cause mass panic. I'd actually forgotten about the Uranus/Aries transit, hopefully when that ends they should have a harder time starting any wars at least.
HP Mageson666 said:
Take this in a lesson of the Jewish alien soul. This weather technology could have been used to flower the deserts of the world and save the lives of millions by preventing massive natural disasters. But instead the enemy uses it as weapon to attack innocent people with and cause misery for Gentiles around the world.... Because the Jews want to be the false gods of the world.

When the Gods were on the earth they created a massive natural grid on the lay lines of the world to create good weather and keep plants and crops growing all year around to feed the world with. The Jews do the total opposite. Fucking kikes.

I have seen some people extending their seasons by digging into the ground, deeper on one side (you need to see it to understand what I mean). Such greenhouses seem also to be called walipinis or 'sunken greenhouse' or 'underground greenhouse'.
One thing.. Underground Greenhouses like they show on the videos are not suited for places where the ground water level is normally high.. (doesn't sink under maybe half a meter/less than 2 ft underneath ground level in summer)

I've also seen someone that put compost as soil in a raised bed, put a layer of normal dirt over it and used the heat from the composting process (the raised bed was underneath some sort of raised cover like a greenhouse.
And coldframes are used too. But those are not the most interesting.

Also I've seen videos of Earthships that have a part greenhouse incorporated in their design.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
