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We All Have A Long Way To Go...

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Pretty often, and meditation can naturally cause this, individuals who meditate or do power meditations, are jumping way ahead of themselves. The discovery that one has [or every human who trains these] spiritual powers, can make at first someone very full of themselves. Not bad to have confidence. Actually, it can propel someone to do much more.

Humanity has drastically degenerated to an extent that is observable. When it comes to spiritual powers, very few people have these inborn, even less know how to use them, and the levels of people actually proficient and in knowledge of all of it, is very small.

Oftentimes, feelings of superiority, self confidence, or seeing that matters go good, make people assume they are Gods or that they have excellent communication and so on. These states do not perpetually last forever, but I have noticed people try to maintain these states, despite of input from reality. This is where confidence and one's abilities have to be kept in check.

Alternatively, some people don't try because they don't feel like they should. One should try and do their best, and if things don't work out, you'll learn and they will eventually do. JoS is here for information exchange to speed this up. Things that would have us all confused for a decade, exist here and can be answered in a few days of study, to name an instance.

In other words, to actually verify if you are having actual power, you should look at your results. Not to damn yourself or feel bad, nor to pump yourself to arrogance. Just so that you can know where you're at.

Knowledge about workings, manifestation, and this whole path in general, much of it has to be walked, learned, and discovered by each person for themselves. Clergy, JoS members, we constantly exchange knowledge to highlight more of this path.

Now, as I often do, which can sometimes be painful, I'll relate some painful Truths. The average Gentile is nowhere compared to the average Jew, where it comes to spiritual or general knowledge and advancement. This is caused by centuries of spiritual degeneration.

It is no mistake that many of these people are so extremely arrogant, as compared to the average joe down the street, the distances in understanding can be unfathomable. There are people who also do not pay attention to reality. A lot of people of the enemy, have extensive spiritual knowledge. Much of it stolen of course, but it is what it is.

Growth in knowledge does not happen when someone assumes that they are already at the pinnacle of it. While one may be far ahead the average person in the street, one may be nowhere compared to other more advanced individuals.

The path to Satanism and general spirituality, is plagued with people who are mentally unwell - some run out of refuge for solutions into the path for this reason, while others are labelled like this from the status quo. This is nothing to be ashamed about. But there are many people who have schizophrenia, personality disorders, plain lunatics and so on.

For this reason, verifying spiritual power, and seeing it as an actual thing, has been replaced by a race of who is the more deluded. This insanity defines a lot of "esoteric" circles. This is not exactly a state of spiritual power, nor of realization. It's more like a cult type of thing. Satanists must try to be away from this mentality, in order for the mind to become truly spiritual.

See what a joke this is: People claim they have spiritual power, knowledge etc. Fine by me, I wish more people did. Actually this is the only thing I hope for the future as is. Our world would never be where it is if this was the case. I read these statements very constantly. Oftentimes, these are from people who do not really understand what this means.

And some real, tangible, problem arrives. For example, a health emergency or a financial emergency. Then, all the talk of advancement is out of the window. They cannot solve it. And what would help solve it? Actual power.

Parellel this a little bit with a thousand xians who pray to heal someone from a flu, and they can't do it. Are they deluded or what? They clearly are deluded. An "all powerful god" should at least heal the goddamn flu. Anyone who has done healing or other workings and seen them work, you'll understand how naive and low these people are.

Meanwhile, other people who actually understand what this is, and how these powers are used, or were patient in actually developing them for real, can and will depend on these powers during times of need.

In the same way you can't have imaginary monopoly money and think that you can spend it for groceries, such is the case for having delusions and expecting that these will support you through difficult times.

Personally, I learned the above on the job, and in ways that most people don't have to learn it. When I was new here, I spent like 2-3 years having to be delayed and dealing with information that was not viable or legitimate. This can have disastrous consequences for someone's life.

Oftentimes, people who want to display themselves somehow, they don't care what this may entail to other people. I see this a lot in the New Age and so forth. When people buy a book, and they need a solution to a problem, it has to be for real. But many people simply don't care.

As such the JoS has always been insistent on promoting and doing only accurate knowledge and not just spitting information just for the sake of someone being able to say we shared information. You can't depend on superficial information to advance spiritually.

Each of us, as a person advances in Spiritual Satanism, the goal here is for you to attain better and clearer communication with the Demons. This is not only verbal. They will guide you to knowledge and get you to each successive step of your journey, if you are devoted to meditation, you listen, and you have made the choice to develop.

In order to understand their messages, one has to check them out, verify them for real, and overall, apply and see. One learns by experience. It would lead to a disaster to claim otherwise. Another important aspect in this, is honing one's personal intuition and the capacity of understanding of the so called "God Part" of one's brain.

Many major questions and other riddles about someone, or one's life, can be answered effectively by self consciousness and meditation and do not necessitate a full communication with a Demon, and further assistance can propel you even further.

Humanity has a long way to go, and these powers are no longer "plain everyday" things for humans. Consistent training is necessary to do this. For beings like our Gods, much of this is actually rather natural, but humanity has a long way to go. Do not be very hard on yourselves, as this path is largely "uncharted".

In closing, Satan had explained to me in regards to another question posed a long time ago in the general topic of Europeans, that in Europe, Xians and during the Middle Ages, selective dysgenic planning was done by the church to make people lose their spiritual abilities.

People that were noticed to have any of these, included high intelligence, were killed, dissuaded from procreation, and generally, their life was made a nightmare. Many, without an option, had to assimilate to the enemy borg or practice force fed enemy spirituality, even worse, were put to marry jews and so on. We know this historically to be the case.

To add insult to injury, xianity also created a dysgenics anti-spirituality program, promoting only the lowest, the stupidest, the mentally insane, the nonspiritual and so on to survive and thrive while procreating.

Xians rave they are "spiritual" and they have only lunacy to display and nothing else. If one takes a step back and analyzes them in a rational manner, they are nothing but an angry mob that doesn't know nothing about spirituality. If anything, they are the danger of all that is scientific, spiritual, and creative in man.

To make this state a "moral state" to be, lead us to even lower materialism, and even lower average intelligence and spiritual capacity. To where one has to read a whole tome to understand the basic psychic powers of the human mind, which were taken for granted before - and unironically so, by the xian program itself.

This method was practiced in all Gentile countries where the enemy has had a stronghold. About Islam, better be left unsaid - reality speaks volumes as is. They'll take someones head because it is not doing the ape as they do.

This does not help in the general spiritual conditions of humans nowadays, but it can definitely be overcome. Much of this already exists in humans, and with practice and so on, one can advance. You don't need to get to an ashram for this, it can be part of your daily life.

Of course, for generations, specific individuals will have people that have escaped, and many abilities do "run in families". More than likely, almost everyone of you here, has had some psychic in their family, some person who had premonitions, or some other interest in the occult or spirituality, even that of the enemy [in case they are blind]. This could extend to generations before.

For the above reason, the JoS recommends you what Satan recommends: practice laws which we call generally 'racial' but they are natural. Pass down these gifts and your generation in a mindful manner if possible.

Meanwhile, the enemy has been doing the exact reverse in their midst. Racial purity on the top, a very strong spiritual caste, and protecting spiritual people as the pupil of the eye for their civilizations, they have schools to teach people spirituality without bullshit involved, and so on.

At the same time I have to explain to people why it's a bad idea to watch Netflix all day while smoking crack. Gee, I wonder why you shouldn't be a goy? Maybe because you aren't mean to be? This belief has been a life mission for me.

As a final quote, remember: We all have a long way to go. And we will get there, because the Gods have given us the knowledge and the ability to do so.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is a very important post HP Hooded Cobra, Thank You.

One thing I notice and want to highlight is people think once they raise the kundalini they think all lifes problems will go away, and they will magically mold into a shining god with all the siddhis.

The truth and reality... speaks volumes here, and expectations are blissful when compared to the reality, the energy still needs circulated and worked with after that point, to get the mind body and soul to adjust, and utilise it fully.

We have all this power locked within us, but activating it and learning to use it all takes time, and it can feel grueling, when the spiritual degeneration is really noticed, and how much more along the path one has to go, even when it SEEMS someone is far along.

We definitely will reach the end of our path, and in time we will be spiritually able and advanced.

Hail Satan
A flu is easy to treat..yet a damning disease is hard and sometimes impossible, but being a SS, indifferent of standing in power, seems to create miracles that no amount of advancement can repay the Gods, an infinite overwhelming feeling of acknowledgement. We don't only have the gift of life, but a conscious life.
It is mentioned that Jews are way ahead of Gentiles in terms of occult knowledge.... Which is why I spread the Power Meditation,, and Satanic Witchcraft information. These sections also mention enough how Christianity and others have hindered this knowledge. So people will get the idea ( I did, and, average I.Q. ) and those interested in knowing more will do more research. I generally like to stick with occult minded people and groups, as they will get the information easier and many are more psychically advanced then me, so will be able to do more with them. Also,,, since the Jews know these techniques and much more,, it does no harm to spread the information. ( I don't waste time telling these to christians. As one said here, they can use it against us. Also,, most would run away from it calling it,, "The Devil..... .Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha. That's funny. Human potential, with warnings included in them. As such , if these powers are natural to humans, then we do not need a guy in the sky ( god , Satan, angels, demons, parasites etc. to activate them for us.. That responsibility is on US. One might get help from Satan and the Demons when necessary, but the responsibility for developing this potential is on us. No other. Lots of people thank me for giving these meditations, as it is what they were looking for. And the more sincere Gentiles know about them, the more we can grow and learn concerning these things. And the more Gentiles are aware of the Christian attack on these powers, the more resistance is generated to these religions and their attacks. Of course,, my family, friends, coworkers, etc. know nothing of this. Secrecy is obvious around my environment, for obvious reasons. Don't need them or their religious acquaintances making problems for me.
Excellent advice , I see where your coming from. Keep learning . I have played guitar for 45 years and I could never learn it all. I feel the same way about Satanism . I can only give it my best and stay humble. Thanks for keeping us on the path.
I don't think the xtians are going to get anymore healings or "Miracles" anymore either now or very soon at all. The sad truth behind this is while it was mostly useless sometimes things did actually happen. I have been aware of that for a long time. Its like a hit and miss. That was only cause people were hooking into the thoughtform at random. The same one we are destroying right now with the tetragrammaton thing.

And yes middle ages was a nightmare but they didn't actually kill off most people that were highly spiritual and intelligent. I only say most cause I am sure at least a few got lost to the enemy in later incarnations and anyone forced to marry or be with a Jew in those times was probably a lost cause since I actually saw what that can do. The Gods protected them after death as far as I am aware. Some of them are members on here today whether they remember past lives or not (to be honest I mostly dont). This should be spoken of whenever we talk on that the enemy didnt win as much as they wanted too.

On planets the Gods or someone is not helping their may be no hope though with the enemy cause all the spiritual people would be gone in the astral and physical really quickly. This is why we have to be grateful. People who are spiritual are the only ones who can fight the enemy.
slyscorpion said:
I don't think the xtians are going to get anymore healings or "Miracles" anymore either now or very soon at all. The sad truth behind this is while it was mostly useless sometimes things did actually happen. I have been aware of that for a long time. Its like a hit and miss. That was only cause people were hooking into the thoughtform at random. The same one we are destroying right now with the tetragrammaton thing.

And yes middle ages was a nightmare but they didn't actually kill off most people that were highly spiritual and intelligent. I only say most cause I am sure at least a few got lost to the enemy in later incarnations and anyone forced to marry or be with a Jew in those times was probably a lost cause since I actually saw what that can do. The Gods protected them after death as far as I am aware. Some of them are members on here today whether they remember past lives or not (to be honest I mostly dont). This should be spoken of whenever we talk on that the enemy didnt win as much as they wanted too.

On planets the Gods or someone is not helping their may be no hope though with the enemy cause all the spiritual people would be gone in the astral and physical really quickly. This is why we have to be grateful. People who are spiritual are the only ones who can fight the enemy.
Its a hit and miss because well they don't know anything about how magic works...
jbkbmz said:
It is mentioned that Jews are way ahead of Gentiles in terms of occult knowledge.... Which is why I spread the Power Meditation,, and Satanic Witchcraft information.

Gentiles are by nature stronger spiritually on all extents. But the thing is, total lack of training and criminalizing this for centuries, has us all drawn back.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
jbkbmz said:
It is mentioned that Jews are way ahead of Gentiles in terms of occult knowledge.... Which is why I spread the Power Meditation,, and Satanic Witchcraft information.

Gentiles are by nature stronger spiritually on all extents. But the thing is, total lack of training and criminalizing this for centuries, has us all drawn back.

What about the gentiles of Asia who still practice sorcery/magic as part of culture/tradition? Like my people in Thailand and Laos, we still do many rituals that is nothing to do with Buddhism. We still have village shamans. We still seek "witch doctors" for guidance and remedies.

And yet they're not SS. Would you count Asians as behind? It seems like we still hold on to the old ways.

Some as well in rural South America. They still have their local shamans and such.
Despite religion criminalizing the occult, we still got Gentiles worldwide telling the Jew/christian/muslim god to go F*** itself. That is my choice, as well as millions and more world wide. Seems this is becoming more the case daily. Than Satan.
jbkbmz said:
Despite religion criminalizing the occult, we still got Gentiles worldwide telling the Jew/christian/muslim god to go F*** itself. That is my choice, as well as millions and more world wide. Seems this is becoming more the case daily. Than Satan.

Excellent kikeyeh can go FUCK ITSELF AND BURN :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Hola, me encantó este post, yo soy orgullosamente psicotica y esquizofrenica con obsesivo compulsivo y soy satanista. Sólo que me enamoré de un evangelista :? :? :? :? hace años y él me ha propuesto un matrimonio sin la iglesia católica, estamos planeando una boda solitaria ya que mi novio casi piensa como yo, pero en realidad mis metas siempre fueron otras y el ha irrumpido con esas metas, por eso no sé si este yo mal en esto que me quiera hacer una vida matrimonial con ese evangelista; una disculpa por decir este tipo de cosas, pero lo puedo hacer??? soy un ser humano y como todos también me enamoro y por desgracia caí en esas manos.
Please, can someone enlighten me on a question, if someone asks me what is my spirituality? Because if JoS is not a religion, then, how can i answer this person? Cause a Atheist friend of mine, asked me this question yesterday, and i din't know what to answer him, besides " im a Satanist?", yet, JoS is so special and unic, in its whole? can someone help me on this simple question, is it a movement, "Thee Satanic Movement", cause i find that other Satanic sites, are increadably much smaller in content and knowledge, compare to The Joy of Satan? In the past i have always been into Neo-Nazi movements, on The net, and searching for the right spiritual path for me, and i made my Commitment to Satan Lucifer, at the begining of this January....

Hail Satan Forever!
Hail Waffen SS and The Gods from Hell!
Kheminfer said:
Please, can someone enlighten me on a question, if someone asks me what is my spirituality? Because if JoS is not a religion, then, how can i answer this person? Cause a Atheist friend of mine, asked me this question yesterday, and i din't know what to answer him, besides " im a Satanist?", yet, JoS is so special and unic, in its whole? can someone help me on this simple question, is it a movement, "Thee Satanic Movement", cause i find that other Satanic sites, are increadably much smaller in content and knowledge, compare to The Joy of Satan? In the past i have always been into Neo-Nazi movements, on The net, and searching for the right spiritual path for me, and i made my Commitment to Satan Lucifer, at the begining of this January....

Hail Satan Forever!
Hail Waffen SS and The Gods from Hell!
Spiritual Satanism is a religion but not in the traditional way we know about religions. We know the God's are real 'aliens' that created us, we know we can meditate and become like the God's and we know who the enemy is and why we are fighting them spiritualy. Its a complex answer, be careful to say you are a Satanist, don't put yourself in danger. A lot of people are brainswashed sheeps and they may not understand.
Hecate la bruja mística said:
Hola, me encantó este post, yo soy orgullosamente psicotica y esquizofrenica con obsesivo compulsivo y soy satanista. Sólo que me enamoré de un evangelista :? :? :? :? hace años y él me ha propuesto un matrimonio sin la iglesia católica, estamos planeando una boda solitaria ya que mi novio casi piensa como yo, pero en realidad mis metas siempre fueron otras y el ha irrumpido con esas metas, por eso no sé si este yo mal en esto que me quiera hacer una vida matrimonial con ese evangelista; una disculpa por decir este tipo de cosas, pero lo puedo hacer??? soy un ser humano y como todos también me enamoro y por desgracia caí en esas manos.

Te recomiendo que te mantengas alejada de el, los cristianos ortodoxos son todavia peor que los católicos, si alguien así descubre que eres satanista te puede dar muchos problemas o incluso puedes correr peligro.
Esta es la sección del foro en español: https://ancient-forums.com/viewforum.php?f=25
Hail Satan Forever!
Hail Waffen SS and The Gods from Hell!
Hail Hitler!
Hail not The Virgin Bitch!
sí es lo que estoy pensando hacer, de hecho él sabe que soy satanista y creeme que él me dice que me comprende porque según él me dijo el otro día que el tuvo la reencarnación de satanista, él proviene de esa reencarnación, pero que nació y nació para evangelio, y creeme que toda su familia me desprecia y una madrastra suya me quitó todas mis obras de arte mas celebres y buenas a la basura y por eso ya he querido olvidarme de él pero pues esta dificil porque como sea pues sí lo quería. Y quiero vengarme de esa señora madrastra.
Una pregunta, estoy terriblemente mal, siento como si atrapada en una burbuja, llena de ideas fijas que nunca cambio ni pienso en otras cosas, tengo algunas ideas obsesivas o mi mente esta grabada como un cassette que tiene una misma canción y luego tiene otra canción y derrepente cambia y luego vuelve. Así con mis ideas no puedo ni leer ni tener calma mental, que se supone que materialmente estoy calmada y no estoy teniendo dificultades, aparentemente y materialmente estoy muy bien y muy estable, pero mi espiritu lo siento agitado con llena de musica que no puedo silenciar en la mente, pensando las mismas ideas que tengo ya mas de 6 años, y cada sexenio o mas años vario de ideas obsesivas, ahorita tengo la de mi propio ser como era en mi vida anterior y porque llegue al satanismo, diario me pregunto y me respondo me calmo una vez y me vuelvo a preguntar y de ahí me viene una canción. Y ya me resague en mis tareas o en mi oficio, porque siento que tengo mi espiritu inundado o lo tengo atrapado en una nube o telaraña no puedo escribir mis ideas y como sea siempre que puedo escribo siempre lo mismo, no puedo leer sobre todo, cada que leo me desespero o mi vista le duele deslizarse, cada que leo un renglón siento desesperación, no siempre entiendo todo solo algunas cosas, y detesto leer la mayor parte del tiempo. He querido invocar a losdemonios y no me hacen caso y tampoco siento a satanas en mi vida, mi vida tiene un hueco vacío y ese hueco es satanas y su sombra calida que anhelo tanto tener, le he cometido fallas a mi señor porque a dos personas que con las que siempre hablo intimidades o algunos secretos les he contado sobre los demonios pero solo les he indicado sus caracteristicas, realmente les cuento como son porque siento la necesidad o siento un impulso y creo que los demonios estan molestos conmigo al respecto, pero pues son personas que tienen amplio su criterio y saben de eso y estan en un nivel elevado espiritual aunque sean derivados de cristo estan en nuestra lucha, y he querido que los demonios quiten mi enfermedad pero nunca me responden y quiero saber si estoy haciendo algo malo.
Si estoy mal en contar sobre ellos no deseo que me corran del grupo solo que me den consejos o me interprenten qué me esta pasando porque tengo la mente así, si yo nunca busque estar en esta clase de atmosfera en la que estoy viviendo, siento una luz falsa y solo convivo con las personas que me rodean y creanme que ni las amo solo las sobrellevo, pero a veces si les platico lo que leo. Gracias

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
