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HPS Shannon said:Happy Summer Solstice.
With everything happening in the world, it is so easy to get carried away in focusing on all the horrible things going on. With the enemy furthering their onslaught and corruption of the gentiles, our freedom, truth and our precious earth, it almost made me lose sight of the beauty of nature and the magick of life.
I just wanted to share this cool information to everyone here as a reminder of the wondrous things of life.
We all know what the element of water is physically and spiritually (as in its magickal correspondence), and I'm sure that many of you are familiar with the works of Masaru Emoto, and how he showed that water has a "memory" of some sort, and how water is influenced by thoughts, emotions and music but, of course,it goes further than that.
Water has been a theme in all gentile spiritual beliefs and mythos since the beginning of our creation. Whether it be through the depiction of fish gods and beings like Oannes and the Nommo who brought life and knowledge, or through the emphasis of the deep dark feminine energies--the cosmic and primordial seas--which by the way, the serpent is said to reside in signifying the life force like in Hinduism for example, or in many traditional African religions.
The theme of water, and its connection to the life force, wisdom, creation and fertility is all over the ancient world.
This is an image of Ea/Enki with water flowing from his being which represents the creative life force energies.
Our god Satan who is Enki/Ea is and was known as the water bearer, especially in Sumerian lore. Enki is the god of creation, fertility, wisdom and all waters- from the sea, lake or in between. The Absu/Apsu is connected since this is the watery spring of creation and life which Enki is involved in.
Water is the life force, literally and allegorically.
Thanks to scientific works from great people, we now know that water is the essence and engine of life, and much more interesting than shown in Masaru's works. All sources, books and references will be listed at the end of this article.
-We know that water is essential for all life (wherever there is life, there is water)
-We now know that water stores energy and is highly conductive.
-We now know that water gets energy from light sources.
-We know that water has a fourth phase that is neither solid, liquid or gas.
*All of this, especially the last, discovered by a few scientists but completely detailed and highlighted by Doctor Gerald Pollack.
Water has a fourth phase that is liken to a liquid crystalline state that is only present in living things, or when exposed to high amounts of energy and or a protein. This is the reason how jello is made, why collagen is the way it is when exposed to water and how just water and sand makes a sand castle stand up almost as if an adhesive is part of it. If anyone wants to know the detailed science of the fourth phase of water, the book is listed at the end of this writing.
Majority of the water in our bodies is in its fourth state and is for the most part, structured. Water in its liquid state reacts with our souls (energy) and cells, and this makes structured water (h3o2) and transforms us into batteries. Our energies flow and our health is better when we are adequately hydrated. Water is needed to generate the energy in our physical bodies and on the cellular level. This partially explains what moves the blood in the body. When water is absent or not present enough, we are sick or die. We are water beings. Nothing happens in the body without water.
From the British Society of Cell biology-
"Water is the single most abundant chemical found in living things. Virtually all chemical reactions in life processes take place in solution in water. Some organisms can live in a dormant and desiccated state for long periods of time but require water to become active. Water is present both inside and outside cells."
Now aging and disease has been said to be related to the degradation and destructuring of water in our cells, according to doctors like Nobel Prize winner Alexis Carrel and Dr. Ishahari Yumi, M.D. And we all know that dehydration of the body can cause many diseases on its own as outlined in the book "Your body's many cries for water" by Fereydoon Batmanghelidj
Water is at every core of our being, even being organized and structured in and around our DNA, encasing it. The liquid crystalline state of water is also responsible for the DNA's stability apparently. I will quote what Doctor Carrell has mentioned about cells and water.
“The cell is immortal. It is merely the fluid in which it floats that degenerates. Renew this fluid at regular intervals, give the cell what it requires for nutrition, and as far as we know, the pulsation of life can go on forever.” Alexis Carrell
This makes sense to me as it relates to power meditations, yoga and revamping our life force of the soul so that the water in our bodies will stay organized, perfected, structured and revitalized thus affecting our DNA cells and preventing us from aging and developing disease. It's all connected. The Kundalini ties into this of course as well since the kundalini energy works through water physically.
I highlighted earlier in this writing that serpents residing in and springing forth from the cosmic birthing waters isnt just an allegory in gentile spiritual concepts. Water is necessary to be alive and advance spiritually.
With all this exciting information on water, I think it's obvious to point out that we all should be drinking clean water. However, water that you get from the tap, for example, is not the ideal form of water in addition to it being laden with chemicals and other things we should not be ingesting.
After research, reading and observation of nature, It is shown that water is better consumed in its "living" and organized state.
In order for water to be healthy and living it has to be clean and free of stuff such as heavy metals, microplastics, pharmaceuticals, chlorine, flouride, etc. The best way to do this is through reverse osmosis water or distilling your water. These are to guarantee nothing harmful is in it. It removes everything from the water.
Secondly, the water has to have minerals in it. Healthy and natural minerals like that found in the sea, in salts and rock dust powders. Water picks up these things in its natural habitat on earth as it moves around rocks and such, and makes it extra conductive and able to penetrate the cells of any who consumes it.
Third the water has to be in a state of motion and movement so as to gather energy. Like it does in nature all the time.
And fourth, the water has to be exposed to natural energy fields like that of the earth, sun, moon, etc, etc. In its natural element.
Water in tap is opposite of all of this. The water is stagnant, full of chemicals, and not exposed to natural energy.
Though power meditation organizes and further structures the water in the body, one can take it further by consuming living spectrum water for extra benefits. That is more energy and to help detoxify the body and I speculate that it slows down the aging process based on experiments by Alexis Carrell. I recently bought my water vortex and structuring items for cheap and now I use this water to drink, give to my pets and water to my house plants. Making water living can easily be achieved.
Drinking living and energetically structured water increases the energy of the cells in the body, helps to detox the body better, helps with sleep and corrects dehydration. Drinking full spectrum water fully hydrates you because this water is penetrating the cells more and so you will find that you will need to drink less water over time but still be hydrated.
The first time I drank this water, I must admit, my body felt like it was being "flooded", it was nice and peaceful. I also noticed that I can feel my energies more if I have it before meditation. Remember, water is highly conductive and amplifies energy. It would be nice to see what any of your experiences will be if you choose to try this.
In one of the books I am reading on the science of water, it shows how GDV/electro photon capture technology was able to photograph people who drank this water and show their energy fields had more brilliance after drinking it. As I said, power meditation does this but I like to experiment and wanted to enjoy the added effects of drinking this water directly.
All I did was distill/ purify my water, add himalayan salt in ionic form, put my water in a vortex magnetizer (two bottles connected with a cap that has neodymium magnets) and spin it so that when the water flows through the magnets (while being in a vortex*) and into the other bottle, it restructures, organizes and collects life force energy.
*Energy moves in a circular and spiral motion. Spirals are found all over nature and this is the creative force and spirals and vortexes gather energy. DNA does something similar, the kundalini has spiraling energies when it's active and the chakras are vortexes for example...*
I also notice that when the water is moving in a vortex pattern, it looks very similar to how DNA is structured with the twists and shape of the helix. Interesting.
I know it might sound complicated but it's super easy to make this. Buying is cheap too. The cap with the magnets was only $37 for me. If money is an issue, you can also structure your water through different means as well like with magnets.
Water in general is amazing and versatile. It can be used as a battery and energy source. Water can also be made into a solid ice or heated into gaseous state just by adding and playing around with its electrons and protons-- not by adding freezing and thermal and heat energy.This can be used for sustainable energy and technology in the future, I believe.
Hail Satan
-The Fourth phase of Water by Gerald Pollack
-The Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto
-Dancing with Water:The New Science of Water by MJ Pangam and Melanie Evans
(This book is the best and is very exhaustive, also full of countless science articles and studies, which is excellent. Recommended)
Shannon gets attacked.
Shannon- Lets put some electricity in my water.