Well-known member
I'll keep it really short because I have to manage my time better today. However, I am leaving the forum open (as usual) to see for the notifications to this topic of mine as well and answering.
If someone obtained the power to heat external objects with the mind (evoking the element of fire on the surface of the object to heat it) how could he use this power for self-defense?
Note, important disclaimer for new members: having power does not give you the right to use it to hurt random people (typical Jewish behavior). And it is really USELESS to hide behind HPS Maxine Dietrich's phrase "responsibility to the responsible," a phrase that many often misunderstand as pretexts of "okay, I take responsibility for this death spell against a family man with 5 dependent children and a sick wife, just because this guy tried to pass me in the supermarket line, if I take responsibility it becomes ethical!"
No. Taking responsibility means just the opposite. It means that you are mature enough (and therefore responsible enough) to understand that you can't put a death spell on someone because they grimace at you and think that "Satan agrees or else why would he teach me the evil eye???"
That said, just as I know of many military and martial techniques that can easily kill a person instantly (and that Grand Master did not teach me to go around killing passersby at a bus stop), it is also true that it is not always for legal reasons that one can act physically. In America the Laws of Self-Defense are more "normal." In Italy they really suck, and if someone doesn't stab you first and so you actually bleed, you can't fight back as he is approaching with a knife.
And it's not too much of a joke either, that's how it happens. Plus you literally have to hope someone is video-recording the scene or you can't prove it's self-defense if you have martial/military recognition of any kind (and I have plenty of those...)
So for more practical and safe situations I prefer to use the 'fire element on-the-spot" for self-defense, summoning Fire around the heart of the attacker to cause him a heart attack (as with the Fire elemental in the Magic section, but live). I had two questions about this...
Can I simply summon fire by visualizing his heart inside his chest and then feeling the heat and the increasingly loud crackling of flames (as I do with objects)? Is it okay even if at a slight distance and covered by the rib cage, etc. (His heart doesn't stand exposed near me like when I train with conductive objects like copper coins)?
I am also good at invoking the Fire from the Infinite Source around me (those who know how thought forms are created know what I am talking about) and then exhaling it into the accumulation that I had evoked around the object.
The second question is how to train this. It is one thing to heat an object. It is another to heat a protected organ to quickly destroy the dangerous criminal. And obviously I cannot experiment with this. At most, I can try with a physical object by holding it further and further away or covering it with a non-insulating material....
NOTE: Again for new members, once again I want to set a good example and say something obvious (but something I have seen people do over the years). NEVER involve innocent biological creatures in these experiments. NEVER.
Not even seemingly "small and insignificant" creatures like spiders in your room. Besides the fact that in relation to the universe that is infinite (as Goddess Lilith said); you occupy no more physical place left in terms of size than the stature of a mere spider, to harm a being that LIVES and does things ALIVE regardless of its level of understanding of "what's going on in the world on a global scale," is a grossly insensitive thing to do.
Indeed, the greater your power will be, the smaller the creatures you will have equally great compassion for are. Obviously this does not apply to pests that harm you (lice, mosquitoes) as nature is based on personal survival (and this also works with nutrition, eat healthily animals if you need. Do it with respect if possible. I refuse to eat ungrown lambs or calves just because "their meat is tastier and therefore their lives are worthless." But you CAN and MUST survive by feeding yourselves!)
Now, sorry for the many digressions, an extra question, in your opinion, if the criminal wears insulating clothes, fireproofing, etc., can this power still be used? I believe that evoking fire per se does not pertain to outer clothes, because it is conjured directly around the heart, but exhaling fire to the heart to enhance it, is it blocked by physical clothes?
I ask because in meditation I've noticed that I find it easier to breath energy if I wear a black dress or when I visualize the chakra on a black background, etc. Maybe it is a fixation of mine, however tell me.... THANK YOU!!
If someone obtained the power to heat external objects with the mind (evoking the element of fire on the surface of the object to heat it) how could he use this power for self-defense?
Note, important disclaimer for new members: having power does not give you the right to use it to hurt random people (typical Jewish behavior). And it is really USELESS to hide behind HPS Maxine Dietrich's phrase "responsibility to the responsible," a phrase that many often misunderstand as pretexts of "okay, I take responsibility for this death spell against a family man with 5 dependent children and a sick wife, just because this guy tried to pass me in the supermarket line, if I take responsibility it becomes ethical!"
No. Taking responsibility means just the opposite. It means that you are mature enough (and therefore responsible enough) to understand that you can't put a death spell on someone because they grimace at you and think that "Satan agrees or else why would he teach me the evil eye???"
That said, just as I know of many military and martial techniques that can easily kill a person instantly (and that Grand Master did not teach me to go around killing passersby at a bus stop), it is also true that it is not always for legal reasons that one can act physically. In America the Laws of Self-Defense are more "normal." In Italy they really suck, and if someone doesn't stab you first and so you actually bleed, you can't fight back as he is approaching with a knife.
And it's not too much of a joke either, that's how it happens. Plus you literally have to hope someone is video-recording the scene or you can't prove it's self-defense if you have martial/military recognition of any kind (and I have plenty of those...)
So for more practical and safe situations I prefer to use the 'fire element on-the-spot" for self-defense, summoning Fire around the heart of the attacker to cause him a heart attack (as with the Fire elemental in the Magic section, but live). I had two questions about this...
Can I simply summon fire by visualizing his heart inside his chest and then feeling the heat and the increasingly loud crackling of flames (as I do with objects)? Is it okay even if at a slight distance and covered by the rib cage, etc. (His heart doesn't stand exposed near me like when I train with conductive objects like copper coins)?
I am also good at invoking the Fire from the Infinite Source around me (those who know how thought forms are created know what I am talking about) and then exhaling it into the accumulation that I had evoked around the object.
The second question is how to train this. It is one thing to heat an object. It is another to heat a protected organ to quickly destroy the dangerous criminal. And obviously I cannot experiment with this. At most, I can try with a physical object by holding it further and further away or covering it with a non-insulating material....
NOTE: Again for new members, once again I want to set a good example and say something obvious (but something I have seen people do over the years). NEVER involve innocent biological creatures in these experiments. NEVER.
Not even seemingly "small and insignificant" creatures like spiders in your room. Besides the fact that in relation to the universe that is infinite (as Goddess Lilith said); you occupy no more physical place left in terms of size than the stature of a mere spider, to harm a being that LIVES and does things ALIVE regardless of its level of understanding of "what's going on in the world on a global scale," is a grossly insensitive thing to do.
Indeed, the greater your power will be, the smaller the creatures you will have equally great compassion for are. Obviously this does not apply to pests that harm you (lice, mosquitoes) as nature is based on personal survival (and this also works with nutrition, eat healthily animals if you need. Do it with respect if possible. I refuse to eat ungrown lambs or calves just because "their meat is tastier and therefore their lives are worthless." But you CAN and MUST survive by feeding yourselves!)
Now, sorry for the many digressions, an extra question, in your opinion, if the criminal wears insulating clothes, fireproofing, etc., can this power still be used? I believe that evoking fire per se does not pertain to outer clothes, because it is conjured directly around the heart, but exhaling fire to the heart to enhance it, is it blocked by physical clothes?
I ask because in meditation I've noticed that I find it easier to breath energy if I wear a black dress or when I visualize the chakra on a black background, etc. Maybe it is a fixation of mine, however tell me.... THANK YOU!!