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Waking up earlier, and on time


Active member
Sep 21, 2017
Nowhere of particular interest
Aside from going to bed earlier (which is exceedingly hard for me, but I am working on it), does anyone have any methods to get better sleep and possibly wake up earlier?

I've personally slept with a large Purple Tesla plate (the real ones) under my bed to help my quality of sleep, and that's helped slightly over the almost year of me having it. And have noticed better sleep when I charged my new deck of Tarrot cards 2 weeks ago, but I can't see myself doing this every night. As well, I'm a lot farther today than I was a year or even 6 months ago in terms of my spiritual advancement.

The reasoning behind my desire to wake up earlier is due to my desire to do as much meditation and yoga before work, as I can. (I work at 7 A.M. rather than the typical 9 A.M. job) This leaves me with greater time after work for meditation, though I feel unmotivated and drained after work. So this usually doesn't work the way it should

As a side point too, I know a lot of society is designed to drain us of energy and program us as much as possible. But is it just coincidence that most jobs are always the first thing people have to do in their day? Or is that out of malice and part of the enemy's plan? The only reason I wonder this is because it rings true with the "Pay yourself first" mentality, and it seems most effective at doing just that.

Apologies for all the questions. Hope to hear from you all soon, have a great rest of your day! :)
Poweredbythesun said:

The system I have in place for myself is one that might not work for you as it requires a lot of willpower which is often very individual, but I'll share it anyway. I have a routine I like to have where I set my alarm clock to wake me up 3 hours before I need to work and I always force myself to wake up at that hour regardless of how late I went to bed the night prior. I don't like to go to bed early either since what with work, chores, dinner and meditations I have so little time to have fun... so I often stay up as late as reasonable.

Because of these fewer hours of sleep, I rely on my sheer willpower and determination to pull myself out of bed when my alarm goes off. I'll usually be dead tired throughout the day but that's kind of the point in order for me to actually go to sleep earlier. In those 3 hours I can have breakfast, get dressed and cram in the RTR and all of my various meditations and still have time to get to work.

The idea of being tired day after day is what motivates me to go to sleep earlier to avoid it and then you get into the sleeping schedule as a routine. Getting all of my meditations done and working on my chakras first thing in the morning is what allows me time to relax and enjoy myself a bit afterwords, it also gives me more time to help people on the forums and do some research in Satan's Library.

But like I said, my way of going about things may not work for you but if you want to wake up earlier and find it difficult to go to bed early in order to do so, then this is how I do it for myself.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Poweredbythesun said:

The system I have in place for myself is one that might not work for you as it requires a lot of willpower which is often very individual, but I'll share it anyway. I have a routine I like to have where I set my alarm clock to wake me up 3 hours before I need to work and I always force myself to wake up at that hour regardless of how late I went to bed the night prior. I don't like to go to bed early either since what with work, chores, dinner and meditations I have so little time to have fun... so I often stay up as late as reasonable.

Because of these fewer hours of sleep, I rely on my sheer willpower and determination to pull myself out of bed when my alarm goes off. I'll usually be dead tired throughout the day but that's kind of the point in order for me to actually go to sleep earlier. In those 3 hours I can have breakfast, get dressed and cram in the RTR and all of my various meditations and still have time to get to work.

The idea of being tired day after day is what motivates me to go to sleep earlier to avoid it and then you get into the sleeping schedule as a routine. Getting all of my meditations done and working on my chakras first thing in the morning is what allows me time to relax and enjoy myself a bit afterwords, it also gives me more time to help people on the forums and do some research in Satan's Library.

But like I said, my way of going about things may not work for you but if you want to wake up earlier and find it difficult to go to bed early in order to do so, then this is how I do it for myself.

Huh, that just might work actually :) I even have a special alarm clock just for waking up heavy sleepers.

Funny enough too I've actually been waking up at 3:45 or so every few days, but I usually just got back to bed in this case. Could start using this to my advantage too XD
Honestly Im glad this topic came up.

I hope other members can chip in tips..

Now I don't have a job atm that requires me to wake up early every day.. so that motivation alone is out of the question.

What I have noticed is, that when I have not had enough sleep I can't concentrate on any kind of meditation that is not just vibrating words at all. And two, to resist temptation to sit down and watch tv is 0 too. Which leads back to the vicious cycle.

So I know that 1) It is healthier to sleep before midnight
2) to be asleep when its completely dark
3) when I wake up early I have a more productive day
4) I am way more motivated to try and do something about this before bedtime. I find it hard to find the motivation to do anything productive with my day just after I've woken up.

It is like a habit. I seriously wonder if a FreeingTheSoul shouldn't be applied here.

Oh also, it is part of cultural norm nowadays. Like that it is still spooking through my parents head that going to bed after 10 pm is unusually late. Comes with the generation. But you'd be surprised how many people nowadays are still awake at midnight or later..
Poweredbythesun said:
Huh, that just might work actually :) I even have a special alarm clock just for waking up heavy sleepers.

Funny enough too I've actually been waking up at 3:45 or so every few days, but I usually just got back to bed in this case. Could start using this to my advantage too XD

That could definitely be used to your advantage. Any time you find yourself aware with nothing else to do and you haven't meditated yet or still have some to finish, then that would be a good time to do so.

As for T.A.O.L it would make sense that meditating would be difficult with lack of sleep as it relies on the focus of the mind, which is next to nothing when it's trying to basically pass out. As for the tv, simply unplug it and tell yourself that as you are unplugging the tv you are also unplugging yourself from the urge to watch it; believe and know this to be so and you will feel disconnected from it. Then you can get your meditations done without the nagging distraction.
Ghost in the Machine said:
As for T.A.O.L it would make sense that meditating would be difficult with lack of sleep as it relies on the focus of the mind, which is next to nothing when it's trying to basically pass out. As for the tv, simply unplug it and tell yourself that as you are unplugging the tv you are also unplugging yourself from the urge to watch it; believe and know this to be so and you will feel disconnected from it. Then you can get your meditations done without the nagging distraction.

I know you dont know but if I was living on my own don't you think that'd have been the first thing I'd do.. other than just not buying a tv in the first place? Hm?

Also question, does anyone know how you can block only your own access to a certain website from that one device only? If you can explain to me how to do it (without breaking everything permanently) please do so.
Nothing wrong with entertainment once in a while but I see your point.

As for the blocking, that depends on what device it is, like is it a mobile device? Is it a PC? Laptop? Also is it Mac, Apple, Windows, Linux, etc?
While I was unable to wake up on time today, I did manage to wake up on time yesterday.

I also managed to remember my dream today, while the last 2 days I forgot the dreams before I could write them down :/

So far I've devised a time to go to sleep (8-9 P.M.) and a time to wake up (3-4 A.M.), now all I have to do is execute this successfully a few times and I'll be well on my way to consistent advancement 1st thing in the morning :D Thank you for your help all! :)
Don't put your alarm clock anywhere you can reach when you are sleeping. Put it across the room so you have to jump up and run over to turn it off. Then you can't accidently fall asleep again, stay away from the bed after you get up.
Imho you are just ruinining your mental and physical health by trying to be some super willpower whatever thing.
Aquarius said:
Imho you are just ruinining your mental and physical health by trying to be some super willpower whatever thing.

Honestly I don't think you understand the point of this whole desire, but you could be talking about something else?

Any how, the reason I want to get everything out of the way so early is because we as people are typically more disciplined early in the day. As well, doing something when no one is awake / around to bother me makes my schedule less prone to interruption. This is great as it seems everyone always wants something from me, most commonly it's an hour or more of my daily time.

Also, a quick update. I tried to do the whole early to bed early to rise plan, woke up at my first alarm, did all my yoga, a RTR, and am now about to finish my schedule for the most part. :) I also think I found a period of transition in my sleep or something like that, as I immediately woke to the first alarm. Usually I'm a pain in the [DATA EXPUNGED] to get up in the morning.
Ghost in the Machine said:
T.A.O.L do you have a specific log-in user for yourself? If not I'd suggest making one with a secure password.

This is my own laptop that I am using. ...........
I didn't even want to reply to this as this just seems to be going nowhere. Instead of asking a ton of questions.. give me an answer that I can work with.
Or Ill just go search for the info myself.
T.A.O.L. said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
T.A.O.L do you have a specific log-in user for yourself? If not I'd suggest making one with a secure password.

This is my own laptop that I am using. ...........
I didn't even want to reply to this as this just seems to be going nowhere. Instead of asking a ton of questions.. give me an answer that I can work with.
Or Ill just go search for the info myself.
the answer can be easily found on google:p

1. You did not specify if you were sharing the device or not which brought me to bring up log-ins.
2. You've given me no idea what your situation is thus having me resort to asking a bunch of menial questions that wastes both our time because I only want to help in the best way that I can.
3. I guess it's my fault for getting techy.

I was gonna get super complex because of my work in computers but you know what just use this.

If you use Firefox.
I'm not sure if Tinywall also blocks traffic to certain websites, but it is useful in blocking all traffic to and from a PC unless you register an application :)

As for blocking certain websites, I'm sure Firefox has a blocked websites list. As well, they have TONS of add-ons for security. More than anything though, the best way to stop traffic from a website is to not visit it. And if that doesn't work for some reason, block it and it's IP.

Not sure my above advice is satisfactory, but I know at least enough about computers to build them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Ghost in the Machine said:

1. You did not specify if you were sharing the device or not which brought me to bring up log-ins.
2. You've given me no idea what your situation is thus having me resort to asking a bunch of menial questions that wastes both our time because I only want to help in the best way that I can.
3. I guess it's my fault for getting techy.

I was gonna get super complex because of my work in computers but you know what just use this.

If you use Firefox.

I know I may have come off as rude, but this is not a chat here and replies take days to get anything substantial done.

I thank you for the effort in helping me, nevertheless.

But I know very little about computers. Lets say I understand that Trojans are virusses and that they are bad and depending on the trojan does different things.
And thats about how far my current cpu knowledge goes. Very little of it that I actually remember - I need to write stuff down or use it or I'll forget.

Having to ask so many questions may be better done in private, just saying, or a bunch at a time. I have no idea what you want or need to know. Though I guess saying 'to block my own access to certain websites without hindering other peoples access' sounds rather clear to me but for some reason most of what I say somehow miscommunicates to others but whatever...
Because I asked someone else and he was like 'go to access your router' Im like 'dude I dont live alone I can't do that'.
Just a bit of an update, tonight will make for the 7th night of my new sleep schedule. So far I've only failed to wake up on time one day, and that was today (because I wanted to sleep in).

I've also been doing more in a day too, and feel better over all. But, I have only been able to go to bed at 7:30-8 P.M. a few times due to other people interfering. I do have some other good news though, in regards to my attempts at lucid dreaming; I lucid dreamed last night! :) It wasn't for long, but I did manage to take some control over my dream, and part of what helped me is my guardian demon was there and for once I could actually understand what she was saying :) Whereas before when she talked it sounded like another language

I also started doing a SATANAMA meditation every day, and I feel pretty good after it

Just did a search on the forum and this was one of the results. Maybe the topic in general is intersting too for anyone else that ever searches for the same thing.
Poweredbythesun said:
Just a bit of an update, tonight will make for the 7th night of my new sleep schedule. So far I've only failed to wake up on time one day, and that was today (because I wanted to sleep in).

I've also been doing more in a day too, and feel better over all. But, I have only been able to go to bed at 7:30-8 P.M. a few times due to other people interfering. I do have some other good news though, in regards to my attempts at lucid dreaming; I lucid dreamed last night! :) It wasn't for long, but I did manage to take some control over my dream, and part of what helped me is my guardian demon was there and for once I could actually understand what she was saying :) Whereas before when she talked it sounded like another language

I also started doing a SATANAMA meditation every day, and I feel pretty good after it

That's awesome! :D

I'd like to share my schedule: I usually wake up 2hrs before the start of my job in the morning. The first hour I do my meditations and yoga; the second hour is for me to get ready and travel time. I usually do another session when I get home and depending, another before bed. On days when I work closings, I usually wake up at the same time as the other days and follow the same routine. And then again right before work in the evening so I won't have to worry about it when I get home in the AM. Someone mentioned in another post about working with the timing and rhythm of your life. It makes getting your spiritual routine reps done a lot easier. I usually like to crank out an RTR while my car warms up or I'm waiting for my food in the oven, or some other little niche of time where I'm alone and waiting. ^^
I do have the occasional slip up where I miss a routine but it's become less and less as time moves on.
A bit of an update:

I've been doing this 3:30 A.M. wake up routine for a few weeks now, and aside from going to bed on time I haven't had any major problems :) I've got a bit of flack for 'going to bed so early' but that's really about it.

Also, I have been doing the SATANAMA meditation with affirmation for about 2 weeks now. Feels good, now I just need to add in the King and Queen meditation at some point XD
As a quick note, I noticed recently that I don't feel pain while dreaming. This occurred to me in a dream while I had to punch through plate steel, and only after drastically bending the steel I noticed I hadn't felt pain from the experience. Maybe this can be used as a form of reality check?

In other news; I've found it hard to even try and Lucid dream :/ It's almost as if I'm actively trying to avoid 'waking up' while I dream, as I notice certain things out of place but simply don't care or shrug them off until I wake up and realize what happened. Opened my heart chakra recently too, so within the week I plan to start training for astral projection, maybe that will help :)
Today, we have mattress that are very soft and deep, this is not ideal, everyone can better their sleep by having a harder surface, what you can do is to lay a plate(not tall) mattress on the floor and sleep on it for a few days, just google the benefits from doing so, every animal do sleep in a hard but comfortable surface for example the earth, they don't have to immerse into something. Sleeping the correct way is good for your posture, muscle etc.

If you don't like the idea of getting in contact with the floor constantly during your sleep for whatever reason, you can buy a japanese futon.

Hope this helps and of couse do your own research on the subject.
MaRa666 said:
Today, we have mattress that are very soft and deep, this is not ideal, everyone can better their sleep by having a harder surface, what you can do is to lay a plate(not tall) mattress on the floor and sleep on it for a few days, just google the benefits from doing so, every animal do sleep in a hard but comfortable surface for example the earth, they don't have to immerse into something. Sleeping the correct way is good for your posture, muscle etc.

If you don't like the idea of getting in contact with the floor constantly during your sleep for whatever reason, you can buy a japanese futon.

Hope this helps and of couse do your own research on the subject.

Excuse me????

You obviously have no idea how uncomfortable it can be to lay on the floor as a woman.
We invent things, we create things and make it better. We've NEVER slept on the floor alone. Even beds and matrasses were made out of straw or wool before. And this is to not even mention that certain surfaces drain your bodies heat, making you vulnerable to diseases and making proper deep sleep harder.
This is why we sleep with a blanket. You sound like the person who would also claim that sleeping without a blanket is a good thing because it doesn't press you down or restrict you so you can breathe better or some BS.

Obviously it is not good if beds are (way) too soft, but they shouldn't be so hard like the floor either.

Not to mention your entire post has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand.
MaRa666 said:
Today, we have mattress that are very soft and deep, this is not ideal, everyone can better their sleep by having a harder surface, what you can do is to lay a plate(not tall) mattress on the floor and sleep on it for a few days, just google the benefits from doing so, every animal do sleep in a hard but comfortable surface for example the earth, they don't have to immerse into something. Sleeping the correct way is good for your posture, muscle etc.

If you don't like the idea of getting in contact with the floor constantly during your sleep for whatever reason, you can buy a japanese futon.

Hope this helps and of couse do your own research on the subject.

This has nothing to do with the topic (though it has to do with sleep).

Hard surfaces are bad for your back, not to mention your posture. And as my Great grandfather once said: "Invest in a good bed, and good shoes. If you're not in one, you're in the other."

I personally wear the appropriate shoes for my job (which requires me to stand on concrete for 8 hours a day), and as of 4 months ago got a foam mattress so my body lays naturally instead of resting on a rather firm spring mattress. And let me tell you, I feel better for making the switch. Not only has my sleep quality improved, but my frequent back pains have subsided. We may be a form of 'animal', but you must realize that we create things to improve our lives for a reason.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
