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Visnu Is Satan

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Visnu Is Satan

Visnu is the personification of Ananta Shesha Naga which means " The Eternal King Cobra" in English. Visnu is shown as the God sleeping and dreaming on the serpent on the cosmic waves where the unmanifest worlds and reality are waiting to be created. But also as the ruler of the Gods in His loka or heaven. Visnu's title is Vasu which is a name of Venus in Sanskrit. Which is the serpent energy and how it creates the individual and the universe. Ananta Shesha the nine headed cosmic serpent is also the symbol of Enki in ancient Sumeria.

The King Cobra in Hindu alchemy is shown in two ways one is sitting on the ground sleeping coiled three and a half times and the other is standing fully straight upwards with the hood open awake. This represents the sleeping or unawakened and awakened and risen state of this energy. This is because that is how the King Cobra sleeps on the ground and how it rises upwards into the air. The upwards cobra is the symbol of the spine and the open hood the activated hemispheres of the brain with the risen energy. This is the two states Visnu is shown in. For this reason Visnu is the kundalini energy. In his sleeping state the serpent energy still effects and rules the unconscious mind the dreaming and its awakened and risen state it unites both the male and female the conscious and unconscious mind together. The unmanifested reality is the reality waiting to be manifested with the awakening of the serpent.

Visnu is the creator God who after creating the universe the worlds and such then sleeps on the cosmic waters. This is the description of the kundalini energy in Hinduism. Its the energy that creates and manifests the being and then it travels down the to the base of the spine sleeping and dreaming waiting to be activated and brought up the spine to the crown to transform the being into the Light Body. The avatar's of Visnu especially the earliest the Fish avatar deal with the transformation and salvation of the world. This is allegorical of the serpent power transforming the entire being into the ascended state.

The universe that Visnu creates in Hinduism is the Visva which are called the 13 Gods the whole soul the 13 chakras and the three main nadis which form the entire soul the elements and the chakra's. This is also the universe that Visnu will perfect by Kundalini Yoga. The individual soul.

Visnu is called the Maha Visnu which is the three nadi's that form the trident the sun, central and moon nadi of the spine that where each nadi crosses as the three weave together it forms a chakra the nadi's and thus an element the properties of consciousness that each chakra rules from the siddhi's to glandular systems to the physical organs the functions of the physical body, astral body, pranic body and soul each governs. And the five bodies and their energies that connect to form the whole person. Within this Visnu is the serpent energy as well that rises up to transform all of this into the Light Body of immortality and cosmic awareness and bliss.

Visnu is shown as the cosmic tree of life for the same reason the spinal column is the trunk of the tree with the branches being the nadis the tree's element of wood is the element of spirit or prana.

This is why Visnu's mantra is AUM its the sound of creation and the mantra of the element of spirit which all the other elements manifest from. AUM is the name of God in Hinduism. The AUM stands for the three nadis and guna's of the three nadi's which forms all of creation.

Visnu's symbols are the six pointed star which shows all the chakra's and how to unite them the union of the female and male chakra's and nadis at the sushumna. One of Visnu's symbols is the lotus that is shown in the shape of a trident which shows the energy of the serpent united and risen in the sushumna and the thousand petal lotus the world of Visnu were He rules from in His active state fully open. In Visnu Loka.

Visnu is the God of Love in Hinduism because Love is the union of opposites the Love Visnu rules the inner alchemical sexual union of the male and female chakras and nadi's this transformative energy of Visnu generates a inner state of ecstatic bliss and transcendental awareness. This is liked to the same sexual ecstasy and higher states of awareness during the making of love between man and women in romantic poetic traditions of the Yogi's. Venus rules love and sexual love.

The six pointed star is called the Star of Visnu and Visnu is Venus. Its the symbol of Venus. The I is wrote and spoken as an E many times Vesnu.....Venus.

The other ancient symbol of Visnu is the eight spoke, sun wheel. This shows the 13 major chakra's the universe that Visnu is the ruler of. The worlds are the chakra's. The eight spoke wheel the hub is the solar chakra and the eight directions that connect the chakra's on the side of the body and the spine and head to the navel. The soul connects at the solar chakra. Visnu is shown as the sun God Surya in this respect and Surya has the 666 the number of the sun square. Venus is the esoteric ruler of the sun. Visnu also represents the power the energy of the serpent when risen and its ability to transmute the worlds to the spiritual gold to unite and transform the chakra's into one golden force.

Vis in the ancient world means "Serpent Wisdom" which is serpent energy as energy is consciousness and the higher consciousness this serpent energy brings and the Nu or Na is the element of air which is ruled by Venus....Prana....Pra is about creation and putting thing into motion and the NA the element of air which is ruled by Venus. The planet Venus rules the vibration and the blue light which governs the spectrum of light and sound which form the rainbow prism of light and the soul all the elements and the five bodies that form the person. This is symbolized by the serpent the symbol of prana. All the chakra's and nadis are also liken to air channels and wind horses and wind channels as well as water. The cosmic energy. Visnu is blue for this reason the symbol of Venus.

The Patanjali sutra's which Kundalini Yoga is taught and the Kundalini Yogi's in India state is the original text on this science is attributed to Visnu. Patanjail means "Gift of the Serpent" and Patanjail is shown as the symbol of Ananta Shesha the serpent form of Visnu. For some reason western scholar's tried to secularize this into some guy who lived two thousand years ago. Patanjali is Visnu. However in my opinion the Patanjali's Sutra's have been corrupted like all most of the spiritual teachings in the east by the enemy.

Patanjail is also shown the same way Enki is shown in Sumeria, half man and half serpent. The symbol of the union of the root chakra and crown chakra by the risen serpent and the symbol of the fulfilment of all the stages of the spiritual alchemical work. This is also shown in the Goatfish of Capricorn which is the symbol of the full solar year. The start of which is the sun in Capricorn the Yule when the sun or sol is reborn this is the start and end of the dark and light half of the year here is the union of opposites and the rebirth of the soul. The ancient solar year was based on the stages of the transformation of the being into the Light Body. In Sumeria Enki is also shown as half Fish and Man just as Visnu is in His most ancient form, Matsya the half man, half fish.

The middle prong of the Hindu Trident which represents the Trinity the middle prong is Visnu which the prong is in the shape of the vesica pisces standing in its proper position upright. The Christian Church corrupted this symbol and turned it on its side. The vesica pisces is the Fish symbol of the universe its the symbol of the serpent energy the serpent is also shown as a fish, and the open third or all seeing eye on the Trident. This is the Sacred Eye of Enki in Sumeria.

Visnu's flute is called the Visva which is the Mount Meru column and has the Peacock standing upon the top of such. Visva is the name of the soul the 13 Gods the chakra's and the prana the air being blown by Visnu thought the spine and nadi's the serpent energy. The Peacock is a major symbol of Visnu and this is identical to Murrugan South India.

Visnu's role as the Fish avatar is the origin of the Sumerian tale of Enki. The Matsya Avatar, who warned Vaivasvatu Manu to build an ark to save himself from the flood of the world. This ark then landed on the top of the Himalayan mountains and Manu and in some cases eight other Rishi's then regenerated the world by their yogic powers. This is identical to Enki and Ziusandra of the Sumerian. Showing Enki is Visnu and the saviour of humanity and the world. This is allegorical as well. The serpent energy which transforms the five elements on all planes subtle to gross to the celestial body of light. The Rishi's represent the powers of the transformed chakra's.

The Visnu Purana's state that Sanat Kumara is Visnu. This Sanat Kumara is also called Murrugan in the South. Showing the simple fact thousands of year of cultural diffusion and changes it always goes back to this one Being. In the original form of Zeus to the Greeks. Zeus was shown as a blue colored youth who was eternally young. He played the flute had the White Bull and 12 cow herding friends and a consort named Rodha. This is Krisna and Rada. Krisna is Visnu. And is based on Murrugan in the south. This is also Mithra in the Veda's. We note this all connects in the Yezidhi culture who call their God, Satan and the titles of Mithra and who the Yezidhi elders state is Murruga to the Hindu's. Murruga is called Venus as well in Sanskrit. The Yezidhi state they came out of ancient India. The Star of Visnu is one of their major symbols of their God as the Star of Visnu is the symbol of Murrugan and Zeus as Dionysus. Satan in the ancient language from Egypt to India means SAT the head.....An.....God. Satan is a Sanskrit word that means the highest God in Sanskrit for this reason.

The colors of Visnu are blue and gold which are the universe colors of Satan as Al-Khadir the Green Man the title of Mithra, Murruga the Yezidhi God and on. The serpent around Shiva's neck in the Shiva Tradition which is the sign of His eternal life and Light Body is Vasuki its a title of Visnu. Vasuki is the Hindu Ouroboros. The symbol of the spiritual gold in the work. Visnu in this form and His feminine form rules the Amrita the nectar of immortality the Soma of the Veda's that makes the Gods the chakra's immortal this is linked to the moon chakra which is shown as the third prong the Visnu prong of the Trident. This Amrita is the grail in the western tradition which is ruled by Venus which is what Lucifer is the title of the planet Venus.

Within the Hindu tradition the fact is Visnu is Shiva's, Shakti energy as mentioned the serpent around Shiva's neck showing His Light Body, immortality is Visnu. Many times in the tales of Shiva, Visnu is shown openly as His Shakti energy. Hence the two are one.

Vasu Deo is the name of the supreme God of ancient Egypt who was the color of the blue sky. This is Vasu Dev in Sanskrit. Visnu.

Enki created Mankind and gave us our souls He breathed the breath of life into us and into our being put the seed of the Gods into us so we many become Gods in the Sumerian history . This is literal and shows that Visnu is the energy of the serpent the soul that is the energy of Satan which has the ability to turn us into the Light Body beings we are designed to become by this God Satan. The Light Body is the highest and most noble gift given to us by our Creator God Satan. We must work to restore this back to humanity. Which is what Satan and the Gods want.

Today the eastern teachings have been corrupted by the enemy programs such as Christianity, Islam and Jainism and no longer resemble their original teachings or meanings.

Visnu is original shown as blond, blue eyed Nordic God. Which is how Satan and the other Gods appear as they are the race of fully ascended Nordics from the Orion constellation. Visnu's other symbol is the swastika.

HP Mageson666

The Alchemical Body, White
Guardians Of The Holy Grail, Pinkham
The Serpent, the Eagle, the Lion and the Disk , Parker
The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, Pinkham
Eros and the Mysteries of Love, Evola
Thanks HP , always in depth precise sermons love them.

I save a good number of them mate.
There are ancient places in the UK named after Krisna.
HP Mageson666 said:
There are ancient places in the UK named after Krisna.
You've been reading some conspiracy theories aren't you, slothz ......my man.
On another note I wanted to recommend this author to your by seeing your comment on places being named after krsna. This author provides some hard hitting red pill wisdom on world history.
So Satan is Vishnu and Shiva? I'm a bit confused.
Thats amazing, i have had a quick look to no avail HP :roll:
FrozenthiaNokturnus said:
So Satan is Vishnu and Shiva? I'm a bit confused.
In Hinduism, Vishnu and Shiva are both aspects of the same entity, just like how the Hindu Goddesses Kali and Lalitha are aspects of the same entity known as Shakti.
"Sivananda states: "Shiva and Vishnu are one and the same entity. They are essentially one and the same. They are the names given to the different aspects of the all-pervading Supreme Parabrahman the Supreme Being or the Absolute." - http://www.wikiwand.com/en/Harihara
FrozenthiaNokturnus said:
So Satan is Vishnu and Shiva? I'm a bit confused.

Think about it this way, Satan is not really an English word. In English He's called The Devil, which is derived from another Sanskrit word, devi. The devis, if I recall correctly, are the powers of the soul, the fruits of meditation. Satan has many names in many languages, which either describe Him, or praises His gifts to us.
This is pre Hindu. The fact is as I mentioned we are looking at cultural diffusion over ten thousand years.

Academic Scholar said:
FrozenthiaNokturnus said:
So Satan is Vishnu and Shiva? I'm a bit confused.
In Hinduism, Vishnu and Shiva are both aspects of the same entity, just like how the Hindu Goddesses Kali and Lalitha are aspects of the same entity known as Shakti.
"Sivananda states: "Shiva and Vishnu are one and the same entity. They are essentially one and the same. They are the names given to the different aspects of the all-pervading Supreme Parabrahman the Supreme Being or the Absolute." - http://www.wikiwand.com/en/Harihara
Academic Scholar said:
FrozenthiaNokturnus said:
So Satan is Vishnu and Shiva? I'm a bit confused.
In Hinduism, Vishnu and Shiva are both aspects of the same entity, just like how the Hindu Goddesses Kali and Lalitha are aspects of the same entity known as Shakti.
"Sivananda states: "Shiva and Vishnu are one and the same entity. They are essentially one and the same. They are the names given to the different aspects of the all-pervading Supreme Parabrahman the Supreme Being or the Absolute." - http://www.wikiwand.com/en/Harihara
That makes sense, thanks for clarifying :)
Within the Hindu tradition the fact is Visnu is Shiva's, Shakti energy as note as mentioned in the article the serpent around Shiva's neck showing His Light Body, immortality is Visnu. Many times in the tales of Shiva, Visnu is shown openly as His Shakti energy. Hence the two are one.
HP Mageson666 said:
Within the Hindu tradition the fact is Visnu is Shiva's, Shakti energy as note as mentioned in the article the serpent around Shiva's neck showing His Light Body, immortality is Visnu. Many times in the tales of Shiva, Visnu is shown openly as His Shakti energy. Hence the two are one.
I've always wondered is our kundalini sensient? Could it be that is out true self or it's just energy?
Runepath said:
FrozenthiaNokturnus said:
So Satan is Vishnu and Shiva? I'm a bit confused.

Think about it this way, Satan is not really an English word. In English He's called The Devil, which is derived from another Sanskrit word, devi. The devis, if I recall correctly, are the powers of the soul, the fruits of meditation. Satan has many names in many languages, which either describe Him, or praises His gifts to us.

Devi is the feminine word for "god" or "divine" in sanskrit. What you are referring to are the siddhis.
Od Falkvard said:
Runepath said:
FrozenthiaNokturnus said:
So Satan is Vishnu and Shiva? I'm a bit confused.

Think about it this way, Satan is not really an English word. In English He's called The Devil, which is derived from another Sanskrit word, devi. The devis, if I recall correctly, are the powers of the soul, the fruits of meditation. Satan has many names in many languages, which either describe Him, or praises His gifts to us.

Devi is the feminine word for "god" or "divine" in sanskrit. What you are referring to are the siddhis.

Thank you for clarifying that.
FrozenthiaNokturnus said:
So Satan is Vishnu and Shiva? I'm a bit confused.

Vishnu interacts more closely with mankind than Shiva. Shiva is seen as the supreme spirit who thrones above everything and keeps the universe moving through his dance. Vishnu's ten avatars represent the evolution of man and Vishnu is the one known by his many human incarnations. The avatars of Shiva like Rudra or Kala Bhairava represent aspects of the divine which can actually be harmful to humans because of their extreme power. I've read something by Srila Prabhupada about how Shiva himself revealed in a sacred text (I think it was an Upanishad) that Vishnu is the one who grants transformation and improvisation to the human soul. Note Vishnu's serpent Shesha / Adishesha / Ananta Shesha Naga was also used by the Gods in order to whisk the milk ocea, which is the milky way, our galaxy and the serpent in this myth simply means the spiral shape of our galaxy which was known in ancient times. Krishna (probably the most famous Avatar of Vishnu) also said in the Bhagavad Gita that he gave lectures to Surya / Vivasvan (the sun God) and Krishna literally means black. What could this mean? Maybe the black hole (black sun) which is the center of gravity of our galaxy and is like the sun of all suns?
Guys your getting too sucked into sectarian Hindu ideology. The principal is the same the kundalini serpent that transforms the soul. In different regions of India this concept was translated into later sectarianism with the loss of spiritual knowledge and the creation bhakti movements that came with Islamic influence and transformed everything into the Christian style movement it is today.
Krisna's dark blue color its dark blue. Is the element of space Akasha.
HP Mageson666 said:
Krisna's dark blue color its dark blue. Is the element of space Akasha.

I'm little bit confused. Actually in hindu mythology Krishna's skin colour is described as dark or black. But in pictures it is shown as blue. While in many ancient paintings and also statues in many temples are of black colour. I know colours are not so important but please clarify.
And in hindu tantra white is the colour of the Goddess and black is the colour if the God, isn't it?
DarkShadow said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Krisna's dark blue color its dark blue. Is the element of space Akasha.

I'm little bit confused. Actually in hindu mythology Krishna's skin colour is described as dark or black. But in pictures it is shown as blue. While in many ancient paintings and also statues in many temples are of black colour. I know colours are not so important but please clarify.
And in hindu tantra white is the colour of the Goddess and black is the colour if the God, isn't it?

The blue skin of the Gods is something not restricted to Hinduism. The Tibetans and other Asians, as well as the Yezidis seem to show their Gods that way. The black color is sometimes the same as blue or dark blue or indigo. Look at crows and ravens. Sometimes you see an indigo hew on their black feathers. They are not pure black, they are very dark blue. I also think the ravens of Odin are linked to the temple chakra (extensions of the sixth chakra which is indigo). The sea and the sky are blue. Veins through white skin are blue. Lightinings and electricity are blue.

Tibetan Herukas:



All pictures of Melek Taus:






By the way, electricity in early Vedic texts was called Mitra-Varuna Shakti. Mitra is an Azazel/Dionysos like demon and the God of friendship and treaties and origin of the Persian-Roman cult of Mithras. Varuna is the God of rivers and the sky and together with Mitra he rules the natural law (Rita/Rta). See also the famous scene from the Egyptian book of the dead when Anubis (Yama in Vedic mythology) weighs the heart of the dead, the crocodile-headed river god Sobek is also there and Sobek = Varuna. He is there to judge how well the person lived in accordance with the natural law.



In Italian "scuro" from Latin "obscurus" means dark blue or dark of any colour. Opposed to azurro, the colour of the bright blue sky.

Pissrael uses the blue hexagramm as their emblem and I bet you all know about the black cube and the significance of the colour black in the cult of Saturn which we know as a feat of judaism and its spawns but in other forms also from Satanism (blackness/darkness, ...). I read somewhere on the Joy of Satan that red, black and blue are the colours of Satan. Shaniishwara, the planetary God of Saturn in Vedic astrology is associated with the colour blue and he rides on a crow.

At this point I also want to thank FrozenthiaNokturnus for that beautful picture of our Lord and father Varuna / Uranos.
DarkShadow said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Krisna's dark blue color its dark blue. Is the element of space Akasha.

I'm little bit confused. Actually in hindu mythology Krishna's skin colour is described as dark or black. But in pictures it is shown as blue. While in many ancient paintings and also statues in many temples are of black colour. I know colours are not so important but please clarify.
And in hindu tantra white is the colour of the Goddess and black is the colour if the God, isn't it?

In German tradition white is the colour of Frau Holle who is herself the wife of the Erlkönig (Wotan/Satan) in many fairy tales and she is equal to Kali or Lilith. She is the highest female divinity, she makes the snow and guards the dead. Christians took their word for heel from her. Her Icelandic name is Hél and her Slavic name is Morana or Marena. Her most sacred tree is the elder tree (sambucus) which has white flowers and black fruits and is called Holunder in German (Holun = of Holle; der = tree). Her most sacred day is the winter solstice, called Modranecht in Old German, night of the mother. The Krampus celebrations in the Alps around the winter solstice are also called Perchta celebrations. Perchta is the same as Frigg /Fría /Friga, the wife of Odin in Norse mythology (similar to Parvati). "White christmas" is a big thing for children in Europe and North America. Snow is the sacred veil of Frau Holle. In winter it's also pretty dark but the land becomes white. In northern Scandinavia to the winter solstice the sky is dark blue for the few short hours of daylight.

Sorry for double posts, dear High Priests!
I have to correct about veins under white skin being blue. That's not always the case. It depends on the tone of your skin: if your skin has a cool tone, then the veins will appear blue; if the skin has a warm tone, then the veins will appear as green.
So, now that we know mageson was corrupt in some way, is this true about the six pointed star?
Sundara said:
So, now that we know mageson was corrupt in some way, is this true about the six pointed star?

(I am no expert, take this as my theory/opinion)
I think the six pointed star is Satanic and pretty much also Universal and maybe used by many intelligent beings throughout the Universe. It was used in Hinduism which predates Abrahamism and reptilian infiltration. I think Hexagon is the easiest shape to channel energies into the material world or maybe in our own star system(It is possible that every star system has it's own dominant way to channel/work with the energies and for our Sun it would be the hexagonal way. Another similar and a possibility is that some sectors/parts of the universe or our galaxy have different ways of handling energies, if this is the case, then our sector/part of the Galaxy is, hexagon dominant. Why Hexagon? because 6 is pretty much everywhere and even the hexagon. Snowflakes have hexagon, Saturn has hexagon north of it, Jupiter also has a storm with 6 dots that create a hexagon) It is either universal or only related to our own star or a sector of the Milky Way.

If you look closely, Universe is neutral to everyone, anyone can use her resources, be it your own side or your enemy's side. The reptilians are obviously less advance than our Gods, I mean they stole and use Egyptian knowledge to suppress us. Which indicates that their own methods must have been less effective on us, which is why they had to steal the knowledge of Satan and our Gods to push us to the bottom and keep us from advancing.

They make Borgs out of others which pretty much shows us that they are less on the spiritual side and more on the material, like a advanced technocratic interstellar beings who prey on primitive intelligent beings for energy and dominance(This is exactly what they want to make us into and exactly what they did to the greys.)
Nikois666 said:
Sundara said:
So, now that we know mageson was corrupt in some way, is this true about the six pointed star?

(I am no expert, take this as my theory/opinion)
I think the six pointed star is Satanic and pretty much also Universal and maybe used by many intelligent beings throughout the Universe. It was used in Hinduism which predates Abrahamism and reptilian infiltration. I think Hexagon is the easiest shape to channel energies into the material world or maybe in our own star system(It is possible that every star system has it's own dominant way to channel/work with the energies and for our Sun it would be the hexagonal way. Another similar and a possibility is that some sectors/parts of the universe or our galaxy have different ways of handling energies, if this is the case, then our sector/part of the Galaxy is, hexagon dominant. Why Hexagon? because 6 is pretty much everywhere and even the hexagon. Snowflakes have hexagon, Saturn has hexagon north of it, Jupiter also has a storm with 6 dots that create a hexagon) It is either universal or only related to our own star or a sector of the Milky Way.

If you look closely, Universe is neutral to everyone, anyone can use her resources, be it your own side or your enemy's side. The reptilians are obviously less advance than our Gods, I mean they stole and use Egyptian knowledge to suppress us. Which indicates that their own methods must have been less effective on us, which is why they had to steal the knowledge of Satan and our Gods to push us to the bottom and keep us from advancing.

They make Borgs out of others which pretty much shows us that they are less on the spiritual side and more on the material, like a advanced technocratic interstellar beings who prey on primitive intelligent beings for energy and dominance(This is exactly what they want to make us into and exactly what they did to the greys.)

Yeah I personally do think that it’s satanic too, but mainly because I’ve seen a lot of visions of it while I try to sleep and I watch it materialize thoughts. I do think it’s used in physical manifestation and materialization. I don’t know why I see it off and on, I’ve ignored the vision incase it was an attack. Bees also have a hexagon in their hive, and bees are a sacred Egyptian animal.
Sundara said:
Nikois666 said:
Sundara said:
So, now that we know mageson was corrupt in some way, is this true about the six pointed star?

(I am no expert, take this as my theory/opinion)
I think the six pointed star is Satanic and pretty much also Universal and maybe used by many intelligent beings throughout the Universe. It was used in Hinduism which predates Abrahamism and reptilian infiltration. I think Hexagon is the easiest shape to channel energies into the material world or maybe in our own star system(It is possible that every star system has it's own dominant way to channel/work with the energies and for our Sun it would be the hexagonal way. Another similar and a possibility is that some sectors/parts of the universe or our galaxy have different ways of handling energies, if this is the case, then our sector/part of the Galaxy is, hexagon dominant. Why Hexagon? because 6 is pretty much everywhere and even the hexagon. Snowflakes have hexagon, Saturn has hexagon north of it, Jupiter also has a storm with 6 dots that create a hexagon) It is either universal or only related to our own star or a sector of the Milky Way.

If you look closely, Universe is neutral to everyone, anyone can use her resources, be it your own side or your enemy's side. The reptilians are obviously less advance than our Gods, I mean they stole and use Egyptian knowledge to suppress us. Which indicates that their own methods must have been less effective on us, which is why they had to steal the knowledge of Satan and our Gods to push us to the bottom and keep us from advancing.

They make Borgs out of others which pretty much shows us that they are less on the spiritual side and more on the material, like a advanced technocratic interstellar beings who prey on primitive intelligent beings for energy and dominance(This is exactly what they want to make us into and exactly what they did to the greys.)

Yeah I personally do think that it’s satanic too, but mainly because I’ve seen a lot of visions of it while I try to sleep and I watch it materialize thoughts. I do think it’s used in physical manifestation and materialization. I don’t know why I see it off and on, I’ve ignored the vision incase it was an attack. Bees also have a hexagon in their hive, and bees are a sacred Egyptian animal.

If it is materializing positive thoughts, then it could be you(subconscious) or the Gods.

But if it's materializing bad thoughts/things
I think then it could be more to do with the enemy materializing it's own crap on you. Especially if there is a church around you.

I lived near a church for a few months(within 1 KM radius). In total I have had 4 or maybe 5 paralysis attacks in this life, 3 of them happened when I lived near that church. I was confused why the attacks suddenly started to happen but later after moving out, I discovered that there was a xian church not far from me.

I don't think I ever saw the six pointed star during these attacks. Except one incident where I felt a shock while getting up from the bed in the morning, it had something to do with my third eye I believe. But the images that I saw were like looking into a kaleidoscope and mirrorworld and they looked like the Star of Astaroth and the symbol of Astaroth. The vision/image lasted for like 1 second/nano seconds.

I am not sure if the xian church had something to do with it. But it is the only sensible explanation of why all of a sudden I had 3 paralysis attacks in such a short spawn. My health was fine, no lack of sleep as well. I never had paralysis attack in my life, all this happened after I joined JoS(dedication), probably because I was quite vulnerable back then. So yeah, this has nothing to do with the health part. And only to do with the enemy.

The energies coming out of that church, I think were aiding the enemy attacks. Since we know Xianity and Islam are powerhouse of Hebrew alphabet, then it is pretty much obvious that if a SS lives near a Church or Mosque, the said SS would have more problems and attacks would be more stronger because of the energy aid. Also depends on AOP of the SS. I did not have good AOP back then.
Nikois666 said:
Sundara said:
Nikois666 said:
(I am no l

I have technically lived near churches but I’ve kind of discredited the thought that they could ever have any real impact on me. There’s a church on every block and everyone technically lives near one. Unless there’s personal direct contact like being in it and interacting with the people in it, the plane of existence is what mostly matters. It just doesn’t have any relevance to us as people. Our gods are light years away but their presence has an even bigger impact. Environment in general can have an effect though. Cities definitely don’t have the best energy but we can thrive anywhere. Aop and cleaning eventually gets rid of any effect being near a church could have on a person. It’s all about what’s connected to us for the most part through our own consciousness. I think the star has been subconscious and not from the gods. I’ve seen it materializing just random neutral things. The visions usually come with the message of materialization in general. It is somehow connected to saturn too I think, or just physical earth in general. Like maybe it generates a lot of astral power and condenses energy, binding it to the physical plane of existence. I think it has also been used in binding people. It’s got a broad range of uses just like the runes for good or bad. Whenever I see it I just try to detach from it because the origin is odd and I don’t think I’m clean enough or advanced enough to be using it, whether intentional or not. I don’t know at the moment though.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
