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Upcoming 2020 Election Results And What These Mean For US

ShadowTheRaven said:
sonnenkraft said:
what this election mean for US ,is to be prepared for another goblin president.
goblins started to rule America and fighting each other since 1500

America it was a spiritual land ,,,but now America is a Jewish playground the land of gangsters

I would like to depopulate America, and give it back to Apache tribes, there are too many ethnicities in America.

You can't live and survive in a country that was built at the top of Native tribes bloods!!! It will be forever surrounded by negativity.

America = Israel are equal , one is cursed by native-Americans and the other cursed by Palestinians.

** For whites if you have enough money, then go back to Europe at least you will find people who look like you.
get out before it's too late , Before the racial war starts., you will be weak and disarmed . ***

good luck for Aryans in America, i hope you survive the Jewish state.

Good luck migrating 181 million people to Europe with money they don't have.

Are you saying that you'd like to kill America's white population? Go regurgitate your "stolen land" propaganda in South Africa or at least Harvard.
Those Natives lived like animals, probably killing each other for useless stuff. When Whites created a good civilization with thecnology they enjoyed it too. If the US was left alone those natives would have probably lived many years more like animals. Not everything is bad, even other races have killed before just to take a place or for stupid reasons. Don't act like the other races have never done anything bad.
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do you think there is still any hope? I'm pretty sure Trump supporters will start to do protest. Trump supporters are way more than what the media and this fake elections showed us. The jews should be afraid, I don't think it will go down the peaceful root, most know that with Biden it will be communism for America, so they have nothing to loose.
The most important thing right now is to stop looking at mainstream media. They are kvetching harder than ever before, making strange claims that Biden already won, trying to start movements against Trump and making fun of him. They are putting endless resources into this and dropping their masks completely, to try and rally people towards that projected "result" that "trump has lost the election".

The only thing you need to know is that the whole thing right now is going to court. Voter fraud has happened and Trump is legally challenging this. Nothing decisive will happen within the next few days. It will very likely take several more weeks until this situation has a final result.

If you want reliable news, read only from Trump's twitter account as well as of any other sources you trust (there seem to be some smaller news outlets out there that report the truth on this).
Be aware also that the enemy-organized jews are presently sitting in their office blocks all day typing furiously on social media, with many different accounts and by the thousands, to simulate this whole anti-trump movement and influence public opinion. In other words, pay no mind to such things as twitter comments, which are currently about 90% by kike-agents.

Do the RTRs hard to ensure this situation turns into our favor. The enemy is exposing themselves blatantly and on a larger scale than ever before. They will take the biggest hit in the entirety of this war so far.
ozozma said:
Trump probably shouldn’t be president he does 500+ drone strikes and bombs Iran and syria, nearly gets us into a war with Russia.

I’m all for American ownership Of the Middle East. But doing passive aggressive things instead of invading is a red flag as far as commander in chief goes.

He couldn’t even make the travel ban go through, he did literally nothing and made no moves. And in general is just a laughing stock political celebrity.

Nearly got us into war with Russia? But wait, if we are to believe the Democrats he's allied with Russia. Russian aggression into Ukraine happened under Obama, not Trump.

Trump put China in check without escalating to war. A Biden presidency would be handing china a golden platter. Hunter and china would get rich off the backs of the American worker. Our nuclear and industry secrets would be given to china.

Trump isn't drone striking Iran, Soleimani died on Iraqi soil. North Korea hasn't launched one nuclear test, while there were 4 under Obama. You were right about Trump bombing ISIS in Syria who were trained and funded by the MOSSAD/CIA.

Biden and ADL Kamala will gladly send us into war. Where as Trump has kept us out of costly wars. Trump isn't perfect no where near, but if he loses we all will know how desperate and ruthless the enemy is.
Vintage67 said:
Fact of the matter is..Red or Blue both serve the Jew.HAIL SATAN!
When the jews move heaven and earth to get rid of you, you're not serving them well. In the long run, at least they will advance their agenda more boldly. As it was said, sometimes people need to have their backs against the wall to snap out of it.
ozozma said:
Trump probably shouldn’t be president he does 500+ drone strikes and bombs Iran and syria, nearly gets us into a war with Russia.

I’m all for American ownership Of the Middle East. But doing passive aggressive things instead of invading is a red flag as far as commander in chief goes.

He couldn’t even make the travel ban go through, he did literally nothing and made no moves. And in general is just a laughing stock political celebrity.

If you want to talk shit. Go to reddit. The leftist/Communist will love you
Kurat said:
Biden is jew

Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden, Jr.
Joseph Robinette Biden, Sr.
Joseph Harry Biden
Mary Emily Biden (Liddell)
Susan E Liddell (Bomberger)
John Hamage Bomberger

Bomberger Name Meaning
German and Jewish (western Ashkenazic): habitational name for someone from Bamberg in Germany.

I'm pretty sure he is as is harris. she feels part ethiopian jew. Not sure but bomberger could also still be used by gentiles. My recent research shows me there were many Jews in concetration camps at the same time there were nazis in the SS with the very same last names with the very same spellings...in this source i see half of the names of these men are now on the JOS list. Jews have stolen everything, down to the very human genome and the dirt we walk on.
Democracy is a disease, a grave mistake that should have neven been practiced. If we didn't have a million retards deciding who our next president will be, then we wouldn't have all of this Biden "victory" bullshit. Hopefully those pieces of shit Biden and Harris get exposed for fraud and arrrested.
Inflorescentia said:
SS-JayB. said:
Trump ordered that every ballot be watermarked with a QFS blockchain encryption code. The DHS will disclose this and destroy the Democratic Party. The National Guard has already been sent to many states to deal with Antifa. Black Friday 2020 is likely going to be great for economic growth. Statistical anomalies are undeniable with this voter fraud situation. We will not be intimidated by Yankee kike thugs. President Trump is enacting the tactic of Sun Tzu: The Art of War, waiting for the enemy to make all their moves before the killing strike. Arrests are being made. It’s like Caesar crossing the river before he defeated Pompeii. This isn't QAnon (kike controlled opposition of neo-Marxist globalism versus Zionism). The video was released by someone who has known Trump for years and it didn't make it 48 hours on JewTube. Until it's proven, this mine as well just be an opinion.

Hail Victory HAIL SATAN!!

This "someone who has known Trump for years" — Steve Pieczenik — has a kikeish name. Who the heck "allowed him" to reveal this on InfoWars, and why? There is no "QFS encryption" and you can't find ballots by satellite. That's Hollywood programming. — The Pieczenik crap is disinformation designed to capitalize on confusion and provide a false sense of security. InfoWars is cancer... I mean kosher.

Yes, it's definitely fake, I realized this like an hour or so after posting....I knew QAnon was bad in principle but didn't realize why -- in-depth....I realize the states control ballot printing.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
SS-JayB. said:
Trump ordered that every ballot be watermarked with a QFS blockchain encryption code. The DHS will disclose this and destroy the Democratic Party. The National Guard has already been sent to many states to deal with Antifa. Black Friday 2020 is likely going to be great for economic growth. Statistical anomalies are undeniable with this voter fraud situation. We will not be intimidated by Yankee kike thugs. President Trump is enacting the tactic of Sun Tzu: The Art of War, waiting for the enemy to make all their moves before the killing strike. Arrests are being made. It’s like Caesar crossing the river before he defeated Pompeii. This isn't QAnon (kike controlled opposition of neo-Marxist globalism versus Zionism). The video was released by someone who has known Trump for years and it didn't make it 48 hours on JewTube. Until it's proven, this mine as well just be an opinion.

Hail Victory HAIL SATAN!!

It does indeed sound like QTARD trust the plan nonsense but let’s hope it’s true. I doubt Biden or anyone will be arrested even if they are exposed for fraud.

I realize it was Qtarded.....like an hour or so after posting...cringe
ozozma said:
Trump probably shouldn’t be president he does 500+ drone strikes and bombs Iran and syria, nearly gets us into a war with Russia.

I’m all for American ownership Of the Middle East. But doing passive aggressive things instead of invading is a red flag as far as commander in chief goes.

He couldn’t even make the travel ban go through, he did literally nothing and made no moves. And in general is just a laughing stock political celebrity.

Please tell me how obama bombing children in the middle East was a good thing for the USA instead of what Trump was pushing for which was taking our troops out of there and only having a few to make sure theres no power vacuum. None of us here are neocon warhawks. Unless they are infiltrators. Trump bombed the middle east when he had John Bolton on his administration and he was heavily criticized by anti war people. I said fuck him too when I heard about this and STILL don't like the shit hes doing that threatens the middle east for the benefit of the jew. That's the only side who benefits from American involvement in the ME, israel. While Gentiles die in vain for these pos. Please explain yourself why you believe it's a good for us to keep being involved. The peace deals show that he wants no more wars over there and he didn't start any new wars which was a record for the last several presidents and this made me realize he was trying to correct his mistakes.
What do whites here think about Trump losing white men support in this election compared to the last one?

I just see it as those racially aware got tired of him not even trying to reach out to them so they stop supporting him.

In the bright side I think it's a good sign seeing more non whites siding with white people in this election than the last one but seems a bit bizarre to me that the only support Trump lost was with white men but in my opinion is because he obviously he didn't care much to reach out to them. Then again he did ban critical race theory and did say once in an interview that whites also get shot by police when pressed about "systemic racism" and "racist cops". I would like to hear the opinion of white people on this.
Reptilian scum David Rotschild who says fuck you to another reptilian scum Ivanka Trump.


Ivanka Trump
6 nov
Every legally cast vote should be counted. Every illegally cast vote should not. This should not be controversial.

This is not a partisan statement — free and fair elections are the foundation of our democracy.

David Rothschild
In risposta a
Fuck You.
"Biden received the most votes ever cast for a presidential candidate in an American election."

As if Joe "Touchy" Biden, Joe Senile Biden, Joe "screaming in the face of factory workers" Biden, is some sort of heroic genius.

Or perhaps as if this was some sort of desperate time in history where only the Democrats could've "saved us". As if people are completely oblivious to simple politics.

Trump tried and succeeded in some areas.

The Democrats locked down Congress, and the economy from there, they screamed for the Coronavirus lockdown, which fucked the economy once again, they never discouraged the riots, and the Leftist media has been going non-stop about how cops are bad and rioters who commit acts of terrorism are good.

How the "Proud Boys" are a WHITE SUPREMACIST organization, scaring business owners, while the Black Lives Matter and of course the Anti Fascists are peacefully protesting.

"Do not let them take away your power" I'll never forget Obama's voice saying this stupid shit, FFS! I hate these fuckers.

Trump at least never pandered to the women or any minorities.

"Antifa is an idea, not an organization".
ozozma said:
Trump probably shouldn’t be president he does 500+ drone strikes and bombs Iran and syria, nearly gets us into a war with Russia.

I’m all for American ownership Of the Middle East. But doing passive aggressive things instead of invading is a red flag as far as commander in chief goes.

He couldn’t even make the travel ban go through, he did literally nothing and made no moves. And in general is just a laughing stock political celebrity.

Orange man bad the jew on CNN told me so!!
sonnenkraft said:
what this election mean for US ,is to be prepared for another goblin president.
goblins started to rule America and fighting each other since 1500

America it was a spiritual land ,,,but now America is a Jewish playground the land of gangsters

I would like to depopulate America, and give it back to Apache tribes, there are too many ethnicities in America.

You can't live and survive in a country that was built at the top of Native tribes bloods!!! It will be forever surrounded by negativity.

America = Israel are equal , one is cursed by native-Americans and the other cursed by Palestinians.

** For whites if you have enough money, then go back to Europe at least you will find people who look like you.
get out before it's too late , Before the racial war starts., you will be weak and disarmed . ***

good luck for Aryans in America, i hope you survive the Jewish state.

America is for White people, and will continue to be so. Any (((relocating))) you propose and cutting up of America and GIVING to non Whites is not just off the table, but on the floor.

You should mind your manners, equating America to Isreal and saying you want to "Depopulate" America. :evil:
StormSS said:
Ciao HP,
what do you think will happen now?

I mean, I am not American but I am following this since November 3rd and what I see is that the enemy has got exposed on a new level, millions of people now don’t trust the result of the elections and have been redpilled thanks to this whole thing.

Probably we could consider this a HUGE WIN because in a matter of days the democrats had been exposed badly.

What concerns me the most is what next?

I saw that the legal team of President Trump’s Campaign will issue the case in Pennsylvania and probably other state at the beginning of next week. What I think now is that this will never get through a court, if the election machine in those state are this rotten why shouldn’t be the same for the justice?

I am asking you this because probably you already looked astrology and all this staff which I am not that good at for now

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
EnkiUK3 said:
Never actually thought he would win.


Fraud, censorship, an insane amount of money, and other unseen ways, can definitely overturn any election.

There are videos online which verify utter fraud has taken place. In particular a couple ones, while others could be argued to be anything else.

The enemy put everything they had in this. Online slave apparatus, election meddling, stealing mail ballots, whatever have you, to guarantee they corrupt the United States.

I am glad Trump didn't win on a fraud based platform as if a court takes these seriously, there is no way to cover this up entirely from being electoral fraud. Even if he won and there was fraud involved, he could have lost office.

Be ready for some problems in the end of november early to mid December (Yes lol I was thinking of Kamila Harris when I named this chart I was trying to see where her Saturn was and the real chart of the USA is not eaisly findable searching it was said in the Astrology group by several that it was with Uranus exact on the ascendant so I am assuming this is accurate)


This is the Lunar return. The ruler for 2nd house of economy and 9th house of foreign affairs is 29 degrees Libra. 29 Degrees usually signifies an end of something. The 12th house (possible house of undoing) is ruled by the Sun at 29 Degrees Scorpio. This would indicate as a fixed sign a much more permanent ending of some kind. The Ruler of the 8th house (debts taxes) has Uranus in Tarurus which can be good suddenly or bad suddenly for things but may indicate a sudden event. The ruler of the 8th house is on the Star Alpheratz which is not generally bad at all. In fact some of us have invoked this before in helping with freedom harmonious relationships etc. However its theme and energy somewhat goes along with Uranus and the things it rules. So that is interesting it could be good or bad in this instance.

Also during this time. Pluto is opposing the Ruling planet of the USA becoming within a degree during this lunar return (exact)

Also Saturn will Be in 29 Degrees of Capricorn nearing 0 Aquarius again. Despite the fact that I know many people are going to be relieved at the heaviness lifting when Saturn leaves Capricorn (and Jupiter too) this is when they instituted the first lock down. They are assuming Saturn in Aquarius will aid them in this.

So be mindful that soon their may be some problems and be ready also related to the economy. There is one almost scary Astrololical thing Next year in November (Eclipse on Algol Star so close to full that it will likely have that energy it only doesn't go over a very tiny sliver of the moon) considering the situation the USA and world is in right now. But this isn't the USA directly and only maybe the enemy will be much more subdued by then and it won't be a worry who knows though.

This is just a few things doesnt go into many others but this is my interpretation of some of this. Also note Pluto in the progressed chart of the usa is 29 Capricorn but to be truthful that was going on for a long time and will be for a long time so may not apply that much to this but it may at some point mean an ending of some sort it is in the first house and moon will conjunct it at around the time of the Eclipse (on Antares)
Here is an excellent summary on the current situation and why this is far from over.

hailourtruegod said:
So with the republicans taking the Senate and gaining in the House biden will only be a lame duck president that can only do executive moves so it does seem like most if not all the anti white woke shit will not go thru but seeing how the republicans have mostly always been spineless and neo cons there will probably be more war or more troops in the ME. At least the socialism won't go thru so America wins some and loses some here I guess.

My main concern isn't Biden; it's the people waiting for Biden to get in so they can do what they want. For example, AOC and her "Trump Accountability Project:" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8SDFm85f8o

StormSS said:
Ciao HP,

What concerns me the most is what next?

I saw that the legal team of President Trump’s Campaign will issue the case in Pennsylvania and probably other state at the beginning of next week. What I think now is that this will never get through a court, if the election machine in those state are this rotten why shouldn’t be the same for the justice?

Three of the nine current Supreme Court justices were selected by Trump himself, and two others are hardline conservatives. If it gets to there, he's going to win.

There is also a procedure called the "contingent election." If the electors do not have a result by December 14th, each state will have one vote to cast, and whoever receives the majority of these votes will win the presidential election. The Republican states outnumber the Democrat states, so in this situation, he's going to win as well.
Kurat said:
Biden is jew

Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden, Jr.
Joseph Robinette Biden, Sr.
Joseph Harry Biden
Mary Emily Biden (Liddell)
Susan E Liddell (Bomberger)
John Hamage Bomberger

Bomberger Name Meaning
German and Jewish (western Ashkenazic): habitational name for someone from Bamberg in Germany.

You might want to be careful with that horned emoticon and horns on Trump. Satan and the demon are not red horned monsters, so have any description of that is basically an insult to them as you are carrying on the tradition that was meant to insult Satan and the demons.

Insightful post that I already knew but can help others who don’t understand.

One thing. Stop using the word Caucasian.

It is a derogatory slur used by lesser races.
It limits us to one area, when your very post describes how Aryans have global origins.

We are not Caucasian
We are not European
Race is not entirely based on geography

We have inherited the hot sands of Egypt, to surviving the harsh winters of Eurasia.

And guess what? We are very adaptable and can make it any climate or environment. That why North America is the perfect land for us, it has every kind of biome you could ask.

Take blacks in Europe or America for example. There have been studies shown that the farther away they are from the equator the less happy and more miserable they are. Why is this? Until recent centuries they had never left their hot and more tropical environment of Africa, so having very cold winters and less sun in a place like New York is very foreign to their mind and body so they subconsciously can’t handle it well because they haven’t fully adapted. Sickle cell is also a proof of this.

Is there any Aryan form of sickle cell, or any type of illness that occurs because we aren’t in the cold climate of Europe? Maybe you are but about 7-8 months of the year here is hot and humid and the only thing that happens to me and others is getting a tan. No sickness.

The point is, we have been everywhere and can survive any kind of climate or biome. which is why I don’t approve of that word you used. The caucuses is one very limited region which we didn’t come from to begin with.
ShadowTheRaven said:
EnkiUK3 said:
Never actually thought he would win.


In 2016, I never thought a businessman could be president. Now, I can't believe a pedophile with Alzheimers is now our president.

Democracy. Doesn't. Work.

Very true ShadowTheRaven. Clearly it doesn't work. People talk about democracy and rights but I believe in most cases democracy doesn't even exist nowadays. They just bend the rules to enslave and destroy us.

A couple quotes from our antichrist: By rejecting the authority of the individual and replacing it by the numbers of some momentary mob, the parliamentary principle of majority rule sins against the basic aristocratic principle of Nature.
Democracy, the deceitful theory that the Jew would insinuate - namely, that theory that all men are created equal.
The Western democracy of today is the forerunner of Marxism which without it would not be thinkable. It provides this world plague with the culture in which its germs can spread.
For there is one thing we must never forget... the majority can never replace the man. And no more than a hundred empty heads make one wise man will an heroic decision arise from a hundred cowards.

It should not be surprising for us that these things come true in a couple of decades. Everything he said happened and we are living in these dystopian times. However we fight and our Gods fight as well, we stand proud and unbroken. This is not a time to lose hope. We must keep up and increase the spiritual warfare for the eternal gods stand with us. There is no mercy for the enemy, their temporary momentum will turned on them and they will crumble to dust!
ozozma said:
Trump probably shouldn’t be president he does 500+ drone strikes and bombs Iran and syria, nearly gets us into a war with Russia.

I’m all for American ownership Of the Middle East. But doing passive aggressive things instead of invading is a red flag as far as commander in chief goes.

He couldn’t even make the travel ban go through, he did literally nothing and made no moves. And in general is just a laughing stock political celebrity.

You do know that Biden is a jew... And that Trump most likely is not? And that we hate jews and are on the side of the most Nationalist and sane person to go for the office of the President?

Just checking you understand all these things brother/sister.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
SS-JayB. said:
Trump ordered that every ballot be watermarked with a QFS blockchain encryption code. The DHS will disclose this and destroy the Democratic Party. The National Guard has already been sent to many states to deal with Antifa. Black Friday 2020 is likely going to be great for economic growth. Statistical anomalies are undeniable with this voter fraud situation. We will not be intimidated by Yankee kike thugs. President Trump is enacting the tactic of Sun Tzu: The Art of War, waiting for the enemy to make all their moves before the killing strike. Arrests are being made. It’s like Caesar crossing the river before he defeated Pompeii. This isn't QAnon (kike controlled opposition of neo-Marxist globalism versus Zionism). The video was released by someone who has known Trump for years and it didn't make it 48 hours on JewTube. Until it's proven, this mine as well just be an opinion.

Hail Victory HAIL SATAN!!

It does indeed sound like QTARD trust the plan nonsense but let’s hope it’s true. I doubt Biden or anyone will be arrested even if they are exposed for fraud.

I found this vid: https://youtu.be/t5ar_P1fNY0

Ignore the christian bullshit.
Seems his arguments do point out to this. That watermark could probably be possible to verify with a scanner. Which is enough. The theory of satelite tracking is bullshit. Pieczenyk is a kike but Trump does colaborate with these creatures often.

All that remains to be seen is if SCOTUS approves a recount based on this verification. And if Trump takes the second term we will know if he at least uses common sense and is not part of the jewish plan simply by his actions. One important one would be removing Section 230. Biden would never do this.
China declines to congratulate Biden, says outcome of election should be determined by law: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hZDD84toX8

Russia did the same: https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/...tulations-awaits-legal-procedures/6218660002/ )

This means that the true election winner is still unclear, despite what the juden media says, and the supreme court will decide the election.

It also shows how rigged the elections were, the magnitude of the fraud is so great and so undeniable that the other world powers don't accept the election results.
Thank you for this sermon. I will say I am going to give Biden a chance. We shall see where this goes. That is all I can do or anyone for that matter.
Biden based on the US transits and synastry may trigger a war. Then, the enemy wanted war in the beginning of 2020. When Trump refused, they instantly launched the CoVid and labelled it a WW3 without weapons.

Russia and China probably understand this.

DiscipleOfSatan said:
China declines to congratulate Biden, says outcome of election should be determined by law: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hZDD84toX8

Russia did the same: https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/...tulations-awaits-legal-procedures/6218660002/ )

This means that the true election winner is still unclear, despite what the juden media says, and the supreme court will decide the election.

It also shows how rigged the elections were, the magnitude of the fraud is so great and so undeniable that the other world powers don't accept the election results.
Necrorifter said:
Kurat said:
Biden is jew

Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden, Jr.
Joseph Robinette Biden, Sr.
Joseph Harry Biden
Mary Emily Biden (Liddell)
Susan E Liddell (Bomberger)
John Hamage Bomberger

Bomberger Name Meaning
German and Jewish (western Ashkenazic): habitational name for someone from Bamberg in Germany.

You might want to be careful with that horned emoticon and horns on Trump. Satan and the demon are not red horned monsters, so have any description of that is basically an insult to them as you are carrying on the tradition that was meant to insult Satan and the demons.

The horns, like from a buck deer, is symbolic of the right and left channels of the body.

Artanis said:
Just checking you understand all these things brother/sister.
I wouldnt call that filth a "brother". This thing is the jew "txg" who was previously banned from the forums here.
Its really interesting too to see how Trump was obviously winning hard...had it in the bag even. then all of a sudden Michigan and Wisconsin flipped blue...and the numbers so close. If that isn't the definition of rigged i dont know what is. This is why i have never voted. Democracy is an illusion. They did the same shit in forming the EU. If I recall correctly the majority voted no. They went ahead with it anyway. Trump is still fighthing this though i don't think this is over. They were going to get to recounting Wisconsin and Michigan.
Gearhead said:
Here is an excellent summary on the current situation and why this is far from over.

hailourtruegod said:
So with the republicans taking the Senate and gaining in the House biden will only be a lame duck president that can only do executive moves so it does seem like most if not all the anti white woke shit will not go thru but seeing how the republicans have mostly always been spineless and neo cons there will probably be more war or more troops in the ME. At least the socialism won't go thru so America wins some and loses some here I guess.

My main concern isn't Biden; it's the people waiting for Biden to get in so they can do what they want. For example, AOC and her "Trump Accountability Project:" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8SDFm85f8o

StormSS said:
Ciao HP,

What concerns me the most is what next?

I saw that the legal team of President Trump’s Campaign will issue the case in Pennsylvania and probably other state at the beginning of next week. What I think now is that this will never get through a court, if the election machine in those state are this rotten why shouldn’t be the same for the justice?

Three of the nine current Supreme Court justices were selected by Trump himself, and two others are hardline conservatives. If it gets to there, he's going to win.

There is also a procedure called the "contingent election." If the electors do not have a result by December 14th, each state will have one vote to cast, and whoever receives the majority of these votes will win the presidential election. The Republican states outnumber the Democrat states, so in this situation, he's going to win as well.

This is why I am blasting Rtrs and youtube comments on the internet with stuff like this:

Pastebins with links to fraud evidence:
Archive of supposed dead voters

Videos the democrats don't want you to see:

Everybody knows what's up.


Not to mention that besides the clear fraud, jews and muslims were first to vote for Biden. 1+1=?

Every body is cringing on this clear fuckup of manipulation, even the administration of countries. When it comes to that..what else should be exposed enough.

I always stood besides Trump, I always saw him powerful, yet at this election from the first day I saw how Biden had a more powerful presence (spirituality) and I was truly conflicted. Now I see the falsities, and the programming at its peak trying to corrode the actual meaning of vote and desire. Nothing new under the sun. I always tried to stay out of politics, out of intelligence services, and only because of this manipulation power and chess games. Not that I don't like the thrill and accustomed natured of myself to them, but because of the cost of life and the damnation of its purposes and rotten characters. People talk and people bark. The game of politics is extremely hard, and the apparent succes of something, often it is not.

The world needs risen Serpents to dictate the flow of life of the people, and not pretending to do so. We need to destroy every soul of the enemy, only after the cancer is removed , we may be able to properly advance a civilization.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Biden based on the US transits and synastry may trigger a war. Then, the enemy wanted war in the beginning of 2020. When Trump refused, they instantly launched the CoVid and labelled it a WW3 without weapons.

Russia and China probably understand this.

DiscipleOfSatan said:
China declines to congratulate Biden, says outcome of election should be determined by law: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hZDD84toX8

Russia did the same: https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/...tulations-awaits-legal-procedures/6218660002/ )

This means that the true election winner is still unclear, despite what the juden media says, and the supreme court will decide the election.

It also shows how rigged the elections were, the magnitude of the fraud is so great and so undeniable that the other world powers don't accept the election results.

biden already promising on reversing the good stuff or the attempts Trump has done to have peace in the middle East and biden wants to be more involved in Iran again.

"Contrary to Donald Trump's impulsive policies in the Middle East, Joe Biden is expected to shift back to a more conventional US stance and re-engage with Iran, redrawing regional geopolitics"

hailourtruegod said:
What do whites here think about Trump losing white men support in this election compared to the last one? .

It makes sense why this happening. He didn’t do ANYTHING for us, the white working class, you know the ones who put him in office in 2016.

Instead he spent years pandering to black voters only to receive 13% of them this election, an absolute embarrassment, and everyone knew he wouldn’t get their vote to begin with.

IF he gets back in by January then he needs to seriously start doing things for his white base or we’re done.

Or if he knows this election fraud won’t be turned around and creepy joe will actually be inaugurated, then he should politically burn everything down. Or in other words, do everything that he should have done the past 4 years.

I’ve long ago accepted the reality that Trump is mostly a man of talk, and a cuck.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
hailourtruegod said:
What do whites here think about Trump losing white men support in this election compared to the last one? .

It makes sense why this happening. He didn’t do ANYTHING for us, the white working class, you know the ones who put him in office in 2016.

Instead he spent years pandering to black voters only to receive 13% of them this election, an absolute embarrassment, and everyone knew he wouldn’t get their vote to begin with.

IF he gets back in by January then he needs to seriously start doing things for his white base or we’re done.

Or if he knows this election fraud won’t be turned around and creepy joe will actually be inaugurated, then he should politically burn everything down. Or in other words, do everything that he should have done the past 4 years.

I’ve long ago accepted the reality that Trump is mostly a man of talk, and a cuck.

All true.

I want to walk back a bit what I said about seeing that more non whites voted for him and say it was probably only a few that were just misled while the rest who change their views are still pretty stupid because they just switched because of the "religious" and racial pandering. The ones who voted for Trump in 2016 that aren't white don't need pandering and know we'll get ahead in life on our own efforts and merit. The democrat leadership knows this too and know their idiot followers eat up the pandering they do so when they see republicans finally playing their game and saying "I'm not racist I'm pretty cool please like me" the democrats just scuff and laugh because they know it's all b.s. to begin with when it comes to themselves pandering to blacks and Hispanics.

Spineless conservatives always playing the game of the left when they get called racist. Their comebacks are like "here's 10 reasons why I'm not racists so stop saying mean things about me." It's pathetic. On the bright side I'm seeing a growing amount of people here and there not playing thus game and saying pretty much things like" fuck it I'm racist idgaf but my side is still better than yours ". Not perfect but we're getting somewhere lol.

I agree on Trump going scorched Earth if the courts don't side with him. If he also decides to run again in 4 years I hope he comes back actually radical this time but maybe we'll get someone good and more "radical" (he wasn't to begin with) after 4 years of seeing a shitty job biden and hairris have done along with the most likely scenario of attacking whites even more and this already is looking to be the case since biden's team have publicly announced brining back critical race theory once he's sworn in.
luis said:
Those Natives lived like animals, probably killing each other for useless stuff. When Whites created a good civilization with technology they enjoyed it too. If the US was left alone those natives would have probably lived many years more like animals. Not everything is bad, even other races have killed before just to take a place or for stupid reasons. Don't act like the other races have never done anything bad.

It also explains why African colonialism is a good thing. Take Rhodesia for example, if there was a system of education established that could breed future lawmakers, diplomats, and leaders, and it had been given at the most, 20 more years, the resulting state of Zimbabwe brought on by endless sanctions and Soviet-funded terrorism wouldn't be an embarrassment to the continent but rather a state with a responsible government.

Now those same Africans who have endlessly complained about being colonized by the British are now being colonized by the Chinese.
Shael said:
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do you think there is still any hope? I'm pretty sure Trump supporters will start to do protest. Trump supporters are way more than what the media and this fake elections showed us. The jews should be afraid, I don't think it will go down the peaceful root, most know that with Biden it will be communism for America, so they have nothing to loose.
The most important thing right now is to stop looking at mainstream media. They are kvetching harder than ever before, making strange claims that Biden already won, trying to start movements against Trump and making fun of him. They are putting endless resources into this and dropping their masks completely, to try and rally people towards that projected "result" that "trump has lost the election".

The only thing you need to know is that the whole thing right now is going to court. Voter fraud has happened and Trump is legally challenging this. Nothing decisive will happen within the next few days. It will very likely take several more weeks until this situation has a final result.

If you want reliable news, read only from Trump's twitter account as well as of any other sources you trust (there seem to be some smaller news outlets out there that report the truth on this).
Be aware also that the enemy-organized jews are presently sitting in their office blocks all day typing furiously on social media, with many different accounts and by the thousands, to simulate this whole anti-trump movement and influence public opinion. In other words, pay no mind to such things as twitter comments, which are currently about 90% by kike-agents.

Do the RTRs hard to ensure this situation turns into our favor. The enemy is exposing themselves blatantly and on a larger scale than ever before. They will take the biggest hit in the entirety of this war so far.

Small situation. Everyone keeps claiming there are these vids proving fraud, when asked to provide them, they say oh I cant find any. I just assumed because people said they are there.
Kinnaree said:
At any rate, Trump's natal chart is stronger (from the Vedic pov). I have watched Vedic astrologer Joni Patry's predictions. She predicted him to win back in 2016. She predicted high likelihood of him winning again. Only if there is delay.

There are talks of this election comparing it to the 2000 election year of Bush vs Gore as far as delays and recounts.

There will likely be riots if Trump wins. Plus, more social upheavals.

If Biden wins, somehow, everything will just..settle down. Like magic. Things are better under him. But then he might get sick and thus, deemed unfit so.. who's gonna take his place? Ms. Harris. Their wet dream to have a female and "black" female president. Watch. This is the plan.

I've been on this "conspiracy" train for 20 years, every since Princess Diana's death (ahem, deliberate murder).

When you've known about the Jew's work for this long, you understand how they work and their reactions towards something. You know their fantasies and wet dreams.

Going back to this election, Trump is winning as of 7:25AM pacific time according to electoral-vote dot com.

Hey, I recall a couple years ago that HPS Maxine stated that Vedic astrology isn’t great for predilection and much of it is figurative. The lunar mansions are legit though. This isn’t over until it’s over though (to my understanding — maybe it already is for Trump), so we’ll see what happens. Cheers HAIL SATAN
hailourtruegod said:
If he also decides to run again in 4 years I hope he comes back actually radical this time but maybe we'll get someone good and more "radical" (he wasn't to begin with)

Smart people on the left (not very many) that play the long game are already concerned about 2024, and the fact that there will probably be another more radical and well spoken candidate for us that is better, or to them worse than Trump.

After 4 years of a Kamala and Hillary presidency we WILL need divine intervention. I hope Satan and the demons are already molding someone to be our candidate in 2024 that the people will get behind. Hopefully said candidate will be way more radical and talk about the JQ.

The 2024 establishment pick for the Republicans is Nikki Haley. There is already big talk about this, she is very pro war and Israel so I doubt it will work out because people want a populist not a neocon. Trumpism is here to stay.

There is also talk about Tucker Carlson being a potential candidate, I think that would be awesome, he is better than Trump. But I doubt he would be allowed to win, especially if this voter fraud unpunished.

The same thing goes for the left, if Trump does manage to get four more years than in the 2024 the Democrats will certainly have a more openly communist candidate.

No matter which scenario happens I hope it will work out for us, it’s hard to see the RTR manifesting recently.
hailourtruegod said:
What do whites here think about Trump losing white men support in this election compared to the last one?

I just see it as those racially aware got tired of him not even trying to reach out to them so they stop supporting him.

I think it means lots of those "whites" had their votes changed to Biden, discarded entirely, or made up entirely. (like all the dead "whites" that voted for Biden. The counties that were going to go to Trump(primarily white counties, white voters) were the ones that were fucked with. While the ones that were going to go to Biden (urban multicultural areas) less so . which is why you see increased trump support among all the ethnic minorities. votes were less tampered with.

this election would have been a landslide if not for fraud. Much worse than 2016. And the cheating so blatantly obvious. Many states had more total votes than there are registered voters.

i've seen some white nationalist pages saying lots of whites were tired of the pandering by Trump to minorities and not doing enough for whites. but then why the hell would they go on to vote democrat who do that magnified by 200x? Doesn't make sense.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
