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Upcoming 2020 Election Results And What These Mean For US

just to clarify when I said nothing really positive to come out of trump's presidency, i am just agreeing that its not significantly positive but not negative enough that we are in the minus.
Weassel said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
On the other hand, he did not really act in many ways to support things he was elected, such as the wall. This leaves us at point zero, but at least the point is not "Minus".
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hold on what i dont understand, didn't he build that wall like you can see it on the border with Texas as i know, yeah its not long as the entire of US but its still better than what was before, now the mexican gangs (even if they still can bypass it) they do have some kind of challange coming in the US, sadly as i know (there was a video from Flecass Talk about Trump wall) the wall was build from Trump money and donations.
Can you please illuminate me, i may talk gibberish here but you made me a bit curious.

He has to finish and make the wall decent after he is re-elected.

The wall is too simple and it can even be climbed or drugs can be passed through. It is not as robust as it should be.

It could be better, but he was forced to not complete it promptly or fully based on funding disagreements.

He needs more political power to finish the project.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Anna said:
I still worry (((I'm scared, I'm not afraid for myself, but for people, for the entire white race, which will be in terrible danger if Biden wins.

He probably will not win unless the whole situation is entirely staged.

With the data coming out, it seems to have been staged since the beginning to just steal the election.

It was not difficult to foresee, nor the first time the enemy steals an election.

Fradulent mail voting and person voting contributes to this. Apparently the matter may take a few days to clarify.

If we pull trough and the fraud gets exposed this will be the biggest win so far as it will expose the enemy to a degree way beyond what we did so far in all those years.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Anna said:
I still worry (((I'm scared, I'm not afraid for myself, but for people, for the entire white race, which will be in terrible danger if Biden wins.

He probably will not win unless the whole situation is entirely staged.

With the data coming out, it seems to have been staged since the beginning to just steal the election.

It was not difficult to foresee, nor the first time the enemy steals an election.

Fradulent mail voting and person voting contributes to this. Apparently the matter may take a few days to clarify.

Anyway, it would be nice for us to prepare for the worst. What will we do if Trump doesn't win?
Honestly, while I begun thinking of this subject as something 'rather determining' in our war, thinking that Trump will somehow aid us and someone else won't, and possibly just let someone else do his/her job, I'm not particularly worried about seeing that Biden is getting more votes.

I think it's nearly over by now so it's pretty normal to assume who will win this, but the thing is this...

If Biden will simply sit back, allowing things to happen to favor the jews, pushing every communist tool, pushing lockdowns and whatnot... Doesn't this ALSO mean that the people WILL be subjected to a faster change than they are virtually 'ready to accept'?

We all know that the frog sitting in cold water get eventually boiled when you raise the temperature little by little, so this should, in my opinion, STILL work in our favor in order to wake the mind of even those idiots (like the Covidiots) who stupidly laugh about 'conspiracy theories', thinking they know better no matter what amount of evidence you can provide.

From what I can gather from this, 'changing too fast' and 'pushing too much' isn't necessarily something negative in our war, as even the ones that normally accept abuse pushed in slow measure will begin to question whether or not 'this was REALLY needed' or 'if it is not TOO MUCH or TOO DRASTIC'.... the sooner you plant the seed of doubt the sooner reason starts to grow.

I would still obviously prefer Trump to win, hope he does, but this other case doesn't necessarily spell bad things in the long run.. especially since I believe the main point of your sermon was that Humans MUST awake.

The way I look at things, the jews are about to shoot themselves in the foot with a massive gun, having this next turn of events quickly backfire on them like many things we have already observed in this year full of abuse and self appointed dictators. People are already sick of this situation... partially quoting the bastard Rockefeller "all we need is ANOTHER major crisis" and they can kiss the Jew World Order GOODBYE! :lol:

Meanwhile, SPAM the Final RTR like there's no tomorrow! Sometimes I find myself doing in my dreams too.

Hail Father Satan Forever! Sieg heil!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Anna said:
I still worry (((I'm scared, I'm not afraid for myself, but for people, for the entire white race, which will be in terrible danger if Biden wins.

He probably will not win unless the whole situation is entirely staged.

With the data coming out, it seems to have been staged since the beginning to just steal the election.

It was not difficult to foresee, nor the first time the enemy steals an election.

Fradulent mail voting and person voting contributes to this. Apparently the matter may take a few days to clarify.
If Biden win It could be good to show how bad the left has become but it may put in danger americans and influence the rest of the world in a negative way...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shael said:
I read yesterday on some site, I think it was abcnews, how they "ran 40.000 simulations" and "Biden has a 90% chance of winning". Now we are hearing how it's a very close race. Lol

When I was reading the news there was a program that you could press on the key states and change the odds of the winning candidate. On the program the settings were predetermined with Biden winning without any of the selections. Oy vey the goyim will believe dis, hammer it in.

Trump should have won the election if not have won it already.

They used millions of fraud voters and who knows what went down on the mail ballot also.


This is why I dont even bother to vote at all.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Weassel said:
He has to finish and make the wall decent after he is re-elected.
The wall is too simple and it can even be climbed or drugs can be passed through. It is not as robust as it should be.
It could be better, but he was forced to not complete it promptly or fully based on funding disagreements.
He needs more political power to finish the project.

In reality, a wall was not the best solution anyway. All one really needs is just strict punishments against border crossing or drones to monitor the border. Nobody would come in if people started getting 6 months/1 year at a labor camp as punishment with escalation for repeat offenders. Even if some people have to be subjected to harsh punishment, this would not be the majority, as long as you publicize it and make clear this occurred because they crossed the border. Combine that with removing benefits towards illegals, obviously, and nobody would come over.

Of course the demographic situation of the US is beyond fixing through the border alone, anyway. Deportations or balkanization will have to occur to restore racial homogeneity.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Nikois666 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Sometimes I wonder if the enemy pays some people to push certain things in social media.
Yes, they have a base of operation, Communist China. The jews there have a lot of places with thousands of computers and smartphones to troll on social media.

Israel on its own has a full wing for internet warfare, and about tens of thousands of jews spamming regularly to promote kike opinions. And who knows how many infinite bots on top of that.

They pay an army of people. A jew admitted this in a documentary that I made. And this is only the tip of the iceberg.
Agree HP Cobra, I forgot to mention Israel. I have seen this video where I see that useless IDF soldiers are sent into a room to troll online like in this video and website.
(Use VPN if possible)
Ramier108666 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Thank you for this HP. I am usually sickened by how the enemy has made a villain out of Trump, way worse than 'he is.' The man can't make a tweet that doesn't have thousands of hate comments under it. Blaming him for the most ridiculous things. Sometimes I wonder if the enemy pays some people to push certain things in social media.

I'm also quite disappointed in the Blacks who are easily swayed by the left.

However the elections go, we won't despair. I can't even put it in words how angry I am at the enemy for their crimes.

I've also been thinking that the whole Floyd situation was to aggravate Blacks and liberal Whites to further push for Trump's possible loss in the elections. Many of the cases of cops shooting Blacks this year turned out to have the enemy's numerology all over them, in addition to false flag signs.

I agree. It's been a rough year, but with this constant bombardment, it actually gives one the ammunition to keep progressing. That's what we SS embody. Despite frictions and upcoming battles our progression in our lives, Spiritual and Material keeps moving forward. Like the earth. Grounded and secure. I fairly optimistic that we will win. In this elect and the many battles we'll come out victorious one way or another.
I believe there will be riots if Trump wins. But at least Trump will be more resolute and direct as this is his last term, shall he win. He won't have much to lose, except maybe his life but I bet he already knows that can happen. He even openly calls out Marxists, which is quite bold for an American president at this point in time. The thing with Trump is that he will delay the enemy's advancements significantly while we keep hammering away with the final RTR, which is good enough for now. I trust that the Gods have a plan in the next decade or so after the enemy has lost enough grounding on the astral and therefore lost control of the MSM and the global economy.

Right now it would be insanely difficult for our side to make major political moves in most places in the world. The enemy will just unleash like 90% of the media against you and suddenly the whole world is against you. Trump is not even a Satanist and look how they massacre him every single day, only because he doesn't kiss their ass properly.

With Democrats we can expect full on war against privacy and the internet, loss of gun rights for America and of course more White genocide. The good thing is that people are waking up regardless so even if Trump loses, it won't be long before some sort of revolt against the Democrats arises.
I’m no US resident neither do I know about how their elections usually go, but is it just me or some shady shit is going on there?

MSM networks waiting till the very last minute to announce trump as a winner in florida

Trump leading some states and no announcement already?

They’re “waiting” on ballots to change the results, isn’t this too obvious already

If this cunt Biden wins, i do hope the real US patriots won’t go quiet. I would revolt like a madman if they did such thing here
At any rate, Trump's natal chart is stronger (from the Vedic pov). I have watched Vedic astrologer Joni Patry's predictions. She predicted him to win back in 2016. She predicted high likelihood of him winning again. Only if there is delay.

There are talks of this election comparing it to the 2000 election year of Bush vs Gore as far as delays and recounts.

There will likely be riots if Trump wins. Plus, more social upheavals.

If Biden wins, somehow, everything will just..settle down. Like magic. Things are better under him. But then he might get sick and thus, deemed unfit so.. who's gonna take his place? Ms. Harris. Their wet dream to have a female and "black" female president. Watch. This is the plan.

I've been on this "conspiracy" train for 20 years, every since Princess Diana's death (ahem, deliberate murder).

When you've known about the Jew's work for this long, you understand how they work and their reactions towards something. You know their fantasies and wet dreams.

Going back to this election, Trump is winning as of 7:25AM pacific time according to electoral-vote dot com.
It will take at least a week from now until we know for a fact who has won the election... But for some reason I feel like this election is just one of the major battles, but not decisive one for the war.

By the way, the level of brainwashing and the total retardation of Biden voters never stops to amaze me... These people actually believe that Biden will "shut down the virus, not the country" (whatever that's supposed to mean). They actually believe that Biden will not try to impose a New York type of lockdown on the whole country, even though he is telling them to their faces that that's what he is going to do, and that that's what the democrats have been doing so far in every state run by them...
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
A Biden presidency wouldn’t be all bad because the right would move further right.

Look how the left has become Almost entirely socialist in the last 4 years just because of Trump.

It would give a kick on the ass to a lot of white voters and other people on the center right.

White nationalism will continue to rise exponentially regardless of who wins.

It's good for the gentiles to take a beating from the enemy from time to time thus making them not being able to sleep in their own shit anymore and to take action but if Biden will then it will be to rush, given the fact that the US gorv most of it is corrupted the wining of that demented old sack of bone will be a total pass and full control for the kikes to shit on whites, even worse than it is now, we already have media and blm to shit their reputation and to make whites see the truth.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Weassel said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
On the other hand, he did not really act in many ways to support things he was elected, such as the wall. This leaves us at point zero, but at least the point is not "Minus".
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hold on what i dont understand, didn't he build that wall like you can see it on the border with Texas as i know, yeah its not long as the entire of US but its still better than what was before, now the mexican gangs (even if they still can bypass it) they do have some kind of challange coming in the US, sadly as i know (there was a video from Flecass Talk about Trump wall) the wall was build from Trump money and donations.
Can you please illuminate me, i may talk gibberish here but you made me a bit curious.

He has to finish and make the wall decent after he is re-elected.

The wall is too simple and it can even be climbed or drugs can be passed through. It is not as robust as it should be.

It could be better, but he was forced to not complete it promptly or fully based on funding disagreements.

He needs more political power to finish the project.

Looks like the republicans are on their way to win the house and Senate and if Truno does win he'll be able to complete his plans without the democrats stopping him. Last time a president had full power of these branches he didn't do anything that benefited Americans or the the people they said they would help and this person was obama. If Trump wins then I hope he doesn't pull this too.i have a good feeling he'll actually get things done though.
It's so obvious that Trump had the election, even when he gave a speech like 12 hours ago he listed off all the big states that he'd won and how its next to impossible for the democrats to turn it around and then everything just stopped, like they just pulled the plug.

God, and now that he's calling for a fair trial or at least an investigation into this absurdity, the woke 70iq SJWs are triggered out of their minds and have taken to social media to right this injustice and bring about their jew commie cesspool.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What about mail voting? This will probably incur some crazy fraud also.

Has anyone voted this way? If so, how was the procedure?
I voted by mail. It involves filling in bubbles by names, similar to a standardized test. However, the instructions were strange. There was a document that seemed clear enough, but some instructions were only on the back on the envelope in a really tiny font, almost like they wanted people to miss it. They require the return address written on a line on the back of the envelope under the signature. Presumably without this, the ballot will be invalid. I am guessing that they hope to get tons of invalid ballots, then count only the ones for Biden. :roll:
ETERNAL_LIFE_666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shael said:
I read yesterday on some site, I think it was abcnews, how they "ran 40.000 simulations" and "Biden has a 90% chance of winning". Now we are hearing how it's a very close race. Lol

When I was reading the news there was a program that you could press on the key states and change the odds of the winning candidate. On the program the settings were predetermined with Biden winning without any of the selections. Oy vey the goyim will believe dis, hammer it in.

Trump should have won the election if not have won it already.

They used millions of fraud voters and who knows what went down on the mail ballot also.


This is why I dont even bother to vote at all.

The thing is when actual people who are alive and US citizens do not vote at all, the enemy is able, with the fraud, to merely steal the election without really anyone even figuratively being against them. That is also wrong. I think everyone should at least take a day off for vote, even for the social aspect.

I'd think of my vote in this case as deleting one fraudulent vote.
I know the powers of hell have got to be involved in large worldly affairs to the best of their abilities. They also have our backs in circumstances that are out of our control. I have never really thought highly of a president until Trump, I’ve never actually cheered one on. Just the simple fact that he hasn’t made things worse with the jews seems like a huge blessing, even though he isn’t a Hitler.
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What about mail voting? This will probably incur some crazy fraud also.

Has anyone voted this way? If so, how was the procedure?

I voted by mail. It involves filling in bubbles by names, similar to a standardized test. However, the instructions were strange. There was a document that seemed clear enough, but some instructions were only on the back on the envelope in a really tiny font, almost like they wanted people to miss it. They require the return address written on a line on the back of the envelope under the signature. Presumably without this, the ballot will be invalid. I am guessing that they hope to get tons of invalid ballots, then count only the ones for Biden. :roll:

Very interesting and also revealing with the "instructions". If you sign the paper wrong, your vote goes to waste. Was probably intentional. Both parties will lose quite a few votes because of this, if the ballots count as "Cancelled".

Biden's campaign focused more in getting voters to not even get up and vote from a distance. So they would be more instructed or accustomed to this.
Slowly all smart Blacks are joining the Republican wing and aren't on the thugger band wagon. Even many Hispanics are interestingly so supporting Trump. So the meme that "Whitey interest = everyone else detriment" is simply dying. The interest of Whites is also the interest of the US which is in turn the interest of all the residents.

Nobody will have a good life in the US if the whole shit goes down the drain in Communism, fire and riots, burning cities, and messacring everything to the ground. Only winner out of this will be jews who will be laughing at what they caused. No race is going to prosper or be given a fair deal for their work and buck either. No current US resident also benefits if infinite amounts of people without papers come and get just about any job there is, with the current unemployment rates.

If it all goes down in flames we should be prepared for deadly birthrates for Whites, destruction of any livelihood of Blacks, mass death, and who knows what else, a potential WW3 by the backdoor on a weakening United States. This will destroy us all, no "race" is going to progress at all if the jew gets their plan.

The Democrats are preparing Marxist riot if Trump wins, but I don't see Trump supporters preparing a riot if Biden won, unless I am misinformed and missed something. If they are, please share, but I found nothing of the sort online.

This just shows how the so called "Left" is the same Communism that the world was running from in Hitler's time around same time last century. When they don't get their way they start hardcore rioting, looting and killing all over the place through numerous "Far Left" organizations.

Unlike the so called imaginary "right wing organizations", these people actually raze cities to the ground as we recently saw, and they aren't only lies and imaginations of the jewish press. If it takes over we are all doomed no matter who we are.

Here we are again Humanity vs Jews as per usual.

If Trump does well with the wall, economy, and everything else, this will also equal better birthrates, better life, more empowerment against Communism, and in due time, with the information we spread, people will start getting it that we don't need to mix.

Rest of the garbage who cannot accept this reality and wants to destroy the world will be marginalized and treated as the criminals they are.

Blacks did more damage to other Blacks in the last Floyd Riot that only the jew can compare in the last 70 years. Whites haven't harmed nobody or did any such riots. Jews on the other hand destroyed whole cities to the ground. This was literally a pogrom caused by media Jews, the only difference they used Blacks to destroy other Blacks.

As we inform the masses, all kike memes both left and right will collapse. Nobody will want in the right a Zionist war for Israel, and nobody in the left will want rampant miscegenation until none of our races remain.

Removing the Jewish Information and Jewish Consciousness on Gentiles is starting to work it's way into the mass mind. Then we'll be fine and avoid the worst.

Blackdragon666 said:
Ramier108666 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Thank you for this HP. I am usually sickened by how the enemy has made a villain out of Trump, way worse than 'he is.' The man can't make a tweet that doesn't have thousands of hate comments under it. Blaming him for the most ridiculous things. Sometimes I wonder if the enemy pays some people to push certain things in social media.

I'm also quite disappointed in the Blacks who are easily swayed by the left.

However the elections go, we won't despair. I can't even put it in words how angry I am at the enemy for their crimes.

I've also been thinking that the whole Floyd situation was to aggravate Blacks and liberal Whites to further push for Trump's possible loss in the elections. Many of the cases of cops shooting Blacks this year turned out to have the enemy's numerology all over them, in addition to false flag signs.

I agree. It's been a rough year, but with this constant bombardment, it actually gives one the ammunition to keep progressing. That's what we SS embody. Despite frictions and upcoming battles our progression in our lives, Spiritual and Material keeps moving forward. Like the earth. Grounded and secure. I fairly optimistic that we will win. In this elect and the many battles we'll come out victorious one way or another.
I believe there will be riots if Trump wins. But at least Trump will be more resolute and direct as this is his last term, shall he win. He won't have much to lose, except maybe his life but I bet he already knows that can happen. He even openly calls out Marxists, which is quite bold for an American president at this point in time. The thing with Trump is that he will delay the enemy's advancements significantly while we keep hammering away with the final RTR, which is good enough for now. I trust that the Gods have a plan in the next decade or so after the enemy has lost enough grounding on the astral and therefore lost control of the MSM and the global economy.

Right now it would be insanely difficult for our side to make major political moves in most places in the world. The enemy will just unleash like 90% of the media against you and suddenly the whole world is against you. Trump is not even a Satanist and look how they massacre him every single day, only because he doesn't kiss their ass properly.

With Democrats we can expect full on war against privacy and the internet, loss of gun rights for America and of course more White genocide. The good thing is that people are waking up regardless so even if Trump loses, it won't be long before some sort of revolt against the Democrats arises.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What about mail voting? This will probably incur some crazy fraud also.

Has anyone voted this way? If so, how was the procedure?

I voted by mail. It involves filling in bubbles by names, similar to a standardized test. However, the instructions were strange. There was a document that seemed clear enough, but some instructions were only on the back on the envelope in a really tiny font, almost like they wanted people to miss it. They require the return address written on a line on the back of the envelope under the signature. Presumably without this, the ballot will be invalid. I am guessing that they hope to get tons of invalid ballots, then count only the ones for Biden. :roll:

Very interesting and also revealing with the "instructions". If you sign the paper wrong, your vote goes to waste. Was probably intentional. Both parties will lose quite a few votes because of this, if the ballots count as "Cancelled".

Biden's campaign focused more in getting voters to not even get up and vote from a distance. So they would be more instructed or accustomed to this.

We voted by absentee Ballot but didn't send the thing in the mail we dropped it off at the election clerk office. How hard is that for some people. I mean most places its not that far from where they live or even hard to find unless they are in a big city or out in the middle of nowhere.

The polling place was in a church *vomit* so that was the absentee ballot thing. :lol:

This is my comment on here from what I see My county usually goes Democrap by at least 10 percent higher (most outside the city vote Republican) and before the end of last year no one would dare mention support for Trump out of fear and if you were different you were ridiculed. I know that cause i used to be part of a social group and one person there was Republican they were always told to shut up and made fun of etc it seemed the same kind of thing happened whenever anyone talked about trump. You didn't dare say it or you are a racist who might get beat up if your around someone not white. Then the end of last year and this year it started to where a lot of people doubted the Dems and you see open support of Trump sometimes. It is not even thought of that much to say your Republican anymore.

So yeah Trump should win based on this alone. It feels like the Dems lost at least 10 to 20 percent of their supporters in a years time due to the BLM crap (where i live they shut that down somehow after 2 days and never allowed them to protest again as far as i am aware at least it wasn't on the news if they did)
What’s worrying to me is the obvious suspicious events happening since last night. The biggest county in Georgia, a swing state and important one for Trump, has the pipes burst in the counting facility and counts halt. Then they claim it’ll take days to count the votes. To me, this is a red flag and it seems more like there’s room for tampering in such a case. In fact, when this was announced, even the fake news anchors were laughing because they were shocked the vote counts stopped. Nothing like this has happened.

Pennsylvania is allowing votes to be counted in mail long after every other states deadlines. Again, this seems like room for suspicious activity. Trump tweeted today that they found dumps of ballots. Are these dumps official? I think not. Pennsylvania’s was close to finishing their count, but now they supposedly have ‘millions more to count’.

Another thing is Trumps comfortable lead in Michigan flops over night after this upset by democrats. That’s a big hit.

As well as the constant push that voting is safe and measures are in place to prevent fraud. All media outlets keep pushing this line. Yet, they’re not allowing fair observation of the counts in some jurisdictions by Trumps people.

This is fuel for rtrs guys and we have a few days until all races are called by the AP. Use this time to spam rtrs. The enemy has massive interests in this race and they’re not going down without a fight. This is our time to come in, as the resistance to this vile attempt at deadly corruption. This is the reality we’re dealing with, as abhorrent as it is, and this is what we’re prepared, trained and tasked for. It’s our time.
The only reason I would vote for Trump is that he is a Gentile. Judging what he has accomplished these years...he has no place as a world leader. I have no words for that guy. He reminds me of a 4 year old not getting an ice cream he asked for because he already had 5. What he has accomplished is minimal and vague, but I guess that is what is possible nowadays considering the enemy breathing in his ass.

As for Biden, it is easy to understand his speech are highly trained. He uses the psychology of a diplomat. He stand out far more grounded and collected in the manner of seeing the people. This, is only the talk though. I can see right through his speech and his nature. He is a jew. On the positive note, a very weak and fragile one. But rest assured, he will be the puppet the jews have been longing for 4 years to use now.

Whoever wins, the US will have 4 intense years I believe.
k so I was talking online to someone from the US earlier today (person is about stoned constantly though due to 'medicinal use of .. to treat anxiety' or something) and she said:
"My friends went to vote but when they got there they were told they already voted"

.. I might have misplaced a word here and there. But thought I should mention it.
This is why I don't get involved in politics. It's a pain in my ass. This election is total bullshit. And everyone knows that Joe Biden is fucked up in the head. Trump is ok. but whatever!
Anna said:
Anyway, it would be nice for us to prepare for the worst. What will we do if Trump doesn't win?

Show the world that the proof's in the pudding....democracy does not work.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
ETERNAL_LIFE_666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
When I was reading the news there was a program that you could press on the key states and change the odds of the winning candidate. On the program the settings were predetermined with Biden winning without any of the selections. Oy vey the goyim will believe dis, hammer it in.

Trump should have won the election if not have won it already.

They used millions of fraud voters and who knows what went down on the mail ballot also.


This is why I dont even bother to vote at all.

The thing is when actual people who are alive and US citizens do not vote at all, the enemy is able, with the fraud, to merely steal the election without really anyone even figuratively being against them. That is also wrong. I think everyone should at least take a day off for vote, even for the social aspect.

I'd think of my vote in this case as deleting one fraudulent vote.

Even if there is a lot of voter fraud and the enemy basically riggs the election if enough people vote for Trump we can still win. This is a defeatist attitude. Look i uses to believe like this too and Dumbly I used to even be a Democrap due to Bush voted for Obama twice. I didn't at the time understand the full enemy agenda. I missed several mid term elections cause of that thinking.

But its defeatist. The enemy can do a lot of fraud but they are not going to go for being extremely obvious.

Ok so let's say a district that voted majority republican before many times now goes 80 percent Democrat. They will try to avoid stuff like that cause it will bring attention to what they are doing and make many go hmm.

They will want to go for little changes over large areas of the country. So because of this its still possible to win we just need more of a majority for Trump. It always appears to me that the vast majority of the country is deeply republican. The thing with the Democraps is they have almost all the large and many of the midsized cities.

My own county for example almost always goes majority Dem but only because there is a midsized city in the upper part of it. The vast majority of my county is overwhelmingly republican as in 60 to 70 percent of the vote in many areas.

Same everywhere else. The Dems do not have the majority of peoples minds. If they are going to pull something it will mostly be adding or changing votes in the areas they control. This will not be obvious to most.

So the city folks should not get to dictate to the rest of the country how to live and what government to have. That is insanity. I say that despite a majority of my life living in more urban areas.

So yeah go ahead and vote. If enough people vote Republican and actually show up we can win every time. The funny thing i notice is in Texas really the only Democrap majority area outside of Houston is along the areas closest to the Border or bottom part of the state according to the map. That is all the illegals voting and fraud for you. I just noticed that and wanted to mention it that is interesting.

The Republicans have the majority of the areas of our most obviously. It should not be fair that a few people in a few select areas should dictate to the rest of the country what policies to have.
Even if Biden wins the GoP controls the Senate and slowly the House of Representatives as well. Mentioned by Tim Pool, the house lost 5 seats to Republicans.

I suggest some of you listen to his videos he just dismantles all the disinformation the MSM is doing. It's hilarious he's just trolling the retards at this point.

I know he is moderate left with some libertarian but he actually voted for Trump and surprisingly mentioned many people like him are actually right leaning in modern political terminology.

100 % of the votes while counting stopped went to Biden in Michigan. Not a single vote for Trump. All of the 138,339 votes, literally 100% went to Biden... They are not even trying to make their scams look legitimate.
A good thing that can come out of a Trump loss is that it'll make the xians look stupid as they kept saying it was becaue of their false gawd that good things were happening under Trump. They invited the enemy's energy into the right wing side and now are confused that their prayers didn't work for shit as per usual.
They can't win even in the Democrrat states ,and this they stopped counting and now they're finding thousands of coincidentally 100% absentee ballots for Biden in DEMOCRAT RUN STATEs which has now flipped the states. The Jews are involved in a criminal conspiracy to remove the President of the United States of America who has stood up for Americans against the Globalists. There is nothing they won't do ,criminal or fraud if it's to oust Donald Trump.

Trump has taken this to the supreme court and theres a chance because of the new Republican Amy Barret but it's all uncertain now. In the event that criminal Democrats flip all the states with voter fraud, then it would be safe to assume that electoral politics has completely failed. The CIA, FBA and the media, and social media companies are an organized criminal cartel who are trying to sabotage the free working of the electoral process.

COHENCIDENTALLY all these Democrat run States has Trump surging and were about to be won, when they stopped polling and started getting all the fake absentee ballots 100% for Biden. This is the most egregious criminal voter fraud ever recorded in American history.

If we lose, trump can go ahead and do what Adolf Hitler did- declare martial law and drain the swamp through force. But I don't think this can happen unless the CIA,FBI and media are labeled as criminal agencies and be investigated by the US marshals or the Army. These agencies answer to the Globalists and not to the president.

If Trump loses, that's it for free speech from the United States. The ADL was planning a mass censorship campaign as they were convinced that Trump was going to lose. If Trump loses all these internet companies will be forced to accept new Hate speech laws (unconstitutional) and hard block ISPs.

We need .onion sites ready in the circumstance that it happens. Both for the Websites and this forum.

This can get really really messy. People are talking about Civil war and mass violence (started by anarchists. ) Tensions are running at levels we've never seen before. Currently my intuition is also clouded and I cant get a read on the situation.

What I know is that we need to spam the RTRs until a clear decision with the intent of Trump winning.
All I know is Hail Satan.

And fuck the enemy.

Trump is a result of RTR's I believe.

Biden would be a setback, yes...IMO.

But Astrology doesn't lie.

And it says the Joos will only gain a half victory in The United States in the end.

That's from Maxine.

They can esn drek!

The Joodens that is!
I woke up this morning and checked on the result and I heard a voice say “don’t worry about it”.

No matter who wins, we should be ok if we continue to spam the RTRs.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-43wPyblUA .. It is looking like Trump and the rest of us is F***ed.
I've had this strange feeling if Biden wins, he is too weak and will fall sick where he is unfit to rule and possibly die.

If Biden wins, somehow, everything will just..settle down. Like magic. Things are better under him. But then he might get sick and thus, deemed unfit so.. who's gonna take his place? Ms. Harris. Their wet dream to have a female and "black" female president. Watch. This is the plan.
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What about mail voting? This will probably incur some crazy fraud also.

Has anyone voted this way? If so, how was the procedure?
I voted by mail. It involves filling in bubbles by names, similar to a standardized test. However, the instructions were strange. There was a document that seemed clear enough, but some instructions were only on the back on the envelope in a really tiny font, almost like they wanted people to miss it. They require the return address written on a line on the back of the envelope under the signature. Presumably without this, the ballot will be invalid. I am guessing that they hope to get tons of invalid ballots, then count only the ones for Biden. :roll:
Sneaky jews, you always have to search for the hidden stuff. I wonder how many people missed those, many people assume everything is clear and black-and-white.
There's definitely fraud going on. Trump is suing 4 states for illegal voter fraud.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
