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Upcoming 2020 Election Results And What These Mean For US

We're looking at a total civilizational type collapse scenario as a total communist takeover of the Strongest country of the world seems increasingly imminent.
ShadowTheRaven said:
luis said:
Those Natives lived like animals, probably killing each other for useless stuff. When Whites created a good civilization with technology they enjoyed it too. If the US was left alone those natives would have probably lived many years more like animals. Not everything is bad, even other races have killed before just to take a place or for stupid reasons. Don't act like the other races have never done anything bad.

It also explains why African colonialism is a good thing. Take Rhodesia for example, if there was a system of education established that could breed future lawmakers, diplomats, and leaders, and it had been given at the most, 20 more years, the resulting state of Zimbabwe brought on by endless sanctions and Soviet-funded terrorism wouldn't be an embarrassment to the continent but rather a state with a responsible government.

Now those same Africans who have endlessly complained about being colonized by the British are now being colonized by the Chinese.

Blacks today have more than enough decent black leaders and intellectuals that can change their homelands for the better. No more need to send non black people over there to better it. America or other advanced nations can act like Alexandria in being somewhere where non natives can go to study and give a little back as they do but ultimately planning to take everything they learned back to their homelands to better their people instead of taking over the host nation and replacing their people.
Gengar said:
i've seen some white nationalist pages saying lots of whites were tired of the pandering by Trump to minorities and not doing enough for whites. but then why the hell would they go on to vote democrat who do that magnified by 200x? Doesn't make sense.

It's been mentioned before every leader no matter what has to bow down to kikeofery and pisrael.

Even Trump had to play cuckinstein at the so-called wailing wall.

My best guess is these whites that support Biden literally believe in some sort of communist utopia. I think potentially a combination of seeing little to no support from Trump and being tied into xtianity opens the gateways to such foolery. Realize whites are on the chopping block the jews demand it.

My best guess is they have a nuclear mentality, a "tikkun haolam" mentality. See everything destroyed maybe not consciously but subconsciously.

In the end as of the time of this post the "fat lady" hasn't sung yet. So it's too early to tell. I do support Trump in that he is the lesser of two evils but he will never be Hitler. Non-the less even Tucker Carlson in his recent youtube snippet mentioned Soviet when referencing Biden.

So at least lots of people are woke towards communism and if Biden does truly win. I do have my hopes it's a total fuck up of everything. I think it's been mentioned a Biden victory isn't all that bad. It'll show the people and the World how dangerous of a retard he is. Same if the so-called death of Biden happens in office and Harris is elected.

In the end whichever side wins people get woke and realize the bullshit. But again in the end, it's the the jews and the christians are in on it.

If you can't take the christ out of WN you'll never win. One of the reasons why JoS exists in the first place.
Jack said:
We're looking at a total civilizational type collapse scenario as a total communist takeover of the Strongest country of the world seems increasingly imminent.

I have a lot of respect for you but it seems like you have an all or nothing mindset lately. The jew is trying to play all its hands right now and exposing itself majorly. HP stated many times there can be damage done on both sides but this by no means will destroy civilization. Most of us will all be here ready to fight the jew as they back stab all their NPC slaves.
StraitShot47 said:
Necrorifter said:
Kurat said:
Biden is jew

Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden, Jr.
Joseph Robinette Biden, Sr.
Joseph Harry Biden
Mary Emily Biden (Liddell)
Susan E Liddell (Bomberger)
John Hamage Bomberger

Bomberger Name Meaning
German and Jewish (western Ashkenazic): habitational name for someone from Bamberg in Germany.

You might want to be careful with that horned emoticon and horns on Trump. Satan and the demon are not red horned monsters, so have any description of that is basically an insult to them as you are carrying on the tradition that was meant to insult Satan and the demons.

The horns, like from a buck deer, is symbolic of the right and left channels of the body.


The horns are symbolic of the life force, the witchpower, vril, chi...This is symbolized by the symbol for the planet Mercury [shown directly below]. "Mercury" is known as "Messenger of the Gods." "God/s" is a code-word for the chakras. Note the horns shown on the image of Azazel [shown at left], with the rays shining fromm his head, representing the risen serpent. - https://satanisgod.org/dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Satanic_Symbols.html

In nature, horns are a symbol of strength. It is Christians idea that "god" jesus must look like very pathetic.
Gengar said:
hailourtruegod said:
What do whites here think about Trump losing white men support in this election compared to the last one?

I just see it as those racially aware got tired of him not even trying to reach out to them so they stop supporting him.

I think it means lots of those "whites" had their votes changed to Biden, discarded entirely, or made up entirely. (like all the dead "whites" that voted for Biden. The counties that were going to go to Trump(primarily white counties, white voters) were the ones that were fucked with. While the ones that were going to go to Biden (urban multicultural areas) less so . which is why you see increased trump support among all the ethnic minorities. votes were less tampered with.

this election would have been a landslide if not for fraud. Much worse than 2016. And the cheating so blatantly obvious. Many states had more total votes than there are registered voters.

i've seen some white nationalist pages saying lots of whites were tired of the pandering by Trump to minorities and not doing enough for whites. but then why the hell would they go on to vote democrat who do that magnified by 200x? Doesn't make sense.


I also think Trump would've won this if it wasn't for the corona chaos and BLM being unleashed, which after the Bernie fail galvanized the disillusioned Democrat base into actually wanting to vote for Biden. 90 percent of them said these were the two most 'urgent issues' that persuaded them to vote Biden. Anyone who seriously thought the sight of cities burning down, the two months of maskless protesters while no one else was allowed to go outside and leagues of hobos smoking crack in luxury hotels would turn liberals off is not on the mark. These things only make them more extreme and self-righteous. Lo and behold, now there is suddenly a vaccine.

Trump however did fuck up with the environment and being overly gung-ho about conspiracy theories. I highly doubt that's the reason for the mysterious White male voters from 1820 or default designation on the voting machine were voting for Biden though.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Biden based on the US transits and synastry may trigger a war. Then, the enemy wanted war in the beginning of 2020. When Trump refused, they instantly launched the CoVid and labelled it a WW3 without weapons.

Russia and China probably understand this.

DiscipleOfSatan said:
China declines to congratulate Biden, says outcome of election should be determined by law: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hZDD84toX8

Russia did the same: https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/...tulations-awaits-legal-procedures/6218660002/ )

This means that the true election winner is still unclear, despite what the juden media says, and the supreme court will decide the election.

It also shows how rigged the elections were, the magnitude of the fraud is so great and so undeniable that the other world powers don't accept the election results.

I am 99 % sure Russia and China are backing the democrats and so does Israel. This is why Putin and Xi are intentionally not congratulating Biden. If Trump wins the press will use this again to claim Russian and Chinese support for Trump while Israel will pose as the good one as usual because Bibi congratulated Biden and wants to work with him. There is a major shift in the Republican party going now backed by Fox News betrayal. Many reps are now joining with this big left push against Trump and seems "Trump's greatest ally" also turned against him. This is a crucial moment in history. Right going further right and left going further left. Don Jr has declared they are no longer spinless and that they are unto exposing something big that even the media will not be able to cover anymore. He is somewhat pointing towards cowards like Bush and Romney. We will keep un the RTR in this hard mode even after the 10th today and see if something very big is about to happen. Also keep us posted on the spiritual warfare updates!
Hail Satan!
Hail the Gods of Orion!
Hail JoS!
hailourtruegod said:
What do whites here think about Trump losing white men support in this election compared to the last one?

I just see it as those racially aware got tired of him not even trying to reach out to them so they stop supporting him.
Trump hit record high numbers this election, from literally every demographic in the US compared to any previous sitting president. Any kind of inflation on the side of Biden votes is largely due to mass-scale voter fraud as well as blatant lying and number-twisting from the media. The amount of people, not just whites, who would have swapped over from Trump to Biden, is laughably small in reality.
The thing one has to stand against is fraud and crime.

This is a crime to manipulate elections if we pressupose we have an actual democracy going.

Jews are doing this crime. This is the reality.

It cannot be dead people's ballots show up in elections.

Whomever won such an election of a Communist style fake popular vote, is standing on a broken chair. Doesn't matter if it was Trump or Biden. It has to be inspected before it is too late.
अग्निसर्प࿗ said:
Fox News cuts away from Donald Trump's spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany over election fraud claims


This video goes well with the full video. Just 10 min. in they've covered all the reasons for their accusations. Everything from observers being put 100 yards away from the votes being counted, to whistle-blowers and legal cases being filed against all of this.

"WELCOME FRAUD" Kayleigh McEnany Says Democrats Committed Election Fraud Against President Trump
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The thing one has to stand against is fraud and crime.

This is a crime to manipulate elections if we pressupose we have an actual democracy going.

Jews are doing this crime. This is the reality.

It cannot be dead people's ballots show up in elections.

Whomever won such an election of a Communist style fake popular vote, is standing on a broken chair. Doesn't matter if it was Trump or Biden. It has to be inspected before it is too late.
This whole situation is a gigantic victory for us. The media has exposed themselves more obviously than they have ever done before. Provided that Trump wins this through the legal processes, which I believe he will, we may well see him take drastic measures later on to take away power from the big media and put in place a news network that the jews do not have complete control over.

Regardless of what way the enemy tries to push this now, it will result in a gigantic loss for them either way. The one thing that could still save them now temporarily, would be to brute-force Biden into presidency and start a war. However, I believe they will be unable to do even that, especially provided that we keep up the RTR.
ShadowTheRaven said:
luis said:
Those Natives lived like animals, probably killing each other for useless stuff. When Whites created a good civilization with technology they enjoyed it too. If the US was left alone those natives would have probably lived many years more like animals. Not everything is bad, even other races have killed before just to take a place or for stupid reasons. Don't act like the other races have never done anything bad.

It also explains why African colonialism is a good thing. Take Rhodesia for example, if there was a system of education established that could breed future lawmakers, diplomats, and leaders, and it had been given at the most, 20 more years, the resulting state of Zimbabwe brought on by endless sanctions and Soviet-funded terrorism wouldn't be an embarrassment to the continent but rather a state with a responsible government.

Now those same Africans who have endlessly complained about being colonized by the British are now being colonized by the Chinese.
We Blacks are in a state of arrested development and if you notice the same tactics used on Africa and Latin America to arrest development are now being turned on the White countries it's self colonisation kind of....they arrest development in so called 3rd world countries encourage them to come to your countries take manufacturing away from your countries and build Communist China while genociding you and destroying your Civilisation and if any populist leaders rise to try to stop it they are being removed as evidenced in Italy now in America they seem to be handicapping you the same way they have done to Africa with the Banking system and Corporations and then it looks like Blacks can't develop and that maybe we need Whites or the Chinese to develop which is none sense when certain leaders have tried to free Africa from the Western Zionist banking system like Ghadaffi they kill them just like with you right now populist leaders are rising to try and stop the decline of Western Civilization and White genocide and what are they doing they are systematically removing them and you seem handicapped to stop them and to stop the rise of Communist China engaging America in endless wars coupled with illegal immigration is now making America fall what Blacks need (or any other Gentile races for that matter) is not colonisation but leaders of high consciousness or God conscious leaders who will make the necessary social and economic changes to re-establish Dharma (natural law) and Blacks will just be fine God/Atma/Divine Providence treats everyone the same and is for everyone it just depends on your adherance to Natural Law.....
Kurat said:
StraitShot47 said:
Necrorifter said:
You might want to be careful with that horned emoticon and horns on Trump. Satan and the demon are not red horned monsters, so have any description of that is basically an insult to them as you are carrying on the tradition that was meant to insult Satan and the demons.

The horns, like from a buck deer, is symbolic of the right and left channels of the body.


The horns are symbolic of the life force, the witchpower, vril, chi...This is symbolized by the symbol for the planet Mercury [shown directly below]. "Mercury" is known as "Messenger of the Gods." "God/s" is a code-word for the chakras. Note the horns shown on the image of Azazel [shown at left], with the rays shining fromm his head, representing the risen serpent. - https://satanisgod.org/dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Satanic_Symbols.html

In nature, horns are a symbol of strength. It is Christians idea that "god" jesus must look like very pathetic.

I see, thank for that link... I guess perhaps I really need to set aside time to look over joy of satan to review for any missing information.
ModernMage said:
Jack said:
We're looking at a total civilizational type collapse scenario as a total communist takeover of the Strongest country of the world seems increasingly imminent.

I have a lot of respect for you but it seems like you have an all or nothing mindset lately. The jew is trying to play all its hands right now and exposing itself majorly. HP stated many times there can be damage done on both sides but this by no means will destroy civilization. Most of us will all be here ready to fight the jew as they back stab all their NPC slaves.
Well I'm thinking of all scenarios and sometimes it looks dreadful. But then I look at other news and I feel a faint glimmer of hope. But then I feel like dread again.

They cant be allowed to rub this in our faces. This is insane. They're telling us that a mentally retarded old walking corpse won the greatest vote in all of American history while everyone hates him with the publicly admitted hoaxes and scams caught on camera and with all evidences.

These sadists are so evil they are saying that they are going to publicly steal the election of the one free country on earth in the most ridiculous fashion and even then they'll be able to get away with this.

We can't let this happen man. This is just too retarded to even process.

We need ti do the RTR endlessly.
Shael said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The thing one has to stand against is fraud and crime.

This is a crime to manipulate elections if we pressupose we have an actual democracy going.

Jews are doing this crime. This is the reality.

It cannot be dead people's ballots show up in elections.

Whomever won such an election of a Communist style fake popular vote, is standing on a broken chair. Doesn't matter if it was Trump or Biden. It has to be inspected before it is too late.
This whole situation is a gigantic victory for us. The media has exposed themselves more obviously than they have ever done before. Provided that Trump wins this through the legal processes, which I believe he will, we may well see him take drastic measures later on to take away power from the big media and put in place a news network that the jews do not have complete control over.

Regardless of what way the enemy tries to push this now, it will result in a gigantic loss for them either way. The one thing that could still save them now temporarily, would be to brute-force Biden into presidency and start a war. However, I believe they will be unable to do even that, especially provided that we keep up the RTR.

Agreed with all of that, but my reply is because of your signature. I love it. ❤️
The Media is so obviously just jews trying to declare their champion that it is actually hilarious how they have went that far this time.

Anyone with a little reason will understand they are literally trying to run the world at this point, with the "CoVid" and then electing whomever they want despite of legal process.

The major battle for them has already been lost, it doesn't matter who sits on the seat at this point. They have lost and are rapidly losing all the trust of all people and they are showing to everyone they are literally Jews with their jewish agenda.

Who is going to trust their "elections" again when they are done this way? It is obvious also why this was done and why. Unlike the Russian Meddling hoax they did in 2016, there is actually real physical proof now all over the place.

They just want a president up there who will do what they want to do, possibly a war, to start a distraction for everyone because they have lost everything important so terribly.

Even if they put Biden there and start a war, or whatever else they have in mind, all it will look as, is that the 2% jews decided to put a kike up there to fight for Israel, a forced war, and nothing else but promote quarantine, wars and slavery. It will not be long then before a massive uprising will destroy jews entirely.

On the other hand, if they decide to step back, they may get a president who may be unwilling to progress the kosher Agenda. Another loss here too. If Trump does a war or anything of the sort, it will be a knife in the back to all of Americans, so there they will be confronted with uprising again.

There is nothing they can do to reverse this situation. They can keep harassing everyone and doing their bullshit, but all they do is increase by the millions the fact that everyone knows.

Shael said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The thing one has to stand against is fraud and crime.

This is a crime to manipulate elections if we pressupose we have an actual democracy going.

Jews are doing this crime. This is the reality.

It cannot be dead people's ballots show up in elections.

Whomever won such an election of a Communist style fake popular vote, is standing on a broken chair. Doesn't matter if it was Trump or Biden. It has to be inspected before it is too late.
This whole situation is a gigantic victory for us. The media has exposed themselves more obviously than they have ever done before. Provided that Trump wins this through the legal processes, which I believe he will, we may well see him take drastic measures later on to take away power from the big media and put in place a news network that the jews do not have complete control over.

Regardless of what way the enemy tries to push this now, it will result in a gigantic loss for them either way. The one thing that could still save them now temporarily, would be to brute-force Biden into presidency and start a war. However, I believe they will be unable to do even that, especially provided that we keep up the RTR.
Jack said:
ModernMage said:
Jack said:
We're looking at a total civilizational type collapse scenario as a total communist takeover of the Strongest country of the world seems increasingly imminent.

I have a lot of respect for you but it seems like you have an all or nothing mindset lately. The jew is trying to play all its hands right now and exposing itself majorly. HP stated many times there can be damage done on both sides but this by no means will destroy civilization. Most of us will all be here ready to fight the jew as they back stab all their NPC slaves.
Well I'm thinking of all scenarios and sometimes it looks dreadful. But then I look at other news and I feel a faint glimmer of hope. But then I feel like dread again.

They cant be allowed to rub this in our faces. This is insane. They're telling us that a mentally retarded old walking corpse won the greatest vote in all of American history while everyone hates him with the publicly admitted hoaxes and scams caught on camera and with all evidences.

These sadists are so evil they are saying that they are going to publicly steal the election of the one free country on earth in the most ridiculous fashion and even then they'll be able to get away with this.

We can't let this happen man. This is just too retarded to even process.

We need ti do the RTR endlessly.

I stopped carring for my fellow humans. I stopped being empathetic to simple or complex life issues of the simple people. Why? Because the way out is available right now to almost every complaining human.

I only care for those who are Satanist or for those who seek my help. Those that fight. The others can sit out of our lane, in the end as always..nature will always decide the fate of everything.

To become a God is an extremely hard path. Those who will become Gods in the future, will have my eternal awe and respect. We are here for those people and to be those people. Everything else is a simple permutation of power and intention on the platform of realities laws.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Media is so obviously just jews trying to declare their champion that it is actually hilarious how they have went that far this time.

Anyone with a little reason will understand they are literally trying to run the world at this point, with the "CoVid" and then electing whomever they want despite of legal process.

The major battle for them has already been lost, it doesn't matter who sits on the seat at this point. They have lost and are rapidly losing all the trust of all people and they are showing to everyone they are literally Jews with their jewish agenda.

They just want a president up there who will do what they want to do, possibly a war, to start a distraction for everyone because they have lost everything important so terribly.

There is nothing they can do to reverse this situation. They can keep harassing everyone and doing their bullshit, but all they do is increase by the millions the fact that everyone knows. So eventually they will be fucked.

Shael said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The thing one has to stand against is fraud and crime.

This is a crime to manipulate elections if we pressupose we have an actual democracy going.

Jews are doing this crime. This is the reality.

It cannot be dead people's ballots show up in elections.

Whomever won such an election of a Communist style fake popular vote, is standing on a broken chair. Doesn't matter if it was Trump or Biden. It has to be inspected before it is too late.
This whole situation is a gigantic victory for us. The media has exposed themselves more obviously than they have ever done before. Provided that Trump wins this through the legal processes, which I believe he will, we may well see him take drastic measures later on to take away power from the big media and put in place a news network that the jews do not have complete control over.

Regardless of what way the enemy tries to push this now, it will result in a gigantic loss for them either way. The one thing that could still save them now temporarily, would be to brute-force Biden into presidency and start a war. However, I believe they will be unable to do even that, especially provided that we keep up the RTR.
The head of the UK military recently admitted that this coronavirus situation was designed to start a War that could escalate into a world war. Donald Trump refused to do another lockdown like the Europeans which is why they're trying to remove him by any means necessary (even public fraud.) I just hope that this is investigated and brought to justice. The heads of state of many countries have already congratulate Biden which seems like some kind of Demoralization Psyop even though the election isn't finalized yet.
I wonder, off-topic, how Hitler and the NSDAP, democratically became elected. Like what happened, the beerhall putsch failed totally. But in essence it reinvigorated the NSDAP and allows Mein Kampf to come to existence despite the negatives, positives were done.

But the democratic activity of the NSDAP really turned the tide. Even Hitler realized only through democratically being elected would it work out. I wonder how the juddenpresse and the media were in those days. Hitler had a collection of newspapers and political information back in his Vienna post-war days categorizing everything. Even admitting in some cases the religious parties had less ineptitude than than some of these socialist left-wing parties. Albeit I'm not trying to imply Hitler liked those religions obviously but he did view certain parties in Mein Kampf with certain openness.

(((Oy vey Biden is da vinner now bow down goyim scum. But kikey the "fat lady" hasn't sung yet. No, matter biden won.))) WTF kind of politics is that.

It's the same thing here. Hopefully Biden-Harris lose out completely. Some members have mentioned a Biden victory ain't all bad. I mean look at the stupidity they will unleash the Senate is republican and the House is switching around losing seats to Republicans.

But like everyone states Trump might be the lesser of two evils but at least he isn't in the words of BCP, grandpa joey, and worse if he dies in office as some expect harris comes in. If Shilary is bad wait until harris does her thing.

Jack said:
The head of the UK military recently admitted that this coronavirus situation was designed to start a War that could escalate into a world war.

Just recently some members posted statistics the C-19 virus only has a 1.4% mortality rate in Italy due to the small size of the nation. And mentioned Nations-wide or World-Wide really anywhere from sub-1% mortality rate in some cases the mortality rate is so low that it borders on being 0.0054%.

The fact mentioned before by HP.Cobra. IF the bubonic plague broke out I can understand the lockdowns. But this is a virus that is meant for commandeering nations into JNWO bullshit. We've all seen the Gotham Project or the military out or all these communist style lockdowns.

Some good came from the lockdown crime went down, people got arrested etc.etc. but in the end it's more of a jewish power grab situation.

It seems like the so-called "Almighty light of the Nations" is flexing their muscles. I find it very strange that humanity is so retarded and ass backward that a group of people of a specific race with a population of less than 2-3% of the Worlds population can outmuscle billions if not out right over 10 billion people over the course of a few days or weeks.

Like HP.Cobra mentioned it is unprecedented in the history of mankind that so many nations recklessly closed down. Even the most rotten politician saves his economy because his shekels will be gone as well.

It comes to show you some people have WAY too much power in their hands especially a minority who really isn't a minority with approximately 240-360 million people in existence with a chunk being able to just swallow up whole continents.

Like one person said a while back quoting from a website they read.
"No matter how much time and space existed between the jews(and gypsies*), they always stayed the same or did the same thing".

If that isn't a big warning sign I don't know what is.

Like the Hitler memes "I tried to warn them but they didn't listen", "I tried to warn them but no one believed me", "You should have listened to me", "My spirit shall rise out of the grave and everyone shall know I was right in the end".
NakedPluto said:
Jack said:
ModernMage said:
I have a lot of respect for you but it seems like you have an all or nothing mindset lately. The jew is trying to play all its hands right now and exposing itself majorly. HP stated many times there can be damage done on both sides but this by no means will destroy civilization. Most of us will all be here ready to fight the jew as they back stab all their NPC slaves.
Well I'm thinking of all scenarios and sometimes it looks dreadful. But then I look at other news and I feel a faint glimmer of hope. But then I feel like dread again.

They cant be allowed to rub this in our faces. This is insane. They're telling us that a mentally retarded old walking corpse won the greatest vote in all of American history while everyone hates him with the publicly admitted hoaxes and scams caught on camera and with all evidences.

These sadists are so evil they are saying that they are going to publicly steal the election of the one free country on earth in the most ridiculous fashion and even then they'll be able to get away with this.

We can't let this happen man. This is just too retarded to even process.

We need ti do the RTR endlessly.

I stopped carring for my fellow humans. I stopped being empathetic to simple or complex life issues of the simple people. Why? Because the way out is available right now to almost every complaining human.

I only care for those who are Satanist or for those who seek my help. Those that fight. The others can sit out of our lane, in the end as always..nature will always decide the fate of everything.

To become a God is an extremely hard path. Those who will become Gods in the future, will have my eternal awe and respect. We are here for those people and to be those people. Everything else is a simple permutation of power and intention on the platform of realities laws.
Individualism doesn't work. These people literally "know not what they do". They need leaders and saviors to save them and show them the way.

Humanity Is composed majorly of these kinds of people. Someone needs to show them the way. If we don't save them ,then we don't survive either.
Gear88 said:
I wonder, off-topic, how Hitler and the NSDAP, democratically became elected. Like what happened, the beerhall putsch failed totally. But in essence it reinvigorated the NSDAP and allows Mein Kampf to come to existence despite the negatives, positives were done.

But the democratic activity of the NSDAP really turned the tide. Even Hitler realized only through democratically being elected would it work out. I wonder how the juddenpresse and the media were in those days. Hitler had a collection of newspapers and political information back in his Vienna post-war days categorizing everything. Even admitting in some cases the religious parties had less ineptitude than than some of these socialist left-wing parties. Albeit I'm not trying to imply Hitler liked those religions obviously but he did view certain parties in Mein Kampf with certain openness.


The filthy juden media has much more power than back when Hitler rose to power. Fortunately our work with the RTRs have made the mainstream the most hated institution in society. All sides hates them to an extent. The populace who have knowledge will win in the end against these giant media institutions. That's why our work is important. There are some too far gone idiots who are welcoming big tech communism with open arms but not the majority so we have more than a big chance to bring these jew institutions down and save a lot of people.
This shit just gets dumber and dumber.

Biden: We have put together the most extensive & inclusive VOTER FRAUD ORGANIZATION in US History

Excerpt from the video description:

Is this a Kinsley gaffe, a Freudian slip, or just another Joe Biden gaff of the day?

Joe Biden says "We have put together [I think] the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD ORGANIZATION, in the history of American politics."

Does this include all of America (as in all of North America, the continent)?

There are a lot of elements which parallel the events (portrayed in the series "Narcos: Mexico), where the Institutional Revolutionary Party (Spanish: Partido Revolucionario Institucional, PRI) were able to steal the 1988 Presidential and Senate election in Mexico.

So I'm just wondering if maybe Biden is secretly bragging that he thinks they've done a better job at election engineering than any of the past cartels and drug lords were ever able to do in the history of North (and south) America. Haha

Take it all with a grain of salt, as they say.

*Kinsley Gaffe - *
A Kinsley gaffe occurs when a political gaffe reveals some truth that a politician did not intend to admit. ... Another definition is a politician's statement of what is on his or her mind—this may or may not be inadvertent—thereby leading to a ritualized 'gaffe dance' between candidates.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Hf12oDOYNI&feature=youtu.be there is a lot more evidence than we think, I think the possibility is high for Trump to win this case. this video has video proof of fraud. some guy counting ballots ripped up any that said trump
Electoral college will meet in December 14th regarding the voter fraud.

Mind the eclipse and the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction. Whatever the outcome, there will be trickle effects of major changes politically, socioeconomically, and also at the personal front. 2020 is a transition period.

Plus, a couple of nights ago, I had a very very very vivid dream. Not a lovely one. Much turmoil, chaos, mayhem.
Biden wins, biden wins. It's all propaganda bullshit by (((MSM/Judenpresse))). They are trying to demoralize the Trump supporters and on top of that de-legitimize the fraudulent acts. Even Trumps press secretary was cut off by Fox stating these are lies, there is no proof of any vote fraud or election manipulation.

TOTAL BULLSHIT. Watch some of Tim Pool's recent videos. In one video he mentions voter overseers had to be 25ft away. When the law and court orders stated all poll-watchers had to be within 6ft of the voting apparatus. A woman in Texas manipulated around 7,000 votes for Biden due to manipulating old people and mail in ballots. There is even blocked Republican poll-watches on top of that even ballot curing of inappropriate ballots so Biden would get more votes. On top of that in some states the voter population is far larger than the registered voter population count. Even dead people are voting like Tucker Carlson mentioned a person voted who died something like 3 years ago voted

It's been mentioned that Trump does poses a chance to render the election his. It's simple he is waiting for the 11th hour. Tim Pool mentioned this is actually a strategy by Trump at the last minute fall in with lawsuits, let the judenpresse kvetch about Biden victory. And then freeze the votes, freeze the events, and then move either towards a electoral college victory or basically move the situation to the Senate and have the Senate vote in Trump for his second term.

There is even rumors coming out that Trump is preparing a 2024 run if he were to lose. He isn't going down he'll be the same age as Biden is currently about 78 years old. But he isn't going down without a fight.

All of this Biden victory is bait so people see the silliness of the MSM. Trump is gonna pull out a miracle.

And if Trump wins it's thanks to our efforts, we did it in 2016, we can do it again.

[FYI: While the end is not neigh nor is the World is gonna collapse. No matter who wins riots will exist and will happen. Biden or Trump doesn't matter these judeo-bolsheviks just want to smash this nation apart. I suggest at some point to stock up on some supplies nothing serious or World ending but something. Make sure to keep a watchful eyes on the situation shit is gonna hit the fan no matter what. Whether Biden stealing the election or Trump suing Biden to oblivion and making himself president again. Chaos ensues in a lot of places and it's not gonna stop.]
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Biden based on the US transits and synastry may trigger a war. Then, the enemy wanted war in the beginning of 2020. When Trump refused, they instantly launched the CoVid and labelled it a WW3 without weapons.

Russia and China probably understand this.

DiscipleOfSatan said:
China declines to congratulate Biden, says outcome of election should be determined by law: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hZDD84toX8

Russia did the same: https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/...tulations-awaits-legal-procedures/6218660002/ )

This means that the true election winner is still unclear, despite what the juden media says, and the supreme court will decide the election.

It also shows how rigged the elections were, the magnitude of the fraud is so great and so undeniable that the other world powers don't accept the election results.

I hope for fuck’s sake this turns out for the better. But this year’s transits has been shit! Plenty of death. ☹️
Gear88 said:
I wonder, off-topic, how Hitler and the NSDAP, democratically became elected. Like what happened, the beerhall putsch failed totally. But in essence it reinvigorated the NSDAP and allows Mein Kampf to come to existence despite the negatives, positives were done.


I need to know this too, I'm positive by the love of the german people that he didn't force his way into power, and its not the type of person he is, please if anyone knows a source for this information or could explain it in detail please do in any debate i've had in the past it always leads to the question of how he's a "dictator" because he wasn't voted in and I have no real answer to this because all the information is corrupted that I am finding. Other questions that are hard to answer when i have these debates are how he took a list of all peoples with guns, and documented everyone who had a gun, and this in the eyes of people who have always been raised to hate Hitler by my countries education system, and now hate communism it's difficult to explain, when I don't have all the facts. No I'm not having these debates in person. nor do they know my identity
ignore my last post I was able to find what I was looking for with a little bit more research, I don't know how I missed it, I feel stupid.
Hello everyone

Read a newspaper the other day in my town about 12800 this 7000 of that and one other biblical name in the clinic the enemy put me in after messing with their dead xians souls during Helloween.... That was pretty much the most funny thing i be seen in a while..... I wonder if those cucks(4 arch jewish docs) and LUCKILY a white gentile doc, who I , or SATAN/EA and, lucky guess BAAL knocked some sense to, they managed to help me, pretty much, get out unscathed (well, my Deamon too obviously). I did do a lot of shadowboxing , actually, shadow fighting in general, the guards, black, allahists, black power, whatever, were saying before that I was stumbling on the walls and for one day even after drugging me with horse cocktail injection I was shadow fighting when I was in the solitary confinement , which ok, was hilarious to them, well, that's what you get when you haven't been able to unleash your hate and Hell breaks loose after taking many trips to cross the Atlantic, fml, just to see your destiny unraveling. Well, any case, it's not the drugs anymore, but more like, I feel it. It, my Deamon, my kundalini, my power. I know I speak like a Hood niggah, but I suppose that was the school (good luck living near ghettos). Well, I m past the 31 age right now. Nothing touches me. And I mean it. This is my first message as a Prince of Persia that I probably have been in a previous incarnation, or more likely, a person who was a candidate, hell, I don't even give a shit any more. I mean, this is WW3, and all I feel is ELECTRICITY.

BEST SCHOOL IS PRISON. Or well, a mental asylum if you are mentally unstable I guess, packed with fcking reptilian scums who drink your blood (frankly.... 3 times had I my blood taken.... For 6 days, really now?) Wonder who has ever gotten such experience, heck, I m still pretty messed up. But I have a lot of lessons I got there, and I m preeeeeety sure I am meating my personal dragon right there in my spine.

Well, that and Carl Jung's book on seminars for Kundalini, although, he is too boring and academic, that said, Hauer was the progenitor of our religion, with Hitler as our Messiah. Or should I say the person who wrote the Serpent power.... Hmmm

Anyway, I love you all my family, I wish I had a message from Hp Mageson 666 or HP Maxine Dietrich all this time, but I suppose their are not available.

Hp HoodedCobra, keep up the good work.

And let's all Kill Steven Spielberg and some more jews , 'aight?

Hail Satan
Hail Manowar
Hail Horus
Kapela godfrey said:
Please people i want to join satanist so that I have money and knowledge

Study the jos website: joyofsatan.org and make sure you have understood the faith completely.
NeroTheAntiChrist88 said:
I fully understand my message could jeopardise the forums and their members...

Big lol @ your message:

If you truly believe this, your seriously deluded and fraudulently believing your message is some wunderkind of surprise to the World.

Again Seriously where do you get this stuff from. How is your stuff magickally the epicenter of all controversy and conspiracy to the point your being shut down or we are being shut down.

Do you know how many facebook or twitter or some other social media website stuff is shutdown for much less innocent stuff than this. Even non-political stuff is censored without even a notice of it.

Seriously please stop being delusional you need some serious grounding and potential education on the current climate.

Some people like I said are being shoahed for even a slight quip of opening their mouth. Why do you think the silent trump voter exists. It was considered a meme even Tim Pool believed it was a meme but it's actually a real factual thing. People are afraid of voicing their opinion even if your just a normie.

Again N.t.A.C.88: Your speaking in a very deluded manner. If anything your post makes US look like some newage loco crazy location. I understand HP.Cobra has mentioned even reading the craziest of conspiracies a while back. Some are indeed out there but most seem to fall in line with similar stuff like aliens, UFO, Govt. But again like I've said and I'll repeat again and again your post is so innocent it would be banned just based on spreading Trump propaganda or Trump support. Even pro-Trump non conspiracy stuff is being blocked.

Your basically saying your a special snowflake that is at the epicenter of the mother of all conspiracies. When your so-called conspiracy message is so tame and almost like a innocent flower in comparison to some of the shit banned on social media. People have been banned for much less shit. That's how crazy the judenpresse is. Even the slight mention of an alternative viewpoint is a bannable offense even speaking up in opposition is bannable.

We use our brains we are not a headless chicken organization. In all seriousness your making us look bad.

I understand I'm being harsh but you need a serious logical standpoint.
NeroTheAntiChrist88 said:
I strongly suggest you stop typing here or on other websites your wrath, your fears and your disappointment to the system and go out with your pals to demonstrate to show your support to Trump and your disagreement with the swindlers.

This statement right here makes you sound like a infiltrator. As a matter of fact we've warned people time and time again if your a JoS member your giving kabalistic support to everyone through F-RTR, 88(W)/99(B) race rituals, and other future rituals up coming.

N.T.A.C88 I think you truly do not understand our organization. IF anything like I said you sound like either a deluded person or a infiltrator spreading bullshit or simply saying shit for people to get involved.

We deal with the shadows of reality. We provide occult kabalistic backing to World-wide events. You truly do not understand how spiritual warfare exists. Like back in 1919 when Rudolf Hess and the people back by the occult societies fought against first stage communization. Or again in 1923 when Command Nolski backed by the Thule society along with about 20,000(or was it 40,000) forces fought against 250,000 crazed communist commanded by Bella Cuhn(Bella Cohen), Karl Leibnickht, Rose Luxumberg, and one more person. Basically a mass of a quarter of a million commies with 250 machine guns and 16 artillery pieces. On the other hand Nolski was backed by the SNWO schools through magick. They did not go out on the frontlines to die or suffer they provided the occult backing.


Watch the section were rabbi schneersohn back in 1967 mentioned the kabalisitic backing. Or read the sermon on the Rishis fighting against the kingdoms with spiritual warfare. Cooking the background to benefit the king who was being besieged by various kingdoms.

I think personally you think we are some kind of front that goes out. IF anything that is the worst thing you can do. One of the reasons why people are told to lie like say if they are xtian or searching religions or state they are spiritual and like yoga and meditaton or egptian stuff. Coming out directly is like state look at us kill us cause we are the opposition to you.

Do you know how many camera equipment stuff is being used to detected people even with masks I bet they can still detect or compare faces of previous scans.

I think Nero your very deluded or an infiltrator your basically saying expose ourselves and let us be killed. Wonderful statement right there, if that isn't a case to investigate you and maybe ban you I don't know what is.

As harsh as that sounds. You basically said a whole bunch of bullshit. Nothing controversial just a snowflake mentality.
Prince of Persia said:
Hello everyone

Read a newspaper the other day in my town about 12800 this 7000 of that and one other biblical name in the clinic the enemy put me in after messing with their dead xians souls during Helloween.... That was pretty much the most funny thing i be seen in a while..... I wonder if those cucks(4 arch jewish docs) and LUCKILY a white gentile doc, who I , or SATAN/EA and, lucky guess BAAL knocked some sense to, they managed to help me, pretty much, get out unscathed (well, my Deamon too obviously). I did do a lot of shadowboxing , actually, shadow fighting in general, the guards, black, allahists, black power, whatever, were saying before that I was stumbling on the walls and for one day even after drugging me with horse cocktail injection I was shadow fighting when I was in the solitary confinement , which ok, was hilarious to them, well, that's what you get when you haven't been able to unleash your hate and Hell breaks loose after taking many trips to cross the Atlantic, fml, just to see your destiny unraveling. Well, any case, it's not the drugs anymore, but more like, I feel it. It, my Deamon, my kundalini, my power. I know I speak like a Hood niggah, but I suppose that was the school (good luck living near ghettos). Well, I m past the 31 age right now. Nothing touches me. And I mean it. This is my first message as a Prince of Persia that I probably have been in a previous incarnation, or more likely, a person who was a candidate, hell, I don't even give a shit any more. I mean, this is WW3, and all I feel is ELECTRICITY.

BEST SCHOOL IS PRISON. Or well, a mental asylum if you are mentally unstable I guess, packed with fcking reptilian scums who drink your blood (frankly.... 3 times had I my blood taken.... For 6 days, really now?) Wonder who has ever gotten such experience, heck, I m still pretty messed up. But I have a lot of lessons I got there, and I m preeeeeety sure I am meating my personal dragon right there in my spine.

Well, that and Carl Jung's book on seminars for Kundalini, although, he is too boring and academic, that said, Hauer was the progenitor of our religion, with Hitler as our Messiah. Or should I say the person who wrote the Serpent power.... Hmmm

Anyway, I love you all my family, I wish I had a message from Hp Mageson 666 or HP Maxine Dietrich all this time, but I suppose their are not available.

Hp HoodedCobra, keep up the good work.

And let's all Kill Steven Spielberg and some more jews , 'aight?

Hail Satan
Hail Manowar
Hail Horus

This isn't a role playing video game or something. Can't understand this post. Read www.joyofsatan.org

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
