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Unfortunate Incident


Feb 1, 2022
[email protected]
I wanted to share this so that perhaps it doesn't happen again.

I am part of another group, where I was instructed to preform a "love spell" on someone. I was told the person had extreme willpower, IQ over 150 and had previous emotional trauma towards the person I was to draw them to. The person also was a successful business owner, potential of becoming an important asset with property we had interest in repurposing, etcetera. I decided this would be challenging, so I pushed myself further than the other times I worked on mindless bimbos. As usual I visualized the situation and assessed what the most efficient method was, mentally simulated it and worked out the restrictions I agreed to.

Everything went great, until it didn't.

I had 5 critical milestones that needed to happen in order for the final outcome to manifest, the first three did. I made the mistake of not writing down what these requirements were and making sure everyone knew exactly what they were.

1. She would have extreme invasive thoughts about the individual
2. She would be very comfortable discussing sexual topics
3. She would resist her feelings and start dating impulsively, and be perpetually dissatisfied each time
4. She would critically emotionally attach to person in rebound
5. They would have sex and have strongly enforced relationship

Not surprisingly, on stage 3 people started to freak out about how shit wasn't working, and that in fact things were worse than before I intervened. I tried to tell them this was the easiest way, but they insisted I adjusted the ritual again to insure it was working properly- so I did. I attacked her extensively with energy ripping, gave her even more invasive telepathic messages and fried her chakras. She quickly broke up with three different relationships as expected, then something weird happened.

She broke down emotionally as if she was lobotomized, not being able to make correct prioritizations and ended up losing everything she worked towards for years- her business, physical fitness and became totally obsessed with mainstream "light worker" bullshit. She would talk about how voices would tell her she can eat whatever she wanted because her metabolism was "very strong", but regardless she quickly put on weight. Her life nosedived so hard that when she critically emotionally attached to the person, there was no longer an interest for the relationship. We ruined this person's life for pretty much no reason.

We learned a lot from this incident, hopefully whoever reads this can take lessons from it as well.

RED DAWN said:
I attacked her extensively with energy ripping, gave her even more invasive telepathic messages and fried her chakras. She quickly broke up with three different relationships as expected, then something weird happened.

I'm not sure why you or anyone thought this was the "easiest" way to create a loving connection. In fact, you should have been creating connections, not ripping anything. Any energy touching her should have been something simple, like programmed Gebo.

RED DAWN said:
I decided this would be challenging, so I pushed myself further than the other times I worked on mindless bimbos.

What do you mean "the other times"? How many lives have you been ruining? You guys should just focus on yourself.

Even in regards to gaining property or other forms of wealth, why did you guys, an entire group of SS, not simply do a group wealth ritual? You could have been swimming in wealth by now, rather than wasting time doing botched soul surgery on some poor person.
RED DAWN said:
I was told the person had extreme willpower, IQ over 150 and had previous emotional trauma towards the person I was to draw them to.

Wow, this just clicked as I re-read it. Yikes, man. I'm not sure you should be hanging out with these people anymore. They sound like psychopaths.

And why cannot the recipient of this woman's love, or anyone else in this group do this on their own? Are you the most advanced member here, doing the dirty work of people who are not advanced in either empathy or energy work?
RED DAWN said:
I wanted to share this so that perhaps it doesn't happen again.

I am part of another group, where I was instructed to preform a "love spell" on someone. I was told the person had extreme willpower, IQ over 150 and had previous emotional trauma towards the person I was to draw them to. The person also was a successful business owner, potential of becoming an important asset with property we had interest in repurposing, etcetera. I decided this would be challenging, so I pushed myself further than the other times I worked on mindless bimbos. As usual I visualized the situation and assessed what the most efficient method was, mentally simulated it and worked out the restrictions I agreed to.

Everything went great, until it didn't.

I had 5 critical milestones that needed to happen in order for the final outcome to manifest, the first three did. I made the mistake of not writing down what these requirements were and making sure everyone knew exactly what they were.

1. She would have extreme invasive thoughts about the individual
2. She would be very comfortable discussing sexual topics
3. She would resist her feelings and start dating impulsively, and be perpetually dissatisfied each time
4. She would critically emotionally attach to person in rebound
5. They would have sex and have strongly enforced relationship

Not surprisingly, on stage 3 people started to freak out about how shit wasn't working, and that in fact things were worse than before I intervened. I tried to tell them this was the easiest way, but they insisted I adjusted the ritual again to insure it was working properly- so I did. I attacked her extensively with energy ripping, gave her even more invasive telepathic messages and fried her chakras. She quickly broke up with three different relationships as expected, then something weird happened.

She broke down emotionally as if she was lobotomized, not being able to make correct prioritizations and ended up losing everything she worked towards for years- her business, physical fitness and became totally obsessed with mainstream "light worker" bullshit. She would talk about how voices would tell her she can eat whatever she wanted because her metabolism was "very strong", but regardless she quickly put on weight. Her life nosedived so hard that when she critically emotionally attached to the person, there was no longer an interest for the relationship. We ruined this person's life for pretty much no reason.

We learned a lot from this incident, hopefully whoever reads this can take lessons from it as well.


Since you ruined that innocent person's life, your group should correct your mistakes and make her life return to what it was. It is the only moral choice.
I think you are as sick as these people.
What you did is not Spiritual Satanism but something very stupid. I hope you have changed and understand how stupid this is. I hope this is just a troll because i feel sorry for the woman...
So you basically cursed and fucked-over and ruined and destroyed this innocent - albeit NPC/bimbo, as you say - person and their life? It looks like someone needs their Magick Toys taken off them for a decade or two. I hope that this person might have a Guardian Daemon/Daemoness, or at least a God or Goddess who would heal her from what you did, and punish you. That was certainly irresponsible and entirely against what (I THINK) we stand for.

I'm not authourity here. Hell, by the sounds of it, I am much less-advanced in Spiritual practices than you are, but that was beyond fucking stupid. Beyond deliberately fucked-up and careless and wreckless... You might deserve some scorn now.

I do have to ask - what is wrong with you people?!

This is pure insanity. I don't know what's worse. If it is the fact that all of you losers ganged up against this woman to enslave her against her will; or the fact that you destroyed her life for no reason whatsoever; or that you are hanging out with parasites and acting like one yourself for who knows how long, and think it is the most normal thing in the world to do; or if it is the fact that you bring this absolute nonsense over here, trying to warn us of something we would never do in the first place, because we have integrity, character, honor and ethics.

We don't need such hideous schemes to be successful in life. So why would you even think it would be necessary to teach us this "lesson"...?

What makes you think any person here who is a dedicated Spiritual Satanist would engage in these parasitical practices and would need your "warnings"? And you preach this like it was some sort of achievement, this "lesson".

You need to start meditating seriously and cleaning your soul, and maybe work on developing some honor... and definitely detach from this group of parasites.

Maybe instead of trying to be a parasite, if you channeled all of this effort towards achieving your own success you would have been more successful by now in a healthy way, without harming people just because you want to feel important and "powerful"... ever thought of that??
RED DAWN said:
We ruined this person's life for pretty much no reason.

What you did, constitutes a very serious spiritual crime. No different than the curses the jews do direct at gentile people, especially successful Gentiles to destroy their lives and ruin their success.

What you have done is purely a jewish act of destruction upon a successful gentile soul, and by the sounds of it, a white gentile on top of it all.

I would curse your soul till you go mad and end up dissipating, never to live again for such a crime.

This act of yours is literally no different than the act of our enemies against us. The only ones who celebrate and enjoy such a thing are purely the enemy. I bet some jews are hand rubbing after reading this.

Abusing spiritual power in such severe ways does not go unnoticed by the Gods. It is sickening and absolutely goes against their vision for this world entirely.

You have abused spiritual power to reverse justice and literally destroy the natural order around this person life, for the sake of personal gain or the personal gain of another sick soul.

It sounds like you have used knowledge from the Joy of Satan for these purposes as well. I can tell you, the Gods do not tolerate the usage of their spiritual teachings for the sake of spiritual abuse.

Let these karmic forces be restored and the harm you have done be returned back onto you.

Hail Satan!

Just why would you do something like this?

How did your mind and soul allowed you to do something like that to someone who didnt harm you in any way at all.

You are very irresponsible with all this knowledge and see them as “tools” to not make your life better,but to mould other’s life.

And the fact you are stating it as an “incident” says all about you.

𝖩𝗈𝖲 𝗂𝗌 𝗍𝗋𝗒𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗈 𝗌𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝗉𝖾𝗈𝗉𝗅𝖾'𝗌 𝗅𝗂𝖿𝖾 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖽𝖾𝗌𝗍𝗋𝗈𝗒𝖾𝖽 𝗌𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗈𝗇𝖾'𝗌 𝗅𝗂𝖿𝖾 𝗃𝗎𝗌𝗍 𝖻𝖾𝖼𝖺𝗎𝗌𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝗂𝗍 𝗐𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 𝖻𝖾 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗅𝗅𝖾𝗇𝗀𝗂𝗇𝗀.
𝖤𝗏𝖾𝗇 𝗂𝖿 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒 𝖽𝗈𝗇'𝗍 𝖻𝖾𝗅𝗈𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗈 𝖩𝗈𝖲 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝖺𝗌 𝗆𝗎𝖼𝗁 𝗉𝗈𝗐𝖾𝗋𝖿𝗎𝗅 𝖺𝗌 𝗒𝗈𝗎, 𝗂𝗍 𝖽𝗈𝖾𝗌𝗇'𝗍 𝗆𝖾𝖺𝗇 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 𝗎𝗌𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗆 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗌𝗉𝗂𝗋𝗂𝗍𝗎𝖺𝗅 𝖾𝗑𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗂𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗌.

𝖨 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝖺𝗅𝗌𝗈 𝗌𝗎𝖿𝖿𝖾𝗋𝖾𝖽 𝖿𝗋𝗈𝗆 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗍𝖻𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗄, 𝖾𝗆𝗈𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝖺𝗅 𝗍𝗋𝖺𝗎𝗆𝖺𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖨 𝗄𝗇𝗈𝗐 𝗂𝗍 𝗂𝗌 𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗒 𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖽 𝗍𝗈 𝖾𝗇𝖽𝗎𝗋𝖾.
𝖶𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖽𝗂𝖽 𝗍𝗈 𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝗂𝗌 𝖻𝖺𝗌𝗂𝖼𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗒 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗌𝖺𝗆𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖩𝖾𝗐𝗌 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝖽𝗈𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗈 𝗎𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗈𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝗀𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗅𝖾𝗌, 𝖿𝖾𝖾𝖽𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗈𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗂𝗋 𝗐𝖾𝖺𝗄𝗇𝖾𝗌𝗌.

𝖨 𝖽𝗈𝗇'𝗍 𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗍 𝗍𝗈 𝗐𝗋𝗂𝗍𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗌𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌 𝖻𝗎𝗍 𝖨 𝖿𝖾𝖾𝗅 𝗌𝖺𝖽 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗁𝖾𝗋.
𝖯𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗌𝖾 𝖽𝗈 𝗌𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗈 𝗆𝖺𝗄𝖾 𝗎𝗉 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗆𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗄𝖾.

𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐥 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐧
Just from a logical standpoint it would seem better to
  • First heal the trauma between the two.
  • Then make them come together in bonds of love.

I don't understand why you took that long winded weird approach. It seems Sociopathic and overtly contrived.

Understand this my friend ,you're going to suffer from the Karmic Backdrop of this unless if you heal that woman and get her back on track again. And also multiple freeing the soul working on yourself to free yourself from the karma of the curse workings you've done.
FancyMancy said:
albeit NPC/bimbo

I know you were just making a point, but this is a case where the individual did nothing wrong. The only "crime" most NPC's suffer from is ignorance. Although this leads to further degeneration, it stems from ignorance of Satanism.

Also, this person seems to be very successful, so they are definitely more advanced than just an average person. They sound like a CEO or something.

Red Dawn calling her a bimbo and saying they do this regularly is very concerning.

FancyMancy said:
I am much less-advanced in Spiritual practices than you are, but that was beyond fucking stupid. Beyond deliberately fucked-up and careless and wreckless...

That is the major question here. This was not just evil, but it was ineffective as well. It is like this group of people are unable to manifest their own success. I would not be surprised to find a Jew among this group, given that their first instinct was to suck someone else dry of their wealth, through an emotional attachment, rather than just create the wealth on their own.

Also, by focusing on one individual or source of wealth, they ignore basic fundamentals of workings, where you allow the energy to manifest for you. There is no need to put artificial limitations on your workings like that.

There is literally a whole group of them and they couldn't even come up with any wealth or anything. Even a beginner SS can gain wealth through a Sun Square or with runes. This is just beyond retarded, even despite it being evil.
RockSeed13 said:
Since you ruined that innocent person's life, your group should correct your mistakes and make her life return to what it was. It is the only moral choice.

RED DAWN said:

I believe this is the only option, as well. Yet, it sounds like they have done this multiple times, too.
They are duty-bound to fix her. Especially now, with the economy crashing, they have put her in mortal danger.

I still cannot wrap my head around the retardation that happened. Attacking a chakra to create love is no different than punching someone in the head to make them love you. They basically "punched" her until she was broken and desperate...

Not only that, they were trying to force her to love someone who previously abused her. Not even out of love, but just to steal her money.

So the question becomes, why not just simply vibrate Fehu? Even just for 20 minutes a day would be significant, yet there was a whole group of them. Are they even aware that runes, or any tool for personal creation, exist?

At best, this calls into question their advancement state. At worst, it calls into question the true nature of the souls in this group. Only a certain kind of soul would avoid Fehu and go for a parasitic action...
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=358179 time=1653505625 user_id=21286]
FancyMancy said:
albeit NPC/bimbo

I know you were just making a point, but this is a case where the individual did nothing wrong. The only "crime" most NPC's suffer from is ignorance. Although this leads to further degeneration, it stems from ignorance of Satanism.

Also, this person seems to be very successful, so they are definitely more advanced than just an average person. They sound like a CEO or something.

Red Dawn calling her a bimbo and saying they do this regularly is very concerning.
No, I wasn't blaming her or anything. If she is a CEO of a business, then yeah.

FancyMancy said:
I am much less-advanced in Spiritual practices than you are, but that was beyond fucking stupid. Beyond deliberately fucked-up and careless and wreckless...

That is the major question here. This was not just evil, but it was ineffective as well. It is like this group of people are unable to manifest their own success. I would not be surprised to find a Jew among this group, given that their first instinct was to suck someone else dry of their wealth, through an emotional attachment, rather than just create the wealth on their own.

Also, by focusing on one individual or source of wealth, they ignore basic fundamentals of workings, where you allow the energy to manifest for you. There is no need to put artificial limitations on your workings like that.

There is literally a whole group of them and they couldn't even come up with any wealth or anything. Even a beginner SS can gain wealth through a Sun Square or with runes. This is just beyond retarded, even despite it being evil.
Something you learn as you walk this path is, destroying things is far easier than creating and buildings something.

Tearing a person down is effortless compared to trying to lift a fallen person out of the sewer pit.

To all the people saying the only way for Red Dawn to make up for this is to restore her the way she was, unfortunately things aren't that simple, which is why this horrendous act by Red Dawn truly angers me beyond words.

The amount of work it would require to lift this person up and help her restore all her lost business, restore her shattered psyche and heal the damage on her soul is insurmountable.

It would take more than a hundred times the effort from an external person to do this for her than what it took to break her.

That is, if this is even possible in the first place.

Usually a person can only save themselves. Even if their downfall was orchestrated by another.

Unless they receive the means to empower themselves and rectify their own problems, setting themselves free from the suffering and harm inflicted upon them by another, usually no amount of work by another person will be able to bring them back to how they were before their life went to shit.

It is not such a simple thing as putting in positive energy and healing her chakra's with external forces, the person must be receptive to healing and recovery, they must be able to "repent" out of the state they are in.

All the lost wealth is also completely irreversible. It needs to be build from the ground up again, while the said person has been reduced to a totally wasted state by the curses and spiritual abuse of a group of disgusting retards.

Reversing karma is easier said than done. It can be done, but it requires a fundamental change in this person, which can only be facilitated by the person themselves.

The best that can be accomplished by external means is to restore her way of thinking back to how she was before all the cursing and energy ripping, and to return her vitality and energy so her soul can revitalize itself, from which she can begin the long road to recovery.

Perhaps subtle guidance to lead this person to the spiritual truths they require to truly heal themselves and gain sovereignty over their own soul and fate so no other pieces of trash can ever influence or mess with her again would be the best possible outcome.

However none of that would simply invalidate or revert the karmic damage Red Dawn and their group have done on this person through their vile and absolutely irredeemable act.

Especially since this is hardly the first time they have done such a thing. The harms cabbie be reversed or "taken back". What is done is done.

It would take at least 10 times the selfless work and benefit given to others to reverse this karma and rectify the mistakes made.

However it is hardly possible for souls who have stooped so low to actually be able to do this, and suddenly change their ways and act as a benific in the lives of the people they have ruined.

This is a tragic and completely disgusting situation which arises from spiritual ignorance and idiocy.

Realistically, no amount of work would right these wrongs, as what is done is done.

Though it would certainly help if these people involved with this would do at least something to restore the power of this person which they have abused and destroyed for their own amusement.

Better than doing nothing, even if it is already futile or never enough to restore this woman's life.

Karma is a fickle thing. Destroying is always easier than creating, yet the consequences from wanton destruction are also inescapable and equally severe.

One may scapegoat it or use other methods to stave it off temporarily, but it never truly disappears. It can only be worked through one step at a time, or accumulate so much that it destroys you and can never be rectified.

Be wary of this, and do not lose yourself in ignorant and useless power trips or bouts of idiocy, as these things are never without a costly and inescapable price.

Hail Satan!
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=357968 time=1653448066 user_id=21286]
RED DAWN said:
I attacked her extensively with energy ripping, gave her even more invasive telepathic messages and fried her chakras. She quickly broke up with three different relationships as expected, then something weird happened.

I'm not sure why you or anyone thought this was the "easiest" way to create a loving connection. In fact, you should have been creating connections, not ripping anything. Any energy touching her should have been something simple, like programmed Gebo.

RED DAWN said:
I decided this would be challenging, so I pushed myself further than the other times I worked on mindless bimbos.

What do you mean "the other times"? How many lives have you been ruining? You guys should just focus on yourself.

Even in regards to gaining property or other forms of wealth, why did you guys, an entire group of SS, not simply do a group wealth ritual? You could have been swimming in wealth by now, rather than wasting time doing botched soul surgery on some poor person.

I at least respect that you are bringing this up here, but I hope you and everyone involved have truly learned from this.

I forgot how different our group ethics were.

It's fine if you feel this way. I won't attempt to appease you with any moral justifications. I strongly recommend you don't try to enforce your own version of "karmic justice".

I'm not obligated to help her, just as I wasn't obligated to do anything in the first place. These moral implications you've all expressed are not enforced by the Gods, at least as far as I'm aware. I've heard of a high ranking Demon attack an entire group because they offended them with some mock animal sacrifice. Andras is infamous for their hostility towards people (though not towards Satanists), so much so that it was mentioned on the Joy of Satan website-

"Andras is the God who was worshipped in the Weald. He can completely destroy enemies. Andras has a reputation for killing mages and their assistants. He is said to be very dangerous", this was written by Maxine.

... Not to mention that there's plenty of Demons who specialize in the manipulation of women specifically.

I don't care about money, I make plenty of it already.

If this is how you interpret my post, know that 10 years ago I would have thought the same thing. I'd bitch to me about how what I did wasn't moral and I interfered with free will, etcetera. I would tell the past me to grow up; that in universal perspective, human life isn't valuable or sacred. Obviously what happened wasn't ideal. I'm satisfied with the projection of my future, regardless of the minor consequences faced for losing a promising asset. I'm not hostile towards people, as the enemy is, but I'm not sympathetic towards them either. If all you can take from this is the cliché phrase "power corrupts", so be it.
mastermind. said:
VoiceofEnki said:

Maybe the only information that should be free is the one about improving yourself and others. Put curses behind a $10k paywall.

I understand your sentiment.

Unfortunately, cursing is a very simple thing to do, a lot of stuff is known out there by other circles lacking in higher understanding, like energy ripping and such.

A lot of it is nonsense, and can lead to self destruction due to the instructions being wrong, which is part of the reason the Joy of Satan gives explanation on this side of Magic, so that people can learn how to have justice in their own hands and fight back against those who would do them harm where the worldly justice fails them.

There are reasons why some level of black magic should be openly available. However it can happen that people abuse this and misuse it, like what happened here, however people are able to do this regardless if the JoS provides correct knowledge on the basics of black magic or not.

Many occultist or random groups have things, that while not as effective as properly utilized magic, can still easily ruin a defenseless person who is without any spiritual knowledge.

The JoS providing proper explanations for this, and sane and safe methods, for free, at least to the extent it is on our website, doesn't perpetuate harm that wouldn't otherwise be done.

For the really serious knowledge, it can only be learned from the Gods. The Gods only teach it to people whom they know for certain can be trusted with this knowledge and power, those who will keep it to themselves and who will never abuse it.

A lot of the knowledge on cursing or black magic on the JoS is also related to runic magic, which is not only for cursing but also to be used for protection against spiritual attacks or unwanted astral entities.

It is similar in principle, and due to the state of this world and how spirituality is abused by our enemies and other ignoramus, it needs to be addressed in one way or another which is why the JoS has the pages about black magic (which is only the top of the iceberg).

Hail Satan!
mastermind. said:
VoiceofEnki said:

Maybe the only information that should be free is the one about improving yourself and others. Put curses behind a $10k paywall.

The curses are enough for now. For more elaborate cursing that really has major effects, only the Gods can show, and this is way higher than any paywall. Also, there are many corrupted people with tens of millions of times the amount of 10k, and would love to ruin people over merely this.

One cannot help it but read this first post and something nudges in their head that this was completely incorrect.

Basically it's a random successful person that was unraveled simply because of some individuals fooling around for no reason, no different than going to the grocery shop and some monkeys show up and kill you for no reason whatsoever.
RED DAWN said:
I forgot how different our group ethics were.

It's fine if you feel this way. I won't attempt to appease you with any moral justifications. I strongly recommend you don't try to enforce your own version of "karmic justice".

I'm not obligated to help her, just as I wasn't obligated to do anything in the first place. These moral implications you've all expressed are not enforced by the Gods, at least as far as I'm aware. I've heard of a high ranking Demon attack an entire group because they offended them with some mock animal sacrifice. Andras is infamous for their hostility towards people (though not towards Satanists), so much so that it was mentioned on the Joy of Satan website-

"Andras is the God who was worshipped in the Weald. He can completely destroy enemies. Andras has a reputation for killing mages and their assistants. He is said to be very dangerous", this was written by Maxine.

... Not to mention that there's plenty of Demons who specialize in the manipulation of women specifically.

I don't care about money, I make plenty of it already.

If this is how you interpret my post, know that 10 years ago I would have thought the same thing. I'd bitch to me about how what I did wasn't moral and I interfered with free will, etcetera. I would tell the past me to grow up; that in universal perspective, human life isn't valuable or sacred. Obviously what happened wasn't ideal. I'm satisfied with the projection of my future, regardless of the minor consequences faced for losing a promising asset. I'm not hostile towards people, as the enemy is, but I'm not sympathetic towards them either. If all you can take from this is the cliché phrase "power corrupts", so be it.

There is no excuse, nor any sugarcoating for why you have done.

One cannot call themselves an SS and abuse spiritual knowledge as you have done. The Gods enforce a certain standard in people, if that standard is crossed, at best they will cast you aside and ignore you, if it goes too far they may step in directly.

I cannot speak for the Gods, but I know this displeases them greatly. Gods like Andras, Azazel, Baalzevulon, and many more despise this wanton spiritual abuse upon gentile souls.

If there is a valid reason to use spiritual power against a gentile who is without, obviously there is no issue with this, neither if the intent is harmless and the means appropriate.

However that which you have done, is an act no different than the jew does against our people.

I can say with certainty no God will simply turn the other cheek to this sort of thing and accept you as a Spiritual Satanist.

At best, you fall out of favor with them and gain nothing from them for a considerably long time, or until you actually own up to your errors and delusions.

At worst, if you do these acts and continue to associate with Them, there is nothing stopping them from interfering directly, same for if you abuse knowledge given by the Gods with the purpose of facilitating the enlightenment and empowerment of gentile humanity, to cause wanton ruination upon innocent Gentiles.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
Something you learn as you walk this path is, destroying things is far easier than creating and buildings something.

Tearing a person down is effortless compared to trying to lift a fallen person out of the sewer pit.

To all the people saying the only way for Red Dawn to make up for this is to restore her the way she was, unfortunately things aren't that simple, which is why this horrendous act by Red Dawn truly angers me beyond words.

The amount of work it would require to lift this person up and help her restore all her lost business, restore her shattered psyche and heal the damage on her soul is insurmountable.


It would take at least 10 times the selfless work and benefit given to others to reverse this karma and rectify the mistakes made.

However it is hardly possible for souls who have stooped so low to actually be able to do this, and suddenly change their ways and act as a benific in the lives of the people they have ruined.

I'm aware of this, but I just don't know of any other solution.

Yes, we could just argue that Red Dawn should have the same done unto them, but then the victim is still left destroyed. In a situation where Red Dawn and others put the effort into fixing her, then both Red Dawn and the victim are still standing, in the end.

As far as the hard work involved, well I feel like that is part of the punitive process. Of course, all of this would have to be enforced somehow, or the person has to be willing to redeem themselves.

As you said, at best nobody will want to associate with him and the others. At worst, they will directly intervene. I would hope that is enough for this individual to change their ways, otherwise, it makes the latter option seem more probable.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=358302 time=1653530429 user_id=21286]
I'm aware of this, but I just don't know of any other solution.

Yes, we could just argue that Red Dawn should have the same done unto them, but then the victim is still left destroyed. In a situation where Red Dawn and others put the effort into fixing her, then both Red Dawn and the victim are still standing, in the end.

As far as the hard work involved, well I feel like that is part of the punitive process. Of course, all of this would have to be enforced somehow, or the person has to be willing to redeem themselves.

As you said, at best nobody will want to associate with him and the others. At worst, they will directly intervene. I would hope that is enough for this individual to change their ways, otherwise, it makes the latter option seem more probable.

Your way of thinking is the best possible manifestation of this, it is the ideal that would result in the most positive, or least terrible manifestation.

If the world worked like that, surely we can all say the Earth is a most beautiful place. Unfortunately, most people are not on the level to actualize this..

Red Dawn even already expressed himself how he doesn't understand the merit in what you (and all of us) told him. He doesn't see it, because his soul is without any wisdom.

He is an absolute fool in the most denigrating definition.

To expect a person like that to understand the ideal you presented, is impossible.

Even if this event acts as a wake up call, it is already too late for this situation and all others caused by him and his group in the past. They neither have the wisdom, knowledge, perseverance and even power to fix any of it.

In all honesty, I am not certain what is the right answer here, because realistically there are no positive outcomes possible here. At least, I cannot see it.

All I see is a whole slew of ruined gentile souls who now carry karmic scars inflicted upon them by foolish abusers, and a group of less than useless idiots who will never admit the errors of their ways till the very end since they already ignored all prior notice and signs given to them to help them realize their mistakes and turn it around before it went too far.
RED DAWN said:
I forgot how different our group ethics were.

It's fine if you feel this way. I won't attempt to appease you with any moral justifications. I strongly recommend you don't try to enforce your own version of "karmic justice".

I'm not obligated to help her, just as I wasn't obligated to do anything in the first place. These moral implications you've all expressed are not enforced by the Gods, at least as far as I'm aware. I've heard of a high ranking Demon attack an entire group because they offended them with some mock animal sacrifice.

If this is how you interpret my post, know that 10 years ago I would have thought the same thing. I'd bitch to me about how what I did wasn't moral and I interfered with free will, etcetera. I would tell the past me to grow up; that in universal perspective, human life isn't valuable or sacred. Obviously what happened wasn't ideal. I'm satisfied with the projection of my future, regardless of the minor consequences faced for losing a promising asset. I'm not hostile towards people, as the enemy is, but I'm not sympathetic towards them either. If all you can take from this is the cliché phrase "power corrupts", so be it.

I don't take this as "power corrupts", I view it as almost a lack of power:

What is the state of your natal Moon or Venus that allows you to feel little empathy for smashing an innocent person?

What is the state of your Saturn that has left you without respect for order, both towards this woman and towards the influence of this group upon you?

What is the state of your Mercury that you cannot have figured out a better way to earn money without savaging a random person?


Human life may appear to have little value due to its current state, yet this is only due to the enemy and others like you who further ruin people. If we have no potential, the Gods would not be helping us. For that same reason, they don't also sometimes attack us as you state may happen.

If you believe morality will become further relaxed as the world advances, the opposite is actually true. And if you believe your position in society is secure while you alienate yourself through actions as a lone bandit, then this won't be the case either.

If your idea of growing up is to remove both empathy and responsibility from your actions, then you are growing in the wrong direction. With that in mind, you should leave that group of bad influences, and instead ask the Gods to show you how you can realistically redeem yourself.
This whole thing Red Dawn and his group has done is basically rape in my opinion on a mental and spiritual level.

The person they targeted was resisting and Red Dawn decided I'd be a great idea to do energy ripping and to fry their chakra's making them vulnerable to not only the groups influence but also any other negative entity that takes notice. He even said the victim started to act like they were lobotomized.

Also if I'm reading it right he's done this multiple times to women or mindless bimbo's as he calls them.

And then in his latest post he warns Blitz and most likely his warning is also directed at all of us to "[not] try to enforce [our] own version of 'karmic justice' " on him.

Even worse he claims he has violated no morals that our gods stand for and that human lives don't matter.

His whole world view stinks of jew mentality.

I hope that some Gods/Goddesses use this guy as a spiritual punching bag for stress release.
And he can't complain about it either if anything happens because from the looks of it might makes right in his mind.
Nobody mentioned the obvious, so I will:

Reading his first post in this thread, he is obviously in some sort of cult, not just a "group". This is what people in cults do.

Oh, and @Red dawn, ruining innocent people's minds and lives will most certainly have a karmic effect on your own soul. You might not have another life after this one, or you will essentially be born next time around as a useless mental and physical cripple.
mastermind. said:
VoiceofEnki said:

Maybe the only information that should be free is the one about improving yourself and others. Put curses behind a $10k paywall.
Stop having dirty wet-shekelly dreams. Spilling your seed is a sin, so go have sinful nocturnal emissions elsewhere.

RED DAWN said:
Andras is infamous for their hostility towards people
"Their"? Are you sure Lord Andras gives a shit about non-binary/one-hundred-plus-genders retardedness?

this was written by Maxine.
What was also typed by Maxine is - responsibility to the responsible. You feel big and hard, high and mighty. Oh, I wish I could be there to see...

Not to mention that there's plenty of Demons who specialize in the manipulation of women specifically.
Don't just throw something in there and leave it to be inferred by others. Actually show this clearly and well.

If this is how you interpret my post, know that 10 years ago I would have thought the same thing. I'd bitch to me about how what I did wasn't moral and I interfered with free will, etcetera. I would tell the past me to grow up; that in universal perspective, human life isn't valuable or sacred. Obviously what happened wasn't ideal. I'm satisfied with the projection of my future, regardless of the minor consequences faced for losing a promising asset. I'm not hostile towards people, as the enemy is, but I'm not sympathetic towards them either. If all you can take from this is the cliché phrase "power corrupts", so be it.
You think might is right. You think you can impose your own will upon others and replace their wills. Both for those you have ruined, and also for yourself - individuality should be and is sovereign, but not absolute. Power does not corrupt. Power is insentient, unintelligent. It is stupid people and enemies who corrupt.

You have the right to liberty
You have the right to defend your freedoms
You have the right to forfeit your freedoms
The Red Dawn approaches
This Woman apparently doesn't have any right to have, keep nor defend hers. "Rights" are permissions given by dictators. Prerogatives (which still means "right" - I don't think there is a word to use which does not insinuate "permission given") might be what you mean.
VoiceofEnki said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=358302 time=1653530429 user_id=21286]
I'm aware of this, but I just don't know of any other solution.

Yes, we could just argue that Red Dawn should have the same done unto them, but then the victim is still left destroyed. In a situation where Red Dawn and others put the effort into fixing her, then both Red Dawn and the victim are still standing, in the end.


Your way of thinking is the best possible manifestation of this, it is the ideal that would result in the most positive, or least terrible manifestation.

If the world worked like that, surely we can all say the Earth is a most beautiful place. Unfortunately, most people are not on the level to actualize this..


The best possible thing i can think of that they can do is start multiple workings to fix her life. Considering they are a group, they should divide up and start to work on different aspects of her soul at same time.

2 of them *significantly* boosts her will power using sun mantras, others bind her in a positive and safe way manner so she does not have negative thoughts and takes negative actions due to her mental state and free her of all past traumas and scars and so on and so on, until she's restored to her original post.

Basically leaving her no option but only to improve and advance. This way it can be fixed in months.

On the other hand i think we are just wasting our time here telling him all this and advising him to fix her life, a person who already knew how his actions will have tragic manifestations on the person's life still proceeded and didn't even think twice before doing something like this, will not at all take into account as to what people online here has to say.

Adding on this, his group, they justify each others negative actions, which further solidifies their mindset as to what they are doing is completely right. They have already done this several times as he stated, they have completely accepted that there's nothing wrong in these ways of using magic, which in reality is completely opposite. Hope the universe beats the sense into them.

As VoE said, things will not work unless they fundamentally change, change has to be within them first then project positive energy outwardly towards her, which i don't feel is happening.

What i don't get is JUST WHY when things went south in middle of their workings, and they didn't start to manifest the way they intended them to, just why did he fry her chakras and ruin her completely? Why not just leave her alone with the amount of damage they already did, instead why they chose to do further damage. THERE WAS NO POINT.It wouldn't have reversed the working and give them another shot at this. There simply was no reason to completely ruin her, you damaged her JUST LEAVE if you are not going to fix her, why further amplify the damage.

Maybe the person paying them to do this all,insisted on further damaging her, and their tiny brains weren't able to process what was right and wrong hence they proceeded.

I m so angry and disappointed, and not being able to do anything about this further amplifies these emotions. They are not even dedicated SS, i believe they just took this knowledge from Jos and applied it.

Gods will ofc notice this and I genuinely hope them to extreme for this, one CANNOT run around doing whatever they like to innocent just because they gained a little knowledge of spirituality, and feel like they are superior with their puny, thick and non functional brain.

Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=358342 time=1653544387 user_id=57]
Oh, and @Red dawn, ruining innocent people's minds and lives will most certainly have a karmic effect on your own soul. You might not have another life after this one, or you will essentially be born next time around as a useless mental and physical cripple.

I wish this happens to them in this very life and too with in next few weeks or months.
FancyMancy said:
mastermind. said:
Maybe the only information that should be free is the one about improving yourself and others. Put curses behind a $10k paywall.
Stop having dirty wet-shekelly dreams. Spilling your seed is a sin, so go have sinful nocturnal emissions elsewhere.

There has not been a single recent post where he hasn't talked about making money with these "groundbreaking" ideas.

He's at point where if posts "I m going to hang myself" no doubt he would reply "If you pay me i can get you a cheaper rope"
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=358342 time=1653544387 user_id=57]
Nobody mentioned the obvious, so I will:

Reading his first post in this thread, he is obviously in some sort of cult, not just a "group". This is what people in cults do.

Oh, and @Red dawn, ruining innocent people's minds and lives will most certainly have a karmic effect on your own soul. You might not have another life after this one, or you will essentially be born next time around as a useless mental and physical cripple.

Well said sister Lydia.
RED DAWN said:
I'm not obligated to help her, just as I wasn't obligated to do anything in the first place. These moral implications you've all expressed are not enforced by the Gods, at least as far as I'm aware. I've heard of a high ranking Demon attack an entire group because they offended them with some mock animal sacrifice. Andras is infamous for their hostility towards people (though not towards Satanists), so much so that it was mentioned on the Joy of Satan website-

"Andras is the God who was worshipped in the Weald. He can completely destroy enemies. Andras has a reputation for killing mages and their assistants. He is said to be very dangerous", this was written by Maxine.

What is spiritual abuse? Most of this medieval mages were using spirtual abuse just to force the gods to do their bidding.

Guess what, years of spiritual abuse, makes you angry too.

RED DAWN said:
... Not to mention that there's plenty of Demons who specialize in the manipulation of women specifically.

There is a huge difference between making your aura attractive or making a woman horny AND COMPLETELY DESTORYING A PERSON'S PERSONALITY.

RED DAWN said:
If this is how you interpret my post, know that 10 years ago I would have thought the same thing. I'd bitch to me about how what I did wasn't moral and I interfered with free will, etcetera. I would tell the past me to grow up; that in universal perspective, human life isn't valuable or sacred. Obviously what happened wasn't ideal. I'm satisfied with the projection of my future, regardless of the minor consequences faced for losing a promising asset. I'm not hostile towards people, as the enemy is, but I'm not sympathetic towards them either. If all you can take from this is the cliché phrase "power corrupts", so be it.

You harmed an innocent person for your group's little playtime. Cursing a diehard communist leader, that harms people with the ideas of communism, is moral, but destroying a victim isn't.
blupie01 said:

This was exactly what came to my mind aswell, the amount of psychological damage they've done to her is literally deep seated into her soul similarly to when someone gets raped albeit this is more on a spiritual nature.

Not to mention he brought up the Gods such as Andras for killing mages and their assistants and Gods/Goddesses who would influence a person into falling in love with them or having sexual desires for them, giving him the mentality of "If they can do it so can I" when the Gods have the right reasons for doing what they do.

Then in one of his replies:
If this is how you interpret my post, know that 10 years ago I would have thought the same thing. I'd bitch to me about how what I did wasn't moral and I interfered with free will, etcetera. I would tell the past me to grow up; that in universal perspective, human life isn't valuable or sacred. Obviously what happened wasn't ideal. I'm satisfied with the projection of my future, regardless of the minor consequences faced for losing a promising asset. I'm not hostile towards people, as the enemy is, but I'm not sympathetic towards them either. If all you can take from this is the cliché phrase "power corrupts", so be it.

He clearly knows he fucked up but he does not care since he deems the life of others as having no value or any sacred meaning whatsoever, he literally doesn't even care even going to go so far as to call an "Unfortunate Incident" a lost asset, But I had noticed something was off about him when he first appeared on the forums couldn't wrap my head around it but I had a feeling he is not to be trusted in anyway.

RED-DAWN and the rest of the people in the group he works with have completely ruined this persons life, both physically and spiritually but to them it just a mere incident for she is an asset and not seen as human to any of them
*shoots a person in the head*
"Oh damn what an unfortunate accident*

Hopefully you reincarnate in some kind of paraplegic mentally disabled thing and a xian couple adopts you.
mastermind. said:
Demonic said:
FancyMancy said:
Stop having dirty wet-shekelly dreams. Spilling your seed is a sin, so go have sinful nocturnal emissions elsewhere.

There has not been a single recent post where he hasn't talked about making money with these "groundbreaking" ideas.

He's at point where if posts "I m going to hang myself" no doubt he would reply "If you pay me i can get you a cheaper rope"

Be cursed you most vile garbage.

Unfortunately for you, i have been doing tons of protection lately.

Btw that was just a joke. Dont be toxic.
That is a serious mishandling of a situation, and what one can say, what is done is done. The person paid a price for no reason simply because of misuse and mindlessness. It doesn't appear they even do anything to you or your "group" or whatever of the sort.

This is potato level of occult knowledge use is no different than many "LHP" shit cults that do all sorts of nonsense, with full ignorance of ramifications.

"Karma" is not something people have invented here, it actually exists. However, since most souls are short sighted, they cannot see it. Even what the enemy is receiving right now from us, is the result of a long backlog of endless karma of procuring wars and fermentation of mass death etc, and the cursing of people on a never ending basis. It didn't come out of nowhere.

Your "organization" has to get their shit together, and stop persecuting random people spiritually down the street to randomly take advantage of them, because not only this doesn't really work as you saw, but it's only creating negativity.

You don't even take simple spells and elementary techniques seriously. One can only imagine for what other purposes other "knowledge" of things would be "desired", but this is certainly not for the good of JoS, and possibly not even any people whatsoever.

While some people approach this morally I won't approach this from a moral standpoint but rather that this whole event has been utter foolishness and the waste of a life for absolutely no reason.

All ancient "texts" speak against mindless destruction, ie, when it doesn't have any point to it. There is no source of this being correct ever in our religious texts. This baseless nonsense started getting produced in the late 70's by the "LHP" and Crowley [how did this garbageman end up?] has created incessant confusion in many people.

Regardless this group is merely an LHP group as it appears, and they do these methods all the time, falsely thinking others are also on the same bogus tier level of "Might is right" which is about on the level of "dark dark" sororities with very angry boys who go after "bimbos" to feel a sense of power or something.

While the original topic describes the "unfortunate incident", they don't seem to consider it unfortunate in any other way other than maybe it didn't produce results or something. That means they are not asking for a moral evaluation, and in their mind it was all good, other than it went a bit wrong.
VoiceofEnki said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=358342 time=1653544387 user_id=57]
Nobody mentioned the obvious, so I will:

Reading his first post in this thread, he is obviously in some sort of cult, not just a "group". This is what people in cults do.

Oh, and @Red dawn, ruining innocent people's minds and lives will most certainly have a karmic effect on your own soul. You might not have another life after this one, or you will essentially be born next time around as a useless mental and physical cripple.

Well said sister Lydia.

True, his energy feels wrong, surely corrupt practices that are just jewish kabbalistic garbage.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
While some people approach this morally I won't approach this from a moral standpoint but rather that this whole event has been utter foolishness and the waste of a life for absolutely no reason.
That means they are not asking for a moral evaluation, and in their mind it was all good, other than it went a bit wrong.

Moral corruption eventually leads to losses for all of us even when approached reasonably and with no emotional reaction since without ethics taught to us and morals inside us, evolving -healthily- and building civilizations would be impossible but it's true that lecturing someone who didn't ask for it is a waste of time.
This, I believe, is the obvious example of why certain occult knowledge is reserved for the few. As well as why HPHC releases new knowledge at the command of the Gods. As well as why there had to be a hierarchy in the universe.
Can such damage go unnoticed?
To completely destroy the life of an innocent person is an act only practised by Jews. Only people completely compromised by enemy indoctrination can do such things. And such people with occult knowledge in their hands is dangerous. Can the Gods let this go?

Completely sick wtf
Demonic said:
FancyMancy said:
mastermind. said:
Maybe the only information that should be free is the one about improving yourself and others. Put curses behind a $10k paywall.
Stop having dirty wet-shekelly dreams. Spilling your seed is a sin, so go have sinful nocturnal emissions elsewhere.

There has not been a single recent post where he hasn't talked about making money with these "groundbreaking" ideas.

He's at point where if posts "I m going to hang myself" no doubt he would reply "If you pay me i can get you a cheaper rope"
Yeah, and that "cheaper" rope would come with a tall tail about how all other ropes are more expensive, when in fact this rope is actually more expensive.

Also lel. You got told that you should be cursed. Surely that was meant for me... :roll:

Aquarius said:
My reaction to you -

*shoots a person in the head*
"Oh damn what an unfortunate accident*

Hopefully you reincarnate in some kind of paraplegic mentally disabled thing

and a xian couple adopts you.

blupie01 said:
I hope that some Gods/Goddesses use this guy as a spiritual punching bag for stress release.
I know you're being serious, but still - :lol:

RockSeed13 said:
RED DAWN said:
I'm not obligated to help her, just as I wasn't obligated to do anything in the first place. These moral implications you've all expressed are not enforced by the Gods, at least as far as I'm aware. I've heard of a high ranking Demon attack an entire group because they offended them with some mock animal sacrifice. Andras is infamous for their hostility towards people (though not towards Satanists), so much so that it was mentioned on the Joy of Satan website-

"Andras is the God who was worshipped in the Weald. He can completely destroy enemies. Andras has a reputation for killing mages and their assistants. He is said to be very dangerous", this was written by Maxine.

What is spiritual abuse? Most of this medieval mages were using spirtual abuse just to force the gods to do their bidding.

Guess what, years of spiritual abuse, makes you angry too.

RED DAWN said:
... Not to mention that there's plenty of Demons who specialize in the manipulation of women specifically.

There is a huge difference between making your aura attractive or making a woman horny AND COMPLETELY DESTORYING A PERSON'S PERSONALITY.

RED DAWN said:
If this is how you interpret my post, know that 10 years ago I would have thought the same thing. I'd bitch to me about how what I did wasn't moral and I interfered with free will, etcetera. I would tell the past me to grow up; that in universal perspective, human life isn't valuable or sacred. Obviously what happened wasn't ideal. I'm satisfied with the projection of my future, regardless of the minor consequences faced for losing a promising asset. I'm not hostile towards people, as the enemy is, but I'm not sympathetic towards them either. If all you can take from this is the cliché phrase "power corrupts", so be it.

You harmed an innocent person for your group's little playtime. Cursing a diehard communist leader, that harms people with the ideas of communism, is moral, but destroying a victim isn't.
I seriously doubt primitive mages in the Dark Ages could force our powerful and ancient Gods and Goddesses to do things. I think it more likely would be thoughtforms and/or greys or other similar things that are of the enemy which were used. This along with naming such entities in the Gods' and Goddesses' names, to be blasphemous.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
